Results for 'Josep-Anton Fernandez'

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  1.  52
    Felix guattari: Toward a queer chaosmosis.Josep-Anton Fernandez - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (1):99-112.
  2. Felix Guattari: Toward a queer chaosmosis.Josep-Anton Fern - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (1):99 – 112.
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  3.  27
    Archetypes and female identity through audiovisual narrative in Hitchcock's cinema: empowerment and submission in Spellbound and Vertigo.Josep Prósper Ribes & Francisca Ramón Fernández - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 57:30-45.
    Resumen La figura femenina en el arte cinematográfico ha sido mostrada mediante arquetipos y cumpliendo distintas funciones. Nos proponemos en este estudio analizar los personajes femeninos por medio de la narrativa audiovisual en dos películas emblemáticas de la cinematografía de Hitchcock: Recuerda y Vértigo, en las que la mujer se contempla como empoderada, pero también sometida, llegando a una negación de su propia identidad. Consideramos que la forma del tratamiento de la mujer en el cine de dicha época radica en (...)
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    Mamá: salvemos la moral desde las aportaciones históricas de la renovación pedagógica.Estefanía Fernández Antón - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):115-130.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar el significado del papel de la madre, en el desarrollo social, para tres iniciativas de la Renovación de la Pedagogía: la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, las Escuelas del Ave María y la Escuela Moderna de Barcelona. Las fuentes primarias, analizadas para alcanzar dicho fin, son publicaciones de revistas con fines socioeducativos, en su gran mayoría. Y nos advierten de un discurso dispar entre los tres proyectos. Determinando como conclusión principal que las propuestas examinadas (...)
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    Bermejo, Ignacio Jericó. Domingo Báñez, Teología de la infidelidad en Paganos y Herejes (1584). Madrid: Editorial Revista Agustiniana, 2000. Chrétien, Jean-Luis. The Unforgettable and the Unhoped For. Trans. J. Bloechl. New York: Fordham University Press, 2002. Cupitt, Don. Is Nothing Sacred: The Non-Realist Philosophy of Religion. New. [REVIEW]Josep-Vicent Ferre Domínguez, Francisco Bueno-Félix C. Fernández, Antonio Claver Ferrer, Jacinto García & Gregorio Martínez - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (1).
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    The Economic and Social Value of Science and Technology Parks. The Case of Tecnocampus.Jose Torres-Pruñonosa, Josep Maria Raya & Roberto Dopeso-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article aims to measure both the economic and social value of Tecnocampus, a Science and Technology Park in its region of influence. Our results show that the impact of Tecnocampus has a socioeconomic cost–benefit ratio of 2.39. Measuring the impact of this multifaceted centre requires a diverse approach. Although the methods used are not new, the combination of them presents a novel approach to measure the impact of an institution of this nature. We have measured the economic value with (...)
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  7.  66
    Factor structure, internal consistency and construct validity of the Sheehan Disability Scale in a Spanish primary care sample.Juan V. Luciano, Jordan Bertsch, Luis Salvador-Carulla, José M. Tomás, Ana Fernández, Alejandra Pinto-Meza, Josep M. Haro, Diego J. Palao & Antoni Serrano-Blanco - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):895-901.
  8.  31
    Qualitative and Quantitative Examples of Natural and Artificial Phenomena.Antoni Hernández-Fernández - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (2):377-390.
    The dichotomy between the qualitative and the quantitative has been a classic throughout the history of science. As will be seen, this dichotomy permeates all ontological levels of reality. In this work, phenomenological examples potentially related to semiosis are presented at the different levels established by Mario Bunge and Josep Ferrater Mora, contrasting the qualitative categorizations with the quantifiable physical reality. Likewise, the need to continue in the quantification of the biosemiotic and linguistic studies will be presented, while, in (...)
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    Saranyana, Josep Ignasi: La discusión medieval sobre la condición femenina (siglos VIII al XIII), Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, 1997, 162 págs. [REVIEW]M. ª Socorro Fernández García - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico:629-631.
