Results for 'Juan Song'

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  1.  21
    An ERP Study of the Temporal Course of Gender–Color Stroop Effect.Yingli Li, Juan Du, Qingfang Song, Sina Wu & Lihong Liu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Pink and blue colors have been found to associate with gender stereotypes in previous Western studies. The purpose of the present study was to explore the neuropsychological processing basis of this effect in contemporary Chinese society. We presented stereotypically masculine or feminine occupation words in either pink or blue colors to Chinese college students in a modified Stroop paradigm, in which participants were asked to classify each occupation word by gender as quickly and accurately as possible. Event-related potential signals were (...)
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    Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy companied with multiple-related diseases.Ming-Ming Sun, Huan-fen Zhou, Qiao Sun, Hong-en Li, Hong-Juan Liu, Hong-lu Song, Mo Yang, Shi-hui da TengWei & Quan-Gang Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:964550.
    ObjectiveTo elucidate the clinical, radiologic characteristics of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) associated with the other diseases.Materials and methodsClinical data were retrospectively collected from hospitalized patients with LHON associated with the other diseases at the Neuro-Ophthalmology Department at the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital (PLAGH) from December 2014 to October 2018.ResultsA total of 13 patients, 24 eyes (10 men and 3 women; mean age, 30.69 ± 12.76 years) with LHON mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, were included in the cohort. 14502(5)11778(4)11778 (...)
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    The Effect of Negative Feedback on Positive Beliefs in Self-Deception.Juan Liu, Wenjie Zhang, Youlong Zhan, Lixin Song, Peipei Guan, Dan Kang, Jie Jian, Ronghua Cai & Mei Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Lattice Structures of Approximation Operators Based on L-Fuzzy Generalized Neighborhood Systems.Qiao-Ling Song, Hu Zhao, Juan-Juan Zhang, A. A. Ramadan, Hong-Ying Zhang & Gui-Xiu Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Following the idea of L -fuzzy generalized neighborhood systems as introduced by Zhao et al., we will give the join-complete lattice structures of lower and upper approximation operators based on L -fuzzy generalized neighborhood systems. In particular, as special approximation operators based on L -fuzzy generalized neighborhood systems, we will give the complete lattice structures of lower and upper approximation operators based on L -fuzzy relations. Furthermore, if L satisfies the double negative law, then there exists an order isomorphic mapping (...)
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  5. Self-reported sleep duration mitigates the association between inflammation and cognitive functioning in hospitalized older men.Joseph M. Dzierzewski, Yeonsu Song, Constance H. Fung, Juan C. Rodriguez, Stella Jouldjian, Cathy A. Alessi, Elizabeth C. Breen, Michael R. Irwin & Jennifer L. Martin - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    MNEs’ Ambidexterity Strategies and Moral Conflicts: The Case of Google in China.Shuxin Zhong, Xiaoyang Zhao & Juan Song - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):781-796.
    Multinational enterprises (MNEs) must often address moral conflicts given their responsibilities to meet conflicting demands from diverse stakeholders in transnational operations. Thus, this study constructs a comprehensive theoretical framework to understand the co-evolution between MNEs’ ambidexterity strategies and moral conflicts by incorporating studies on institutional theory and strategic management. Through a longitudinal case study, we find that the balance of three dimensions of ambidexterity strategies influences the content and intensity of MNEs’ moral conflicts by shaping the dual structure of stakeholders (...)
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  7. volume 6]. Song Yuan juan.Song Wei & Dong Huifang zhu - 2017 - In Zhirong Zhu (ed.), Zhongguo shen mei yi shi tong shi =. Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  8. volume 5]. Song Liao Jin Yuan juan (shang-xia).Ben Juan Zhu Bian Zou Qichang - 2017 - In Fa Zhang (ed.), Zhongguo mei xue jing dian =. Beijing Shi: Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Song dai Cheng Zhu li xue guan xue di wei yan jiu.Juan Li - 2009 - Changchun: Dongbei shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    本书共分六章, 内容包括: 宋代官学发展的变化和需求; 程朱理学的官学教育活动; 理学式书院对南宋官学的扩充和借鉴; 理学教育理念和教材对官学教育的影响; 理学教育的多途径传播等.
