Results for 'Labor Philosophy.'

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  1. lnvesting for Future Generations.Child Labor - 1999 - In Tʻae-chʻang Kim & James Allen Dator, Co-creating a public philosophy for future generations. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 173.
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    A New Labor Philosophy in the AI Era - Beyond the End of Work and Labor Utopia -.Ha-Jun Lee - 2024 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 116:131-153.
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    Theoretical Research on Marx’s Legal Philosophy from the Perspective of Labor Philosophy.刘 丽 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):1360.
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    New Philosophies of Labour: Work and the Social Bond.Nicholas Smith & Jean-Philippe Dr Deranty (eds.) - 2011 - Brill.
    This volume addresses the long-standing neglect of the category of labour in critical social theory and it presents a powerful case for a new paradigm based on the anthropological significance of work and its role in shaping social bonds.
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    Philosophy and the Labor Market in Romania.Sandu Frunză & Mihaela Frunză - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):28-58.
    One of the problems the institutional crisis of philosophy is facing in Romania is the difficulty of philosophy graduates to find a suitable place on the complex labor market. The article attempts to elucidate whether philosophy graduates subsequently teach what they study during their university education and to find solutions for a better integration on the labor market of these graduates. An important part of the article is dedicated to analyzing the institutional offer vis-à-vis the challenges that philosophy (...)
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    Labor Studies in Samara Philosophy.Евгений Александрович Тюгашев - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (2):67-80.
    The article discusses the works of Samara researchers T.N. Sosnina and L.B. Chetyrova in the field of the philosophy of labor. The analysis is carried out in the context of the need to resolve the socio-epistemological situation of the “death of labor” and to rethink the content of the concept of labor. T.N. Sosnina opened this thematic field of research in Samara in the 1970s with the development of philosophical theory of the subject of labor. As (...)
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  7. Philosophy of Labor.R. C. KWANT - 1960
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  8. La labor historiográfica de 'L' Equipe de Philosophie Ibérique' de la Universidad de Toulouse-Le Mirail.M. González - 1982 - Agora 2:163.
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    A philosophy of labour: comparing A. V. Lunačarskij and S. Brzozowski.Daniela Steila - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (4):315-327.
    At the end of 1907 within a couple of months Lunačarskij met both Gor’kij and Brzozowski in Italy and found many important points of contact with each. To compare Lunačarskij’s thought at that time with Brzozowski’s “philosophical program” of 1907 casts some new light on the great variety of interpretations that enlivened Easter European Marxism at the beginning of the twentieth century. On the one hand, it explains Lunačarskij’s “economism” as distinct both from Brzozowski’s extreme anthropologism and Gor’kij’s “cosmism”; on (...)
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  10. The Philosophy of Labour.C. Delisle Burns - 1925 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1925, C. Delisle Burns’ _The Philosophy of Labour _attempts to lay down key aspects of labour and the working class of that time period, covering aspects such as economic obstacles, standards of living and patriotism. Burns does not draw on past philosophers or sociological thinkers of the working-class and instead chose to focus only on the attitude of the workers in factories, mines, roads, railways and other forms of manual labour. This title will be of interest to (...)
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  11. Dewey's philosophy and the experience of working: Labor, tools and language.Jim Garrison - 1995 - Synthese 105 (1):87 - 114.
    Although Richard Rorty has done much to renew interest in the philosophy of John Dewey, he nonetheless rejects two of the most important components of Dewey's philosophy, that is, his metaphysics and epistemology. Following George Santayana, Rorty accuses Dewey of trying to serve Locke and Hegel, an impossibility as Rorty rightly sees it. Rorty (1982) says that Dewey should have been Hegelian all the way (p. 85). By reconstructing a bit of Hegel's early philosophy of work, and comparing it to (...)
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  12. Hermeneutic Labor: The Gendered Burden of Interpretation in Intimate Relationships Between Women and Men.Ellie Anderson - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (1):177-197.
