Results for 'Joaquín Recassens Murillo'

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  1. La experiencia de la Verna:¿" Gólgota" o" Tabor" franciscano?Joaquín Recassens Murillo - 2008 - Verdad y Vida 66 (251-252):307-334.
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  2. Comunicación en la vida de Fraternidad.Joaquín Recasens Murillo - 2008 - Verdad y Vida 66 (253):697-718.
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  3. Una humilde y franciscana opiniÓn:¿ Qué hubo entre francisco y clara?: Se admiten todo tipo de disidencias.Joaquín Recasens Murillo - 2005 - Verdad y Vida 63 (242):203-221.
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  4. SMEs and CSR: An Approach to CSR in their Own Words.David Murillo & Josep M. Lozano - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (3):227-240.
    The academic literature reveals the need to undertake more in-depth field studies in order to discover the organisational culture, the difficulties and the perceptions surrounding CSR in SMEs. This study presents the results of analysis of four case studies on Catalan companies that stand out for their social and environmental practices. The conclusions of this paper are the result of dialogue with the main actors – four medium-sized companies – focusing on their actions, understandings and resistance with regard to CSR. (...)
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    The Business School’s Right to Operate: Responsibilization and Resistance.David Murillo & Steen Vallentin - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):743-757.
    The current crisis has come at a cost not only for big business but also for business schools. Business schools have been deemed largely responsible for developing and teaching socially dysfunctional curricula that, if anything, has served to promote and accelerate the kind of ruthless behavior and lack of self-restraint and social irresponsibility among top executives that have been seen as causing the crisis. As a result, many calls have been made for business schools to accept their responsibilities as social (...)
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    Attentional coordination in demonstrator-observer dyads facilitates learning and predicts performance in a novel manual task.Murillo Pagnotta, Kevin N. Laland & Moreno I. Coco - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104314.
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    Posmodernidad y neoliberalismo: reflexiones críticas desde los proyectos emancipatorios de América Latina.Susana Murillo - 2012 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Luxemburg.
  8. confianza lucida.José Andrés Murillo - 2012 - Santiago: Uqbar Editorial.
    La confianza ciega ya no corre. Estamos en tiempos de crisis. La pérdida de confianza está generalizada, va desde lo privado a lo público. Pasa por las desconfianzas políticas, los organismos financieros y llega hasta nuestros líderes espirituales. La ruptura de la confianza, sobre todo ante situaciones de abuso, muchas veces parece definitiva, pero vivir en la total desconfianza es imposible. Conocido por haber denunciado públicamente los abusos de un poderoso sacerdote chileno, el filósofo José Andrés Murillo ha creado (...)
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    Cognitive-Discursive Didactic Sequence to Strengthen Inferential Reading of Elementary School Students.Hernán Javier Guzmán Murillo, José Marcelo Torres Ortega & Jorge Luis Escobar Reynel - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1382-1395.
    Currently, students in basic secondary school in Colombia have a low performance in reading comprehension at the inferential level. This pedagogical proposal aimed to strengthen the level of inferential reading of students who attend elementary school, through the application of a didactic sequence from the cognitive-discursive perspective. Theoretically, the concepts proposed by Cisneros, Olave and Rojas regarding four types of inferences were assumed. Likewise, the theoretical orientations of Van Dijk (1978), Solé (1992) and Martínez (2002) were taken into account to (...)
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    CSR, SMES and Social Capital: An Empirical Study and Conceptual Reflection.David Murillo & Steen Vallentin - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):17.
    This paper is a response to the opening of new lines of research on CSR and SMEs. It seeks to explore the business case for CSR in this corporate segment. The paper, which is based on four case studies of medium-sized firms in the automotive sector, took the distinctive approach of trying to understand the nature of CSR-like activities developed not by best-in-class CSR-driven companies but by purely competitiveness-driven firms. The case studies provide explicit evidence that the CSR activities of (...)
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    Explaining the felt location of bodily sensations through body representations.Luis Alejandro Murillo Lara - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 60:17-24.
  12. La educación y el problema del mundo.José Murillo - 2009 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 19 (2):56-73.
    Education moves in the space of distance between those who are coming into the world and the world that they arrive. Since Modern Age, this distance formed by the opposing subject and object, has tended to be an impassable abyss. In this way, the world unfolds in two: the world whose image under investigation in the field of Education is the blackboard, and the world of everyday life. In front of the blackboard the student is installed, constituted as a subject, (...)