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    Bad Healthy State Compress Temporal Extension Both in Past and Future Orientations.Jia Zhou, Xingping Han, Juan Fan, Pan Feng, Jingjing Song, Guangyu Jiang & Yong Zheng - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  11. Song xue yuan yuan ji: er juan.Fan Jiang - 1985 - [Taipei]: Ming wen shu ju. Edited by Jian Tang.
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  12. v. 5]. Song Yuan juan.Chen Lai zhu - 2010 - In Yijie Tang & Zhonghua Li (eds.), Zhongguo ru xue shi. Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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  13. v. 5.Song Jin Yuan juan.Pan Liyong, Lu Qingxiang, Zhang Hui & Wu Shubo zhu - 2014 - In Lang Ye & Liangzhi Zhu (eds.), Zhongguo mei xue tong shi =. Nanjing Shi: Jiangsu ren min chu ban she.
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  14. volume 5]. Song Jin Yuan juan.Li Fei zhu - 2017 - In Fanren Zeng, Haiwen Qi & Yanshun Liu (eds.), Zhongguo mei yu si xiang tong shi. Jinan Shi: Shandong ren min chu ban she.
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  15. v. 5]. Song Yuan juan.Wang Zeying zhu - 2014 - In Kailin Tang, Zeying Wang, Hengtian Gao, Peichao Li & Bin Li (eds.), Zhonghua min zu dao de sheng huo shi. Shanghai Shi: Zhongguo chu ban ji tuan, Dong fang chu ban zhong xin.
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    Cha tu ben Zhongguo gu dai si xiang shi.Dawei Zhu (ed.) - 2006 - Nanning Shi: Guangxi ren min chu ban she.
    [v. 1] Xian Qin juan -- [v. 2] Qin Han juan -- [v. 3] Wei Jin Nan Bei Chao juan -- [v. 4] Sui Tang Wu Dai juan -- [v. 5] Song Liao Xi Xia Jin Yuan juan -- [v. 6] Ming Qing juan.
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    Feng Youlan wen ji.Youlan Feng - 2008 - Changchun Shi: Changchun chu ban she. Edited by Hanming Shao & Zhongliang Zhang.
    Di 1 juan. San song tang zi xu -- di 2-3 juan. Zhongguo zhe xue shi -- di 4-5 juan. Zhen yuan liu shu -- di 6 juan. Zhongguo zhe xue jian shi [translation of Short history of Chinese philosophy] -- di 7-9 juan. Zhongguo zhe xue shi xin bian -- di 10 juan. Zhe xue lun wen ji.
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  18. A Well-Founded Solution to the Generality Problem.Juan Comesaña - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 129 (1):27-47.
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    Some thoughts about the evolution of LADS, with special reference to TOM and SAM.Juan-Carlos Gomez - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher (eds.), Language and Thought: Interdisciplinary Themes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 76--93.
  20. El tratamiento agustiniano del problema del mal: una vindicación frente a las crí­ticas secularistas.Juan Hernández - 2009 - Signos Filosóficos 11 (21):169-184.
    Resumen: El problema del mal sigue inquietando la conciencia humana, lo que hace indispensable revisar las fuentes de nuestro entendimiento de esa terrible dificultad. Agustí­n de Hipona suele ser considerado el primer filósofo en encarar este problema desde una perspectiva sistemática. Sin embargo, la solución privacionista que presentó, siguiendo directrices neoplatónicas, es considerada como un artefacto más teológico que filosófico. La solución agustiniana, de enorme influencia en la historia de la filosofí­a, ha sido acusada de ser una concepción metafí­sica y (...)
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    El personalismo de Gandhi.Juan María Parent Jacquemin - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.), El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 140.
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    Whitington, Jerome: Anthropogenic Rivers. The Production of Uncertainty in Lao Hydropower.Juan M. Del Nido - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):545-546.
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    Para comprender a Jacques Maritain: un ensayo histórico-crítico.Juan Manuel Burgos - 2006 - Madrid: Fundación Emmanuel Mounier.
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  24. Evidence of evidence is evidence.Juan Comesaña & Eyal Tal - 2015 - Analysis 75 (4):557-559.
