Results for 'Josette Hesse'

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  1.  59
    Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge.Mary Hesse - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (61):372-374.
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  2. Freedom, security, and the COVID-19 pandemic.Josette Anna Maria Daemen - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Freedom and security are often portrayed as things that have to be traded off against one another, but this view does not capture the full complexity of the freedom-security relationship. Rather, there seem to be four different ways in which freedom and security connect to each other: freedom can come at the cost of security, security can come at the cost of freedom, freedom can work to the benefit of security, and security can work to the benefit of freedom. This (...)
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  3.  23
    Undone Science: Charting Social Movement and Civil Society Challenges to Research Agenda Setting.David J. Hess, Gwen Ottinger, Joanna Kempner, Jeff Howard, Sahra Gibbon & Scott Frickel - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (4):444-473.
    ‘‘Undone science’’ refers to areas of research that are left unfunded, incomplete, or generally ignored but that social movements or civil society organizations often identify as worthy of more research. This study mobilizes four recent studies to further elaborate the concept of undone science as it relates to the political construction of research agendas. Using these cases, we develop the argument that undone science is part of a broader politics of knowledge, wherein multiple and competing groups struggle over the construction (...)
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  4. (2 other versions)Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science.Mary Hesse - 1980 - Philosophy 56 (217):430-431.
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  5.  57
    Catalyzing Corporate Commitment to Combating Corruption.David Hess - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):781 - 790.
    This article considers what policy reforms may help catalyze corporate commitment to combating corruption. The starting point for this discussion is a voluntary, corporate principles approach to self-regulation. Such an approach should seek to encourage corporations to implement effective compliance and ethics programs and to disclose information related to their anti-corruption activities to relevant stakeholders. Although a corporate principles approach is a private initiative, there is a significant role for the public sector. This article discusses some of the ways that (...)
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    Foreword.Josette Feral - 2002 - Substance 31 (2):3-13.
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    Meurtre du père.Josette Garon Léonard - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (1):109-114.
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    Truth and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge.Mary Hesse - 1976 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1976:261 - 280.
  9. What (If Anything) Can Justify Basic Income Experiments? Balancing Costs and Benefits in Terms of Justice.Josette Daemen - 2021 - Basic Income Studies 16 (1):11-25.
    The central thesis of this essay is that basic income experiments are justified if their expected benefits in terms of justice exceed their expected costs in terms of justice. The benefits are a function of basic income’s effect on the level of justice attained in the context in which it is implemented, and the experiment’s impact on future policy-making. The costs comprise the sacrifices made as a result of the experiment’s interventional character, as well as the study’s opportunity costs. In (...)
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    (1 other version)Forces and fields.Mary B. Hesse - 1962 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
    An in-depth look at the science of ancient Greece, this volume examines the influence of antique philosophy on 17th-century thought. Additional topics embrace many elements of modern physics: the empirical basis of quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle, and the action-at-a-distance theory of Wheeler and Feynman. 1961 edition.
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    Practices of Slur Use.Leopold Hess - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (1):86-105.
    Given the apparent nondisplaceability and noncancellability of the derogatory content of slurs, it may appear puzzling that non-derogatory uses of slurs exist. Moreover, these uses seem to be in general available only to in-group speakers, thereby exhibiting a peculiar kind of context-sensitivity. In this paper the author argues that to understand non-derogatory uses we should consider slurs in terms of the kind of social practice their uses instantiate. A suitable theory of social practices has been proposed by McMillan. In typical (...)
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  12. Aristotle's logic of analogy.Mary Hesse - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (61):328-340.
  13.  36
    Dewey’s Theory of Experience, Traumatic Memory, and Music Education.Juliet Hess & Deborah Bradley - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (4):429-446.
    Trauma’s ubiquity in society leads to an acknowledgement that damaging experiences likely affect more students than they leave untouched. Dewey acknowledged the importance of the past throughout his theorizing of experience and simultaneously recognized that students need to draw upon past experiences in new learning encounters. In this paper, we argue that Dewey may have opened the door to account for the possibility of traumatic experience affecting learning. We acknowledge the potential of music to prompt a trauma response and seek (...)
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  14.  98
    Case and Series: Medical Knowledge and Paper Technology, 1600–1900.Volker Hess & J. Andrew Mendelsohn - 2010 - History of Science 48 (3-4):287-314.
  15.  81
    Gilbert and the historians (I).Mary B. Hesse - 1960 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (41):1-10.
  16.  15
    Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science.Mary B. Hesse - 1980 - Harvester Press.
