Results for 'Josephine Trigilio'

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  1. Feminism and the treatment of animals : from care to dialogue.Josephine Donovan - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler (eds.), The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge.
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    Two Poems.Josephine Balmer - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):135-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Poems JOSEPHINE BALMER The House Opposite (Walbrook, London, 78 CE) Give this note to the cooper Junius, just opposite the house of Catullus... —Bloomberg Writing Tablets, 14 I unpack my treasures of Syrian glass, plates sourced from the slopes of Vesuvius. The walls I paint with frail shoots of grass and a poppy—my own hidden message for those who know the poet, my namesake: a flower fallen (...)
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  3. From human resources to human rights: Impact assessments for hiring algorithms.Josephine Yam & Joshua August Skorburg - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):611-623.
    Over the years, companies have adopted hiring algorithms because they promise wider job candidate pools, lower recruitment costs and less human bias. Despite these promises, they also bring perils. Using them can inflict unintentional harms on individual human rights. These include the five human rights to work, equality and nondiscrimination, privacy, free expression and free association. Despite the human rights harms of hiring algorithms, the AI ethics literature has predominantly focused on abstract ethical principles. This is problematic for two reasons. (...)
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    The Role of Narrative Practices in Embodied and Affective Change.Josephine Pascoe & Miguel Segundo Ortin - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6 (1):29-36.
    Maiese and Hanna (2019) argue that social institutions shape and transform our embodied minds, and that detrimental and harmful institutions can be reverted in order to promote mentally healthy, authentic, and fulfilling lives. This commentary aims to complement this proposal by understanding the role that narratives and narrative practices play in shaping our embodied minds, by highlighting narrativity’s (1) active, deliberative, and productive functions, and (2) its strong entanglement with embodiment. We will argue that this addition to Maiese and Hanna’s (...)
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  5. The Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics: A Reader.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In _Beyond Animal Rights_, Josephine Donovan and Carol J. Adams introduced feminist "ethic of care" theory into philosophical discussions of the treatment of animals. In this new volume, seven essays from _Beyond Animal Rights_ are joined by nine new articles-most of which were written in response to that book-and a new introduction that situates feminist animal care theory within feminist theory and the larger debate over animal rights. Contributors critique theorists' reliance on natural rights doctrine and utilitarianism, which, they (...)
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    Life and its Future.Josephine C. Adams & Jürgen Engel - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is aimed at those who wish to understand more about the molecular basis of life and how life on earth may change in coming centuries. Readers of this book will gain knowledge of how life began on Earth, the natural processes that have led to the great diversity of biological organisms that exist today, recent research into the possibility of life on other planets, and how the future of life on earth faces unprecedented pressures from human-made activities. Readers (...)
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  7. A Serene sierra.Josephine Hammond - 1927 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 8 (2):114.
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    Light, Wind, Motion.Josephine Miles - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (4):21.
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  9. Ethics and Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer & Awareness of Cancer Related Health Services Among Adults in Rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: A Prerequisite for Cancer Down Staging.Josephine Joseph Mwakisambwe, Fred Kasasi, Elia J. Mbaga & Darryl Macer - 2018 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 28 (3):82-94.
    The mortality and morbidity resulting from noncommunicable diseases including cancer in sub- Saharan Africa are predicted to overtake that of infectious diseases by the year 2030. Esophageal cancer is on the increase in Tanzania. This study estimates risk factors for esophageal cancer, ethical issues and the level of awareness of cancer related services among adults in rural Kilimanjaro. A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted of adults aged 18 years and above in three wards, namely, Kahe, mabogini and Arusha Chini, (...)
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    Feminism and Aesthetics.Josephine Donovan - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (3):605-608.
    In response to the discussion between William W. Morgan and Annette Kolodny in the Summer 1976 issue of Critical Inquiry I would like to address the issue of separating judgments based on feminism as an ideology from purely aesthetic judgments. Peripherally this included the issue of "prescriptive criticism," so labeled by Cheri Register in Feminist Literary Criticism: Explorations in Theory.1 In the same book, as Kolodny points out,2 I called for criticism that exists in the "prophetic mode." Kolodny indicates reservations (...)
