Results for 'Tina Hilgers'

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  1.  45
    Clientelism and conceptual stretching: differentiating among concepts and among analytical levels. [REVIEW]Tina Hilgers - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (5):567-588.
    The concept of clientelism has lost descriptive power. It has become indistinguishable from neighboring concepts and is applied across analytical levels. Using Gerring’s (Polity 31:357–393, 1999) characterization of a “good” concept, I establish the core attributes of clientelism, which, in addition to being an interest-maximizing exchange, involves longevity, diffuseness, face-to-face contact, and inequality. Using secondary sources and fieldwork data, I differentiate clientelism from concepts such as vote-buying and corruption and determine its analytical position at the microsociological level. I argue that (...)
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    Sirenen. Lösungen des Klangs vom Körper.Philipp von Hilgers - 2003 - Philosophia Scientiae 7 (1):85-114.
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    On Aesthetic Disinterestedness.Thomas W. Hilgers - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    The notion of disinterestedness is often conceived of as antiquated or ideological. In spite of this, Hilgers argues that one cannot reject it if one wishes to understand the nature of art. He claims that an artwork typically _asks_ a person to adopt a disinterested attitude towards what it shows, and that the effect of such an adoption is that it makes the person temporarily _lose the sense of herself_, while enabling her to _gain a sense of the other_. (...)
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    Das Glück des Zufalls.Thomas Hilgers - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (1).
    In diesem Aufsatz präsentiere ich drei Argumente für die These, dass die Erscheinung bzw. die Erfahrung des Zufalls eine besondere Quelle von Glück sein kann. Genauer gesagt zeige ich (vor allem in einer Auseinandersetzung mit einigen zentralen Gedanken Heideggers), dass die Erfahrung des Zufalls ein Gefühl von Lebendigkeit, ein Gefühl des uns Entgegenkommens der Welt sowie ein Gefühl von Korrespondenz implizieren kann. In einem weiteren Schritt untersuche ich, inwiefern die im heutigen Informationszeitalter wirkmächtigen Zeitstrukturen dem Erscheinen von Zufällen opponieren. In (...)
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    Aesthetic Disinterestedness Revisited.Thomas Hilgers - 2023 - In Larissa Berger (ed.), Disinterested Pleasure and Beauty: Perspectives from Kantian and Contemporary Aesthetics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 167-180.
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    Autochthony as Capital in a Global Age.Mathieu Hilgers - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (1):34-54.
    For a little over a decade we have been witnessing a profusion of discourses on autochthony — that is, an original belonging to a group or territory — in many parts of the world. A global approach to this question first requires a look at the principle of autochthony and its genealogy. Starting from African examples, places of prolific expression of the phenomenon, this article shows how autochthony plays the role of capital that can be invested, valued and profited from. (...)
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    Strategies of Response: Ellis Cornelia Knight’s Sequel to Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas.Stephanie M. Hilger - 2006 - Intertexts 10 (1):65-86.
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    Der ‚freie Geist‘, das ‚Problem der Rangordnung‘ und die ‚grosse Gesundheit‘: Zur Darstellung des Problems des Perspektivischen in der Vorrede zu Menschliches, Allzumenschliches I.Jan F. Hilgers - 2018 - Nietzscheforschung 25 (1):299-312.
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    Perspektive und Fiktion.Thomas Hilgers & Gertrud Koch (eds.) - 2017 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Dieser Band versammelt Aufsätze, die dem Verhältnis von Perspektive und Fiktion aus philosophischen sowie kunst-, literatur-, film- und musikwissenschaftlichen Blickwinkeln nachgehen. Visuelle Perspektiven spielen für die Konstruktion fiktionaler Bildräume eine wesentliche Rolle. Und auch für die Konstruktion fiktionaler Erzählungen sind narrative Perspektiven entscheidend. Dies führt zu der Frage, ob Fiktionen immer perspektivische Konstruktionen sind. Was genau jedoch könnte es überhaupt bedeuten, eine Fiktion als perspektivische Konstruktion zu definieren? Welche Modelle von Wahrnehmung, Erkenntnis und Affekt müssen hinzugezogen werden, um das Verhältnis (...)
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    The notion of aesthetic freedom in contemporary German philosophy: Christoph Menke’s The Power of Art and Martin Seel’s Active Passivity.Thomas Hilgers - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):425-428.
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    What Would Be a Better NFP Study?Thomas W. Hilgers - 2006 - Ethics and Medics 31 (6):1-2.
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    Together with the Ainu, a Vanishing People.Edward Norbeck & M. Inez Hilger - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (2):229.
