Results for 'Kasper Konings'

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  1. Measuring nurses’ moral courage: an explorative study.Kasper Jean-Pierre Konings, Chris Gastmans, Olivia Hanneli Numminen, Roelant Claerhout, Glenn Aerts, Helena Leino-Kilpi & Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (1):114-130.
    Background: The 21-item Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale was developed and validated in 2018 in Finland with the purpose of measuring moral courage among nurses. Objectives: The objective of this study was to make a Dutch translation of the Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale to describe the level of nurses’ self-assessed moral courage and associated socio-demographic factors in Flanders, Belgium. Research design: A forward–backward translation method was applied to translate the English Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale to Dutch, and a pilot study was (...)
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    Validation of the Dutch-language version of Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale.Olivia Numminen, Kasper Konings, Roelant Claerhout, Chris Gastmans, Jouko Katajisto, Helena Leino-Kilpi & Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):809-822.
    Background: Moral courage as a part of nurses’ moral competence has gained increasing interest as a means to strengthen nurses acting on their moral decisions and offering alleviation to their moral distress. To measure and assess nurses’ moral courage, the development of culturally and internationally validated instruments is needed. Objective: The objective of this study was to validate the Dutch-language version of the four-component Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale originally developed and validated in Finnish data. Research design: This methodological study used (...)
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  3. Leopold ranke's archival turn: Location and evidence in modern historiography*: Kasper risbjerg Eskildsen.Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (3):425-453.
    From 1827 to 1831 the German historian Leopold von Ranke travelled through Germany, Austria, and Italy, hunting for documents and archives. During this journey Ranke developed a new model for historical research that transformed the archive into the most important site for the production of historical knowledge. Within the archive, Ranke claimed, the trained historian could forget his personal predispositions and political loyalties, and write objective history. This essay critically examines Ranke's model for historical research through a study of the (...)
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    Euthanasia in Belgium: Shortcomings of the Law and Its Application and of the Monitoring of Practice.Kasper Raus, Bert Vanderhaegen & Sigrid Sterckx - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (1):80-107.
    In 2002 with the passing of the Euthanasia Law, Belgium became one of the few countries worldwide to legalize euthanasia. In the 18 years since the passing of the law, much has changed. We argue that in Belgium a widening of the use of euthanasia is occurring and that this can be ethically and legally problematic. This is in part related to the fact that several legal requirements intended to operate as safeguards and procedural guarantees in reality often fail to (...)
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    Making Sense of Affirmative Action.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    In this book Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen address the complexities of his question "Is affirmative action morally justifiable?" by analyzing the prevailing contemporary arguments both for and against affirmative action. The book applies current political philosophy to demonstrate that arguments on both sides justify different conclusions given different specific cases, though it ultimately does argue in favor of affirmative action based on the relative strength and significance of the anti-discrimination- and equality of opportunity-based positions.
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    Gott denken und bezeugen: Festschrift für Kardinal Walter Kasper zum 75. Geburtstag.Walter Kasper, George Augustin & Klaus Krämer (eds.) - 2008 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
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    Witchcraft Beliefs and Witch Hunts.Niek Koning - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (2):158-181.
    This paper proposes an interdisciplinary explanation of the cross-cultural similarities and evolutionary patterns of witchcraft beliefs. It argues that human social dilemmas have led to the evolution of a fear system that is sensitive to signs of deceit and envy. This was adapted in the evolutionary environment of small foraging bands but became overstimulated by the consequences of the Agricultural Revolution, leading to witch paranoia. State formation, civilization, and economic development abated the fear of witches and replaced it in part (...)
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    Identity Talk of Aspirational Ethical Leaders.Juliette Koning & Jeff Waistell - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (1):65-77.
    This study investigates how business leaders dynamically narrate their aspirational ethical leadership identities. In doing so, it furthers understanding of ethical leadership as a process situated in time and place. The analysis focuses on the discursive strategies used to narrate identity and ethics by ethnic Chinese business leaders in Indonesia after their conversion to Pentecostal–charismatic Christianity. By exploring the use of metaphor, our study shows how these business leaders discursively deconstruct their ‘old’ identities and construct their ‘new’ aspirational identities as (...)
