Results for 'Krisztián Kovács'

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    Eh(r)e für alle?Krisztián Kovács - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 63 (2):148-153.
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    The Question of God in Heidegger's Phenomenology.George Kovacs - 1990 - Northwestern University Press.
    Several philosophers have developed theological perspectives out of Heidegger's ontology. Yet the question of God in Heidegger's thought itself has never received full elucidation. In this revealing new study, George Kovacs poses the problem of analyzing the idea of God as a process of questioning and thus subjects Heidegger's phenomenological existentialism to a process of exposition Heidegger himself employed.
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  3. Some weakened Gödelian ontological systems.Srećko Kovač - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (6):565-588.
    We describe a KB Gödelian ontological system, and some other weak systems, in a fully formal way using theory of types and natural deduction, and present a completeness proof in its main and specific parts. We technically and philosophically analyze and comment on the systems (mainly with respect to the relativism of values) and include a sketch of some connected aspects of Gödel's relation to Kant.
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    There Is No Distinctively Semantic Circularity Objection to Humean Laws.David Mark Kovacs - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (4):270-281.
    Humeans identify the laws of nature with universal generalizations that systematize rather than govern the particular matters of fact. Humeanism is frequently accused of circularity: laws explain their instances, but Humean laws are, in turn, grounded by those instances. Unfortunately, this argument trades on controversial assumptions about grounding and explanation that Humeans routinely reject. However, recently an ostensibly semantic circularity objection has been offered, which seeks to avoid reading such assumptions into the Humean view. This paper argues that the new (...)
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    Belief Files in Theory of Mind Reasoning.Ágnes Melinda Kovács - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):509-527.
    Humans seem to readily track their conspecifics’ mental states, such as their goals and beliefs from early infancy. However, the underlying cognitive architecture that enables such powerful abilities remains unclear. Here I will propose that a basic representational structure, the belief file, could provide the foundation for efficiently encoding, and updating information about, others’ beliefs in online social interactions. I will discuss the representational possibilities offered by the belief file and the ways in which the repertoire of mental state reasoning (...)
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    Honorary authorship epidemic in scholarly publications? How the current use of citation-based evaluative metrics make (pseudo)honorary authors from honest contributors of every multi-author article.Jozsef Kovacs - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (8):509-512.
    The current use of citation-based metrics to evaluate the research output of individual researchers is highly discriminatory because they are uniformly applied to authors of single-author articles as well as contributors of multi-author papers. In the latter case, these quantitative measures are counted, as if each contributor were the single author of the full article. In this way, each and every contributor is assigned the full impact-factor score and all the citations that the article has received. This has a multiplication (...)
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    Whose identity is it anyway?Jozsef Kovacs - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):44 – 45.
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    Caring for Language in Translating and Interpreting: Heidegger's Beiträge zur Philosophie.George Kovacs - 2014 - Heidegger Studies 30:131-157.
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  9. Comment on panco, G.'complete biochemical systems and ultimate reality and meaning'.G. Kovacs - 1982 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 5 (2):176-177.
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    Gender in the Substance of Chemistry, Part 2: An Agenda for Theory.Ágnes Kovács - 2012 - Hyle 18 (2):121 - 143.
    Feminist science criticism has mostly focused on the theories of the life sciences, while the few studies about gender and the physical sciences locate gender in the practice, and not in the theories, of these fields. Arguably, the reason for this asymmetry is that the conceptual and methodological tools developed by (feminist) science studies are not suited to analyze the hard sciences for gender-related values in their content. My central claim is that a conceptual, rather than an empirical, analysis is (...)
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  11. Memory and Imagery in Russell's The Analysis of Mind.David M. Kovacs - 2009 - Prolegomena 8 (2):193-206.
    According to the theory Russell defends in The Analysis of Mind, ‘true memories’ (roughly, memories that are not remembering-hows) are recollections of past events accompanied by a feeling of familiarity. While memory images play a vital role in this account, Russell does not pay much attention to the fact that imagery plays different roles in different sorts of memory. In most cases that Russell considers, memory is based on an image that serves as a datum (imagebased memories), but there are (...)
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  12. The Boundaries of the Self and the Limits of the World in Aristotle: A Different Kind of Deconstruction of the Ego.Attila `kovács - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:197-207.
