Results for 'Laszlo Barlay'

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  1. (1 other version)A logic for theories in flux Laszlo Polos and Michael T. Hannan.Laszlo Polos - 2004 - Logique Et Analyse 185 (47):85-121.
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    Ethics in the Economy: Handbook of Business Ethics / Edited by Laszlo Zsolnai.László Zsolnai (ed.) - 2004 - P. Lang.
    The book aims to provide a comprehensive, new look at business ethics topics and models from a European perspective. Apart from theoretical arguments and empirical data, case studies and games are used to get closer to real life problematics of business. The book is written by leading business ethics professors of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS). Chapters of the handbook first describe the central issue and the latest theories and practices. They then introduce new approaches and analyze real (...)
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    Critical Commentary on Ervin Laszlo’s Paper “In Defense of Intuition”.Ervin Laszlo - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 23 (3).
    Dr. Laszlo’s hypothesis (2009) is in my opinion appealing on many levels. He proposes that phenomena of apparent transpersonal communication between human beings are due to the intermediary of information-carrying holograms in the reactive quantum vacuum produced by human brain activity. He also suggests that valid information regarding the world in general is available through the same mechanism, on the grounds that all material objects “excite the ground state of the [zero point] fi eld” and produce further such holograms. (...)
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    A Systems View of Ervin Laszlo, from One Generation to the Next: An Edited and Annotated Autobiographical Piece.Alexander Laszlo, Christopher Laszlo & Ervin Laszlo - 2011 - World Futures 67 (4-5):219 - 243.
    This article represents a concerted Laszlo effort. What you will find here is a collection of autobiographical reflections written by Ervin Laszlo that speaks to his involvement with the field of systems thinking and his impact on it, interspersed with comments and illustrative examples on points of special interest. As such, this essay should be read as a reflection piece?one in which a new generation of Laszlos muse on the power and inspiration of the vision that has served (...)
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  5. Felső-Magyarország, Csehszlovákia, Szlovákia-II.Szarka László - 1992 - História 8.
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    1989: The Negotiated Revolution In Hungary.Laszlo Bruszt - 1990 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 57 (2):365-388.
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  7. Introduction to Systems Philosophy: Toward a New Paradigm of Contemporary Thought.Ervin Laszlo - 1972 - Gordon & Breach.
    Chapter 1 WHY SYSTEMS PHILOSOPHY? Some reasons, for synthetic philosophy generally The persistent theme of this study is the timeliness and the necessity of ...
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  8. Veganism versus Meat-Eating, and the Myth of “Root Capacity”: A Response to Hsiao.László Erdős - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (6):1139-1144.
    The relationship between humans and non-human animals has received considerable attention recently. Animal advocates insist that non-human animals must be included in the moral community. Consequently, eating meat is, at least in most cases, morally bad. In an article entitled “In Defense of Eating Meat”, Hsiao argued that for the membership in the moral community, the “root capacity for rational agency” is necessary. As non-human animals lack this capacity, so the argument runs, they do not belong to the moral community. (...)
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    Spirituality and ethics in management.László Zsolnai (ed.) - 2004 - Boston, Mass.: Kluwer Academic.
    This book is a collection of scholarly papers, which focus on the role of spirituality and ethics in renewing contemporary management praxis. The basic argument is that a more inclusive, holistic and peaceful approach to management is needed if business and political leaders are to uplift the environmentally degrading and socially disintegrating world of our age. The book uses diverse value-perspectives (Hinduism, Catholicism, Buddhism and Humanism) and a variety of disciplines to extend traditional reflections on corporate purpose. It focuses on (...)
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    The Interconnected Universe: Conceptual Foundations of Transdisciplinary Unified Theory.Ervin Laszlo - 1995 - World Scientific.
    This book offers an original hypothesis capable of unifying evolution in the physical universe with evolution in biology; herewith it lays the conceptual foundations of ?transdisciplinary unified theory?. The rationale for the hypothesis is presented first; then the theoretical framework is outlined, and thereafter it is explored in regard to quantum physics, physical cosmology, micro- and macro-biology, and the cognitive sciences (neurophysiology, psychology, with attention to anomalous phenomena as well). The book closes with a variety of studies, both by the (...)
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    The creative cosmos: a unified science of matter, life and mind.Ervin Laszlo - 1993 - Edinburgh: Floris Books.
    The world's foremost systems philosopher presents a new scientific theory to explain how the universe defies our current understanding of fundamental physical laws.
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    The evolutionary outrider: the impact of the human agent on evolution: essays honoring Ervin Laszlo.Ervin Laszlo & David Loye (eds.) - 1998 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Illustrates how the theory of evolution can be expanded into a source of social guidance.
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    Robert Lockie: Free Will and Epistemology. A Defence of the Transcendental Argument for Freedom: London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. Hardback , €103.30. 303+xiii pp.László Bernáth - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):743-745.
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    Stability of weak second-order semantics.László Csirmaz - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (3):193-202.
