Results for 'Laurent Perroton'

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  1. Parall elisme et Applications Irr eguli eres, chapter 7: ParList: une structure de donn ee parall ele pour l'equilibrage des charges.Fabien Feschet, Serge Miguet & Laurent Perroton - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Physiological Response to Facial Expressions in Peripersonal Space Determines Interpersonal Distance in a Social Interaction Context.Alice Cartaud, Gennaro Ruggiero, Laurent Ott, Tina Iachini & Yann Coello - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  3. Nonconscious semantic processing of emotional words modulates conscious access.Raphaël Gaillard, Antoine Del Cul, Lionel Naccache, Fabien Vinckier, Laurent Cohen, Stanislas Dehaene & Edward E. Smith - 2006 - Pnas Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (19):7524-7529.
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    Allocation of scarce resources in Africa during COVID‐19: Utility and justice for the bottom of the pyramid?Keymanthri Moodley, Stuart Rennie, Frieda Behets, Adetayo Emmanuel Obasa, Robert Yemesi, Laurent Ravez, Patrick Kayembe, Darius Makindu, Alwyn Mwinga & Walter Jaoko - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (1):36-43.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has raised important universal public health challenges. Conceiving ethical responses to these challenges is a public health imperative but must take context into account. This is particularly important in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). In this paper, we examine how some of the ethical recommendations offered so far in high‐income countries might appear from a SSA perspective. We also reflect on some of the key ethical challenges raised by the COVID‐19 pandemic in low‐income countries suffering from chronic shortages in (...)
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    Regularity effect in prospective memory during aging.Geoffrey Blondelle, Mathieu Hainselin, Yannick Gounden, Laurent Heurley, Hélène Voisin, Olga Megalakaki, Estelle Bressous & Véronique Quaglino - 2016 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 6.
    BackgroundRegularity effect can affect performance in prospective memory, but little is known on the cognitive processes linked to this effect. Moreover, its impacts with regard to aging remain unknown. To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine regularity effect in PM in a lifespan perspective, with a sample of young, intermediate, and older adults.Objective and designOur study examined the regularity effect in PM in three groups of participants: 28 young adults, 16 intermediate adults, and 25 older adults. The (...)
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    A Logic Of Trust And Reputation.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, Jomi Hübner & Laurent Vercouter - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):214-244.
    The aim of this paper is to present a logical framework in which the concepts of trust and reputation can be formally characterized and their properties studied. We start from the definition of trust proposed by Castelfranchi & Falcone . We formalize this definition in a logic of time, action, beliefs and choices. Then, we provide a refinement of C&F’s definition by distinguishing two general types of trust: occurrent trust and dispositional trust. In the second part of the paper we (...)
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    Revisiting human hemispheric specialization with neuroimaging.Pierre-Yves Hervé, Laure Zago, Laurent Petit, Bernard Mazoyer & Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (2):69-80.
  8. Effect of child health status on parents' allowing children to participate in pediatric research.Jérémy Vanhelst, Ludovic Hardy, Dina Bert, Stéphane Duhem, Stéphanie Coopman, Christian Libersa, Dominique Deplanque, Frédéric Gottrand & Laurent Béghin - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):7.
    To identify motivational factors linked to child health status that affected the likelihood of parents’ allowing their child to participate in pediatric research.
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    The Role of Iconic Gestures in Speech Comprehension: An Overview of Various Methodologies.Kendra G. Kandana Arachchige, Isabelle Simoes Loureiro, Wivine Blekic, Mandy Rossignol & Laurent Lefebvre - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Iconic gesture-speech integration is a relatively recent field of investigation with numerous researchers studying its various aspects. The results obtained are just as diverse. The definition of iconic gestures is often overlooked in the interpretations of results. Furthermore, while most behavioral studies have demonstrated an advantage of bimodal presentation, brain activity studies show a diversity of results regarding the brain regions involved in the processing of this integration. Clinical studies also yield mixed results, some suggesting parallel processing channels, others a (...)
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    Chaotic Dynamics of a Mixed Rayleigh–Liénard Oscillator Driven by Parametric Periodic Damping and External Excitations.Yélomè Judicaël Fernando Kpomahou, Laurent Amoussou Hinvi, Joseph Adébiyi Adéchinan & Clément Hodévèwan Miwadinou - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    In this paper, chaotic dynamics of a mixed Rayleigh–Liénard oscillator driven by parametric periodic damping and external excitations is investigated analytically and numerically. The equilibrium points and their stability evolutions are analytically analyzed, and the transitions of dynamical behaviors are explored in detail. Furthermore, from the Melnikov method, the analytical criterion for the appearance of the homoclinic chaos is derived. Analytical prediction is tested against numerical simulations based on the basin of attraction of initial conditions. As a result, it is (...)
