Results for 'Juárez García'

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  1.  24
    When Moral Talk Becomes Profitable.Mario I. Juarez-Garcia - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (3):281-299.
    Should businesses engage in moral talk when it becomes profitable? Due to their particular position of visibility, it is reasonable to acknowledge that businesses have specific moral duties. Some might argue that companies ought to help abandon morally repugnant norms by providing examples of alternative behaviors through advertisements. However, the moral talk of businesses might unexpectedly reinforce repugnant norms and increase social tensions in a polarized society. Then, the duty of the companies is not fulfilled when they engage in moral (...)
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    Public Servants.Mario I. Juarez-Garcia & Alexander Schaefer - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (1-2):79-110.
    Several political philosophers have recently pointed out that current electoral democracies fail to facilitate accurate and reliable feedback on the performance of public officials. Rather than rejecting democracy as a hopeless ideal, we defend an institutional reform called Service Responsibility, which introduces a superior incentive structure that better aligns the interests of citizens and public officials. Service Responsibility requires increasing or decreasing the income of public officials insofar as they succeed or fail to achieve democratically chosen goals. Later, we consider (...)
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    The administrative state.Mario I. Juarez-Garcia & David Schmidtz - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):1-5.
    There has always been a tension, in theory, between the public accountability and the professional efficiency of the agencies of the administrative state. How has that tension been handled? What would it be like for it to be well handled?
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    The Moral Incompetence of Anti-corruption Experts.Mario I. Juarez-Garcia - 2021 - Res Publica 27 (4):537-557.
    This paper studies the lessons of principled anti-corruption experts who dared to fulfill their duty of justice in highly corrupt societies, through the true story of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the former Finance Minister of Nigeria. My thesis is that when principled anti-corruption experts are epistemic trespassers, they show moral incompetence. Okonjo-Iweala shows moral incompetence in two ways: she misread the opposition to her strategies and misled other honest reformers. Both actions bungled her efforts to eradicate corruption inasmuch as they hindered the (...)
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    Exit & isolation: Rousseau’s state of nature.Mario I. Juarez-Garcia & Alexander Schaefer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-21.
    Game theory has proven useful in clarifying Hobbes’s argument that the state of nature will inevitably devolve into a state of war. Mathematically-leaning philosophers, however, have paid little attention to Rousseau’s depiction of the state of nature as a peaceful, asocial state of solitary wanderers. This paper articulates Rousseau’s critique of Hobbes in formal terms, which pinpoints two crucial issues in Hobbes’s account: the lack of an exit option and an unrealistic depiction of human nature. Building upon recent game-theoretic treatments (...)
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    Official Disobedience: Bureaucrats & Unjust Laws.Mario I. Juarez-Garcia - 2024 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 18 (3):743-763.
    A legitimate expectation in a liberal democracy is that public officials enforce the law regardless of its content; when they don’t do so, their actions tend to be publicly condemned. This expectation puts street-level bureaucrats in a moral dilemma when they consider that a certain law is unjust: either they don’t enforce the law and violate their duties to the citizenry, or they enforce it and become complicit in injustices. This paper argues for the legal permission of public officials to (...)
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  7.  26
    Should We Resurrect Institutional Corruption?Mario I. Juarez-Garcia - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (1):1-19.
    Worried that the current paradigm of political corruption (individual corruption: the misuse of public office for private gain) is too narrow to protect democratic institutions from private interests, the political theorist Dennis Thompson resurrects the premodern notion of institutional corruption, which refers to practices that undermine the purpose of political institutions. From the lenses of institutional corruption, practices such as money in political campaigns, lobbying, or wealth inequality are to be condemned and eradicated to protect democratic institutions. The goal of (...)
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    Organizational Culture and Pedagogical Management in Peru.Lucia-Viviana Patiño-García, Juan Carlos Zapata Ancajima, Priscila E. Luján-Vera, Lucy Mariella García Vilela, Richard Alejandro Aguirre Camarena, Ivett Violeta Aguilar Soto & Raquel Silva Juárez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):259-267.
