Results for 'Joseph-Guy Poletti'

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  1.  71
    How Prevalent is Contract Cheating and to What Extent are Students Repeat Offenders?Joseph Clare & Guy J. Curtis - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (2):115-124.
    Contract cheating, or plagiarism via paid ghostwriting, is a significant academic ethical issue, especially as reliable methods for its prevention and detection in students’ assignments remain elusive. Contract cheating in academic assessment has been the subject of much recent debate and concern. Although some scandals have attracted substantial media attention, little is known about the likely prevalence of contract cheating by students for their university assignments. Although rates of contract cheating tend to be low, criminological theories suggest that people who (...)
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    Consciousness of the self (COS) and explicit knowledge.Guy Pinku & Joseph Tzelgov - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (4):655-661.
    Starting with Dienes and Perner’s distinction between explicit and implicit knowledge and the traditional philosophical distinction between COS as an object and COS as a subject, we suggest a triple classification of COS experience into three modes, each corresponding to a different state of consciousness. When one acts automatically COS is totally embedded within the representation of the environment. When one monitors or attends to one’s experience, the self is implied by an explicit representation of one’s attitudes, consistent with Descartes’ (...)
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    Why Students Do Not Engage in Contract Cheating.Kiata Rundle, Guy J. Curtis & Joseph Clare - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:488138.
    Contract cheating refers to students paying a third party to complete university assessments for them. Although opportunities for comercial contract cheating are widely available in the form of essay mills, only about 3% of students engage in this behaviour. This study examined the reasons why most students do not engage in contract cheating. Students (n = 1291) completed a survey on why they do not engage in contract cheating as well as measures of several individual differences, including self-control, grit and (...)
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    Null.Doohwan Ahn, Sanda Badescu, Giorgio Baruchello, Raj Nath Bhat, Laura Boileau, Rosalind Carey, Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu, Alan Goldstone, James Grieve, John Grumley, Grant Havers, Stefan Höjelid, Peter Isackson, Marguerite Johnson, Adrienne Kertzer, J.-Guy Lalande, Clinton R. Long, Joseph Mali, Ben Marsden, Peter Monteath, Michael Edward Moore, Jeff Noonan, Lynda Payne, Joyce Senders Pedersen, Brayton Polka, Lily Polliack, John Preston, Anthony Pym, Marina Ritzarev, Joseph Rouse, Peter N. Saeta, Arthur B. Shostak, Stanley Shostak, Marcia Landy, Kenneth R. Stunkel, I. I. I. Wheeler & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):731-771.
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  5. The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary between and within Nations: A 35-Nation Study.Peter Hilpert, Ashley K. Randall, Piotr Sorokowski, David C. Atkins, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Aghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błażejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Jessica Borders, Tiago S. Bortolini, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Oana A. David, Anita DeLongis, Fahd A. Dileym, Alejandra D. C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Tomasz Frackowiak, Evrim Gulbetekin, Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo O. James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, David B. King, Fırat Koç, Amos Laar, Fívia De Araújo Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Mesko, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan, Svjetlana Salkičević & Sarmány-Schul - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  6. Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błażejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gulbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Fırat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Mesko, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan, Agnieszka L. Sabiniewicz & Salkič - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Corrigendum: Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błazejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Fahd A. Dileym, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslihan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gülbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Firat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Meskó, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan & Agn Sabiniewicz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Testing a Psychological Model of Post-Pandemic Academic Cheating.Tiana P. Johnson-Clements, Guy J. Curtis & Joseph Clare - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-18.
    Concerns over students engaging in various forms of academic misconduct persist, especially with the post-COVID19 rise in online learning and assessment. Research has demonstrated a clear role of the personality trait psychopathy in cheating, yet little is known about why this relationship exists. Building on the research by Curtis et al. (Personality and Individual Differences, 185, 111277, 2022a), this study tested an extended Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) model, including psychopathy as a precursor to attitudes and subjective norms, and measures (...)
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  9. Christology in Context: Review Essay of Thomas Joseph White. O.P., The Incarnate Lord: A Thomistic Study in Christology.Guy Mansini - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (4).
