Results for 'Lana Okubo'

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  1.  21
    Discounting mechanism underlies extinction illusion.Lana Okubo, Kazuhiko Yokosawa, Masataka Sawayama & Takahiro Kawabe - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 90 (C):103100.
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    The Acceptance of Nichiran Shoshu Soka GAkkai inMexico.Masayuki Ōkubo & 大久保雅行 - 1991 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 18 (2-3):189-211.
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    Automatic semantic association between emotional valence and brightness in the right hemisphere.Matia Okubo & Kenta Ishikawa - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (7):1273-1280.
  4.  17
    On the Theory of Semantic Information Based on the SNK Language System.Tokuyuki Okubo - 1969 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 2:19-36.
  5.  32
    Why are small and large numbers enumerated differently? A limited-capacity preattentive stage in vision.Lana M. Trick & Zenon W. Pylyshyn - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (1):80-102.
  6.  50
    Processing Spatial Relations With Different Apertures of Attention.Bruno Laeng, Matia Okubo, Ayako Saneyoshi & Chikashi Michimata - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (2):297-329.
    Neuropsychological studies suggest the existence of lateralized networks that represent categorical and coordinate types of spatial information. In addition, studies with neural networks have shown that they encode more effectively categorical spatial judgments or coordinate spatial judgments, if their input is based, respectively, on units with relatively small, nonoverlapping receptive fields, as opposed to units with relatively large, overlapping receptive fields. These findings leave open the question of whether interactive processes between spatial detectors and types of spatial relations can be (...)
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    Classrooms as Places of Productive Friction.Lana Parker - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (1):58-71.
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    The missing pieces in the scientific study of bodily awareness.Lana Kühle - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (5):571-593.
    Research on bodily awareness has focused on body illusions with an aim to explore the possible dissociation of our bodily awareness from our own body. It has provided insights into how our sensory modalities shape our sense of embodiment, and it has raised important questions regarding the malleability of our sense of ownership over our own body. The issue, however, is that this research fails to consider an important distinction in how we experience our body. There are indeed two ways (...)
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  9. The Embodied Mind and Anorexia Nervosa.Lana Kuhle - 2019 - In Şerife Tekin & Robyn Bluhm, The Bloomsbury Companion to Philosophy of Psychiatry. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 113-129.
    Traditionally, philosophers of mind have been guided by a brainbound approach: the mind, whatever it turns out to be, will be related to or identical with the brain. The body, under this approach, plays a merely instrumental role — it is what keeps the brain alive and healthy. Over the past few decades there has been increasing resistance to the brainbound approach, and a strongly supported push for taking a non-brainbound approach: the body is not merely instrumental, but in many (...)
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  10.  13
    El liberalismo de Nozick frente al dilema de la omisión.Javier Martín-Lanas - 2023 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 38.
    El artículo expone las limitaciones que el liberalismo de Nozick presenta para sancionar ciertas conductas omisivas. Los postulados de su obra «Anarquía, Estado y utopía» fundamentan una concepción negativa de la libertad y, en consecuencia, asientan los pilares de un «Estado mínimo» que protege a sus ciudadanos, esencialmente, contra las agresiones de terceros. De esta forma, el texto expone que dichos postulados permiten la imposición de prohibiciones, pero no tanto de obligaciones (normas de mandato o «normas de hacer»). Se vislumbra (...)
