Results for 'Klaudia Hilgers'

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  1.  10
    On Aesthetic Disinterestedness.Thomas W. Hilgers - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    The notion of disinterestedness is often conceived of as antiquated or ideological. In spite of this, Hilgers argues that one cannot reject it if one wishes to understand the nature of art. He claims that an artwork typically _asks_ a person to adopt a disinterested attitude towards what it shows, and that the effect of such an adoption is that it makes the person temporarily _lose the sense of herself_, while enabling her to _gain a sense of the other_. (...)
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    Self Beyond the Body: Action-Driven and Task-Relevant Purely Distal Cues Modulate Performance and Body Ownership.Klaudia Grechuta, Laura Ulysse, Belén Rubio Ballester & Paul F. M. J. Verschure - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:412150.
    Our understanding of body ownership largely relies on the Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI) paradigm where synchronous stroking of the real and fake hands leads to an illusion of ownership of RH provided its physical, anatomical, and spatial plausibility. Self-attribution of a fake hand also occurs during visuomotor synchrony, when the visual feedback of self-initiated movements follows the trajectory of the instantiated motor command. In both cases, the experience of ownership is established through bottom-up integration and top-down prediction of multisensory (proximodistal) (...)
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    Der ‚freie Geist‘, das ‚Problem der Rangordnung‘ und die ‚grosse Gesundheit‘: Zur Darstellung des Problems des Perspektivischen in der Vorrede zu Menschliches, Allzumenschliches I.Jan F. Hilgers - 2018 - Nietzscheforschung 25 (1):299-312.
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    Body Size Adaptation Alters Perception of Test Stimuli, Not Internal Body Image.Klaudia B. Ambroziak, Elena Azañón & Matthew R. Longo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Conceptual distortions of hand structure are robust to changes in stimulus information.Klaudia B. Ambroziak, Luigi Tamè & Matthew R. Longo - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 61:107-116.
    Hands are commonly held up as an exemplar of well-known, familiar objects. However, conceptual knowledge of the hand has been found to show highly stereotyped distortions. Specifically, people judge their knuckles as farther forward in the hand than they actually are. The cause of this distal bias remains unclear. In Experiment 1, we tested whether both visual and tactile information contribute to the distortion. Participants judged the location of their knuckles by pointing to the location on their palm directly opposite (...)
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    Autochthony as Capital in a Global Age.Mathieu Hilgers - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (1):34-54.
    For a little over a decade we have been witnessing a profusion of discourses on autochthony — that is, an original belonging to a group or territory — in many parts of the world. A global approach to this question first requires a look at the principle of autochthony and its genealogy. Starting from African examples, places of prolific expression of the phenomenon, this article shows how autochthony plays the role of capital that can be invested, valued and profited from. (...)
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    Perspektive und Fiktion.Thomas Hilgers & Gertrud Koch (eds.) - 2017 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Dieser Band versammelt Aufsätze, die dem Verhältnis von Perspektive und Fiktion aus philosophischen sowie kunst-, literatur-, film- und musikwissenschaftlichen Blickwinkeln nachgehen. Visuelle Perspektiven spielen für die Konstruktion fiktionaler Bildräume eine wesentliche Rolle. Und auch für die Konstruktion fiktionaler Erzählungen sind narrative Perspektiven entscheidend. Dies führt zu der Frage, ob Fiktionen immer perspektivische Konstruktionen sind. Was genau jedoch könnte es überhaupt bedeuten, eine Fiktion als perspektivische Konstruktion zu definieren? Welche Modelle von Wahrnehmung, Erkenntnis und Affekt müssen hinzugezogen werden, um das Verhältnis (...)
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    Strategies of Response: Ellis Cornelia Knight’s Sequel to Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas.Stephanie M. Hilger - 2006 - Intertexts 10 (1):65-86.
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    Sirenen. Lösungen des Klangs vom Körper.Philipp von Hilgers - 2003 - Philosophia Scientiae 7 (1):85-114.
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    Eating and body image: Does food insecurity make us feel thinner?Klaudia B. Ambroziak, Elena Azañón & Matthew R. Longo - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    The notion of aesthetic freedom in contemporary German philosophy: Christoph Menke’s The Power of Art and Martin Seel’s Active Passivity.Thomas Hilgers - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):425-428.
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    What Would Be a Better NFP Study?Thomas W. Hilgers - 2006 - Ethics and Medics 31 (6):1-2.