    Phenomenological theories have a long history in undermining the traditional opposition between mind and body. According to them, the material, viz. the corporal can serve as a place for the processes of meaning-formation, i.e., as a condition of possibility for any set of relationships forming a body of meaning. In this paper, this manifests itself through the fact that the basic concepts related to corporeality, e.g., perception, movement etc., are the conditions of possibility for any construction of meaning and consciousness (...)
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    The Defenders of Faith. The Correspondence Between Ferenc Balogh, Father of the New Orthodoxy Movement, and Eduard Böhl, Reformed Pietist Professor of Dogmatics from Vienna.Teofil Kovács - 2021 - Perichoresis 19 (1):49-73.
    The present study examines how two famous professors in Central Europe decided to network together in order to promote traditional Christian faith through New Orthodoxy of Debrecen and Reformed Pietist of Vienna which became the source of renewal in the Reformed Church of Hungary. Their correspondence bears a witness to the endeavour to train, teach and guide young students enabling them to become persons of influence in the church. This research paper examines contents of the exchange of letters between Ferenc (...)
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    The significance of art in the life of a physician.Jozsef Kovacs - 1993 - Journal of Medical Humanities 14 (3):113-122.
  15.  41
    Is it a face of a woman or a man? Visual mismatch negativity is sensitive to gender category.Krisztina Kecskés-Kovács, István Sulykos & István Czigler - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  16. Essence, Grounding, and Explanation.David Mark Kovacs - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 305-318.
    Chapter 20 David Kovacs’ “Essence, Grounding, and Explanation” sets out four different ways in which essence might be taken to relate to the notion of grounding or metaphysical explanation, i.e., the type of connection that is often expressed by means of non-causal “in virtue of” or “because”-claims: (i) Unity: essence and grounding belong to a unified set of explanatory concepts; (ii) Supplementation: essence and grounding both contribute in their own way to a distinctive type of explanation; (iii) Independence: essence is (...)
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    Two Notes On Xenophon: Hellenica 1.4.20 And Agesilaus 2.26.David Kovacs - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):751-753.
  18.  20
    Horace, Odes 1.30.David Kovacs - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):441-444.
    This brief poem (Hor. Carm. 1.30) is by turns enigmatic (what is the purpose of Horace's prayer to Venus?) and slightly incoherent (why should both Horace and Glycera be praying to Venus? Are they praying for the same thing or for different things? Either has its problems). A further problem is that, if Horace intended uocantis in line 2 for a genitive, the text as it stands misleads the first-time reader, contrary to Horace's normal practice of authorial kindness toward such (...)
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    Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry.Jeffrey Kovac & Michael Weisberg (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Nobel laureate Roald Hoffmann's contributions to chemistry are well known. Less well known, however, is that over a career that spans nearly fifty years, Hoffmann has thought and written extensively about a wide variety of other topics, such as chemistry's relationship to philosophy, literature, and the arts, including the nature of chemical reasoning, the role of symbolism and writing in science, and the relationship between art and craft and science. In Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry, (...)
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    Die Antwort der Debrecener neuen Orthodoxie auf den theologischen Liberalismus in Ungarn.Ábrahám Kovács - 2014 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 21 (1-2):47-68.
    The Response of Debrecen New Orthodoxy to Liberal Theology in Hungary. The Reformed Church of Hungary was not exempt from the impact of various theological schools of Western Europe during the nineteenth century. The historical theological school of Tübingen, the Swiss liberal and moderate theology and the Dutch ‘moderne theologie’ held a great sway on Hungarian Protestantism in particularly Reformed Theology. Parallel to this development another and distinct trend appeared as a response to the challenges posed by liberal theology, which (...)
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    Bibliography of Parvis Emad (1968 – 2015).George Kovacs & Frank Schalow † - 2024 - Heidegger Studies 40 (1):291-298.
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    Scotland and Slovenia.Miha Kovaĉ & Claire Squires - 2014 - Logos 25 (4):7-19.
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    Two cultures revisited: New widening gaps.Ladislav Kovác - 2002 - World Futures 58 (1):1 – 11.