    Richard Feldman has proposed and defended different versions of a principle about evidence. In slogan form, the principle holds that ‘evidence of evidence is evidence’. Recently, Branden Fitelson has argued that Feldman’s preferred rendition of the principle falls pray to a counterexample related to the non-transitivity of the evidence-for relation. Feldman replies arguing that Fitelson’s case does not really represent a counterexample to the principle. In this note, we argue that Feldman’s principle is trivially true.
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    Zhongguo li dai mei xue wen ku.Lang Ye (ed.) - 2003 - Beijing Shi: Gao deng jiao yu chu ban she.
    [1] Xian Qin juan (shang) -- [2] Xian Qin juan (xia) -- [3] Qin Han juan -- [4] Wei Jin Nan Bei chao juan (shang) -- [5] Wei Jin Nan Bei chao juan (xia) -- [6] Sui Tang Wu dai juan (shang) -- [7] Sui Tang Wu dai juan (xia) -- [8] Song Liao Jin juan (shang) -- [9] Song Liao Jin juan (xia) -- [10] Yuan dai juan (...)
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  26. Normative Requirements and Contrary-to-Duty Obligations.Juan Comesaña - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy 112 (11):600-626.
    I argue that normative requirements should be interpreted as the conditional obligations of dyadic deontic logic. Semantically, normative requirements are conditionals understood as restrictors, the prevailing view of conditionals in linguistics. This means that Modus Ponens is invalid, even when the premises are known.
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    Anglo-American and European Personalism.Juan M. Burgos - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (3):483-495.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the differences between the Idealist personalism present in Britain and America, and the Realist personalism, proper to all the different branches of European or Continental Personalism: dialogic, communitarian, phenomenological, classical ontological, and modern ontological. After making clear that not all the British personalists are idealists, but mainly those linked to personal idealism, we will discuss whether we can speak of personalism in a similar sense as idealistic and realistic personalism. Secondly, we will (...)
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    Validez ejemplar, sentido común y universalismo: um estudio sobre la ejemplaridad en Kant y en la retórica aristotélica.Juan Carlos Castro Hernandez - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):33-54.
    Resumen: Una de las nociones más controvertidas dentro de las interpretaciones contemporáneas de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar, es la de “sentido común”. Junto a éste, Kant propuso un nuevo modelo de validez normativa calificada como “ejemplar”, cuyo planteamiento resulta bastante problemático. El presente artículo propone una lectura y una interpretación de este tipo de validez, a partir de la reactualización realizada por Alessandro Ferrara, y desde el horizonte de la tradición retórica, representada por Aristóteles Con ello se (...)
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    The use of the ‘materiality argument’ in the literature on computer simulations.Juan M. Durán - 2013 - In Juan M. Durán & Eckhart Arnold (eds.), Computer simulations and the changing face of scientific experimentation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 76-98.
  30. Can We Believe for Practical Reasons?Juan Comesaña - 2015 - Philosophical Issues 25 (1):189-207.
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  31. The Just Price: Three Insights from the Salamanca School.Juan Manuel Elegido - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):29-46.
    In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, members of the Salamanca School engaged in a sustained and sophisticated discussion of the issue of just prices. This article uses their contribution as a point of departure for a consideration of justice in pricing which will be relevant to current-day circumstances. The key theses of members of this school were that fairness of exchanges should be assessed objectively, that the fair price of an article is one equal to its ‘value’, and that the (...)
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    Contra la mayoría: libertad, democracia y razón de Estado.Juan Miguel Piquer - 2009 - Palma: Ediciones La Lucerna.
    En su actuación, los estados poderosos traspasan frecuentemente los límites de la moral y del derecho, escudándose, confiésenlo o no, en alguna versión de la vieja máxima de que el fin justifica los medios. Los autores y promotores de las transgresiones recurren sistemáticamente a la legitimidad democrática de la que gozan para justificar sus acciones. Se presentan como meros defensores y ejecutores de la voluntad popular y alegan su obligación de mantener incólume el orden estatal y de preservar las condiciones (...)
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  33. Multiculturalism.Sarah Song - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Inhibition of return.Juan Lupiáñez - 2010 - In Anna C. Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull (eds.), Attention and Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 17--34.