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    Aesthetic Disinterestedness Revisited.Thomas Hilgers - 2023 - In Larissa Berger (ed.), Disinterested Pleasure and Beauty: Perspectives from Kantian and Contemporary Aesthetics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 167-180.
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    Das Glück des Zufalls.Thomas Hilgers - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (1).
    In diesem Aufsatz präsentiere ich drei Argumente für die These, dass die Erscheinung bzw. die Erfahrung des Zufalls eine besondere Quelle von Glück sein kann. Genauer gesagt zeige ich (vor allem in einer Auseinandersetzung mit einigen zentralen Gedanken Heideggers), dass die Erfahrung des Zufalls ein Gefühl von Lebendigkeit, ein Gefühl des uns Entgegenkommens der Welt sowie ein Gefühl von Korrespondenz implizieren kann. In einem weiteren Schritt untersuche ich, inwiefern die im heutigen Informationszeitalter wirkmächtigen Zeitstrukturen dem Erscheinen von Zufällen opponieren. In (...)
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    Clientelism and conceptual stretching: differentiating among concepts and among analytical levels. [REVIEW]Tina Hilgers - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (5):567-588.
    The concept of clientelism has lost descriptive power. It has become indistinguishable from neighboring concepts and is applied across analytical levels. Using Gerring’s (Polity 31:357–393, 1999) characterization of a “good” concept, I establish the core attributes of clientelism, which, in addition to being an interest-maximizing exchange, involves longevity, diffuseness, face-to-face contact, and inequality. Using secondary sources and fieldwork data, I differentiate clientelism from concepts such as vote-buying and corruption and determine its analytical position at the microsociological level. I argue that (...)
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  16.  14
    Score Predictor Factor Analysis: Reproducing Observed Covariances by Means of Factor Score Predictors.André Beauducel & Norbert Hilger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17.  5
    Kiedy zmienność staje się stałością. Reinterpretacja jogicznego tapasu w rzeczywistości „społeczeństwa ryzyka” Ulricha Becka.Nina Budziszewska & Klaudia Bączyk-Lesiuk - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 18 (3):99-116.
    The article attempts to answer the question concerning the possibility of reinterpreting tapas and locating it in the risk society. The authors, referring to Ulrich Beck’s concept, look for the ways out of the “kingdom of shadows”, possessed by a constant sense of threat, both in the global and local sphere. The article takes a cross-sectional look at tapas in old Indian literature, looking for possibilities of its contemporary implementation on non-Indian grounds, as a response to the deteriorating psycho-physical state (...)
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    An association between adverse events, anxiety and body size of adolescents.Tomasz Hanć, Klaudia Janicka, Magdalena Durda & Joachim Cieślik - 2014 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (1):122-138.
    SummaryThe aim of the study was to assess the relationship between adverse life events, a tendency to respond with a high level of anxiety, and height and adiposity of adolescents. The sample included 575 persons aged 10–15 from the Wielkopolska region of Poland. The influence of adverse events during the 6 months before the examination and anxiety trait, as assessed with a STAIC questionnaire, on body height and BMI was analysed. Also sex, age, chronic diseases and socioeconomic status indicators were (...)
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    Together with the Ainu, a Vanishing People.Edward Norbeck & M. Inez Hilger - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (2):229.
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    Response to spatial and nonspatial change in wild (WWCPS) and Wistar rats.Wojciech Pisula, Klaudia Modlińska & Rafał Stryjek - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (2):124-131.
    Response to spatial and nonspatial change in wild and Wistar rats The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the effects of domestication on exploration in rats. The comparison was made between wild Warsaw-Wild-Captive-Pisula-Stryjek rats and Wistar laboratory rats. The study used a purpose-built maze divided into zones connected with a corridor. Objects were placed in two out of four zones. Their location and shape were subject to experimental manipulation. Transporter used to move rats to the maze provided the opportunity (...)
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    Post-activation Potentiation Response of Climbers Performing the Upper Body Power Exercise.Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski & Klaudia Kandzia - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Do Contracts Make Them Care? The Impact of CEO Compensation Design on Corporate Social Performance.Jean McGuire, Jana Oehmichen, Michael Wolff & Roman Hilgers - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):375-390.
    Using the behavioral agency model, we analyze how two compensation design characteristics, pay-performance sensitivity and duration of CEO compensation, affect corporate social performance. We find that the performance sensitivity of CEO pay is negatively associated with poor social performance but also negatively affects strong social performance. These results suggest that pay-performance sensitivity increases the relevance of potential negative consequences of poor social performance. However, the ‘insurance’ benefits of strong social performance may also become less relevant. With respect to the duration (...)
