Results for 'Juridical function'

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  1.  10
    Functioning of linguistic, literary, philological terms as part of juridical linguistic meta-language (on example of the term “comparison”).E. L. Ziyangirova - 2022 - Liberal Arts in Russia 11 (6):462-468.
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    The Dialectical Forge: Juridical Disputation and the Evolution of Islamic Law.Walter Edward Young - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    The Dialectical Forge identifies dialectical disputation as a primary formative dynamic in the evolution of pre-modern Islamic legal systems, promoting dialectic from relative obscurity to a more appropriate position at the forefront of Islamic legal studies. The author introduces and develops a dialectics-based analytical method for the study of pre-modern Islamic legal argumentation, examines parallels and divergences between Aristotelian dialectic and early juridical jadal-theory, and proposes a multi-component paradigm—the Dialectical Forge Model—to account for the power of jadal in shaping (...)
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    Juridical and Aristotelian Modalities.Vladimir Lobovikov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:53-59.
    In “Elementa Juris Naturalis” (1671) G.W. Leibniz formulated the genius intuition about the fundamental unity of juridical and Aristotelian modalities. Interpreting and explicating this intuition by virtue of the deontic logic G.W. Wright arrived to the conclusion that the unity of modalities in question is not an equivalence relation but an analogy one. However a complement for G.W. Wright’s explication of the intuition of G.W. Leibniz was submitted. This complement was a two-valued algebra of formal-natural-law philosophy of juridical (...)
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    Louis XIV and the metaphysics of a juridical christology.Michaël Bauwens - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 84 (3):289-305.
    This paper provides a metaphysical framework which enables the possibility of the hypostatic union. More specifically, social ontology will be used to philosophically ground the distinction between nature or substance on the one hand, and person on the other hand, which is crucial to that debate. There are some historical precedents for a juridical approach in christological debates, but the main sections develop a systematic metaphysical account. Relying on a generic version of dispositional realism, and the distinction between the (...)
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    The Legal Order: Studies in the Foundations of Juridical Thinking.Åke Frändberg - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In this monograph a fundamental distinction is made between law and juridical thinking. Law is the content of legal rules and the systems of legal rules. Juridical thinking is the handling of the law by the lawyers. To this distinction corresponds a basic distinction between the language of law and the language of juridical thinking, and correlatively, between L-concepts and J-concepts. The monograph is devoted to the J-concepts, especially of technical J-concepts. Four kinds of J-concepts are investigated: (...)
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    Expert Knowledge: Its Structure, Functions and Limits.Marek Hetmański - 2018 - Studia Humana 7 (3):11-20.
    Expert knowledge - a concept associated with Ryle’s distinction of knowledgethat and knowledge-how - functions in distinct areas of knowledge and social expertise. Consisting of both propositional and procedural knowledge, expertise is performative in its essence. It depends not only on expert’s experience and cognitive competences, but also on his or her social and institutional position. The paper considers the role of heuristic and intuitional abilities, including particular experts’ cognitive biases, as the vital and indispensable part of expertise. On the (...)
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  7. The art of law and other essays juridical and literary.Jingxiong Wu - 1936 - Shanghai: Commercial Press.
    The art of law -- Proportionality between means and ends: a study in the art of law -- The function of legal methods in the balancing of interests: a study in the judicial process -- The legal systems of old and new China: a comparison -- Two forms of tortious liability in the modern Chinese law -- The problem of extraterritoriality in China -- A note on Rizæff Frères v. the Soviet Mercantile Fleet -- A note on the evidence (...)
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    Epistemological–Normative Function of the Basic Norm in Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law.Wojciech Włoch - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (2):25-42.
    The objective of the article is to present Hans Kelsen’s basic norm concept that allows the combination of the two relevant dimensions in relation to juridical science, namely the positivity and validity of law. The role of the concept of basic norm is presented by the author of the Reine Rechtslehre with reference to Kant as a concept enabling formulation of an answer to the question “To what extent is it possible to interpret certain facts as objectively valid legal (...)