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    Tonwahrnehmung und Musikhören: phänomenologische, hermeneutische und bildungsphilosophische Zugänge.Josephine Geisler - 2016 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Was ist Musik? Diese musikphilosophische Fragestel-lung bildet den Ausgangspunkt von Josephine Geislers phänomenologischer Untersuchung, die einen wichtigen Beitrag zur anthropologischen Grundlagenforschung liefert. Geisler greift in diesem Zusammenhang nicht nur auf die Phänomenologie der Tonwahrnehmung Husserls zurück, sondern auch auf Helmuth Plessners ästhesiologische Schriften, die bisher kaum rezipiert wurden. Auch Günther Anders' musikphänomenologische Habilitationsschrift - noch nicht veröffentlicht und daher wenig bekannt - dient als theoretische Grundlage. Anhand dieser drei Autoren legt die Arbeit mit den Kategorien Zeitlichkeit, Leiblichkeit und Gestimmtheit (...)
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    Chimeras and "human dignity".Josephine Johnston & Christopher Eliot - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):6 – 8.
    One argument Robert and Baylis do not raise in their article on the creation of interspecies chimeras using human cellular material is that the creation of these chimeras would, or could, offend human dignity. Yet, human dignity is one of the most common concerns raised in public debates, academic arguments, and policy documents regarding biotechnology in general, and the creation animal-human chimeras in particular. … The concept is ill-defined within bioethics and … risks being dismissed as meaningless or uselessly vague. (...)
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    Judging Octomom.Josephine Johnston - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (3):23-25.
    When Nadya Suleman gave birth to eight babies in January 2009, the story ignited a media frenzy—first because the babies were only the second set of octuplets born in the United States, and later because of the irregularities of their conception by in vitro fertilization and the personal details of their mother's life. Hidden beneath the sensational aspects of the story, though, are a number of fundamental ethical, medical, and legal issues concerning assisted reproductive technologies. Three essays examine these questions.
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  14. Beyond animal rights: a feminist caring ethic for the treatment of animals.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Continuum.
    Contains eight contributions which extend feminist ethic-of-care theory to the issue of animal well-being. As a group, the essays aim to suggest ways that theorists can move beyond the notion of animal rights to establish care as a basis for the ethical treatment of animals. Annotation c. by Book.
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    Interreligious dialogue as a myth.Josephine N. Akah & Anthony C. Ajah - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    The authors aim in this article to show why it is extremely difficult to expect representatives of missionary religions to engage in productive interreligious dialogue. The article demonstrates how the imperative to convert, which is rooted in a sense of epistemic authority that one holds the best version of truth, precludes interreligious dialogue among religionists. The authors note, on the one hand, that the primary condition for any dialogue is that each of those involved come to the dialogue intellectually humble. (...)
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    Patents, biomedical research, and treatments: Examining concerns, canvassing solutions.Josephine Johnston & Angela A. Wasunna - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (1):1-36.
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    John Stuart Mill in love.Josephine Kamm - 1977 - London: Gordon & Cremonesi.
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    Shaping the CRISPR Gene-Editing Debate: Questions About Enhancement and Germline Modification.Josephine Johnston - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (1):141-154.
    When the use of CRIsPR-Cas9 to edit DNA was first reported in 2012, it was quickly heralded by scientists, policymakers, and journalists as a transformative technology. CRISPR-Cas9 provides the means to change DNA in ways that either were not generally possible using previous genetic technologies or that were orders of magnitude more laborious or inefficient to undertake. CRISPR's possible applications were readily apparent and seemingly endless, from supercharging laboratory research to modifying insects that transmit disease to eliminating genetic conditions. By (...)
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  19. Teaching reformation history.Josephine Laffin - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (4):440.
    Laffin, Josephine On 31 October 2017 it will be five hundred years since Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, the date traditionally hailed as the start of the Lutheran Reformation. Another anniversary is a personal one: it is twenty-five years since I began teaching Reformation history. It seems an appropriate time, therefore, to pause and reflect on the significance of this task.
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    Paying egg donors: Exploring the arguments.Josephine Johnston - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (1):28-31.
  21.  46
    The Future of Reproductive Autonomy.Josephine Johnston & Rachel L. Zacharias - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (s3):6-11.