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  23.  18
    Being Mindful at University: A Pilot Evaluation of the Feasibility of an Online Mindfulness-Based Mental Health Support Program for Students.Miroslav Světlák, Pavla Linhartová, Terezia Knejzlíková, Jakub Knejzlík, Barbora Kóša, Veronika Horníčková, Kristýna Jarolínová, Klaudia Lučanská, Alena Slezáčková & Rastislav Šumec - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    University study can be a life period of heightened psychological distress for many students. The development of new preventive and intervention programs to support well-being in university students is a fundamental challenge for mental health professionals. We designed an 8-week online mindfulness-based program combining a face-to-face approach, text, audio, video components, and support psychotherapy principles with a unique intensive reminder system using the Facebook Messenger and Slack applications in two separate runs. We assessed the program’s effect on mindful experiencing, perceived (...)
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  24.  28
    Do you hear what I see? An audio-visual paradigm to assess emotional egocentricity bias.Mariana von Mohr, Gianluca Finotti, Klaudia B. Ambroziak & Manos Tsakiris - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (4):756-770.
    ABSTRACTWe often use our own emotions to understand other people’s emotions. However, emotional egocentric biases, namely the tendency to use one’s own emotional state when relating to others...
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    Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version of the Short Grit Scale.Radosław Rogoza, Małgorzata Najderska, Dominika Karaś, Klaudia Ponikiewska & Patrycja Wyszyńska - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (2):229-236.
    This study aimed to verify the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Grit-S questionnaire. Grit is understood here as the perseverance and passion for long-term goals, and it encompasses two dimensions: Consistency of Interest and Perseverance of Effort. The sample comprised N = 270 participants aged 18-34. We performed confirmatory factor analyses to verify the dimensional structure of grit, multi-group confirmatory factor analysis to compare the structure across gender, and correlation analysis to examine external validity. Findings showed satisfactory (...)
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  26.  21
    Indonesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-DjermanIndonesisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Djerman.John M. Echols, Otto Karow & Irene Hilgers-Hesse - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):495.
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    Abortion and the Maternal‐Fetal Medicine Physician.Daniel J. Wechter, Gilbert Meilaender, Hannah Klaus & Thomas W. Hilgers - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (5):2-3.
  28.  22
    Gray-Box Model of Inland Navigation Channel: Application to the Cuinchy–Fontinettes Reach.Karine Chuquet, Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, Lala Rajaoarisoa, Joaquim Blesa, Eric Duviella & Klaudia Horváth - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (2):183-199.
    In a context of global change, inland navigation transport has gained interest with economic and environmental benefits. The development of this means of conveyance requires the improvement of its management rules to deal with the increase of navigation and the potential impact of global change. To achieve this aim, it is first necessary to have a better knowledge about the dynamics of inland navigation networks and their interaction with the environment. Second, the potential effects of global change have to be (...)
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    Thomas Hilgers, Aesthetic Disinterestedness: Art, Experience, and the Self.Dan Eugen Ratiu - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics.
    A review of Thomas Hilgers’s Aesthetic Disinterestedness: Art, Experience, and the Self.
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    Thomas Hilgers, Aesthetic Disinterestedness: Art, Experience, and the Self.Dan Eugen Ratiu - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 55 (2):259.
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    HILGERS, THOMAS. Aesthetic Disinterestedness: Art, Experience, and the Self. New York and London: Routledge, 2017, ix +190 pp. [REVIEW]Carol S. Gould - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (3):366-368.
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  32.  49
    Thomas Hilgers, "Aesthetic Disinterestedness: Art, Experience, and the Self." Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Samantha Matherne - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (2):53-55.
  33.  49
    Women Write Back: Strategies of Response and the Dynamics of European Literary Culture, 1790–1805. By Stephanie M. Hilger. [REVIEW]James Corby - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (7):948-950.
    (2012). Women Write Back: Strategies of Response and the Dynamics of European Literary Culture, 1790–1805. By Stephanie M. Hilger. The European Legacy: Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 948-950. doi: 10.1080/10848770.2012.718258.
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    Leibniz: A Biography E. J. Aiton Bristol; Boston, MA: Adam Hilger, 1985. xiv, 370 p.François Duchesneau - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (3):560.
