Results for 'Logical openness'

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  1.  66
    Reconstructing an Open Order from Its Closure, with Applications to Space-Time Physics and to Logic.Francisco Zapata & Vladik Kreinovich - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (1-2):419-435.
    In his logical papers, Leo Esakia studied corresponding ordered topological spaces and order-preserving mappings. Similar spaces and mappings appear in many other application areas such the analysis of causality in space-time. It is known that under reasonable conditions, both the topology and the original order relation {\preccurlyeq} can be uniquely reconstructed if we know the “interior” {\prec} of the order relation. It is also known that in some cases, we can uniquely reconstruct {\prec} (and hence, topology) from {\preccurlyeq}. In (...)
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    Modal Logic for Open Minds -.Johan van Benthem - 2010 - Stanford, CA, USA: Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    In _Modal Logic for Open Minds,_ Johan van Benthem provides an up-to-date introduction to the field of modal logic, outlining its major ideas and exploring the numerous ways in which various academic fields have adopted it. Van Benthem begins with the basic theories of modal logic, semantics, bisimulation, and axiomatics, and also covers more advanced topics, such as expressive power and computational complexity. The book then moves to a wide range of applications, including new developments in information flow, intelligent agency, (...)
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    Explanation-based interpretation of open-textured concepts in logical models of legislation.Stefania Costantini & Gaetano Aurelio Lanzarone - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 3 (3):191-208.
    In this paper we discuss a view of the Machine Learning technique called Explanation-Based Learning (EBL) or Explanation-Based Generalization (EBG) as a process for the interpretation of vague concepts in logic-based models of law.The open-textured nature of legal terms is a well-known open problem in the building of knowledge-based legal systems. EBG is a technique which creates generalizations of given examples on the basis of background domain knowledge. We relate these two topics by considering EBG''s domain knowledge as corresponding to (...)
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  4. The Opening of Hegel's Logic: From Being to Infinity.Stephen Houlgate - 2006 - West Lafayette, IN, USA: Purdue University Press.
    Part Two contains the text-in German and English-of the first two chapters of Hegel's Logic, which cover such categories as being, becoming, something, limit, ...
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    The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism From the Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery.Iii Bartley (ed.) - 1988 - Routledge.
    First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Opening address: Paraconsistent logic.Newton C. A. Da Costa - 1999 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 7:25.
    I am honoured with and touched by the invitation of delivering the opening address of this Congress. Firstly, to see paraconsistent logic flourishing and growing, as we can readily see by simply glacing over the programme of this conference, is among one of my greatest joys. Secondly, and equally important, because this congress takes place in the University of Toruń.I am honoured for having lectured here, a most congenial and stimulating place, and could not think of a better place for (...)
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    Logic and The Open Society: Revising the Place of Tarski's Theory of Truth Within Popper's Political Philosophy.Alexander J. Naraniecki - 2009 - In Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen, Rethinking Popper. London: Springer. pp. 257--271.
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    Propositional Logics of Closed and Open Substitutions over Heyting's Arithmetic.Albert Visser - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (3):299-309.
    In this note we compare propositional logics for closed substitutions and propositional logics for open substitutions in constructive arithmetical theories. We provide a strong example where these logics diverge in an essential way. We prove that for Markov's Arithmetic, that is, Heyting's Arithmetic plus Markov's principle plus Extended Church's Thesis, the logic of closed and the logic of open substitutions are the same.
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  9. Open Minded: Working Out the Logic of the Soul.Jonathan Lear - 1998 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    Explores the relationship between philosophers' and psychoanalysts' attempts to discover how man thinks and perceives himself.
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  10. Sets, Logic, Computation: An Open Introduction to Metalogic.Richard Zach - 2019 - Open Logic Project.
    An introductory textbook on metalogic. It covers naive set theory, first-order logic, sequent calculus and natural deduction, the completeness, compactness, and Löwenheim-Skolem theorems, Turing machines, and the undecidability of the halting problem and of first-order logic. The audience is undergraduate students with some background in formal logic.
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  11. Open Problems in Logic and Games.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Dov Gabbay is a prolific logician just by himself. But beyond that, he is quite good at making other people investigate the many further things he cares about. As a result, King's College London has become a powerful attractor in our field worldwide. Thus, it is a great pleasure to be an organizer for one of its flagship events: the Augustus de Morgan Workshop of 2005. Benedikt Loewe and I proposed the topic of 'interactive logic' for this occasion, with an (...)
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    Open Minded. Working Out the Logic of the Soul.Jonathan Lear - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (203):254-257.
