Results for 'Josef Vachek'

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  1. Dutch linguists and the Prague linguistic school.Josef Vachek - 1968 - Leiden,: Universitaire Pers Leiden.
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    The Linguistic School of Prague.D. C. & Josef Vachek - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):369.
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    Knowledge for hunger: Children's problem with representation in imputing mental states.Josef Perner & Jane E. Ogden - 1988 - Cognition 29 (1):47-61.
  4. Self, solipsism, and schizophrenic delusions.Josef Parnas & Louis Arnorsson Sass - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (2-3):101-120.
    We propose that typical schizophrenic delusions develop on the background of preexisting anomalies of self-experience. We argue that disorders of the Self represent the experiential core clinical phenomena of schizophrenia, as was already suggested by the founders of the concept of schizophrenia and elaborated in the phenomenological psychiatric tradition. The article provides detailed descriptions of the pre-psychotic or schizotypal anomalies of self-experience, often illustrated through clinical vignettes. We argue that delusional transformation in the evolution of schizophrenic psychosis reflects a global (...)
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    Objects of desire, thought, and reality: Problems of anchoring discourse referents in development.Josef Perner, Bibiane Rendl & Alan Garnham - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (5):475–513.
    Our objectives in this article are to bring some theoretical order into developmental sequences and simultaneities in children’s ability to appreciate multiple labels for single objects, to reason with identity statements, to reason hypothetically, counterfactually, and with beliefs and desires, and to explain why an ‘implicit’ understanding of belief occurs before an ‘explicit’ understanding. The central idea behind our explanation is the emerging grasp of how objects of thought and desire relate to real objects and to each other. To capture (...)
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    The many faces of belief: reflections on Fodor's and the child's theory of mind.Josef Perner - 1995 - Cognition 57 (3):241-269.
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    13 The meta-intentional nature of executive functions and theory of mind.Josef Perner - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher, Language and Thought: Interdisciplinary Themes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 270.
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  8. Positive Psychology and Philosophy-as-Usual: An Unhappy Match?Josef Mattes - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):52.
    The present article critiques standard attempts to make philosophy appear relevant to the scientific study of well-being, drawing examples in particular from works that argue for fundamental differences between different forms of wellbeing (by Besser-Jones, Kristjánsson, and Kraut, for example), and claims concerning the supposedly inherent normativity of wellbeing research (e.g., Prinzing, Alexandrova, and Nussbaum). Specifically, it is argued that philosophers in at least some relevant cases fail to apply what is often claimed to be among their core competences: conceptual (...)
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  9. Developmental aspects of consciousness: How much theory of mind do you need to be consciously aware?Josef Perner & Zoltán Dienes - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (1):63-82.
    When do children become consciously aware of events in the world? Five possible strategies are considered for their usefulness in determining the age in question. Three of these strategies ask when children show signs of engaging in activities for which conscious awareness seems necessary in adults , and two of the strategies consider when children have the ability to have the minimal form of higher-order thought necessary for access consciousness and phenomenal consciousness, respectively. The tentative answer to the guiding question (...)
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    Understanding the mind as an active information processor: Do young children have a “copy theory of mind”?Josef Perner & Graham Davies - 1991 - Cognition 39 (1):51-69.
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    The Philosophical Act.Josef Pieper - 1952
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  12. Is ‘Brain Death’ Actually Death?Josef Seifert - 1993 - The Monist 76 (2):175-202.
    The question ‘What is death?’ is by no means exclusively or primarily a question of medical science. It is, in the last analysis, a philosophical question. The philosopher’s role in the discussion of death is twofold: On the one hand, he has to explore those highly intelligible and essentially necessary aspects of death which no other human science investigates. This task includes a phenomenology of life and death, an ontology and metaphysics, as well as a philosophical anthropology of death. It (...)
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  13. From an implicit to an explicit "theory of mind".Josef Perner & W. Clements - 2000 - In Yves Rossetti, Beyond Dissociation: Interaction Between Dissociated Implicit and Explicit Processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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    Is “thinking” belief? Reply to Wellman and Bartsch.Josef Perner - 1989 - Cognition 33 (3):315-319.
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    Durandus de S. Porciano, O.P.: Forschungen zum Streit um Thomas von Aquin zu Beginn des 14. Jahrhunderts.Josef Koch - 1927 - Aschendorff.