    In recent years, feminist scholarship on emotional labor has proliferated. I identify a related but distinct form of care labor, hermeneutic labor. Hermeneutic labor is the burdensome activity of: understanding and coherently expressing one’s own feelings, desires, intentions, and movitations; discerning those of others; and inventing solutions for relational issues arising from interpersonal tensions. I argue that hermeneutic labor disproportionately falls on women’s shoulders in heteropatriachal societies, especially in intimate relationships between women and men. I (...)
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    The political philosophy of New Labour.Matt Beech - 2006 - New York: Distributed in the U.S. by Palgrave Macmillan.
    Matt Beech traces the ideological roots of the Labour Party from its nineteenth century origins in the Labour Movement, through the twentieth century, until the years under Tony Blair. He claims that New Labour in power evolved as a revisionist social democratic government and traces its search for new political ideas both to the New Right and Old Labour. Using interviews with former Labour politicians, advisers and academics, he presents an original and comprehensive analysis of Labour's political philosophy.
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  14. The Need for a Philosophy of Labour.L. P. Jacks - 1924 - Hibbert Journal 23:231.
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    The Spell of Responsibility: Labor, Criminality, Philosophy.Frieder Vogelmann - 2017 - London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Most people would agree that we should behave and act in a responsible way. Yet only 200 years ago, ‘responsibility’ was only of marginal importance in discussions of law and legal practice, and it had little ethical significance. What is the significance of the fact that ‘responsibility’ now plays such a central role in, for example, work, the welfare state, or the criminal justice system? What happens when individuals are generally expected to think of themselves as ‘responsible’ agents? And what (...)
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    Philosophy of Labor[REVIEW]Peter McConville - 1960 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 10 (10):293-294.
    This book contains a series of lectures on the philosophy of work, delivered at Duquesne University. From his study of modern philosophy, the author is convinced of the necessity of integrating a philosophy of work into the traditional system of philosophy. His book presents an analysis of labour in function of Marxism, whose starting-point is a philosophy of work and whose end is the redemption of man through labour.
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    The Philosophy of Labour.C. Delisle Burns - 1925 - Humana Mente 1 (1):111-112.
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    Philosophy of Labor[REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (3):570-570.
    As the author points out, a philosophy of labor can be extremely helpful in illuminating the more general problems of social and political philosophy. For those who are unacquainted with the philosophic treatment of labor, especially in Marx, this discussion may be an aid. However, there is a strong tendency to oversimplify throughout the book and the reader frequently feels that the author is by-passing the really difficult issues. The positive thesis is that humanization of the labor (...)
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    The Philosophy of Labour. By C. Delisle Burns.A. H. J. - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (1):111.
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    The philosophy of labor according to Thomas Aquinas; a study in social philosophy..Sylvester Michael Killeen - 1939 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America Press.
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    An approach of Eastern philosophy in relation to modern society and good labor. 김희 - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 71 (71):201-222.
    오늘을 살아가는 현대인들에게 있어 노동(일)은 생계를 유지하기 위한 수단의 측면을 넘어 사회, 정치적으로 자신의 지위와 역할을 나타내는 상징적인 기능을 수행한다. 이것은 현대인들에게 있어 노동의 의미가 사회적으로 중요한 역할과 기능을 한다는 것을 말해준다. 하지만 사회·정치적인 측면에서 강화된 노동의 형식과 내용은 자본을 중심으로 하는 신자유주의 시장경제체제 속에서 인간 존재를 노동을 위한 수단으로 전락하게 만드는 위험성을 노정하고 있다. 그러므로 우리는 인간의 삶과 노동에 대한 인식을 사회적이고 정치적인 측면에서 살펴볼 수 있는 개연성을 갖게 된다. 더욱이 인간의 삶을 위한 수단의 측면인 노동이 사회와 정치, 그리고 (...)
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  22. The philosophy of labour' and Karel Kosík's criticism of 'care'.Siyaves Azeri - 2021 - In Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart, Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete. Boston: Brill.
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    Proletariat Labor or Praxis? Philosophy of Education in a Neo-Liberal Order.Emery J. Hyslop-Margison - 2004 - Philosophy of Education 60:154-162.
