Results for 'Karin Hammarberg'

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  1.  22
    Ethical Considerations in Research With People From Refugee and Asylum Seeker Backgrounds: A Systematic Review of National and International Ethics Guidelines.Natasha Davidson, Karin Hammarberg & Jane Fisher - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (2):261-284.
    Refugees and asylum seekers may experience challenges related to pre-arrival experiences, structural disadvantage after migration and during resettlement requiring the need for special protection when participating in research. The aim was to review if and how people with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds have had their need for special protection addressed in national and international research ethics guidelines. A systematic search of grey literature was undertaken. The search yielded 2187 documents of which fourteen met the inclusion criteria. Few guidelines addressed (...)
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    Responsibility beyond design: Physicians’ requirements for ethical medical AI.Martin Sand, Juan Manuel Durán & Karin Rolanda Jongsma - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (2):162-169.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 2, Page 162-169, February 2022.
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    Managing Ethical Difficulties in Healthcare: Communicating in Inter-professional Clinical Ethics Support Sessions.Catarina Fischer Grönlund, Vera Dahlqvist, Karin Zingmark, Mikael Sandlund & Anna Söderberg - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (4):321-338.
    Several studies show that healthcare professionals need to communicate inter-professionally in order to manage ethical difficulties. A model of clinical ethics support inspired by Habermas’ theory of discourse ethics has been developed by our research group. In this version of CES sessions healthcare professionals meet inter-professionally to communicate and reflect on ethical difficulties in a cooperative manner with the aim of reaching communicative agreement or reflective consensus. In order to understand the course of action during CES, the aim of this (...)
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    Resource allocation and rationing in nursing care: A discussion paper.P. Anne Scott, Clare Harvey, Heike Felzmann, Riitta Suhonen, Monika Habermann, Kristin Halvorsen, Karin Christiansen, Luisa Toffoli & Evridiki Papastavrou - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1528-1539.
    Driven by interests in workforce planning and patient safety, a growing body of literature has begun to identify the reality and the prevalence of missed nursing care, also specified as care left undone, rationed care or unfinished care. Empirical studies and conceptual considerations have focused on structural issues such as staffing, as well as on outcome issues – missed care/unfinished care. Philosophical and ethical aspects of unfinished care are largely unexplored. Thus, while internationally studies highlight instances of covert rationing/missed care/care (...)
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  5.  34
    The ethics of ethics conferences: Is Qatar a desirable location for a bioethics conference?Rieke van der Graaf, Karin Jongsma, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Martine de Vries & Ineke Bolt - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):319-322.
    The next World Congress of Bioethics will be held in Doha, Qatar. Although this location provides opportunities to interact with a more culturally diverse audience, to advance dialogue between cultures and religions, offer opportunities for mutual learning, there are also huge moral concerns. Qatar is known for violations of human rights ‐ including the treatment of migrant workers and the rights of women ‐ corruption, criminalization of LGBTQI+ persons, and climate impact. Since these concerns are also key (bio)ethical concern we (...)
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  6. Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a “Critical Mass?”.Jasmin Joecks, Kerstin Pull & Karin Vetter - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (1):61-72.
    The under-representation of women on boards is a heavily discussed topic—not only in Germany. Based on critical mass theory and with the help of a hand-collected panel dataset of 151 listed German firms for the years 2000–2005, we explore whether the link between gender diversity and firm performance follows a U-shape. Controlling for reversed causality, we find evidence for gender diversity to at first negatively affect firm performance and—only after a “critical mass” of about 30 % women has been reached—to (...)
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  7.  52
    Public involvement in the governance of population-level biomedical research: unresolved questions and future directions.Sonja Erikainen, Phoebe Friesen, Leah Rand, Karin Jongsma, Michael Dunn, Annie Sorbie, Matthew McCoy, Jessica Bell, Michael Burgess, Haidan Chen, Vicky Chico, Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Julie Darbyshire, Rebecca Dawson, Andrew Evans, Nick Fahy, Teresa Finlay, Lucy Frith, Aaron Goldenberg, Lisa Hinton, Nils Hoppe, Nigel Hughes, Barbara Koenig, Sapfo Lignou, Michelle McGowan, Michael Parker, Barbara Prainsack, Mahsa Shabani, Ciara Staunton, Rachel Thompson, Kinga Varnai, Effy Vayena, Oli Williams, Max Williamson, Sarah Chan & Mark Sheehan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):522-525.
