Results for 'Larry Fuchser'

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  1.  15
    Freud, Biologist of the Mind.Larry Fuchser - 1982 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1982 (51):236-240.
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  2. Progress and its Problems: Toward a Theory of Scientific Growth.Larry Laudan - 1977 - University of California Press.
    (This insularity was further promoted by the guileless duplicity of scholars in other fields, who were all too prepared to bequeath "the problem of ...
  3. (2 other versions)Inequality.Larry S. Temkin - 1986 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 15 (2):99-121.
    Temkin presents a new way of thinking about equality and inequality that challenges the assumptions of philosophers, welfare economists, and others, and has significant implications on both a practical and theoretical level.
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    Science and Hypothesis: Historical Essays on Scientific Methodology.Larry Laudan & R. Laudan - 1981 - Springer.
    This book consists of a collection of essays written between 1965 and 1981. Some have been published elsewhere; others appear here for the first time. Although dealing with different figures and different periods, they have a common theme: all are concerned with examining how the method of hy pothesis came to be the ruling orthodoxy in the philosophy of science and the quasi-official methodology of the scientific community. It might have been otherwise. Barely three centuries ago, hypothetico deduction was in (...)
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    Symposium on Larry Temkin’s Rethinking the Good: Moral Ideals and the Nature of Practical Reasoning.Larry S. Temkin - 2015 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 12 (4):363-392.
    This article gives a brief overview of Rethinking the Good, whose impossibility arguments illuminate the difficulty of arriving at a coherent theory of the good. I show that an additive-aggregationistprinciple is plausible for some comparisons, while an anti- additive-aggregationistprinciple is plausible for others. Invoking SpectrumArguments, I show that these principles are incompatible with an empirical premise, and various Axioms of Transitivity. I argue that whether the “all-things-considered better than” relation is transitive is not a matter of language or logic, but (...)
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  6. Intransitivity and the mere addition paradox.Larry S. Temkin - 1987 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 16 (2):138-187.
    In "Futurc Generations: Further Problems,"‘ and Part Four of Reasons and Persons} Derek Pariit raises many perplexing questions. Although some think his ingenious arguments little more than delightful puzzles, I believe they challenge some of our deepest beliefs. In this article, I examine some of Pariit’s arguments, focusing mainly on "The Mere Addition Paradox." If my analysis is correct, Parfit’s arguments have extremely interesting and important implications that not even Pariit rcalized. In Part I, I present ParHt’s argument for the (...)
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  7. Demystifying underdetermination.Larry Laudan - 1956 - In C. Wade Savage (ed.), Scientific Theories. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 267-97.
  8.  82
    Justice and Equality: Some Questions About Scope: LARRY S. TEMKIN.Larry S. Temkin - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (2):72-104.
    Can a society be just if it ignores the plight of other societies? Does it matter whether those societies are contemporaries? Moral “purists” are likely to assume that the answer to these questions must be “no.” Relying on familiar claims about impartiality or universalizability, the purist is likely to assert that the dictates of justice have no bounds, that they extend with equal strength across space and time. On this view, if, for example, justice requires us to maximize the expectations (...)
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  9. Separating conscious and unconscious influences of memory: Measuring recollection.Larry L. Jacoby, Jeffrey P. Toth & Andrew P. Yonelinas - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 122 (2):139-54.
  10. A problem-solving approach to scientific progress.Larry Laudan - 1981 - In Ian Hacking (ed.), Scientific revolutions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  11. Implicature.Larry Horn - manuscript
    1. Implicature: some basic oppositions IMPLICATURE is a component of speaker meaning that constitutes an aspect of what is meant in a speaker’s utterance without being part of what is said. What a speaker intends to communicate is characteristically far richer than what she directly expresses; linguistic meaning radically underdetermines the message conveyed and understood. Speaker S tacitly exploits pragmatic principles to bridge this gap and counts on hearer H to invoke the same principles for the purposes of utterance interpretation. (...)
