Results for 'Juliette Bachelard'

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  1.  11
    Le matérialisme rationnel.Gaston Bachelard - 1953 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    "Entre la connaissance commune et la connaissance scientifique, la rupture nous paraît si nette que ces deux types de connaissance ne sauraient avoir la même philosophie. L'empirisme est la philosophie qui convient à la connaissance commune. Au contraire, la connaissance scientifique est solidaire du rationalisme et, qu'on le veuille ou non, le rationalisme est lié à la science, le rationalisme réclame des buts scientifiques. Par l'activité scientifique, le rationalisme connaît une activité dialectique qui enjoint une extension constante des méthodes". Voici (...)
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    Bachelard and Nietzsche on the Philosopher.Gaston Bachelard & Freidrich Nietzsche - 1999 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 14 (3):24-24.
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    Logicality and model classes.Juliette Kennedy & Jouko Väänänen - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):385-414.
    We ask, when is a property of a model a logical property? According to the so-called Tarski–Sher criterion this is the case when the property is preserved by isomorphisms. We relate this to model-theoretic characteristics of abstract logics in which the model class is definable. This results in a graded concept of logicality in the terminology of Sagi [46]. We investigate which characteristics of logics, such as variants of the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, Completeness theorem, and absoluteness, are relevant from the logicality (...)
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    Everyday anxious doubt.Juliette Vazard - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-19.
    In this article I examine the role of anxiety in our motivation to reassess our epistemic states, by taking as a starting point a proposal put forward by Levy, according to which anxiety is responsible for the ruminations and worries about threatening possibilities that we sometimes get caught up into in our everyday life. Levy’s claim is that these irrational persistent thoughts about possible states of affairs are best explained by anxiety, rather than by beliefs, degrees of belief, or other (...)
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    Sartrean ethics.Juliette Simont & Christina Howells - 1992 - In Christina Howells (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Sartre. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 179--210.
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    Feeling the Unknown: Emotions of Uncertainty and Their Valence.Juliette Vazard - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1275-1294.
    For creatures like us, entertaining possible future scenarios of how our life might play out is often accompanied or “charged” with emotions like hope and anxiety. What will interest me in this article is whether the epistemic profile of hope and anxiety, and in particular the fact that they are directed at uncertain outcomes, might pose a threat to the stability of their valence. Hope and anxiety are not emotions which relate us to evaluative properties of actual events, they relate (...)
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  7.  84
    Set Theory, Arithmetic, and Foundations of Mathematics: Theorems, Philosophies.Juliette Kennedy & Roman Kossak (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction Juliette Kennedy and Roman Kossak; 2. Historical remarks on Suslin's problem Akihiro Kanamori; 3. The continuum hypothesis, the generic-multiverse of sets, and the [OMEGA] conjecture W. Hugh Woodin; 4. [omega]-Models of finite set theory Ali Enayat, James H. Schmerl and Albert Visser; 5. Tennenbaum's theorem for models of arithmetic Richard Kaye; 6. Hierarchies of subsystems of weak arithmetic Shahram Mohsenipour; 7. Diophantine correct open induction Sidney Raffer; 8. Tennenbaum's theorem and recursive reducts James (...)
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    Critical Studies/Book Reviews.Juliette Kennedy - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica.
  9.  7
    La philosophie du non: essai d'une philosophie du nouvel esprit scientifique.Gaston Bachelard - 1980 - Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pour Gaston Bachelard, le « non » signifie dépasser et compléter le savoir antérieur, la philosophie de la connaissance scientifique doit englober les contradictions. Il établit le profil épistémologique de l’évolution, du réalisme naïf au surrationalisme en passant par le rationalisme classique et élargit le domaine de l’intuition à ce qu’il appelle une « intuition travaillée»s’exerçant dans un espace non analytique.
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    More on Regular Reduced Products.Juliette Cara Kennedy & Saharon Shelah - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (4):1261 - 1266.