    Population-level biomedical research offers new opportunities to improve population health, but also raises new challenges to traditional systems of research governance and ethical oversight. Partly in response to these challenges, various models of public involvement in research are being introduced. Yet, the ways in which public involvement should meet governance challenges are not well understood. We conducted a qualitative study with 36 experts and stakeholders using the World Café method to identify key governance challenges and explore how public involvement can (...)
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  8. Interpreting the Infinitesimal Mathematics of Leibniz and Euler.Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Robert Ely, Valérie Henry, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Thomas McGaffey, Patrick Reeder, David M. Schaps, David Sherry & Steven Shnider - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (2):195-238.
    We apply Benacerraf’s distinction between mathematical ontology and mathematical practice to examine contrasting interpretations of infinitesimal mathematics of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, in the work of Bos, Ferraro, Laugwitz, and others. We detect Weierstrass’s ghost behind some of the received historiography on Euler’s infinitesimal mathematics, as when Ferraro proposes to understand Euler in terms of a Weierstrassian notion of limit and Fraser declares classical analysis to be a “primary point of reference for understanding the eighteenth-century theories.” Meanwhile, scholars like (...)
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  9.  65
    Leibniz versus Ishiguro: Closing a Quarter Century of Syncategoremania.Tiziana Bascelli, Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, David M. Schaps & David Sherry - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (1):117-147.
    Did Leibniz exploit infinitesimals and infinities à la rigueur or only as shorthand for quantified propositions that refer to ordinary Archimedean magnitudes? Hidé Ishiguro defends the latter position, which she reformulates in terms of Russellian logical fictions. Ishiguro does not explain how to reconcile this interpretation with Leibniz’s repeated assertions that infinitesimals violate the Archimedean property (i.e., Euclid’s Elements, V.4). We present textual evidence from Leibniz, as well as historical evidence from the early decades of the calculus, to undermine Ishiguro’s (...)
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  10. Social Epistemic Liberalism and the Problem of Deep Epistemic Disagreements.Klemens Kappel & Karin Jønch-Clausen - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (2):371-384.
    Recently Robert B. Talisse has put forth a socio-epistemic justification of liberal democracy that he believes qualifies as a public justification in that it purportedly can be endorsed by all reasonable individuals. In avoiding narrow restraints on reasonableness, Talisse argues that he has in fact proposed a justification that crosses the boundaries of a wide range of religious, philosophical and moral worldviews and in this way the justification is sufficiently pluralistic to overcome the challenges of reasonable pluralism familiar from Rawls. (...)
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  11.  17
    Attractiveness Ratings for Musicians and Non-musicians: An Evolutionary-Psychology Perspective.Stephan Bongard, Ilka Schulz, Karin U. Studenroth & Emily Frankenberg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Brightness differences influence the evaluation of affective pictures.Daniël Lakens, Daniel A. Fockenberg, Karin P. H. Lemmens, Jaap Ham & Cees J. H. Midden - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1225-1246.
    We explored the possibility of a general brightness bias: brighter pictures are evaluated more positively, while darker pictures are evaluated more negatively. In Study 1 we found that positive pictures are brighter than negative pictures in two affective picture databases (the IAPS and the GAPED). Study 2 revealed that because researchers select affective pictures on the extremity of their affective rating without controlling for brightness differences, pictures used in positive conditions of experiments were on average brighter than those used in (...)
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  13.  46
    Attention control: Relationships between self-report and behavioural measures, and symptoms of anxiety and depression.Marie Louise Reinholdt-Dunne, Karin Mogg & Brendan P. Bradley - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):430-440.