    By extending the underlying data structure by new elements, we also extend the intput/output relation generated by a program i.e., no existing run is killed, and no new one lying entirely in the old structure is created. We investigate this stability property for the weak second order semantics derived from nonstandard time models. It turns out that the light face, i.e., parameterless collection principle always induces stable semantics, but the bold face one may be unstable. We give an example where (...)
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    Rodzina jako podstawowa forma ludzkiej potrzeby partnerstwa.Laszlo Horuczi - 1981 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 1:51-71.
    Автор аночирувт функцию семьи и супружества нам партнерского отпоил'.ия, подчеркивая её значение в сохранении психического состояния здоровья, душевного равновесия ижизнерадостности. 0брвщаясь к статистическим данным, указывает на существование зависимости между нарушениями семейной жизни и грозными общественными девиациями. Семьяя аляется опорой и фундаментом общественного бытия человека. Дает ему богатство Эмоциональных переживаний и содержание, сочетая индиеидуальные и общественны еценности.
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  16. Problèmes psychologiques de la modernisation de la matière à enseigner et développement systêmatique de la réflexion.Làszlo Kelemen - 1972 - Paideia 2:127.
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    Preface.Ervin Laszlo - 1995 - World Futures 43 (1):1-1.
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    IX. Diktatur und Demokratie.László V. Ottlik - 1930 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 39 (1-4):215-245.
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    The background scenery: “Official” Hungarian philosophy and the Lukács Circle at the turn of the century.László Perecz - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (1-2):31-43.
    This paper is a background study. It gives an overview of the institutions, decisive trends and major achievements of Hungarian philosophy at the beginning of the 20th century. Thus light is shed on the philosophical scenery which forms the background to the Lukács Circle. The paper discusses the relation of the Lukács Circle at the turn of the century to "official" Hungarian philosophy. First, the introduction portrays the various phases of the evolution of Hungarian institutions of philosophy. Then it sketches (...)
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    A heuristic search algorithm with modifiable estimate.László Mérõ - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 23 (1):13-27.
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    Transatlantic business ethics.Laszlo Zsolnai - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (1):97–105.
    The Business Ethics Center of the Budapest University of Economic Sciences organized a Transatlantic Business Ethics Summit on September 15–17, 2000 in Budapest, Hungary. The Summit was sponsored by the Community of European Management Schools and Procter & Gamble.The main function of the Summit was to provide a forum for leading American and European scholars to explore the background theories and value bases of business ethics from the perspective of the 21st century. The participants reflected on the state of the (...)
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    The moral economic man.Laszlo Zsolnai - forthcoming - Ethics in the Economy: Handbook of Business Ethics, Forthcoming.
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    Can Autonomous Agents Without Phenomenal Consciousness Be Morally Responsible?László Bernáth - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1363-1382.
    It is an increasingly popular view among philosophers that moral responsibility can, in principle, be attributed to unconscious autonomous agents. This trend is already remarkable in itself, but it is even more interesting that most proponents of this view provide more or less the same argument to support their position. I argue that as it stands, the Extension Argument, as I call it, is not sufficient to establish the thesis that unconscious autonomous agents can be morally responsible. I attempt to (...)
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  24. The biased nature of philosophical beliefs in the light of peer disagreement.László Bernáth & János Tőzsér - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4):363-378.
    This essay presents an argument, which it calls the Bias Argument, with the dismaying conclusion that (almost) everyone should significantly reduce her confidence in (too many) philosophical beliefs. More precisely, the argument attempts to show that the most precious philosophical beliefs are biased, as the pervasive and permanent disagreement among the leading experts in philosophy cannot be explained by the differences between their evidence bases and competences. After a short introduction, the premises of the Bias Argument are spelled out in (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Introduction to Systems Philosophy.Ervin Laszlo - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (1):160-161.
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  26. Why Libet-Style Experiments Cannot Refute All Forms of Libertarianism.László Bernáth - 2019 - In Bernard Feltz, Marcus Missal & Andrew Cameron Sims (eds.), Free Will, Causality, and Neuroscience. Leiden: Brill. pp. 97-119.
    In my paper, I spell out which types of libertarian theories can be refuted by Libet-style experiments and which cannot. I claim that, on the one hand, some forms of deliberative libertarianism and restrictive libertarianism cannot even in principle be denied on the basis of these experiments; and on the other hand, standard libertarianism, along with some versions of restrictive and deliberative libertarianism, can in principle be refuted by these experiments. However, any form of restrictive libertarianism can be refuted in (...)
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    (1 other version)Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and the Constitutive A Priori.László E. Szabó - 2019 - Foundations of Physics:1-13.
    On the basis of what I call physico-formalist philosophy of mathematics, I will develop an amended account of the Kantian–Reichenbachian conception of constitutive a priori. It will be shown that the features attributed to a real object are not possessed by the object as a “thing-in-itself”; they require a physical theory by means of which these features are constituted. It will be seen that the existence of such a physical theory implies that a physical object can possess a property only (...)