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    Score Predictor Factor Analysis: Reproducing Observed Covariances by Means of Factor Score Predictors.André Beauducel & Norbert Hilger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Do Contracts Make Them Care? The Impact of CEO Compensation Design on Corporate Social Performance.Jean McGuire, Jana Oehmichen, Michael Wolff & Roman Hilgers - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):375-390.
    Using the behavioral agency model, we analyze how two compensation design characteristics, pay-performance sensitivity and duration of CEO compensation, affect corporate social performance. We find that the performance sensitivity of CEO pay is negatively associated with poor social performance but also negatively affects strong social performance. These results suggest that pay-performance sensitivity increases the relevance of potential negative consequences of poor social performance. However, the ‘insurance’ benefits of strong social performance may also become less relevant. With respect to the duration (...)
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    Indonesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-DjermanIndonesisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Djerman.John M. Echols, Otto Karow & Irene Hilgers-Hesse - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):495.
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    Abortion and the Maternal‐Fetal Medicine Physician.Daniel J. Wechter, Gilbert Meilaender, Hannah Klaus & Thomas W. Hilgers - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (5):2-3.
  17. The Whole Child / Tina Bruce ; Family, Community and the Wider World / Tina Bruce ; The Changing of the Seasons in the Child Garden / Stella Brown ; Adventurous and Challenging Play Outdoors / Helen Tovey ; Offering Children First Hand Experiences through Forest School: Relating to and Learning about Nature / Lynn McNair ; The Time-Honoured Froebelian Tradition of Learning out of Doors / Jane Read ; Family Songs in the Froebelian Tradition / Maureen Baker ; The Importance of Hand and Finger Rhymes: A Froebelian Approach to Early Literacy / Jenny Spratt ; Froebel's Mother Songs Today / Marjorie Ouvry ; Gifts and Occupations: Froebel's Gifts (Wooden Block Play) and Occupations (Construction and Workshop Experiences) Today / Jane Whinnett ; Froebelian Methods in the Modern World: A Case of Cooking / Chris McCormick ; Bringing together Froebelian Principles and Practices.Tina Bruce - 2012 - In Early childhood practice: Froebel today. London: SAGE.
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    Ethics of Eros: Irigaray's Re-Writing of the Philosophers.Tina Chanter - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    ____Ethics of Eros__ sheds light on contemporary feminist discourse by questioning the basic distinctions and categories in feminist theory. Tina Chanter uses the work of Luce Irigaray as the focus for a critique of French and Anglo-American feminism as it is articulated in the debate over essentialism. While these two branches of feminism represent opposing views, Chanter advocates a productive exchange between the two.
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    Educating young children: a lifetime journey into a Froebelian approach: the selected works of Tina Bruce.Tina Bruce - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Gathering thoughts -- Teachers who inspired me -- What am I? : Montessori? Steiner? eclectic? : Is it important? -- Which comes first? : a philosophical framework, theory and research evidence : what do teachers and other practitioners need to bring out their best work -- Working with principles which are interpreted and embedded in articulated practice -- The importance of parent partnership and the development of moral values and self-discipline -- Play : a very complex thing -- Finding how (...)
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  20. What is the State of Blacks in Philosophy?Tina F. Botts, Liam K. Bright, Guntur Mallarangeng, Quayshawn Spencer & Myisha Cherry - 2014 - Critical Philosophy of Race 2 (2):224-242.
    This research note is meant to introduce into philosophical discussion the preliminary results of an empirical study on the state of blacks in philosophy, which is a joint effort of the American Philosophical Association’s Committee on the Status of Black Philosophers (APA CSBP) and the Society of Young Black Philosophers (SYBP). The study is intended to settle factual issues in furtherance of contributing to dialogues surrounding at least two philosophical questions: What, if anything, is the philosophical value of demographic diversity (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Rescuing the Duty to Rescue.Tina Rulli & Joseph Millum - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics:1-5.
    Clinicians and health researchers frequently encounter opportunities to rescue people. Rescue cases can generate a moral duty to aid those in peril. As such, bioethicists have leveraged a duty to rescue for a variety of purposes. Yet, despite its broad application, the duty to rescue is under-analyzed. In this paper, we assess the state of theorizing about the duty to rescue. There are large gaps in bioethicists’ understanding of the force, scope, and justification of the two most cited duties to (...)
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  22.  56
    Philosophers and professors behaving badly: Responses to ‘named or nameless’ by Besley, Jackson & Peters. An EPAT collective writing project.Tina Besley, Liz Jackson, Michael A. Peters, Nesta Devine, Cris Mayo, Georgina Tuari Stewart, E. Jayne White, Barbara Stengel, Gina A. Opiniano, Sean Sturm, Catherine Legg, Marek Tesar & Sonja Arndt - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3):272-284.