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    Overestimation of the Subjective Experience of Time in Social Anxiety: Effects of Facial Expression, Gaze Direction, and Time Course.Kenta Ishikawa & Matia Okubo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Pharmacological interventions for social cognitive impairments in schizophrenia: A protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis.Yuji Yamada, Ryo Okubo, Hisateru Tachimori, Takashi Uchino, Ryotaro Kubota, Hiroki Okano, Shuhei Ishikawa, Toru Horinouchi, Keisuke Takanobu, Ryo Sawagashira, Yumi Hasegawa, Yohei Sasaki, Motohiro Nishiuchi, Takahiro Kawashima, Yui Tomo, Naoki Hashimoto, Satoru Ikezawa, Takahiro Nemoto, Norio Watanabe & Tomiki Sumiyoshi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundSocial cognitive impairments adversely affect social functioning in patients with schizophrenia. Although pharmacological interventions have been suggested to provide some benefits on social cognition, little information is available on the comparative efficacy of pharmacotherapy. Thus, the aim of this planned systematic review and network meta-analysis is to perform a quantitative comparison of the effects of various psychotropic drugs, including supplements, on social cognition disturbances of schizophrenia.MethodsThe literature search will be carried out using the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled (...)
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    A goal-dependent abstraction for legal reasoning by analogy.Tokuyasu Kakuta, Makoto Haraguchi & Yoshiaki Okubo - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 5 (1-2):97-118.
    This paper presents a new algorithm to find an appropriate similarityunder which we apply legal rules analogically. Since there may exist a lotof similarities between the premises of rule and a case in inquiry, we haveto select an appropriate similarity that is relevant to both thelegal rule and a top goal of our legal reasoning. For this purpose, a newcriterion to distinguish the appropriate similarities from the others isproposed and tested. The criterion is based on Goal-DependentAbstraction (GDA) to select a (...)
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  14.  24
    Public Awareness of Medical Research Terminology in Japan, and the Accuracy of Physicians’ Predictions regarding that Awareness.Ayako Kamisato, Hyunsoo Hong & Suguru Okubo - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (4):397-416.
    One of the ethical principles of medical research involving human subjects is obtaining proper informed consent (IC). However, if the participants’ actual awareness of medical research terminology is lower than the researchers’ prediction of that awareness, it may cause difficulty obtaining proper IC. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the presence of “perception gaps” and then discuss IC-related issues and measures based on the insights obtained. We conducted two online surveys: a “public survey” to understand the Japanese public’s awareness of (...)
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  15.  16
    Sex Differences in Social Cognition and Association of Social Cognition and Neurocognition in Early Course Schizophrenia.Ryotaro Kubota, Ryo Okubo, Satoru Ikezawa, Makoto Matsui, Leona Adachi, Ayumu Wada, Chinatsu Fujimaki, Yuji Yamada, Koji Saeki, Chika Sumiyoshi, Akiko Kikuchi, Yoshie Omachi, Kazuyoshi Takeda, Ryota Hashimoto, Tomiki Sumiyoshi & Naoki Yoshimura - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundBoth impairment and sex differences in social cognition and neurocognition have been documented in schizophrenia. However, whether sex differences exist in the association between social cognition and neurocognition are not known. We aimed to investigate the contribution of areas of neurocognition to theory of mind and hostility bias, representing social cognition, according to sex in early course schizophrenia.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, we assessed neurocognition using the Japanese version of the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia and assessed the ToM and (...)
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  16.  20
    On the inductive logic LN'π with meaning postulates.Shigeo Nagai & Tokuyuki Ôkubo - 1970 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 3:27-43.
  17.  18
    On the Logic of A priori Modalities.Shigeo Nagai & Tokuyuki Okubo - 1980 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 5 (5):213-223.
  18. Nishi Amane zenshū.Amane Nishi & Toshiaki Okubo - 1960 - Munetaka Shobo. Edited by Toshiaki Ōkubo.
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  19. Mental rotation.Yohtaro Takano & Matia Okubo - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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  20.  52
    WEIRD walking: Cross-cultural research on motor development.Lana B. Karasik, Karen E. Adolph, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda & Marc H. Bornstein - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):95-96.
    Motor development – traditionally studied in WEIRD populations – falls victim to assumptions of universality similar to other domains described by Henrich et al. However, cross-cultural research illustrates the extraordinary diversity that is normal in motor skill acquisition. Indeed, motor development provides an important domain for evaluating cultural challenges to a general behavioral science.
