Results for 'Kobus Krüger'

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  1.  26
    Adding a club with finite conditions, Part II.John Krueger - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (1-2):161-172.
    We define a forcing poset which adds a club subset of a given fat stationary set S⊆ω2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${S \subseteq \omega_2}$$\end{document} with finite conditions, using S-adequate sets of models as side conditions. This construction, together with the general amalgamation results concerning S-adequate sets on which it is based, is substantially shorter and simpler than our original version in Krueger :119–136, 2014).
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    Towards a balanced social psychology: Causes, consequences, and cures for the problem-seeking approach to social behavior and cognition.Joachim I. Krueger & David C. Funder - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):313-327.
    Mainstream social psychology focuses on how people characteristically violate norms of action through social misbehaviors such as conformity with false majority judgments, destructive obedience, and failures to help those in need. Likewise, they are seen to violate norms of reasoning through cognitive errors such as misuse of social information, self-enhancement, and an over-readiness to attribute dispositional characteristics. The causes of this negative research emphasis include the apparent informativeness of norm violation, the status of good behavior and judgment as unconfirmable null (...)
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  3. Communing with the Dead Online: Chatbots, Grief, and Continuing Bonds.Joel Krueger & Lucy Osler - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (9-10):222-252.
    Grief is, and has always been, technologically supported. From memorials and shrines to photos and saved voicemail messages, we engage with the dead through the technologies available to us. As our technologies evolve, so does how we grieve. In this paper, we consider the role chatbots might play in our grieving practices. Influenced by recent phenomenological work, we begin by thinking about the character of grief. Next, we consider work on developing “continuing bonds” with the dead. We argue that for (...)
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    A (Bio)Semiotic Theory of Translation: The Emergence of Social-Cultural Reality.Kobus Marais - 2018 - Routledge.
    This volume outlines a theory of translation, set within the framework of Peircean semiotics, which challenges the linguistic bias in translation studies by proposing a semiotic theory that accounts for all instances of translation, not only interlinguistic translation. In particular, the volume explores cases of translation which does not include language at all. The book begins by examining different conceptualizations of translation to highlight how linguistic bias in translation studies and semiotics has informed these fields and their development. The volume (...)
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    Coherent adequate forcing and preserving CH.John Krueger & Miguel Angel Mota - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 15 (2):1550005.
    We develop a general framework for forcing with coherent adequate sets on [Formula: see text] as side conditions, where [Formula: see text] is a cardinal of uncountable cofinality. We describe a class of forcing posets which we call coherent adequate type forcings. The main theorem of the paper is that any coherent adequate type forcing preserves CH. We show that there exists a forcing poset for adding a club subset of [Formula: see text] with finite conditions while preserving CH, solving (...)
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    Music-animated body. Interview with Joel Krueger.Joel Krueger - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1):211-216.
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  7. Extended emotions.Joel Krueger & Thomas Szanto - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):863-878.
    Until recently, philosophers and psychologists conceived of emotions as brain- and body-bound affairs. But researchers have started to challenge this internalist and individualist orthodoxy. A rapidly growing body of work suggests that some emotions incorporate external resources and thus extend beyond the neurophysiological confines of organisms; some even argue that emotions can be socially extended and shared by multiple agents. Call this the extended emotions thesis. In this article, we consider different ways of understanding ExE in philosophy, psychology, and the (...)
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  8. Affordances and spatial agency in psychopathology.Joel Krueger - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (7):1828-1857.
    Affordances are action-possibilities, ways of relating to and acting on things in our world. They help us understand how these things mean what they do and how we have bodily access to our world more generally. But what happens when this access is ruptured or impeded? I consider this question in the context of psychopathology and reports that describe this experience. I argue that thinking about the bodily consequences of losing access to everyday affordances can help us better understand these (...)
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    Will the real stimulus please step forward?Lester E. Krueger - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):570-572.
  10.  37
    Psychophysical law: Taming the cognitive and chaotic aspects.Lester E. Krueger - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):193-199.
  11. Enactivism, other minds, and mental disorders.Joel Krueger - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):365-389.
    Although enactive approaches to cognition vary in terms of their character and scope, all endorse several core claims. The first is that cognition is tied to action. The second is that cognition is composed of more than just in-the-head processes; cognitive activities are externalized via features of our embodiment and in our ecological dealings with the people and things around us. I appeal to these two enactive claims to consider a view called “direct social perception” : the idea that we (...)
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  12. Agency, environmental scaffolding, and the development of eating disorders.Joel Krueger & Lucy Osler - 2020 - In Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  13. Home as Mind: AI Extenders and Affective Ecologies in Dementia Care.Joel Krueger - forthcoming - Synthese.
