Results for 'Junren Ru'

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    Rudin's Lemma and Reverse Mathematics.Gaolin Li, Junren Ru & Guohua Wu - 2017 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 25:57-66.
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    Ethics and Ethicists in the Modern Context.Wan Junren & Yan Xin - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (2):227 - 237.
    Ethics in the modern context is under the dual pressure of scientific-technological rationality and market commercialization, which has led to breakthroughs in the original boundaries of knowledge and academic methodology. The gradual separation of the domain of public life and that of private life in modern society and the former's increasing pressure on the latter, in addition to the above dual pressure on ethics, is causing a dramatic transformation of the structure of ethical knowledge itself. All of these raise new (...)
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    How is Global Ethic Possible?Wan Junren - 2002 - Modern Philosophy 1:005.
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    Ethics and ethicists in the modern context.Junren Wan - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (2):227-237.
    Ethics in the modern context is under the dual pressure of scientific-technological rationality and market commercialization, which has led to breakthroughs in the original boundaries of knowledge and academic methodology. The gradual separation of the domain of public life and that of private life in modern society and the former’s increasing pressure on the latter, in addition to the above dual pressure on ethics, is causing a dramatic transformation of the structure of ethical knowledge itself. All of these raise new (...)
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    Sate lun li si xiang yan jiu.Junren Wan - 1988 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  6. Si xiang qian yan yu wen hua hou fang.Junren Wan - 2002 - Beijing: Dong fang chu ban she.
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    Xian dai xi fang lun li xue shi.Junren Wan - 2011 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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  8. Xian dai xing de lun li hua yu.Junren Wan - 2002 - Ha'erbin Shi: Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she.
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  9. Ḥabīb al-Shārūnī: al-ustādh al-qudwah fī al-zaman al-ḍanīn.Ḥabīb Shārūnī & Ṣafāʼ ʻAbd al-Salām ʻAlī Jaʻfar (eds.) - 2003 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  10. Ru Xin wen ji =.Xin Ru - 2005 - Shanghai: Shanghai ci shu chu ban she.
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    Art, science, and value as found in Peirce's ten trichotomies.Ru Michael Sabre - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (200):21-30.
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    Semeiotic logic or, deduction, induction, and semeiotic.Ru Michael Sabre - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):81-85.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    What reason demands.Rüdiger Bittner - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Why should we act morally? What justification is to be found in moral demands? This lucid, pithy, and eminently readable book examines the arguments in favor of the claims of moral demands to be found in contemporary ethical theory, arguments deriving from Kant's attempt to provide a foundation for morality.
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  14. Zong jiao yu dao de zhi guan xi =.Bingxiang Luo & Junren Wan (eds.) - 2003 - Beijing: Fa xing zhe Xin hua shu dian zong dian Beijing fa xing suo.
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    Improving the quality of teacher education for sustainable development of Taiwan's education system: A systematic review on the research issues of teacher education after the implementation of 12-year national basic education.Ru-Jer Wang & Yi-Haung Shih - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    To Resolve or Not To Resolve, that Is the Question: The Dual-Path Model of Incongruity Resolution and Absurd Verbal Humor by fMRI.Ru H. Dai, Hsueh-Chih Chen, Yu C. Chan, Ching-Lin Wu, Ping Li, Shu L. Cho & Jon-Fan Hu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    L’Encyclopédie « entière » ou comment mettre en relation le discours et les planches, à travers l’exemple du traitement en image et en texte d’un métier : le métier à bas.Véronique Le Ru - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (1).
    r esumo: Minha proposta é perguntar-me em que sentido a Enciclopédia é um dicionário racional das ciências, artes e ofícios. Se foram estudados, sobretudo, os dezessete volumes do texto da Enciclopédia para conhecer o estado do conhecimento no século XVIII, as ilustrações constituem um terreno de estudos muito mais abandonado e suscitam principalmente um interesse estético. Ainda, essas ilustrações tiveram um papel de primordial importância na realização da Enciclopédia. Elas tiveram um papel essencial, como tentarei mostrá-lo através do exemplo do (...)