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    Nacionalismo y Cristianismo.Enrique González Fernández - 2016 - Madrid: Unión Editorial.
    ¿Es posible ser nacionalista y cristiano a la vez? ¿Hasta qué punto se han influido y se influyen de forma mutua nacionalismo y Cristianismo, especialmente en España? ¿Debe el Cristianismo orientar acerca del nacionalismo? ¿Acaso no tiene la competencia o los suficientes recursos para hacerlo? Las respuestas a esas preguntas suelen tratarse, en general, con bastante torpeza, sin el requerido conocimiento histórico; hay muchos intereses creados a los que no interesa la verdad. Los lectores de este libro (de 292 págs.) (...)
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  11.  85
    Cognitive Archaeology and the Minimum Necessary Competence Problem.Anton Killin & Ross Pain - 2023 - Biological Theory 18 (4):269-283.
    Cognitive archaeologists attempt to infer the cognitive and cultural features of past hominins and their societies from the material record. This task faces the problem of _minimum necessary competence_: as the most sophisticated thinking of ancient hominins may have been in domains that leave no archaeological signature, it is safest to assume that tool production and use reflects only the lower boundary of cognitive capacities. Cognitive archaeology involves selecting a model from the cognitive sciences and then assessing some aspect of (...)
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  12. (1 other version)A Foundational Principle for Quantum Mechanics.Anton Zeilinger - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (4):631-643.
    In contrast to the theories of relativity, quantum mechanics is not yet based on a generally accepted conceptual foundation. It is proposed here that the missing principle may be identified through the observation that all knowledge in physics has to be expressed in propositions and that therefore the most elementary system represents the truth value of one proposition, i.e., it carries just one bit of information. Therefore an elementary system can only give a definite result in one specific measurement. The (...)
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  13. Action and Passion.Anton Ford - 2014 - Philosophical Topics 42 (1):13-42.
    When an agent intentionally changes something separate from herself—when, say, she opens a bottle—what is the relation between what the agent does and what the patient suffers? This paper defends the Aristotelian thesis that action is to passion as the road from Thebes to Athens is to the road from Athens to Thebes: they are two aspects of a single material reality. Philosophers of action tend to think otherwise. It is generally taken for granted that intentional transactions must be analyzed (...)
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  14.  33
    An Integrative Literature Review of Social Entrepreneurship Research: Mapping the Literature and Future Research Directions.Anton Klarin & Yuliani Suseno - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (3):565-611.
    This article maps existing research from 5,874 scholarly publications on social entrepreneurship (SE) utilizing scientometrics. The mapping indicates a taxonomy of five clusters: (a) the nature of SE, (b) policy implications and employment in relation to SE, (c) SE in communities and health, (d) SE personality traits, and (e) SE education. We complement the scientometric analysis with a systematic literature review of publications on SE in the Financial Times 50 list (FT50) and Business & Society and propose a multistage, multilevel (...)
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  15. Draining the pond: why Singer’s defense of the duty to aid the world’s poor is self-defeating.Anton Markoč - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):1953-1970.
    Peter Singer’s defense of the duty to aid the world’s poor by the pond analogy is self-defeating. It cannot be both true that you ought to save the drowning child from a pond at the expense of ruining your shoes and that you ought to aid the world’s poor if you thereby do not sacrifice anything of comparable moral importance. Taking the latter principle seriously would lead you to let the child in front of you drown whenever you could thereby (...)
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  16.  53
    Plio-Pleistocene Foundations of Hominin Musicality: Coevolution of Cognition, Sociality, and Music.Anton Killin - 2017 - Biological Theory 12 (4):222-235.
    Today, music is ubiquitous, highly valued in all known cultures, playing many roles in human daily life. The ethnographic study of the music of extant human foragers makes this quite apparent. Moreover, music is ancient. Sophisticated bird-bone and ivory flutes dated from 40 kya reveal an even earlier musical-technological tradition. So is music likely to be an entrenched feature of human social life during the long passage to behavioral modernity—say, by 150 kya—or earlier? In this article I sketch an evolutionary (...)