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    A Philosophy of Sacred Nature: Prospects for Ecstatic Naturalism.Robert S. Corrington, Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, Joseph M. Kramp, Wade A. Mitchell, Robert Cummings Neville, Jea Sophia Oh, Iljoon Park, Austin J. Roberts, Wesley J. Wildman, Guy Woodward & Martin O. Yalcin (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book introduces Robert Corrington’s “ecstatic naturalism,” a new perspective in understanding “sacred” nature and naturalism, and explores what can be done with this philosophical thought. This is an excellent resource for scholars of Continental philosophy, philosophy of religion, and American pragmatism.
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  11. Paolo Bartolomeo, Caroline Decaix, Eric Siéroff. The phenomenology of endogenous orienting.P. Piolino, M. Hisland, I. Ruffeveille, V. Matuszewski, I. Jambaqué, F. Eustache, Guy Pinku, Joseph Tzelgov, Dermot M. Bowler & John M. Gardiner - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15:765-766.
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  12. Paolo Bartolomeo, Caroline Decaix, Eric Siéroff. The phenomenology of endogenous orienting.Fred H. Previc, P. Piolino, M. Hisland, I. Ruffeveille, V. Matuszewski, I. Jambaqué, F. Eustache, Guy Pinku, Joseph Tzelgov & Monica Meijsing - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15:484.
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    Quasi-Formal Causality and ‘Change in the Other’: A Note on Karl Rahner’s Christology.Guy Mansini - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):293-306.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:QUASI-FORMAL CAUSALITY AND ' CHANGE IN THE OTHER': A NOTE ON KARL RAHNER'S CHRISTOLOGY characteristic and prominent of the claims made by Karl Rahner about the incarnation are the following three. (1) Only the Logos, the second Person of the Trinity, and not the Father or the Holy Spirit, can be incarnated.1 (~) Granted there is to be a mission ad extra of the Logos, what comes to be (...)
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    Review Essay: Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the Trinity.O. S. B. Guy Mansini - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1415-1420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Review Essay:Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the TrinityGuy Mansini O.S.B.As one would expect from his Incarnate Lord, Thomas Joseph White's Trinity is no exercise in historical theology, although of course it calls on history, but aims to give us St. Thomas's theology as an enduring and so contemporary theology that both respects the creedal commitments of the Catholic Church and offers a more satisfying understanding of the Trinity than (...)
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    The Moral Dimension of Human Geography.Guy Mercier & Gilles Ritchot - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (166):49-62.
    Quand tu es seul, debout au milieu de la haute plaine d'Asie,sous la coupole insondable où parfois un piloteou un ange sème dans l'azur une coulée d'amidon;quand tu tressailles sentant ta petitesse,apprends-le: l'espace auquel semble-t-il il ne fautrien, a grandement besoin en réalitéd'un regard extérieur, de distance, de vide.Tu es seid à pouvoir lui rendre ce service.Joseph BrodskyIn the course of this century, a number of authors have asserted that geographic knowledge is useful for the development of programs to (...)
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    Review of guy Mansini (ed.), James Hart (ed.), Ethics and Theological Disclosures: The Thought of Robert Sokolowski[REVIEW]Joseph Koterski - 2004 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2004 (2).
  17.  94
    Mary Bittner Wiseman, Gary Shapiro, Michael L. Hall, Walter L. Reed, John J. Stuhr, George Poe, Bruce Krajewski, Walter Broman, Christopher McClintick, Jerome Schwartz, Roberta Davidson, Christopher Clausen, Michael Calabrese, Guy Willoughby, Don H. Bialostosky, Thomas R. Hart, Tom Conley, Michael McGaha, W. Wolfgang Holdheim, Mark Stocker, Sandra Sherman, Michael J. Weber, Sylvia Walsh, Mary Anne O'Neil, Robert Tobin, Donald M. Brown, Susan B. Brill, Oona Ajzenstat, Jeff Mitchell, Michael McClintick, Louis MacKenzie, Peter Losin, C. S. Schreiner, Walter A. Strauss, Eric J. Ziolkowski, William J. Berg, and Patrick Henry. [REVIEW]Joseph Sartorelli - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):354.