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    What is Life?: The Originality, Irreducibility, and Value of Life.Josef Seifert (ed.) - 1997 - Rodopi.
    This book makes four bold claims: 1) life is an ultimate datum, open to philosophical analysis and irreducible to physical reality; hence all materialist-reductionist explanations - most current theories - of life are false. 2) All life presupposes soul (entelechy) without which a being would at best fake life. 3) The concept of life is analogous and the most direct access to life in its irreducibility is gained through consciousness; 4) All life possesses an objective and intrinsic value that needs (...)
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    Filosofie--obrat k Zemi: evolučněontologická reflexe přírody, kultury, techniky a lidského poznání.Josef Šmajs - 2008 - Praha: Academia.
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    Das Problem der Sprache bei Hegel.Josef Simon - 1966 - Mainz,: Kohlhammer.
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    Ohrožená kultura: od evoluční ontologie k ekologické politice : přednášky z ekologické filosofie.Josef Šmajs - 1995 - Brno: "Zvláštní vydání--".
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    Ivan Chvatík and Erin Plunkett, editors, The Selected Writings of Jan Patočka: Care for the Soul, trans. Alex Zucker.Josef Novák - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (1):193-198.
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  21. Energy security issues in contemporary Europe.Josef Abrhám, Igor Britchenko, Marija Jankovic & Kristina Garškaitė-Milvydienė - 2018 - Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 7 (3):388-398.
    Throughout the history of mankind, energy security has been always seen as a means of protection from disruptions of essential energy systems. The idea of protection from disorders emerged from the process of securing political and military control over energy resources to set up policies and measures on managing risks that affect all elements of energy systems. The various systems placed in a place to achieve energy security are the driving force towards the energy innovations or emerging trends in the (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Structuralism in Social Science: Obsolete or Promising?Josef Menšík - 2018 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 40 (2):129-132.
    The approach of structuralism came to philosophy from social science. It was also in social science where, in 1950–1970s, in the form of the French structuralism, the approach gained its widest recognition. Since then, however, the approach fell out of favour in social science. Recently, structuralism is gaining currency in the philosophy of mathematics. After ascertaining that the two structuralisms indeed share a common core, the question stands whether general structuralism could not find its way back into social science. The (...)
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    A Bizarre Property Equivalent To The -fan Theorem.Josef Berger & Douglas Bridges - 2006 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 14 (6):867-871.
    It is shown, with intuitionistic logic, that if every locally constant function from to has a property akin to constancy, then the fan theorem for -bars holds, and conversely.
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    Double sequences, almost Cauchyness and BD-N.Josef Berger, Douglas Bridges & Erik Palmgren - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (1):349-354.
    It is shown that, relative to Bishop-style constructive mathematics, the boundedness principle BD-N is equivalent both to a general result about the convergence of double sequences and to a particular one about Cauchyness in a semi-metric space.
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  25. Philosophie des Zeichens.Josef Simon & Walter de Gruyter - 1991 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 96 (2):269-270.
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    ‘Take your unseen heart and make it into art’: Aesthetic Transformation and Emotional Democracy.Josef Früchtl - 2024 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 3 (1):85-96.
    This article wants to answer three questions: first, why is not only sensibility but visibility important for modern democracy? Second, why is art or aesthetic experience important for both democracy and visibility? And third, how is it possible that aesthetic experience generates effects that conduce to democracy? Answering these questions aims at highlighting an inner connection between democracy, feelings and aesthetics. For a democratic community, on the one hand, cannot exclude feelings from political discourse, but, on the other hand, cannot (...)
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  27. Introduction.Josef Wieland - 2017 - In Creating Shared Value – Concepts, Experience, Criticism. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    The weak König lemma and uniform continuity.Josef Berger - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):933-939.
    We prove constructively that the weak König lemma and quantifier-free number-number choice imply that every pointwise continuous function from Cantor space into Baire space has a modulus of uniform continuity.
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    (1 other version)Theology as academic discourse in Greco-Roman Late Antiquity.Josef Lössl - 2016 - Journal of Late Antique Religion and Culture 10:38.
