Results for 'Kinta Beaver'

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  1.  46
    Users’ Views of Palliative Care Services: ethical implications.Simon Woods, Kinta Beaver & Karen Luker - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (4):314-326.
    This article is based on the findings of a study that elicited the views of terminally ill patients ( n = 15), their carers ( n = 10) and bereaved carers ( n = 19) on the palliative care services they received. It explores the range of ethical issues revealed by the data. Although the focus of the original study was on community services, the participants frequently commented on all aspects of their experience. They described some of its positive and (...)
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    Sense and sensitivity: how focus determines meaning.David I. Beaver - 2008 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Brady Z. Clark.
    Sense and Sensitivity explores the semantics and pragmatics of focus in natural language discourse, advancing a new account of focus sensitivity which posits a three-way distinction between different effects of focus. Makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing research in the field of focus sensitivity Discusses the features of QFC, an original theory of focus implying a new typology of focus-sensitive expressions Presents novel cross-linguistic data on focus and focus sensitivity Concludes with a case study of exclusives (like “only”), arguing (...)
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  3. A partial account of presupposition projection.David Beaver & Emiel Krahmer - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (2):147-182.
    In this paper it is shown how a partial semantics for presuppositions can be given which is empirically more satisfactory than its predecessors, and how this semantics can be integrated with a technically sound, compositional grammar in the Montagovian fashion. Additionally, it is argued that the classical objection to partial accounts of presupposition projection, namely that they lack “flexibility,” is based on a misconception. Partial logics can give rise to flexible predictions without postulating any ad hoc ambiguities. Finally, it is (...)
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    What Comes First in Dynamic Semantics: A Critical Review of Linguistic Theories of Presupposition and a Dynamic Alternative.David Beaver - 2001 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
    Russell and Strawson sparked a well known debate on the subject of Linguistic Presupposition inspiring many linguists and philosophers to follow suit, including Frege, whose work initiated the modern study in this area. Beaver begins with the most comprehensive overview and critical discussion of this burgeoning field published to date. He then goes on to motivate and develop his own account based on a Dynamic Semantics. This account is a recent line of theoretical work in which the Tarskian emphasis (...)
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  5. Toward a Non-Ideal Philosophy of Language.David Beaver & Jason Stanley - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (2):503-547.
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  6. Presupposition.David I. Beaver - 1997 - In J. F. A. K. Van Benthem, Johan van Benthem & Alice G. B. Ter Meulen (eds.), Handbook of Logic and Language. Elsevier.
    We discuss presupposition, the phenomenon whereby speakers mark linguistically the information that is presupposed or taken for granted, rather than being part of the main propositional content of a speech act. Expressions and constructions carrying presuppositions are called “presupposition triggers”, forming a large class including definites and factive verbs. The article first introduces the range of triggers, the basic properties of presuppositions such as projection and cancellability, and the diagnostic tests used to identify them. The reader is then introducedto major (...)
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  7.  67
    The Politics of Language.David Beaver & Jason Stanley - 2023 - Princeton University Press.
    A provocative case for the inherently political nature of language In The Politics of Language, David Beaver and Jason Stanley present a radical new approach to the theory of meaning, offering an account of communication in which political and social identity, affect, and shared practices play as important a role as information. This new view of language, they argue, has dramatic consequences for free speech, democracy, and a range of other areas in which speech plays a central role. Drawing (...)
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  8. Moral Machines and the Threat of Ethical Nihilism.Anthony F. Beavers - 2011 - In Patrick Lin, Keith Abney & George A. Bekey (eds.), Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics. MIT Press.
    In his famous 1950 paper where he presents what became the benchmark for success in artificial intelligence, Turing notes that "at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted" (Turing 1950, 442). Kurzweil (1990) suggests that Turing's prediction was correct, even if no machine has yet to pass the Turing Test. In the wake of the (...)
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  9. Neutrality.David Beaver & Jason Stanley - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (1):165-185.