    The authors show. by means of a finitary version $\square_{\lambda D}^{fin}$ of the combinatorial principle $\square_\lambda^{h*}$ of [7]. the consistency of the failure, relative to the consistency of supercompact cardinals, of the following: for all regular filters D on a cardinal A. if Mi and Ni are elementarily equivalent models of a language of size $\leq \lambda$ , then the second player has a winning strategy in the Ehrenfeucht- $Fra\uml{i}ss\acute{e}$ game of length $\lambda^{+}$ on $\pi_{i} M_{i}/D$ and $\pi_{i} N_{i}/D$ . (...)
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  11. Essential complexity of the philosophy of science: An outline (Slovene translation of Bachelard's essay).G. Bachelard - 2000 - Filozofski Vestnik 21 (1):197-206.
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    The philosophy of no.Gaston Bachelard - 1968 - New York,: Orion Press.
  13.  96
    Identity Talk of Aspirational Ethical Leaders.Juliette Koning & Jeff Waistell - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (1):65-77.
    This study investigates how business leaders dynamically narrate their aspirational ethical leadership identities. In doing so, it furthers understanding of ethical leadership as a process situated in time and place. The analysis focuses on the discursive strategies used to narrate identity and ethics by ethnic Chinese business leaders in Indonesia after their conversion to Pentecostal–charismatic Christianity. By exploring the use of metaphor, our study shows how these business leaders discursively deconstruct their ‘old’ identities and construct their ‘new’ aspirational identities as (...)
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  14.  44
    Kurt gödel.Juliette Kennedy - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  15.  25
    Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays.Juliette Kennedy (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The logician Kurt Gödel published a paper in 1931 formulating what have come to be known as his 'incompleteness theorems', which prove, among other things, that within any formal system with resources sufficient to code arithmetic, questions exist which are neither provable nor disprovable on the basis of the axioms which define the system. These are among the most celebrated results in logic today. In this volume, leading philosophers and mathematicians assess important aspects of Gödel's work on the foundations and (...)
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  16.  80
    The poetics of reverie.Gaston Bachelard - 1969 - New York,: Orion Press.
    In Poetics of Reverie he considers the absolute origins of that imagery: language, sexuality, childhood, the Cartesian ego, and the universe.
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  17. The Formation of the Scientific Mind: A Contribution to a Psychoanalysis of Objective Knowledge.Gaston Bachelard & Mary McAllester Jones - 2002 - Clinamen Press.
    Gaston Bachelard is one of the indespensable figures in the history of 20th-century ideas. The broad scope of his work has had a lasting impact in several fields - notable philosophy, architecture and literature.
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    The Hahn-Banach Property and the Axiom of Choice.Juliette Dodu & Marianne Morillon - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (3):299-314.
    We work in set theory ZF without axiom of choice. Though the Hahn-Banach theorem cannot be proved in ZF, we prove that every Gateaux-differentiable uniformly convex Banach space E satisfies the following continuous Hahn-Banach property: if p is a continuous sublinear functional on E, if F is a subspace of E, and if f: F → ℝ is a linear functional such that f ≤ p|F then there exists a linear functional g : E → ℝ such that g extends (...)
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    La contradiction dans l’ Organon d’Aristote.Juliette Lemaire - 2008 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 58 (3):3-21.
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  20. The Rise of French Personalism.Juliette Carnus - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (3):261.
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    L’appel à la violence : réseaux sociaux et activisme d’extrême droite.Juliette Grange - 2025 - Cités 100 (4):213-222.
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    Présentation.Juliette Grange & François Frimat - 2012 - Cités 52 (4):7.
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    Pour une philosophie de l'écologie.Juliette Grange - 2012 - Paris: Pocket.