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  28. Chapter Fourteen The Role of Attachment Patterns in Emotional Processing of Literary Narratives Janos Laszlo and Eva Fulop.Janos Laszlo - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.), Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 257.
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    The consciousness revolution: a transatlantic dialogue: two days with Ervin Laszlo, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell.Ervin Laszlo - 2003 - Las Vegas, CA: Elf Rock Productions. Edited by Stanislav Grof & Peter Russell.
    "The Consciousness Revolution is an extrodinary discussion among three of the very finest minds of our time, spirited in its exchange, compassionate in its embrace, brilliant in its clarion call to awaken our conscience and consciousness." Ken Wilber, author of Sex, Ecology, Spirituality and One Taste.
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    A gond embere: létváz.László Fábián - 2002 - Veszprém: Művészetek Háza.
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    Neveléselmélet.László Fodor - 2007 - Kolozsvár: Ábel.
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    Towards a Unionized Professoriat: The Dilemma of the Profession.Laszlo Hetenyi - 1977 - Education and Culture 2 (2):2.
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    Agreeing/Disagreeing in a Dialogue: Multimodal Patterns of Its Expression.Laszlo Hunyadi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34. Philosophy in the Soviet Union. — A Survey of the Mid-Sixties.Ervin Laszlo - 1967 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 27 (4):433-434.
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  35. (1 other version)System, structure, and experience, toward a scientific theory of mind.Ervin Laszlo - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:488-489.
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    Gerhard Cornelius Driesch in Wien und Preßburg.László Szelestei Nagy - 2005 - In Udo Sträter (ed.), Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 317-324.
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    Megmentő és felemelő szeretet: a mai tudomány a szeretetről.László Noszlopi - 1975 - [Budapest]: Ecclesia.
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    La maxime.László Odrobina - 2003 - Augustinianum 43 (1):41-62.
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    Exons – original building blocks of proteins?László Patthy - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (4):187-192.
    In a recent paper, Walter Gilbert's group has estimated the number of original exons from which all extant proteins might have been constructed. The approach used is subjected to a critical analysis here. It is shown that there are flawed assumptions about both the mechanism and generality of exon‐shuffling and in the sequence comparison procedures employed, the latter failing to distinguish chance similarity from similarity due to common ancestry. These methodological errors lead to the omission of many known cases of (...)
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    Nemzet, filozófia: "nemzeti filozófia".László Perecz - 2008 - [Budapest]: Argumentum.
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    Life-worlds and social relations in computers.László Ropolyi - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (1-2):69-87.
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    (1 other version)Diskussion über den modernen begriff Des proletariats und der arbeiterklasse in der sowjetischen fachliteratur.Laszlo Révész - 1971 - Studies in East European Thought 11 (4):250-275.
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    (1 other version)Der politische begriff der freiheit.László Révész - 1968 - Studies in East European Thought 8 (2-3):157-172.
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    (1 other version)Marxistisch-leninistischer demokratiebegriff.László Révész - 1968 - Studies in East European Thought 8 (1):33-56.
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    (1 other version)Political science in eastern europe: Discussion and initial steps.László Révész - 1967 - Studies in East European Thought 7 (3):185-210.
  46. Lorentzian theories vs. Einsteinian special relativity - a logico-empiricist reconstruction.Laszlo E. Szabo - 2011 - In András Máté, Miklós Rédei & Friedrich Stadler (eds.), Der Wiener Kreis in Ungarn: The Vienna Circle in Hungary. Springer.
    It is widely believed that the principal difference between Einstein's special relativity and its contemporary rival Lorentz-type theories was that while the Lorentz-type theories were also capable of “explaining away” the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment and other experimental findings by means of the distortions of moving measuring-rods and moving clocks, special relativity revealed more fundamental new facts about the geometry of space-time behind these phenomena. I shall argue that special relativity tells us nothing new about the geometry of (...)
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  47. Zeit und Empfindung (E. Husserl, E. Lévinas, M. Henry).Laszlo Tengelyi - 1995 - Recherches Husserliennes 4:53-76.
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    The corpus callosum and hemispheric lateralization.László Záborszky - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):37-38.
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    The Systems View of the World: The Natural Philosophy of the New Developments in the Sciences.Ervin Laszlo - 1975 - Blackwell.
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    Virtuality and Reality—Toward a Representation Ontology.László Ropolyi - 2015 - Philosophies 1 (1):40--54.
    Based on a brief overview of the history of ontology and on some philosophical problems of virtual reality, a new approach to virtuality is proposed. To characterize the representational technologies in the Internet age, I suggest that Aristotle’s dualistic ontological system be complemented with a third form of being: virtuality. In the virtual form of being actuality and potentiality are inseparably intertwined. Virtuality is potentiality considered together with its actualization. In this view, virtuality is reality with a measure, a reality (...)
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