    Neutrality functions as an ideal in deliberation—we are supposed to have a neutral standpoint in debate, speak without bias or taking sides. We argue against the ideal of neutrality. We sketch how a theory of meaning could avoid commitment even to the coherence of a neutral space of discourse for exchanging reasons. In a model that accepts the ideal of neutrality, what makes propaganda exceptional is its non-neutrality. However, a critique of propaganda cannot take the form of “clearing out” the (...)
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  10. The optimization of discourse anaphora.David I. Beaver - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (1):3-56.
    In this paper the Centering model of anaphoraresolution and discourse coherence(Grosz et al. 1983, 1995)is reformulated in terms of Optimality Theory (OT)(Prince and Smolensky 1993). One version of the reformulated modelis proven to be descriptively equivalent to an earlier algorithmicstatement of Centering due to Brennan, Friedman and Pollard(1987). However, the new model is stated declaratively, and makesclearer the status of the various constraints used in the theory. Inthe second part of the paper, the model is extended, demonstratingthe advantages of the (...)
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  11. Walter Benjamin's Exegesis of Stuff'.Cheryl Beaver - 2006 - Epoché: The University of California Journal for the Study of Religion 24 (1).
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  12.  15
    Extensions of the $\aleph_0$-valued Ł ukasiewicz propositional logic.M. G. Beavers - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (2):251-262.
  13. Mechanists of the Revolution: The Case of Edison and Bell.Anthony F. Beavers - unknown
    The “information age” is often thought in terms of the digital revolution that begins with Turing’s 1937 paper, “On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem.” However, this can only be partially correct. There are two aspects to Turing’s work: one dealing with questions of computation that leads to computer science and another concerned with building computing machines that leads to computer engineering. Here, we emphasize the latter because it shows us a Turing connected with mechanisms of information flow (...)
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  14. Introducing Levinas to undergraduate philosophers.Tony Beavers - unknown
    The question of the source of the moral "ought" is no small question, nor is it unimportant. Our own philosophical tradition has dealt with the question in several ways producing a variety of answers. Some of these include locating the "ought" in the structure of reason, in the human being's desire for pleasure, or in the will of God. The reason why the question is so important is because different conceptions of the source of the moral ought ultimately give rise (...)
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  15.  37
    Battling Wal‐Mart: How Communities Can Respond.William Beaver - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (2):159-169.
  16.  19
    On the failure to detect previously published research.Donald deB Beaver - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):199-200.
  17. The Phenomenological Mind: An Introduction to Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science.Anthony F. Beavers - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (4):533-537.
    The Phenomenological Mind, by Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi, is part of a recent initiative to show that phenomenology, classically conceived as the tradition inaugurated by Edmund Husserl and not as mere introspection, contributes something important to cognitive science. (For other examples, see “References” below.) Phenomenology, of course, has been a part of cognitive science for a long time. It implicitly informs the works of Andy Clark (e.g. 1997) and John Haugeland (e.g. 1998), and Hubert Dreyfus explicitly uses it (e.g. (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Noesis and the encyclopedic internet vision.Anthony F. Beavers - 2011 - Synthese 182 (2):315 - 333.
    Noesis is an Internet search engine dedicated to mapping the profession of philosophy online. In this paper, I recount the history of the project's development since 1998 and discuss the role it may play in representing philosophy optimally, adequately, fairly, and accessibly. Unlike many other representations of philosophy, Noesis is dynamic in the sense that it constantly changes and inclusive in the sense that it lets the profession speak for itself about what philosophy is, how it is practiced, and why (...)
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  19.  61
    (1 other version)Historicizing Floridi.Anthony F. Beavers - 2011 - Etica and Politica / Ethics and Politics (2):255-275.
  20.  27
    Axel Honneth , Reification: A New Look at an Old Idea . Reviewed by.Vince Beaver - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (1):20-22.
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    Automated theorem proving for łukasiewicz logics.Gordon Beavers - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (2):183 - 195.