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  12. The embodied cognition research programme.Larry Shapiro - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):338–346.
    Embodied Cognition is an approach to cognition that departs from traditional cognitive science in its reluctance to conceive of cognition as computational and in its emphasis on the significance of an organism's body in how and what the organism thinks. Three lines of embodied cognition research are described and some thoughts on the future of embodied cognition offered.
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  13. Progress or rationality.Larry Laudan - 1996 - In David Papineau (ed.), The philosophy of science. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 194--214.
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  14. Why an international code of business ethics would be good for business.Larry R. Smeltzer & Marianne M. Jennings - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (1):57 - 66.
    Many international business training programs present a viewpoint of cultural relativism that encourages business people to adapt to the host country's culture. This paper presents an argument that cultural relativism is not always appropriate for business ethics; rather, a code of conduct must be adapted which presents guidelines for core ethical business conduct across cultures. Both moral and economic evidence is provided to support the argument for a universal code of ethics. Also, four steps are presented that will help ensure (...)
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  15. Explanation and teleology.Larry Wright - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (2):204-218.
    This paper develops and draws the consequences of an etiological analysis of goal-directedness modeled on one that functions centrally in Charles Taylor's work on action. The author first presents, criticizes, and modifies Taylor's formulation, and then shows his modified formulation accounts easily for much of the fine-structure of teleological concepts and conceptualizations. Throughout, the author is at pains to show that teleological explanations are orthodox from an empiricist's point of view: they require nothing novel methodologically.
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    Seventeenth-century theories of consciousness.Larry M. Jorgensen - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  17. The principle of continuity and Leibniz's theory of consciousness.Larry M. Jorgensen - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2):pp. 223-248.
    Leibniz viewed the principle of continuity, the principle that all natural changes are produced by degrees, as a useful heuristic for evaluating the truth of a theory. Since the Cartesian laws of motion entailed discontinuities in the natural order, Leibniz could safely reject it as a false theory. The principle of continuity has similar implications for analyses of Leibniz's theory of consciousness. I briefly survey the three main interpretations of Leibniz's theory of consciousness and argue that the standard account entails (...)
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  18. Some strange things they say about pragmatism: Robert Brandom on the pragmatists' semantic 'mistake'.Larry Hickman - 2007 - Cognition 8 (1):105-113.
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    Rationing Health Care in America: Perceptions and Principles of Justice.Larry R. Churchill - 1987
  20.  8
    What patients teach: the everyday ethics of health care.Larry R. Churchill - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Joseph B. Fanning & David Schenck.
    Being a patient and living a life -- Clinical space and traits of healing -- False starts and frequent failures -- Three journeys : A.'Ibuprofen and love', B. 'Staying tuned up', C. 'We all want the same things' -- Being a patient : the moral field -- Rethinking healthcare ethics : the patient's moral authority.
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    Toward a Fregean pragmatics: Voraussetzung, nebengedanke, andeutung.Larry Horn - manuscript
    In I. Kecskes & L. Horn (eds.) Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Interculural Aspects. Mouton: 39-69.
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  22.  13
    The Ethicist in Professional Education.Larry R. Churchill - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (6):13-15.
  23.  63
    Leibniz on Perceptual Distinctness, Activity, and Sensation.Larry M. Jorgensen - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (1):49-77.
    Leibniz explains both activity and sensation in terms of the relative distinctness of perception. This paper argues that the systematic connection between activity and sensation is illuminated by Leibniz’s use of distinctness in analyzing each. Leibnizian sensation involves two levels of activity: on one level, the relative forcefulness of an expression enables certain expressions to stand out against the perceptual field, but in addition to this there is an activity of the mind that enables sensory experience. This connection of mental (...)
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  24. Progress or Rationality? The Prospects for Normative Naturalism.Larry Laudan - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):19 - 31.
  25.  20
    “Born digital” shedding light into the darkness of digital culture.Larry Stapleton & Lise Jaillant - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):819-822.
