Results for 'Juliette Hontebeyrie'

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  1.  2
    Crise sanitaire et confinement.Juliette Hontebeyrie - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-2 (16-2):59-75.
    In France, establishments and services of assistance through work (ESAT) are medico-social establishments in which disabled workers -supervised by employees and accompanied by medico-social and educational support- carry out activities of a professional nature aimed at economic production. Echoing their normal functioning, the options chosen in ESAT in response to the upheaval caused by the health crisis of March 2020 and its subsequent generalized lockdown showed contrasting realities. Relying on various understanding of what the notion of disability covers, arguments developed (...)
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    Set Theory, Arithmetic, and Foundations of Mathematics: Theorems, Philosophies.Juliette Kennedy & Roman Kossak (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction Juliette Kennedy and Roman Kossak; 2. Historical remarks on Suslin's problem Akihiro Kanamori; 3. The continuum hypothesis, the generic-multiverse of sets, and the [OMEGA] conjecture W. Hugh Woodin; 4. [omega]-Models of finite set theory Ali Enayat, James H. Schmerl and Albert Visser; 5. Tennenbaum's theorem for models of arithmetic Richard Kaye; 6. Hierarchies of subsystems of weak arithmetic Shahram Mohsenipour; 7. Diophantine correct open induction Sidney Raffer; 8. Tennenbaum's theorem and recursive reducts James (...)
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  3. The Service Contract.Juliette Sénéchal - 2015 - In Matthias Armgardt, Patrice Canivez & Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet, Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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    Présentation.Juliette Vallejo - 2022 - Philosophie 155 (4):3-7.
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    Traduire en hexamètres français : une contradiction dans les termes?Juliette Lormier - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans Anabases. Traditions et réceptions de l'Antiquité, n° 20, 2014. Nous remercions Pascal Payen, la revue Anabases et Juliette Lormier de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : Cet article propose d'analyser deux entreprises de traduction en hexamètres français : celle des Travaux et des Jours d'Hésiode par Jean-Antoine de Baïf dans ses Étrénes de poézie fransoeze an vers mezurés, et celle de l'Iliade d'Homère par Philippe Brunet. Il s'agit de resituer ces (...)
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    Démocratie contestataire ou contestation de la démocratie?Juliette Roussin - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):369.
    Juliette Roussin | : Cet article a pour objet d’interroger la tendance actuelle des démocraties à s’entourer d’institutions indépendantes au fort degré de compétence en vue de limiter et de corriger les défaillances éventuelles des corps démocratiques élus et représentatifs. La légitimité démocratique de ces institutions contre-majoritaires leur viendrait, selon certains théoriciens de la démocratie, de ce qu’elles offrent la possibilité de contester les décisions collectives lorsque celles-ci sont mauvaises ou injustes, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration globale des performances du (...)
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    Inquiring About the Future: The Rationality of Hopefulness.Juliette Vazard - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy:1-11.
    What is epistemically required of the rationally hopeful? In this paper, I propose that, as a subject becomes hopeful that p, she also adopts an inquiring attitude toward the question of whether p. Moreover, remaining rationally hopeful requires maintaining an inquiring attitude toward those possibilities we are hopeful about. On top of being led by a particular practical goal (that of attaining p), I suggest that the hopeful agent is also led by the epistemic goal of knowing whether p. Adding (...)
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  8. Les métamorphoses de l'arbre de la philosophie, de l'ancien stoïcisme à Descartes.Juliette Dross - 2011 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 29 (2):75-96.
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    Epromoters are new players in the regulatory landscape with potential pleiotropic roles.Juliette Malfait, Jing Wan & Salvatore Spicuglia - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300012.
    Precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression during normal development and cell differentiation is achieved by the combined action of proximal (promoters) and distal (enhancers) cis‐regulatory elements. Recent studies have reported that a subset of promoters, termed Epromoters, works also as enhancers to regulate distal genes. This new paradigm opened novel questions regarding the complexity of our genome and raises the possibility that genetic variation within Epromoters has pleiotropic effects on various physiological and pathological traits by differentially impacting multiple proximal and (...)
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  10. Epistemic Anxiety, Adaptive Cognition, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Juliette Vazard - 2018 - Discipline Filosofiche 2 (Philosophical Perspectives on Af):137-158.
    Emotions might contribute to our being rational cognitive agents. Anxiety – and more specifically epistemic anxiety – provides an especially interesting case study into the role of emotion for adaptive cognition. In this paper, I aim at clarifying the epistemic contribution of anxiety, and the role that ill-calibrated anxiety might play in maladaptive epistemic activities which can be observed in psychopathology. In particular, I argue that this emotion contributes to our ability to adapt our cognitive efforts to how we represent (...)