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  17.  40
    Language Metaphors of Life.Anton Markoš & Dan Faltýnek - 2011 - Biosemiotics 4 (2):171-200.
    We discuss the difference between formal and natural languages, and argue that should the language metaphor have any foundation, it’s analogy with natural languages that should be taken into account. We discuss how such operation like reading, writing, sign, interpretation, etc., can be applied in the realm of the living and what can be gained, by such an approach, in order to understand the phenomenon of life.
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    Selfhood and Authenticity.Corey Anton - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the notion of selfhood in the wake of the post-structuralist debates.
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  19.  68
    Where did language come from? Connecting sign, song, and speech in hominin evolution.Anton Killin - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):759-778.
    Recently theorists have developed competing accounts of the origins and nature of protolanguage and the subsequent evolution of language. Debate over these accounts is lively. Participants ask: Is music a direct precursor of language? Were the first languages gestural? Or is language continuous with primate vocalizations, such as the alarm calls of vervets? In this article I survey the leading hypotheses and lines of evidence, favouring a largely gestural conception of protolanguage. However, the “sticking point” of gestural accounts, to use (...)
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  20.  61
    Musicality and the evolution of mind, mimesis, and entrainment: Gary Tomlinson: A million years of music: the emergence of human modernity. Zone, New York, 2015.Anton Killin - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (3):421-434.
    In A Million Years of Music, Gary Tomlinson develops an extensive evolutionary narrative that emphasises several important components of human musicality and proposes a theory of the coalescence of these components. In this essay I tie some of Tomlinson’s ideas to five constraints on theories of music’s evolution. This provides the framework for organising my reconstruction of his model. Thereafter I focus on Tomlinson’s description of ‘entraining’ Acheulean toolmakers and offer several criticisms. I close with some tentative proposals for further (...)
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  21.  34
    Well ordering principles and -statements: A pilot study.Anton Freund - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):709-745.
    In previous work, the author has shown that $\Pi ^1_1$ -induction along $\mathbb N$ is equivalent to a suitable formalization of the statement that every normal function on the ordinals has a fixed point. More precisely, this was proved for a representation of normal functions in terms of Girard’s dilators, which are particularly uniform transformations of well orders. The present paper works on the next type level and considers uniform transformations of dilators, which are called 2-ptykes. We show that $\Pi (...)
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  22.  24
    Music Archaeology, Signaling Theory, Social Differentiation.Anton Killin - 2021 - In Anton Killin & Sean Allen-Hermanson, Explorations in Archaeology and Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 85-100.
    Musical flutes constructed from bird bone and mammoth ivory begin to appear in the archaeological record from around 40,000 years ago. Due to the different physical demands of acquiring and working with these source materials in order to produce a flute, researchers have speculated about the significance—aesthetic or otherwise—of the use of mammoth ivory as a raw material for flutes. I argue that biological signaling theory provides a theoretical basis for the proposition that mammoth ivory flute production is a signal (...)
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  23.  86
    Accountability of internet access and service providers – strict liability entering ethics?Anton Vedder - 2001 - Ethics and Information Technology 3 (1):67-74.
    Questions regarding the moral responsibility of Internet accessand service providers relating to information on the Internetcall for a reassessment of the ways in which we think aboutattributing blame, guilt, and duties of reparation andcompensation. They invite us to borrow something similar to theidea of strict liability from the legal sphere and to introduceit in morality and ethical theory. Taking such a category in thedistribution of responsibilities outside the domain of law andintroducing it into ethics, however, is a difficult thing. Doingso (...)
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  24.  65
    Aristotle's Theory of Contrariety.John Peter Anton - 1957 - Lanham, MD: Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Short Proofs for Slow Consistency.Anton Freund & Fedor Pakhomov - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (1):31-49.