  23. Reproductive CRISPR does not cure disease.Tina Rulli - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1072-1082.
    Given recent advancements in CRISPR‐Cas9 powered genetic modification of gametes and embryos, both popular media and scientific articles are hailing CRISPR’s life‐saving, curative potential for people with serious monogenic diseases. But claims that CRISPR modification of gametes or embryos, a form of germline engineering, has therapeutic value are deeply mistaken. This article explains why reproductive uses of CRISPR, and germline engineering more generally, do not treat or save lives that would otherwise have a genetic disease. Reproductive uses of CRISPR create (...)
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  24. Conditional Obligations.Tina Rulli - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (2):365-390.
    Some obligations are conditional such that act A is morally optional, but if one chooses A, one is required to do act B rather than some other less valuable act C. Such conditional obligations arise frequently in research ethics, in the philosophical literature, and in real life. They are controversial: how does a morally optional act give rise to demanding requirements to do the best? Some think that the fact that a putative obligation has a conditional structure, so defined, is (...)
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  25. The Unique Value of Adoption.Tina Rulli - 2014 - In Carolyn McLeod & Francoise Baylis (eds.), Family Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Most people would agree that adoption is a good thing for children in need of a family. Yet adoption is often considered a second best or even last resort for parents in making their families. Against this assumption, I explore the unique value of adoption for prospective parents. I begin with a criticism of the selective focus on the value of adoption for only those people using assisted reproductive technologies. I focus on the value of adoption for all prospective parents, (...)
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  26.  62
    (1 other version)Preferring a Genetically-Related Child.Tina Rulli - 2016 - New Content is Available for Journal of Moral Philosophy 13 (6):669-698.
    Millions of children worldwide could benefit from adoption. One could argue that prospective parents have a pro tanto duty to adopt rather than create children. For the sake of argument, I assume there is such a duty and focus on a pressing objection to it. Prospective parents may prefer that their children are genetically related to them. I examine eight reasons prospective parents have for preferring genetic children: for parent-child physical resemblance, for family resemblance, for psychological similarity, for the sake (...)
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    Tina Beattie reviews Pamela Sue Anderson's A Feminist Philosophy of Religion & debates with the author. [REVIEW]Tina Beattie & Pamela Sue Anderson - 1999 - Women’s Philosophy Review 21:103-110.
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  28. The Ethics of Procreation and Adoption.Tina Rulli - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (6):305-315.
    It is widely assumed that people have a moral right to procreate. This article explores recent arguments in opposition to procreation in some or all contexts. Some such views are concerned with the risks and harms of life that procreation imposes on non-consenting children. Others articulate concerns for third parties – the environmental damage or opportunity costs that procreation poses to already existing people. The article then surveys arguments that favor procreation despite the risks to the children created and third (...)
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  29. Unethical and Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior.Tina D. Carpenter & Jane L. Reimers - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (2):115-129.
    This research applies the theory of planned behavior to corporate managers’ decision making as it relates to fraudulent financial reporting. Specifically, we conducted two studies to examine the effects of attitude, subjective norm and perceived control on managers’ decisions to violate generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in order to meet an earnings target and receive an annual bonus. The results suggest that the theory of planned behavior predicts whether managers’ decisions are ethical or unethical. These findings are relevant to corporate (...)
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  30.  60
    The Mitochondrial Replacement ‘Therapy’ Myth.Tina Rulli - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (4):368-374.
    This article argues that two forms of mitochondrial replacement therapy, maternal spindle transfer and pro-nuclear transfer, are not therapies at all because they do not treat children who are coming into existence. Rather, these technologies merely create healthy children where none was inevitable. Even if creating healthy lives has some value, it is not to be confused with the medical value of a cure or therapy. The article addresses a recent Bioethics article, ‘Mitochondrial Replacement: Ethics and Identity,’ by Wrigley, Wilkinson, (...)
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  31.  65
    What Is the Value of Three‐Parent IVF?Tina Rulli - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (4):38-47.
    In February 2016, the Institute of Medicine released a report, commissioned by the United States Food and Drug Administration, on the ethical and social‐policy implications of so‐called three‐parent in vitro fertilization. The IOM endorses commencement of clinical trials on three‐parent IVF, subject to some initial limitations. Also called mitochondrial replacement or transfer, three‐parent IVF is an intervention comprising two distinct procedures in which the genetic materials of three people—the DNA of the father and mother and the mitochondrial DNA of an (...)