    I consider applications of “AI extenders” (Vold & Hernández-Orallo 2021) to dementia care. AI extenders are AI-powered technologies that extend minds in ways interestingly different from old-school tech like notebooks, sketch pads, models, and microscopes. I focus on AI extenders as ambiance: so thoroughly embedded into things and spaces that they fade from view and become part of a subject’s taken-for-granted background. Using dementia care as a case study, I argue that ambient AI extenders are promising because they afford richer (...)
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    Internal approachability and reflection.John Krueger - 2008 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 8 (1):23-39.
    We prove that the Weak Reflection Principle does not imply that every stationary set reflects to an internally approachable set. We show that several variants of internal approachability, namely, internally unbounded, internally stationary, and internally club, are not provably equivalent.
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    Effect of bracketing lines on speed of "same"-"different" judgment of two adjacent letters.Lester E. Krueger - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):324.
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  16. Merleau-Ponty on shared emotions and the joint ownership thesis.Joel Krueger - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (4):509-531.
    In “The Child’s Relations with Others,” Merleau-Ponty argues that certain early experiences are jointly owned in that they are numerically single experiences that are nevertheless given to more than one subject (e.g., the infant and caregiver). Call this the “joint ownership thesis” (JT). Drawing upon both Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological analysis, as well as studies of exogenous attention and mutual affect regulation in developmental psychology, I motivate the plausibility of JT. I argue that the phenomenological structure of some early infant–caregiver dyadic exchanges (...)
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  17. Schizophrenia and the Scaffolded Self.Joel Krueger - 2020 - Topoi 39 (3):597-609.
    A family of recent externalist approaches in philosophy of mind argues that our psychological capacities are synchronically and diachronically “scaffolded” by external resources. I consider how these “scaffolded” approaches might inform debates in phenomenological psychopathology. I first introduce the idea of “affective scaffolding” and make some taxonomic distinctions. Next, I use schizophrenia as a case study to argue—along with others in phenomenological psychopathology—that schizophrenia is fundamentally a self-disturbance. However, I offer a subtle reconfiguration of these approaches. I argue that schizophrenia (...)
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  18. Affordances and the musically extended mind.Joel Krueger - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4:1-12.
    I defend a model of the musically extended mind. I consider how acts of “musicking” grant access to novel emotional experiences otherwise inaccessible. First, I discuss the idea of “musical affordances” and specify both what musical affordances are and how they invite different forms of entrainment. Next, I argue that musical affordances – via soliciting different forms of entrainment – enhance the functionality of various endogenous, emotiongranting regulative processes, drawing novel experiences out of us with an expanded complexity and phenomenal (...)
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  19. Affective affordances and psychopathology.Joel Krueger & Giovanna Colombetti - 2018 - Discipline Filosofiche 2 (18):221-247.
    Self-disorders in depression and schizophrenia have been the focus of much recent work in phenomenological psychopathology. But little has been said about the role the material environment plays in shaping the affective character of these disorders. In this paper, we argue that enjoying reliable (i.e., trustworthy) access to the things and spaces around us — the constituents of our material environment — is crucial for our ability to stabilize and regulate our affective life on a day-today basis. These things and (...)
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  20. Engineering affect: emotion regulation, the internet, and the techno-social niche.Joel Krueger & Lucy Osler - 2019 - Philosophical Topics 47 (2):205-231.
    Philosophical work exploring the relation between cognition and the Internet is now an active area of research. Some adopt an externalist framework, arguing that the Internet should be seen as environmental scaffolding that drives and shapes cognition. However, despite growing interest in this topic, little attention has been paid to how the Internet influences our affective life — our moods, emotions, and our ability to regulate these and other feeling states. We argue that the Internet scaffolds not only cognition but (...)
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  21.  23
    Return of the ego--Self-referent information as a filter for social prediction: Comment on Karniol (2003).Joachim I. Krueger - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (3):585-590.
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    A strictly geometric interpretation of gravitation in general relativity.J. P. Kobus - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (1):45-51.
    A geometric interpretation of gravitation is given using general relativity. The law of gravitation is taken in the formR 44=0, whereR 44is the component of the contracted Riemann-Christoffel (Ricci) tensor representing the curvature of time. The remaining curvature components of the contracted Riemann-Christoffel tensor may or may not vanish. All that is required in addition toR 44=0 is that the Gaussian curvatureR be nowhere infinite. The conditionR 44=0 yields a nonlinear wave equation. One of the static degenerate solutions represents the (...)
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  23. The Who and the How of Experience.Joel Krueger - 2011 - In Mark Siderits, Evan Thompson & Dan Zahavi (eds.), Self, no self?: perspectives from analytical, phenomenological, and Indian traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 27-55.