    The purpose of the article was to determine the relationship between the organizational culture and the institutional management of the "Enrique López Albújar" Educational Institution, Piura. Work is worked under a quantitative approach, descriptive and correlational scope, 40 teachers participated as a sample. Among the results, it was found that there is no significant relationship between organizational culture and institutional management, which did not allow validating the research hypothesis; However, a significant relationship between norms and customs with institutional management was (...)
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  9. Detection of Executive Performance Profiles Using the ENFEN Battery in Children Diagnosed With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Ignasi Navarro-Soria, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, José Manuel García-Fernández, Carlota González-Gómez, Marta Real-Fernández, Marta Sánchez-Múñoz de León & Rocío Lavigne-Cervan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children and adolescents. People who have this disorder are characterized by presenting difficulties in the processes of sustained attention, being very active, and having poor control of their impulses. Despite the high prevalence of this disorder and the existence of various tests used for its diagnosis, few data are available regarding the usefulness and diagnostic validity of these tools. Given the difficulties that these subjects present in executive functions, (...)
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    Stabilization of Two Electricity Generators.Dany Ivan Martinez, José de Jesús Rubio, Arturo Aguilar, Jaime Pacheco, Guadalupe Juliana Gutierrez, Victor Garcia, Tomas Miguel Vargas, Genaro Ochoa, David Ricardo Cruz & Cesar Felipe Juarez - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    In this research, a sliding mode regulator with sine mapping is suggested for the stabilization of electricity generators being affected by magnet interaction nonlinearities and generator nonlinearities. To reach this goal, our suggested regulator has the following contributions: it starts from the sliding mode regulator with the modifications that the saturation mapping is used to reach a smoother performance instead of the signum mapping, and the sine mapping is applied to reach an upper bound in the proportional gain error, it (...)
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    Practicing Accountability, Challenging Gendered State Resistance: Feminist Legislators and Feminicidio in Mexico.Paulina García-Del Moral - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (5):844-868.
    In the late 1990s, Mexican feminists mobilized transnationally to demand state accountability for the feminicidios of women in Ciudad Juarez. Feminicidio refers to the misogynous killing of women and the state’s complicity in this violence by tolerating it with impunity. Drawing on debates of the Mexican Federal Congress and interviews with feminist state and non-state actors, I examine feminist legislators’ response to transnational activism, which was to pass the “General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence” and (...)
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    Promoción de la salud mediante medios digitales durante la pandemia.María Constanza Lidia Gutiérrez Sánchez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-14.
    El quehacer docente durante la pandemia, llevo hacer cambios en su metodología de trabajo, la experiencia en aula virtual de la asignatura de microbiología involucra a los alumnos de quinto semestre del área de la salud, de la preparatoria licenciado Benito Juárez García. En ésta el alumno debe aprender a investigar, diseñar y poner en marcha una propuesta de difusión sobre la etiología y prevención de enfermedades causadas por microorganismos. Por lo que, debido a la contingencia sanitaria la difusión fue (...)
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    Learning strategies, an additional pinch to learning.María Constanza Lidia Gutiérrez Sánchez & Laura Martínez Pedraza - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (5):1-13.
    This research presents an analysis of the learning strategies employed by students during confinement due to Covid-19 in the year 2021. The study sample consisted of 200 students from the Licenciado Benito Juárez García high school of the morning shift of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. A survey was applied to measure the degree of satisfaction in relation to their use and impact on the acquisition of knowledge, allowing them to be more self-taught.The results show that the hypothesis was (...)
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    Dwelling the Natural Spaces in Sexed Bodies: Gender and Environmental Responsability.Marta I. González García - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729).
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    Financiación y futuro, claves para un equilibrio.Rafael Sariego García - 2005 - Arbor 180 (710):353-361.