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    Naẓārat-i hamagānī va amr bih maʻrūf va nahy az munkar.Muḥammad Ḥasan Rūzbih - 2004 - [Tihrān]: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Dānish va Andīshah-ʼi Muʻāṣir.
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    Digital technology and mediation : a challenge to activity theory.Georg Rückriem - 2009 - In Annalisa Sannino, Harry Daniels & Kris D. Gutierrez (eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 88--111.
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    Ausnahmezustand: Carl Schmitts Lehre von der kommissarischen Diktatur.Rüdiger Voigt (ed.) - 2013 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Structural Rationality and Other Essays on Practical Reason.Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In this book, the author shows that it is necessary to enrich the conceptual frame of the theory of rational choice beyond consequentialism. He argues that consequentialism as a general theory of rational action fails and that this does not force us into the dichotomy teleology vs deontology. The unity of practical reason can be saved without consequentialism. In the process, he presents insightful criticism of standard models of action and rational choice. This will help readers discover a new perspective (...)
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    Curious Case of the Vanished Coordinative Conjunction in Neo-Assyrian.Øyvind Bjøru & Na'ama Pat-El - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (2):323-338.
    While most Akkadian dialects use two coordinators, a phrase and clause level u= and a clause level =ma, in the Neo-Assyrian period both are mostly missing from native Assyrian texts. Not only is lack of overt coordination exceptional among the Semitic languages, cross-linguistically asyndeton is a rare strategy, only attested in languages with no writing tradition. In this paper, we will concentrate on u=. We sketch the various environments where u= is no longer used in Neo-Assyrian and consider what other (...)
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    Zur Rückkehr des Autors: Gespräche über das Werk Friedrich Nietzsches.Rüdiger Schmidt-Grépály (ed.) - 2013 - Göttingen: L.S.D..
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    Le scepticisme dans l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et de d'Alembert.Véronique Le Ru - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (1):75-92.
    Nous voudrions mettre en question une vision réductrice des encyclopédistes : contrairement à une représentation convenue émanant d ’ une lecture biaisée de l ’Encyclopédie due à la lunette déformante des positivistes et des scientistes du XIX e siècle, les encyclopédistes sont loin d ’ être des chantres du progrès mais développent plutôt, notamment dans le Discours préliminaire de l'Encyclopédie et les articles épistémologiques et scientifiques, une conception sceptique de l ’ esprit humain et de sa capacité à connaître l (...)
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    Peirce's ten trichotomies: Metaphor, hypothesis, and decision.Ru Michael Sabre - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (190).
  26.  34
    Staat im Wandel: Festschrift für Rüdiger Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag.Ralf Walkenhaus & Rüdiger Voigt (eds.) - 2006 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
    Inhalt Einfuhrung - Staat im Wandel. Rudiger Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag I. Konzeptualisierung und Systematisierung von Staatswandel Ralf Walkenhaus: Entwicklungslinien moderner Staatlichkeit.
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  27. Ḥuqūq-i asāsī: muqāyasavī.Muḥammad Iḥsān Rūstāmal - 1974 - Kābul: Da Kābul Pūhantūn.
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    Completing the square of opposition.Ru Michael Sabre - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (1):97-107.
    In this paper a set of categorical sentences called an antilogistic tetrad is presented as a perspective on Aristotle's square of opposition. An antilogistic tetrad is formed by collecting the premises of a pair of valid syllogisms the conclusions of which are contradictory categorical sentences. A set of such premises serves to bring together Aristotle's concern with debate and the syllogism, and as such may be seen as a way of “completing” Aristotle's analysis of the square of opposition.The debate context (...)
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    Sokrates ist nicht Sokrates: der Kampf mit dem gesunden Menschenverstand: klassische Trug- und Fangschlüsse.Horst Rüdiger - 1938 - München: Artemis-Verlag.
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    Dialektik als Topik: Bausteine zu einer lebensweltlichen Theorie der Rationalität.Rüdiger Bubner - 1990 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Western historical thinking: an intercultural debate.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    In this volume, Peter Burke, a prominent "Western" historian, offers ten hypotheses that attempt to constitute specifically "Western Historical Thinking".