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    Emotional Impulsivity and Sensorimotor Skills.Luis Alejandro Murillo-Lara - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-22.
    In this paper I propose an explanation for the impulsivity displayed by some of our emotional experiences. I begin by looking for such an account in the psychological and philosophical literatures. After expressing doubts regarding some approaches’ resources to account for the phenomenon at issue, I outline an account of emotional impulsivity by focusing on (1) its independence from judgment and deliberation; (2) its felt strength; and (3) its relationship to action. Following the intuition that there is a strong connection (...)
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  14. Religión, razón y convivencia. Entrevista a rémi Brague.José Ignacio Murillo - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (90):575-595.
    Prof. Brague explores in this interview the usefulness of the study of medieval thought in order to understand the problems of our time. He reflects on the different approaches to reason, politics and religion in Islam and Christianity, and the problems which derivate from the radical modern separation between society and religion. Is it correct to ascribe the casuse of social conflicts to religion or to a strong rationality? Is it possible in the long run to build a society without (...)
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    The Ethics of Commons Organizing: A Critical Reading.David Murillo, Pau Guinart & Daniel Arenas - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (1):3-20.
    In this article, we seek to explore the different normative claims made around commons organizing and how the advent of the digital commons introduces new ethical questions. We do so by unpacking and categorizing the specific ethical dimensions that differentiate the commons from other forms of organizing and by discussing them in the light of debates around the governance of participative organizations, the cornerstone of commons organizing (Ostrom in Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action. Cambridge University (...)
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    On the possibility of mind-reading or the external control of behavior: Contribution of Aquinas to the Neurorights discussion.Jose Ignacio Murillo - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (2):87-105.
    Thomas Aquinas holds that the actual content of our thought is not accessible for any creature, and that free will cannot be superseded. These theses are founded on the spiritual condition of our intelligence and will, which makes them directly invulnerable to any intervention on our body. On the other hand, he enthrones the will as the keeper of interiority: it precludes a full transparency that would make our free decision to communicate superfluous, and it exert an inalienable control over (...)
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    A Footnote on Alain Badiou´s Critique of Plato´s Sophist.Keylor Murillo - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (2):98-115.
    In his second book on being and event, Logics of Worlds, Alain Badiou describes Plato’s late dialogue, The Sophist as “one of the first transcendental inquiries in the history of thought”. In this dialogue, Plato introduces what he calls the Idea of the Other, the possibility of a being of non-being, an inevitable break with the Parmenidean tradition. However, according to Badiou, Plato fails to provide an example of how this Idea of the Other can manifest itself or be effective (...)
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    Atsisveikinant su svajone: kodėl suvokiamumo argumentai nepajėgia atskleisti sąmonės metafizikos.Luis Alejandro Murillo-Lara - 2023 - Problemos 104:119-131.
    Šiame straipsnyje pateikiu naują prieštaravimą Chalmerso kertiniam argumentui prieš „B tipo“ fizikalistų privilegijuotą strategiją pagrindžiant aiškinimo spragą („fenomenalių sąvokų strategija“). Aš konkrečiai teigiu, kad antrasis kertinio argumento dėmuo neteisingai interpretuoja, kodėl zombiai negali patekti į mūsų episteminę situaciją sąmonės atžvilgiu. Zombiams negali būti būdingos tokios mentalinės būklės, kurias turime mes. Jeigu visi mūsų psichologiniai atributai yra būtina mūsų episteminės situacijos sąlyga, tai zombiai negali pasitarnauti kaip antrasis dilemos dėmuo. Kalbėdamas apie kontekstą, aš visų pirma trumpai aptariu susijusį argumentą, nukreiptą prieš (...)
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    How close are we to understanding the sense of body ownership?Luis Alejandro Murillo Lara - 2022 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 37:163-194.
    ABSTRACT There has been much discussion about the sense of ownership recently. It is a very controversial topic and even minimal consensus seems hard to achieve. In this paper we attempt to assess the prospects of achieving a better understanding of what is meant by 'sense of body ownership'. In order to do so, we begin by addressing an objection on which the notion itself might depend, coming from the distinction between 'inflationary' and 'deflationary' accounts of the sense of body (...)
