Results for 'Linn Sandberg'

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  1.  15
    Socially mediated issue ownership.Linn Sandberg - 2022 - Communications 47 (2):241-261.
    Given the growing importance of issue competition and the growing use of social media during elections, this study seeks to create a better understanding of how issue dynamics relating to political parties play out on social media. It tests whether issue ownership theory can explain how parties and issues are being discussed on Twitter and to what extent a mediated form of issue ownership aligns with citizens’ perceptions of issue ownership. The results indicate that perceptions of issue ownership as measured (...)
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    Rethinking dementia as a queer way of life and as ‘crip possibility’: A critique of the concept of person in person‐centredness.Thomas Foth & Annette Leibing - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (1).
    The concept of person‐centeredness has become in many instances the standard of health care that humanises services and ensures that the patient/client is at the centre of care delivery. Rejecting a purely biomedical explanation of dementia that led to a loss of self, personhood in dementia could be maintained through social interaction and communication. In this article, we use the insights of queer theory to contribute to our current understanding of the care of those with dementia. We critically discuss the (...)
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    Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook.Carl von Linné - 1826 - Walter de Gruyter.
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    (1 other version)Una mirada al futuro de la tecnología y del ser humano. Entrevista con Anders Sandberg.Anders Sandberg & Antonio Diéguez - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    miembro del Future of Humanity Institute de la Universidad de Oxford y experto en mejoramiento humano y transhumanismo, sobre cuestiones centrales de su labor investigadora.PALABRAS CLAVETRANSHUMANISMO, MEJORAMIENTO HUMANO, ANDERS SANDBERG, BIOTECNOLOGÍAABSTRACTInterview with Anders Sandberg, member of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University and expert in human enhancement and transhumanism, about central topics in his works.KEYWORDSTRANSHUMANISM, HUMAN ENHANCEMENT, ANDERS SANDBERG,BIOTECHNOLOGY.
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    Measuring and testing awareness of emotional face expressions.Kristian Sandberg, Bo Martin Bibby & Morten Overgaard - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):806-809.
    Comparison of behavioural measures of consciousness has attracted much attention recently. In a recent article, Szczepanowski et al. conclude that confidence ratings predict accuracy better than both the perceptual awareness scale and post-decision wagering when using stimuli with emotional content . Although we find the study interesting, we disagree with the conclusion that CR is superior to PAS because of two methodological issues. First, the conclusion is not based on a formal test. We performed this test and found no evidence (...)
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    The Heterogeneity of Socially Responsible Investment.Joakim Sandberg, Carmen Juravle, Ted Martin Hedesström & Ian Hamilton - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):519-533.
    Many writers have commented on the heterogeneity of the socially responsible investment (SRI) movement. However, few have actually tried to understand and explain it, and even fewer have discussed whether the opposite – standardisation – is possible and desirable. In this article, we take a broader perspective on the issue of the heterogeneity of SRI. We distinguish between four levels on which heterogeneity can be found: the terminological, definitional, strategic and practical. Whilst there is much talk about the definitional ambiguities (...)
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    Mega‐interest on Microcredit: Are Lenders Exploiting the Poor?Joakim Sandberg - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (3):169-185.
    abstract Microcredit is often hailed as an effective way of alleviating poverty. In recent years, however, microfinance institutions have been the target of much criticism due to their comparatively high interest rates (which may be as high as 70–100% per annum). This paper discusses whether it can be morally justified to charge very high rates of interest when lending money to the poor. Arguments are drawn from contemporary as well as historical debates on usury, exploitation, egalitarianism and consequentialism. It is (...)
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  8.  10
    Cognitive Enhancement in Courts.Anders Sandberg, Julian Savulescu & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press.
    Human cognitive performance has crucial significance for legal process, often creating the difference between fair and unfair imprisonment. Lawyers, judges, and jurors need to follow long and complex arguments. They need to understand technical language. Jurors need to remember what happens during a long trial. The demands imposed on jurors in particular are sizeable and the cognitive challenges are discussed in this chapter. Jurors are often subjected to both tremendous decision complexity and tremendous evidence complexity. Some of these problems could (...)
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  9.  11
    Notes on the Morality of Strike Within the Medical Profession.R. Linn & S. Linn - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (1):17-18.
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    A matter of looks: The framing of obesity in four Swedish daily newspapers.Helena Sandberg - 2007 - Communications 32 (4):447-472.