    Aristotle continues to be a highly cited author in cultural sciences (human and social sciences) and humanities. In the last two decades, his work attracted up to a hundred times more attention than the work of Konrad Lorenz or Edward O. Wilson, who have attempted to synthesize new knowledge on behavior and society and proposed alternatives to traditional, intuitively appealing, explanations. Aristotle's interpretations of the world, which appear to be intuitive to the human mind, were abandoned in natural sciences upon (...)
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    The "Place" of Hermeneutics in Assessing Heidegger's Lifelong Contributions to the Task of Thinking.George Kovacs - 2009 - Heidegger Studies 25:267-290.
  25.  35
    Sartre, the Philosophy of Nothingness, and the Modern Melodrama.András Bálint Kovács - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (1):135 - 145.
  26. Tecno-especies: la humanidad que se hace a sí misma y los desechables.Mateja Kovacic & María G. Navarro - 2021 - Bajo Palabra. Revista de Filosofía 27 (II Epoca):45-62.
    Popular culture continues fuelling public imagination with things, human and non-human, that we might beco-me or confront. Besides robots, other significant tropes in popular fiction that generated images include non-human humans and cyborgs, wired into his-torically varying sociocultural realities. Robots and artificial intelligence are re-defining the natural order and its hierar-chical structure. This is not surprising, as natural order is always in flux, shaped by new scientific discoveries, especially the reading of the genetic code, that reveal and redefine relationships between (...)
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    Honorary authorship and symbolic violence.Jozsef Kovacs - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):51-59.
    This paper invokes the conceptual framework of Bourdieu to analyse the mechanisms, which help to maintain inappropriate authorship practices and the functions these practices may serve. Bourdieu’s social theory with its emphasis on mechanisms of domination can be applied to the academic field, too, where competition is omnipresent, control mechanisms of authorship are loose, and the result of performance assessment can be a matter of symbolic life and death for the researchers. This results in a problem of game-theoretic nature, where (...)
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    Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.2.David Kovacs - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):458-.
    The purpose of this paper is, first, to demonstrate to future editors of the Metamorphoses , whether conservative or sceptical, just how improbable is the reading of the majority of MSS, illas , and how strong are the claims of the variant ilia , first recommended by P.Lejay in 1894 and vigorously championed by E.J.Kenney in 1976; and, second, to suggest an interpretation of this reading that is open to fewer objections than the one proposed by Kenney.I have given above (...)
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    Patient autonomy in the era of the sustainability crisis.Szilárd Dávid Kovács - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (3):399-405.
    In the realm of medical ethics, the foundational principle of respecting patient autonomy holds significant importance, often emerging as a central concern in numerous ethically complex cases, as authorizing medical assistance in dying or healthy limb amputation on patient request. Even though advocates for either alternative regularly utilize prima facie principles to resolve ethical dilemmas, the interplay between these principles is often the core of the theoretical frameworks. As the ramifications of the sustainability crisis become increasingly evident, there is a (...)
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    Atheism and the ultimate thou.George Kovacs - 1974 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (1):1 - 15.
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    Book Statistics.Miha Kovač, Angus Phillips, Adriaan van der Weel & Rüdiger Wischenbart - 2017 - Logos 28 (4):7-17.
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    Conceptualizing Numbers at the Science–Policy Interface.Zora Kovacic - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (6):1039-1065.
    Quantitative information is one of the means used to interface science with policy. As a consequence, much effort is invested in producing quantitative information for policy and much criticism is directed toward the use of numbers in policy. In this paper, I analyze five approaches drawn from such criticisms and propose alternative uses of quantitative information for governance: valuation of ecosystem services, social multicriteria evaluation, quantification of uncertainty through the Numeral, Unit, Spread, Assessment, Pedigree approach, Quantitative Story-Telling, and the heuristic (...)
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    Communication, risk, trust.Barna Kovács - 2021 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 12 (1):91-101.
    Communication presumes trust, but trust presumes risk. The main characteristic of trust is that it offers social stability, gives strength for mutual expectations and makes possible the construction of a common world. These traits make possible to present the temporal, spatial and identical aspects of trust. The confrontation of ‘traditional’ and online trust shows that there is not an essential difference between them but a relational one, the essence of trust appears on his relational mode. The relational approach makes evident (...)
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    Did the Losers Win? An Analysis of Electoral Behavior in Hungary in 1994.András Kovács - 1996 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 63.