  14.  19
    Developing capabilities for responsible research and innovation (RRI).George Ogoh, Simisola Akintoye, Damian Eke, Michele Farisco, Josepine Fernow, Karin Grasenick, Manuel Guerrero, Achim Rosemann, Arleen Salles & Inga Ulnicane - 2023 - Journal of Responsible Technology 15 (C):100065.
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    Encouraging Active Classroom Discussion of Academic Integrity and Misconduct in Higher Education Business Contexts.Mark Baetz, Lucia Zivcakova, Eileen Wood, Amanda Nosko, Domenica De Pasquale & Karin Archer - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (3):217-234.
    The present study assessed business students’ responses to an innovative interactive presentation on academic integrity that employed quoted material from previous students as launching points for discussion. In total, 15 business classes ( n = 412 students) including 2nd, 3rd and 4th year level students participated in the presentations as part of the ethics component of ongoing courses. Students’ perceptions of the importance of academic integrity, self-reports of cheating behaviors, and factors contributing to misconduct were examined along with perceptions about (...)
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  16.  23
    Longitudinal Brain Development of Numerical Skills in Typically Developing Children and Children with Developmental Dyscalculia.Ursina McCaskey, Michael von Aster, Urs Maurer, Ernst Martin, Ruth O'Gorman Tuura & Karin Kucian - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  17.  28
    Patient Representation and Advocacy for Alzheimer Disease in Germany and Israel.Silke Schicktanz, Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty, Aviad Raz & Karin Jongsma - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):369-380.
    This paper analyses self-declared aims and representation of dementia patient organizations and advocacy groups in relation to two recent upheavals: the critique of social stigmatization and biomedical research focusing on prediction. Based on twenty-six semi-structured interviews conducted in 2016–2017 with members, service recipients, and board representatives of POs in Germany and Israel, a comparative analysis was conducted, based on a grounded theory approach, to detect emerging topics within and across the POs and across national contexts. We identified a heterogeneous landscape, (...)
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  18.  64
    Ethics Across the Curriculum—Pedagogical Perspectives.Elaine E. Englehardt, Michael S. Pritchard, Robert Baker, Michael D. Burroughs, José A. Cruz-Cruz, Randall Curren, Michael Davis, Aine Donovan, Deni Elliott, Karin D. Ellison, Challie Facemire, William J. Frey, Joseph R. Herkert, Karlana June, Robert F. Ladenson, Christopher Meyers, Glen Miller, Deborah S. Mower, Lisa H. Newton, David T. Ozar, Alan A. Preti, Wade L. Robison, Brian Schrag, Alan Tomhave, Phyllis Vandenberg, Mark Vopat, Sandy Woodson, Daniel E. Wueste & Qin Zhu - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Late in 1990, the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at Illinois Institute of Technology (lIT) received a grant of more than $200,000 from the National Science Foundation to try a campus-wide approach to integrating professional ethics into its technical curriculum.! Enough has now been accomplished to draw some tentative conclusions. I am the grant's principal investigator. In this paper, I shall describe what we at lIT did, what we learned, and what others, especially philosophers, can learn (...)
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  19.  34
    Maternal and Child Sexual Abuse History: An Intergenerational Exploration of Children’s Adjustment and Maternal Trauma-Reflective Functioning.Jessica L. Borelli, Chloe Cohen, Corey Pettit, Lina Normandin, Mary Target, Peter Fonagy & Karin Ensink - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:447410.
    _Objective:_ The aim of the current study was to investigate associations, unique and interactive, between mothers’ and children’s histories of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and children’s psychiatric outcomes using an intergenerational perspective. Further, we were particularly interested in examining whether maternal reflective functioning about their own trauma (T-RF) was associated with a lower likelihood of children’s abuse exposure (among children of CSA-exposed mothers). _Methods:_ One hundred and eleven children ( M age = 9.53 years; 43 sexual abuse victims) and their (...)
