Results for 'Jorge Mainero'

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  1.  45
    La primera metamorfosis: la cosmogonía de Ovidio y la imagen del poeta a la luz de las teorías de W. Burkert.Jorge Mainero - 2012 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 16 (2):73-88.
    El poema épico de Ovidio -una historia universal mítico-etiológica- se abre con un relato acerca del origen del mundo, seguido por la creación del hombre. La transformación del caos en cosmos es, por ende, la primera metamorfosis. El texto continúa con una descripción de las Edades decrecientes, puesto que la instauración de un orden armonioso siempre está seguida por su disolución (HOLZBERG 2002: 120). Este trabajo se propone estudiar la cosmogonía y antropogonía ovidianas a partir de las categorías específicas enunciadas (...)
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  2. La derrota del Partido Revolucionario Institucional.Jorge Rendón Alarcón - 2001 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 17:173-180.
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  3. Empirical evidence for perspectival similarity.Jorge Morales & Chaz Firestone - 2023 - Psychological Review 1 (1):311-320.
    When a circular coin is rotated in depth, is there any sense in which it comes to resemble an ellipse? While this question is at the center of a rich and divided philosophical tradition (with some scholars answering affirmatively and some negatively), Morales et al. (2020, 2021) took an empirical approach, reporting 10 experiments whose results favor such perspectival similarity. Recently, Burge and Burge (2022) offered a vigorous critique of this work, objecting to its approach and conclusions on both philosophical (...)
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    Cartesian Metaphysics: The Scholastic Origins of Modern Philosophy.Jorge Secada - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first book-length study of Descartes's metaphysics to place it in its immediate historical context, the Late Scholastic philosophy of thinkers such as Suárez against which Descartes reacted. Jorge Secada views Cartesian philosophy as an 'essentialist' reply to the 'existentialism' of the School, and his discussion includes careful analyses and original interpretations of such central Cartesian themes as the role of scepticism, intentionality and the doctrine of the material falsity of ideas, universals and the relation between sense (...)
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  5. Introspection Is Signal Detection.Jorge Morales - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Introspection is a fundamental part of our mental lives. Nevertheless, its reliability and its underlying cognitive architecture have been widely disputed. Here, I propose a principled way to model introspection. By using time-tested principles from signal detection theory (SDT) and extrapolating them from perception to introspection, I offer a new framework for an introspective signal detection theory (iSDT). In SDT, the reliability of perceptual judgments is a function of the strength of an internal perceptual response (signal- to-noise ratio) which is, (...)
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    (1 other version)O conceito de vivência (Erlebnis) em Nietzsche: gênese, significado e recepção.Jorge Luiz Viesenteiner - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (127):141-155.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o conceito de vivência (Erlebnis) na filosofia de Nietzsche, desde o seu primeiro emprego em língua alemã, seu significado e a recepção que Nietzsche faz da palavra no interior da sua filosofia. O conceito de Erlebnis, particularmente caro à filosofia de Nietzsche, mas também à fenomenologia, possui originariamente uma tríplice significação: a) a imediatez (Unmittelbarkeit) entre homem e mundo; b) a significabilidade (Bedeutsamkeit) para o caráter global da existência; e c) a incomensurabilidade (Inkommensurabilität) do (...)
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  7. Mental Strength: A Theory of Experience Intensity.Jorge Morales - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):1-21.
    Our pains can be more or less intense, our mental imagery can be more or less vivid, our perceptual experiences can be more or less striking. These degrees of intensity of conscious experiences are all manifestations of a phenomenal property I call mental strength. In this article, I argue that mental strength is a domain-general phenomenal magnitude; in other words, it is a phenomenal quantity shared by all conscious experiences that explains their degree of felt intensity. Mental strength has been (...)
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    Animal Ethics Based on Friendship: An Aristotelian Perspective.Jorge Torres - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1):76-88.
    This article examines Aristotle's views concerning the possibility of friendship between human beings and nonhuman animals. The suggestion that he denies this possibility is rejected. I reassess the textual evidence adduced by scholars in support of this reading, while adding new material for discussion. Central to the traditional reading is the assumption that animals, in Aristotle's view, cannot be friends in virtue of their cognitive limitations. I argue that Aristotle's account of animal cognition is perfectly consistent with the possibility of (...)
