Results for 'Judy R. Van Doorn'

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  1.  25
    The quest for knowledge transfer efficacy: blended teaching, online and in-class, with consideration of learning typologies for non-traditional and traditional students.Judy R. Van Doorn & John D. Van Doorn - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  2. Effects of motor programming on the power spectral density function of writing movements.G. Van Galen, R. Van Doorn & L. Schomaker - 1989 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 16:755-765.
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  3. Non-realist cognitivism and different versions of moral truth without ontology.Maarten Van Doorn - manuscript
    Under review at Canadian Journal of Philosophy. This paper does five things: (1) It provides an analysis of meta-ethical Non-Realist Cognitivism. (2) It assesses two arguments in favour of the view which have been largely overlooked in analyses so far. (3) It argues that different proponents of the view offer crucially different strategies for vindicating moral objectivity without the metaphysical commitments of traditional non-naturalism. (4) Contrary to other commentators, it argues for the no-truthmaker interpretation of Parfit’s view. (5) It argues (...)
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  4. Morality Foundation for Competent Professionals.G. J. van Doorn - 2022 - In Désirée Verweij, Peter Olsthoorn & Eva van Baarle (eds.), Ethics and Military Practice. Leiden Boston: Brill.
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  5. Women's adab in the pesantren : gendering virtues and contesting normative behaviors.Nelly van Doorn-Harder - 2019 - In Robert Thomas Rozehnal & Thomas B. Pepinsky (eds.), Piety, politics, and everyday ethics in Southeast Asian Islam: beautiful behavior. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  6. The visual contour in depth.A. J. van Doorn, J. J. Koenderink, A. M. L. Kappers & J. Todd - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 39-40.
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    Waarom we beter denken dan we denken.Maarten van Doorn - 2023 - Noordboek Uitgeverij.
    Genomineerd voor de Socratesbeker 2024. De mens is irrationeel. Verliefd op zijn eigen gelijk. Doof voor feiten argumenten. Verblind door honderden denkfouten. Een makkelijke prooi voor nepnieuws. Gevangen in filterbubbels. Zo is het heersende idee. Maar klopt het wel? In dit boek verweeft filosoof Maarten van Doorn de jongste inzichten uit de psychologie, communicatiewetenschappen, filosofie en politicologie. Hij neemt ons mee op een reis langs verrassende onderzoeksresultaten en scherpzinnige filosofen en geeft nieuwe antwoorden op dringende vragen: Waarom geloven we (...)
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  8. The skeptical import of motivated reasoning: A closer look at the evidence.Maarten van Doorn - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (1):1-31.
    Central to many discussions of motivated reasoning is the idea that it runs afoul of epistemic normativity. Reasoning differently about information supporting our prior beliefs versus information contradicting those beliefs, is frequently equated with motivated irrationality. By analyzing the normative status of belief polarization, selective scrutiny, biased assimilation and the myside bias, I show this inference is often not adequately supported. Contrary to what’s often assumed, these phenomena need not indicate motivated irrationality, even though they are instances of belief-consistent information (...)
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    Sentient Flesh: Thinking in Disorder, Poiesis in Black.R. A. Judy - 2020 - Duke University Press.
    In _Sentient Flesh _R. A. Judy takes up freedman Tom Windham’s 1937 remark “we should have our liberty 'cause... us is human flesh" as a point of departure for an extended meditation on questions of the human, epistemology, and the historical ways in which the black being is understood. Drawing on numerous fields, from literary theory and musicology, to political theory and phenomenology, as well as Greek and Arabic philosophy, Judy engages literary texts and performative practices such as (...)
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  10. Levenskunst en hoop-Twee revitaliserende factoren bij peritoneaal dialysepatiënten.Karin Janssen van Doorn - 2011 - Filosofie En Praktijk 32 (3):36.
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  11. Maatschappelijke werkelijkheid en economische wetenschap. Filosofische analyses van een verstoorde relatie.Frans J. M. van Doorne & Jack J. Vromen - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (2):345-346.