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  9. On The Validity of a Simple Argument for Moral Error Theory.Kasper Højbjerg Christensen - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (4):508-517.
    In The Myth of Morality Richard Joyce presents a simple and very influential argument for the truth of moral error theory. In this paper I point out that the argument does not have the form Joyce attributes to it, the argument is not valid in an extensional propositional logic and on the most natural way of explicating the meanings of the involved terms, it remains invalid. I conclude that more explanation is needed if we are to accept this particular argument (...)
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    Own-world and Common World in Schizophrenia: Towards a Theory of Anthropological Proportions.Kasper Møller Nielsen - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):903-923.
    The conceptual pair of own-world (ídios kósmos) and common world (koinós kósmos) constitutes an archaic pair, originally introduced by Heraclitus. More than two millennia after its introduction, Binswanger picked up this conceptual pair in the attempt to understand existence and mental disorder. Ever since, this conceptual pair has been part of the conceptualization of schizophrenia in phenomenological psychopathology. However, the concepts of ídios kósmos and koinós kósmos have seldomly been elaborated and expanded upon, and certain unclarities rest within the literature. (...)
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    The life of J. D. Åkerblad: Egyptian decipherment and Orientalism in revolutionary times.Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (4):563-564.
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    Coining collective identities: the multitude in De cive and Tractatus politicus.Kasper Juel Gregersen - 2012 - SATS 13 (2):170-189.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrgang: 13 Heft: 2 Seiten: 170-189.
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    Animal symbolis interveniens.Simon Kasper - 2021 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 11 (1):43-71.
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  14. El diálogo ecuménico actual.Walter Kasper - 2004 - In Carlos Federico Schickendantz (ed.), Culturas, religiones e iglesias: desafíos de la teología contemporánea. Córdoba, Argentina: Editorial de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
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    The Persistence of the Witness: Claude Lanzmann’s The Last of the Unjust.Judith Kasper & Michael G. Levine - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (2):381-400.
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    A Palavra de Deus na Bíblia e a Missão Evangelizadora: cinquenta anos depois da Dei Verbum.Johan Konings - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2096-2114.
    Aos 50 anos da Dei Verbum retomam-se alguns textos da última década que atualizam esse documento, especialmente a exortação Verbum Domini de Bento XVI, o Documento de Aparecida, do CELAM, e a Evangelii Gaudium, do papa Francisco. Partindo da consideração da palavra dialogal como espaço para o deixar-ser do outro, sublinha-se o caráter humano-divino da palavra de Deus, criadora e humanada em Cristo. A Tradição viva da Igreja, em cujo seio se configura a Escritura cristã como regra primeira da fé, (...)
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    De ventielfunctie van de artikel 12 Sv-procedure: van georganiseerd wantrouwen naar gezamenlijk politiek project?Sophie Koning - 2022 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 51 (2):84-105.
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    From Mount lu to the agora: Returning to the marketplace.P. Konings, E. Maex & G. Bogaerts - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (4):475-480.
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    Mondialisation et cosmopolitisme.Cyrille B. Koné - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):239-250.
    Rather than unifying the peoples in the world, globalization divides them into zones: either developed and prosperous, or underdeveloped and ravaged by poverty. How, then, can one imagine economic and financial globalization as a current implementation of cosmopolitanism, which abolishes the old fratricidal strife and seals the reunion between men across national borders? And how can we not doubt the cosmopolitan order facing the proliferation of identity claims, the rise of competitors due to globalization? Are we condemned to live in (...)
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    Some qualifying remarks on linguistic relativity.Kasper C. Marking - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (4):566-573.
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    Det sidste ord.Olsen Kasper - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 1:89-95.
    I en dobbelt forstand kan døden siges at være uomgængelig, og i en dobbelt forstand fremstår det som et uomgængeligt problem for vor livsglade civilisation, idag tilsyneladende mere end nogensinde.
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    From the mouth of shadows: On the surrealist use of automatism.Opstrup Kasper - 2017 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 25 (53).