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  32.  18
    Feminist Interpretations of Emmanuel Levinas.Tina Chanter (ed.) - 2001 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This volume of essays, all but one previously unpublished, investigates the question of Levinas’s relationship to feminist thought. Levinas, known as the philosopher of the Other, was famously portrayed by Simone de Beauvoir as a patriarchal thinker who denigrated women by viewing them as the paradigmatic Other. Reconsideration of the validity of this interpretation of Levinas and exploration of what more positively can be derived from his thought for feminism are two of this volume’s primary aims. Levinas breaks with Heidegger’s (...)
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  33.  90
    Time, Death, and the Feminine: Levinas with Heidegger.Tina Chanter - 2001 - Stanford: Stanford University Press.
    Examining Levinas’s critique of the Heideggerian conception of temporality, this book shows how the notion of the feminine both enables and prohibits the most fertile territory of Levinas’s thought. According to Heidegger, the traditional notion of time, which stretches from Aristotle to Bergson, is incoherent because it rests on an inability to think together two assumptions: that the present is the most real aspect of time, and that the scientific model of time is infinite, continuous, and constituted by a series (...)
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    Decoupling from Moral Responsibility for CSR: Employees' Visionary Procrastination at a SME.Tina Sendlhofer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):361-378.
    Most studies of corporate social responsibility have focused on the organisational level, while the individual level of analysis has been treated as a ‘black box’ when researching antecedents of CSR engagement or disengagement. This article offers insights into a small and medium-sized enterprise that is recognised as a pioneer in CSR. Although the extant literature suggests that the owner-manager is crucial in the implementation of CSR, this study reveals that employees drive CSR. The employees in the focal firm voluntarily joined (...)
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    Tipping the Scales.Tina L. Heafner & Paul G. Fitchett - 2012 - Journal of Social Studies Research 36 (2):190-215.
    By means of data from the most comprehensive source of teacher data in the nation, Schools and Public School Teacher Staffing Survey (SASS), we designeda follow-up quantitative study to test the effects of two decades of national policy mandates on instructional time allotments for core academic subjects. We used data from the SASS data from National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) (1993/1994, 1999/2000, 2003/2004, 2007/2008) to examine national trends of continued marginalization of social studies by exploring the influence of recent (...)
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  36. IIA, rationality, and the individuation of options.Tina Rulli & Alex Worsnip - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):205-221.
    The independence of irrelevant alternatives is a popular and important axiom of decision theory. It states, roughly, that one’s choice from a set of options should not be influenced by the addition or removal of further, unchosen options. In recent debates, a number of authors have given putative counterexamples to it, involving intuitively rational agents who violate IIA. Generally speaking, however, these counterexamples do not tend to move IIA’s proponents. Their strategy tends to be to individuate the options that the (...)
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  37.  44
    AI for crisis decisions.Tina Comes - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (1):1-14.
    Increasingly, our cities are confronted with crises. Fuelled by climate change and a loss of biodiversity, increasing inequalities and fragmentation, challenges range from social unrest and outbursts of violence to heatwaves, torrential rainfall, or epidemics. As crises require rapid interventions that overwhelm human decision-making capacity, AI has been portrayed as a potential avenue to support or even automate decision-making. In this paper, I analyse the specific challenges of AI in urban crisis management as an example and test case for many (...)
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    Race and Method.Tina Fernandes Botts - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (1):51-72.
    Methodological tools for doing philosophy that take into account the historical context of the phenomenon under consideration are arguably better suited for examining questions of race and gender than acontextual or ahistorical methodological tools. Accordingly, Rebecca Tuvel’s “defense” of so-called transracialism arguably veers off track to the extent that it relies on acontextual and ahistorical tools. While Tuvel argues, largely relying on such tools, that so-called transracialism is both metaphysically possible and ethically permissible, from a perspective that factors in context (...)
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    Counseling youth: Foucault, power, and the ethics of subjectivity.Tina Besley - 2002 - Westport, CT: Praeger.
    The book is concerned with the shifting notions of self and identity and develops a Foucauldian analysis that examines these inherently philosophical notions in ...
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  40. The Duty to Take Rescue Precautions.Tina Rulli & David Wendler - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (3):240-258.
    There is much philosophical literature on the duty to rescue. Individuals who encounter and could save, at relatively little cost to themselves, a person at risk of losing life or limb are morally obligated to do so. Yet little has been said about the other side of the issue. There are cases in which the need for rescue could have been reasonably avoided by the rescuee. We argue for a duty to take rescue precautions, providing an account of the circumstances (...)