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    Cesare Beccaria’s On Crimes and Punishments: the meaning and genesis of a jurispolitical pamphlet.Philippe Audegean - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (8):884-897.
    ABSTRACTAt the heart of the criminal reform proposed in Cesare Beccaria’s 1764 Dei delitti e delle pene are the principles of penal parsimony derived from a precise interpretation of the social contract. Punishment, being no more than a necessary evil devoid of any intrinsic virtue, must serve no more than a preventative function to the smallest possible extent; its application strictly bound by the principle of legality. Beccaria’s criminal philosophy, therefore, attempts to drastically reduce the power of the penal (...)
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    The necessity of a non-reductionist science of politics.James W. Skillen - 2010 - Axiomathes 20 (1):95-106.
    The major tendency within the discipline of political science has been to try to achieve a science modeled on the natural sciences and mathematics, following the pattern of other social sciences. This tendency has led to many reductionistic efforts to explain political behavior in terms of one or more functions, such as power, linguistic, psychical, or the economic. The institutional community of government and citizens—the political community or state—is thus overlooked or reduced to one or more functions. In critique of (...)
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  11.  82
    Wilāyah (authority and governance) and its implications for Islamic bioethics: a Sunni Māturīdi perspective.Ahsan M. Arozullah & Mohammed Amin Kholwadia - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (2):95-104.
    Juridical councils that render rulings on bioethical issues for Muslims living in non-Muslim lands may have limited familiarity with the foundational concept of wilāyah (authority and governance) and its implications for their authority and functioning. This paper delineates a Sunni Māturīdi perspective on the concept of wilāyah, describes how levels of wilāyah correlate to levels of responsibility and enforceability, and describes the implications of wilāyah when applied to Islamic bioethical decision making. Muslim health practitioners and patients living in the (...)
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  12.  23
    Penal Theories and Institutions : Lectures at the Collège de France, 1971-1972.Michel Foucault - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    “What characterizes the act of justice is not resort to a court and to judges; it is not the intervention of magistrates. What characterizes the juridical act, the process or the procedure in the broad sense, is the regulated development of a dispute. And the intervention of judges, their opinion or decision, is only ever an episode in this development. What defines the juridical order is the way in which one confronts one another, the way in which one (...)
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  13.  27
    Developing Global Leaders: Insights From African Case Studies.Michel Foucault - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    “What characterizes the act of justice is not resort to a court and to judges; it is not the intervention of magistrates (even if they had to be simple mediators or arbitrators). What characterizes the juridical act, the process or the procedure in the broad sense, is the regulated development of a dispute. And the intervention of judges, their opinion or decision, is only ever an episode in this development. What defines the juridical order is the way in (...)
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  14.  16
    Restitutionary Damages as Corrective Justice.Ernest J. Weinrib - 2000 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (1).
    For corrective justice, liability is the consequence of the parties' being correlatively situated as the doer and sufferer of an injustice, and the remedy is seen as undoing that injustice to the extent possible. Combining consideration of legal doctrine and private law theory, this article applies the framework of corrective justice to gain-based damages for torts. Within this framework, restitutionary damages ought to be available only insofar as they correspond to a constituent element in the injustice that the defendant has (...)
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    Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin.Kam Shapiro - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):121-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter BenjaminKam Shapiro (bio)Life is not a mushroom growing out of death.—Carl Schmitt, The Visibility of the ChurchTo isolate death from life, not leaving the one intimately woven in the other, and each one entering into the other’s midst—this is what one must never do.—Jean-Luc Nancy, L’intrus1Carl Schmitt’s theory of the exception was bound up (...)
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    „[…︁] mein Recht muss mir werden!“ Hermann Bahrs Tragikomödie Der Querulant(1914).Rupert Gaderer - 2014 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 37 (4):351-362.