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  32. The Arbitrariness Objection Against Permissivism.Ru Ye - 2019 - Episteme (4):654-673.
    The debate between Uniqueness and Permissivism concerns whether a body of evidence sometimes allows multiple doxastic attitudes towards a proposition. An important motivation for Uniqueness is the so-called ‘arbitrariness argument,’ which says that Permissivism leads to some unacceptable arbitrariness with regard to one's beliefs. An influential response to the argument says that the arbitrariness in beliefs can be avoided by invoking epistemic standards. In this paper, I argue that such a response to the arbitrariness argument is unsuccessful. Then I defend (...)
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    Zwischen Politik und Ethik.Alexander Rüstow - 1968 - Köln,: Westdeutscher Verlag. Edited by Martin Joseph Hillenbrand & Ferdinand A. Hermens.
    Politik und Moral, von A. Rüstow.--Die Staatsverfassung als moralische Anstalt betrachtet, von A. Rüstow.--Macht und Moral, von M. J. Hillenbrand.--Ethik und Aussenpolitik, von F. A. Hermens.
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    Der absolute Leser: Hans Blumenberg - ein intellektuelle Biographie.Rüdiger Zill - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Hans Blumenberg wollte allein durch seine Philosophie sprechen. Seine Person sollte den Blicken der Öffentlichkeit entzogen bleiben. Und doch ist die Lesbarkeit seiner Welt nur durch das Licht seiner Zeit und ihrer Kämpfe möglich. Unter dem Nationalsozialismus wegen seiner jüdischen Mutter verfolgt, geprägt vom katholischen Milieu seines Vaters und einem humanistischen Elitegymnasium in der Hansestadt Lübeck, ist er am Ende ein typischer Vertreter der alten Bundesrepublik. Seit frühester Jugend ein obsessiver Leser, hat er Literatur, Philosophie, Theologie, Naturwissenschaften und Zeitgeschichtliches gleichermassen (...)
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    Person und Religion: eine Darstellung der Religionsphilosophie Dietrich von Hildebrands.Ciril Rütsche - 2017 - Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
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  36. Active euthanasia: on some inconsistencies in the current debate on euthanasia.Hans Günther Ruß - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (1):11-19.
    Definition of the problem: Concerning the debate on euthanasia, a widely held position is that it should be accepted in its so-called passive and indirect form, while so-called active euthanasia should be rejected. The problem, now, is that at least some of the usual arguments to defend this view are invalid. Arguments: Three kinds of failures are examinded: First, if taken seriously, some of the arguments against active euthanasia undermine the accepted passive and indirect forms, too. For example, this is (...)
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    Ist eine philosophische Ästhetik möglich?Rüdiger Bubner - 1973 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. Edited by Konrad Cramer, Reiner Wiehl & György Lukacz.
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    Schelling und die Bibel: Philosophie und Exegese im Gespräch.Alban Rüttenauer - 2015 - Freiburg: Herder.
    Ruttenauer beschaftigt sich mit Schelling als dem sprachbegabten Philologen und leidenschaftlich interessierten Altertumsforscher, der sich in die Diskussion der damals noch jungen wissenschaftlichen Bibelauslegung einmischte, dabei aber seine philosophische Narrenfreiheit zu wahren wusste. Er tut dies vor dem Hintergrund eines an Goethe anschliessenden, fur die Kulturen aller Zeiten und Volker offenen Universalismus, der gerade fur unsere Zeit uberraschende und anregende Impulse bereithalt.
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    Paul Auster and August Brill’s solitary rooms: the spatiality of solitude.Ru Chen, Song Liu, Jiaxin Lin & Muhammad Khail Kan - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (4):183-204.
    Resumo: Para Paul Auster, um quarto é, em essência, “a própria substância da solidão”, uma solidão espacialmente definida. Nesse sentido, o fenômeno transcendeu suas limitações físicas e assumiu significado existencial e filosófico. Em seus escritos, uma sala é, antes de tudo, um espaço arquitetônico que um escritor solitário ocupa; além disso, é metaforizado como a mente que é a sala - um espaço construído intelectualmente; e, por fim, é um lugar narrado em suas histórias, onde seus personagens meditam e compõem, (...)