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    Professionalism from the apprentice's perspective.Juan Carlos Batlle - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):11 – 12.
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    (1 other version)Trees for truth.Juan Barba - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):71-99.
    This papers aims to analyse sentences of a self-referential language containing a truth-predicate by means of a Smullyan-style tableau system. Our analysis covers three variants of Kripke's partial-model semantics (strong and weak Kleene's and supervaluational) and three variants of the revision theory of truth (Belnap's, Gupta's and Herzberger's).
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    (1 other version)Structural functions of harmony.Juan José Olives - 1985 - Theoria 1 (1):321-325.
  38. Terapia génica:¿ por qué persevera?Juan Manuel Torrres - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):203-206.
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  39. Explaining simulated phenomena. A defense of the epistemic power of computer simulations.Juan M. Durán - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Stuttgart
  40. Espiritualidad y literatura: una relación tormentosa.Juan Liscano Velutini - 1976 - Barcelona: Seix Barral.
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    Rita Felski & Stephen Muecke (2020).Latour and the Humanities.Juan M. Zaragoza - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (2):551-554.
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    Brain fingerprints along the language hierarchy.Juan Zhang, Liping Zhuang, Jiahao Jiang, Menghan Yang, Shijie Li, Xiangrong Tang, Yingbo Ma, Lanfang Liu & Guosheng Ding - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:982905.
    Recent studies have shown that the brain functional connectome constitutes a unique fingerprint that allows the identification of individuals from a group. However, what information encoded in the brain that makes us unique remains elusive. Here, we addressed this issue by examining how individual identifiability changed along the language hierarchy. Subjects underwent fMRI scanning during rest and when listening to short stories played backward, scrambled at the sentence level, and played forward. Identification for individuals was performed between two scan sessions (...)
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    El servicio económico-político como culto antifetichista. Aproximación a la «obra temprana» de Enrique Dussel desde la perspectiva de la «ética arqueológica».Juan Matías Zielinski - 2017 - Franciscanum 59 (167):77.
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    Toda esa fuerza. Derrida o la interpretación democrática de Heidegger.Juan Evaristo Valls Boix - 2020 - Otrosiglo 4 (2):06-28.
    En Creazione e anarchia, Giorgio Agamben distingue dos posiciones divergentes en la filosofía contemporánea heredera del pensamiento de Heidegger. Mientras que califica de “interpretación anárquica” el trabajo de Reiner Schürmann y el suyo propio, designa como “interpretación democrática” el trabajo de Jacques Derrida. El propósito del presente estudio consiste en valorar el alcance de estas designaciones, que se basan en los distintos sentidos de arché como origen y como principio, para comprender en qué medida puede resultar de interés para la (...)
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  45. Conceptions of the mind... that do not loose sight of Logic.Juan José Acero Fernández - 2003 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 18 (1):17-26.
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    La real, absoluta y necesaria contingencia y falta de razón de toda cosa El pensamiento de Quentin Meillassoux.Juan Antonio Negrete - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):47-59.
    Quentin Meillassoux es un joven filósofo al que ya algunos consideran una estrella en el firmamento del pensamiento contemporáneo. Es el cabeza de fila de una nueva concepción filosófica, el “Realismo Especulativo”, que se pretende una revolución respecto de toda o prácticamente toda la filosofía habida desde Kant. Su obra principal, hasta ahora, es el libro Après la finitude, lo que podríamos traducir por “Después de la finitud”, y que lleva por subtítulo “Ensayo acerca de la necesidad de la contingencia”. (...)
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  47. Lógica dialéctica y lógica formal.Juan David García Bacca - 1970 - Dianoia 16 (16):144.
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  48. El contacto natural.Juan Enrique Bolzán - 1987 - Filosofia Oggi 10 (3):423-429.
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    Materiales para la crítica de la filosofía del estado.Juan Ramón Capella - 1976 - Barcelona: Editorial Fontanella.
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    La enseñanza de la filosofía en la época colonial.Juan Chiabra - 1916 - Buenos Aires,: Impr. de Coni hermanos. Edited by Luis José Chorroarín & Elías del Carmen.
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