    Abstract“[…︁] mein Recht muss mir werden!” Hermann Bahr’s Tragicomedy­ Der Querulant­ (1914). At the end of the eighteenth century, people who became notorious for their excessive engagement in legal proceedings started being labeled as “querulents” or “paranoid litigants”. The term “querulents” first appeared in the General Order of the Court for the Prussian States (Allgemeine Gerichtsordnung für die Preußischen Staaten) from July 6, 1793. From there on, the spectrum of juridical measures undertaken against the so‐labeled litigators included classifying these (...)
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  17. The Death Penalty Divides the West.Danilo Zolo - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (1):83-110.
    The death penalty is so deeply rooted in the history of humanity that it will not be possible to abolish it any time soon, together with its ancestral models, such as lynching, stoning and torture. There is little use in appealing to absolute ethical values or to juridical principles held to be universal. A realistic approach suggests a careful consideration of the function the death penalty performed – and still performs – in the structures of political power and (...)
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    Confucian Life Orientation.Max Weber & Oleg Kil'dyushov - 2015 - Russian Sociological Review 14 (3):113-135.
    The chapter of Max Weber’s The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism analyzes the basic life orientations within Confucian ethics, and their economic implications. The author suggests that since the Chinese civilization had no powerful independent social class of priesthood, its functions were performed by the state bureaucracy. Furthermore, the author points out the absence of natural law and formal juridical logic in Chinese life, which had a significant impact on Chinese legal consciousness. In the main part of the (...)
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    Hegel’s justification of the human right to non-domination.Kenneth Westphal - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (3):579-612.
    ?Hegel? and?human rights? are rarely conjoined, and the designation?human rights? appears rarely in his works. Indeed, Hegel has been criticised for omitting civil and political rights all together. My surmise is that readers have looked for a modern Decalogue, and have neglected how Hegel justifies his views, and hence just what views he does justify. Philip Pettit has refocused attention on republican liberty. Hegel and I agree with Pettit that republican liberty is a supremely important value, but appealing to its (...)
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    Where do white people come from? A Foucaultian critique of Whiteness Studies.Ladelle McWhorter - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6):533-556.
    Over the past 15 years we have seen the rise of a field of inquiry known as Whiteness Studies. Two of its major tenets are (1) that white identity is socially constructed and functions as a racial norm and (2) that those who occupy the position of white subjectivity exercise ‘white privilege’, which is oppressive to non-whites. However, despite their ubiquitous use of the term ‘norm’, Whiteness Studies theorists rarely give any detailed account of how whiteness serves to normalize. A (...)
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  21. Of sweatshops and subsistence: Habermas on human rights.David Ingram - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (3).
    In this paper I argue that the discourse theoretic account of human rights defended by Jürgen Habermas contains a fruitful tension that is obscured by its dominant tendency to identify rights with legal claims. This weakness in Habermas’s account becomes manifest when we examine how sweatshops diminish the secure enjoyment of subsistence, which Habermas himself (in recognition of the UDHR) recognizes as a human right. Discourse theories of human rights are unique in tying the legitimacy of human rights to democratic (...)
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  22.  41
    Knowledge and legal proof between modality and explanation.Dario Mortini - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    Dissertation outline: I begin my dissertation by charting and assessing two competing approaches to theorise about the nature of knowledge – modalism and explanationism. According to the former, knowledge equates with a belief which is true in a relevant set of possible worlds; according to the latter, knowledge is a matter of believing the truth on the basis of the right explanation. When it comes to the competition between modalism and explanationism in traditional epistemology, I reject explanationism and I endorse (...)
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    Should Public Health be a Private Concern? Developing a Public Service Paradigm in English Law.Elizabeth Palmer - 2002 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 22 (4):663-686.