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  12. Accuracy-based partisan epistemology: How partisanship can moderate the influence of communicated information on the beliefs of agents aiming to form true beliefs.Maarten Van Doorn - manuscript
    Under review at Social Epistemology. The normative status of partisan of epistemology has been the subject of much recent philosophical attention. It is often assumed that partisan epistemology is evidence of directionally motivated reasoning in which concerns about group membership override concerns about accuracy. I outline an alternative account which seeks to explain the data assuming people are motivated by accuracy. I argue that this theory offers a superior explanation of partisan epistemology than alternative social-benefits theories of the phenomenon. Since (...)
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  13. By Which We May Be Judged: Moral Epistemology, Mind-Independent Truth Conditions And Sources Of Normativity.Maarten Van Doorn - 2022 - Dissertation, Central European University
    Many hope that our values, purged of messy human contingency, could aspire to correspond with mind-independent, rationally obligatory, and eternal ethical facts. But if the arguments of this thesis are on the right track, we should reject the search for non-natural and mind-independent moral truths.
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  14. Ecological optics and the creative eye.Jan J. Koenderink, Andrea J. Van Doorn, Larry Arend & Heiko Hecht - 2002 - In D. Heyer (ed.), Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception. John Wiley and Sons.
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  15. Verleg meta-ethische aandacht van metafysica naar praktisch redeneren.Maarten van Doorn - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (3):329-334.
    In dit artikel wordt de dominante metafysische oriëntatie in de hedendaagse meta-ethiek kritisch onder de loep genomen. Het hedendaagse debat, dat zich voornamelijk richt op de vraag hoe moraliteit metafysisch gezien 'in de werkelijkheid past', wordt gekenmerkt door een reeks complexe en soms esoterische discussies die, zo wordt betoogd, weinig bijdragen aan ons filosofische begrip van ethiek. Deze focus op metafysische grondslagen heeft geleid tot een tunnelvisie, waarin het debat gevangen zit tussen steeds ingewikkeldere vormen van non-cognitivisme, herconceptualisaties van 'objectiviteit' (...)
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  16.  60
    The Space of Colour and the Colour of Space.Andrea van Doorn & Jan Koenderink - 2022 - Gestalt Theory 44 (1-2):27-40.
    Summary In the visual arts, the constructions of the spatial and chromatic structures of pictures can hardly be separated from each other. The phenomenological approach from the perspective of the arts provides an independent and worthwhile approach to the topic of colour and space. We address some matters of composition in design and, to some extent, in naturalistic painting. The phenomenological approach from the perspective of the arts reveals various topics that invite further investigation by the means of generic vision (...)
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  17. Light direction from shad (ow) ed random Gaussian surfaces.Jan J. Koenderink, Andrea J. van Doorn & Sylvia C. Pont - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 1405-1420.
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    Scepsis, zekere gronden en de methode Van „reflexiviteit”.R. Van Woudenberg - 1990 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 52 (2):251 - 279.
    Some statements are called reflexive. For example, the statement : „ This sentence consists of six words”. The reflexivity lies in the fact that the statement refers to itself. Reflexivity in the sense of self-reference can be used systematically as a philosophical method. Usually the use of this method (as I explain in section I) leads to some form or other of scepticism. But in addition, and this is the point of the article, this method can be used as a (...)
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  19. Exocentric directions in egocentric space.J. J. Koenderink, A. J. van Doorn & J. S. Lappin - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 62-62.
  20.  71
    Bayes, time perception, and relativity: The central role of hopelessness.Lachlan Kent, George van Doorn, Jakob Hohwy & Britt Klein - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 69:70-80.
  21.  13
    The role of play activities in facilitating child participation in psychotherapy.Frida van Doorn & Carolus van Nijnatten - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (6):761-775.
    In this double case study of child psychotherapy, we demonstrate the positive effect of children’s involvement in play activities on their verbal expression of inner emotions and cognitions. Discourse analysis of therapy sessions complemented with the therapist’s reflections show that children who have difficulty in verbalizing hard feelings and cognitions gain control of the communicative situation by getting involved in playful activities. Therapists’ verbal entrance into play can be used to negotiate the therapist–child relationship in terms of power and solidarity.
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  22.  13
    (1 other version)Can you tickle yourself if you swap bodies with someone else?George Van Doorn, Jakob Hohwy & Mark Symmons - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1-11.
