Results for 'Label.'

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  1.  27
    Family Firms’ Corporate Social Performance: A Calculated Quest for Socioemotional Wealth.Réal Labelle, Taïeb Hafsi, Claude Francoeur & Walid Ben Amar - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):511-525.
    This study investigates the engagement of family firms in corporate social responsibility. We first compare their corporate social performance to non-family firms. Then, following recent evidence on the heterogeneity of family firms, we examine two factors that may influence CSP within family firms: the level of family control and the governance orientation of the country in which they operate. This research is based on a theoretical framework which considers both agency and socioemotional wealth influences on family firms CSR engagements. Overall, (...)
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  2. Ethics, Diversity Management, and Financial Reporting Quality.Réal Labelle, Rim Makni Gargouri & Claude Francoeur - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):335-353.
    This article proposes and empirically tests a theoretical framework incorporating Reidenbach and Robin’s (J Bus Ethics 10(4):273–284, 1991 ) conceptual model of corporate moral development. The framework is used to examine the relation between governance and business ethics, as proxied by diversity management (DM), and financial reporting quality, as proxied by the magnitude of earnings management (EM). The level of DM and governance quality are measured in accordance with the ratings of Jantzi Research (JR), a leading provider of social and (...)
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    Can the Problem of the Theologico-Political be Resolved? Leo Strauss and Claude Lefort.Gilles Labelle - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 87 (1):63-81.
    The starting point of this article is that there is a kind of ‘hidden dialogue’ that Claude Lefort is trying to conduct with Leo Strauss on the theologico-political problem. If Strauss claims this problem to be ‘irresolvable’, Lefort seeks to show that the ‘permanence of the theologico-political’ in modernity is only an appearance, as democracy has, in the last instance, succeeded in ‘cutting’ the knot tied between the theological and the political in pre-modern societies. Moreover, while Strauss associates recognition of (...)
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  4. the Theory of Indistinguishable Particles in Quantum Mechanics'(joint paper with P. Teller).Particle Labels - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43:201-8.
  5.  8
    La communauté politique en question. Regards croisés sur l’immigration, la citoyenneté, la diversité et le pouvoir.Micheline Labelle, Jocelyne Couture & Frank Remiggi (eds.) - 2012 - UQAM Press.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Avec l'accélération de la mondialisation, une opinion qui aurait, jusqu'il y a peu, été taxée d'incongruité, semble avoir gagné le statut d'évidence : le système étatique mondial serait menacé et appellerait à une profonde redéfinition des attributs, des structures et du rôle traditionnellement dévolus aux Etats. Malgré un échiquier géopolitique modifié, où les frontières s'évanouissent et où les cultures et les traditions nationales s'amalgament jusqu'à l'extinction, il faut cependant reconnaître que la mondialisation n'est pas (...)
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  6.  11
    Déplacement stylistique à gauche de verbes non conjugués en ancien et en moyen français.Marie Labelle & Paul Hirschbühler - 2014 - Corpus 13:191-219.
    L’antéposition d’un verbe non conjugué (participe passé, infinitif) en ancien et en moyen français a été assimilée à l’antéposition stylistique de l’islandais. Nous montrons que dans le cas du français, ces antépositions illustrent trois constructions différentes, toutes distinctes de l’antéposition stylistique de l’islandais. Dans la construction la plus fréquente, étiquetée déplacement stylistique à gauche, l’expression antéposée s’insère dans une position interne à la proposition plutôt que dans la périphérie gauche, à la droite immédiate de la position canonique du sujet, qui (...)
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    Acoustic justice: listening, performativity, and the work of reorientation.Brandon LaBelle - 2021 - New York City: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Authored by leading sound studies scholar Brandon LaBelle, this book focuses on questions of acoustics as the basis for challenging normative structures.
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    Sonic agency: sound and emergent forms of resistance.Brandon LaBelle - 2018 - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
    The book proposes a multi-dimensional understanding on sound and listening as capacities for challenging social and political structures of inequality and domination, supporting interpersonal exchange and modes of community-building based on empathy, care and compassion.
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    L'écart absolu: Miguel Abensour.Gilles Labelle - 2018 - Paris (France): Sens&Tonka.
  10.  23
    Improbables publics.Brandon LaBelle, Yves Citton & L. Deep - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):88-92.