    This paper is concerned with decision proceedures for the 0-valued ukasiewicz logics,. It is shown how linear algebra can be used to construct an automated theorem checker. Two decision proceedures are described which depend on a linear programming package. An algorithm is given for the verification of consequence relations in, and a connection is made between theorem checking in two-valued logic and theorem checking in which implies that determing of a -free formula whether it takes the value one is NP-complete (...)
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  22.  10
    Can Nuclear Power Come Back?William Beaver - 2017 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 37 (3):138-145.
    The nation’s nuclear power industry is in trouble. The number of operating reactors continues to decline, while only one new plant is scheduled to open and it is well behind schedule and 50% over budget. The article will investigate the possibility of a nuclear revival in this country by first analyzing the troubled history of the light water reactor, a technology that dates back to the 1950s, and one the federal government choose to pursue to ensure America’s technological leadership, and (...)
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  23. "Doubt and Belief in the" Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione".Anthony F. Beavers & Lee C. Rice - 1988 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 4:93-120.
  24.  18
    Environmental Concerns in the M arcellus S hale.William Beaver - 2014 - Business and Society Review 119 (1):125-146.
    Hydraulic fracturing used to remove natural gas from the Marcellus Shale has raised environmental concerns in the region both in terms of air and water pollution. This article will examine those concerns and how the natural gas industry has responded to them. After discussing the issues related to groundwater contamination and air quality. I discuss industry responses and how the costs and harm associated with fracking could be reduced, with the knowledge that despite opposition from environmental groups, fracking will continue. (...)
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  25. Floridi historizado: la cuestión del método, el estado de la profesión y la oportunidad de la filosofía de la información de Luciano Floridi.Anthony F. Beavers - 2013 - Escritos 21 (46):39-68.
    El artículo plantea la actualidad y pertinencia de la Filosofía de la información de Luciano Floridi, considerada a la luz de las revoluciones científicas de Occidente y de la instauración de nuevos paradigmas, tanto en las ciencias como en la filosofía. La analogía con el “giro matemático” de la Modernidad permite establecer el alcance revolucionario de la obra de Floridi, cuya aceptación implicará superar el obstáculo epistemológico del escolasticismo, en función del dinamismo histórico inherente al progreso científico.
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    Fast‐Food Invades the Schools.William Beaver - 1999 - Business and Society Review 104 (2):191-197.
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  27. Kantian and non-Kantian “agents”.Anthony F. Beavers - unknown
    We can discern three types of amoral beings in Kant ’s ethical philosophy, one kind of moral being, the true moral agent, and one kind of immoral being, for five kinds in all: B1) beings that are driven solely by inclination, such as animals. B2) beings that act solely out of reason and, therefore, duty, such as divine intellects.
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  28. Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Philosophy: Technology.Anthony F. Beavers (ed.) - 2017 - Macmillan Reference USA.
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  29. Passion and Sexual Desire in Descartes.Anthony Beavers - 2000 - Philosophy and Theology 12 (2):223-243.
    Following a general outline of Descartes’ theory of passions as he presents it in the Passions of the Soul, I offer a critical analysis of his paradigms for love and sexual attraction. This provides the basis (in the third section) for schematizing a general theory of sexuality in Descartes. In closing, I examine the problem of descriptive and prescriptive accounts of love/sex, and some of the issues which relate to the integration of Descartes’ account into his general theory of human (...)
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    Punishment of nonspecific responses: Does the negative half of the law of effect apply?William O. Beavers & Charles C. Perkins - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (1):14-16.
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    Agriculture in history of science and technology curricula.Donald deB Beaver - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (4):78-81.
  32.  46
    Desire and Love in Descartes's Late Philosophy.Anthony F. Beavers - 1989 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 6 (3):279 - 294.
  33.  13
    Clues and caveats concerning artificial consciousness from a phenomenological perspective.Anthony F. Beavers & Eli B. McGraw - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (5):1073-1095.