    This article reports on a study done in Sweden on how the daily press covers the theme of overweight/obesity. It deals with two questions: How is overweight framed in the media? and Which consequences can these framings have on public perceptions of overweight/obesity? The study is limited to media content in Swedish daily newspapers, 1997–2001. In all 1 925 articles from four different papers have been analysed. The study points out that overweight/obesity is most frequently presented as a health problem, (...)
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  11. Theokosmos.Max Sandberg - 1960 - Zürich,: Origo.
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    Etter sjokket - Naomi Kleins Sjokkdoktrinen 10 år etter.Linn Stalsberg - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 35 (1):299-326.
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  13.  40
    Sexual difference and trinitarian death: Cross, kenosis, and hierarchy in the theo‐drama.Linn Marie Tonstad - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (4):603-631.
  14.  13
    Sacred legacies: healing your past and creating a positive future.Denise Linn - 1999 - New York: Ballantine Wellspring.
    "Healing the past helps restructure the present, which then becomes the hope for the future." As we approach a new millennium, many of us are fearing for the future while hungering for a vision of our place in a sacred whole. The immense changes of the last hundred years have severed our sense of connection to a spiritual lineage that gave past generations the strength to meet life's challenges and bequeath wisdom to their descendants. In this inspirational yet down-to-earth book, (...)
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    Pierre Jurieu's Contribution to Bayle's Dictionnaire.Karl C. Sandberg - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):59-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Pierre Jurieu's Contribution to Bayle's Dktionnaire KARL C. SANDBERG PIERRE BAYLE'S VIEWSon faith and reason1as they appear throughout his Dictionnaire historique et critique (1697) may be reduced to two basic points. First, the doctrines of Christian theology are vulnerable to a great number of rational objections which would seem to destroy them. Second, reason itself is not a reliable guide in areas of speculative knowledge and should be (...)
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  16. “My Emissions Make No Difference”: Climate Change and the Argument from Inconsequentialism.Joakim Sandberg - 2011 - Environmental Ethics 33 (3):229-48.
    “Since the actions I perform as an individual only have an inconsequential effect on the threat of climate change,” a common argument goes, “it cannot be morally wrong for me to take my car to work everyday or refuse to recycle.” This argument has received a lot of scorn from philosophers over the years, but has actually been defended in some recent articles. A more systematic treatment of a central set of related issues shows how maneuvering around these issues is (...)
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  17. Measuring consciousness: Is one measure better than the other?Kristian Sandberg, Bert Timmermans, Morten Overgaard & Axel Cleeremans - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1069-1078.
    What is the best way of assessing the extent to which people are aware of a stimulus? Here, using a masked visual identification task, we compared three measures of subjective awareness: The Perceptual Awareness Scale , through which participants are asked to rate the clarity of their visual experience; confidence ratings , through which participants express their confidence in their identification decisions, and Post-decision wagering , in which participants place a monetary wager on their decisions. We conducted detailed explorations of (...)
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  18.  44
    Soldiers with Conscience Never Die--They are Just Ignored by their Society. Moral Disobedience in the Israel Defense Forces.Ruth Linn - 2002 - Journal of Military Ethics 1 (2):57-76.
    Throughout the 3-year war in Lebanon (1982-1985) and throughout the 7 years of the first Intifada (1987-1994), about 170 objecting reservists chose to adopt an unconventional mode of moral resolution for their dilemma about service in the conflict: they disobeyed the order to serve in the war zone when their unit was called up. They argued that such service would contradict the dictates of their conscience. At the outset, the intention of most of these reservists was to comply with orders (...)
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  19. Using the perceptual awareness scale (PAS).Kristian Sandberg & Morten Overgaard - 2015 - In Morten Overgaard (ed.), Behavioral Methods in Consciousness Research. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Religion, Law and Society.Russell Sandberg - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Issues concerning religion in the public sphere are rarely far from the headlines. As a result, scholars have paid increasing attention to religion. These scholars, however, have generally stayed within the confines of their own respective disciplines. To date there has been little contact between lawyers and sociologists. Religion, Law and Society explores whether, how and why law and religion should interact with the sociology of religion. It examines sociological and legal materials concerning religion in order to find out what (...)