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  20.  25
    Picture This: A Review of Research Relating to Narrative Processing by Moving Image Versus Language.Elspeth Jajdelska, Miranda Anderson, Christopher Butler, Nigel Fabb, Elizabeth Finnigan, Ian Garwood, Stephen Kelly, Wendy Kirk, Karin Kukkonen, Sinead Mullally & Stephan Schwan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Reading fiction for pleasurable is robustly correlated with improved cognitive attainment and other benefits. It is also in decline among young people in developed nations, in part because of competition from moving image fiction. We review existing research on the differences between reading/hearing verbal fiction and watching moving image fiction, as well as looking more broadly at research on image/text interactions and visual versus verbal processing. We conclude that verbal narrative generates more diverse responses than moving image narrative., We note (...)
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  21.  26
    Unconscious processing of coarse visual information during anticipatory threat.Maria Lojowska, Manon Mulckhuyse, Erno J. Hermans & Karin Roelofs - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:50-56.
  22.  27
    Feel to Heal: Negative Emotion Differentiation Promotes Medication Adherence in Multiple Sclerosis.T. H. Stanley Seah, Shaima Almahmoud & Karin G. Coifman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that results in lower quality of life. Medication adherence is important for reducing relapse, disease progression, and MS-related symptoms, particularly during the early stages of MS. However, adherence may be impacted by negative emotional states. Therefore, it is important to identify protective factors. Past research suggests that the ability to discriminate between negative emotional states, also known as negative emotion differentiation, may be protective against enactment of maladaptive (...)
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  23.  91
    Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge.Karin Knorr Cetina - 1999 - Harvard University Press.
    How does science create knowledge? Epistemic cultures, shaped by affinity, necessity, and historical coincidence, determine how we know what we know. In this book, Karin Knorr Cetina compares two of the most important and intriguing epistemic cultures of our day, those in high energy physics and molecular biology. The first ethnographic study to systematically compare two different scientific laboratory cultures, this book sharpens our focus on epistemic cultures as the basis of the knowledge society.
  24.  31
    The relation between language and arithmetic in bilinguals: insights from different stages of language acquisition.Amandine Van Rinsveld, Martin Brunner, Karin Landerl, Christine Schiltz & Sonja Ugen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  25.  79
    Breathing Biofeedback for Police Officers in a Stressful Virtual Environment: Challenges and Opportunities.Jan C. Brammer, Jacobien M. van Peer, Abele Michela, Marieke M. J. W. van Rooij, Robert Oostenveld, Floris Klumpers, Wendy Dorrestijn, Isabela Granic & Karin Roelofs - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As part of the Dutch national science program “Professional Games for Professional Skills” we developed a stress-exposure biofeedback training in virtual reality for the Dutch police. We aim to reduce the acute negative impact of stress on performance, as well as long-term consequences for mental health by facilitating physiological stress regulation during a demanding decision task. Conventional biofeedback applications mainly train physiological regulation at rest. This might limit the transfer of the regulation skills to stressful situations. In contrast, we provide (...)
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  26.  73
    Forgoing Treatment at the End of Life in 6 European Countries.Georg Bosshard, Tore Nilstun, Johan Bilsen, Michael Norup, Guido Miccinesi, Johannes J. M. van Delden, Karin Faisst, Agnes van der Heide & for the European End-of-Life - 2005 - JAMA Internal Medicine 165 (4):401-407.
    Modern medicine provides unprecedented opportunities in diagnostics and treatment. However, in some situations at the end of a patient’s life, many physicians refrain from using all possible measures to prolong life. We studied the incidence of different types of treatment withheld or withdrawn in 6 European countries and analyzed the main background characteristics.
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  27.  21
    Call for papers: Special issue of Journal of Critical Realism on Critical Realism and Pragmatism.Guest Editors Dave Elder-Vass & Karin Zotzmann - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (1):123-123.
    Submission by 31st July 2021 The relationship between pragmatism and critical realism is open to many interpretations. On the one hand, compared to more traditional approaches, the two approaches s...
