Results for 'József Garay'

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  1.  46
    The dynamic stability of coalitionist behaviour for two-strategy bimatrix games.Ross Cressman, József Garay, Antonino Scarelli & Zoltán Varga - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56 (1-2):141-152.
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    Honorary authorship epidemic in scholarly publications? How the current use of citation-based evaluative metrics make (pseudo)honorary authors from honest contributors of every multi-author article.Jozsef Kovacs - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (8):509-512.
    The current use of citation-based metrics to evaluate the research output of individual researchers is highly discriminatory because they are uniformly applied to authors of single-author articles as well as contributors of multi-author papers. In the latter case, these quantitative measures are counted, as if each contributor were the single author of the full article. In this way, each and every contributor is assigned the full impact-factor score and all the citations that the article has received. This has a multiplication (...)
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    Honorary authorship and symbolic violence.Jozsef Kovacs - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):51-59.
    This paper invokes the conceptual framework of Bourdieu to analyse the mechanisms, which help to maintain inappropriate authorship practices and the functions these practices may serve. Bourdieu’s social theory with its emphasis on mechanisms of domination can be applied to the academic field, too, where competition is omnipresent, control mechanisms of authorship are loose, and the result of performance assessment can be a matter of symbolic life and death for the researchers. This results in a problem of game-theoretic nature, where (...)
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  4.  56
    Whose identity is it anyway?Jozsef Kovacs - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):44 – 45.
  5.  23
    (1 other version)Modernist Heresies [Damon Franke, Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924 ].K. E. Garay - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (1):89-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:September 27, 2008 (1:09 pm) G:\WPData\TYPE2801\russell 28,1 048RED.wpd Reviews 89 MODERNIST HERESIES K.yE. Garay Arts & Science/Research Collections / McMaster U. Hamilton, on, Canada l8s 4m2 Damon Franke. Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924. Columbus : Ohio State U. P., 2008. Pp. xx, 258. isbn 978-0-8142-1074-1 (hb). us$47.95. The editor of the Russell journal summed up Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924z with his usual brevity (...)
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    Pricing for a Common Good: beyond Ethical Minimalism in Commercial Practices.Javier Pinto-Garay, Ignacio Ferrero & Germán Scalzo - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (3):271-291.
    Pricing policies and fair-trade practices are critical for sustaining commercial relationships between firms and customers. Nevertheless, in current business practices, fairness has been mistakenly reduced to a minimalistic ethic wherein justice only demands legal and explicit norms to which commercial parties voluntarily agree. Aimed at giving a different explanation of commercial agreements, this paper will introduce a Virtue Ethics (VE) explanation of the relationship between pricing and the common good by taking up classical concepts related to justice in commerce. In (...)
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  7.  24
    The Concept of Work in a Common Good Theory of the Firm.Javier Pinto Garay - 2015 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 34 (1):45-70.
    This article proposes a theory of the firm based on the concept of common good provided by the Aristotelic-Thomistic and Catholic Social Thought traditions, with particular attention given to the concept of work. We argue that the incorporation of a concept of work, based on the A-T and CST traditions, provides a better understanding of the firm´s common good in terms of sociability, cooperation, personal fulfillment and friendship. In this manner, taking into account an A-T and CST concept of work, (...)
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  8.  18
    El sistema de Teología natural de Christian Wolff.Ignacio Garay - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):67-78.
    Las demostraciones de la existencia de Dios de Christian Wolff se encuentran principalmente en su _Theologia naturalis_. A pesar de que esta obra contiene en cada una de sus dos partes un argumento distinto, Wolff la llama “sistema de Teología natural”. Por ello, puede entenderse que las dos demostraciones no son totalmente independientes, sino que comparten una estructura argumental similar, aunque Wolff no lo mencione expresamente. En este trabajo me propongo mostrar: 1) que aquello que las dos pruebas tienen en (...)
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  9.  10
    Social Policy and Collective Action: Unemployed Workers, Community Associations, and Protest in Argentina.Candelaria Garay - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (2):301-328.
    Unemployed and informal workers seem an unlikely source of large-scale collective action in Latin America. Since 1997, however, Argentina has witnessed an upsurge of protest and the emergence of unusually influential federations of unemployed and informal workers. To explain this puzzle, this article offers a policy-centered argument. It suggests that a workfare program favored common interests and identities on the part of unemployed workers and grassroots associations, allowing them to overcome barriers to collective action. State responses to demands for workfare (...)