    In a project The Hastings Center is now running on the future of prenatal testing, we are encountering clear examples, both in established law and in the practices of individual providers, of failures to respect women's reproductive autonomy: when testing is not offered to certain demographics of women, for instance, or when the choices of women to terminate or continue pregnancies are prohibited or otherwise not supported. But this project also raises puzzles for reproductive autonomy. We have learned that some (...)
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    (1 other version)Sequencing Newborns: A Call for Nuanced Use of Genomic Technologies.Josephine Johnston, John D. Lantos, Aaron Goldenberg, Flavia Chen, Erik Parens, Barbara A. Koenig, Members of the Nsight Ethics & Policy Advisory Board - forthcoming - Zygon.
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    Understanding individualised genetic interventions as research-treatment hybrids.Josephine Johnston, Kathryn Tabb, Danielle Pacia, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Wendy K. Chung & Paul S. Appelbaum - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Until recently, medicine has had little to offer most of the millions of patients suffering from rare and ultrarare genetic conditions. But the development in 2019 of Milasen, the first genetic intervention developed for and administered to a single patient suffering from an ultrarare genetic disorder, has offered hope to patients and families. In addition, Milasen raised a series of conceptual and ethical questions about how individualised genetic interventions should be developed, assessed for safety and efficacy and financially supported. The (...)
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  24. (1 other version)And Another Thing ... How co-editions can go wrong: Pitfalls of cross-cultural translation.Josephine Bacon - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 16 (1):48-53.
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    English into English: A job for translators?Josephine Bacon - 2005 - Logos 16 (3):155-158.
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    Pilgrimage.Josephine Birchenough & Edwyn Birchenough - 1964 - Moreana 1 (4):49-50.
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    Gender and Geometry in Virginia Woolf s To the Lighthouse.Josephine Carubia - 1996 - Semiotics:53-61.
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    Urban De-Sign.Josephine Carubia - 2001 - Semiotics:137-147.
  29. After the concert: Verse.Josephine Johnson - 1923 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 4 (4):252.
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    Case study: The lemba.Josephine Johnston - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (2):109–111.
    ABSTRACTThe attempts of scholars and scientists to unravel the mystery of the ancestral origins of the Lemba are summarised, focusing on Tudor Parfitt's book, Journey to the Vanished City, and a study by an international group of genetic and social scientists. The impact of this research on identity questions is raised.
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    Tied up in nots over genetic parentage.Josephine Johnston - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (4):28-31.
    Because an influenza pandemic would create the most serious hardships for those who already face most serious hardships, countries should take special measures to mitigate the effect of a pandemic on existing social inequalities. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that anybody is thinking about that.
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    Are Parents Really Obligated to Learn as Much as Possible about Their Children's Genomes?Josephine Johnston & Eric Juengst - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S2):14-15.
    As new parents quickly learn, parenting always involves choosing your battles. Ideally, parents have the freedom to make those moral choices without the prejudice of an unreasonable or premature inflicted ought. Resolving the predictive uncertainties of genomic information is the professional responsibility of the biomedical community, just as clarifying the impact of global warming or assessing the risks of rising multidrug resistance is the responsibility of similar specialists. Until sequencing can give parents clear and meaningful information that they can use (...)
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  33. An Australian bishop at Vatican II: Matthew Beovich's council diary.Josephine Laffin - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (4):387.
    Laffin, Josephine The archbishop of Adelaide, it must be acknowledged, did not play a prominent role at Vatican II. Matthew Beovich never gave a speech in the aula, the Council 'hall' inside St Peter's Basilica, nor did he prepare a written submission. At first glance, his seemingly minimal participation reinforces the damning judgment of Patrick O'Farrell that members of the Australian hierarchy were 'frequently uncomprehending and even resistant to the spirit of change'. With this from the doyen of Catholic (...)
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    Exploration des systèmes de signes dans quatre jeux sportifs : analyse comparative du football, du handball, de la balle assise et du jeu des trois camps.Josephine Buffet, Luc Collard & Alexandre Oboeuf - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):53-75.
    Résumé Dans les situations sociomotrices, l’engagement des participants n’est pas seulement réductible aux communications directes. Il est surtout lié à l’émergence de systèmes de signes assurant la dynamique globale du jeu. Nous proposons d’appréhender la communication comme un système d’interaction global constitué de plusieurs canaux. On y retrouve les communications directes mais aussi quatre systèmes de signes : celui des praxèmes, des gestèmes, des gestes et des communications verbales. Ce travail interroge la place de chaque canal communicationnel dans deux sports (...)