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  28.  17
    Discrepancies Between Explicit Feelings of Power and Implicit Power Motives Are Related to Anxiety in Women With Anorexia Nervosa.Felicitas Weineck, Dana Schultchen, Freya Dunker, Gernot Hauke, Karin Lachenmeir, Andreas Schnebel, Matislava Karačić, Adrian Meule, Ulrich Voderholzer & Olga Pollatos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundSeveral studies identified low subjective feelings of power in women with anorexia nervosa. However, little is known about implicit power motives and the discrepancy between explicit feelings of power and implicit power motives in AN.AimThe study investigated the discrepancy between explicit feelings of power and implicit power motives and its relationship to anxiety in patients with AN.MethodFifty-three outpatients and inpatients with AN and 48 participants without AN were compared regarding subjective feelings of power and anxiety. Explicit power [investigated with the (...)
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  29. Is Leibnizian calculus embeddable in first order logic?Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras Kudryk, Thomas Mormann & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):73 - 88.
    To explore the extent of embeddability of Leibnizian infinitesimal calculus in first-order logic (FOL) and modern frameworks, we propose to set aside ontological issues and focus on pro- cedural questions. This would enable an account of Leibnizian procedures in a framework limited to FOL with a small number of additional ingredients such as the relation of infinite proximity. If, as we argue here, first order logic is indeed suitable for developing modern proxies for the inferential moves found in Leibnizian infinitesimal (...)
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  30.  32
    Engagement in dance is associated with emotional competence in interplay with others.Eva Bojner Horwitz, Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Töres P. G. Theorell & Fredrik Ullén - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148233.
    This study has explored the relation between dance achievement and alexithymia in a larger Swedish population sample (Swedish Twin Registry) with a study sample of 5431 individuals. Dance achievement (CAQ) was assessed in relation to Alexithymia (Toronto Alexithymia Scale, TAS-20) including the three subscales: Difficulty Identifying Feelings (DIF), Difficulty Describing Feelings (DDF), and Externally Oriented Thinking (EOT). The results show a significant negative association between the TAS subscale (EOT) and creative achievement in dance. A high EOT score corresponds to poor (...)
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  31.  20
    Food Folio by Columbia Center for Eating Disorders: A Freely Available Food Image Database.E. Caitlin Lloyd, Zarrar Shehzad, Janet Schebendach, Akram Bakkour, Alice M. Xue, Naomi Folasade Assaf, Rayman Jilani, B. Timothy Walsh, Joanna Steinglass & Karin Foerde - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Food images are useful stimuli for the study of cognitive processes as well as eating behavior. To enhance rigor and reproducibility in task-based research, it is advantageous to have stimulus sets that are publicly available and well characterized. Food Folio by Columbia Center for Eating Disorders is a publicly available set of 138 images of Western food items. The set was developed for the study of eating disorders, particularly for use in tasks that capture eating behavior characteristic of these illnesses. (...)
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  32.  73
    Affect-congruent approach and withdrawal movements of happy and angry faces facilitate affective categorisation.Jacobien M. van Peer, Mark Rotteveel, Philip Spinhoven, Marieke S. Tollenaar & Karin Roelofs - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (5):863-875.
  33.  45
    Embodiment and regenerative implants: a proposal for entanglement.Manon van Daal, Anne-Floor J. de Kanter, Karin R. Jongsma, Annelien L. Bredenoord & Nienke de Graeff - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (2):241-252.
    Regenerative Medicine promises to develop treatments to regrow healthy tissues and cure the physical body. One of the emerging developments within this field is regenerative implants, such as jawbone or heart valve implants, that can be broken down by the body and are gradually replaced with living tissue. Yet challenges for embodiment are to be expected, given that the implants are designed to integrate deeply into the tissue of the living body, so that implant and body become one. In this (...)
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    Hiv testing of pregnant women: An ethical analysis.Kjell Arne Johansson, Kirsten Bjerkreim Pedersen & Anna-Karin Andersson - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (3):109-119.
    Recent global advances in available technology to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission necessitate a rethinking of contemporary and previous ethical debates on HIV testing as a means to preventing vertical transmission. In this paper, we will provide an ethical analysis of HIV-testing strategies of pregnant women. First, we argue that provider-initiated opt-out HIV testing seems to be the most effective HIV test strategy. The flip-side of an opt-out strategy is that it may end up as involuntary testing in a clinical setting. (...)