    This article explores the tension between the fundamental perception that the provision of privatized services such as health and social care remain inherently public and the absence of any clearly developed juridical concept of ‘public services’ as the basis of judicial control in accordance with public law standards. In a series of recent cases, courts have had the opportunity to determine whether private contractors engaged in the provision of local authority residential and social care services are amenable to judicial (...)
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    Deviant action and self-narration: A qualitative survey through Atlas.Ti.Patrizia Patrizi - 2005 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 35 (2):171–188.
    This paper has its roots in qualitative analysis of accounts produced by an Italian serial killer. Theoretical references are related to symbolic interactionism and its developments in the field of psychology and criminology. The whole contribution is aimed to twofold purposes: A) to provide a set of criteria specifically addressed to study deviant action as system of meanings into two related contexts: the single action itself and the whole life history. According this point, paper introduces the concept of “deviant career” (...)
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    Imperatives of Right.Andrew Israelsen - 2018 - International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):311-329.
    The relationship between Kant’s “Doctrine of Right” and his broader moral philosophy is a fraught one, with some readers insisting that the two domains are mutually supporting parts of a cohesive practical philosophy and others arguing for their conceptual and legislative independence. In this paper I investigate the reasons for this disparity and argue that both main interpretive camps are mistaken, for Kant’s Rechtslehre can neither be reconciled to his moral philosophy nor stand on its own. I argue that this (...)
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  26. Responsive Ethics.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2012 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter covers the traditional role of responsibility, and the possible connections between response and responsibility. These connections are explored through the advance of trust and the surplus of the extraordinary in relation to the Third Party. The idea of responsibility comes from the sphere of juridical law, and has a theological touch. The classical conception presented suffers from a permanent erosion that is reinforced by systemic constraints. Trust is a natural element of every community that is together applied (...)
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    Interpreting and Writing the Law in Digital Society: Remarks Made on a Shift of Paradigm.Angela Condello - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (4):1175-1186.
    In this article I discuss the nature and sense of legal reasoning as reasonableness, i.e. as judgement and equilibrium between normativity and factuality, and as constant approximation between these two dimensions. By phrasing the intertwinement between legal hermeneutics and the nature and function of writing, the structure of the article is constructed so that the focus is on the changes currently occurring with the so-called ‘digital revolution’: in imagining a juridical system administrated through data analysis and algorithms, some (...)
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    Situation of organ donation and transplantation in Bolivia.Cecilia López, Sindel Bobarin, Cinthya Colque & Shirley Jesús - forthcoming - Revista de Filosofía y Cotidianidad.
    After having accomplished an observation of the different problematic that affect the daily life of our city, as reflect of what happens in the rest of the national territory, we have been attracted to implement a juridical analysis to the situation of the donation and organ transplantation in the legal ambit of our country, with the objective to identify the level of efficacy and the normative scope with respect to the situation of people who need a transplant. This restlessness (...)
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  29. States of Exclusion: A critical systems theory reading of international law.Nico Buitendag - 2022 - Cape Town: AOSIS Books.
    The theoretical underpinnings of public international law have taken the sovereign status of the nation-state for granted since the beginning of the modern era. After centuries of evolution in legal and political thought, the state's definition as a bounded territorial unit has been strictly codified. The legal development of the nation-state was an ideological project informed by extra-legal considerations. Additionally, the ever-narrowing scope of the juridical idea of sovereignty functioned as a boundary mechanism instrumental in colonising Africa and other (...)
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  30. La filosofía jurídica de Leonardo.Salvador Rus Rufino - 1992 - Anuario Filosófico 25 (1):217-228.
    In this article the author writes about Leonardo Polo's juridical thought. He studied in School of Law before he began to work on philosophy. In the paper the author expresses some of Leonardo Polo�s ideas on law: a) What is the definition of law?; b) Is a person's posession of a thing the fundation of his rights? c) The practical function of law in society.
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    The New Digital Grammar in the Culture of Institutions.Francesco Gambino - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):27-45.