    La nature, l'environnement sont au centre des préoccupations de tous, mais peinent à entrer dans le discours politique sous une forme cohérente. Mouvement contestataire et libertaire - particulièrement en France - l'écologie politique manque de bases théoriques, préfère les déclarations d'éthique au travail législatif, met en doute l'efficience des institutions et dénonce parfois de manière irréaliste la technique, les sciences, l'industrie. Ce livre intègre la dimension écologique à la philosophie politique moderne et particulièrement à un républicanisme rénové. La protection de (...)
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    'That Devil Curiosity Which Too Much Haunts the Minds of Women': Eliza Haywood's Female Spectators.Juliette Merritt - 1997 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 16:131.
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    Connecting theories of personality dynamics and mental computational processes.Juliette L. Ratchford & Eranda Jayawickreme - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e39.
    Whole Trait Theory (and other dynamic theories of personality) can illuminate the process by which motivational states become traits. Mental computational processes constitute part of the explanatory mechanisms that drive trait manifestations. Empirical work on Whole Trait Theory may inform future research directions on mental computational processes.
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  26. The Psychoanalysis of Fire.G. BACHELARD - 1964
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    (1 other version)L'activité rationaliste de la physique contemporaine.Gaston Bachelard - 1951 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    En 32 romans, publiés entre 1934 et 1982, cet auteur d'origine australienne a élaboré autour de son protagoniste principal, l'inspecteur Roderick Allen de Scotland Yard, un ensemble de romans policiers d'enquête dans la meilleure tradition britannique.
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    Losing the light at the end of the tunnel: Depression, future thinking, and hope.Juliette Vazard - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (1):39-51.
    Is the capacity to experience hope central to our ability to entertain desirable future possibilities in thought? The ability to project oneself forward in time, or to entertain vivid positive episodic future thoughts, is impaired in patients with clinical depression. In this article, I consider the causal relation between, on the one hand, the loss of the affective experience of hope in depressed patients, and on the other hand, the reduced ability to generate and entertain positive episodic future thinking. I (...)
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    Inner models from extended logics: Part 1.Juliette Kennedy, Menachem Magidor & Jouko Väänänen - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (2):2150012.
    If we replace first-order logic by second-order logic in the original definition of Gödel’s inner model L, we obtain the inner model of hereditarily ordinal definable sets [33]. In this paper...
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  30.  56
    The New Scientific Spirit.Gaston Bachelard - 1984 - Beacon Press.
    Examines the changes during the twentieth century in the views of mathematics, physics, and the scientific method and discusses the role of the mind in science.
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    Is Hope More Like Faith or More Like Worry? in advance.Juliette Vazard - forthcoming - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
    There has been a renewed interest in the role of hope for our ability to act rationally under uncertainty, where accounts have tended to focus on either one of two (apparently contradictory) aspects of this attitude. On the one hand, like faith, hope is viewed as an attitude which grants us resolve and determination to continue striving towards uncertain goals. On the other hand, like worry, hope is also viewed as a process in which we cognitively engage with possible futures, (...)
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  32. (Un)reasonable doubt as affective experience: obsessive–compulsive disorder, epistemic anxiety and the feeling of uncertainty.Juliette Vazard - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6917-6934.
    How does doubt come about? What are the mechanisms responsible for our inclinations to reassess propositions and collect further evidence to support or reject them? In this paper, I approach this question by focusing on what might be considered a distorting mirror of unreasonable doubt, namely the pathological doubt of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Individuals with OCD exhibit a form of persistent doubting, indecisiveness, and over-cautiousness at pathological levels (Rasmussen and Eisen in Psychiatr Clin 15(4):743–758, 1992; Reed in Obsessional (...)
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    Gödel, Tarski and the Lure of Natural Language: Logical Entanglement, Formalism Freeness.Juliette Kennedy - 2020 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Is mathematics 'entangled' with its various formalisations? Or are the central concepts of mathematics largely insensitive to formalisation, or 'formalism free'? What is the semantic point of view and how is it implemented in foundational practice? Does a given semantic framework always have an implicit syntax? Inspired by what she calls the 'natural language moves' of Gödel and Tarski, Juliette Kennedy considers what roles the concepts of 'entanglement' and 'formalism freeness' play in a range of logical settings, from computability (...)