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    In Memoriam: Dr. Edmund Pellegrino's Legacy: Secure in the Annals of Medicine.Joseph J. Fins - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (2):97-104.
    I am honored to pay tribute to Dr. Pellegrino and a bit humbled as there are so many others who would want to have this opportunity and who knew Dr. Pellegrino better than I. Tom Beauchamp suggested that I might place Dr. Pellegrino into the broader context of the history of medicine. He wrote Thaddeus Pope:Without being disrespectful of the many celebrated figures from Hippocrates to Percival, my view is that no physician has been more productive in the field or (...)
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    Business Ethics Through the Medium of Film.Joseph M. Goebel & Manoj Athavale - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 13:265-292.
    We present an inventory of business ethics-related content to supplement and reinforce classroom education. The 23 films and documentaries introduced here allow the instructor to illustrate ethical issues in a manner which resonates with students. While sixteen of these selections involve fictitious plots, three selections (The Corporation, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, and Inside Job) are documentaries, and four selections (Barbarians at the Gate, Rogue Trader, The Pursuit of Happyness, and Too Big to Fail) are based on a (...)
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    Catullus: The Shorter Poems (review).Joseph B. Solodow - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):283-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catullus: The Shorter PoemsJoseph B. SolodowJohn Godwin, ed. Catullus: The Shorter Poems. Ed. with intro., trans., and comm. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1999. xii + 223 pp. Cloth, $59.95; paper, $28.Godwin's volume joins two other recent ones that also offer a text and English translation of the poet, along with introduction and notes: G. P. Goold, Catullus: Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Notes, 2d ed. (London 1989; 1st (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue ed. by Bruce L. McCormack and Thomas Joseph White.Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):301-305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue ed. by Bruce L. McCormack and Thomas Joseph WhiteFrederick Christian BauerschmidtThomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue. Edited by Bruce L. McCormack and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2013. Pp. viii + 304. $36.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-0-8028-6976-0.The essays collected in Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue are the fruit (...)
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    Thinking with Whitehead and the American Pragmatists: Experience and Reality eds. by Brian G. Henning, William T. Myers, and Joseph D. John. [REVIEW]Warren G. Frisina - 2017 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 38 (2):235-238.
    Thinking with Whitehead and the American Pragmatists is a volume whose topic is so obvious and fertile that I was sure someone must have already collected essays illustrating the many ways these two lines of inquiry challenge and reinforce one another. And, indeed, there exists the 1994 collection Process Pragmatism: Essays on a Quiet Philosophical Revolution, which was edited by Guy Debrock and contains essays by Sandra Rosenthal, Carl Hausman, and others. The revolution cited in that title must have been (...)
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  23. Objective list theories.Guy Fletcher - 2015 - In The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge. pp. 148-160.
    This chapter is divided into three parts. First I outline what makes something an objective list theory of well-being. I then go on to look at the motivations for holding such a view before turning to objections to these theories of well-being.
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  24. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being.Guy Fletcher (ed.) - 2015 - New York,: Routledge.
    The concept of well-being is one of the oldest and most important topics in philosophy and ethics, going back to ancient Greek philosophy and Aristotle. Following the boom in happiness studies in the last few years it has moved to centre stage, grabbing media headlines and the attention of scientists, psychologists and economists. Yet little is actually known about well-being and it is an idea often poorly articulated. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being provides a comprehensive, outstanding guide and (...)
  25. (1 other version)Moral Testimony: Once More with Feeling.Guy Fletcher - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 11:45-73..
    It is commonly claimed that reliance upon moral testimony is problematic in a way not common to reliance upon non-moral testimony. This chapter provides a new explanation of what the problem consists in—one that enjoys advantages over the most widely accepted explanation in the extant literature. The main theses of the chapter are as follows: that many forms of normative deference beyond the moral are problematic, that there is a common explanation of the problem with all of these forms of (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Taking Prudence Seriously.Guy Fletcher - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 14:70-94.