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  20. CSR, SMES and Social Capital: An Empirical Study and Conceptual Reflection.Steen Vallentin 2 David Murillo 1 - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):17.
    This paper is a response to the opening of new lines of research on CSR and SMEs (Thompson & Smith, 1991; Spence, 1999; Moore & Smith, 2006; Spence, 2007). It seeks to explore the business case for CSR in this corporate segment. The paper, which is based on four case studies of medium-sized firms in the automotive sector, took the distinctive approach of trying to understand the nature of CSR-like activities developed not by best-in-class CSR-driven companies but by purely competitiveness-driven (...)
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    “Donde manda capitán, no manda marinero”: del adagio a la sumisión y la obediencia.María Lorena Libertti Murillo - 2012 - Ratio Juris 7 (14):73-88.
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    Rasch Analysis of Authentic Evaluation of Young Children's Functioning in Classroom Routines.Catalina Patricia Morales-Murillo, Pau García-Grau, R. A. McWilliam & Ma Dolores Grau Sevilla - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study evaluated the functioning of children in early childhood education classroom routines, using the 3M Functioning in Preschool Routines Scale. A total of 366 children aged 36 to 70 months and 22 teachers from six early childhood education centers in Spain participated in the study. The authors used the Rasch model to determine the item fit and the difficulty of the items in relation to children's ability levels in this age range. The Rasch Differential Item Functioning analysis by child (...)
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    An approach to the non-conceptual content of emotions.Alejandro Murillo-Lara & Carlos Andrés Muñoz-Serna - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (54).
    There is the intuition that some emotions do not sustain a cognitively demanding reading of their representational content. However, it is not evident how to articulate that intuition—and the mere claim that the content of those emotions is not conceptual (or, alternatively, that it is non-conceptual; see, for instance, Tappolet, 2016) does not shed light on the specific way in which those emotions represent. We, therefore, develop a proposal with the aim of giving substance to the claim that emotions involve (...)
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    Actividad antioxidante y antimicrobial de los volátiles de cuatro variedades de albahacas cultivadas en el departamento del Tolima.Elizabeth Murillo, Jonh Jairo Méndez, L. Fernández & Amparo Viña Patiño - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Actualidad de la tradición filosófica.Ildefonso Murillo (ed.) - 2010 - Colmenar Viejo, Madrid: Ediciones Diálogo Filosófico.
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  26. Aportación de la cultura española al pensamiento: Sobre derechos humanos.Ildefonso Murillo - 1999 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 26:305-320.
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    Acerca de los hábitos intelectuales. Algunas consideraciones sobre «Noción de hábito en la teoría del conocimiento de Polo» de Santiago Collado.José Ignacio Murillo - 2001 - Studia Poliana 3:169-176.
    This article offers a presentation of the recent book of Santiago Collado and shows the importance of the notion of "habitus" in order to grasp the continuity between the philosophy of Leonardo Polo and the Aristotelian tradition.
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    Aportación de la cultura española al pensamiento sobre los Derechos Humanos.Ildefonso Murillo Murillo - 1999 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 26:305-319.
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  29. Actitud de Pedro Abelardo ante la dialéctica en su carta XIII: relaciones entre dialéctica, teología y ética.Ildefonso Murillo - 1995 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 22:159-174.
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    Actitud de Pedro Abelardo ante la dialéctica en su carta XIII. Relaciones entre dialéctica, teología y ética.Ildefonso Murillo Murillo - 1995 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 22:159-173.
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  31. Balthasar, Hans Urs von: Gloria. Una estética teológica.Ildefonso Murillo - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 13:105-113.
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  32. Bibliografía provisional de Isidro Muñoz Triguero.Ildefonso Murillo - 1994 - Diálogo Filosófico 28:93-94.
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  33. Crisis de la Fe en la Ciencia y futuro de la Filosofía.Ildefonso Murillo - 1985 - Diálogo Filosófico 1:45-59.
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    Competencia digital para docentes y estudiantes en un contexto jurídico y universitario.Antonio Merchán Murillo - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-8.
    A día de hoy tanto los estudiantes como los docentes necesitan obtener competencias digitales. Centrarnos en el Grado en Derecho, se está ante el reto de adaptar nuevas técnicas para formar correcta, ética y eficazmente a todos sus integrantes. En este sentido, se trata de analizar y tratar de abordar el uso de la tecnología para el aprendizaje y su complejidad de fondo, así como el proceso de enseñanza y la necesidad de apoyo al alumnado.