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  35.  40
    The time course of attentional bias for emotional faces in anxious children.Allison M. Waters, Liza L. Kokkoris, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley & Daniel S. Pine - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (7):1173-1181.
  36.  12
    Effects of scaffolding emotion language use on emotion differentiation and psychological health: an experience-sampling study.T. H. Stanley Seah & Karin G. Coifman - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
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    How far did we get? How far to go? A European survey on postgraduate courses in evidence‐based medicine.Regina Kunz, Eva Nagy, Sjors F. P. J. Coppus, Jose I. Emparanza, Julie Hadley, Regina Kulier, Susanne Weinbrenner, Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Amanda Burls, Juan B. Cabello, Tamas Decsi, Andrea R. Horvath, Jacek Walzak, Marcin P. Kaczor, Gianni Zanrei, Karin Pierer, Roland Schaffler, Katja Suter, Ben W. J. Mol & Khalid S. Khan - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1196-1204.
  38.  55
    Why We Should Understand Conversational AI as a Tool.Marlies N. van Lingen, Noor A. A. Giesbertz, J. Peter van Tintelen & Karin R. Jongsma - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):22-24.
    The introduction of chatGPT illustrates the rapid developments within Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) technologies (Gordijn and Have 2023). Ethical reflection and analysis of CAI are c...
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    Self‐Defeating Goals.Sven Ove Hansson, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg & John Cantwell - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (4):491-512.
    The typical function of goals is to regulate action in a way that furthers goal achievement. Goals are typically set on the assumption that they will help bring the agent closer to the desired state of affairs. However, sometimes endorsement of a goal, or the processes by which the goal is set, can obstruct its achievement. When this happens, the goal is self-defeating. Self-defeating goals are common in both private and social decision-making but have not received much attention by decision (...)
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    Academic Opportunities of Study Habits in College Students: An Instrumental Study.Alberto Remaycuna-Vasquez, Luz Angelica Atoche-Silva, Fátima Rosalía Espinoza-Porras, Jessica Karin Solano-Cavero, Lucia Ruth Pantoja-Tirado & María Verónica Seminario-Morales - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):147-157.
    The evaluation of study habits as determinant factors in academic performance is a concern for educational agents because they determine the academic opportunities of students. However, a problem encountered is the accessibility of valid and reliable instruments to evaluate study habits from the students' point of view. In this sense, this paper analyzes the internal structure, reliability, and rating of the study habits perception questionnaire. The results and the practical contribution to the educational community in guiding intervention to improve students' (...)
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    The Impact of Language Opacity and Proficiency on Reading Strategies in Bilinguals: An Eye Movement Study.Diego de León Rodríguez, Karin A. Buetler, Noëmi Eggenberger, Marina Laganaro, Thomas Nyffeler, Jean-Marie Annoni & René M. Müri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Ethical challenges in residential care facilities during COVID-19: Leaders’ perspective.Anna-Carin Karlsson, Anna-Karin Edberg, Malin Sundström & Annica Backman - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1661-1673.
    Background Person-centred care is based on ethical principles, and it is regarded as high-quality care. Care of older persons should embrace person-centredness. During the pandemic, older persons were highlighted as a vulnerable group at risk of developing serious illness and/or suffering death from COVID-19. Several pandemic-related measures were introduced in residential care facilities (RCFs) to reduce this risk, which influenced the possibilities to lead and provide a person-centred care. Aim This study’s aim was to explore ethical challenges in relation to (...)
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  43.  19
    Mal-estar de adolescentes no retorno presencial das escolas: perdas e ganhos.Cristiana Carneiro, Juliana Guimarães, Roberta S. Freire, Karin Yasmin Veloso Müller, Fernanda Cavour & Marcele Guimarães da Silva - forthcoming - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação.
    Este artigo discute o mal-estar de adolescentes de duas escolas públicas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no contexto de retorno presencial das aulas pós-pandemia da COVID-19. Durante o contexto de isolamento, a escola teve de se ressignificar como lugar de aprendizagem, de convivência e de mediações com tecnologias até então ausentes, e atualmente tem que se reconstruir, territorialmente, como um lugar possível de afeto e transmissão. A escola é uma das instâncias que se ocupa desta tarefa, em que o (...)