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    Euripidis Fabulae ii.David Kovacs, J. Diggle & James Diggle - 1984 - American Journal of Philology 105 (2):236.
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  36. God as the ultimate thou and meaning of life in Buber, Martin.G. Kovacs - 1994 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17 (1):33-49.
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    Journalism ethics in multinational family: “When in the eu, should one do as the eu journalists do?”.Melita Poler Kovačič - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (2):141 – 157.
    This essay reviews a number of issues regarding self-regulation and professional ethics which journalists across Europe might face in the scaling down of national borders. The dilemma of whether a pan-European ideal standards code of ethics can help journalists when working across borders and encountering other traditions is explored by referring to Slovenia, one of the new European Union (EU) members. Presenting a critique of the traditional professionalization concept, cogent arguments are found for rejecting a universal code of ethics. By (...)
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    “Never mind the Web. Here comes the book.”: Continuity and discontinuity in the fate of reading.Miha Kovač - 2008 - Logos 19 (3):151-158.
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    Notes on the Bacchae.David Kovacs - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (2):340-345.
    In 246 we should, as Dodds suggests, get rid of the feeble δεινς and adopt Mau's δειν κγχνης. Verdenius, Mnemos. 41, 254, defends the reading of the MSS., saying that δεινς serves to distinguish the noose of punishment from that of suicide, but this is untenable: why is one noose more ‘terrible’ than the other, and who on hearing ‘worthy of the terrible noose’ would draw conclusions about it that could not be drawn from ‘worthy of the noose’? The question (...)
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    Response to the commentaries of Melissa S Anderson and Murray J Dyck.Jozsef Kovacs - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (8):515-516.
    Anderson and Dyck claim that the current trend of almost exclusively using citation-based evaluative metrics to assess the research output of scholars is unsound. I agree with them in this, but I feel that, for practical reasons, this system will not disappear in the near future, so we must concentrate on making it fairer. Both commentators doubt whether numerically expressing each contributor's relative contribution is feasible. I admit that an important precondition for this task is the possibility of an informed, (...)
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    Sade face à la censure en Hongrie. Expérience d’une traductrice.Ilona Kovács - 2020 - Revue de Synthèse 140 (3-4):397-414.
    Résumé Le problème complexe de la réception tardive de tout l’œuvre du marquis de Sade doit être considéré dans le contexte de l’histoire de la censure en Hongrie au cours de plusieurs siècles. Mon article se nourrit de mon expérience de traductrice, en particulier de ma traduction de La Philosophie dans le boudoir (1989). L’aperçu historique sur l’absence de réception de ses textes avant 1989 puis sur la période suivante qui a commencé avec le changement de régime et une grande (...)
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  42. Thermal analysis of set cements.R. Kovacs - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 7--115.
  43. The Antinomy Of Faith And Philosophy In Heidegger.George Kovacs - 2004 - Existentia 14 (3-4):199-212.
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    The end of codex and the disintegration of the communication circuit of the book.Miha Kovač - 2011 - Logos 22 (1):12-24.
  45. The Mystical Way To Ultimate Meaning In Martin Buber's Existential Philosophy.George Kovacs - 2011 - Existentia 21 (3-4):241-253.
  46. The Search for Meaning in Albert Camus.G. Kovacs - 1987 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 10 (2):121-139.
  47. The Uniqueness Of Edith Stein's Approach To The Question Of Being.George Kovacs - 2010 - Existentia 20 (3-4):241.
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  48. The way to ultimate meaning in Meister Eckhart's mysticism.G. Kovacs - 1995 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 18 (1):34-53.
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    The Way to God as Absolute Transcendence.George Kovacs - 1990 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 64:240-249.
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  50. Varieties of Grounding Skepticism.David Mark Kovacs - 2023 - The Monist 106 (3):301-316.
    Abstract:Skepticism about grounding is the view that ground-theoretic concepts shouldn’t be used in meta­physical theorizing. Possible reasons for adopting this attitude are numerous: perhaps grounding is unintelligible; or perhaps it’s never instantiated; or perhaps it’s just too heterogeneous to be theor­­­­­etically useful. Unfortunately, as currently pursued the debate between grounding enthusiasts and skeptics is insufficiently structured. This paper’s purpose is to impose a measure of conceptual rigor on the debate by offering an opinionated taxonomy of views with a reasonable claim (...)
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