    The effect of the body transfer illusion on the perceived strength of self- and externally-generated “tickle” sensations was investigated. As expected, externally generated movement produced significantly higher ratings of tickliness than those associated with self-generated movements. Surprisingly, the body transfer illusion had no influence on the ratings of tickliness, suggesting that highly surprising, and therefore hard to predict, experiences of body image and first-person perspective do not abolish the attenuation of tickle sensations. In addition, evidence was found that a version (...)
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  23.  33
    Unpacking Functional Experience Complementarities in Senior Leaders’ Influences on CSR Strategy: A CEO–Top Management Team Approach.Marko Reimer, Sebastiaan Van Doorn & Mariano L. M. Heyden - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):977-995.
    In this study, we examine the influence of senior leadership on firms’ corporate social responsibility. We integrate upper echelons research that has investigated either the influence of the CEO or the top management team on CSR. We contend that functional experience complementarity between CEOs and TMTs in formulating and implementing CSR strategy may underlie differentiated strategies in CSR. We find that when CEOs who have predominant experience in output functions are complemented by TMTs with a lower proportion of members who (...)
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  24.  50
    Anger and Prosocial Behavior.Janne van Doorn, Marcel Zeelenberg & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (3):261-268.
    Anger is often primarily portrayed as a negative emotion that motivates antagonistic, aggressive, punitive, or hostile behavior. We propose that this portrayal is too one-sided. A review of the literature on behavioral consequences of anger reveals evidence for the positive and even prosocial behavioral consequences of this emotion. We outline a more inclusive view of anger and its role in upholding cooperative and moral behavior, and suggest a possible role of equity concerns. We also suggest new predictions and lines of (...)
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  25.  26
    How Partisanship Can Moderate the Influence of Communicated Information on the Beliefs of Agents Aiming to Form True Beliefs.Maarten van Doorn - 2025 - Social Epistemology 39 (1):24-39.
    Partisan epistemology – individuals granting greater credibility to co-partisan sources in evaluating information – is often taken to be evidence of directionally motivated reasoning in which concerns about group membership override concerns about accuracy. Against this dominant view, I outline a novel accuracy-based account of this mode of reasoning. According to this account, partisan epistemology stems from the inference that co-partisans are more likely to be right as they have superior epistemic access to the relevant facts and seek to realize (...)
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  26.  28
    Plerosis and Atomic Gestalts.Baingio Pinna, Andrea van Doorn & Jan Koenderink - 2017 - Gestalt Theory 39 (1):30-53.
    Summary Franz Brentano, 1838–1917, introduced the intriguing concept of “plerosis” in order to account for aspects of the continuum that were “explained” by formal mathematics in ways that he considered absurd from the perspective of intuition, especially visual awareness and imagery. In doing this, he pointed in directions later developed by the Dutch mathematician Luitzen Brouwer. Brentano’s notion of plerosis involves distinct though coincident points, which one might call “atomic entities with parts”. This notion fits the modern concepts of “receptive (...)
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  27. Merricks, Tr., Truth and Ontology.R. Van Woudenberg - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (2):406.
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    Attenuated self-tickle sensation even under trajectory perturbation.George Van Doorn, Bryan Paton, Jacqui Howell & Jakob Hohwy - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:147-153.
  29. Advancing the debate on the consequences of misinformation: clarifying why it’s not (just) about false beliefs.Maarten van Doorn - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1.
    The debate on whether and why misinformation is bad primarily focuses on the spread of false beliefs as its main harm. From the assumption that misinformation primarily causes harm through the spread of false beliefs as a starting point, it has been contended that the problem of misinformation has been exaggerated. Its tendency to generate false beliefs appears to be limited. However, the near-exclusive focus on whether or not misinformation dupes people with false beliefs neglects other epistemic harms associated with (...)
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  30. Reduction, Emergence and Other Recent Options on the Mind/Body Problem: A Philosophical Overview.R. Van Gulick - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (9-10):1-34.
    Though most contemporary philosophers and scientists accept a physicalist view of mind, the recent surge of interest in the problem of consciousness has put the mind/body problem back into play. The physicalists' lack of success in dispelling the air of residual mystery that surrounds the question of how consciousness might be physically explained has led to a proliferation of options. Some offer alternative formulations of physicalism, but others forgo physicalism in favour of views that are more dualistic or that bring (...)