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    Patients accept therapy using embryonic stem cells for Parkinson’s disease: a discrete choice experiment.Jennifer Viberg Johansson, Mats Hansson, Elena Jiltsova, Trinette van Vliet, Hakan Widner, Dag Nyholm, Jorien Veldwijk, Catharina Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Jennifer Drevin & Karin Schölin Bywall - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundNew disease-modifying ways to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD) may soon become a reality with intracerebral transplantation of cell products produced from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). The aim of this study was to assess what factors influence preferences of patients with PD regarding stem-cell based therapies to treat PD in the future.MethodsPatients with PD were invited to complete a web-based discrete choice experiment to assess the importance of the following attributes: (i) type of treatment, (ii) aim of treatment, (iii) available (...)
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    Home Literacy Environment and Early Literacy Development Across Languages Varying in Orthographic Consistency.Tomohiro Inoue, George Manolitsis, Peter F. de Jong, Karin Landerl, Rauno Parrila & George K. Georgiou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:546817.
    We examined the relation between home literacy environment (HLE) and early literacy development in a sample of children learning four alphabetic orthographies varying in orthographic consistency (English, Dutch, German, and Greek). Seven hundred and fourteen children were followed from Grade 1 to Grade 2 and tested on emergent literacy skills (vocabulary, letter knowledge, and phonological awareness) at the beginning of Grade 1 and on word reading fluency and spelling at the end of Grade 1, the beginning of Grade 2, and (...)
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    Am I present in imaginary worlds? Intentions, actions, and flow in mediated experiences and fiction.Federico Pianzola, Giuseppe Riva, Karin Kukkonen & Fabrizia Mantovani - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e293.
    We support the idea of applying cultural evolution theory to the study of storytelling, and fiction in particular. However, we suggest that a more plausible link between real and imaginary worlds is the feeling of “presence” we can experience in both of them: we feel present when we are able to correctly and intuitively enact our embodied predictions.
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    Child-caregiver interaction in two remote Indigenous Australian communities.Jill Vaughan, Gillian Wigglesworth, Deborah Loakes, Samantha Disbray & Karin Moses - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The boundary problem: Defining and delineating the community in field trials with gene drive organisms.Nienke de Graeff, Isabelle Pirson, Rieke van der Graaf, Annelien L. Bredenoord & Karin R. Jongsma - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (6):600-609.
    Despite widespread and worldwide efforts to eradicate vector-borne diseases such as malaria, these diseases continue to have an enormous negative impact on public health. For this reason, scientists are working on novel control strategies, such as gene drive technologies (GDTs). As GDT research advances, researchers are contemplating the potential next step of conducting field trials. An important point of discussion regarding these field trials relates to who should be informed, consulted, and involved in decision-making about their design and launch. It (...)
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    Leaving Users in the Dark: A Call to Define Responsibilities toward Users of Neural Implanted Devices.Odile C. Van Stuijvenberg, Annelien L. Bredenoord, Marike L. D. Broekman & Karin R. Jongsma - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (4):233-236.
    Sankary et al. (2022) report the results of an empirical study on research participant experiences of exiting research at the end of clinical trials of deep-brain-stimulation (DBS) and responsive n...
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    Valuing the individual – evaluating the Dignity Care Intervention.Annika Söderman, Carina Werkander Harstäde, Maria Hälleberg Nyman & Karin Blomberg - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):86-105.
    Background Palliative care needs in older persons can endanger their dignity. To provide dignity-conserving care to older persons, the Swedish Dignity Care Intervention (DCI-SWE) can be used. The DCI-SWE is built on Chochinov’s dignity model and the original version, developed and tested in UK and Scotland. Aim To describe older persons’ and their relatives’ experiences of dignity and dignity-conserving care when using the DCI-SWE in municipal health care. Research design A mixed method study with convergent parallel design. Participants and research (...)
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