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  21.  4
    Under a merciless star: Mircea Eliade and the horror of history.Pete Sandberg - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This article examines the concept of a ‘terror of history’ in the work of historian of religion Mircea Eliade, particularly in his 1948 book The Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History. The article turns to Eliade’s journals to trace the genesis of this concept, showing that this book which became a foundational text in the history of religions was originally conceived as a work on the philosophy of history. Tracing the incoherences and contradictions of this ‘terror’ in the (...)
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  22.  19
    Motor-Enriched Encoding Can Improve Children’s Early Letter Recognition.Linn Damsgaard, Sofie Rejkjær Elleby, Anne Kær Gejl, Anne Sofie Bøgh Malling, Anna Bugge, Jesper Lundbye-Jensen, Mads Poulsen, Glen Nielsen & Jacob Wienecke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Curatorial perspectives on contemporary art and science dealing with interspecies connections.Olga Majcen Linn & Sunčica Ostoić - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (1):79-94.
    This article addresses a curatorial position on specific bioart projects dealing with the topic of interspecies relationships of humans and other mammals, insects and plants through three works by Slovenian authors Saša Spačal, Špela Petricˇ and Maja Smrekar. All the artworks are based on a posthumanist perspective, strongly advocating possibilities of equality in interspecies relations and coexistence, and yet also bear a potential for monstrosity. The subjects, modes and procedures of the artworks analysed are compatible with a curatorial practice able (...)
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  24.  20
    Aristotle on τύχη and εὐτυχία.Marcella Linn - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (1):77-101.
    It is commonly supposed that one can build Aristotle’s account of luck (τύχη) and good fortune (εὐτυχία) from Ph. II 4–6 and Eth. Eud. VIII 2. Indeed, in these texts, he is concerned with providing a general account of each. There has, however, been some dispute on the relationship between the texts. Some argue that the two accounts conflict, and the notion of τύχη or εὐτυχία we find in the Ph. is not the one that Aristotle has in mind in (...)
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  25.  22
    The Epistemic Condition for Character Responsibility.Marcella Linn - 2024 - Philosophia (3):1-20.
    If responsibility for character requires (among other things) having knowledge of the quality of one’s character, and this knowledge requires having at least some good aspects of character, we seem to come to startling conclusions. First, as Neil Levy argues, the worse one is morally speaking, the less one is responsible for being morally bad. Second, the truly bad are excused for their bad characters. I present several arguments against Levy’s view. First, I argue that the initial conclusion does not (...)
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    Cultural comparisons of mothers with large and small families.Margaret W. Linn, Lee Gurel, John Carmichael & Patricia Weed - 1976 - Journal of Biosocial Science 8 (3):293-302.
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    Snuggling with your identity: beds and the sense of touch in Roman culture.Jason Linn - 2022 - Journal of Ancient History 10 (2):200-224.
    This article seeks to find attitudes and judgments elite Romans made based on a person’s bed. It culls written sources from a diverse range of genres to argue that elite Roman men saw beds as transformative and reflective items. Through long-lasting and frequent contact, a bed’s qualities seeped into bodies and characters. Consequently, as a powerful part of the built environment, beds could strengthen or weaken soldiers as well as help or harm a person’s health. Furthermore, beds’ transformative power meant (...)
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  28.  18
    A Middle English text on the seven liberal arts.Linne R. Mooney - 1993 - Speculum 68 (4):1027-1052.
    A unique Middle English text on the seven liberal arts survives in Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R. 14.52, a manuscript of ca. 1458–85. Latin texts on the seven liberal arts were certainly in circulation in medieval England, but this text is, to my knowledge, the earliest one written in English. It thereby offers evidence of the vernacular English reader's knowledge of the arts that were the foundation of medieval university education. This text is also unique in that it includes in (...)
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    Chaucer's Scribe.Linne R. Mooney - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):97-138.
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  30. Missing the Felt Sense: When Correct Political Arguments Go Wrong.Ole Sandberg - 2023 - In Eric R. Severson & Kevin C. Krycka (eds.), The psychology and philosophy of Eugene Gendlin: making sense of contemporary experience. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter tries to make sense of a particular aspect of our contemporary experience: the so-called “post-truth era.” This era is characterized by strong polarization where it seems like the arguments and opinions of the opposing sides are informed by different realities. When beliefs are still held despite being debunked by contradicting evidence, it is easy to dismiss the opponent as “irrational,” resulting in breakdown of communication. This chapter argues that such beliefs may still feel right because they connect to (...)