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    «Secularización» y «post-secularización»: Ambigüedades, paradojas y desafíos para el cristianismo.Ricardo Marcelino Rivas García - 2013 - Mayéutica 39 (88):275-296.
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  17. Contribuciones filosóficas de ockham a la formación Del concepto de razón pública.Miguel Ángel Ruiz García - 2009 - Escritos 17 (38):54-74.
    En este artículo el autor realiza una interpretación del libro Sobre el gobierno tiránico del papa del filósofo medieval Guillermo de Ockham. En la exposición se ofrecen argumentos para justificar varias tesis: la primera, desmontar el prejuicio de que la ilustración moderna abandonó o canceló los contenidos y el procedimiento hermenéutico del pensamiento medieval. La segunda consiste en postular que en el libro citado se encuentran las raíces filosóficas de algunos conceptos centrales del pensamiento político y moral del liberalismo moderno (...)
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    Combining genetic algorithms and the finite element method to improve steel industrial processes.A. Sanz-García, A. V. Pernía-Espinoza, R. Fernández-Martínez & F. J. Martínez-de-Pisón-Ascacíbar - 2012 - Journal of Applied Logic 10 (4):298-308.
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    AGV fuzzy control optimized by genetic algorithms.J. Enrique Sierra-Garcia & Matilde Santos - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):955-970.
    Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) are an essential element of transport in industry 4.0. Although they may seem simple systems in terms of their kinematics, their dynamics is very complex, and it requires robust and efficient controllers for their routes in the workspaces. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of an intelligent controller of a hybrid AGV based on fuzzy logic. In addition, genetic algorithms have been used to optimize the speed control strategy, aiming at improving efficiency and (...)
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    Los instrumentos y su contexto. El caso de la Marina española en el siglo XVIII.Manuel Sellés García - 2005 - Endoxa 1 (19):137.
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    The development of chicana feminist discourse, 1970-1980.Alma M. Garcia - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (2):217-238.
    The years between 1970 and 1980 represented a formative period in the development of Chicana feminist thought in the United States. During this period, Chicana feminists addressed the specific issues affecting Chicanas as women of color in the United States. As a result of their collective efforts in struggling against racial, class, and gender oppression, Chicana feminists developed an ideological discourse that addressed three major issues. These were the relationship between Chicana feminism and the ideology of cultural nationalism, feminist baiting (...)
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  22.  36
    Aragüés Estragués, J. M.: "De la vanguardia al Cyborg. Aproximaciones al paradigma postmoderno".Amanda Núñez García - 2016 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49:271-273.
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    Sobre as origens da crítica da tecnologia na teoria social: Georg Simmel e a autonomia da tecnologia.José Luís Garcia - 2007 - Scientiae Studia 5 (3):287-336.
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    Bases para una interpretación de Gentile a partir de (su) Vico.Alfonso Zúnica García - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
    El presente trabajo se propone determinar un criterio con que interpretar de modo global el desarrollo del pensamiento de Giovanni Gentile. Su caracterización como pensador neohegeliano no da razón del sentido global de su filosofía ni de sus efectivos puntos de partida ni de los pensadores con los que directamente se midió. El trabajo hace ver que, con Donato Jaja, su maestro universitario, la tradición idealista iniciada por Bertrando Spaventa se separa definitivamente de la interpretación de Hegel y se constituye (...)
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    Evaluación de satisfacción de los estudiantes sobre las clases virtuales.Isaac Bautista, Giulianna Carrera, Emily León & Daniel Laverde - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):5-12.
    Las clases virtuales son una modalidad de estudio a distancia que ha sido aplicadas por más de 10 años. Son utilizadas principalmente en universidades para abarcar las necesidades de sus estudiantes que no pueden acceder al sistema presencial. Al encontrarnos en una emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, la aplicación de las clases virtuales alrededor del mundo se volvió una obligación para precautelar la vida de los estudiantes. Es por esto que la población universitaria tuvo que adaptarse a nuevas condiciones de (...)