    In this paper, we use the recent appearance of LLMs and GPT-equipped robotics to raise questions about the nature of semantic meaning and how this relates to issues concerning artificially-conscious machines. To do so, we explore how a phenomenology constructed out of the association of qualia (defined as somatically-experienced sense data) and situated within a 4e enactivist program gives rise to intentional behavior. We argue that a robot without such a phenomenology is semantically empty and, thus, cannot be conscious in (...)
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  34. On the logic of verbal modification.David Beaver & Cleo Condoravdi - 2007 - In Dekker Aloni (ed.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Amsterdam Colloquium.
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  35. Kant and the Problem of Ethical Metaphysics.Anthony F. Beavers - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (2-3):11-20.
    The ethical philosophies of Kant and Levinas would seem, on the surface, to be incompatible. In this essay. I attempt to reconcile them by situating Levinas’s philosophy “beneath” Kant’s as its existential condition thereby addressing two shortcomings in each of their works, for Kant. the apparent difficulty of making ethics apply to real concrete cases, and, for Levinas, the apparent difficulty of establishing a normative ethics that can offer prescriptions for moral behavior. My general thesis is that the existential ethical (...)
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  36. Textual Commentary Motion, Mobility, and Method In Aristotle's Physics: Comments on Physics 2.1.192b20-24.Anthony F. Beavers - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (2):357-374.
    IN PHYSICS 2, Aristotle defines nature as the source and cause of being moved and of being at rest. Yet some recent translations have moved Aristotle's "being moved" into an active form. I shall argue that an active translation of this definition is potentially misleading, and that the implications of such a reading have had their place in the history of Aristotelian debate.
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  37. Toward a Taxonomy of Projective Content.Judith Tonhauser, David Beaver, Craige Roberts & Mandy Simons - 2013 - Language 89 (1):66-109.
    Projective contents, which include presuppositional inferences and Potts's conventional implicatures, are contents that may project when a construction is embedded, as standardly identified by the FAMILY-OF-SENTENCES diagnostic. This article establishes distinctions among projective contents on the basis of a series of diagnostics, including a variant of the family-of-sentences diagnostic, that can be applied with linguistically untrained consultants in the field and the laboratory. These diagnostics are intended to serve as part of a toolkit for exploring projective contents across languages, thus (...)
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  38. Cartesian Mechanisms and Transcendental Philosophy.Anthony F. Beavers - unknown
    If we follow a traditional reading of Descartes and throw in some of our favorite German philosophers (Kant, Husserl and Heidegger, for instance) we can isolate a doctrinal current that says that the pure intellect has no immediate access to the extra-mental world. This reduction of experience to reason forces the question of the external world’s existence, leading to Heidegger’s assertion that the scandal of philosophy was not that it had yet to furnish a proof for the external world’s existence, (...)
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  39. Emmanuel Levinas and the prophetic voice of postmodernity.Tony Beavers - unknown
    Without a doubt, Levinas' principal concern in philosophy is how the self meets the Other. His magnum opus, Totality and Infinity, bears the subtitle, An Essay on Exterior- ity. Exteriority refers to a region beyond the horizons of the self, that which "is" beyond transcendental subjectivity. If there are such "beings" as other selves, that is, other subjects, they exist out there in the exterior. But if knowledge is confined to the interior—as Levinas says it must be—then the Other cannot (...)
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    Stigma and the Structure of Title IX Compliance.Jenelle M. Beavers & Sam F. Halabi - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (4):558-568.
    This article analyzes the relationship between the structure of federal Title IX investigations and the existing evidence addressing the emotional and mental health needs of sexual harassment and sexual assault victims. The article argues that federal requirements for investigating sexual harassment should be restructured so as to address the challenges stigma poses for the realization of Title IX's objectives.
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    The communicative significance of primary and secondary accents.David Beaver & Dan Velleman - 2011 - Lingua.
    Many formal linguists hold that English pitch accent has a single function: marking focus. On the other hand, there is evidence from corpus work and from psycholinguistics that pitch accent is attracted to expressions which are unpredictable. We present a two-factor pragmatic account in which both focus and predictability contribute to the placement of accent in an English intonational phrase. On examples of so-called “second occurrence focus” and related phenomena, our account gives superior results to the one-factor accounts of Rooth (...)