    Let Con↾x denote the finite consistency statement “there are no proofs of contradiction in T with ≤x symbols.” For a large class of natural theories T, Pudlák has shown that the lengths of the shortest proofs of Con↾n in the theory T itself are bounded by a polynomial in n. At the same time he conjectures that T does not have polynomial proofs of the finite consistency statements Con)↾n. In contrast, we show that Peano arithmetic has polynomial proofs of Con)↾n, (...)
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  26.  24
    What is effective transfinite recursion in reverse mathematics?Anton Freund - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):479-483.
    In the context of reverse mathematics, effective transfinite recursion refers to a principle that allows us to construct sequences of sets by recursion along arbitrary well orders, provided that each set is ‐definable relative to the previous stages of the recursion. It is known that this principle is provable in. In the present note, we argue that a common formulation of effective transfinite recursion is too restrictive. We then propose a more liberal formulation, which appears very natural and is still (...)
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  27.  39
    Privacy under Construction: A Developmental Perspective on Privacy Perception.Anton Vedder & Wouter M. P. Steijn - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (4):615-637.
    We present a developmental perspective regarding the difference in perceptions toward privacy between young and old. Here, we introduce the notion of privacy conceptions, that is, the specific ideas that individuals have regarding what privacy actually is. The differences in privacy concerns often found between young and old are postulated as the result of the differences found in their privacy conceptions, which are subsequently linked to their developmental life stages. The data presented have been obtained through a questionnaire distributed among (...)
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  28.  25
    Proof lengths for instances of the Paris–Harrington principle.Anton Freund - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (7):1361-1382.
  29.  43
    Social care and individualised risk in a changing environment.Anton Killin - 2022 - Metascience 31 (3):383-386.
    Review of: Fiona MacDonald: Individualising risk (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 223 pp, 130€ HB). MacDonald advances several claims. First, the ‘gig economy’ and ‘cash-for-care’ marketisation of social care and health support work come with major pitfalls: These are explored with reference to specific cases in Australia and England. Second, processes that underlie the individualisation of care need to be identified and critically evaluated. For when risk and responsibility are shifted onto individual workers, what we can expect to see, given the (...)
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  30.  27
    How do humans acquire knowledge? And what does that imply about the nature of knowledge?Anton E. Lawson - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (6):577-598.
  31.  38
    Choice or No Choice: Is the Langer Effect Evidence Against Simulation?Anton Kühberger, Josef Perner, Michael Schulte & Robert Leingruber - 1995 - Mind and Language 10 (4):423-436.
    The discussion of whether people understand themselves and others by using theories of behaviour (theory theory) or by simulating mental states (simulation theory) lacks conclusive empirical evidence. Nichols et al. (1996) have proposed the Langer effect (Langer, 1975) as a critical test. From people's inability accurately to predict the difference in the subjective value of lottery tickets in choice and no‐choice conditions, they argued that people do not simulate behaviour in such situations. In a series of four experiments, we consistently (...)
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  32.  22
    The Psycho-Analysis of Artistic Vision and Hearing.Anton Ehrenzweig - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 13 (1):112-112.
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  33.  79
    Gaston Bachelard and his reactions to phenomenology.Anton Vydra - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (1):45-58.
    In this essay, I show how the French philosopher of science, Gaston Bachelard, reacted to the idea of phenomenology at different stages of his philosophical development. During the early years, Kantianism (through a Schopenhauerian reading of Kant) had the greatest influence on his understanding of phenomenology. Even if he always considered phenomenology a valuable method, Bachelard believed that the term noumenon is necessary, not for a full description of reality, but for probing possible sources of reality. For him, phenomena are (...)
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  34.  41
    Not by signalling alone: Music's mosaicism undermines the search for a proper function.Anton Killin, Carl Brusse, Adrian Currie & Ronald J. Planer - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Mehr et al. seek to explain music's evolution in terms of a unitary proper function – signalling cooperative intent – which they cash out in two guises, coalition signalling and parental attention signalling. Although we recognize the role signalling almost certainly played in the evolution of music, we reject “ultimate” causal explanations which focus on a unidirectional, narrow range of causal factors.
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  35.  55
    Analyzing Antiqueness: A Response to Curtis and Baines.Anton Killin - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (2):195-197.