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  10.  28
    Formación del estudiante de contaduría pública en el proceso de enseñanza de la contabilidad internacional.Alejandro Torres Garay - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-13.
    En el presente trabajo se presenta un análisis de la formación del estudiante de contaduría pública en Colombia en la enseñanza de la contabilidad internacional, con el objetivo de diagnosticar y analizar las metodologías aplicadas en la fundamentación y contextualización de las normas internacionales de información financiera (NIIF).Es una propuesta que se elabora a través de fuentes primarias (encuestas), que se aplicaron a estudiantes y egresados. Se espera que como resultado de este trabajo se generen acciones que promuevan en el (...)
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    ¿El oasis chileno?: tecnologías de control y sujeción en el Chile neoliberal. El caso de la felicidad visto a través del estallido social en Chile.José Garay-Rivera - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (1):177-186.
    En este ensayo presentamos una reflexión sobre el funcionamiento de ciertos discursos sobre la felicidad propios de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal a la luz del llamado “estallido social” en Chile. En primer lugar, analizamos la relación de estos discursos felicitarios con el neoliberalismo en tanto telón de fondo de donde emergen, para luego examinar la hipótesis que los posiciona como una tecnología de control que operaría de modo calvinista, esto es: a partir de una lógica centrada en la maximización del bienestar (...)
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  12.  19
    The monstrosity of the beauty of the apparent, the bodies and communities of the possible: freaks and the shape of water, enclaves of biopolitical analysis on the global social crisis.Jocelyn Maldonado Garay & Daniela Palacios Hermosilla - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:82-106.
    Resumen: El siguiente ensayo realiza un análisis crítico de los discursos/prácticas de la modernidad desde la biopolítica en torno a la anormalidad, la ciencia (como tecnociencia) y las posibilidades de comunidad que existen en las relaciones de las/los marginados/as. Tomando como referentes las películas Freaks y La Forma del Agua. Mostrando cómo el cine juega y propone elementos críticos de estas prácticas/discursos de la modernidad. Dentro de esta anormalidad se considerará a la monstruosidad como metáfora y como realidad corpórea, y (...)
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  13.  5
    Aristotelismo.Jesús de Garay - 2014 - Sevilla, España: Thémata.
  14.  61
    Aristotelism of Difference.Jesús de Garay - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):229-237.
    There is a central doctrine in Aristotle that usually isn’t recognized in its importance: the affirmation of the difference and the plurality. In the course of the centuries, Aristotelism lost which was perhaps its most characteristic and specific feature versus Platonism, that is, its criticism of unity and its defense of plurality. The first principle is not the One but the plurality. The horizon of thinking is not the unity but the diversity of the logos. The unity of the logos (...)
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  15.  4
    El nacimiento de la libertad: precedentes de la libertad moderna.Jesús de Garay - 2017 - Sevilla: Thémata.
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  16. La construcción de Ciudad Universitaria de la Ciudad de México.Graciela de Garay - 2021 - In Fabiola de Lachica Huerta, Alicia Márquez Murrieta & Graciela de Garay Arellano (eds.), El acontecimiento al centro: cuatro estudios desde la sociología y la historia. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora.
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  17.  9
    La extrañeza de la inteligencia en Filón de Alejandría.Jesús de Garay - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico:203-216.
    This article looks at several characteristics of intellectual understanding according to Philo Judaeus from three perspectives: the first is that intellectual understanding is primarily attention, the second is that understanding doesn't imply appropriation, but rather apparition and presence, and finally that it is always expression of otherness and knowledge of difference.
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  18.  15
    La identidad del acto, según Aristóteles.Jesús de Garay Suárez-Llanos - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (2):49-86.
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  19. La libertad como poder.J. de Garay - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:247-251.
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  20.  11
    La libertad en S. Anselmo.Jesús de Garay Suárez-Llanos - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico 20 (1):43-72.
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  21.  5
    Los sentidos de la forma en Aristoteles.Jesús de Garay - 1987 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    La unidad de la conciencia en los comentadores griegos de Aristóteles.Jesús de Garay - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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  23.  15
    La voluntad en Duns Escoto.Jesús de Garay - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (1):67-97.
    Se analiza la interpretación escotista de algunos textos aristotélicos para establecer la contraposición entre naturaleza y voluntad. La posición de Escoto implica una reivindicación de la contingencia frente a la necesidad, de la acción frente a la ciencia. Es decir, la distinción entre naturaleza y voluntad le aboca a proponer una ontología en la que el ser contingente precede al ser necesario. El saber de la ciencia que establece las regularidades necesarias de la naturaleza queda subordinado al saber de la (...)