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    A logic of trust and reputation.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, France Jomi F. Hübner & Laurent Vercouter - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1).
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  12. VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement.Tiphaine Lemenager, Aurélie Ahmin-Richard & Laurent Mermet - 2012 - Comprendre 12 (1).
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    Advances in linear logic.Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont & Laurent Regnier (eds.) - 1995 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Linear logic, introduced in 1986 by J.-Y. Girard, is based upon a fine grain analysis of the main proof-theoretical notions of logic. The subject develops along the lines of denotational semantics, proof nets and the geometry of interaction. Its basic dynamical nature has attracted computer scientists, and various promising connections have been made in the areas of optimal program execution, interaction nets and knowledge representation. This book is the refereed proceedings of the first international meeting on linear logic held at (...)
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  14. Towards a universal neurobiological architecture for learning to read.Marcin Szwed, Fabien Vinckier, Laurent Cohen, Stanislas Dehaene & Ram Frost - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):308.
    Letter-position tolerance varies across languages. This observation suggests that the neural code for letter strings may also be subtly different. Although language-specific models remain useful, we should endeavor to develop a universal model of reading acquisition which incorporates crucial neurobiological constraints. Such a model, through a progressive internalization of phonological and lexical regularities, could perhaps converge onto the language-specific properties outlined by Frost.
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    Construction: A Festschrift for Gerhard Heinzmann.Pierre Edouard Bour, Manuel Rebuschi & Laurent Rollet (eds.) - 2010 - King's College Publications.
    This Festschrift is published on the occasion of Gerhard Heinzmann's 60th birthday. Its title "Construction" refers to Heinzmann's philosophical options, as well as to his exceptional involvement in the building of many scientific enterprises and new scientific institutions. Sixty authors contributed to the volume, and the gathered essays witness the various centers of interest and intellectual achievements of Heinzmann. They are organised in five sections: Henri Poincare; History and Philosophy of Mathematics; History and Philosophy of Logic; Pragmatism; and Miscellaneous.
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    Autopiction : Où va la peinture de Laurent Marissal.Laurent Buffet - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 7 (1):81-91.
    Résumé Où va la peinture est un livre de Laurent Marissal qui se présente à la fois comme un traité sur la peinture et comme une œuvre peinte. Les actions qu’il relate sont elles-mêmes revendiquées comme des actions picturales. L’article s’interroge sur ces usages hétérodoxes de la notion de « picturalité », tout d’abord au niveau de la mise en forme narrative du livre, puis à celui des actions que cette forme a pour dessein de relater. Une dernière partie (...)
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    Two Middle English translations of Friar Laurent's Somme le roi: critical edition.Laurent & Emmanuelle Roux - 2010 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers n.v.. Edited by Emmanuelle Roux.
    This is the first volume of a two-volume project whose aim is to publish all the known Middle English manuscript translations of the French Somme le mi, a thirteenth-century manual of religious instruction offering teaching on the Decalogue, the seven deadly sins and their remedies, compiled by the Dominican friar Laurent of Orleans. The project extends and deepens our knowledge of the influence of this popular French text, known today only from the versions entitled The Ayen bite of Inwit (...)
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  18. Autism: Common, heritable, but not harmful.Ann Gernsbacher Morton, Dawson Michelle & Mottron Laurent - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):413-414.
    We assert that one of the examples used by Keller & Miller (K&M), namely, autism, is indeed common, and heritable, but we question whether it is harmful. We provide a brief review of cognitive science literature in which autistics perform superiorly to non-autistics in perceptual, reasoning, and comprehension tasks; however, these superiorities are often occluded and are instead described as dysfunctions. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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    A linguistic toolbox for discourse analysis: towards a multidimensional handling of verbal interactions.Marie-Christine Noël-Jorand, Robert Vion, Claire Maury-Rouan & Laurent Rouveyrol - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (3):289-313.
    This article is aimed at introducing a French discourse analysis model, e.g. the ‘star model’, initiated by the LAA team led by Robert Vion in Aix-en-Provence, to English-speaking researchers. It will be argued that language activity is multi-dimensional and can be traced at various heterogeneous levels of speech productions belonging to macro as well as micro orders. Speakers achieve different varieties of positioning which result in negotiating an interactional space within a pre-given situation. The model is precisely designed to offer (...)