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  21.  32
    To See and Be Seen: In Conversation with JEB.Lana Dee Povitz - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (3):666-698.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:666 Feminist Studies 44, no. 3. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Lana Dee Povitz To See and Be Seen: In Conversation with JEB August 12, 2017; a hot, bright morning. Ariel and I disembark at the train station in Takoma, DC, and head toward the waiting car. In the driver’s seat is one of the most important photographers of lesbian lives in the United States, Joan E. (...)
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    The Skin as Seen: Thinking Through Racialized Subjectivities and Pedagogy with Levinas.Lana Parker - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (2):227-242.
    From a Levinasian perspective, the interaction between two people is an ethical encounter, a face-to-face interaction that calls the subject into question and renders them vulnerable to the ritual of rupture. But what if your embodiment renders you, in the moment of encounter, less than human? How can we bring the imperative of pre-ontological responsibility to bear on the present moment, fractured as we are in our understandings of embodiment and the hauntings of history? In this paper, I hope to (...)
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  23.  18
    Trauma-Related Psychopathology in Iraqi Refugee Youth Resettled in the United States, and Comparison With an Ethnically Similar Refugee Sample: A Cross-Sectional Study.Lana Ruvolo Grasser, Luay Haddad, Suzanne Manji, Shervin Assari, Cynthia Arfken & Arash Javanbakht - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundConflict in Iraq has displaced millions of refugee youth. Warzone exposure and forced migration have unique acute and chronic impacts on youth, yet effects of exposure may not be universal across diverse refugee groups. Understanding how youth from various refugee groups are differentially affected by stress and trauma is critical to allocate resources and implement screening measures with the goal of providing early intervention.MethodTo identify the effects of warzone exposure and forced migration, a convenience sample of 48 Iraqi refugee youth (...)
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  24.  50
    William James and the Embodied Mind.Lana Kühle - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (1):51-75.
    The hard problem of consciousness lies in explaining what constitutes the subjectivity of consciousness. I argue that significant headway can be made on the problem from an embodied mind view, and particularly if we turn to William James’ theory of emotions. The challenge is one of explaining how bodily subjectivity arises from biological processes. I argue that the solution to this problem lies in our sense of interoception, and James’ theory which suggests emotional feelings are the cascade of changing bodily (...)
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  25. The Emotional Dimension to Sensory Perception.Lana Kuhle - 2020 - In Dimitria Gatzia & Berit Brogaard, The Epistemology of Non-visual Perception. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. pp. 236-255.
    Our emotional states affect how we perceive the world. If I am stressed, annoyed, or irritated, I might experience the sound of children laughing and screaming as they play around the house in a negative manner — it is unpleasant, loud, piercing, and so on. Yet, if I’m in a relaxed, happy, loving mood, the very same sounds might be experienced as pleasant, playful, warm, and so on. The sounds being made by the children are the same in both cases, (...)
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  26.  41
    Literacy in the post-truth era: The significance of affect and the ethical encounter.Lana Parker - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (6):613-623.
    Education has a responsibility to respond to the threat of deteriorating democracies. The post-truth era is marked by an erosion of trust in public institutions and extreme polarisation. This paper begins with an examination of the ways by which current literacy and media literacy education is not simply outmoded, but also limited by a grounding in neoliberal conceptions of rationality and individualism. Offering a counterpoint to the status quo, and foregrounding the significance of affect, I work with Levinas’s conception of (...)
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  27. Ontologias para a Modelagem Multiagente de Sistemas Complexos em Ciências Cognitivas.Leonardo Lana de Carvalho, Franck Varenne & Elayne de Moura Bragra - 2014 - Ciências and Cognição 19 (1):58-75.