    Si les publics improbables sont, fondamentalement, des publics faibles, ils nous surprennent aussi – et c’est leur principal cadeau, leur caractère exemplaire. Par un art de la transgression, ils rappellent combien la vie publique est une affaire commune, façonnée par les gens à certains moments, en certains lieux, animés par la lutte et l’imagination, et par la joie de se découvrir les uns les autres. Cet article identifie quatre figures d’agentivité sonique pratiquées par ces improbables publics : l’invisible, l’entendu par-dessus (...)
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    Le paradigme de la mobilité propose-t-il une perspective adéquate de l’immigration internationale?Micheline Labelle - 2015 - Éthique Publique 17 (1).
    Dans l’opinion publique, la mondialisation a ouvert les vannes de l’immigration internationale, les migrants circulant désormais aussi facilement que les capitaux et les marchandises. En phase avec cette représentation relevant du sens commun, le domaine de la migration internationale tend à subir l’influence des théories de la mobilité qui jouissent d’un véritable effet de mode. Cette pensée emprunte à des courants d’idées privilégiant l’effacement des frontières. Le concept de « mobilité » repose sur deux visions contradictoires. La première suppose que (...)
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  12. Restless acoustics, emergent publics.Brandon LaBelle - 2017 - In Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg & Barry Truax (eds.), The Routledge companion to sounding art. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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  13.  21
    Balancing Gender Equity for Women Prisoners.Deborah Labelle & Sheryl Pimlott Kubiak - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30 (2):416-426.
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  14. Gender Diversity in Corporate Governance and Top Management.Claude Francoeur, Réal Labelle & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):83-95.
    This article examines whether and how the participation of women in the firm’s board of directors and senior management enhances financial performance. We use the Fama and French (1992, 1993) valuation framework to take the level of risk into consideration, when comparing firm performances, whereas previous studies used either raw stock returns or accounting ratios. Our results indicate that firms operating in complex environments do generate positive and significant abnormal returns when they have a high proportion of women officers. Although (...)
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  15.  41
    To What Extent Do Gender Diverse Boards Enhance Corporate Social Performance?Claude Francoeur, Réal Labelle, Souha Balti & Saloua E. L. Bouzaidi - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):343-357.
    The inconclusiveness of previous research on the association between gender diverse boards and corporate social performance has led us to revisit the question in light of stakeholder management and institutional theories. Given that corporate social responsibility is a multidimensional concept, we test the influence of GDB on various groups of stakeholders. By considering the interaction between stakeholders’ power and directors’ personal motivations toward the prioritization of stakeholders’ claims, we find that GDB are positively related to CSR dimensions that are related (...)
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  16.  69
    Two refoundation projects of democracy in contemporary French philosophy: Cornelius Castoriadis and Jacques Rancière.Gilles Labelle - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (4):75-103.
    In this paper I examine two theories of democracy that can be found in contemporary French philosophy. Both Cornelius Castoriadis and Jacques Rancière offer a critique of modern democracy with the purpose of refounding it. The ‘refoundation narratives’ they propose are both based on an account of the origins of democracy in ancient Greece. According to Castoriadis, ancient democracy is grounded in a ‘magma’ of ‘social imaginary significations’ in which ‘autonomy’ is considered the correct response to Being defined as an (...)
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  17.  26
    L’éducation, une mutuelle transhumance.Jean-Marie Labelle - 2005 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 79 (3):318-327.
    Les enjeux majeurs de l’éducation des adultes se résument en ces trois mots indissociables qu’éclaire ma théorie de la réciprocité éducative. S’éduquer, comme se nourrir, c’est à la fois recourir à l’action d’un autre et ne s’en remettre qu’à soi pour grandir, se conduire et s’épanouir. Le paradoxe de la mutualité réside en ce que j’adviens à ma singularité personnelle en voulant que tu sois toi-même par toi, et inversement. La transhumance est l’autre nom de l’éducabilité des personnes qui s’accomplissent (...)
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  18.  9
    Vers une démocratie désenchantée?: Marcel Gauchet et la crise contemporaine de la démocratie libérale.Gilles Labelle & Daniel Tanguay (eds.) - 2013 - [Anjou, Québec]: Fides.