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    The reconstruction of a polyptych by Michele giambono.Evelyn Sandberg-Vavalà - 1947 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 10 (1):20-26.
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  32. Understanding the Separation Thesis.Joakim Sandberg - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):213-232.
    Many writers in the field of business ethics seem to have accepted R. Edward Freeman’s argument to the effect that what he calls “the separation thesis,” or the idea that business and morality can be separated in certain ways, should be rejected. In this paper, I discuss how this argument should be understood more exactly, and what position “the separation thesis” refers to. I suggest that there are actually many interpretations (or versions) of the separation thesis going around, ranging from (...)
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  33.  40
    The Social and Economic Impacts of Cognitive Enhancements.Anders Sandberg, Julian Savulescu & Guy Kahane - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane (eds.), Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 93--112.
    The possibility of enhancing human abilities often raises public concern about equality and social impact. This chapter aims at one particular group of technologies, cognitive enhancement, and one particular fear, that enhancement will create social divisions and possibly expanding inequalities. The chapter argues that cognitive enhancements could offer significant social and economic benefits. The basic forms of internal cognitive enhancement technologies foreseen today are pharmacological modifications, genetic interventions, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and neural implants. Cognitive enhancements can influence the economy through (...)
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  34. The Ethical Crisis in Microfinance: Issues, Findings, and Implications.Marek Hudon & Joakim Sandberg - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (4):561-589.
    ABSTRACT:Microfinance is often assumed to be an ethically progressive industry, but in recent years it has been the target of much ethical criticism. Microfinance institutions have been accused of using exploitative lending techniques and charging usurious interest rates; and critics even question the ability of microfinance to alleviate poverty. This article reviews recent research on the microfinance sector that addresses these ethical issues. We show how this research is relevant to a number of theoretical issues, such as how to define (...)
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  35.  18
    Ambivalent Stereotypes and Persuasion: Attitudinal Effects of Warmth vs. Competence Ascribed to Message Sources.Roman Linne, Melanie Schäfer & Gerd Bohner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The stereotype content model defines warmth and competence as basic dimensions of social judgment, with warmth often dominating perceptions; it also states that many group-related stereotypes are ambivalent, featuring high levels on one dimension and low levels on the other. Persuasion theories feature both direct and indirect source effects. Combining both the approaches, we studied the persuasiveness of ambivalently stereotyped sources. Participants read persuasive arguments attributed to groups stereotyped as either low in competence but high in warmth or vice versa. (...)
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  36.  45
    (1 other version)Evidence of weak conscious experiences in the exclusion task.Kristian Sandberg, Simon H. Del Pin, Bo M. Bibby & Morten Overgaard - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  37. Money: What It Is and What It Should Be.Joakim Sandberg & Frank Hindriks - 2020 - Journal of Social Ontology 6 (2):237-243.
  38. Thinking Inside the Box: Controlling and Using an Oracle AI.Stuart Armstrong, Anders Sandberg & Nick Bostrom - 2012 - Minds and Machines 22 (4):299-324.
    There is no strong reason to believe that human-level intelligence represents an upper limit of the capacity of artificial intelligence, should it be realized. This poses serious safety issues, since a superintelligent system would have great power to direct the future according to its possibly flawed motivation system. Solving this issue in general has proven to be considerably harder than expected. This paper looks at one particular approach, Oracle AI. An Oracle AI is an AI that does not act in (...)
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    Measuring consciousness: Task accuracy and awareness as sigmoid functions of stimulus duration.Kristian Sandberg, Bo Martin Bibby, Bert Timmermans, Axel Cleeremans & Morten Overgaard - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1659-1675.
    When consciousness is examined using subjective ratings, the extent to which processing is conscious or unconscious is often estimated by calculating task performance at the subjective threshold or by calculating the correlation between accuracy and awareness. However, both these methods have certain limitations. In the present article, we propose describing task accuracy and awareness as functions of stimulus intensity as suggested by Koch and Preuschoff . The estimated lag between the curves describes how much stimulus intensity must increase for awareness (...)
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    Modeling the Social Dynamics of Moral Enhancement: Social Strategies Sold Over the Counter and the Stability of Society.Anders Sandberg & Joao Fabiano - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):431-445.