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    E. J. Aiton. Leibniz. A Biography. Bristol and Boston: Adam Hilger, 1985. Pp. xiv + 370. ISBN 0-85274-470-6. £30.00.A. Hall - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (1):97-98.
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    The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTechnology, by Thomas W. Hilgers, M.D.Laurie Heap - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (1):185-190.
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    Rezension: Lebenswissen. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte der Biologie von Ekkehard Höxtermann und Hartmut H. Hilger.Hans Werner Ingensiep - 2008 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 31 (1):77-77.
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  38.  38
    David B. Wilson. Kelvin and Stokes. A Comparative Study in Victorian Physics. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1987. Pp. xvi + 253. ISBN 0-85274-526-5. £35.00. [REVIEW]Jed Buchwald - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (3):384-388.
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    John Roche . Physicists Look Back: Studies in the History of Physics. Bristol and New York: Adam Hilger, 1990. Pp. xii + 393. ISBN 0-85274-001-8. [REVIEW]Elspeth Crawford - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (2):290-291.
  40.  36
    John A. McCarthy; Stephanie M. Hilger; Heather I. Sullivan; Nicholas Saul, The Early History of Embodied Cognition, 1740–1920: The Lebenskraft-Debate and Radical Reality in German Science, Music, and Literature. 357 pp., bibl. Leiden: Brill, 2016. €99. [REVIEW]Gabriel Finkelstein - 2017 - Isis 108 (1):200-201.
    Book review of contributions from scholars of 19th-century German.
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    Lesley Murdin. Under Newton's Shadow: Astronomical Practices in the Seventeenth Century. Bristol and Boston: Adam Hilger, 1985. Pp. viii + 152. ISBN 0-85274-456-0. £16.75. [REVIEW]Michael Hunter - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (3):349-350.
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    Christopher Hamlin. A Science of Impurity: Water Analysis in Nineteenth Century Britain. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1990. Pp. xiii + 342. ISBN 0-7503-0042-6. £45.00. [REVIEW]Christopher Lawrence - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (2):279-280.
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  43.  26
    W. H. Brock. From Protyle to Proton. William Prout and the Nature of Matter, 1785–1985. Bristol and Boston: Adam Hilger, Ltd., 1985. Pp. xii + 252. ISBN 0-85274-801-9. £25.00, $45.00. [REVIEW]Mary Nye - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (2):216-217.
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    Lewis Pyenson. The Young Einstein: The Advent of Relativity. Bristol and Boston: Adam Hilger, 1985. Pp. xiv + 246. ISBN 0-85274-779-9. £19.95, $28.00. [REVIEW]Trevor Pinch - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (1):89-91.
  45.  22
    Robert Lambourne, Michael Shallis and Michael Shortland. Close Encounters? Science and Science Fiction. Bristol and New York: Adam Hilger, 1990. Pp. xiii + 184. ISBN 0-85274-141-3. L. 12.95. [REVIEW]Wesley Shrum - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (2):294-294.
  46.  40
    David Wilson, Rutherford: Simple Genius. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1983. Pp. 639. ISBN 0-340-23805-4. £14.95. - Guy Hartcup and T. E. Allibone, Cockcroft and the Atom. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1984. Pp. xii + 320. ISBN 0-85274-759-4. £18.95. - John Hendry , Cambridge Physics in the Thirties. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1984. Pp. xi + 209. ISBN 0-85274-761-6. £17.50. [REVIEW]Roger Stuewer - 1985 - British Journal for the History of Science 18 (3):357-360.
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    Hilde Levi. George de Hevesy: Life and Work. Bristol and Boston: Adam Hilger, 1985. Pp. 147. ISBN 0-85274-555-9. £15.00, $25.00. [REVIEW]Thaddeus J. Trenn - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (1):118-118.
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    Oliver M. Ashford. Prophet or Professor? The Life and Work of Lewis Fry Richardson. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1985. Pp. xiv + 364. ISBN 0-85274-774-8. £18/$29. [REVIEW]Philip Drazin - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (2):217-217.
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  49. Füetrer . Wigoleis, ed. Heribert A. Hilgers[REVIEW]George Jones - 1983 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 61 (3):631-631.
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    John Hendry. James Clerk Maxwell and the Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. Bristol and Boston: Adam Hilger, 1986. Pp. xix + 305. ISBN 0-85274-563-X. £30.00. [REVIEW]Paul Theerman - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (3):365-366.
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