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  24.  14
    Presentación.Jesús de Garay & Juan J. Padial - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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  25.  7
    Racionalidad política, virtudes públicas y diálogo intercultural.Jesús de Garay & Jaime Araos San Martín (eds.) - 2016 - [Santiago, Chile]: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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    Aristotelism of Difference.Jesús Garay - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):229-237.
    There is a central doctrine in Aristotle that usually isn’t recognized in its importance: the affirmation of the difference and the plurality. In the course of the centuries, Aristotelism lost which was perhaps its most characteristic and specific feature versus Platonism, that is, its criticism of unity and its defense of plurality. The first principle is not the One but the plurality. The horizon of thinking is not the unity but the diversity of the logos. The unity of the logos (...)
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    Adelyne Revisited: Militant Feminism and Feminist Antimilitarism during World War I [review of Catherine Marshall, C.K. Ogden and Mary Sargant Florence, Militarism versus Feminism: Writings on Women and War ].K. E. Garay - 1987 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 7 (2):179-183.
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  28. A vueltas con Wittgenstein, lógica, Viena y Gay power.Francisco Javier Sádaba Garay - 1978 - El Basilisco 2:103-106.
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  29.  36
    Biological significance of molecular chirality in energy balance and metabolism.A. S. Garay, J. Czégé, L. Tolvaj, Matti Tóth & Margit Szabó - 1973 - Acta Biotheoretica 22 (1):34-43.
    In biological electron transport the spin, and thus the magnetic property of electrons, is neglected. Furthermore, no attention is paid to the fact that the great majority of biologically important molecules are chiral, and during excitation a magnetic moment is induced in them. It is shown, both theoretically and experimentally, that the magnetic moment of the electron and the magnetic transition moment of the optically active molecules may interact. The main consequences of such an interaction are a higher probability of (...)
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  30.  14
    Consentement du patient et urgences transfusionnelles.Alain Garay - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (44):16-17.
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  31.  16
    Doble defecto.Javier Sádaba Garay - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 90:149-155.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo la refutación del llamado principio de doble efecto, de origen y raíz escolástica, con relación a su uso actual en el ámbito de la bioética.
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  32.  13
    El cuidado de personas mayores en la agenda política de América Latina y el Caribe.Sagrario Garay Villegas & María Concepción Arroyo Rueda - 2022 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 28:33-49.
    La mirada del envejecimiento, desde una visión de derechos, tiene como antecedente la Segunda Asamblea Mundial sobre Envejecimiento, de la cual se derivó el Plan Internacional de Acción en Envejecimiento de Madrid, que ha sido un documento clave de seguimiento en las reuniones regionales intergubernamentales y no gubernamentales sobre envejecimiento en la región latinoamericana. Adicionalmente, existen dos instrumentos claves a considerar en las políticas de envejecimiento de la región: el Consenso de Montevideo y la Convención Interamericana para la Protección de (...)
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    Hungarian Philosophers Mark OD [review of "Russell-száma", Világosság 2005/12].K. E. Garay - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (2):270-272.
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    Intuición y hermenéutica en la antropología.Erica Garay (ed.) - 2018 - [San Juan, Argentina]: Effha.
    Intuición y hermenéutica -- El ser de sí mismo en la identidad narrativa de Paul Ricoeur -- Fenomenología como hermenéutica de la existencia -- Filosofía de la religión -- Los fines de la educación -- Tema formadores y medios -- Las experiencias de aprendizaje artístico de los estudiantes.
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    La dialéctica en Proclo.Jesús de Garay - 2010 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 5:83-89.
    Analysis of the concept of dialectics in Proclus, specially in Commentary on Parmenides II, V and VII. It considers three aspects: 1) Dialectics as method. 2) Dialectics as a particular perspective of universe. 3rd) Dialectics as order of negations.
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  36. (1 other version)Qué es el derecho?Luis Garay - 1936 - México,: Imprenta mundial.
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    Trashumanismo.Javier Sádaba Garay - 2019 - Agora 38 (1).
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  38.  8
    The Multilevel Politics of Enforcement: Environmental Institutions in Argentina.Candelaria Garay & Belén Fernández Milmanda - 2020 - Politics and Society 48 (1):3-26.