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  9. Hispanic / Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1999 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume provides a superb introduction to the philosophical, social, and political elements of Hispanic/Latino identity. It is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in issues that concern Hispanics/Latinos, social policy, and the history of thought and culture.
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    Experience and Expression: Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Psychology.Jorge V. Arregui - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):271-273.
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    La instancia antepredicativa en la nouvelle phénoménologie.Jorge Luis Roggero - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 75.
    La llamada _nouvelle phénoménologie_ ¿practica efectivamente una fenomenología? Este artículo se propone demostrar, a partir de un análisis de las propuestas de sus dos autores más representativos: Jean-Luc Marion y Claude Romano, que las obras de estos filósofos constituyen una auténtica fenomenología si se tiene en cuenta el particular estatuto que le otorgan a la instancia antepredicativa.
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  12. From environmental ethics to nature conservation policy: Natura 2000 and the burden of proof.Humberto D. Rosa & Jorge Marques Silvdaa - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (2).
    Natura 2000 is a network of natural sites whose aim is to preserve species and habitats of relevance in the European Union. The policy underlying Natura 2000 has faced widespread opposition from land users and received extensive support from environmentalists. This paper addresses the ethical framework for Natura 2000 and the probable moral assumptions of its main stakeholders. Arguments for and against Natura 2000 were analyzed and classified according to “strong” or “weak” versions of the three main theories of environmental (...)
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  13.  12
    Is Dating Behavior in Digital Contexts Driven by Evolutionary Programs? A Selective Review.Jorge Ponseti, Katharina Diehl & Aglaja Valentina Stirn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, millions of citizens all over the world have used digital dating services. It remains unknown to what extent human sexuality will be changed by this. Based on an evolutionary psychological perspective, we assume that sexual selection shaped behavioural tendencies in men and women that are designed to increase the reproductive fitness. These tendencies are referred to as sexual strategies. Males and females sexual strategies differ according to sex-dimorphic reproductive investments. We assume that this inheritance will affect human (...)
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  14.  16
    Auge y caída de las actividades atléticas en la antigua Grecia: en busca del origen de la filosofía occidental.Jorge Ornelas - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 55:11-50.
    Se propone una nueva hipótesis sobre el origen de la filosofía occidental según la cual, ésta se originó a partir de las actividades atléticas tal y como venían practicándose en el período arcaico. Para ello se muestra (sección II) la relevancia de las actividades físicas (atléticas y militares) en el período arcaico, posteriormente (sección III), se argumenta que los principales conceptos de la filosofía clásica se originaron en el contexto atlético. Finalmente (sección IV), se argumenta que dichos valores físicos fueron (...)
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  15.  57
    Severino Boezio.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (4):523-5525.
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    A Critique of Pandemic Reason: Towards a Syndemic Noso-Politics.Jorge Vélez Vega & Ricardo Noguera-Solano - 2023 - Foucault Studies 35:122-147.
    The main objective of this article is to provide a critique of the pandemic strategy suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) and implemented by various countries from March 2020 onwards in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. Based on the theories of Michel Foucault, this critique aims to show that, in the first instance, the pandemic may be understood in terms of the art of governing human beings at the point of interaction between politics and medicine; (...)
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    La nostalgia como efugio al estado de angustia.Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2021 - Agora 40 (2):109-133.
    In recent years, at least in the so-called western societies, a clear trend has been established to consume products that aim to promote a state of nostalgia in the consumer: fashion, cinema, television... everything that concerns mass consumption, in its aesthetics, it dresses with elements that try to evoke part of its target's past, and it works. In this article we will analyse, understanding consumption only as the most obvious expression, what motivates us to seek stimuli that evoke the past, (...)
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  18. Imaginario moderno/colonial, resistencia epistémica e insurgencia juvenil/Modern/Colonial Imaginary, Epistemic Resistance and Youth Insurgency.Jorge Vásquez - 20121 - Telos (Venezuela) 13 (1):65-78.
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    Sólo se puede tener fe en la duda: pensamiento concentrado para una realidad dispersa.Jorge Wagensberg - 2018 - Barcelona: Tusquets Editores.