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    A pure theory of democracy.Antonio García-Trevijano - 2009 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    The author builds a realistic theory of democracy to end the false idea that corruption, state crime, and public immorality are democracy's products, not the natural and inevitable fruits of oligarchic regimes. Important theories of the state and constitution exist, but none can be called a theory of democracy.
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    Disability: Societal Responses to Difference and Interdisciplinary Interventions by Bioethicists.Sandra Anderson Garcia - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):62-63.
    (2001). Disability: Societal Responses to Difference and Interdisciplinary Interventions by Bioethicists. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 62-63.
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  28. El diálogo dramático en el Apocalipsis De Ezequiel, el trágico, a Juan, el vidente de Patmos.Lourdes Garcia Urena - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (1):23-56.
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    Francisco de Vitoria y Luis de Molina: personalismo y personalidad.Marcelino Ocaña García - 1989 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 7:150-161.
    En este artículo abordo los dos argumentos más frecuentemente aducidos en defensa del principio de composicionalidad y muestro que la versión de los mismos ofrecida por Fodor y Lepore malinterpreta la productividad y la sistematicidad de los lenguajes humanos; ello les conduce a una posición atomista y representacionalista acerca del significado y los conceptos. Defiendo que un enfoque pragmatista del lenguaje y el pensamiento no sólo es compatible con la composicionalidad, sino que ofrece una explicación más adecuada de la sistematicidad (...)
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  30. Endurantism, presentism, and the problem of temporary intrinsics.Yanssel Garcia - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (4):573-584.
    The most common form of endurantism takes enduring objects to be wholly located at every time they occupy. Such a view is believed to give rise to a problem concerning intrinsic change. My laptop may have been shut before, but it is currently open. Yet, if we understand endurantism as above, then my laptop is in possession of two contradictory properties: the shapes of being open and shut. This problem is known as the “problem of temporary intrinsics,” and, to avoid (...)
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    Embodied Coordination and Psychotherapeutic Outcome: Beyond Direct Mappings.Enara García & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Religious Reasons in Politics: Some Problems for the Free Marketplace Model.Camilo Andres Garcia - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (5):601-625.
    In this paper, I critique a popular yet seldom recognized theory of the political role of religious reasons. According to this theory, the Free Marketplace model, laws may be justified on religious reasons as long as such laws do not impinge on rights. I argue that this theory is internally contradictory and can only be defended by either accepting normatively unacceptable consequences, or resorting to ad hoc distinctions between compelling and non-compelling legal justifications.
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    Institutional Proxy Agency: A We-Mode Approach.Miguel Garcia-Godinez - 2023 - In Miguel Garcia-Godinez & Rachael Mellin (eds.), Tuomela on Sociality. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 151–176.
    Proxy agency is the capacity of individuals and groups to act for other individuals or groups in specific social transactions. For example, a legal team acts as a proxy for a client in a courtroom, or the Prime Minister acts as a proxy for the UK Government when attending international meetings, etc. Although a very common social phenomenon, it has not yet received enough philosophical treatment. Currently, the most developed account of this capacity is Ludwig’s proxy agency in collective action. (...)
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  34.  13
    Argument and Verb Meaning Clustering From Expression Forms in LSE.José M. García-Miguel & María del Carmen Cabeza-Pereiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Languages use predicates and arguments to express events and event participants. In order to establish generalizations concerning the variety languages show regarding the strategies for discerning some arguments from the others, the concept of roles—and, particularly, macroroles, mesoroles, and microroles—associated with participants provides a widely studied starting point. In this article, the formal properties in the arguments of a set of 14 verb meanings in Spanish Sign Language have been analyzed. Arguments have been studied by considering their microroles, and a (...)
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    La teología política de Calvino.Marta Garcia-Alonso - 2008 - Barcelona, España: Anthropos.