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    Gödel, Tarski and the Lure of Natural Language: Logical Entanglement, Formalism Freeness.Juliette Kennedy - 2020 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Is mathematics 'entangled' with its various formalisations? Or are the central concepts of mathematics largely insensitive to formalisation, or 'formalism free'? What is the semantic point of view and how is it implemented in foundational practice? Does a given semantic framework always have an implicit syntax? Inspired by what she calls the 'natural language moves' of Gödel and Tarski, Juliette Kennedy considers what roles the concepts of 'entanglement' and 'formalism freeness' play in a range of logical settings, from computability (...)
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  12. (Un)reasonable doubt as affective experience: obsessive–compulsive disorder, epistemic anxiety and the feeling of uncertainty.Juliette Vazard - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6917-6934.
    How does doubt come about? What are the mechanisms responsible for our inclinations to reassess propositions and collect further evidence to support or reject them? In this paper, I approach this question by focusing on what might be considered a distorting mirror of unreasonable doubt, namely the pathological doubt of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Individuals with OCD exhibit a form of persistent doubting, indecisiveness, and over-cautiousness at pathological levels (Rasmussen and Eisen in Psychiatr Clin 15(4):743–758, 1992; Reed in Obsessional (...)
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    Démocratie, expertise et délibération : autour de Jean-Marc Narbonne, Sagesse cumulative et idéal démocratique chez Aristote.Juliette Roussin - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):269-276.
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    The organization of matter in the eighteenth century French philosophy.Juliette Carnus - 1932 - New York,: New York.
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  15. The Rise of French Personalism.Juliette Carnus - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (3):261.
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  16. Can the Continuum Hypothesis be Solved?Juliette Kennedy - 2011 - The Institute Letter.
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    Monique Legrand et Ingrid Volery (dir.), Genre et parcours de vie. Vers une nouvelle police des corps et des 'ges?Juliette Rennes - 2015 - Clio 42:263-266.
    Depuis les années 2009-2010, plusieurs revues de sciences sociales en langue française ont donné une visibilité à des enquêtes en cours articulant études sur le genre et la sexualité et sociologie du vieillissement et des parcours de vie. L’ouvrage collectif coordonné par Monique Legrand et Ingrid Voléry qui réunit des contributions de sociologues, et en nombre plus limité, de chercheuses et chercheurs en psychologie, sciences de l’information et de la communication et anthropologie, particip...
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    Using teachers' reflexive feedback to help them perceive their professional development.Juliette Renaud & Marie-Carmen Becerra - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (4):72-90.
    The educational design research movement asserts that the use of new tools or innovative devices is a powerful vector for the professional development of teachers, to the benefit of pupils' learning. It recommends that these tools be designed using a participatory approach that translates the knowledge gained from research into resources for action. The design-in-use approach shares the same presupposition. As part of our thesis work, we adopted this approach to co-design a teaching aid. With the help of a student (...)
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  19. Écrits posthumes de Sartre, II.Juliette Simont & Jean-Paul Sartre - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):802-802.
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    Everyday anxious doubt.Juliette Vazard - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-19.
    In this article I examine the role of anxiety in our motivation to reassess our epistemic states, by taking as a starting point a proposal put forward by Levy, according to which anxiety is responsible for the ruminations and worries about threatening possibilities that we sometimes get caught up into in our everyday life. Levy’s claim is that these irrational persistent thoughts about possible states of affairs are best explained by anxiety, rather than by beliefs, degrees of belief, or other (...)
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    Feeling the Unknown: Emotions of Uncertainty and Their Valence.Juliette Vazard - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1275-1294.
    For creatures like us, entertaining possible future scenarios of how our life might play out is often accompanied or “charged” with emotions like hope and anxiety. What will interest me in this article is whether the epistemic profile of hope and anxiety, and in particular the fact that they are directed at uncertain outcomes, might pose a threat to the stability of their valence. Hope and anxiety are not emotions which relate us to evaluative properties of actual events, they relate (...)
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    Is Hope More Like Faith or More Like Worry?Juliette Vazard - 2023 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):1-8.
    There has been a renewed interest in the role of hope for our ability to act rationally under uncertainty, where accounts have tended to focus on either one of two (apparently contradictory) aspects of this attitude. On the one hand, like faith, hope is viewed as an attitude which grants us resolve and determination to continue striving towards uncertain goals. On the other hand, like worry, hope is also viewed as a process in which we cognitively engage with possible futures, (...)
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  23. Syllable: typology.Juliette Blevins - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 2--333.
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  24. On embedding models of arithmetic into reduced powers.Juliette Kennedy - 2003 - Matematica Contemporanea 24 (1):91--115.