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    Anger, Feelings of Revenge, and Hate.Janne van Doorn - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (4):321-322.
    In the current comment, I discuss what is unique about hate in relation to anger and feelings of revenge. It seems that hate can be distinguished from the related emotions anger and feelings of revenge by a difference in focus: Anger focuses on changing/restoring the unjust situation caused by another person, feelings of revenge focus on restoring the self, and hatred focuses on eliminating the hated person/group. Though grounded in existing literature, future research is needed to empirically confirm the unique (...)
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    Emotion and the construal of social situations: Inferences of cooperation versus competition from expressions of anger, happiness, and disappointment.Evert A. Van Doorn, Marc W. Heerdink & Gerben A. Van Kleef - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):442-461.
    The notion that emotional expressions regulate social life by providing information is gaining popularity. Prior research on the effects of emotional expressions on observers’ inferential processes has focused mostly on inferences regarding the personality traits of the expresser, such as dominance and affiliation. We extend this line of research by exploring the possibility that emotional expressions shape observers’ construal of social situations. Across three vignette studies, an interaction partner's expressions of anger, compared to expressions of happiness or disappointment, led observers (...)
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  33.  18
    (1 other version)Misinformation, observational equivalence and the possibility of rationality.Maarten van Doorn - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    In vice epistemology, bad epistemic outcomes, such as maintaining false beliefs, are interpreted as indicators of blameworthy irrationality. Conversely, a growing trend in philosophical psychology advocates for environmentalist explanations, suggesting these outcomes emerge because rational cognitive processes of faultless individuals falter due to polluted environmental inputs. Building on concrete examples, I first offer a systematic analysis of the relative explanatory merits of that environmentalist project. I then use this analysis to advance the rationality debate, which has recently been identified as (...)
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    Deriving meaning from others’ emotions: attribution, appraisal, and the use of emotions as social information.Evert A. van Doorn, Gerben A. van Kleef & Joop van der Pligt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:145633.
    Emotional expressions constitute a rich source of information. Integrating theorizing on attribution, appraisal processes, and the use of emotions as social information, we examined how emotional expressions influence attributions of agency and responsibility under conditions of ambiguity. Three vignette studies involving different scenarios indicate that participants used information about others’ emotional expressions to make sense of ambiguous social situations. Expressions of regret fueled inferences that the expresser was responsible for an adverse situation, whereas expressions of anger fueled inferences that someone (...)
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  35.  41
    Measures of Prägnanz?Baingio Pinna, Andrea van Doorn & Jan Koenderink - 2018 - Gestalt Theory 40 (1):7-28.
    Summary Prägnanz was suggested by Max Wertheimer in the 1920s as subsuming all “Laws of Gestalt” as they apply to visual awareness. Thus, it assumes a prominent position in any account of Gestalt phenomena. From a phenomenological perspective, some visual stimuli evidently “have more Prägnanz” than others, so Prägnanz seems to be an intensive quality. Here, we investigate the intricacies that need to be faced on the way to a definition of formal scales. Such measures naturally depend both upon the (...)
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  36. Optimality Theoretic and Game Theoretic Approaches to Implicatures.R. Van Rooij - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Decoupling of Haptic Components Suggests that Somatosensory Percepts are Differentially Processed in Working Memory.Notaras Michael, Van Doorn George & Symmons Mark - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Systema Temporis: A time-based dimensional framework for consciousness and cognition.Lachlan Kent, George Van Doorn & Britt Klein - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73 (C):102766.
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    Picasso in the mind’s eye of the beholder: Three-dimensional filling-in of ambiguous line drawings.Jan Koenderink, Andrea van Doorn & Johan Wagemans - 2012 - Cognition 125 (3):394-412.
  40.  28
    Prosocial consequences of third-party anger.Janne van Doorn, Marcel Zeelenberg, Seger M. Breugelmans, Sebastian Berger & Tyler G. Okimoto - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (4):585-599.
    Anger has traditionally been associated with aggression and antagonistic behavior. A series of studies revealed that experiences of third-party anger can also lead to prosocial behavior. More specifically, three studies, hypothetical scenarios as well as a behavioral study, revealed that third-party anger can promote compensation of the victim. The results also showed a preference for such prosocial behaviors over antagonistic behaviors. We conclude that behaviors stemming from anger, whether antagonistic or prosocial, are reactions to inequity, albeit determined by the constraints (...)