    Cognitive sciences as an interdisciplinary field, involving scientific disciplines (such as computer science, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, economics, etc.), philosophical disciplines (philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, analytic philosophy, etc.) and engineering (notably knowledge engineering), have a vast theoretical and practical content, some even conflicting. In this interdisciplinary context and on computational modeling, ontologies play a crucial role in communication between disciplines and also in a process of innovation of theories, models and experiments in cognitive sciences. We propose a model for (...)
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  28.  35
    Making the most of it: thinking about educational time with Hägglund and Levinas.Lana Parker - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (6):1147-1160.
    This paper explores the concept of time in education. It argues that the neoliberal capitalist construct of time as a resource to be deployed in service of labour—ever-accelerating—has permeated education, with implications for curriculum, teaching, and learning. To slow the effects of neoliberal capitalism in schools requires a reconsideration of time that permits both different understandings of how time is encountered and different values orienting how one spends one’s time. Using Hägglund’s argument for finitude and Levinas’ idea of time as (...)
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  29. The Emotional Dimension to Sensory Perception.Lana Kuhle - 2020 - In Dimitria Gatzia & Berit Brogaard, The Epistemology of Non-visual Perception. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. pp. 236-255.
    Our emotional states affect how we perceive the world. If I am stressed, annoyed, or irritated, I might experience the sound of children laughing and screaming as they play around the house in a negative manner — it is unpleasant, loud, piercing, and so on. Yet, if I’m in a relaxed, happy, loving mood, the very same sounds might be experienced as pleasant, playful, warm, and so on. The sounds being made by the children are the same in both cases, (...)
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    Eshatologija sv. Pavla u emancipacijskoj političko-filozofijskoj misli kao pokušaj ponovnoga izumljivanja nade u vremenima kraja svijeta.Lana Zdravković - 2024 - Synthesis Philosophica 39 (1):255-268.
    The paper addresses the particular modality of the end, which is manifested in a pervasive sense of constant, immediate, and real threat from the total destruction of the planet, global conflicts, and the extinction of the human species (viruses and pandemics, natural disasters, the nuclear threat, and the threat of artificial intelligence). The theme of the end is introduced by presenting the most important and current eschatological theories of radical political-philosophical thought, especially those of the left-wing, post-Marxist province. These include (...)
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  31. Sympathetic magic and perceptions of randomness: The hot hand versus the gambler's fallacy.Lana M. Trick & Christopher J. R. Roney - 2009 - Thinking and Reasoning 15 (2):197-210.
    The gambler's fallacy and hot hand were studied in predictions about outcomes of coin tosses. A critical trial occurred when participants made predictions after a “run” of four heads or tails. Participants' attention was manipulated to focus on the person flipping the coin, the coin, or neither (control group) as a possible cause of the run. We also manipulated whether or not there was a change in who tossed the coin. In the control condition the standard reversal was observed (gambler's (...)
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    Decisions at the Brink: Locomotor Experience Affects Infants’ Use of Social Information on an Adjustable Drop-off.Lana B. Karasik, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda & Karen E. Adolph - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  33.  22
    Face your fears: direct and indirect measurement of responses to looming threats.Lana Mulier, Hendrik Slabbinck & Iris Vermeir - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):187-197.
    This study investigated the emotional and behavioural effects of looming threats using both recalled (self-reported valence) and real-time response measurements (facial expressions). The looming bias refers to the tendency to underestimate the time of arrival of rapidly approaching (looming) stimuli, providing additional time for defensive reactions. While previous research has shown negative emotional responses to looming threats based on self-reports after stimulus exposure, facial expressions offer valuable insights into emotional experiences and non-verbal behaviour during stimulus exposure. A face reading experiment (...)
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    The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems, 1940-1640 B. C.Lana Troy & R. B. Parkinson - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):237.
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    The Concept of Emancipation as Political Action.Lana Zdravković - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (1).
    The text attempts to rethink the concept of emancipation and how it is structured as political action, while describing its historical origins and how it is further understood by the three important political philosophers: Karl Marx, Hannah Arendt, and Jacques Rancière. All three of them – specifically and with substantial differences – understand politics as a space for political action that leads to emancipation in the name of equality. In order to determine the historical origin of the concept in more (...)