    Il y a un peu plus de vingt ans, Marcel Gauchet livrait ses réflexions sur le long et lent processus de désenchantement du monde qui, de l’intérieur même de la compréhension religieuse du monde, a abouti à l’affirmation de l’autonomie humaine et à la prise en main par les hommes de leur destin collectif. Cette thèse a fait l’objet de nombreuses discussions et controverses qui portaient sur la validité de la reconstruction historique générale, sur la méthode guidant cette dernière, et (...)
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  19.  34
    Merleau-Ponty et le christianisme.Gilles Labelle - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (2):317-340.
    Résumé Cet article cherche à comprendre le rapport singulier que Maurice Merleau-Ponty a établi avec le christianisme au sein de la phénoménologie française. Sont rappelées les différentes positions successives adoptées par le philosophe à l’égard du christianisme. Après avoir d’abord situé sa réflexion philosophico-politique au sein de la foi chrétienne, Merleau-Ponty en vient ensuite à une critique de la théologie trinitaire et à une défense de l’athéisme qui, cependant, insiste pour conserver un certain nombre d’éléments propres au christianisme. Enfin, au (...)
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  20.  31
    Rancière's writings applied to nursing: A radical and emancipatory political theory.Patrick Martin, Karyne Duval & Marie-Pier Labelle - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12202.
  21.  46
    Erratum to: Ethics, diversity management, and financial reporting quality. [REVIEW]Réal Labelle, Rim Makni Gargouri & Claude Francoeur - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):355-355.
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    Appointing Women to Boards: Is There a Cultural Bias?Amalia Carrasco, Claude Francoeur, Réal Labelle, Joaquina Laffarga & Emiliano Ruiz-Barbadillo - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (2):429-444.
    Companies that are serious about corporate governance and business ethics are turning their attention to gender diversity at the most senior levels of business . Board gender diversity has been the subject of several studies carried out by international organizations such as Catalyst , the World Economic Forum , and the European Board Diversity Analysis . They all lead to reports confirming the overall relatively low proportion of women on boards and the slow pace at which more women are being (...)
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  23.  24
    Signaling roles of platelets in skeletal muscle regeneration.Flavia A. Graca, Benjamin A. Minden-Birkenmaier, Anna Stephan, Fabio Demontis & Myriam Labelle - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (12):2300134.
    Platelets have important hemostatic functions in repairing blood vessels upon tissue injury. Cytokines, growth factors, and metabolites stored in platelet α‐granules and dense granules are released upon platelet activation and clotting. Emerging evidence indicates that such platelet‐derived signaling factors are instrumental in guiding tissue regeneration. Here, we discuss the important roles of platelet‐secreted signaling factors in skeletal muscle regeneration. Chemokines secreted by platelets in the early phase after injury are needed to recruit neutrophils to injured muscles, and impeding this early (...)
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  24.  35
    Labelled non-classical logics.Luca Viganò - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The subject of Labelled Non-Classical Logics is the development and investigation of a framework for the modular and uniform presentation and implementation of non-classical logics, in particular modal and relevance logics. Logics are presented as labelled deduction systems, which are proved to be sound and complete with respect to the corresponding Kripke-style semantics. We investigate the proof theory of our systems, and show them to possess structural properties such as normalization and the subformula property, which we exploit not only to (...)
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  25.  27
    Wine labels in Austrian food retail stores: A semiotic analysis of multimodal red wine labels.Bettina König & Erhard Lick - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (200):313-334.
    From a marketing point of view, front labels play a crucial role in the consumers' relatively quick decisionmaking process when buying wine in retail stores. The aim of this paper was to reveal which semiotic code systems, in particular, colors, visual representations, and designs, as well as verbal representations, Austrian wine producers use on the front labels of their red wine bottles. For that purpose, the method of content analysis was applied on a representative corpus of red wine labels. Our (...)
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  26.  61
    Humanising Business Through Ethical Labelling: Progress and Paradoxes in the UK.Susanne Hartlieb & Bryn Jones - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S3):583-600.
    Labelling schemes are practical arrangements aimed at making 'ethical' products widely available and visible. They are crucial to expanded development of ethical markets and hence to the addition of moral dimensions to the normally amoral behaviour linking consumers and retail and production businesses. The study reported here attempts to assess the contribution of UK ethical, social and environmental certification and labelling initiatives to 'sustainable' consumption and production. The research sought to assess the overall potential of initiatives to inject human values (...)
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  27.  61
    Off-Label Prescribing: A Call for Heightened Professional and Government Oversight.Rebecca Dresser & Joel Frader - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (3):476-486.