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  40. Fumerton's Puzzle for Theories of Rationality.Ru Ye - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):93-108.
    Richard Foley has presented a puzzle purporting to show that all attempts in trying to find a sufficient condition of rationality are doomed. The puzzle rests on two plausible assumptions. The first is a level-connecting principle: if one rationally believes that one's belief that p is irrational, then one's belief that p is irrational. The second is a claim about a structural feature shared by all promising sufficient conditions of rationality: for any such condition, it is possible that one's belief (...)
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  41. Gott als Mass menschlichen Handelns : eine biblische Orientierung.Rüdiger Lux - 2018 - In Bernd Weidmann & Thomas von Woedtke (eds.), Das menschliche Mass: Orientierungsversuche im biotechnologischen Zeitalter. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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  42. Profilo d'un umanesimo cristiano.Herbert Werner Rüssel - 1945 - Roma,: Einaudi.
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    Longitudinal Relationship Between Bullying Victimization and Depression Among Left-Behind Children: Roles of Negative Thoughts and Self-Compassion.Ru Yan, Ruibo Xie, Min Jiang, Jiayi Li, Xiuyun Lin & Wan Ding - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundLeft-behind children in China have aroused widespread concern in society and the academic field because they have a high risk of psychological problems. For left-behind children, depression is the most serious problem. Bullying victimization has been evidenced as one of the most common causes of children’s depression. However, less is known about its longitudinal association and the process for how bullying victimization influences depression among left-behind children. Thus, the presentation aims to explore the mechanisms underlying by considering the roles of (...)
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    Martin Heidegger: between good and evil.Rüdiger Safranski & Ru Diger Safranski - 1998 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    One of the century's greatest philosophers, without whom there would be no Sartre, no Foucault, no Frankfurt School, Martin Heidegger was also a man of great failures and flaws, a Faustus who made a pact with the devil of his time, Adolf Hitler. The story of Heidegger's life and philosophy, a quintessentially German story in which good and evil, brilliance and blindness are inextricably entwined and the passions and disasters of a whole century come into play, is told in this (...)
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  45. La Révélation rünciste, tous les mystères de la création dévoilés..Rünce Borg - 1966 - Saint-Cloud,: Éditions Initior.
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    Jāmiʻ al-tams̲īl.Muḥammad Jabalah Rūdī - 2011 - [Tihrān]: Markaz-i Taḥqīqāt-i Zabān va Adabīyāt-i Fārsī. Edited by Ḥasan Z̲ū al-Faqārī & Zahrā Ghulāmī.
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  47. Misleading Evidence and the Dogmatism Puzzle.Ru Ye - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):563-575.
    ABSTRACTAccording to the Dogmatism Puzzle presented by Gilbert Harman, knowledge induces dogmatism because, if one knows that p, one knows that any evidence against p is misleading and therefore one can ignore it when gaining the evidence in the future. I try to offer a new solution to the puzzle by explaining why the principle is false that evidence known to be misleading can be ignored. I argue that knowing that some evidence is misleading doesn't always damage the credential of (...)
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    Dialektik und Wissenschaft.Rüdiger Bubner - 1973 - Frankfurt am Main]: Suhrkamp.
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    La force accélératrice: un exemple de définition contextuelle dans le Traité de Dynamique de d'Alembert/Accelerative force: an example of contextual definition in d'Alembert's Traité de Dynamique.Véronique Le Ru - 1994 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 47 (3):475-494.
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  50. ber die Musik der "Anderen" sprechen: Überlegungen zu einer selbstreflexiven Musikethnologie.Rüdiger Schumacher - 2011 - In Wolfram Steinbeck & Rüdiger Schumacher (eds.), Selbstreflexion in der Musik/Wissenschaft: Referate des Kölner Symposions 2007: im Gedenken an Rüdiger Schumacher. Kassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag.
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