    Environmental protection presents a challenge for commodity-producing democracies. To account for the enforcement of environmental laws in decentralized systems, this article proposes a multilevel approach that highlights the importance of national laws and subnational implementation rules to the politics of enforcement. This approach contrasts with prominent scholarship that focuses on sanctions and the electoral incentives and bureaucratic resources of enforcers. The advantages of the multilevel approach are demonstrated by the enforcement of the native forest protection regime in the Argentine Chaco (...)
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  39.  12
    The Reception of Proclus: From Byzantium to the West.Jesús de Garay - 2017 - In Mariev Sergei (ed.), Byzantine Perspectives on Neoplatonism. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 153-174.
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    The Search for the Meaning of Meaning [review of John Paul Russo, I.A. Richards: His Life and Work ].K. E. Garay - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (2):183-186.
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  41.  38
    Gregory Bateson: un pensamiento (complejo) para pensar la complejidad. Un intento de lectura/escritura terapéutica.Guido Lagos Garay - 2004 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 9.
    El artículo nos ofrece una mirada al hombre y a su vasto espectro del pensamiento, asumiendo la dificultad de intentar ‘atrapar’ el núcleo duro del proyecto bensoniano. Bateson es un personaje que transrecorrió disciplinas -comunicación, etnología y antropología, psiquiatría/psicología, genética, filosofía, biología, zoología, etología y etiología, cibernética- instalándose en lo que él llama la historia natural de las ideas o ecología de la mente. El presente artículo expone un apronte a este vasto pensamiento Batesoniano, y en particular su epistemología para (...)
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  42. Algunas reflexiones sistémicas sobre los fundamentos del neoliberalismo y paradigmas alternos.Hernán López Garay - 1999 - Ludus Vitalis 7 (11):107-129.
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    Autonomy and Subordination.Javier Pinto-Garay, Germán Scalzo & Ignacio Ferrero - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (1):47-80.
    This paper aims to integrate the concept of autonomous and subordinated work into Aristotelian organizational theory by enhancing the epistemological framework of neo-Aristotelianism and by adding a Thomistic interpretation of organizational practical knowledge. We sustain that, in order to advance our understanding of the firm in terms of excellence and the common good, the concept of practical knowledge applied to organizational theory requires reflection on the nature of work in modern organizations. For this, we will explain how an organization that (...)
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  44.  22
    The Narrative Dimension of Productive Work: Craftsmanship and Collegiality in the Quest for Excellence in Modern Productivity.Javier Pinto-Garay, Germán Scalzo & Carlos Rodríguez Lluesma - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):245-264.
    Alasdair MacIntyre´s criticism of Modernity essentially refers to the problem of compartmentalization, which restricts the possibility of achieving excellence in an integral lifestyle. Among other reasons, compartmentalization is especially derived from an insular valorization of the workplace based on a reductionist understanding of productivity in terms of mere efficiency. Aimed at overcoming the moral confusion derived from the overestimation of technical, skilled productivity and individualistic cooperation in private corporations, this article offers a thicker explanation of MacIntyre’s theory of productive work (...)
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    Using EMDR to treat intimate partner relationship break-up issues.Ainhoa Rodríguez-Garay & Dolores Mosquera - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Break-Up Aid Procedure is a proposed EMDR intervention designed to address the difficulties that some patients experience when trying to overcome a complex break-up. The procedure aims to not only target the consequences of the break-up, but also the difficulties that may be present in starting a new relationship. The latter is often the case when there are either unresolved consequences from the previous break-up or untreated early adverse experiences. By structuring the treatment in three sequential stages and including (...)
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  46. Hanson y el agnóstico.Javier Sadaba Garay - 1976 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 6 (3-4):435-453.
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  47. La filosofía española en el siglo XX: Amor Ruibal.Francisco Javier Sádaba Garay - 1974 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):409-418.
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  48.  25
    Albert Einstein in Prague.József Illy - 1979 - Isis 70 (1):76-84.
  49.  43
    Dual dependency and property vacuum.József Böröcz - 1992 - Theory and Society 21 (1):77-104.
  50. (2 other versions)Concepts of health and disease.Jozsef Kovacs - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (3):261-267.
    The paper differentiates between three levels of the notion of health – biological health, medical health, and social health – and underlines the cultural concept of health and disease, its dependence on religion, ideology, and the general view of life. Keywords: biological health, medical health, normality, social health, well-being CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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