    From surrealism’s beginnings around a Parisian séance table, it oscillated between the occult and the political. One of its key methods, automatism, provided access to both the esoteric and the exoteric: it took form in the mid-19th century as a spiritualist technique for communicating with the other side while, simultanously, this other side could address political issues as equal rights, de-colonisation and a utopian future with an authority coming from beyond the individual. By tracing the development of automatism, the article (...)
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    Ethical issues in managing the COVID‐19 pandemic.Kasper Raus, Eric Mortier & Kristof Eeckloo - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):581-588.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has had an immense and worldwide impact. In light of future pandemics or subsequent waves of COVID‐19 it is crucial to focus on the ethical issues that were and still are raised in this COVID‐19 crisis. In this paper, we look at issues that are raised in the testing and tracing of patients with COVID‐19. We do this by highlighting and expanding on an approach suggested by Fineberg that could serve as a public health approach. In this (...)
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  24. On Defining Moral Enhancement: A Clarificatory Taxonomy.Kasper Raus, Farah Focquaert, Maartje Schermer, Jona Specker & Sigrid Sterckx - 2014 - Neuroethics 7 (3):263-273.
    Recently there has been some discussion concerning a particular type of enhancement, namely ‘moral enhancement’. However, there is no consensus on what precisely constitutes moral enhancement, and as a result the concept is used and defined in a wide variety of ways. In this article, we develop a clarificatory taxonomy of these definitions and we identify the criteria that are used to delineate the concept. We think that the current definitions can be distinguished from each other by the criteria used (...)
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    Inventing the archive.Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (4):8-26.
    This article investigates the emergence of the archive as the primary venue for the production of historical knowledge in the 19th century. The turn to archival research, the article argues, may be considered as a response to the discussions about the problems of testimony that dominated 18th- and early 19th-century German writings on the methodology and epistemology of historical research. These discussions, especially regarding the epistemic virtues of witnesses, also helped create the particular culture of knowledge-making within German historical scholarship (...)
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    The logic of unification in grammar.Robert T. Kasper & William C. Rounds - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (1):35 - 58.
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    Landscape discourses and rural transformations: insights from the Dutch Dune and Flower Bulb Region.Susan de Koning - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1431-1448.
    Rural landscapes are facing a loss of biodiversity. To deal with this challenge, landscape governance is seen as an alternative and addition to sectoral policies and a potential way of realizing transformative change for biodiversity. To study transformative change in the Bulb Region, the Netherlands, this study uses a discursive-institutional perspective. A mixed methods approach was used including 50 interviews, participant observation and document analysis. The structuration and institutionalization of three competing landscape discourses were analyzed: a hegemonic discourse rejecting any (...)
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  28. Is Continuous Sedation at the End of Life an Ethically Preferable Alternative to Physician-Assisted Suicide?Kasper Raus, Sigrid Sterckx & Freddy Mortier - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (6):32 - 40.
    The relatively new practice of continuous sedation at the end of life (CS) is increasingly being debated in the clinical and ethical literature. This practice received much attention when a U.S. Supreme Court ruling noted that the availability of CS made legalization of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) unnecessary, as CS could alleviate even the most severe suffering. This view has been widely adopted. In this article, we perform an in-depth analysis of four versions of this ?argument of preferable alternative.? Our goal (...)
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  29. Truth and Its Uses: Deflationism and Alethic Pluralism.Tom Kaspers - 2023 - Synthese 202 (130):1-24.
    Deflationists believe that the question “What is truth?” should be answered not by means of a metaphysical inquiry into the nature of truth, but by figuring out what use we make of the concept of truth, and the word ‘true’, in practice. This article accepts this methodology, and it thereby rejects pluralism about truth that is driven by ontological considerations. However, it shows that there are practical considerations for a pluralism about truth, formulated at the level of use. The theory (...)
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  30. Alethic Pluralism for Pragmatists.Tom Kaspers - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-19.
    Pragmatism and the correspondence theory of truth are longtime foes. Nevertheless, there is an argument to be made that pragmatists must embrace truth as correspondence. I show that there is a distinctive pragmatic utility to taking truth to be correspondence, and I argue that it would be inconsistent for pragmatists to accept the utility of the belief that truth is correspondence while resisting the premise that this belief is correct. -/- In order to show how pragmatists can embrace truth as (...)