    Following conventional wisdom Theology as an academic discipline (taught at Universities) is something which developed only in the Middle Ages, or in a certain sense even as late as the 19th century. The present essay in contrast traces its origins to Classical Antiquity and outlines its development in early Christianity, especially with a view to institutions of higher education that existed in Late Antiquity, e. g. in rhetoric and philosophy. It concludes that there were forms of academic theological discourse in (...)
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    Essere e persona: verso una fondazione fenomenologica di una metafisica classica e personalistica.Josef Seifert - 1989 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Pierre Bayle, matter, and the unity of consciousness.Josef Schachter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):241-266.
  32. Die Analogie zwischen Gott und Welt nach Thomas von Aquin.Josef Habbel - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:125-125.
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    A plea for the second functionalist model and the insufficiency of simulation.Josef Perner - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):66-67.
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    Teleologisches Reflektieren und kausales Bestimmen.Josef Simon - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 30 (3):369 - 388.
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    Zeichenmachende Phantasie. Zum systematischen Zusammenhang von Zeichen und Denken bei Hegel.Josef Simon - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (1/2):254 - 270.
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    Und kein Ende: Philosophie, Pop und Politik.Josef Früchtl - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (4):685-701.
    The text presents the general cultural-historical thesis that one cannot adequately understand philosophy after the Second World War if one does not understand it in interaction with politics and popular culture. These three spheres find themselves in a variable triangular constellation after the Second World War. Methodologically, the text is guided by the fact that this interplay is also organised in a triangular and variable way, namely according to the options of coexistence, conflict and cooperation. Adorno’s philosophy serves as a (...)
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    Das Naturrecht unter den Bedingungen der Gegenwart.Bormann Franz-Josef - 2022 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 30 (1):71-86.
    From the perspective of Catholic moral theology, one of the most important topics in view of the tense relationship between law, ethics and religion is natural law. The first part of the present text tries to defend this type of theory, which goes back to antiquity, against the most important objections and to determine the contours of a contemporary form of natural law thinking. In the second part of the text, their practical importance is indicated using the example of the (...)
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    Umřel nám Ernst Tugendhat.Josef Moural - 2023 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2023 (64):165-169.
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    Spravedlivá válka.Josef Velek - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (2):199-221.
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    The Sumerian Dictionary Volume 2.Josef Bauer, Åke W. Sjöberg & Ake W. Sjoberg - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):324.
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    Až za mnou přijdeš: vzpomínky na Nymburk a jiná místa.Josef D. Beneš - 2003 - Praha: Primus.
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    Descartesova metoda ve vědách a ve filosofii.Josef Beneš - 1936 - V Praze,: Nákl. České akademie věd a umění.
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  43. Gott und die Geschichte nach Calvin.Josef Bohatec - 1936 - Philosophia Reformata 1:146-147.
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    1. Einführung.Josef-Friedrich Borkowski - 1997 - In Socratis Quae Feruntur Epistolae: Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Stuttgart: De Gruyter. pp. 10-11.
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    International perspectives on financing higher education.Josef C. Brada (ed.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The funding of higher education is under stress. On the one hand, the benefits of universities for economic prosperity and growth are increasing as universities graduate more students; undertake a greater share of scientific research; and, through cooperation with business, stimulate the technological advance of the private sector. At the same time, government funding of higher education is stagnating or even falling in many countries. The book brings together the views of an international group of experts on the financing of (...)
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    Geschichtliche Transzendenz bei Heidegger.Josef Brechtken - 1972 - Meisenheim am Glan,: A. Hain.
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    Catholics in Psychology. A Historical Survey. Henryk Misiak, Virginia M. Staudt.Josef Brožek - 1956 - Isis 47 (4):438-439.
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    California irredenta.Josef Chytry - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (2):270-284.
    Kevin Starr’s Golden Dreams is the culmination to some forty years of scholarship on the unfolding theme of a “California Dream,” that imaginal component to the growth of the self-identity and increasing international economic power of the most populous state in the American Union. Indeed, the period 1950–1963 that the book meticulously covers forms in many ways the most imposing manifestation of that Dream. This essay reviews the central features of Starr’s account, particularly the infrastructural foundations in transportation, water supply, (...)
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  49. Wissenschaft und Kritik: eine interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung.Josef Derbolav, Otto Saame & Peter Schneider (eds.) - 1971 - Mainz: Studium Generale der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität.
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  50. The Aesthetic Dimension of Visual Culture (conference report).Josef Šebek - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:239-242.
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