  17. The free will of corporations.Kendy Hess - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (1):241-260.
    Moderate holists like French, Copp :369–388, 2007), Hess, Isaacs and List and Pettit argue that certain collectives qualify as moral agents in their own right, often pointing to the corporation as an example of a collective likely to qualify. A common objection is that corporations cannot qualify as moral agents because they lack free will. The concern is that corporations are effectively puppets, dancing on strings controlled by external forces. The article begins by briefly presenting a novel account of corporate (...)
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  18.  30
    For Love or Glory? A Response to Wessling’s Case for Amorism.Keith Hess - 2022 - Philosophia Christi 24 (1):31-37.
    In chapter 3 of Love Divine, Jordan Wessling argues against glorificationism, the view that God primarily created for the sake of his glory, and for amorism, that God created primarily out of love for creation. His arguments are based in both scripture and natural theology. In this paper, I offer reasons to think that Wessling’s arguments are not successful. I then suggest that we remain agnostic about God’s primary motivation for creating the world while still affirming that he was motivated (...)
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  19.  62
    Colin Bird, the myth of liberal individualism.Josette Baer - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):191-192.
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    Het pragmatisch evenwicht.Josette Daemen - 2020 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 112 (4):416-420.
    In this paper, I argue for a wider application of Archon Fung's (2007) idea of a "pragmatic equilibrium". Would implementation of the practical recommendations that follow from a certain theory really contribute to the realisation of the values on which the theory was built? If political philosophers asked this question more often, this would benefit both the quality and the relevance of their theories. [Dutch].
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  21. Quine and a New Empiricism.Hesse M. Duhem - 1970 - In G. Vesey (ed.), Knowledge and Necessity. Macmillan. pp. 191.
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    The Role of the Phoenician Kings at the Battle of Salamis.Josette Elayi - 2006 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 126 (3):411-418.
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  23.  45
    China, Women and the Symbolic An Interview with Julia Kristeva.Josette Feral, Julia Kristeva & Penny Kritzman - 1976 - Substance 5 (13):9.
  24.  30
    1968-1978. Theater in France: 10 Years of Research.Josette Feral & Maureen O'Meara - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):5.
  25.  41
    Criteria of Truth in Science and Theology.Mary Hesse - 1975 - Religious Studies 11 (4):385 - 400.
    Faced with what he saw as the danger to society in the ascendancy of natural science and decline in religion and morals, the great French sociologist Emile Durkheim sought the origins of both religion and science in their function in primitive societies as guarantors of social solidarity. In contrast to Frazer, Tylor, and other early anthropologists, he looked for the internal intelligibility of myth and ritual in social terms, rather than regarding them just as failed attempts to state objective truths (...)
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  26.  26
    Quelques remarques sur le jugement.Josette Lanteigne - 1992 - Philosophiques 19 (1):25-43.
    Le but de ces quelques remarques sur le jugement est de faire apparaître cette notion sous différents éclairages , tout en assurant une certaine progression d’un point de vue à l’autre. Dans la première section, il sera question non seulement de la synthèse au sens kantien du jugement synthétique fondé sur l’intuition, mais également des trois synthèses predicative, véritative et apophantique distinguées par Heidegger et reprises par Lotz. La deuxième section, plus proche de la pensée de Wittgenstein, s’interroge sur le (...)
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  27.  54
    Who may frown and who should smile? Dominance, affiliation, and the display of happiness and anger.Ursula Hess, Reginald Adams & Robert Kleck - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (4):515-536.
  28. Virtue Ethics and the Ecological Self: From Environmental to Ecological Virtues.Gérald Hess - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):23.
    This article examines how a non-anthropocentric virtue ethics can truly avoid an anthropocentric bias in the ethical evaluation of a situation where the environment is at stake. It argues that a non-anthropocentric virtue ethics capable of avoiding the pitfall of an anthropocentric bias can only conceive of the ultimate good—from which virtues are defined—in reference to an ecological self. Such a self implies that the natural environment is not simply a condition for human flourishing, or something that complements it by (...)
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  29.  29
    Beyond silence or compliance: The complexities of reporting a friend for misconduct.Megan F. Hess, Linda K. Treviño, Anjier Chen & Rob Cross - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):546-562.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  30. Logic of discovery in Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.Mary Hesse - 1973 - In Ronald N. Giere & Richard S. Westfall (eds.), Foundations of Scientific Method: The Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald N. Giere and Richard S. Westfall. --. Bloomington,: Indiana University Press. pp. 86--114.
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    Antigone or The Irony of the TribeSpeculum de L'Autre FemmeCe Sexe qui n'en est pas unPolylogues. [REVIEW]Josette Feral, Alice Jardine, Tom Gora, Luce Irigaray & Julia Kristeva - 1978 - Diacritics 8 (3):2.
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  32.  82
    The unfolding argument: Why IIT and other causal structure theories cannot explain consciousness.Adrien Doerig, Aaron Schurger, Kathryn Hess & Michael H. Herzog - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 72:49-59.