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  20.  21
    An Ontology of Software: Series, Structure and Function.Jorge Francisco Maldonado Serrano, Dairon Alfonso Rodríguez Ramírez, Paul B. Caceres & Johann Farith Petit Suárez - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 51:115-132.
    This article proposes a guideline to develop an ontology of software. The first section gives a brief introduction to the importance of such ontology as a possible conceptual grounding for the philosophy of software, philosophy of computing and philosophy of information. The second section presents the background of the scope of this article in terms of both a symbolic and materialistic approach to software. The third section deploys the basic guidelines with the expositions of the two dimensions of software: the (...)
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  21.  56
    Plato’s Anthropocentrism Reconsidered.Jorge Torres - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (2):119-141.
    Plato’s ideas on the value of nature and humankind are reconsidered. The traditional suggestion that his thought is ethically anthropocentric is rejected. Instead “Ethical Ratiocentrism” (ER) is the environmental worldview found in the dialogues. According to ER, human life is not intrinsically valuable, but only rational life is. ER is consistent with Plato’s holistic axiological outlook but incompatible with ethical anthropocentrism.
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    Bem-estar pessoal de pais e filhos e seus valores aspirados.Jorge Castellá Sarriera, Verônica Morais Ximenes, Lívia Bedin, Anelise Lopes Rodrigues, Fabiane Friedrich Schütz, Carme Montserrat & Caroline Lima Silva - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 37:91-104.
    O bem-estar pessoal de adolescentes é um tema de crescente interesse na literatura científica, especialmente quando se considera a escassez de artigos que considerem o ponto de vista dos adolescentes. Este estudo busca analisar relações entre bem-estar pessoal de pais e filhos e seus valores aspirad..
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    Panorama della Filosofia Ispanoamericana Contemporanea.Jorge J. E. Garcia - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (3):406-407.
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  24. La teología sacramental de Edward Schillebeeckx. Un intérprete de Santo Tomás comprometido en un serio diálogo interdisciplinar.Jorge A. Scampini - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (444):45-78.
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  25. (1 other version)Aristóteles como científico.Jorge A. Serrano - 1985 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 52:53-68.
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    Chesterton y el Distributismo.Jorge Steverlynck - 2007 - The Chesterton Review En Español 1 (1):172-185.
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    The Possible Universe.Jorge A. Tallet - 1990 - Houston, TX, USA: Univ Pr of America.
    The Possible Universe explores a hypothetical philosophical synthesis based on the largest conceivable domain—the realm of the possible. This book suggests a final and ultimate in the notion of the possible, by which all necessary and contingent entities coalesce into the universe as possibility.
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    O papel da arte apresentado por Herbert Marcuse em a ideologia da sociedade industrial.Jorge Benedito de Freitas Teodoro - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 5 (1):120-140.
    Este estudo tem como finalidade analisar a perspectiva da arte como parte do aparato de dominação social, desenvolvida na obra A ideologia da sociedade industrial, de Herbert Marcuse. Para isso, utilizaremos como referência constante as teorias propostas pelos filósofos da Escola de Frankfurt, em especial Theodor W. Adorno e Max Horkheimer no que diz respeito, sobretudo, ao termo “indústria cultural”, cujo conceito aparece no capítulo homônimo de A dialética do esclarecimento. Apoiaremo-nos também na tese de doutorado de Imaculada Kangussu, intitulada (...)
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  29. Memoria del mal.Jorge Semprún - 2011 - Isegoría 44:377-412.
    En mayo de 2003 se celebró la duodécima edición de las «Conferencias Aranguren». Jorge Semprún dictó tres conferencias magistrales tituladas «Kant y la mochila del maquis», «El mal radical y las letrinas de Buchenwald» y «Literatura y memoria del mal: de Sartre a Paul Ricoeur», agrupadas todas ellas bajo el título genérico de Memoria del mal. El hilo conductor de las tres intervenciones fue la experiencia de Semprún como deportado político en el campo de concentración de Buchenwald, tan cercano (...)