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    A clear division of labor within environmental philosophy?William Throop - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):147-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Clear Division of Labor Within Environmental Philosophy?William M. Throop (bio)In discussions about the future of environmental philosophy, I have found myself supporting two positions that are in tension with one another. The first, which has been well explored in the last decade, is that environmental philosophy should have a more dramatic impact outside of academic circles. It should affect policy and guide the behavior of non-philosophers, which (...)
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  25. Philosophy of Labor.O. S. A. Remy C. Kwant - 1960
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    The end of labour and »labour of thought«: Towards definition of human labour in the contemporary philosophy.Severin Müller - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (2):425-441.
    The starting-point of this article is an phenomenological analysis in relation to forms of labour in the present world of media and information realities. The priority is given to analysis in view of modern consciousness of labour in so far as it is important for the modern understanding of human praxis. In a retrospective view on Kant and Locke the philosophical definitions and reasons of labour are reconstructed, which characterize the philosophy of modern times in the whole and on its (...)
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    Labor of Fire: The Ontology of Labor Between Economy and Culture.Bruno Gullì - 2005 - Temple University Press.
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    The irrationality of labour in Stanisław Brzozowski’s philosophy of “labour”.Krystof Kasprzak - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (1):37-52.
    This article explores the concept of labour through a diremptive reading of Polish philosopher Stanisław Brzozowski’s essay “Prolegomena filozofii ‘pracy’” written in 1909. This essay appears as a chapter in his main work Idee: wstęp do filozofii dojrzałości dziejowej, first published in 1910. In “Prolegomena,” Brzozowski defines labour as an inner gesture that delineates the duration of life. In the interpretation of this definition the influence of Henri Bergson on Brzozowski’s thought is stressed. Inspired by Bergson, Brzozowski understands labour as (...)
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    Byproductive labor: A feminist theory of affective labor beyond the productive–reproductive distinction.Shiloh Whitney - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (6):637-660.
    My aim in this paper is to introduce a theory of affective labor as byproductive, a concept I develop through analysis of the phenomenology of various affective labor practices in dialog with feminist scholarship, both on gendered and racialized labor, and on affect and emotion. I motivate my theory in the context of literature on affective and emotional labor in philosophy and the social sciences, engaging the post-Marxist literature on affective and immaterial labor and emphasizing (...)
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    Was Brzozowski a “constructionist”? A contemporary reading of Brzozowski’s “philosophy of labour”.E. M. Swiderski - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (4):329-343.
    Brzozowski’s ‘philosophy of labour’—to which he devoted a number of writings starting in 1902—presents problems of interpretation. A conceptual approach to his conception shows it to be a sometimes uneasy mix of realist and anti-realist notions. Brzozowski appears to have thought that labour is not first of all about the things it supposedly transforms, but rather about itself. I suggest that Brzozowski can be read in the spirit of Nelson Goodman’s nominalist constructionalism (“worldmaking”). On this account, labour in Brzozowski’s idiom (...)
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    Unalienated labor as cooperative self‐determination: Aristotle and Marx.Kyle Scott - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I offer an original interpretation of Marx's conception of unalienated labor, which I frame as a response to Aristotle's view of work, or technē. Both Aristotle and Marx share a particular conception of freedom as “normative self-determination,” according to which an activity is free insofar as it does not depend for its value on externally valuable things. For instance, when my activity is a mere means for satisfying some need separate from it, it comes to depend (...)
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    Labor Protection for Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Brazil.Alyane Almeida de Araujo - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (6):1739-1753.
    Law No. 11,340/2006, also known as the "Maria da Penha" Law, was created after the condemnation to exclusively protect women victims of violence. In Article 9, § 2, item II, there is a specific rule on the employment contract, which allows the judge to ensure that women in situations of domestic and family violence maintain the employment relationship for up to six months. During this period, women have the right to be absent from work, thus contributing to the preservation of (...)