  26.  69
    The aesthetics of smelly art.Larry Shiner & Yulia Kriskovets - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (3):273–286.
  27.  93
    Direction, causation, and appraisal theories of emotion.Larry A. Herzberg - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (2):167 – 186.
    Appraisal theories of emotion generally presuppose that emotions are “directed at” various items. They also hold that emotions have motivational properties. However, although it coheres well with their views, they have yet to seriously develop the idea that the function of emotional direction is to guide those properties. I argue that this “guidance hypothesis” can open up a promising new field of research in emotion theory. But I also argue that before appraisal theorists can take full advantage of it, they (...)
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    Assessing Benefits in Clinical Research: Why Diversity in Benefit Assessment Can Be Risky.Larry R. Churchill, Daniel K. Nelson, Gail E. Henderson, Nancy M. P. King, Arlene M. Davis, Erin Leahey & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (3):1.
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    Classifying the computational complexity of problems.Larry Stockmeyer - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (1):1-43.
  30. A process dissociation framework: Separating automatic from intentional uses of memory.Larry L. Jacoby - 1991 - Journal of Memory and Language 30:513-41.
  31.  89
    Art Scents: Perfume, Design and Olfactory Art.Larry Shiner - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (3):375-392.
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    Review of Larry May: Sharing Responsibility[REVIEW]Larry May - 1994 - Ethics 104 (4):890-893.
    Are individuals responsible for the consequences of actions taken by their community? What about their community's inaction or its attitudes? In this innovative book, Larry May departs from the traditional Western view that moral responsibility is limited to the consequences of overt individual action. Drawing on the insights of Arendt, Jaspers, and Sartre, he argues that even when individuals are not direct participants, they share responsibility for various harms perpetrated by their communities.
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  33. Intransitivity and the person-affecting principle: A response.Larry S. Temkin - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (3):777-784.
    In "Intrzmsitivity and thc Person-Affecting Principlc,"‘ (IPAP) Alastair Norcross attacks several key claims of my "Intransitivity and thc Merc Addition Paradox" (IMAP).2 This article suggests that N0rcross’s arguments despite: their appca1——lcavc IMAP’s claims mostly intact. Bcforc assessing N0rcross’s arguments, lct mc characterize two key notions distinguished in IMAP: an essentially comparative view of moral ideals and an intrinsic aspect view. On an essentially comparative view (ECU, different factors might bc relevant for comparing diffcrcnt alternatives regarding a given idcal. On such (...)
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  34. Functions.Larry Wright - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (2):139-168.
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  35. The Elementary Epistemic Arithmetic of Criminal Justice.Larry Laudan - 2008 - Episteme 5 (3):282-294.
    This paper propounds the following theses: 1). that the traditional focus on the Blackstone ratio of errors as a device for setting the criminal standard of proof is ill-conceived, 2). that the preoccupation with the rate of false convictions in criminal trials is myopic, and 3). that the key ratio of interest, in judging the political morality of a system of criminal justice, involves the relation between the risk that an innocent person runs of being falsely convicted of a serious (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Aggregation within lives: Larry S. Temkin.Larry S. Temkin - 2009 - Social Philosophy and Policy 26 (1):1-29.
    Many philosophers have discussed problems of additive aggregation across lives. In this article, I suggest that anti-additive aggregationist principles sometimes apply within lives, as well as between lives, and hence that we should reject a widely accepted conception of individual self-interest. The article has eight sections. Section I is introductory. Section II offers a general account of aggregation. Section III presents two examples of problems of additive aggregation across lives: Derek Parfit's Repugnant Conclusion, and my Lollipops for Life Case Section (...)
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  37. Nature as Culture: John Dewey's Pragmatic Naturalism.Larry A. Hickman - 1996 - In Eric Katz & Andrew Light (eds.), Environmental Pragmatism. Routledge. pp. 50--72.
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    Psychologism and Phenomenological Psychology Revisited, Part II: The Return to Positivity.Larry Davidson & Lisa Cosgrove - 2002 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 33 (2):141-177.