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    Addressing Bioethical Implications of Implementing Diversion Programs in Resource-Constrained Service Environments.Josephine D. Korchmaros & Kevin Hall - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):76-79.
    The opioid epidemic demands the development, implementation, and evaluation of innovative, research-informed practices such as diversion programs. Aritürk et al. have articulated important bioethical considerations for implementing diversion programs in resource-constrained service environments. In this commentary, we expand and advance Aritürk et al.’s discussion by discussing existing resources that can be utilized to implement diversion programs that prevent or otherwise minimize the issues of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice identified by Aritürk et al.
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  36. Blessed and beautiful: Picturing the saints [Book Review].Josephine Laffin - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (4):505.
    Laffin, Josephine Review(s) of: Blessed and beautiful: Picturing the saints, by Robert Kiely, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2010), pp.344, $49.95.
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  37. A study of science teaching self‐efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs of teachers in India.Josephine M. Shireen Desouza, William J. Boone & Ozgul Yilmaz - 2004 - Science Education 88 (6):837-854.
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    Perspective.Josephine Ensign - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (4):489-490.
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    (5 other versions)Field notes.Josephine Johnston - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (2):pp. c2-c2.
    The theoretical value of talking to the media isn’t hard to appreciate. Who doesn’t want to shape the public conversation, whether to make it more nuanced and reasoned or to bring injustice and wrongdoing to light? Issues you’ve studied are in the news and you get to be the expert, pointing out what’s wrong, or right, or offering another way of thinking about a difficult question. If you’re lucky, you get your name in print—and in a publication your friends and (...)
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    From the guest editors.Josephine Johnston & Carl Elliott - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (2):iii–iv.
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    Normalizing Atypical Genitalia: How a Heated Debate Went Astray.Josephine Johnston - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (6):32-44.
    In a series of essays and letters published in 2010, commentators in bioethics debated the ethics of two interventions that aim to prevent or treat a symptom of a genetic condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which can cause “virilization” in affected baby girls—the development of atypical, sometimes masculine‐appearing, genitals. Surgeries are often performed to try to “normalize” both the appearance and the function of affected girls’ genitals, and a drug thought to prevent virilization is sometimes prescribed to pregnant women who (...)
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    Summary: The science of genealogy by genetics.Josephine Johnston & Mark Thomas - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (2):103–108.
    ABSTRACT This summary lays out the basic science and methodology used in genetic testing that investigates historical population migrations and the ancestry of living individuals. The genetic markers used in this testing, and the distinction between Y‐chromosome, mitochrondial and autosomes analysis, are explained and the shortcomings of these methodologies are explored.
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  43. Verse: Memoria memorat.Josephine Johnson - 1926 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 7 (2):114.
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  44. Verse: Worship.Josephine Johnson - 1945 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 26 (2):175.
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    Joachimist prophecies in Sebastiano Del piombo's borgherini chapel and Raphael's transfiguration.Josephine Jungić - 1988 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 51 (1):66-83.
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    The Public Role of Bishops: Matthew Beovich, the ALP Split and the Vietnam War.Josephine Laffin - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (2):131.
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    A Letter from an American Theosophist.Josephine C. Locke - 1904 - The Monist 14 (5):785-786.
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    Toward A Theory O F Style and Change.Josephine Miles - 1963 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (1):63-67.
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  49. The happy book.Josephine Dolzen Peasvane - 1942 - New York [etc.]: Rand McNally & company.
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    Conception and Interpretation of Interdisciplinarity in Research Practice: Findings from Group Discussions in the Emerging Field of Digital Transformation.Josephine B. Schmitt, Anne Goldmann, Samuel T. Simon & Christoph Bieber - 2023 - Minerva 61 (2):199-220.
    In recent years, we have been observing the phenomenon of an emerging scientific field: _digital transformation research_ (DTR). Due to the diversity and complexity of its object of research digital, transformation is not effectively researchable if confined to the boundaries of individual disciplines. In the light of Scientific/Intellectual Movement theory (Frickel and Gross 2005 ), we wonder how interdisciplinarity could and should be mobilized to further advance the development of the field of DTR. To answer this question, we (a) need (...)
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