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  33. Technology, Freedom, and the Mechanization of Labor in the Philosophies of Hegel and Adorno.Joel Bock - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1263-1285.
    This paper investigates the compatibility of Hegel’s analyses of the mechanization of work in industrial society with Hegel’s notion of freedom as rational self-determination. Work as such is for Hegel a crucial moment on the way to a more complete realization of human freedom, but, as I maintain with Adorno, the technological developments of the last two centuries raise the question of whether the nature of work itself has changed since the industrial revolution. In his Jena lectures, Hegel recognized significant (...)
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  34. Philosophy of Labor[REVIEW]Donald Clark Hodges - 1961 - Modern Schoolman 38 (4):345-346.
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  35. New Labour, School Effectiveness and Ideological Commitment.Robert Archer - 2003 - In Justin Cruickshank, The Difference It Makes.
    As Bhaskar (1989:1) argues, we need to take philosophy seriously because it underwrites both what constitutes science and knowledge and which political practices are deemed legitimate. At present, the field of educational research internationally is witnessing a pragmatist trend, whereby practical education research is carried out without reference to ontological and epistemological concerns. For David Reynolds, a leading UK school effectiveness academic, '[p]recisely because we did not waste time on philosophical discussion or on values debates, we made rapid progress' (1998:20). (...)
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  36. Automation, Labour Justice, and Equality.Denise Celentano - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (1):33-50.
    This article contributes to the debate on automation and justice by discussing two under-represented concerns: labour justice and equality. Since automation involves both winners and losers, and given that there is no ‘end of work’ on the horizon, it is argued that most normative views on the subject – i.e. the ‘allocative’ view of basic income, and the ‘desirability’ views of post-work and workist ethics – do not provide many resources with which to address unjustly unequal divisions of labour involved (...)
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    V—Commanders and Scientific Labourers: Nietzsche on the Relationship between Philosophy and Science.Rachel Cristy - 2022 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 122 (2):97-118.
    Nietzsche’s attitude toward science is ambivalent: he remarks approvingly on its rigorous methodology and adventurous spirit, but also points out its limitations and rebukes scientists for encroaching onto philosophers’ territory. What does Nietzsche think is science’s proper role and relationship with philosophy? I argue that, according to Nietzsche, philosophy should set goals for science. Philosophers’ distinctive task is to ‘create values’, which involves two steps: (1) envisaging ideals for human life, and (2) turning those ideals into prescriptions for behaviour and (...)
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    A Philosophy of Labor[REVIEW]Joseph P. Fitzpatrick - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (4):606-610.
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  39. Labor human rights and human dignity.Pablo Gilabert - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (2):171-199.
    The current legal and political practice of human rights invokes entitlements to freely chosen work, to decent working conditions, and to form and join labor unions. Despite the importance of these rights, they remain under-explored in the philosophical literature on human rights. This article offers a systematic and constructive discussion of them. First, it surveys the content and current relevance of the labor rights stated in the most important documents of the human rights practice. Second, it gives a (...)
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  40. Labour, exchange and recognition: Marx contra Honneth.David A. Borman - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (8):935-959.
    This article explores Marx’s contention that the achievement of full personhood and, not just consequently, but simultaneously, of genuine intersubjectivity depends upon the attainment of recognition for one’s place in the social division of labour, recognition which is systematically denied to some individuals and groups of individuals through the capitalist organization of production and exchange. This reading is then employed in a critique of Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition which, it is argued, cannot account for the systematic obstacles faced by (...)
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  41. Labor automation for fair cooperation: Why and how machines should provide meaningful work for all.Denise Celentano - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy (1):1-19.
    The article explores the problem of preferable technological changes in the context of work. To this end, it addresses the ‘why’ (motives and values) and the ‘how’ (organizational forms) of automation from a normative perspective. Concerning the ‘why,’ automation processes are currently mostly driven by values of economic efficiency. Yet, since automation processes are part of the basic structure of society, as is the division of labor, considerations of justice apply to them. As for the ‘how,’ the article suggests (...)