    The paper aims to explore the phenomenon of the spread in democracy of new powers – produced by inexhaustible technological developments – from the perspective of the philosophy of Institutions. It traces the original idea of democracy, in which the «government of the people» arises from the conversion of natural liberty into social and political liberty, dwells on the political and juridical meaning of authority, analyses the traditional instruments used to condition human opinions and behaviours, and reconstructs – in (...)
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  32.  15
    (1 other version)Warum Nicht-Menschenrechte?Malte-Christian Gruber - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 7 (2):63-70.
    "Das Rechtssystem geht davon aus, dass der Mensch – und nur der Mensch – eine natürliche Person ist. Das sei ein Irrtum, argumentiert Malte-Christian Gruber, denn die Rechtssubjektivität wird keineswegs alleine mit dem bloßen Menschsein begründet. Es ist die sittliche Autonomie, die den Menschen zu einem »Subjekt, dessen Handlungen einer Zurechnung fähig sind« (Kant) und mithin zur Person macht. Personen werden nicht mit dem Menschsein als solchem identifiziert, sondern durch die Zuschreibung von Handlungs- und Rechtsträgerschaft. Eine solche funktionale Vorstellung von (...)
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    Policing the Demos: Foucault, Hegel and Police Power in Waller v. City of New York.Kevin Jobe - 2015 - New Formations: A Journal of Culture/Theory/Politics 84:92-129.
    This paper traces the contradictions of liberal ‘police’ power from Hegel’s analysis of modern polizei to a Foucauldian analysis of the 2011 judicial ruling on the police eviction of Occupy Wall Street protestors from Zucotti Plaza in New York. In the first section, I develop insights from Hegel and Foucault’s analysis of the contradictions of liberal police, whereby power in liberal government incorporates an ‘internal principle of limitation’ that distinguishes it from the unlimited internal objectives of the European police state, (...)
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    A Hypothesis on the Genealogy of the Motto “In God We Trust” and the Emergence of the Identity of the Church.Paolo Napoli - 2018 - In Stefan Huygebaert, Angela Condello, Sarah Marusek & Mark Antaki (eds.), Sensing the Nation's Law: Historical Inquiries Into the Aesthetics of Democratic Legitimacy. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 191-212.
    The aim of this chapter is to reconstruct a hypothetical genealogy of the U.S. national motto “in God we Trust” by comparing the juridical and theological concept of “depositum”. According to Philo of Alexandria, the deposit was the most sacred institutional act of ancient social life, because it had both a religious and a sociological function. According to the Epistulae to Timothy the term ‘deposit’ defined the legacy of the Christian faith of which the disciple of St. Paul (...)
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  35. Gaston Bouthoul y la polemología.Jerónimo Molina - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (88):187-202.
    Gaston Bouthol founded a particular sociology known as polemology. Skeptical about the pacifism and critic of the juridical illusion of the international regulation of the peace-phenomenon, he studied the war-phenomenon without moralising prejudices. Polemology, that involves a critic of culture, is focused on the social function of war, known as the most important institution of destruction. The study of major wars enabled him to raise an hypothesis that foresees the periodicity of wars.
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  36. Essays in jurisprudence in honor of Roscoe Pound.Ralph Abraham Newman (ed.) - 1962 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
    The foundations of law. The digest title, De diversis regulis iuris antiqui, and the general principles of law, by P. Stein. Equity in Chinese customary law, by W. Y. Tsao. Prolegomena to the theory and history of Jewish law, by H. Cohn. Juridical evolution and equity, by J.P. Brutau. Reflections on the sources of the law, by P. Lepaulle. The true nature and province of jurisprudence from the viewpoint of Indian philosophy, by M.J. Sethna. On the functions and aims (...)
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    Democracy and Language in Jürgen Habermas’s Discourse Theory.Arianna Maceratini - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):7-25.