    Off-label prescribing is an integral part of contemporary medicine. Many patients benefit when they receive drugs or devices under circumstances not specified on the label approved by the Food and Drug Administration. An off-label use may provide the best available intervention for a patient, as well as the standard of care for a particular health problem. In oncology, pediatrics, geriatrics, obstetrics, and other practice areas, patient care could not proceed without off-label prescribing. When scientific and medical evidence justify off-label uses, (...)
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  28.  18
    Object‐Label‐Order Effect When Learning From an Inconsistent Source.Timmy Ma & Natalia L. Komarova - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12737.
    Learning in natural environments is often characterized by a degree of inconsistency from an input. These inconsistencies occur, for example, when learning from more than one source, or when the presence of environmental noise distorts incoming information; as a result, the task faced by the learner becomes ambiguous. In this study, we investigate how learners handle such situations. We focus on the setting where a learner receives and processes a sequence of utterances to master associations between objects and their labels, (...)
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  29.  55
    Labels as Features (Not Names) for Infant Categorization: A Neurocomputational Approach.Valentina Gliozzi, Julien Mayor, Jon-Fan Hu & Kim Plunkett - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (4):709-738.
    A substantial body of experimental evidence has demonstrated that labels have an impact on infant categorization processes. Yet little is known regarding the nature of the mechanisms by which this effect is achieved. We distinguish between two competing accounts: supervised name‐based categorization and unsupervised feature‐based categorization. We describe a neurocomputational model of infant visual categorization, based on self‐organizing maps, that implements the unsupervised feature‐based approach. The model successfully reproduces experiments demonstrating the impact of labeling on infant visual categorization reported in (...)
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  30.  77
    Labelled deductive systems.Dov M. Gabbay - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This important book provides a new unifying methodology for logic. It replaces the traditional view of logic as manipulating sets of formulas with the notion of structured families of labelled formulas with algebraic structures. This approach has far reaching consequences for the methodology of logics and their semantics, and the book studies the main features of such systems along with their applications. It will interest logicians, computer scientists, philosophers and linguists.
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  31.  10
    Off label - practical consequences of unclear legislation.Maria Gutowska-Ibbs - 2024 - Diametros 21 (81):16-32.
    Artykuł dotyczy instytucji pozarejestracyjnego stosowania produktów leczniczych oraz problemów w rozgraniczeniu sytuacji, w których taka forma leczenia ma charakter terapii innowacyjnej od normalnej praktyki leczniczej. Poruszona została kwestia istotnego ryzyka kwalifikacji rutynowej terapii przy użyciu produktów leczniczych jako eksperymentu medycznego oraz relacja pomiędzy pojęciem aktualnej wiedzy medycznej a Charakterystyką Produktu Leczniczego. Omówione zostały trudności w ustaleniu, czy proponowany sposób leczenia jest metodą nową lub częściowo wypróbowaną oraz przedstawiono postulat zwiększenia aktywności lekarskich towarzystw naukowych w tym zakresie. Przedstawiono implikacje kwalifikacji leczenia (...)
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    Labelled Tableau Systems for Some Subintuitionistic Logics.Minghui Ma - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (2):273-288.
    Labelled tableau systems are developed for subintuitionistic logics \, \ and \. These subintuitionistic logics are embedded into corresponding normal modal logics. Hintikka’s model systems are applied to prove the completeness of labelled tableau systems. The finite model property, decidability and disjunction property are obtained by labelled tableau method.
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    A labelled natural deduction system for linear temporal logic.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (3):345 - 376.
    The paper is devoted to the concise description of some Natural Deduction System (ND for short) for Linear Temporal Logic. The system's distinctive feature is that it is labelled and analytical. Labels convey necessary semantic information connected with the rules for temporal functors while the analytical character of the rules lets the system work as a decision procedure. It makes it more similar to Labelled Tableau Systems than to standard Natural Deduction. In fact, our solution of linearity representation is rather (...)
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  34.  38
    Labelling of end-of-life decisions by physicians.Jef Deyaert, Kenneth Chambaere, Joachim Cohen, Marc Roelands & Luc Deliens - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (7):505-507.
    Objectives Potentially life-shortening medical end-of-life practices ) remain subject to conceptual vagueness. This study evaluates how physicians label these practices by examining which of their own practices they label as euthanasia or sedation.Methods We conducted a large stratified random sample of death certificates from 2007 . The physicians named on the death certificate were approached by means of a postal questionnaire asking about ELDs made in each case and asked to choose the most appropriate label to describe the ELD. Response (...)