    Aestheticians should be excited by the prospects of a philosophy of antiques. It is to their merit that Curtis and Baines (2016) ignite philosophical discussion about this aesthetically and historically important category, so far overlooked by philosophers. And I agree with much they have to say on the topic. For one, I think the Adjectival Thesis they proffer is sound. That is, the term ‘antique’ does not denote a kind of object (it is not a kind sortal); rather, it modifies (...)
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  36. Lenin as Philosopher.Anton Pannekoek - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (3):272-273.
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  37.  85
    Reliability of information on the internet: Some distinctions.Anton Vedder & Robert Wachbroit - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (4):211-215.
    In this contribution, we identify and clarifysome distinctions we believe are useful inestablishing the reliability of information onthe Internet. We begin by examining some of thesalient features of information that go intothe determination of reliability. In so doing,we argue that we need to distinguish contentand pedigree criteria of reliability and thatwe need to separate issues of reliability ofinformation from the issues of theaccessibility and the usability of information.We then turn to an analysis of some commonfailures to recognize reliability orunreliability.
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  38.  31
    Science and the sciences in Plato.John Peter Anton (ed.) - 1980 - Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books.
  39. Concepts of Causation in Historiography.Anton Froeyman - 2009 - Historical Methods 42 (3):116-128.
    This paper aims to apply contemporary theories of causation to historiography. The main purpose is to show that historians can use the concept of causation in a variety of ways, each of which is associated with different historiographical claims and different kinds of argumentation. Through this application, it will also become clear, contrary to what is often stated, that historical narratives are (in a specific way) causal, and that micro-history can be seen as a response to a very specific (causal) (...)
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    High-Stakes Gambling with Unknown Outcomes: Justifying the Precautionary Principle.Anton Petrenko & Dan McArthur - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (4):346-362.
  41.  71
    Counterfactual closeness and predicted affect.Anton Kühberger, Christa Großbichler & Angelika Wimmer - 2011 - Thinking and Reasoning 17 (2):137 - 155.
    Empirical research on counterfactual thinking has found a closeness effect: people report higher negative affect if an actual outcome is close to a better counterfactual outcome. However, it remains unclear what actually is a ?close? miss. In three experiments that manipulate close counterfactuals, closeness effects were found only when closeness was unambiguously defined either with respect to a contrasted alternative, or with respect to a categorical boundary. In a real task people failed to report greater negative affect when encountering a (...)
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  42.  39
    Conference “The Special Role of Science in Liberal Democracy”.Klemes Kappel & Julie Zahle - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45 (2):407-409.
    The conference “The Special Role of Science in Liberal Democracy” was held November 21–22 2013 at the University of Copenhagen. The conference was organized by Julie Zahle and Klemens Kappel as part of a research project on this topic, funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.There were six plenary speakers: James Bohman, Heather Douglas, Harold Kincaid, Martin Kusch, Eleonora Montuschi and Erik Weber. The other speakers at the conference were: Manuela Fernandez-Pinto, Anton Froeyman, Heidi Grasswick, Rico Hauswald, Oier Imaz, Kristen (...)
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  43. Biased Questions and Hamblin Semantics.Anton Zimmerling - 2023 - Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters 6 (2):92-135.
    This paper takes a stand on Hamblin semantics and its relation to the semantics-to-pragmatics interface. Biased questions, where the speaker finds one of the options more likely and expects the confirmation that p is true, raise a concern about the limits of Hamblin semantics. I argue that biased questions have modified Hamblin semantics, while unbiased questions have unconstrained Hamblin semantics. The optional bias feature explains compositionally. It is triggered by likelihood presuppositions ranging Hamblin sets and highlighting the preferred alternative(s). Biased (...)