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  42.  9
    (1 other version)Technological Literacy, Old and New.Donald Deb Beaver - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (2):229-234.
    As one of the Sloan Foundation's original New Liberal Arts grantees, Williams College has developed a variety of approaches to improve quantitative reasoning and technological literacy, including creating interdisciplinary courses, computer and mathematical workshops, and an STS program. Further development, however, depends critically on what technological literacy may mean in a liberal arts context. Attempts to promote technological literacy, whether in liberal arts settings or not, are likely to founder unless they take account of the complexity and context dependent nature (...)
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    Homosexual Signs.Harold Beaver - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):99-119.
    Just consider, for sheer paranoia, the range of synonyms when the mask is ripped, the silence broken, the deferment brutally concluded: angel-face, arse-bandit, auntie, bent, bessie, bugger, bum-banger, bum boy, chicken, cocksucker, daisie, fag, faggot, fairy, flit, fruit, jasper, mincer; molly, nancy boy, nelly, pansy, patapoof, poofter, cream puff, powder puff, queen, queer, shit-stirrer, sissie, swish, sod, turd-burglar, pervert. For Aristophanes, as for Norman Mailer and Mary Whitehouse, buggery equaled coprophagy: a corrupt, destructive, hypocritical, excremental, urban scatology. Heterosexuality equalled the (...)
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  44. Semantics.David Beaver & Joey Frazee - forthcoming - The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics 2nd Edition.
    Formal semantics is the study of linguistic meaning using precise mathematical characterizations; this chapter introduces formal semantics to scholars and students of natural-language processing. We give simple logical representations of English sentences, and show how meanings are composed in a grammar. We then consider two more advanced issues that arise in processing texts, anaphora and temporality, using Discourse Representation Theory. Finally we discuss the relationship between deep logic-based methods for semantic analysis and shallower distributional methods that have been used in (...)
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  45.  23
    A Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Information.Anthony F. Beavers - 2016 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 3 (1):16-28.
    The term “information” and its various meanings across several domains have spawned a growing research area in the discipline of philosophy known as the philosophy of information (PI). The following briefly outlines a taxonomy of the field addressing: 1) what is the philosophy of information; 2) what is information; 3) open problems in the philosophy of information; 4) paradoxes of information; 5) philosophy as the philosophy of information; 6) information metaphysics; and 7) information ethics.
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    Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Science of the Mind.Anthony F. Beavers - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (4):625-628.
  47.  21
    American Science Leaders. Santa Barbara: ABC‐CLIO, 2000. $49.Donald deB Beaver - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):365-365.
  48.  30
    Rap and the Recording Industry.William Beaver - 2010 - Business and Society Review 115 (1):107-120.
    ABSTRACTNothing in the music industry has been more controversial than so‐called gangsta rap. This article examines the behavior of the major recording labels involved with rap music, and how they have responded to calls from the minority community and various politicians to clean up the offensive lyrics associated with the genre. In large part, the companies have basically ignored their critics and continued to market gangsta rap because for years it had been so highly profitable. Their basic tactic has been (...)
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  49. Recent Developments in Computing and Philosophy.Anthony F. Beavers - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (2):385-397.
    Because the label "computing and philosophy" can seem like an ad hoc attempt to tie computing to philosophy, it is important to explain why it is not, what it studies (or does) and how it differs from research in, say, "computing and history," or "computing and biology". The American Association for History and Computing is "dedicated to the reasonable and productive marriage of history and computer technology for teaching, researching and representing history through scholarship and public history" ( More pervasive, (...)
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    Theorem counting.M. G. Beavers - 1994 - Topoi 13 (1):61-65.
    Consider the set of tautologies of the classical propositional calculus containing no connective other than and, or, and not. Consider the subset of this set containing tautologies in exactlyn propositional variables. This paper provides a method for determining the number of equivalence classes of each such subset modulo equivalence in the infinite-valued Lukasiewicz propositional calculus.
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