    The concept of hermeneutic science is outlined by Habermas as a reflection within the ordinary language, addressed to the dialogic dimension of intersubjective recognition and connected to the juridical guarantee. The guarantee function fulfilled by the discursive agreement towards every real dialogue is obvious: it indicates the main reference point for the regulation and coordination of social action, tracing a line of demarcation between being and having to be, facts and norms. Speech, communicative agreement and legal guarantee are (...)
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    (1 other version)Warum Rechte?Christoph Menke - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 7 (2):71-76.
    "Das Rechtssystem geht davon aus, dass der Mensch – und nur der Mensch – eine natürliche Person ist. Das sei ein Irrtum, argumentiert Malte-Christian Gruber, denn die Rechtssubjektivität wird keineswegs alleine mit dem bloßen Menschsein begründet. Es ist die sittliche Autonomie, die den Menschen zu einem »Subjekt, dessen Handlungen einer Zurechnung fähig sind« (Kant) und mithin zur Person macht. Personen werden nicht mit dem Menschsein als solchem identifiziert, sondern durch die Zuschreibung von Handlungs- und Rechtsträgerschaft. Eine solche funktionale Vorstellung von (...)
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  39. Science of Legal Method.Ernest Bruncken & Layton B. Register (eds.) - 1917 - New York: A. M. Kelley.
    The problem of the judge: judicial freedom of decision, its necessity and method, by F. Gény.--Judicial freedom of decision, its principles and objects, by E. Ehrlich.--Dialecticism and technicality; the need of sociological method, by J. G. Gmelin.--Equity and law, by G. Kiss.--The perils of emotionalism, by F. Berolzheimer.--Judicial interpretation of enacted law, by J. Kohler.--Courts and legislation, by R. Pound.--The operation of the judicial function in English law, by H. B. Gerland.--Codified law and case-law, by É. Lambert.--Methods of (...) thinking, by K. G. Wurzel.--The problem of the legislator: methods for scientific codification, by A. Alvarez.--The legislative technic of modern civil codes, by F. Gény.--Scientific method in legislative drafting, by E. Freund. (shrink)
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  40. Why Standing to Blame May Be Lost but Authority to Hold Accountable Retained: Criminal Law as a Regulative Public Institution.Nicola Lacey & Hanna Pickard - 2021 - The Monist 104 (2):265-280.
    Moral and legal philosophy are too entangled: moral philosophy is prone to model interpersonal moral relationships on a juridical image, and legal philosophy often proceeds as if the criminal law is an institutional reflection of juridically imagined interpersonal moral relationships. This article challenges this alignment and in so doing argues that the function of the criminal law lies not fundamentally in moral blame, but in regulation of harmful conduct. The upshot is that, in contrast to interpersonal relationships, the (...)
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    Judgement and Sense in Modern French Philosophy: A New Reading of Six Thinkers by Henry Somers-Hall.Clayton Crockett - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):365-367.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Judgement and Sense in Modern French Philosophy: A New Reading of Six Thinkers by Henry Somers-HallClayton CrockettSOMERS-HALL, Henry. Judgement and Sense in Modern French Philosophy: A New Reading of Six Thinkers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 264 pp. Cloth, $99.99Henry Somers-Hall's book examines how French philosophers in the twentieth century develop a logic of thinking based on sense that is both influenced by but also counters Kant's paradigm (...)
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    La teoría de sistemas de Niklas Luhmann.Eguzki Urteaga - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15 (1-2):301-317.
    ResumenSociólogo alemán profundamente original y difícilmente clasificable, Niklas Luhmann (1927- 1998) ha elaborado una teoría ambiciosa y coherente en la que describe la sociedad moderna como un sistema. Constituido, no tanto por individuos sino por comunicación, se diferencia en subsistemas funcionales cerrados a través de códigos especializados: los sistemas político, económico, religioso, artístico o jurídico. Inspirándose en autores, teorías y disciplinas muy diferentes, Niklas Luhmman ha construido una de las obras más fecundas y singulares del siglo XX. De manera más (...)