    En el quinto centenario de su nacimiento, esta monografía ofrece una nueva interpretación de la teología política calviniana, analizando sus textos clave a la luz de los antecedentes conceptuales y de las circunstancias prácticas en que Calvino los escribió. Se analiza así el sentido político que originalmente tuvieron sus ideas sobre la predestinación, el voluntarismo divino, la interpretación bíblica, la ética protestante, la disciplina eclesiástica o la obediencia al príncipe cristiano. ¿De qué modo contribuyó el protestantismo a la Modernidad secular? (...)
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    ¿Qué significa una «Iglesia en salida»? La Teología Pastoral del papa Francisco.Juan Pedro García Maestro - 2022 - Salmanticensis 69 (1):161-180.
    El programa del Papa Francisco es la reforma de la Iglesia en salida misionera. Una Iglesia en salida se descentra, porque se centra en Cristo por la conversión, y en el ser humano por la misión. Dado que el discípulo com- parte la vida con la Persona, y la misión de Jesús, la conversión a Él lleva a parti- cipar de su misión. Esta es la figura del discípulo misionero. Solo si se está cen- trado en Dios es posible ir (...)
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    Regional Analysis of Poverty in Ecuador: Sensitivity to the Choice of Equivalence Scales.Diego F. García-Vélez, Leidy D. Quezada-Ruiz, María del Cisne Tituaña-Castillo & María de la Cruz del Río-Rama - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Economies of scale and equivalent consumption units, which are present in households, must be considered in the measurement of monetary poverty, in order to obtain indicators that approximate the reality of each household. Therefore, in this research, monetary poverty in Ecuador is measured and analyzed at the provincial level for the period 2009–2016. It works with data from the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment and the INEC methodology is used to measure poverty, but per-capita income is replaced by (...)
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    Tito Livio Y maquiavelo. Roma: De la constitución monárquica a la republicana.Roberto García Jurado - 2022 - Polis 18 (1):7-23.
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    Los últimos silencios de una casa.García Yero Olga - 2019 - Argos 6 (17):51-64.
    Análisis del poema, Últimos días de una casa, de la escritora Dulce María Loynaz. Desde una perspectiva de lo descriptivo y lingüístico que permita al lector acercarse a una de las más sobresalientes poetisas del siglo XX, ganadora del Premio Nobel de Literatura.
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  40. Singular Causation without Dispositions.María José García-Encinas - 2011 - Theoria 26 (1):35-50.
    Is singular causation best understood within a dispositionalist framework? Although a positive answer has not yet been wholly developed, different philosophers have made some positive contributions suggesting that it is. Against these suggestions, I claim that any possible account of singular causation in terms of real, irreducible, dispositions conveys unsolvable flaws in its very metaphysical foundations.
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  41. Abriendo la historia, abriendo la enseñanza. Una aproximación al proyecto OpenLIVES/ Open history, open teaching. An approach to the project OpenLIVES.Pedro García-Guirao & Katherine Borthwick - 2012 - Caracteres. Estudios Culturales y Críticos de la Esfera Digital 1 (2):159-165.
    El proyecto OpenLIVES (Learning Insights from the Voices of Émigrés) se encargará de digitalizar y publicar materiales de todo tipo que documenten las experiencias de los emigrantes españoles, sobre todo por tierras francesas, alemanas e inglesas durante un período de tiempo que abarca las décadas de los 50, 60 y 70, y su posterior retorno a España; toda la información recogida será reutilizada en forma de recursos educativos en abierto. Estas fuentes primarias sobre el tema de la migración, obtenidas a (...)
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    De la mística del número al rigor de la idea: sobre la prehistoria del saber occidental.José Antonio García-Junceda - 1975 - Madrid: Fragua.
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  43. Introduction.Jaine Echeverría García - 2024 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 142 (142):7-11.
    La obra psicoanalítica de Sigmund Freud no ha perdido vigencia. Ya sea que se le utilice como un método terapéutico; como una vía para pensar al ser humano en su dimensión psíquica, consciente e inconsciente, e interpretar sus acciones; o como una manera de explicar la cultura y los comportamientos colectivos, los textos freudianos siguen constituyendo un referente explicativo de variados fenómenos intrapsíquicos y psicosociales. En este sentido, constituye una institución que debe seguir explotándose.