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    Die hermeneutiese proses onderliggend aan Paulus se eksegese van Eksodus 17:6 en Numeri 20:7–11 in 1 Korintiërs 10:1–4.Jacobus D. W. de Koning - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):9.
    The hermeneutical process underlying Paul’s exegesis of Exodus 17:6 and Numbers 20:7–11 in 1 Corinthians 10:1–4. In this article, Paul’s use of the Old Testament in 1 Corinthians 10:1–4 comes under scrutiny. In contrast with the theory of some modern scholars that Paul uses, ‘fanciful analogies’, ‘startling figurative claims’ and metaphors that ‘should not he pressed’, in reaching his conclusion that ‘the rock was Christ’, in 1 Corinthians 10:4c, it is indicated that Paul is indeed taking the original text, the (...)
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    Model-based reasoning about learner behaviour.Kees de Koning, Bert Bredeweg, Joost Breuker & Bob Wielinga - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 117 (2):173-229.
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  33. 1 Phenomenology.Andre de Koning - 1982 - In A. J. J. de Koning & F. A. Jenner (eds.), Phenomenology and psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton.
  34. Reflections on the Heart.Andre De Koning - 1984 - In Dreyer Kruger (ed.), The Changing reality of modern man: essays in honour of Jan Hendrik van den Berg. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
  35. Suspicion and delusion.A. J. J. de Koning - 1982 - In A. J. J. de Koning & F. A. Jenner (eds.), Phenomenology and psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton.
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    The hermeneutical process underlying Paul's exegesis of Exodus 17:6 and Numbers 20:7-11 in 1 Corinthians 10:1-4.Jacobus D. W. de Koning - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-9.
    In this article, Paul's use of the Old Testament in 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 comes under scrutiny. In contrast with the theory of some modern scholars that Paul uses, 'fanciful analogies', 'startling figurative claims' and metaphors that 'should not he pressed', in reaching his conclusion that 'the rock was Christ', in 1 Corinthians 10:4c, it is indicated that Paul is indeed taking the original text, the Old Testament's interpretation of the text, and the Jewish tradition of the interpretation of the text, (...)
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  37. Vertrouwend leven.Johannes Albert de Koning - 1953 - Delft,: W. Gaade.
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    Unité ecclésiale et communion ecclésiale dans une perspective catholique.Walter Kasper - 2001 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 75 (1):6-22.
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    Digital signatures: a tool to prevent and predict dishonesty?Luka Koning, Marianne Junger & Joris van Hoof - 2020 - Mind and Society 19 (2):257-285.
    Dishonesty is prevalent and causes great damage to society. On an individual level, besides reaping rewards, it also carries a psychological cost for those who engage in it. This principle is used to make people more honest with behavioral interventions, one of them being the well-known ‘signature nudge’. Digital transition in society has however led to changes in the way people sign, which may affect the effectiveness of this nudge. In two experiments, the current study investigates the relationship between digital (...)
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    Repères méthodologiques: manuel philosophique.Seydou Koné - 2018 - Bamako, Mali: Innov Éditions.
    Dans ce livre, Ali Ouid Sidi retrace les parcours des explorateurs oubliés de Tombouctou ainsi que de leurs réalisations respectives. Il invite à une analyse objective du vecu quotidien des explorateurs au sein de la société tombouctienne, puis ovre le debat autour des composantes des maisons des explorateurs partie intégrante de la Medina de Tombouctou inscrite au Patrimoine national.
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    Re-thinking the Liquid Core of Capitalism with Hyman Minsky.Martijn Konings & Lisa Adkins - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (5):43-60.
    While Minsky’s work is often identified with the critique of financial speculation, this paper argues that there is a different side to his work. We argue that Minsky can be read as offering a post-foundational perspective on political economy that recognizes the speculative dimension of all economic activity. This post-foundational reading allows for an understanding of neoliberal policymaking in terms of the provision of liquidity to too-big-to-fail constituencies. The article discusses how some segments of Western societies have been able to (...)