    Philosophers have long theorized about which things make people’s lives go well, and why, and the extent to which morality and self-interest can be reconciled. Yet little time has been spent on meta-prudential questions, questions about prudential discourse. This is surprising given that prudence is, prima facie, a normative form of discourse and, as such, cries out for further investigation. Chapter 4 takes up two major meta-prudential questions. It first examines whether there is a set of prudential reasons, generated by (...)
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  27. The Locative Analysis of Good For Formulated and Defended.Guy Fletcher - 2012 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (JESP) 6 (1):1-27.
    THE STRUCTURE OF THIS PAPER IS AS FOLLOWS. I begin §1 by dealing with preliminary issues such as the different relations expressed by the “good for” locution. I then (§2) outline the Locative Analysis of good for and explain its main elements before moving on to (§3) outlining and discussing the positive features of the view. In the subsequent sections I show how the Locative Analysis can respond to objections from, or inspired by, Sumner (§4-5), Regan (§6), and Schroeder and (...)
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  28. Understanding what was said.Guy Longworth - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):815-834.
    On the most prominent account, understanding what was said is always propositional knowledge of what was said. I develop a more minimal alternative, according to which understanding is sometimes a distinctive attitude towards what was said—to a first approximation, entertaining what was said. The propositional knowledge account has been supported on the basis of its capacity to explain testimonial knowledge transmission. I argue that it is not so supported.
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  29. Was evolution worth it?Guy Kahane - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):249-271.
    The evolutionary process involved the suffering of quadrillions of sentient beings over millions of years. I argue that when we take this into account, then it is likely that when the first humans appeared, the world was already at an enormous axiological deficit, and that even on favorable assumptions about humanity, it is doubtful that we have overturned this deficit or ever will. Even if there’s no such deficit or we can overturn it, it remains the case that everything of (...)
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  30. Pain for the Moral Error Theory? A New Companions-in-Guilt Argument.Guy Fletcher - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):474-482.
    The moral error theorist claims that moral discourse is irredeemably in error because it is committed to the existence of properties that do not exist. A common response has been to postulate ‘companions in guilt’—forms of discourse that seem safe from error despite sharing the putatively problematic features of moral discourse. The most developed instance of this pairs moral discourse with epistemic discourse. In this paper, I present a new, prudential, companions-in-guilt argument and argue for its superiority over the epistemic (...)
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  31. Moral Utterances, Attitude Expression, and Implicature.Guy Fletcher - 2014 - In Guy Fletcher & Michael Ridge (eds.), Having It Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This paper examines implicaturist hybrid theories by examining how closely attitude expression by moral utterances fits with the varieties of implicature (conventional, particular conversational, generalized conversational) using five standard criteria for implicature: indeterminacy (§3), reinforceability (§4), non-detachability (§5), cancellability (§6), and calculability (§7). I argue (1) that conventional implicature is a clear non-starter as a model of attitude expression by moral utterances (2) that generalised conversational implicature yields the most plausible implicaturist hybrid but (3) that a non-implicaturist, and non-hybrid, alternative (...)
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    The Subjective View.Guy Stock - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (138):109-110.
  33.  46
    Deductive schemas with uncertain premises using qualitative probability expressions.Guy Politzer & Jean Baratgin - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (1):78-98.
    ABSTRACTThe new paradigm in the psychology of reasoning redirects the investigation of deduction conceptually and methodologically because the premises and the conclusion of the inferences are assumed to be uncertain. A probabilistic counterpart of the concept of logical validity and a method to assess whether individuals comply with it must be defined. Conceptually, we used de Finetti's coherence as a normative framework to assess individuals' performance. Methodologically, we presented inference schemas whose premises had various levels of probability that contained non-numerical (...)
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  34. Needing and Necessity.Guy Fletcher - 2011 - In Mark Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 170-192.