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  35. Chevalier, Jean y otros: diccionario de los símbolos.Ildefonso Murillo - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:401-403.
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    ¿Comprender la libertad? Entre la biología y la metafísica.José Ignacio Murillo - 2009 - Anuario Filosófico 42 (95):391-418.
    El estudio de la libertad plantea el problema de cuál es el método o los métodos más adecuados y qué podemos esperar de ellos. La filosofía clásica accede a la libertad desde la noción de naturaleza, mientras que la filosofía moderna, que concibe la naturaleza de un modo mecanicista y ateleológico, accede a ella desde la subjetividad. Dos ejemplos de estos planteamientos son, respectivamente, los de Aristóteles y Schelling. Se analizan sus méritos y sus deficiencias para dar cuenta de los (...)
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  37. Ciencias naturales, metafísica y cristianismo en Leibniz.Ildefonso Murillo - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:67-78.
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    Ciencias naturales, metafísica y cristianismo en Leibniz.Ildefonso Murillo Murillo - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:67-77.
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    Conocimiento personal y conocimiento racional en la antropología trascendental de Leonardo Polo.José Ignacio Murillo - 2011 - Studia Poliana 13:69-84.
    Classic and modern philosophy propose different views on the question of self-knowledge. Ancient philosophy identifies self-knowledge with the knowledge of the soul, which is the principle of unity in man. Modern philosophy is intereseted in subjectivity, but has a problematic view of it. Some currents, like Idealism, consider that a total reflexcion is possible, in which the subjectivity becomes totally present to itself, but others, as Empiricists, are skeptical and even deny the existence of a true subject. The difficulties of (...)
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  40. Ciencia y felicidad humana: recuerdo de Leibniz.Ildefonso Murillo - 1994 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 21:63-70.
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    Ciencia y felicidad humana: Recuerdo de Leibniz.Ildefonso Murillo Murillo - 1994 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 21:63-70.
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    Comunicación y lenguaje en la filosofía de Bergson.Roberto Murillo Zamora - 1965 - Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio,:
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  43. Díaz, Carlos: Preguntarse por Dios es razonable. Ensayo de Tedicea.Ildefonso Murillo - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 14:304-307.
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    Distinguir lo mental de lo real: el "Curso de teoría del conocimiento" de Leonardo Polo.José Ignacio Murillo - 1999 - Studia Poliana 1:59-82.
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  45. Djuric, Mihailo: Nietzsche und die Metaphysik.Ildefonso Murillo - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 13:116-117.
  46.  16
    Determinaci. n de l. pidos en el poliqueto Americonuphis reesei en las playas el Salado, Aguadulce y Agallito, Chitr.E. Murillo, Villalaz G. Jr & A. Cogley - 2001 - Scientia 16.
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    Dynamic turn and logic of scientific research.María Victoria Murillo-Corchado & Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 13:68-89.
    In order to present the incidence of the dynamic turn in the logic of scientific research, we begin with a section, in this article, that deals with logical games as triggers of this dynamic turn in contemporary logic, together with the program of logical dynamics of information and interaction. We briefly introduce the main characteristics of the logic favorable to independence and the game-theoretical semantics, of dialogical logic, as well as the essential elements of this program. Although from any of (...)
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    Dos temas para el debate.Mauro Murillo - 1998 - [Panama]: Ministerio de Trabajo y Bienestar Social, Instituto Panameño de Estudios Laborales.
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    Dualidad versus dualismo. Una aproximación crítica a algunos planteamientos del problema mente-cuerpo.José Ignacio Murillo - 2008 - Studia Poliana 10:193-209.
    El problema mente-cuerpo es central para algunos filósofos que pertenecen a la tradición analítica. Este es uno de los temas principales de la la filosofía de la mente. Una de las características de esta tradición es que considera la ciencia moderna como el paradigma del saber riguroso; otra, que parte de un planteamiento dualista, pero busca una solución de corte monista. Este planteamiento tiene importantes implicaciones metafísicas, y plantea algunas dificultades, que pueden ser afrontadas con el método dual, que Leonardo (...)
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    El abandono del límite mental como método y la unidad de la filosofía en Leonardo Polo.José Ignacio Murillo - 2019 - Studia Poliana 21:123-139.
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