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  41. Hume on Art Critics, Wise Men, and the Virtues of Taste.Tina Baceski - 2014 - Hume Studies 39 (2):233-256.
    In this paper I compare two models of expert judgment: the art critic in Hume’s “Of the Standard of Taste” and the “wise man” in “Of Miracles.” The art critic is a true judge of beauty because he has made himself into a person who is optimally receptive to beauty. He possesses the virtues of taste: “Strong sense, united to delicate sentiment, improved by practice, perfected by comparison, and cleared of all prejudice” (“Of the Standard of Taste,” 241). But the (...)
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    Brentano’s Methodology as a Path through the Divide: On Combining Phenomenological Descriptions and Logical Analysis.Tina Röck - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (5):475-489.
    In this paper, I will describe how Brentano was able to integrate descriptive philosophy and logical analysis fruitfully by pointing out Brentano’s concept of philosophy as a rigorous science. First I will clarify how Brentano attempted to turn philosophy into a rigorous descriptive science by applying scientific methods to philosophical questions. After spelling out the implications of such a descriptive understanding of philosophy, I will contrast this descriptive view of philosophy with a semantic-analytic understanding of philosophy as proposed by Frege. (...)
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    Manipulating time and space: Collision prediction in peripersonal and extrapersonal space.Tina Iachini, Francesco Ruotolo, Michela Vinciguerra & Gennaro Ruggiero - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):107-117.
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    An ‘accidental or unintentional academic’ on becoming a leading philosopher of education: An interview with Tina Besley.Liz Jackson, Amy N. Sojot & Tina Besley - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (9):1036-1047.
    Nicholas Gresson 2001L-RUniversity of Auckland, Faculty of Education PhD graduates in 2001:Elizabeth Grierson/Gresson, Tina Besley, Ho-Chia Chueh, Janet Mansfield, Tina Engels-Schwarzpaul, Nesta De...
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    The automatic access of emotion: Emotional Stroop effects in Spanish–English bilingual speakers.Tina M. Sutton, Jeanette Altarriba, Jennifer L. Gianico & Dana M. Basnight-Brown - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):1077-1090.
  46.  25
    Phenomenology of the Future: The Temporality of Objects Beyond the Temporality of Inner-Time Consciousness.Tina Röck & Daniel Neumann - 2023 - Symposium 27 (2):153-172.
    Based on a creative use of the phenomenological method, we argue that a close examination of the temporality of objects reveals the future as genuinely open. Without aiming to decide the matter of phenomenological realism, we suggest that this method can be used to investigate the mode of being of objects in their own temporality. By bracketing the anticipatory structure of experience, one can get a sense of objects’ temporality as independent of consciousness. This contributes to the current Realism versus (...)
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    The picture of abjection: film, fetish and the nature of difference.Tina Chanter - unknown
    The Picture of Abjection is an analysis of independent, contemporary, international film. Appropriating Kristeva's analysis of abjection, which she developed in the context of psychoanalytic theory to designate that which a subject rejects as a site of impurity, the book takes up the abject in order to illuminate various intersections of discrimination. The focus is on how race, gender, class, sexuality, ethnicity and nationality intersect with one another in ways that involve abjection. The argument is informed by a variety of (...)
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    PDMP causes more than just testimonial injustice.Tina Nguyen - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (8):549-550.
    In the article ‘Testimonial injustice in medical machine learning’, Pozzi argues that the prescription drug monitoring programme (PDMP) leads to testimonial injustice as physicians are more inclined to trust the PDMP’s risk scores over the patient’s own account of their medication history.1 Pozzi further develops this argument by discussing how credibility shifts from patients to machine learning (ML) systems that are supposedly neutral. As a result, a sense of distrust is now formed between patients and physicians. While there are merits (...)
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    More social studies?: Examining instructional policies of time and testing in elementary school.Tina L. Heafner - 2018 - Journal of Social Studies Research 42 (3):229-237.
    Adding instructional time and holding teachers accountable for teaching social studies are touted as practical, logical steps toward reforming the age-old tradition of marginalization. This qualitative case study of an urban elementary school, examines how nine teachers and one administrator enacted district reforms that added 45 min to the instructional day and implemented a series of formative and summative assessments. Through classroom observations, interviews, time journals, and official school documents, this article describes underlying perceptions and priorities that were barriers to (...)
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  50.  39
    (1 other version)Life and death in the Anthropocene: Educating for survival amid climate and ecosystem changes and potential civilisation collapse.Tina Besley & Michael A. Peters - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (13):1347-1357.
    Volume 52, Issue 13, December 2020, Page 1347-1357.
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