    Claims about needs are a ubiquitous feature of everyday practical discourse. It is therefore unsurprising that needs have long been a topic of interest in moral philosophy, applied ethics, and political philosophy. Philosophers have devoted much time and energy to developing theories of the nature of human needs and the like. -/- Philosophers working on needs are typically committed to the idea that there are different kinds of needs and that within the different kinds of needs is a privileged class (...)
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  35. Resisting buck-passing accounts of prudential value.Guy Fletcher - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (1):77-91.
    This paper aims to cast doubt upon a certain way of analysing prudential value (or good for ), namely in the manner of a ‘buck-passing’ analysis. It begins by explaining why we should be interested in analyses of good for and the nature of buck-passing analyses generally (§I). It moves on to considering and rejecting two sets of buck-passing analyses. The first are analyses that are likely to be suggested by those attracted to the idea of analysing good for in (...)
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  36. Reasoning with conditionals.Guy Politzer - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):79-95.
    This paper reviews the psychological investigation of reasoning with conditionals, putting an emphasis on recent work. In the first part, a few methodological remarks are presented. In the second part, the main theories of deductive reasoning (mental rules, mental models, and the probabilistic approach) are considered in turn; their content is summarised and the semantics they assume for if and the way they explain formal conditional reasoning are discussed, in particular in the light of experimental work on the probability of (...)
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    Competence in chronic mental illness: the relevance of practical wisdom.Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Andrea Ruissen, Anton J. L. M. van Balkom & Gerben Meynen - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (6):374-378.
  38. Uncertainty and the suppression of inferences.Guy Politzer - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (1):5 – 33.
    The explanation of the suppression of Modus Ponens inferences within the framework of linguistic pragmatics and of plausible reasoning (i.e., deduction from uncertain premises) is defended. First, this approach is expounded, and then it is shown that the results of the first experiment of Byrne, Espino, and Santamar a (1999) support the uncertainty explanation but fail to support their counterexample explanation. Second, two experiments are presented. In the first one, aimed to refute one objection regarding the conclusions observed, the additional (...)
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  39. Expanding Epistemology: A Responsibilist Approach.Guy Axtell - 2008 - Philosophical Papers 37 (1):51-87.
    The first part of this paper asks why we need, or what would motivate, ameaningful expansion of epistemology. It answers with three critical arguments found in the recent literature, which each purport to move us some distance beyond the preoccupations of ‘post-Gettier era’ analytic epistemology. These three—the ‘epistemic luck,’ ‘epistemic value’ and ‘epistemic reconciliation’ arguments associated with D. Pritchard, J. Kvanvig, and M. Williams, respectively—each carry this implication of needed expansion by functioning as forceful ‘internal critiques’ of the tradition. The (...)
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  40. Hybrid Views in Meta‐ethics: Pragmatic Views.Guy Fletcher - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (12):848-863.
    A common starting point for ‘going hybrid’ is the thought that moral discourse somehow combines belief and desire-like aspects, or is both descriptive and expressive. Hybrid meta-ethical theories aim to give an account of moral discourse that is sufficiently sensitive to both its cognitive and its affective, or descriptive and expressive, dimensions. They hold at least one of the following: moral thought: moral judgements have belief and desire-like aspects or elements; moral language: moral utterances both ascribe properties and express desire-like (...)
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    ‘The Scientists Think and the Public Feels.Guy Cook, Elisa Pieri & Peter T. Robbins - 2004 - Discourse Society 15 (4):433-49.
    Debates about new technologies, such as crop and food genetic modification, raise pressing questions about the ways ‘experts’ and ‘ nonexperts’ communicate. These debates are dynamic, characterized by many voices contesting numerous storylines. The discoursal features, including language choices and communication strategies, of the GM debate are in some ways taken for granted and in others actively manipulated by participants. Although there are many voices, some have more influence than others. This study makes use of 50 hours of in-depth interviews (...)
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    Palliative opioid use, palliative sedation and euthanasia: reaffirming the distinction.Guy Schofield, Idris Baker, Rachel Bullock, Hannah Clare, Paul Clark, Derek Willis, Craig Gannon & Rob George - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):48-50.