  33.  47
    A New Look at Scientific Explanation.Mary Hesse - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):98 - 108.
    The first two volumes of the Minnesota Studies contained some of the classic accounts of this view, especially Carnap's "The Methodological Character of Theoretical Concepts," and Hempel's "The Theoretician's Dilemma," but even in these volumes anticipations of a change of view are discernible, in Sellars' "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind," Scriven's "Definitions, Explanations, and Theories," and Pap's excellent "Disposition Concepts and Extensional Logic," in which the adequacy of the empiricist's refuge in extensional logic is queried. Volume III contains two (...)
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  34.  61
    (1 other version)Habermas' Consensus Theory of Truth.Mary Hesse - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:373 - 396.
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  35.  52
    First Prize Essay, the XIIth IPO, Seoul 2004.Leopold Hess - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (5-6):136-138.
  36.  99
    (1 other version)Models and Analogies in Science.Mary B. Hesse - 1963 - [Notre Dame, Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
  37.  47
    “Putting a Face on It”: The Trouble with Storytelling for Social Justice in Music Education.Juliet Hess - 2021 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 29 (1):67.
    Abstract:Music educators and music education researchers often rely on the use of story when advocating for social change. We may use story to illustrate a need for resources, point to a systemic injustice, illustrate a need for policy change, or identify an exclusion. Allies often utilize stories of oppression to demonstrate the untenability of situations or dehumanization experienced by particular people or groups. Stories shared, in other words, typically describe difficult, oppressive, or traumatic situations that may accomplish advocacy or social (...)
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  38. Imagining membership: The conception of europe in the political thought of T. G. Masaryk and václav Havel.Josette Baer - 2000 - Studies in East European Thought 52 (3):203-226.
    A decade after the fall of Communism in Europe, the Czech Republic'smembership in the European Union is still a matter of a relatively shortwaiting period of 4 years. Not so the imagination of this membership andthe creation of a political concept created to promote this goal: thespecific Central European policy initiated by Thomas G. Masaryk andrevitalized by Václav Havel. Despite the deep differences in thepolitical thought and philosophical orientations of both Presidents, notto mention the historic rupture of 41 years of (...)
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  39.  50
    A note on art and cognition.M. Whitcomb Hess - 1940 - Journal of Philosophy 37 (21):579-581.
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    Conscience cosmique: pour une écologie en première personne.Gérald Hess - 2023 - [Bellevaux]: Éditions Dehors.
  41. Kant als Kriegsphilosoph?Reinhard Hesse - 2014 - Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali 15 (1):7-12.
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    The dilemma in Kierkegaard's "either/or".M. Whitcomb Hess - 1945 - Journal of Philosophy 42 (8):216-219.
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    La question des jugements analytiques et des jugements synthétiques chez Kant et chez Wittgenstein.Josette Lanteigne - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (2):255-.
    La confrontation Kant/Wittgenstein qui se dessine ici n'a pas pour objectif principal de présenter les doctrines des deux auteurs. Il s'agit plutôt de marier ces pensées qui ne le désirent pas, de profiter de la confrontation pour faire avancer le débat. Quel débat? Contrairement à I'ordre historique, il tire son origine de Wittgenstein: comment faut-il comprendre les prorèmes que soulève Wittgenstein, les interdits qu'il pose? Certaines de ses affirmations ne peuvent tout simplement pas être des jugements analytiques, aurait dit Kant. (...)
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  44.  18
    Ressources philosophiques sur internet.Josette Lanteigne - 2000 - Horizons Philosophiques 10 (2):165.
  45. La méthode d'Henri Lefebvre.Hess Rémi - forthcoming - Multitudes.
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  46. Fine's criteria of meaning change.Mary Hesse - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (2):46-52.
  47. Facial Reactions to Emotional Facial Expressions: Affect or Cognition?Ursula Hess, Pierre Philippot & Sylvie Blairy - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (4):509-531.
  48.  16
    Visible winds: The production of new visibilities of wind energy in West Germany, 1973–1991.Nicole Hesse - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (4):695-713.
    The use of energy from wind has a multi-faceted relationship to visibility. Between 1973 and 1991, various actors in the West German environmental movement made assertions about the visibility of renewable sources of power, but wind energy took on a particular prominence. In this article, the question of how different actors have used knowledge and the materiality of wind turbines for competing purposes is explored. Environmentalists attempted to create visible signs of a valid alternative energy future by tinkering with small, (...)
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  49. Theatricality: The Specificity of Theatrical Language.Josette Feral & Ronald P. Bermingham - 2002 - Substance 31 (2/3):94.
  50. Das Glasperlenspiel.Hermann Hesse - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 3 (2):313-320.
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