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    Renforcer les capacités réflexives à des fins de développement professionnel : une grille-repères pour la conception de dispositifs pédagogiques.Lucie Gouttenoire, Cécile Fiorelli, Laurent Trognon & Christèle Roux - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (3-4):47-61.
    While reflexivity is seen as a not-to-be-missed concept in professional training, references to design pedagogical devices to enhance actors’ reflective capacities on their professional situations and to foster their professional and personal development are scarce and embedded in a patchwork of theoretical and practical approaches. As designers of such devices in agricultural higher education, our practical experiences, theoretical background and discussions led us to build a model of reflexivity as five intertwined key dimensions. These dimensions deal with aspects of reflexivity (...)
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    La phrase: énonciation et information.Haiim B. Rosén, Société de Linguistique de Paris, Laurent Danon-Boileau, Marie-Christine Hazaël-Massieux, Jack Feuillet, Irina Fougeron, Jean Perrot & Mary-Annick Morel - 1994 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Marcel Beaufils fut un pedagogue exceptionnel qui exerca une influence decisive sur l'evolution de l'esthetique musicale en France, a partir des annees 50. Or, parmi ses ouvrages, Musique du son, musique du verbe est tres certainement celui qui porte le plus fortement la marque de son activite d'enseignant au Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris ; cette mission, il semblait l'entendre davantage comme celle d'un declencheur d'idees, catalyseur, plutot que du transmetteur d'un savoir fige une fois pour toutes. Bouleversant (...)
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    Practices of Interpretation.Christian Berner, Fabienne Blaise & Laurent Keiff - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    Si l’on peut définir l’homme comme un animal qui interprète tant la réalité que lui-même, c’est que l’on pense qu’il a au monde, aux autres et à lui-même un rapport qui passe essentiellement par la compréhension. Ce n’est cependant pas sur ce niveau fondamental que nous avons pris le parti de faire porter la réflexion dans ce numéro. Il ne s’agissait pas, ou du moins pas principalement, de s’interroger sur ce qu’il en est de l’être de l’homme qui interprète ou (...)
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    Pratiques de l’interprétation.Christian Berner, Fabienne Blaise & Laurent Keiff - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    Si l’on peut définir l’homme comme un animal qui interprète tant la réalité que lui-même, c’est que l’on pense qu’il a au monde, aux autres et à lui-même un rapport qui passe essentiellement par la compréhension. Ce n’est cependant pas sur ce niveau fondamental que nous avons pris le parti de faire porter la réflexion dans ce numéro. Il ne s’agissait pas, ou du moins pas principalement, de s’interroger sur ce qu’il en est de l’être de l’homme qui interprète ou (...)
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    On Computing Structural and Behavioral Complexities of Threshold Boolean Networks: Application to Biological Networks.Urvan Christen, Sergiu Ivanov, Rémi Segretain, Laurent Trilling & Nicolas Glade - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (1):119-138.
    Various threshold Boolean networks, a formalism used to model different types of biological networks, can produce similar dynamics, i.e. share same behaviors. Among them, some are complex, others not. By computing both structural and behavioral complexities, we show that most TBNs are structurally complex, even those having simple behaviors. For this purpose, we developed a new method to compute the structural complexity of a TBN based on estimates of the sizes of equivalence classes of the threshold Boolean functions composing the (...)
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    Interests and Strengths in Autism, Useful but Misunderstood: A Pragmatic Case-Study.Valérie Courchesne, Véronique Langlois, Pascale Gregoire, Ariane St-Denis, Lucie Bouvet, Alexia Ostrolenk & Laurent Mottron - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Studies on autistic strengths are often focused on what they reveal about autistic intelligence and, in some cases, exceptional and atypical reasoning abilities. An emerging research trend has demonstrated how interests and strengths often evident in autism can be harnessed in interventions to promote the well-being, adaptive, academic and professional success of autistic people. However, abilities in certain domains may be accompanied by major limitations in others, as well as psychiatric and behavioral issues, which may challenge their inclusion in (...)
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    Pigeons and the Ambiguous-Cue Problem: A Riddle that Remains Unsolved.Óscar García-Leal, Carlos Esparza, Laurent Ávila Chauvet, Héctor O. Camarena-Pérez & Zirahuén Vílchez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:254869.