    How individuals tend to evaluate the combination of their own and other’s payoffs—social value orientations—is likely to be a potential target of future moral enhancers. However, the stability of cooperation in human societies has been buttressed by evolved mildly prosocial orientations. If they could be changed, would this destabilize the cooperative structure of society? We simulate a model of moral enhancement in which agents play games with each other and can enhance their orientations based on maximizing personal satisfaction. We find (...)
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  41. Usury.Joakim Sandberg - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
    Usury originally and simply meant the practice of charging interest on loans. This practice was forcefully condemned and generally banned in both Ancient and Medieval times. Indeed, prohibitions against interest can be found in the traditions of all the major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity – compare, for instance, the commandments of the Hindu lawmaker Vasishtha, and the biblical story of how Jesus cast the moneylenders out of the temple (Matthew 21:12). As interest started to become socially acceptable, (...)
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  42. Non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement.Martin Dresler, Anders Sandberg, Kathrin Ohla, Chris Bublitz, Carlos Trenado, Aleksandra Mroczko-Wąsowicz, Simone Kühn & Dimitris Repantis - 2013 - Neuropharmacology 64:529-543.
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    Should I invest with my conscience?Joakim Sandberg - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (1):71-86.
    This paper discusses the idea that investors have moral reasons to avoid investing in certain business areas based on their own moral views towards these areas. Some have referred to this as ‘conscience investing’, and it is a central part of the conception of ethical investing within the socially responsible investment (SRI) movement. The paper presents what is taken to be the main arguments for this kind of investing as they are given by those who have defended it, and discusses (...)
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  44.  14
    Psychometric Properties of the Norwegian Version of the Cognitive Therapy Adherence and Competence Scale (CTACS) and Its Associations With Outcomes Following Treatment in IAPT Norway.Linn Vathne Lervik, Marit Knapstad, Asle Hoffart & Otto R. F. Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: No studies have examined the underlying structure or predictive validity of the Cognitive Therapy Adherence and Competence Scale. Examining the structure of the CTACS is of great relevance because it could provide information on what constitutes competence in CBT, and whether some underlying factors are more important for predicting treatment outcomes than others. This study investigates the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of CTACS and its associations with treatment outcomes in a sample of primary care clients who received (...)
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    Erste Abtheilung.Carl von Linné - 1826 - In Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook. Walter de Gruyter.
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  46. From Emigration to (Non-)Immigration to Postmigration?Elisa R. Linn - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    The essay traces the legal, representative, and societal status of migrant Others in the “closed society” of the GDR (German Democratic Republic or East Germany) as an example of how Germany has been profiting from labor migration on both sides of the Wall. It outlines how, from German reunification to the present day, migration has been presented as a sudden and temporary problem that obscures a colonial and racist past and necropolitical present. The essay examines the process of social de-differentiation (...)
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    Od emigracije do (ne)imigracije do postmigracije?Elisa R. Linn - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Esej poskuša izslediti pravni, reprezentativni in družbeni status migrantskih Drugih v ≫zaprti družbi≪ Nemške demokratične republike ali Vzhodne Nemčije (NDR) kot primer, kako je Nemčija imela dobiček od delovnih migracij na obeh straneh zidu. Opisuje, kako so bile od ponovne združitve Nemčije do danes migracije predstavljene kot nenadna in začasna težava, kar zakriva kolonialno in rasistično preteklost ter nekropolitično sedanjost. Esej preučuje proces družbene dediferenciacije v družbi, ki jo obvladuje država NDR, in kako so družbene tehnike ustvarjanja drugosti in etnizacije (...)
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    Sequential information processing in persuasion.Roman Linne, Jannis Hildebrandt, Gerd Bohner & Hans-Peter Erb - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We present a theory of sequential information processing in persuasion. It extends assumptions of the heuristic-systematic model, in particular the idea that information encountered early in a persuasion situation may affect the processing of subsequent information. SIP also builds on the abstraction from content-related dichotomies in accord with the parametric unimodel of social judgment. SIP features one constitutional axiom and three main postulates: Persuasion is the sequential processing of information that is relevant to judgment formation. Inferences drawn from initial information (...)
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    Zweite Abtheilung.Carl von Linné - 1826 - In Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook. Walter de Gruyter.
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  50. At the Crossroads of Faith and Reason: An Essay on Pierre Bayle.Karl C. Sandberg - 1966 - Studia Leibnitiana 3 (3):228-229.
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