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  41. Morele meningsverandering: eerherstel voor de rede.Maarten van Doorn - 2022 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 114 (1):42-48.
    In dit artikel betwist ik het gangbare idee dat de rede ontoereikend is voor morele motivatie, met name in relatie tot universele ethische kwesties. Door een uitgebreide verkenning van de Dual-Process Theory (DPT) stel ik dat onze morele intuïties zowel trainbaar zijn als een inherente neiging hebben naar universalistische overwegingen. Ik betoog dat sociale rechtvaardiging en de drang naar rationele argumentatie een cruciale rol spelen in het vormen en veranderen van onze morele standpunten. Concluderend pleit ik voor een herwaardering van (...)
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    Rede, religie en de mogelijkheid Van christelijke filosofie.R. Van Woudenberg - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (2):267 - 296.
    This paper deals with Dooyeweerd's radical thesis, i.e., his thesis that reason necessarily has a 'religious root' (radix = root). This thesis was Dooyeweerd's main justification for his own religious philosophy. First I argue that the arguments Dooyeweerd puts forward do not warrant his radical thesis. Secondly, I argue that Dooyeweerd's thesis itself is ambivalent between the theses (i) that religious commitments form the transcendental conditions for philosophical thinking and (ii) that religious commitments are constitutive for philosophy and (iii) that (...)
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  43.  79
    A Tension in Some Non-Naturalistic Explanations of Moral Truths.Maarten Van Doorn - 2023 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 23 (68):181-197.
    Recently, there has been some excitement about the potential explanatory payoffs the newish metaphysical notion of grounding seems to have for metaethical non-naturalism. There has also been a recent upsurge in the debate about whether non-naturalism is implausibly committed to some acts being wrong because of some sui generis piece of ontology. It has, in response, been claimed that once we have a clear enough picture of the grounding role of moral laws on non-naturalism, this is not (objectionably) so. This (...)
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  44. Gestalten uit de Perzische Mystiek.R. Van Brakell Buys - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):60-61.
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  45. Nederland, een requiem? Nationale staten in postnationale context.R. Van Loosbroek - 2003 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 43 (3):28-38.
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    (1 other version)Mind-Independent Values Don’t Exist, But Moral Truth Does.Maarten Van Doorn - 2017 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 25 (1):5-24.
    The falsity of moral claims is commonly deduced from two tenets: that they presuppose the existence of objective values and that these values don’t exist. Hence, the error theory concludes, moral claims are false. In this paper, I put pressure on the image of human morality that is presupposed in moving from the non-existence of objective values to the falsity of moral claims. I argue that, while, understood in a certain way, the two premises of the error theory are correct, (...)
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    An exploration of third parties’ preference for compensation over punishment: six experimental demonstrations.Janne van Doorn, Marcel Zeelenberg & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (3-4):333-351.
    Research suggests that to restore equity, third parties prefer compensation of a victim over the punishment of a perpetrator. It remains unclear, however, whether this preference for compensation is stable or specific to certain situations. In six experimental studies, we find that adjustments in the characteristics of the situation or in the available behavioral options hardly modify the preference of compensation over punishment. This preference for compensation was found even in cases where punishment might refrain a perpetrator from acting unfairly (...)
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    (1 other version)Is het de moeite waard? De karakteristieken en effectiviteit van partijwebsites in de campagne voor de Nederlandse gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2010.R. Vliegenthart & G. van Noort - 2010 - Res Publica (Misc) 52 (3):315-333.
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    Grammatical agreement and set in learning at two age levels.James G. Martin, Judy R. Davidson & Myrna L. Williams - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (6):570.
  50. The Lean Theorem Prover.Leonardo de Moura, Soonho Kong, Jeremy Avigad, Floris Van Doorn & Jakob von Raumer - unknown
    Lean is a new open source theorem prover being developed at Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University, with a small trusted kernel based on dependent type theory. It aims to bridge the gap between interactive and automated theorem proving, by situating automated tools and methods in a framework that supports user interaction and the construction of fully specified axiomatic proofs. Lean is an ongoing and long-term effort, but it already provides many useful components, integrated development environments, and a rich API (...)
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