    The ambiguous-cue task is composed of two-choice simultaneous discriminations involving three stimuli: positive (P), ambiguous (A) and negative (N). Two different trial types are presented: PA and NA. The ambiguous cue (A) served as an S- in PA trials, but as an S+ in NA trials. When using this procedure, it is typical to observe a less accurate performance in PA trials than in NA trials. This is called the ambiguous-cue effect. Recently, it was reported in starlings that the ambiguous-cue (...)
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    Deleuze face à la norme.Jacqueline Guittard, Emeric Nicolas, Cyril Sintez, Laurent De Sutter & Hervé Couchot (eds.) - 2023 - Le Kremlin-Bicêtre: Mare & Martin.
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    De lege ferenda: réflexions sur le droit désirable en l'honneur du professeur Alain Hirsch.Anne Héritier Lachat & Laurent Hirsch (eds.) - 2004 - Geneve: Editions Slatkine.
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    Toward an Adapted Neurofeedback for Post-stroke Motor Rehabilitation: State of the Art and Perspectives.Salomé Le Franc, Gabriela Herrera Altamira, Maud Guillen, Simon Butet, Stéphanie Fleck, Anatole Lécuyer, Laurent Bougrain & Isabelle Bonan - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Stroke is a severe health issue, and motor recovery after stroke remains an important challenge in the rehabilitation field. Neurofeedback, as part of a brain–computer interface, is a technique for modulating brain activity using on-line feedback that has proved to be useful in motor rehabilitation for the chronic stroke population in addition to traditional therapies. Nevertheless, its use and applications in the field still leave unresolved questions. The brain pathophysiological mechanisms after stroke remain partly unknown, and the possibilities for intervention (...)
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    Prime forms and belief revision.Jerusa Marchi, Guilherme Bittencourt & Laurent Perrussel - 2007 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Alexandre Costa-Leite, Perspectives on Universal Logic. Milan, Italy: Polimetrica. pp. 365--377.
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    These words that Macron borrows from Sarkozy. Discourse and Artificial Intelligence.Damon Mayaffre, Magali Guaresi & Laurent Vanni - 2020 - Corpus 21.
    La logométrie et l’Intelligence artificielle (deep learning) appliquées aux textes politiques permettent de repérer dans le discours d’Emmanuel Macron les emprunts linguistiques qu’il contracte auprès de ses prédécesseurs à l’Elysée (de Gaulle, Pompidou, Giscard, Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy et Hollande). Les emprunts les plus importants, lexicaux autour de la valeur travail et énonciatifs autour de l’exhibition du « je » et du « je veux », concernent statistiquement Nicolas Sarkozy.
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    Pour une pédagogie scientifique.Albert Morf, Jean-Blaise Grize & Laurent Pauli - 1969 - Dialectica 23 (1):24-31.
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    Histoire sociale.Dinah Ribard, Gérard Sabatier, Christian Del Vento, Laurence Macé, Claire Fredj, Sylvain Vigneron, Goulven Laurent, Isabelle Attané & Nicolas Mariot - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (2):481-501.
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  34. Lettre de M. Harsin et réponse de M. H. Laurent.H. Laurent & M. Harsin - 1928 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 7 (3):1301-1306.
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  35. The Sociology of Critical Capacity.Laurent Thévenot & Luc Boltanski - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (3):359-377.
    This article argues that many situations in social life can be analyzed by their requirement for the justification of action. It is in particular in situations of dispute that a need arises to explicate the grounds on which responsibility for errors is distributed and on which new agreement can be reached. Since a plurality of mutually incompatible modes of justification exists, disputes can be understood as disagreements either about whether the accepted rule of justification has not been violated or about (...)
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  36. Lamarckism and epigenetic inheritance: a clarification.Laurent Loison - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (3-4):29.
    Since the 1990s, the terms “Lamarckism” and “Lamarckian” have seen a significant resurgence in biological publications. The discovery of new molecular mechanisms have been interpreted as evidence supporting the reality and efficiency of the inheritance of acquired characters, and thus the revival of Lamarckism. The present paper aims at giving a critical evaluation of such interpretations. I argue that two types of arguments allow to draw a clear distinction between the genuine Lamarckian concept of inheritance of acquired characters and transgenerational (...)
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    Dialogical logic.Laurent Keiff - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Forms of presentism in the history of science. Rethinking the project of historical epistemology.Laurent Loison - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 60:29-37.
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    Pragmatic regimes governing the engagement with the world.Laurent Thévenot - 2000 - In Karin Knorr Cetina, Theodore R. Schatzki & Eike von Savigny, The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 56--73.