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  34.  13
    Le pluralisme cohérent de la chimie moderne.Gaston Bachelard - 1973 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Sans proposer une simple histoire de la chimie, cet ouvrage de Gaston Bachelard se propose de developper, a l'occasion des progres de la chimie moderne, une lecture philosophique de cette evolution, autour d'une idee articulant dialectiquement deux directions distinctes : la pensee du chimiste semble osciller entre le pluralisme d'une part et la reduction de la pluralite d'autre part. C'est dire que Bachelard se propose ici de caracteriser le soubassement philosophique de la pensee epistemologique promue par la recente (...)
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    Études.Gaston Bachelard - 2002 - Vrin.
    J'etudie! Je ne suis que le sujet du verbe etudier. Penser je n'ose. Avant de penser, il faut etudier. Seuls les philosophes pensent avant d'etudier. Dans son dernier livre La flamme d'une chandelle, Gaston Bachelard s'est defini comme un etudiant. Nous n'avons pas cru lui etre infidele en presentant ces Etudes reflechies, qui portent trace d'itineraires de recherche et de problematiques. Sont ici rassembles les textes suivants: Noumene et microphysique, La critique du concept de frontiere epistemologique, Idealisme discursif, Lumiere (...)
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  36. Systèmes et apories du système dans La Promenade du sceptique de Diderot.Juliette Fabre - 2017 - In Sophie Marchand, Élise Pavy-Guilbert & Michel Delon (eds.), L'esprit de système au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Hermann.
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  37. Epistemic Anxiety, Adaptive Cognition, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Juliette Vazard - 2018 - Discipline Filosofiche 2 (Philosophical Perspectives on Af):137-158.
    Emotions might contribute to our being rational cognitive agents. Anxiety – and more specifically epistemic anxiety – provides an especially interesting case study into the role of emotion for adaptive cognition. In this paper, I aim at clarifying the epistemic contribution of anxiety, and the role that ill-calibrated anxiety might play in maladaptive epistemic activities which can be observed in psychopathology. In particular, I argue that this emotion contributes to our ability to adapt our cognitive efforts to how we represent (...)
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    (1 other version)La poétique de l'espace.Gaston Bachelard - 1957 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    L’originalité de la philosophie de Bachelard tient à la place donnée, dans ses recherches, à l’imagination et à la poésie. En proposant « de considérer l’imagination comme une puissance majeure de la nature humaine », il a ainsi ouvert de nouveaux espaces de méditation et de réflexion philosophiques dont s’inspirent encore de nombreux philosophes.
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    Aesthetics and the Dream of Objectivity: Notes from Set Theory.Juliette Kennedy & Jouko Väänänen - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (1):83-98.
    In this paper, we consider various ways in which aesthetic value bears on, if not serves as evidence for, the truth of independent statements in set theory.... the aesthetic issue, which in practice will also for me be the decisive factor—John von Neumann, letter to Carnap, 1931For me, it is the aesthetics which may very well be the final arbiter—P. J. Cohen, 2002.
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    Moral esthétique, morale militante.Juliette Simont - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (1):23-58.
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    On regular reduced products.Juliette Kennedy & Saharon Shelah - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1169-1177.
    Assume $\langle \aleph_0, \aleph_1 \rangle \rightarrow \langle \lambda, \lambda^+ \rangle$ . Assume M is a model of a first order theory T of cardinality at most λ+ in a language L(T) of cardinality $\leq \lambda$ . Let N be a model with the same language. Let Δ be a set of first order formulas in L(T) and let D be a regular filter on λ. Then M is $\Delta-embeddable$ into the reduced power $N^\lambda/D$ , provided that every $\Delta-existential$ formula true (...)
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  42.  71
    Intuition of the Instant.Gaston Bachelard - 2013 - Northwestern University Press. Edited by Jean Lescure & Eileen Rizo-Patron.