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  42. Ortega como fundador de la filosofía de la tecnología: una labor pionera / Ortega as the Founder of the Philosophy of Technology: A Pioneering Work.Verónica Sánz González - 2002 - El Basilisco 32:105-108.
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    Labor as an Overlooked Entry Point into the Modern Age in the Works of Arendt and Foucault.Jurgita Imbrasaite - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (3):417-439.
    This paper explores Arendt’s and Foucault’s thinking through the lens of the modern labor paradigm. Even if the question of labor is a less prominent path in both thinkers’ research, it leads to the heart of the modern era as they both understand it. In their respective fields, Arendt and Foucault sketch a similar link between the beginning of the modern age and the transformation of the notion of labor. While Arendt directly examines the modern glorification of (...)
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  44. Domestic Labor, Citizenship, and Exceptionalism: Rethinking Kant's “Woman Problem”.Jordan Pascoe - 2015 - Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (3):340-356.
    There is no doubt that Immanuel Kant has a woman problem. His anthropo-logical studies of women are full of cutting remarks, and despite a generation offeminist Kantian scholarship, it is an open question whether he meant to include women as full, equal agents in either his moral or political philosophy. Those who engage this question within Kant’s political philosophy ask whether or not women can “work their way up” to full, active citizenship. If women can achieve equality in this way, (...)
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    Power, labour power and productive force in Foucault’s reading of Capital.Alex J. Feldman - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (3):307-333.
    This article uses Foucault’s lecture courses to illuminate his reading of Marx’s Capital in Discipline and Punish. Foucault finds in Marx’s account of cooperation a precedent for his own approach to power. In turn, Foucault helps us rethink the concepts of productive force and labour power in Marx. Foucault is shown to be particularly interested in one of Marx’s major themes in Capital, parts III–IV: the subsumption of labour under capital. In Discipline and Punish and The Punitive Society, Foucault offers (...)
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  46. The labor theory of property acquisition.Lawrence C. Becker - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (18):653-664.
    This symposium paper for the APA analyzes Locke's labor theory of property acquisition as a formal argument – or set of alternative arguments – and shows how several of them are indeed sound, if appropriately limited by what amounts to a social welfare proviso. That proviso is, however, strong enough to limit the acquisition of private property in a significant way. The argument here anticipates fuller and more decisive ones in later work by the same author.
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    Labour Commodification and Global Justice.Fausto Corvino - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):53-88.
    In this article, I maintain that the social process of labour commodification, through which the individual capability to uphold a decent welfare is bound to participation in the labour market, poses a problem of justice from the republican prospective on freedom as non-domination. I first discuss the reasons we might hold that capitalism brings a form of systemic domination by virtue of one of its intrinsic features: unequal access to the means of production. Then, I argue for a minimum de-commodification (...)
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  48. The Concept of Labor: Marx and His Critics.Sean Sayers - 2007 - Science and Society 71 (4):431 - 454.
    Marx conceives of labor as form-giving activity. This is criticized for presupposing a "productivist" model of labor which regards work that creates a material product — craft or industrial work — as the paradigm for all work (Habermas, Benton, Arendt). Many traditional kinds of work do not seem to fit this picture, and new "immaterial" forms of labor (computer work, service work, etc.) have developed in postindus trial society which, it is argued, necessitate a fundamental revision of (...)
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    The Intimacy of Thought: Philosophy as the Labor of Friendship.Eduardo Mendieta - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (2):115-127.
    But in the age of the disintegration of experience human beings are no longer subjectively disposed to letter writing. For the present it looks as though technology is eliminating the preconditions for the letter. Because letters are no longer necessary, given the speedier possibilities of communication and the shrinking of spatio-temporal distances, their inherent substance is disintegrating as well. Benjamin brought to letter writing an antiquarian and uninhibited talent; for him the letter represented the wedding of something in the process (...)
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  50. Conclusions of 15th congress of communist-party-of-czechoslovakia for labor in marxist-leninist philosophy.L. Hrzal - 1976 - Filosoficky Casopis 24 (4):505-516.
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