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  44. Lectura crítica y humor gráfico del exilio español en el México de mediados del s. XX.Pedro García-Guirao & Elena del Pilar Jiménez Pérez - 2023 - In Javier de Santiago Guervós, Teresa Fernández Ulloa & Miguel Soler Gallo (eds.), Cine, literatura y otras artes al servicio de las ideologías. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 197-214.
    El propósito de este trabajo es el de analizar semiótica, estructural, estética e históricamente las caricaturas divulgadas en una de las mayores publicaciones de la prensa afín al Partido Comunista de España en México, esto es, "España Popular" (fundada en 1940 con el nombre de "España Popular: semanario al servicio del pueblo español"). Para ello, se tomará como punto de partida metodológico las dos tareas principales que Piero Polidoro otorga a la semiótica visual: La primera es explicar qué es y (...)
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    Labrar el cosmos: Lilian Silburn y el discontinuismo.Erika Natlia Molina García - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:91-111.
    En este artículo exploramos el rol del cuerpo en las filosofías de la India gracias a los trabajos de Lilian Silburn, focalizándonos en la idea de labrar el cosmos, véase de performances somáticas que poseen relevancia cosmológica. Comenzamos profundizando en su biografía, para luego estudiar sus análisis del pensamiento védico antiguo, el brāhmaṇa, el upanişad, y el budismo. De esta manera, recorremos diversos desarrollos conceptuales propios de estas tradiciones, intentando comprender las constantes tensiones entre lo discontinuo y lo continuo, lo (...)
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  46. Éthique de l’accompagnement – Une approche existentielle, par Jacques Quintin (2020).Marion Garcia - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (1):122-123.
    This report highlights how Jacques Quintin’s Ethique de l’accompagnement – Une approche existentielle enables an understanding of the relationship with the Other, and in particular the caregiver-patient relationship, in an ethical way. This book demonstrates that the role of the caregiver lies in supporting the sick person and their entourage in order to guide them in a process of reflection, self-examination, deliberation and decision making on the question of their own existence and self-understanding. This work is a remarkable development, but (...)
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  47. «The Ground Rots Equally Everywhere»: Federica Montseny and those who Returned to Die in the Francoist Spain.Pedro García-Guirao - 2013 - In Sharif Gemie & Scott Soo (eds.), Coming Home? Vol. 1: Conflict and Return Migration in the Aftermath of Europe’s. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 70-88.
    On 6 January 1963, the same day as Spanish children were excitedly waking up to discover their presents from the Three Wise Men, the well. known Spanish anarchist and former Minister of Health, Federica Montseny, published an emotionally charged and nostalgic article in the Spanish anarchist exilic periodical L'Espoir. In the article, entitled "The New Year", Montseny reflected a similar sense of expectation as she asked rhetorically for something she had been expecting for twenty-four years: "What is the greatest fortune (...)
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    La aportación de la Defensa a la Marca España.Mª Del Mar Hidalgo García - 2014 - Arbor 190 (765):a102.
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    Tolerancia, analogía y objeto de justicia en la teoría internacional Rawlsiana.Facundo García Valverde - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 57:5-20.
    In this article I will argue that one of the strongest arguments for the charge of inconsistency in the international application of the rawlsian theory is defective because it establishes the false analogy between the decent hierarchical people and the reasonable comprehensive doctrines as the starting point of Rawlsian theory. Instead, I will argue that the analogy must not be thought as if it would establish comparisons between those two entities but among ways of justifying the tolerance of non-liberal conceptions. (...)
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    La Comunidad reconocida: familias, escuelas, regantes y vecinos.J. José García de la Cruz Herrero & Evaristo Prieto Novosco - 2000 - Arbor 165 (652):639-655.
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