    The instant -- The problem of habit and discontinuous time -- The idea of progress and the intuition of discontinuous time -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: "Poetic instant and metaphysical instant" by Gaston Bachelard -- Appendix B: Reading Bachelard reading Siloe: an excerpt from "Introduction to Bachelard's poetics" by Jean Lescure -- Appendix C: A short biography of Gaston Bachelard.
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    Regular ultrafilters and finite square principles.Juliette Kennedy, Saharon Shelah & Jouko Väänänen - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):817-823.
    We show that many singular cardinals λ above a strongly compact cardinal have regular ultrafilters D that violate the finite square principle $\square _{\lambda ,D}^{\mathit{fin}}$ introduced in [3]. For such ultrafilters D and cardinals λ there are models of size λ for which Mλ / D is not λ⁺⁺-universal and elementarily equivalent models M and N of size λ for which Mλ / D and Nλ / D are non-isomorphic. The question of the existence of such ultrafilters and models was (...)
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    Regular Ultrapowers at Regular Cardinals.Juliette Kennedy, Saharon Shelah & Jouko Väänänen - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (3):417-428.
    In earlier work by the first and second authors, the equivalence of a finite square principle $\square^{\mathrm{fin}}_{\lambda,D}$ with various model-theoretic properties of structures of size $\lambda $ and regular ultrafilters was established. In this paper we investigate the principle $\square^{\mathrm{fin}}_{\lambda,D}$—and thereby the above model-theoretic properties—at a regular cardinal. By Chang’s two-cardinal theorem, $\square^{\mathrm{fin}}_{\lambda,D}$ holds at regular cardinals for all regular filters $D$ if we assume the generalized continuum hypothesis. In this paper we prove in ZFC that, for certain regular filters (...)
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    Écofascisme et écologie intégrale ou l’utilisation de l’urgence écologiste par les extrémismes de droite.Juliette Grange - 2022 - Cités 4 (4):43-55.
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    Epromoters are new players in the regulatory landscape with potential pleiotropic roles.Juliette Malfait, Jing Wan & Salvatore Spicuglia - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300012.
    Precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression during normal development and cell differentiation is achieved by the combined action of proximal (promoters) and distal (enhancers) cis‐regulatory elements. Recent studies have reported that a subset of promoters, termed Epromoters, works also as enhancers to regulate distal genes. This new paradigm opened novel questions regarding the complexity of our genome and raises the possibility that genetic variation within Epromoters has pleiotropic effects on various physiological and pathological traits by differentially impacting multiple proximal and (...)
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    Devoir social, liberté et fama.Juliette Dross - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22:123-149.
    La question de la mort en général et de la mort volontaire en particulier est centrale dans l’œuvre de Sénèque, notamment dans les Lettres à Lucilius. Doublement inscrite dans la tradition stoïcienne et dans l’éthique romaine traditionnelle, la pensée de Sénèque sur le suicide renouvelle ces deux traditions : d’un point de vue général, tout en insistant, dans la tradition stoïcienne, sur la nécessaire rationalité du suicide, les Lettres accentuent le lien entre suicide, devoir social et liberté et soulignent la (...)
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    Les acheteurs des cratères corinthiens.Juliette de la Genière - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):83-90.
    L'étude des formes, celle des thèmes figurés sur les vases grecs ne sont pas sépara ble· d'une connaissance aussi précise que possible des lieux et des conditions de trouvaille des documents considérés. On donnera ici l'exemple des cratères corinthiens dont l'iconographie aristocratique s'explique par le type de vie et l'idéologie funéraire des clients privilégiés de cette série de vases, les notables de Cerveteri.
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    Statophobie, antijuridisme et critique du libéralisme dans les dernières œuvres de Bourdieu et Foucault.Juliette Grange - 2012 - Cités 51 (3):79-96.
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  50. Can the Continuum Hypothesis be Solved?Juliette Kennedy - 2011 - The Institute Letter.
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