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    Efficacy and Brain Imaging Correlates of an Immersive Motor Imagery BCI-Driven VR System for Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation: A Clinical Case Report.Athanasios Vourvopoulos, Carolina Jorge, Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo, Jean-Claude Fernandes & Sergi Bermúdez I. Badia - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:460149.
    To maximize brain plasticity after stroke, several rehabilitation strategies have been explored, including the use of intensive motor training, motor imagery, and action observation. Growing evidence of the positive impact of virtual reality (VR) techniques on recovery following stroke has been shown. However, most VR tools are designed to exploit active movement, and hence patients with low level of motor control cannot fully benefit from them. Consequently, the idea of directly training the central nervous system has been promoted by utilizing (...)
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    Defining Material Substance: A reading of Aristotle’s Metaphysics Z.10‒11.Jorge Mittelmann & Fabián Mié - 2022 - Rhizomata 10 (1):58-93.
    This paper presents a reading of Metaphysics Z.10–11 according to which both chapters outline two main definienda: forms and material substances or compounds, each of which is governed by its own peculiar constraints. Forms include formal parts alone; furthermore, they are the main definable items and enjoy the strictest possible unity. However, this does not preclude Aristotle from upgrading material compounds to the status of definable items in their own right. Z.10 explains this contention by making the compound’s sensible functional (...)
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    Reassessing the political dimension of the labor market: Power relations, recommodification, and epistemic reflexivity.Jorge Sola - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):31-48.
    Labor market deregulation has been at the core of the changes in the political economy during the last decades. The pervasive neoliberal wisdom has depoliticized the nature and effects of this process, a bias that has also affected the scholarship, which often overlooks its power dimension. This article aims to explore the role of power in the labor market to offer some theoretical insights for empirical research and public debate. Departing from the worker–employer “contested exchange” at the workplace, the article (...)
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    Tools evolve: The artificial selection and evolution of paleolithic stone tools.Jorge Simão - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):419-419.
    I claim that the increase in complexity in the trace of Paleolithic stone tools can be parsimoniously explained by postulating the emergence of effective mechanisms for the social transmission of representations. I propose that Paleolithic tools, similar to more contemporary tools, were subject to a process of evolution by artificial selection based on functionality.
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    Whitehead's Metaphysics of Extension and Solidarity.Jorge Luis Nobo - 1986 - State University of New York Press.
    This vision of universal solidarity, Nobo demonstrates, is the fundamental metaphysical thesis whose truth the categories and principles of Whitehead's philosophy were expressly designed to elucidate.
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    Understanding Form.Jorge Wagensberg - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):325-335.
    Much research into morphogenesis focuses on discovering mechanisms and models able to generate or describe the forms we can observe in nature. These studies all provide insights, even though they do not directly touch upon what is the focus of this article: the understanding of form. To this end a conceptual scheme based on the following ideas is proposed: understanding , emerging , persisting , selection , and the relation concerning complexity versus uncertainty , in particular, the relation between form (...)
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  36.  17
    Être en vie sans vraiment l’être? Autour du « corps naturel ayant la vie en puissance ».Jorge Mittelmann - 2019 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 101 (4):477-507.
    John Ackrill argued that Aristotelian bodies are conceptually promiscuous, since they fail to exemplify the modal relations that are expected to hold between their matter and their form. Although “potentially alive”, organic bodies are bound to be ensouled, on pain of lacking the required potential; but to the extent that they are ensouled, they are already actually alive. It seems odd to claim that a body may lack what it cannot help having. This paper claims that the standard solution falls (...)
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  37. Spiritual knowing as participatory enaction : An answer to the question of religious pluralism.Jorge N. Ferrer - 2008 - In Jorge N. Ferrer & Jacob H. Sherman (eds.), The Participatory Turn: Spirituality, Mysticism, Religious Studies. State University of New York Press.
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  38.  19
    Propuesta de una relectura intercultural de la pedagogía de Paulo Freire.Jorge Alejandro Santos - 2023 - Enfoques 35 (1):5-27.