    The last in a series of examinations, this paper articulates Husserl's mature position on the nature of a phenomenologically informed human science. Falling between the naïve positivity of a naturalistic approach to psychology and the transcendental view of consciousness at the base of phenomenological philosophy, we argue that a human scientific psychology—while not itself transcendental in nature needs to re-arise upon the transcendental ground as an empirical—but no longer transcendentally naïve—discipline through Husserl's notion of the "return to positivity." This notion (...)
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  39.  81
    Time Travel and Some Alleged Logical Asymmetries between Past and Future.Larry Dwyer - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):15 - 38.
    The subject of time travel has been receiving increasing attention in the recent philosophical literature. Most of the articles that deal with it have been concerned to defend the logical consistency of time travel against those who claim that it entails one or more contradictions. Two sorts of defences have been offered. The first sort of defence involves showing that time travel does not entail those consequences which other philosophers allege it does entail. The second sort of defence involves an (...)
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  40. Chaos theory and the evolution of consciousness and mind: A thermodynamic/holographic resolution to the mind-body problem.Larry R. Vandervert - 1995 - New Ideas in Psychology 13:107-27.
  41.  23
    Mind the Gap: Reflection and Consciousness in Leibniz.Larry M. Jorgensen - 2011 - Studia Leibnitiana 43 (2):179-195.
  42.  71
    Saskia Sassen on Method and Interpretation: Comments on the 2013 Coss Dialogue Lecture.Larry A. Hickman - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (3):90-95.
    Sassen is Interested in what she terms “conceptually subterranean trends” that are for the most part invisible to current analytical methods but visible, or in her words, “legible,” to other, newer sorts of analytical tools that she herself is developing. She thus emphasizes suspension of accepted methods and development of certain “analytic tactics” that function, as she puts it, “before method.” What this means more specifically is that she is not so much analyzing the structures of existing institutions but instead (...)
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    Cure and recovery.Larry Davidson - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 197.
    This chapter briefly discusses the history of the notion of "cure" in relation to serious mental illnesses from Pinel to the present day, including both theories on the nature of the illnesses and the nature of presumed therapeutic agents and mechanisms. The chapter then gives a brief overview of the notion of "recovery" in relation to serious mental illnesses, also from Pinel to the present day, and describes various definitions and forms of recovery as they have emerged over time. With (...)
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    Life and Death Choices After Cruzan.Larry Gostin - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (1-2):9-12.
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  45.  17
    Reflections on crime and culpability: problems and puzzles.Larry Alexander - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Kimberly Kessler Ferzan.
    In 2009 Larry Alexander and Kimberly Ferzan published Crime and Culpability: A Theory of Criminal Law. The book set out a theory that those who deserve punishment should receive punishment commensurate with, but no greater than, that which they deserve. Reflections on Crime and Culpability: Problems and Puzzles expands on their innovative ideas on the application of punishment in criminal law. Theorists working in criminal law theory presuppose or ignore puzzles that lurk beneath the surface. Now those who wish (...)
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    Introduction.Becker Larry & Kymlicka Will - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):465-467.
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    Classics of Analytical Metaphysics.Larry Lee Blackman - 1984
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  48. Teleological Explanations: An Etiological Analysis of Goals and Functions.Larry Wright - 1976 - University of California Press.
    INTRODUCTION The appeal to teleological principles of explanation within the body of natural science has had an unfortunate history. ...
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  49.  14
    Cooperating processes for low-level vision: A survey.Larry S. Davis & Azriel Rosenfeld - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 17 (1-3):245-263.
  50.  25
    Being Good in a World of Need.Larry S. Temkin - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    How should the well-off respond to the world's needy? Renowned ethicist Larry S. Temkin challenges common beliefs about philanthropy and Effective Altruism, exploring the complex ways that global aid may do more harm than good, and considers the alternatives available when neglecting the needy is morally impermissible.
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