  24. Varieties of extended emotions.Joel Krueger - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (4):533-555.
    I offer a preliminary defense of the hypothesis of extended emotions (HEE). After discussing some taxonomic considerations, I specify two ways of parsing HEE: the hypothesis of bodily extended emotions (HEBE), and the hypothesis of environmentally extended emotions (HEEE). I argue that, while both HEBE and HEEE are empirically plausible, only HEEE covers instances of genuinely extended emotions. After introducing some further distinctions, I support one form of HEEE by appealing to different streams of empirical research—particularly work on music and (...)
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  25.  58
    A theoretical determination of the electronic rest mass.J. P. Kobus - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (2):343-347.
    A theoretical relationship for the electron rest mass is derived in terms of the electron charge, Planck's quantum of action, and the speed of light. The basis for this derivation is an assumption that the electron rest mass is entirely electrostatic in origin, combined with the realization that the maximum action density of the world is simply the speed of light. Planck's quantum of action becomes perspicuously associated with an elliptical microspace.
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    Gravitational radiation in spherical coordinates.J. P. Kobus - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (2):291-297.
    The law of gravitation is taken in the formR 44=0, whereR 44 is the time curvature component of the Ricci tensor. Space-time separable equations are developed in spherical coordinates for the nonlinear wave equation determined byR 44=0. One exact solution is examined in detail.
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    Buitendag Festschrift preface.Kobus S. Krüger - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):3.
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    Theology and cosmology in the Visuddhimagga of Buddhaghosa.Kobus Krüger - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    The need to find clarity concerning (1) the relationship between scientific and religious cosmological discourses and (2) the imagining of a space where various religions could meet in fruitful conciliation as far as (1) is concerned, formed the basis of the article. The aim of the article was to investigate the relevance of Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhimagga (5th CE, Pali compendium of Theravāda Buddhism) with regard to the above problems. The methodology employed involved clarifying the historical context of the Visuddhimagga ; understanding (...)
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    Christian love in inter-religious perspectives.Kobus Kruger - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):8.
    The article approaches the phenomenon of love from a theoretical perspective in which the interconnectedness of religions is constitutive of every religion, including Christianity, in its relative singularity. It explores a historical context in which Christianity with its unique message of love does not stand alone among the religions of the world, and a theoretical context that could account for that historical context, without abandoning or diluting the Christian vision, but enriching it, adding depth to the notion ‘Christianity’ in its (...)
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    Design-Based Research in Relation to Science-Based Research.Ted Krueger & Ute C. Besenecker - 2019 - In Thomas Fischer & Christiane M. Herr (eds.), Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New. Springer Verlag. pp. 137-151.
    How might a design approach be applied to Research? Following Glanville’sGlanville, Ranulph observation that design and researchResearch are fundamentally related and that design methodsDesignmethods may be applied across domains, we framed a case study of the perceptual effects of alternate contemporary lighting technologies at an architectural scale to show how a designer/researcher could approach this kind of investigation. Design proceeds in complex domains with incomplete data and open questions. It is often concerned with the singular or unique solution rather than (...)
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    Effect of letter-pair frequency and orientation of speed of “same” - “different” judgments by children and adults.Lester E. Krueger - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (6):431-433.
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  32. M. Wentscher, Ueber den Pessimismus und seine Wurzeln.F. Krueger - 1899 - Kant Studien 3:460.
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    Sentence-picture comparison: A test of additivity of processing time for feature matching and negation coding.Lester E. Krueger - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):275.
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    The Secret History of the Mongol Dynasty (Yüan-chao pi-shih)The Secret History of the Mongol Dynasty.John R. Krueger & Wei Kwei Sun - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):444.
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    Wanted: A reconciliation of rationality with determinism.Joachim I. Krueger - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):168-169.
    In social dilemmas, expectations of reciprocity can lead to fully determined cooperation concurrent with the illusion of choice. The choice of the dominant alternative (i.e., defection) may be construed as being free and rational, but only at the cost of being incompatible with a behavioral science claiming to be deterministic.
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  36. Zur Philosophie und Psychlogie der Ganzheit.Felix Krueger - 1953 - Berlin,: Springer.
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    Die Reformasie en Skrifinterpretasie: Die nuwe wat die Reformasie gebring en ook moontlik gemaak het.Kobus Labuschagne - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (3).
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    Interactions between hermeneutics and doctrine.Kobus Labuschagne - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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    Rossouw, Deon - Business ethics: A Southern African perspective.Kobus Labuschagne - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (1).
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    Should a Christian embrace socialism, communism or humanism?Kobus Labuschagne - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (2).