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    Het beleid van de provincies.Staf Lauwerysen - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (2):279-298.
    The abolition of the political institutions of the Belgian provinces, as provided in the government declaration of 7 June 1977, puts a question into the usefulness of the provincial institutions.This contribution intends to throw more light on the policy at the provincial level - now and in the near past - by means of a brief functional and financial analysis. Beforehand, it has to be mentioned that juridical and institutional limitations do exercise a restraining influence on the functioning of (...)
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    Practical Sentences, Their Meaning and Their Validity.Gerhard Seel - 2021 - ProtoSociology 38:106-133.
    Following Richard M. Hare1 I think that we use practical sentences as decision criteria. We understand their meaning if we know what decision to take according to them. But it is not clear, how exactly decision criteria are related to decisions and how they function as criteria. To fully understand this role, we need a formal semantics of practical sentences. For this I have to introduce a formal language and give an interpretation of it. This language has to be (...)
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    Between Equal Rights: Primitive Accumulation and Capital’s Violence.Onur Ulas Ince - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (6):885-914.
    This essay attempts to elaborate a political theory of capital’s violence. Recent analyses have adopted Karl Marx’s notion of the “primitive accumulation of capital” for investigating the forcible methods by which the conditions of capital accumulation are reproduced in the present. I argue that the current scholarship is limited by a certain functionalism in its theorization of ongoing primitive accumulation. The analytic function accorded to primitive accumulation, I contend, can be better performed by the concepts of “capital-positing violence” and (...)
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    Lo spazio dei diritti nelle teorie morali. Ricerche normative.Pierfrancesco Biasetti - manuscript
    In this work I will evaluate the functions of rights within the moral discourse, and I will point out the benefits and the characteristics of a moral theory that takes rights seriously. In the first chapter I will sketch a definition of rights as a moral category that can be distinguished from categories such as the ones of juridical rights and natural rights. In the second chapter, I will propose a hohfeldian analysis of the normative syntax of rights, and (...)
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  47. Kant's just war theory.Brian Orend - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):323-353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kant’s Just War TheoryBrian OrendKant is often cited as one of the first truly international political philosophers. Unlike the vast majority of his predecessors, Kant views a purely domestic or national conception of justice as radically incomplete; we must, he insists, also turn our faculties of critical judgment towards the international plane. When he does so, what results is one of the most powerful and principled conceptions of international (...)
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    The Contradictory State of Giorgio Agamben.Paul A. Passavant - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (2):147-174.
    I argue that Giorgio Agamben employs two, contradictory theories of the state in his works. Earlier works, such as "The Coming Community" and "Means without End", suggest that the state today functions as an aspect of the society of the spectacle where spectacle is the logical extension of the commodity form under late capitalism. This part of Agamben's work attributes a determined character to the state and a determining power to the economic forces of capitalism that conditions particular forms of (...)
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  49. On the normative dimension of the St. Petersburg paradox.David Teira - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (2):210-223.
    In this paper I offer an account of the normative dimension implicit in D. Bernoulli’s expected utility functions by means of an analysis of the juridical metaphors upon which the concept of mathematical expectation was moulded. Following a suggestion by the late E. Coumet, I show how this concept incorporated a certain standard of justice which was put in question by the St. Petersburg paradox. I contend that Bernoulli would have solved it by introducing an alternative normative criterion rather (...)
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    Comment « le Père » devint la cause des pathologies familiales.Michel Tort - 2005 - Actuel Marx 37 (1):89-125.
    How « the Father » became the cause of the pathologies affecting the family. When, in the 1960s, fathers lost their control over procreation and their control over women and children, some cracks started to appear in the edifice of patriarchal domination. There followed a reaction in which all the disorders today troubling the order of the family came to be traced back to this eclipse of the father figure. From this there emerged a veritable « State psychological apparatus » (...)
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