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    Voyage et anthropologie dans l'Émile de Rousseau.Juliette Morice - 2013 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 77 (1):127.
    Rousseau avait tout lieu, dans la controverse qui oppose au xviii e siècle partisans et pourfendeurs des voyages d’éducation, de prendre position contre ces voyages, suivant en cela les déclarations de Béat de Muralt, qu’il approuvait dans une large mesure. Nous constatons pourtant qu’en abordant « la question des voyages », l’auteur de l’Émile se voit obligé, tout en condamnant cette « mode », à la manière de Muralt, d’opérer un glissement théorique et de conférer à l’expérience du voyage, comme (...)
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    Sartrean ethics.Juliette Simont & Christina Howells - 1992 - In Christina Howells, The Cambridge Companion to Sartre. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 179--210.
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    Critical Studies/Book Reviews.Juliette Kennedy - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica.
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    Foreign aid and discourses of National Social Responsibility: evidence from South Korea.Juliette Schwak - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (3):302-322.
    This article analyses a recent discourse of responsibility that accompanies states’ foreign aid provision. States adopt this discourse of National Social Responsibility to show their complian...
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    The Social License: Empowering Communities and a Better Way Forward.Juliette Syn - 2014 - Social Epistemology 28 (3-4):318-339.
    The term social license is generally understood as an intangible representation of ongoing approval or acceptance of a project by affected communities, which can be withdrawn at any time, distinct from a legal or regulatory license granted by a government. This paper looks at the concept through the lens of the extractive sector in the developing world and explores the history of violations of land and human rights of indigenous and rural communities living around these resources. While corporate actors often (...)
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  30. La démocratie sans limites : corruption et publicités dans les campagnes électorales américaines.Juliette Roussin - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (1):146-166.
    Cet article analyse le risque de corruption que les arrêts Citizens United de 2010 et l’apparition des Super-PACs font peser sur le système électoral états-unien. Lors de la dernière campagne présidentielle, plus de 730 millions de dollars ont été investis dans des publicités électorales par de riches contributeurs et des entreprises privées regroupés en Super-PACs. Nous montrons que cet afflux d’argent consacré à des publicités politiques expose la démocratie américaine à trois formes de « corruption grise », en favorisant la (...)
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  31. The doxastic profile of the compulsive re-checker.Juliette Vazard - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):45-60.
    Checking is one of the most common compulsive actions performed by patients with Obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD) (APA, 2013; Abramowitz, McKay, Taylor, 2008). Incessant checking is undeniably problematic from a practical point of view. But what is epistemically wrong with checking again (and again)? The starting assumption for this paper is that establishing what goes wrong when individuals check their stove ten times in a row requires understanding the nature of the doxastic attitude that compulsive re-checkers are in, as they (...)
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    Gérard Lebrun et les Critiques de Kant: le moment de "La mort de l'homme".Juliette Simont - 2015 - Bruxelles: Édition OUSIA.
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    Stoicyzm u'Sartre a'Deleuze'a.Juliette Simont - 1996 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 11:18-32.
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    ‘This Is a Farce’: Sartrean Ethics in History, 1938–1948 – From Kantian Universalism to Derision.Juliette Simont - 2016 - Sartre Studies International 22 (1).
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    La chanson est vivante.Juliette & Pierre-Yves Monin - 2004 - Cités 19 (3):115-116.
    PIERRE-YVES MONIN. — Que dit la chanson?JULIETTE. — La chanson ne dit rien. Et la chanson peut tout dire. Cela doit dépendre de la bouche qui la fredonne et l’invente. Elle reflète peut-être le monde, la société qui l’a vue naître. Elle reflète peut-être aussi la Vérité, la vraie, celle qui sort, toute nue, de son puits. Mais elle...
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  36. Kant, Co-production, Actuality and Pedestrian Space: On the Philosophical Writings of Fred Sandback.Juliette Kennedy - 2017 - In Roman Kossak & Philip Ording, Simplicity: Ideals of Practice in Mathematics and the Arts. Springer.
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    Logicality and model classes.Juliette Kennedy & Jouko Väänänen - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):385-414.
    We ask, when is a property of a model a logical property? According to the so-called Tarski–Sher criterion this is the case when the property is preserved by isomorphisms. We relate this to model-theoretic characteristics of abstract logics in which the model class is definable. This results in a graded concept of logicality in the terminology of Sagi [46]. We investigate which characteristics of logics, such as variants of the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, Completeness theorem, and absoluteness, are relevant from the logicality (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Inner Models from Extended Logics: Part 2.Juliette Kennedy, Menachem Magidor & Jouko Vaananen - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
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    Les acheteurs des cratères corinthiens.Juliette de la Genière - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):83-90.