    We read with interest the extended essay published from Riisfeldt and are encouraged by an empirical ethics article which attempts to ground theory and its claims in the real world. However, such attempts also have real-world consequences. We are concerned to read the paper’s conclusion that clinical evidence weakens the distinction between euthanasia and normal palliative care prescribing. This is important. Globally, the most significant barrier to adequate symptom control in people with life-limiting illness is poor access to opioid analgesia. (...)
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  43. Must Ontological Pragmatism be Self-Defeating?Guy Rohrbaugh - 2013 - In Christy Mag Uidhir (ed.), Art & Abstract Objects. Oxford University Press. pp. 29-48.
  44. Mill, Moore, and Intrinsic Value.Guy Fletcher - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (4):517-32.
    In this paper, I examine how philosophers before and after G. E. Moore understood intrinsic value. The main idea I wish to bring out and defend is that Moore was insufficiently attentive to how distinctive his conception of intrinsic value was, as compared with those of the writers he discussed, and that such inattentiveness skewed his understanding of the positions of others that he discussed and dismissed. My way into this issue is by examining the charge of inconsistency that Moore (...)
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  45. Uneasy companions.Guy Fletcher - 2009 - Ratio 22 (3):359-368.
    A critical notice of Terence Cuneo's The Normative Web and Hallvard Lillehammer's Companions in Guilt: Arguments for Ethical Objectivity.
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  46. Epistemic Value, Duty, and Virtue.Guy Axtell - 2021 - In Brian C. Barnett (ed.), Introduction to Philosophy: Epistemology. Rebus Community.
    This chapter introduces some central issues in Epistemology, and, like others in the open textbook series Introduction to Philosophy, is set up for rewarding college classroom use, with discussion/reflection questions matched to clearly-stated learning objectives,, a brief glossary of the introduced/bolded terms/concepts, links to further open source readings as a next step, and a readily-accessible outline of the classic between William Clifford and William James over the "ethics of belief." The chapter introduces questions of epistemic value through Plato's famous example (...)
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    Process Pragmatism: Essays on a Quiet Philosophical Revolution.Guy Debrock (ed.) - 2003 - Rodopi.
    This book discusses Process Pragmatism, the view that whatever is, derives from interactions. The contributors examine and defend its merits by focusing on major topics, including truth, the existence of unobservables, the origin of knowledge, scientific activity, mathematical functions, laws of nature, and moral agency.
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  48. Objectivity in the Natural Sciences [Chapter 3 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 69-108.
    Chapter 3 surveys objectivity in the natural sciences. Thomas Kuhn problematized the logicist understanding of the objectivity or rationality of scientific change, providing a very different picture than that of the cumulative or step-wise progress of theoretical science. Theories often compete, and when consensus builds around one competitor it may be for a variety of reasons other than just the direct logical implications of experimental successes and failures. Kuhn pitted the study of the actual history of science against what Hans (...)
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    Not Living My Best Life.Guy Fletcher - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (1).
    In a recent paper, Michal Masny put forward a novel, interesting, theory of the goodness of a life: the Dual Theory. As Masny’s discussion demonstrates, the Dual Theory, if true, would have very significant implications for various issues related to the goodness of lives and for normative ethics. It is thus worthy of serious attention. In this paper, I first explain the Dual Theory and the motivation Masny provides for it. I then aim to show three general problems for the (...)
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    Two Varieties of Conditionals and Two Kinds of Defeaters Help Reveal Two Fundamental Types of Reasoning.Politzer Guy & Bonnefon Jean-Francois - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (4):484-503.
    Two notions from philosophical logic and linguistics are brought together and applied to the psychological study of defeasible conditional reasoning. The distinction between disabling conditions and alternative causes is shown to be a special case of Pollock’s (1987) distinction between ‘rebutting’ and ‘undercutting’ defeaters. ‘Inferential’ conditionals are shown to come in two varieties, one that is sensitive to rebutters, the other to undercutters. It is thus predicted and demonstrated in two experiments that the type of inferential conditional used as the (...)
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