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    Verdien Homo naledi ‘n plek in ons familie-album? ‘n Teologiese besinning oor die evoluering van spiritualiteit met spesifieke verwysing na die begraafplaasteorie van Lee Berger en die ‘Rising-Star’-ekspedisie.Kobus Pienaar - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    The discovery of a new homonin species called Homo naledi evoked unprecedented interest, even outside the scientific disciplines who are researching extinct homonin species. The reason for this is that Prof. Lee Berger, attached to the University of the Witwatersrand and his team, known as the Rising Star-expedition, came to the conclusion that the fossils that were discovered in the Dinaledi cave room in Sterkfontein outside Johannesburg in 2013, were placed there deliberately. The theory postulates the possibility of symbolic or (...)
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    ’n Waardering vir die positiewe! Waarderende betrokkenheid as ‘n gemeentelike- en pastorale lens.Kobus Schoeman & Jan Albert Van den Berg - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (2).
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  43. An ecological approach to affective injustice.Joel Krueger - 2023 - Philosophical Topics 51 (1):85-111.
    There is growing philosophical interest in “affective injustice”: injustice faced by individuals specifically in their capacity as affective beings. Current debates tend to focus on affective injustice at the psychological level. In this paper, I argue that the built environment can be a vehicle for affective injustice — specifically, what Wildman et al. (2022) term “affective powerlessness”. I use resources from ecological psychology to develop this claim. I consider two cases where certain kinds of bodies are, either intentionally or unintentionally, (...)
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  44. Finding (and losing) one’s way: autism, social impairments, and the politics of space.Joel Krueger - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:20-33.
    I use critical phenomenological resources in Tetsurō Watsuji and Sarah Ahmed to explore the spatial origin of some social impairments in Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I argue that a critical phenomenological perspective puts pressure on the idea that social impairments in ASD are exclusively (or even primarily) neurocognitive deficits that can be addressed by focusing on cognitive factors internal to the autistic person — for example, training them to adopt a more neurotypical approach to social cognition. Instead, I argue that (...)
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  45. Emotions and Other Minds.Joel Krueger - 2014 - In Rudiger Campe & Julia Weber (eds.), Interiority/Exteriority: Rethinking Emotion. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 324-350.
  46.  29
    A theory of perceptual matching.Lester E. Krueger - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (4):278-304.
  47. Seeing mind in action.Joel Krueger - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (2):149-173.
    Much recent work on empathy in philosophy of mind and cognitive science has been guided by the assumption that minds are composed of intracranial phenomena, perceptually inaccessible and thus unobservable to everyone but their owners. I challenge this claim. I defend the view that at least some mental states and processes—or at least some parts of some mental states and processes—are at times visible, capable of being directly perceived by others. I further argue that, despite its initial implausibility, this view (...)
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    Vieses Implícitos, Hábitos Corporificados e Nichos de Desenvolvimento.Joel Krueger & Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho - 2024 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 51 (161):549.
    A teoria da construção de nichos ressalta o papel ativo dos organismos na modificação do seu ambiente externo. O nicho de desenvolvimento é um subconjunto dessas modificações, e refere-se aos legados ecológicos, epistêmicos, sociais e simbólicos que facilitam processos de desenvolvimento. Considerando que o desenvolvimento cognitivo ocorre em um ambiente culturalmente estruturado, questiona-se aqui se vieses culturais implícitos podem resultar em nichos de desenvolvimento mal adaptativos. Este artigo defenderá uma resposta afirmativa a esta questão. Para atingir esse objetivo, iremos conceituar (...)
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  49. Music as Affective Scaffolding.Joel Krueger - forthcoming - In Clarke David, Herbert Ruth & Clarke Eric (eds.), Music and Consciousness II. Oxford University Press.
    For 4E cognitive science, minds are embodied, embedded, enacted, and extended. Proponents observe that we regularly ‘offload’ our thinking onto body and world: we use gestures and calculators to augment mathematical reasoning, and smartphones and search engines as memory aids. I argue that music is a beyond-the-head resource that affords offloading. Via this offloading, music scaffolds access to new forms of thought, experience, and behaviour. I focus on music’s capacity to scaffold emotional consciousness, including the self-regulative processes constitutive of emotional (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Seeing subjectivity: defending a perceptual account of other minds.Joel Krueger & Søren Overgaard - 2012 - ProtoSociology (47):239-262.
    The problem of other minds has a distinguished philosophical history stretching back more than two hundred years. Taken at face value, it is an epistemological question: it concerns how we can have knowledge of, or at least justified belief in, the existence of minds other than our own. In recent decades, philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, anthropologists and primatologists have debated a related question: how we actually go about attributing mental states to others (regardless of whether we ever achieve knowledge or rational (...)
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