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    Heredity as a problem. On Claude Bernard’s failed attempts at resolution.Laurent Loison - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (1):1-21.
    Heredity has been dismissed as an insignificant object in Claude Bernard’s physiology, and the topic is usually ignored by historians. Yet, thirty years ago, Jean Gayon demonstrated that Bernard did elaborate on the subject. The present paper aims at reassessing the issue of heredity in Claude Bernard’s project of a “general physiology”. My first claim is that Bernard’s interest in heredity was linked to his ambitious goal of redefining general physiology in relation to morphology. In 1867, not only was morphology (...)
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    The Plurality of Cognitive Formats and Engagements: Moving between the Familiar and the Public.Laurent Thévenot - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (3):409-423.
    Cognitive forms vary considerably as a human being detaches herself from what is closest and most personal and moves to communicate — in the broad sense of taking part in a common matter — across increasing relational distances. The article proposes to deal with the variety of cognitive formats which cannot `commonize' cognition to an equal degree, relating them to a set of regimes of engagement with the world that are identified in terms of the dependency between the human agent (...)
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    Julien Freund philosophe Résistant et philosophe de la résistance.Laurent Fedi - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 56 (56):117-142.
    As a student in Clermont-Ferrand at the relocated Strasbourg University, Julien Freund (1921-1993) took part in the local actions of the Groupe Franc de Combat. The theme of resistance later found its way into his work as a philosopher and political scientist. This study, based on hitherto unpublished archival documents, attempts to synthesise his scattered remarks in an attempt to identify the main thrust of his work.
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    Affirmation and Resistance in Spinoza: The Strategy of the Conatus.Laurent Bove - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Le réalisme propositionnel: sémantique et ontologie des propositions chez Jean Duns Scot, Gauthier Burley, Richard Brinkley et Jean Wyclif.Laurent Cesalli - 2007 - Paris: Vrin.
    On s'est dès lors efforcé de contextualiser cette thèse et d'en préciser le sens, aboutissant à un double résultat : premièrement, les signifiés propositionnels ne sont ni des entités abstraites (platoniciennes), ni des complexes ...
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    Punishing hypocrisy: The roles of hypocrisy and moral emotions in deciding culpability and punishment of criminal and civil moral transgressors.Sean M. Laurent, Brian A. M. Clark, Stephannie Walker & Kimberly D. Wiseman - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (1):59-83.
    Three experiments explored how hypocrisy affects attributions of criminal guilt and the desire to punish hypocritical criminals. Study 1 established that via perceived hypocrisy, a hypocritical criminal was seen as more culpable and was punished more than a non-hypocritical criminal who committed an identical crime. Study 2 expanded on this, showing that negative moral emotions (anger and disgust) mediated the relationships between perceived hypocrisy, criminal guilt, and punishment. Study 3 replicated the emotion finding from Study 2 using new scenarios where (...)
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    Le projet du néolamarckisme français (1880-1910).Laurent Loison - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (1):61-79.
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    La dialectique, entre logique et rhétorique.Laurent Keiff - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (2):149-178.
    Nous montrons dans cet article comment les approches dynamiques en logique contemporaine ont retrouvé, quoique sous d ’ autres attendus, une configuration théorique qu ’ on peut attribuer à Aristote au moment de la rédaction des Topiques. Dans cette configuration, la logique et la rhétorique – ou au moins la dialectique – se complètent dans le cadre conceptuel homogène offert par la dialectique, entendue comme une certaine forme relativement codifiée de débat critique. L ’ idée principale est qu ’ aujourd (...)
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    Unintended, but still blameworthy: the roles of awareness, desire, and anger in negligence, restitution, and punishment.Sean M. Laurent, Narina L. Nuñez & Kimberly A. Schweitzer - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (7).
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    The Art of Biblical NarrativeThe Great Code: The Bible and Literature.Laurent Stern, Robert Alter & Northrop Frye - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (3):340.
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  50. The Road to ideelle Verähnlichung. Anton Marty’s Conception of Intentionality in the Light of its Brentanian Background.Laurent Cesalli & Hamid Taieb - 2012 - Quaestio 12:171-232.
    Anton Marty (1847-1914) is known to be the most faithful pupil of Franz Brentano. As a matter of fact, most of his philosophical ideas find their source in the works of his master. Yet, the faithfulness of Marty is not constant. As the rich correspondence between the two thinkers shows, Marty elaborates an original theory of intentionality from ca. 1904 onward. This theory is based on the idea that intentionality is a process of mental assimilation (ideelle Verähnlichung), a process at (...)
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