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  36.  15
    Tipologías y matices en torno a la violencia contra las mujeres.Javier Martín-Lanas - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 56:435-440.
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    In defense of the one-factor doxastic account: A phenomenal account of delusions.B. S. Lana Frankle - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 94 (C):103181.
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    Sowing Circles.Lana Hechtman Ayers - 2011 - Feminist Studies 37 (3):710-710.
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    View from Three Feet.Lana Hechtman Ayers - 2011 - Feminist Studies 37 (3):709-709.
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    La Solidaridad o la Soledad? Cooperation and Tensions in the Regional State Response to the Venezuelan Migration Crisis.Lana Gonzalez Balyk - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (3):612-627.
    The Venezuelan migration crisis has displaced over six million people and is the Americas’ largest forced migration. Nearby countries have received the majority of the displaced and initially showed an impressive welcome to Venezuelans, regardless of whether they may be considered migrants, asylum seekers, or refugees. However, host country responses have mainly been uncoordinated, siloed, and impromptu. This paper examines the solidarities and tensions within the individual country responses of Venezuela’s closest Latin American and Andean neighbors: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, (...)
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  41.  23
    El programa de la pragmática formal. Revisiones y críticas.Cristina Corredor Lanas - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 50:47-64.
    "The aim of this contribution is to study three central revisions that Habermas has carried out in the course of developing his theory of communicative action, together with some of the criticisms raised by those revisions. A reflection is suggested concerning whether Habermas’ project of grounding a critical theory of society on communicative action is definitively threatened after those revisions.".
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    Valores epistémicos y justificación: razón teórica y racionalidad práctica en L. Wittgenstein.Cristina Corredor Lanas - 1998 - Endoxa 1 (10):123.
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  43. Insight: What Is It, Exactly? — A Commentary on Ursula Voss and Allan Hobson.Lana Kuhle - 2015 - In Thomas Metzinger & Jennifer Windt, Open MIND. MIND group. pp. 1629-1641.
    In “What is the state-of-the-art on lucid dreaming? Recent advances and ques- tions for future research”, Ursula Voss and Allan Hobson provide a detailed view of the features characterizing lucid dreaming and put forward four innovative hy- potheses to explain why and how lucid dreaming occurs, as well as how lucid dream states are related to other states of consciousness. Their aim is to show that not only is there benefit to studying lucid dreaming in itself, as this would give (...)
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  44. The Subjectivity of Experiential Consciousness: It’s Real and It’s Bodily.Lana Kuhle - 2017 - Mind and Matter 1 (15):91-109.
    Experiential consciousness is characterized by subjectivity: There is something it is like to be a subject of experience – a first-personal perspective, a what-it-is-like-for-me. In this paper I defend two proposals. First, I contend that to understand the subjectivity of consciousness we must turn to the subject: we are embodied sub- jects of experience. Thus, I argue, the subjectivity of experiential consciousness should be understood as a bodily subjectivity. Sec- ond, if we take this approach, I propose that we can (...)
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    “Aspin” Bubbles: Mechanical Project for the Unification of the Forces of Nature.Yoël Lana-Renault - 2006 - Apeiron 13 (3):344.
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  46. A Comment on Threats and Communicative Rationality.Cristina Corredor Lanas - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (1):147-166.
  47. Choice and chance in the formation of society: Behavior and cognition in social theory.Robert E. Lana - 2002 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 23 (1-2).
  48. 'Con-pasión'cordial: Del pensamiento atribulado a la razón esperanzada.David Lana Tunon - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (1):219-225.
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  49. Compromiso/Habilitación inferencial.Cristina Corredor Lanas - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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  50. Dal Tardo antico alle soglie del Medioevo.I. Lana - 1999 - Studium 95 (2):205-214.
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