    El artículo tiene como finalidad hacer una relectura y una revisión del pensamiento pedagógicode Paulo Freire desde la perspectiva intercultural. El pedagogo brasilero tuvo una extensacarrera como educador, enfrentó distintos contextos y coyunturas políticas y, si bien su arcode reflexión es amplio, no trata explícitamente la cuestión de la educación intercultural.Analizar esta ausencia sin contextualizarla puede hacernos caer en un anacronismo: la reflexiónen torno a la problemática señalada es relativamente reciente. Por tanto, se hacenecesaria una revisión que, paradójicamente, concluirá, más (...)
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    On the Existence and Uniqueness of the Scientific Method.Jorge Wagensberg - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (3):331-346.
    The ultimate utility of science is widely agreed upon: the comprehension of reality. But there is much controversy about what scientific understanding actually means, and how we should proceed in order to gain new scientific understanding. Is there a method for acquiring new scientific knowledge? Is this method unique and universal? There has been no shortage of proposals, but neither has there been a shortage of skeptics about these proposals. This article proffers for discussion a potential scientific method that aspires (...)
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    Postmodernidad consumista.Jorge Polo - 2009 - Endoxa 23:309.
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  41. Máximas, principios jurídicos y argumentación.Jorge Guillermo Portela - 2004 - In Francisco Puy Muñoz & Jorge Guillermo Portela (eds.), La argumentación jurídica: problemas de concepto, método y aplicación. [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
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  42. Gobernanza de Internet: introducción.Jorge Pérez & Ana Olmos Sanz - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 80:58-62.
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    Ante la historia.Jorge Siles Salinas - 1969 - Madrid,: Editora Nacional.
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  44. ¿Cómo razonar la fe desde sí misma?: dos ejemplos medievales privilegiados.Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 41 (126):63-84.
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  45. Acta Académico en conmemoración del V Centenario del nacimiento de Melchor Cano (1509-2009).Jorge Juan F. Sangrador - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (442):367-368.
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    El giro hermenéutico de Martín Lutero en la concepción de la iustitia Dei.Jorge Schulz - 2021 - Patristica Et Medievalia 42 (1):55-67.
    El hecho de que la doctrina de la justificación llegara a convertirse en el núcleo teológico fundamental de la Reforma y la tradición protestante ha estado estrechamente vinculado al descubrimiento de la justicia de Dios como acontecimiento de salvación. El presente artículo explora los límites de las concepciones clásicas de justicia con las que Martín Lutero se encontró en su tiempo, y el modo en que la lectura de la Epístola a los romanos propició una nueva comprensión de la _iustitia (...)
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  47. Escisión y reconciliación: su articulación fenomenológica en la" Introducción" a Manuscrito de 1821 de la Filosofía de la Religión de Hegel.Jorge Seibold - 1994 - Escritos de Filosofía 13 (25-26):251-264.
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  48. Consciousness and reality: A stable-dynamic model based on Jungian psychology.Jorge Aveleira - 2001 - In Don William (ed.), The C.G. Jung Page.
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    Literatura menor en Tirano Banderas desde la propuesta de lectura filosófica de la novela de G. Deleuze y F. Guattari.Jorge Francisco Maldonado Serrano, Mario Augusto Palencia Silva & Alonso Silva Rojas - 2016 - Revista Filosofía Uis 15 (2):157-179.
    Este artículo trata, en un primer momento, de presentar los puntos fundamentales de la propuesta de Deleuze y Guattari en torno a la literatura menor, para pasar, en un segundo momento, a mostrar cómo, en Tirano Banderas, Del Valle-Inclán crea una literatura menor que permite al lector experimentar distintas maneras de enunciación que rompen formas tradicionales de creación literaria y expresan intensidades y rupturas en el mecanismo maquínico de ejercicio del poder en América Latina. De esta manera, Tirano Banderas, como (...)
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    Subjetividad En la Era de Las Redes Sociales.Jorge E. Linares Salgado - 2018 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 15:123-155.
    Este artículo cuestiona filosóficamente, a partir de las tesis de Günther Anders, el uso masivo de las redes sociales y la forma en que configuran la subjetividad y la intersubjetividad, particularmente en cuanto a los efectos cognitivos sobre la verdad, las creencias y la objetividad. El uso intensivo y compulsivo de las redes sociales ha permitido una comunicación casi instantánea y una sociedad presta a la observación y vigilancia de todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana y de la política; (...)
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