    L'étude des formes, celle des thèmes figurés sur les vases grecs ne sont pas sépara ble· d'une connaissance aussi précise que possible des lieux et des conditions de trouvaille des documents considérés. On donnera ici l'exemple des cratères corinthiens dont l'iconographie aristocratique s'explique par le type de vie et l'idéologie funéraire des clients privilégiés de cette série de vases, les notables de Cerveteri.
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  40. Gödel's Modernism: On Set Theoretic Incompleteness, Revisited.Juliette Kennedy - 2008 - In Sten Lindstr©œm, Erik Palmgren, Krister Segerberg & Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen, logicism, intuitionism, and formalism - What has become of them? Berlin, Germany: Springer.
  41. Man in the modern world: prominent Soviet philosophers at a round-table discussion organized by the Novosti Press Agency and the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences.Juliette Shapland (ed.) - 1988 - Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Pub. House.
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    Building context in everyday life.Juliette Rouchier, Martin O'Connor & Mélanie Requier-Desjardins - 2002 - Foundations of Science 7 (4):367-392.
    Social context is generally thought toinfluence how humans act. Here we argue thathumans rarely accept the context as it isgiven, but rather undertake conscious actionsto make it favourable. The example chosen isfrom northern Cameroon, where nomad herdsmeninduce the sedentary farmers to trust them, bydifferent means: creation of interpersonallinks, exhibition of good behaviours byrespecting certain norms. Trust is consideredas an element of the context, necessary forthem to perform acts that present a certainrisk. An attempt was made to translate one ofthe traditional (...)
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    Deux conditions de la légitimité démocratique.Juliette Roussin - 2019 - Philosophiques 46 (1):45-66.
    In this paper I argue for a dual conception of democratic legitimacy. According to this conception, political decisions and actions must have specific procedural and substantive features to be democratically legitimate. The aim of the paper is both to seek to specify the nature of these features, and to clarify how they can be articulated together. I show that the procedural and substantive components of democratic outcomes correspond to two sets of equally necessary, but not individually sufficient, conditions for democratic (...)
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    Désaccord raisonnable et démocratie.Juliette Roussin - 2021 - Archives de Philosophie 84 (4):83-101.
    Peut-on justifier l’emploi de procédures démocratiques de décision en invoquant le désaccord irrémédiable qui existe entre les citoyen·nes sur les questions sociales, de justice et de droit? Forgé par Rawls pour penser le statut des conceptions morales, philosophiques et religieuses dans une société libérale, le concept de « désaccord raisonnable » a été étendu par certain·es théoricien·nes de la démocratie, notamment Jeremy Waldron, pour englober toutes les questions politiques et juridiques. Cet article montre qu’une telle extension a des effets contre-productifs (...)
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    La démocratie épistémique : une perspective condorcétienne.Juliette Roussin - 2020 - Cahiers Philosophiques 160 (1):55-74.
    Quelles sont les implications de la philosophie de Condorcet pour les théories épistémiques de la démocratie? Ces dernières réduisent souvent l’argument épistémique de Condorcet en faveur de la démocratie au théorème du jury. Or le philosophe montre que c’est seulement quand elle devient le vecteur de l’indépendance politique, économique et intellectuelle des citoyens que ses vertus épistémiques se font jour. En se concentrant sur les procédures de décision susceptibles de favoriser de bons résultats politiques, les approches contemporaines ne proposent qu’une (...)
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    Peut-on défendre une ontologie sociale réaliste? Le réalisme de Georg Lukács au prisme du constructivisme searlien.Juliette Farjat - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):75-89.
    Cet article analyse la position réaliste de Lukács en ontologie sociale, à partir d’une comparaison avec la perspective ontologique de John Searle. Relevant de traditions théoriques que tout oppose, ces deux ontologies se rejoignent sur trois points : elles se proposent d’appréhender le social d’un point de vue ontologique ; l’enquête ontologique elle-même est conçue par les deux auteurs comme une enquête de type génétique ; et chacune de ces approches octroie une place décisive au langage dans la définition de (...)
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    Statophobie, antijuridisme et critique du libéralisme dans les dernières œuvres de Bourdieu et Foucault.Juliette Grange - 2012 - Cités 51 (3):79-96.
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    Pauline, Panthère rose avec groupe.Juliette Grimont - 2010 - Multitudes 42 (3):74.
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  49. Review of “Kurt Gödel: Das Album”,.Juliette Kennedy - 2007 - The Mathematical Intelligencer 29 (3): 73-75,.
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    Aristote, Topiques, tome II, livres V-VIII: texte établi et traduit.Juliette Lemaire - 2012 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 6 (1):1 - 6.
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