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    The Subject of state and the Subject of evaluation [Субъект состояния и субъект оценки].Anton Zimmerling - 1999 - In Нина Д Арутюнова & Ирина Б Левонтина, Логический анализ языка. Образ человека в культуре и языке. Н.Д.Арутюнова, И.Б.Левонтина (отв. ред.). М., Индрик, 1999, 422 с. ISBN 5-85759-091-4 [Logical Analysis of Language. The Images of Human in Cultures and Languages. Nina D. Arutyunova and Irina B. Moscow: Indrik. pp. 221 - 228.
    This paper published in the 1999 volume of the “Logical Analysis” series serves doubles purpose. For the first, it offers a taxonomy of Russian statives (predicates of state) based on language-specific criteria, such as the (in)ability of Russian copular predicates to take animate dative subjects. For the second, it outlines the general idea that true stative predicates with an animate subject project a complex event structure with two animate participants — the Experiencer alias the Subject of State (X), and the (...)
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    Predicative collapsing principles.Anton Freund - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):511-530.
    We show that arithmetical transfinite recursion is equivalent to a suitable formalization of the following: For every ordinal \alpha there exists an ordinal /beta such that 1 + \beta \cdot (\beta + \alpha) admits an almost order preserving collapse into \beta. Arithmetical comprehension is equivalent to a statement of the same form, with \beta \cdot \alpha at the place of \beta \cdot (\beta + \alpha). We will also characterise the principles that any set is contained in a countable coded ω-model (...)
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    Diesseits der 'Transzendentalpragmatik': Gibt es sprachpragmatische Argumente für Moral?Anton Leist - 1989 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 43 (2):301 - 317.
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    Equality and Merit. Through Experiments to Normative Justice.Anton Leist - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (1):137-170.
    When we want to justify claims against one another, we discover that conceptual thought alone is not sufficient to legitimize property and income in the relative and proper proportions among members of a productive group. Instead, the basis for justification should also be seen in motivational states, validated less by rational thought than by an effective behaviour. To circumnavigate otherwise dangerously utopian claims to justice, the social sciences, and especially behavioural economics, are the most reliable basis for normative distributive justice. (...)
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    American naturalism and Greek philosophy.John Peter Anton - 2005 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    The American way of Renaissance and the Humanistic Tradition of Greece -- The Aristotelian tradition in American naturalism -- George Santayana and Greek philosophy -- Frederick J.E. Woodbridge and the Aristotelian tradition -- John Dewey and ancient philosophies -- John H. Randall Jr.'s interpretation of Greek philosophy -- The ontology of Herbert W. Schneider -- Ernest Nagel's pragmatism and Aristotle's principle of contradiction -- The naturalistic metaphysics of Justus Buchler -- Naturalism and the platonic tradition.
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    Intellektuelle Anschauung, intuitiver Verstand und spekulatives Denken.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2019 - In Paula Órdenes & Anna Pickhan, Teleologische Reflexion in Kants Philosophie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 123-137.
    Das sinnliche Bewusstsein, abstrakt einzeln betrachtet, bietet ein Sinnesdaten- Konglomerat in einem raumzeitlich ausgedehnten sensorischen Bewusstseinsfeld, welches affektiv in Leib und Gegenwartsbewusstsein des Menschen verankert und so auf dessen „Begehrungsvermögen“ bezogen ist, jedoch kein Bewusstsein von Subjekt und Objekt. Dieses entsteht erst durch die freie begriffliche Synthesis, die mit Fichte als intellektuelle Anschauung unseres eigenen Handelns – des Verbindens und dadurch Objektivierens sowie „Subjektivierens“/Selbstbewusstsein-Erzeugens – verstanden werden kann. In konservativer Projektion der verbindenden Verstandesbegriffe lässt sie uns erkennen, was das sinnliche (...)
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    An Obligation to Enhance?Anton Vedder - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):49-52.
    This article discusses some rather formal characteristics of possible obligations to enhance. Obligations to enhance can exist in the absence of good moral reasons. If obligation and duty however are considered as synonyms, the enhancement involved must be morally desirable in some respect. Since enhancers and enhanced can, but need not coincide, advertency is appropriate regarding the question who exactly is addressed by an obligation or a duty to enhance: the person on whom the enhancing treatment is performed, or the (...)
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