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  35. Effects of Linguistic Labels on Visual Attention in Children and Young Adults.Wesley R. Barnhart, Samuel Rivera & Christopher W. Robinson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:325882.
    Effects of linguistic labels on learning outcomes are well-established; however, developmental research examining possible mechanisms underlying these effects have provided mixed results. We used a novel paradigm where 8-year-olds and adults were simultaneously trained on three sparse categories (categories with many irrelevant or unique features and a single rule defining feature). Category members were either associated with the same label, different labels, or no labels (silent baseline). Similar to infant paradigms, participants passively viewed individual exemplars and we examined fixations to (...)
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    Off-Label Drug Use as a Consent and Health Regulation Issue in New Zealand.Rebecca Julia Cook - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):251-258.
    The term “off-label drug use” refers to drugs that have not yet acquired “approved” status or drugs that have acquired “approved” status but are used with a different dosage, route, or administration method other than that for which the drug has been approved. In New Zealand, the Medicines Act 1981 specifically allows for off-label drug use. However, this authority is limited by the Health and Disability Commissioner Regulations 1996 and the common law, which require that off-label drug use is of (...)
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  37.  27
    A Labelled Deductive System for Relational Semantics of the Lambek Calculus.Miroslawa Kolowska-Gawiejnowicz - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (1):51-58.
    We present a labelled version of Lambek Calculus without unit, and we use it to prove a completeness theorem for Lambek Calculus with respect to some relational semantics.
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    Food Labels, Autonomy, and the Right to Know.Matteo Bonotti - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (4):301-321.
    The Italian government recently criticized the UK’s “traffic light” food labelling system for unfairly discriminating against some traditional Italian foods such as mozzarella, Parma ham, and Parmesan cheese . This type of labelling highlights the percentages of fat, saturated fat, salt, sugar, and calories of each food and classifies them by using red, amber, and green colors depending on the level of each nutrient. While it is true that some Italian foods do contain a high level of fat or salt (...)
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  39.  84
    Drug Labels and Reproductive Health: How Values and Gender Norms Shape Regulatory Science at the FDA.Christopher ChoGlueck - 2019 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is fraught with controversies over the role of values and politics in regulatory science, especially with drugs in the realm of reproductive health. Philosophers and science studies scholars have investigated the ways in which social context shapes medical knowledge through value judgments, and feminist scholars and activists have criticized sexism and injustice in reproductive medicine. Nonetheless, there has been no systematic study of values and gender norms in FDA drug regulation. I focus on (...)
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    The Effects of Feature-Label-Order and Their Implications for Symbolic Learning.Michael Ramscar, Daniel Yarlett, Melody Dye, Katie Denny & Kirsten Thorpe - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (6):909-957.
    Symbols enable people to organize and communicate about the world. However, the ways in which symbolic knowledge is learned and then represented in the mind are poorly understood. We present a formal analysis of symbolic learning—in particular, word learning—in terms of prediction and cue competition, and we consider two possible ways in which symbols might be learned: by learning to predict a label from the features of objects and events in the world, and by learning to predict features from a (...)
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    Labels of origin for food, the new economy and opportunities for rural development in the US.Jim Bingen - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (4):543-552.
    This paper draws upon the events surrounding two small United States Department of Agriculture-funded projects in order to explore some preliminary ideas about the influence of corporations in US policy-making through federal advisory committees created by the 1972 Federal Advisory Committee Act. Following a synopsis of the political controversy created by the efforts of these projects to generate more discussion of geographical indications in the US, this paper outlines a path for further analysis of the relationships between members of advisory (...)
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  42. Refining Labelled Systems for Modal and Constructive Logics with Applications.Tim Lyon - 2021 - Dissertation, Technischen Universität Wien
    This thesis introduces the "method of structural refinement", which serves as a means of transforming the relational semantics of a modal and/or constructive logic into an 'economical' proof system by connecting two proof-theoretic paradigms: labelled and nested sequent calculi. The formalism of labelled sequents has been successful in that cut-free calculi in possession of desirable proof-theoretic properties can be automatically generated for large classes of logics. Despite these qualities, labelled systems make use of a complicated syntax that explicitly incorporates the (...)