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    Suitable properties for any electronic voting system.Jean-Luc Koning & Didier Dubois - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 14 (4):251-260.
    Numerous countries are heading toward digital infrastructures. In particular this new technology promises to help support methods for elections. However, one should be careful that such an infrastructure does not hinder the voting and representation issues. On the contrary, it should support those issues and help citizens have a clearer picture of the underlying mechanisms. This paper deals with the limits of voting procedures as they are described in classical collective choice theory and reflects on ways to aggregate electronic votes (...)
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    Zeitmasse: et humanvidenskabeligt eksperiment.Kasper Nefer Olsen - 1996 - Århus: Aarhus universitetsforlag.
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    Lacon.Kasper Siemek - 2021 - Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury. Edited by Józef Macjon, Paweł Sydor & Kasper Siemek.
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    Being an adult sibling of an individual with autism spectrum disorder may be a predictor of loneliness and depression – Preliminary findings from a cross-sectional study.Kasper Sipowicz, Marlena Podlecka, Łukasz Mokros, Tadeusz Pietras & Kamila Łuczyńska - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe aim of this study is to compare depression and loneliness among adult siblings of people on the autism spectrum, adult siblings of normotypic individuals, and adults raised alone. In recent years, an increasing interest in the perspective of siblings of children diagnosed with autism has been observed, with studies among this population particularly concerned with the developmental trajectories of children and adolescents at “high risk” for ASD, rarely focusing on their mental well-being.MethodsThe respondents filled out: the survey on sociodemographic (...)
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    (1 other version)The God of Jesus Christ.Walter Kasper - 1984 - New York: Crossroad.
    PART I : THE GOD-QUESTION TODAY -- God as a problem -- The denial of God in modern atheism -- The predicament of theology in the face of atheism -- Experience of God and knowledge of God -- Knowledge of God in faith. PART II : THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE GOD OF JESUS CHRIST -- God, the father almighty -- Jesus Christ, son of God -- The Holy Spirit, Lord, and giver of life. PART III : THE TRINITARIAN MYSTERY OF (...)
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    An Instrumental Account of Deception and Reactions to Deceit in Bargaining.Lukas Koning, Eric van Dijk, Ilja van Beest & Wolfgang Steinel - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (1):57-73.
    In the current paper we present an instrumental approach to deception. This approach incorporates the notion that bargainers (a) will use deception as a means to reach their goals in bargaining but (b) will refrain from using deception when they have alternative means to reach their goals. We demonstrate that different goals can lead to differences in the use of deception (Experiment 1). Furthermore, we demonstrate that reactions to deceit can also be understood from an instrumental perspective (Experiment 2).
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    Christian Thomasius, Invisible Philosophers, and Education for Enlightenment.Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen - 2008 - Intellectual History Review 18 (3):319-336.
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    Unraveling recombination rate evolution using ancestral recombination maps.Kasper Munch, Mikkel H. Schierup & Thomas Mailund - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (9):892-900.
    Recombination maps of ancestral species can be constructed from comparative analyses of genomes from closely related species, exemplified by a recently published map of the human‐chimpanzee ancestor. Such maps resolve differences in recombination rate between species into changes along individual branches in the speciation tree, and allow identification of associated changes in the genomic sequences. We describe how coalescent hidden Markov models are able to call individual recombination events in ancestral species through inference of incomplete lineage sorting along a genomic (...)
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    Continuous deep sedation at the end of life and the 'natural death' hypothesis.Kasper Raus, Sigrid Sterckx & Freddy Mortier - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (6):329-336.
    Surveys in different countries (e.g. the UK, Belgium and The Netherlands) show a marked recent increase in the incidence of continuous deep sedation at the end of life (CDS). Several hypotheses can be formulated to explain the increasing performance of this practice. In this paper we focus on what we call the ‘natural death’ hypothesis, i.e. the hypothesis that acceptance of CDS has spread rapidly because death after CDS can be perceived as a ‘natural’ death by medical practitioners, patients' relatives (...)
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