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    Labelled resolution for classical and non-classical logics.D. M. Gabbay & U. Reyle - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (2):179-216.
    Resolution is an effective deduction procedure for classical logic. There is no similar "resolution" system for non-classical logics (though there are various automated deduction systems). The paper presents resolution systems for intuistionistic predicate logic as well as for modal and temporal logics within the framework of labelled deductive systems. Whereas in classical predicate logic resolution is applied to literals, in our system resolution is applied to L(abelled) R(epresentation) S(tructures). Proofs are discovered by a refutation procedure defined on LRSs, that imposes (...)
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    Off-label administration of drugs to healthy military personnel. Dubious ethics of preventive measures.D. O. E. Gebhardt - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (5):268-268.
    Although there are exceptions, the principle of primum nil nocere remains the cornerstone of the practice of medicine. In the well known handbook, Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics1 a case is presented which raises doubts about the permissibility of off-label administration of certain drugs to healthy troops as a preventive measure. The following citation from this handbook gives a clear description of the problem:"Prophylaxis in cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning. Studies in experimental animals have shown that pretreatment with pyridostigmine (...)
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    Novel Labels Increase Category Coherence, But Only When People Have the Goal to Coordinate.Ellise Suffill, Holly Branigan & Martin Pickering - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (11):e12796.
    From infancy, we recognize that labels denote category membership and help us to identify the critical features that objects within a category share. Labels not only reflect how we categorize, but also allow us to communicate and share categories with others. Given the special status of labels as markers of category membership, do novel labels (i.e., non‐words) affect the way in which adults select dimensions for categorization in unsupervised settings? Additionally, is the purpose of this effect primarily coordinative (i.e., do (...)
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    Labels, cognomes, and cyclic computation: an ethological perspective.Elliot Murphy - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:144329.
    For the past two decades, it has widely been assumed by linguists that there is a single computational operation, Merge, which is unique to language, distinguishing it from other cognitive domains. The intention of this paper is to progress the discussion of language evolution in two ways: (i) survey what the ethological record reveals about the uniqueness of the human computational system, and (ii) explore how syntactic theories account for what ethology may determine to be human-specific. It is shown that (...)
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  47. Particle labels and the theory of indistinguishable particles in quantum mechanics.Michael Redhead & Paul Teller - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43 (2):201-218.
    We extend the work of French and Redhead [1988] further examining the relation of quantum statistics to the assumption that quantum entities have the sort of identity generally assumed for physical objects, more specifically an identity which makes them susceptible to being thought of as conceptually individuatable and labelable even though they cannot be experimentally distinguished. We also further examine the relation of such hypothesized identity of quantum entities to the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles. We conclude that although (...)
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    Corporate Decisions about Labelling Genetically Modified Foods.Chris MacDonald & Melissa Whellams - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (2):181-189.
    This paper considers whether individual companies have an ethical obligation to label their Genetically Modified (GM) foods. GM foods and ingredients pervade grocery store shelves, despite the fact that a majority of North Americans have worries about eating those products. The market as whole has largely failed to respond to consumer preference in this regard, as have North American governments. A number of consumer groups, NGO’s, and activist organizations have urged corporations to label their GM products. This paper asks whether, (...)
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  49. New Labels for Old Ideas: Predictive Processing and the Interpretation of Neural Signals.Rosa Cao - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):517-546.
    Philosophical proponents of predictive processing cast the novelty of predictive models of perception in terms of differences in the functional role and information content of neural signals. However, they fail to provide constraints on how the crucial semantic mapping from signals to their informational contents is determined. Beyond a novel interpretative gloss on neural signals, they have little new to say about the causal structure of the system, or even what statistical information is carried by the signals. That means that (...)
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  50. Is Off-label repeat prescription of ketamine as a rapid antidepressant safe? Controversies, ethical concerns, and legal implications.Melvyn W. Zhang, Keith M. Harris & Roger C. Ho - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundDepressive disorders are a common form of psychiatric illness and cause significant disability. Regulation authorities, the medical profession and the public require high safety standards for antidepressants to protect vulnerable psychiatric patients. Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic and a derivative of a hallucinogen. Its abuse is a major worldwide public health problem. Ketamine is a scheduled drug and its usage is restricted due to its abuse liability. Recent clinical trials have reported that ketamine use led to rapid antidepressant effects in (...)
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