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    Relevance Logic: Problems Open and Closed.Alasdair Urquhart - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Logic 13 (1):11-20.
    I discuss a collection of problems in relevance logic. The main problems discussed are: the decidability of the positive semilattice system, decidability of the fragments of R in a restricted number of variables, and the complexity of the decision problem for the implicational fragment of R. Some related problems are discussed along the way.
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  14. From logical method to 'messing about': Wittgenstein on 'open problems' in mathematics.Simo Saatela - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn, The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism From the Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery.Karl Raimund Popper - 1988 - Routledge.
    First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The Logic of Discovery. By R. D. Carmichael. (Chicago-London: The Open Court Publishing Co. 1930. Pp. ix + 280. Price $2.). [REVIEW]L. J. Russell - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (24):501-.
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  17. Boxes and Diamonds: An Open Introduction to Modal Logic.Richard Zach - 2019 - Open Logic Project.
    A textbook for modal and other intensional logics based on the Open Logic Project. It covers normal modal logics, relational semantics, axiomatic and tableaux proof systems, intuitionistic logic, and counterfactual conditionals.
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  18. An open problem in the logic of knowing how.Paul Gochet - 2013 - In Jaakko Hintikka, Open problems in epistemology =. Helsinki: The Philosophical Society of Finland.
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  19. On the Open-Endedness of Logical Space.Agustín Rayo - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20.
    Modal logicism is the view that a metaphysical possibility is just a non-absurd way for the world to be. I argue that modal logicists should see metaphysical possibility as "open ended'': any given possibilities can be used to characterize further possibilities. I then develop a formal framework for modal languages that is a good fit for the modal logicist and show that it delivers some attractive results.
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  20. Logic-based open systems.Robert Kowalski - 1988 - In Jakob Hoepelman, Representation and reasoning: proceedings of the Stuttgart Conference Workshop on Discourse Representation, Dialogue Tableaux, and Logic Programming. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer Verlag.
  21.  76
    Putting the ‘empiricism’ in ‘logical empiricism’: the director’s cut: Thomas Uebel: Empiricism at the Crossroads: The Vienna Circle’s Protocol-Sentence Debate. Chicago: Open Court Press, 2007, xvii+518 pp, US $89.95 PB. [REVIEW]Greg Frost-Arnold - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):373-376.
    Putting the ‘empiricism’ in ‘logical empiricism’: the director’s cut Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9444-x Authors Greg Frost-Arnold, Department of Philosophy, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY 14456, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  22. Logic, logical form, and the open future.Graeme Forbes - 1996 - Philosophical Perspectives 10:73 - 92.
  23.  19
    Publishing strategies and professional demarcations: Enacting media logic(s) in European academic climate communication through open letters.Carin Graminius - forthcoming - Communications.
    The mediatization concept rests on the increasing centrality of media in everyday spheres. Within academia, mediatization is explored in various ways, such as through the use of social media, news media, and researchers’ adoption of certain media logic(s). While many studies focus on media logic(s) as an explanatory device, it can also be seen as a contextual relationship between actors enacted for various purposes. This paper explores how academics enact media logic(s) in climate communication and for what purpose. By drawing (...)
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  24. The open future: bivalence, determinism and ontology.Elizabeth Barnes & Ross Cameron - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 146 (2):291-309.
    In this paper we aim to disentangle the thesis that the future is open from theses that often get associated or even conflated with it. In particular, we argue that the open future thesis is compatible with both the unrestricted principle of bivalence and determinism with respect to the laws of nature. We also argue that whether or not the future (and indeed the past) is open has no consequences as to the existence of (past and) future ontology.
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    Elementary Logic.Brian Garrett - 2012 - Bristol, CT: Routledge.
    Elementary Logic explains what logic is, how it is done, and why it can be exciting. The book covers the central part of logic that all students have to learn: propositional logic. It aims to provide a crystal-clear introduction to what is often regarded as the most technically difficult area in philosophy. The book opens with an explanation of what logic is and how it is constructed. Subsequent chapters take the reader step-by-step through all aspects of elementary logic. Throughout, ideas (...)
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    New Trends and Open Problems in Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning.Didier Dubois & Henri Prade - 1996 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (3):109-121.
    This short paper about fuzzy set-based approximate reasoning first emphasizes the three main semantics for fuzzy sets: similarity, preference and uncertainty. The difference between truth-functional many-valued logics of vague or gradual propositions and non fully compositional calculi such as possibilistic logic or similarity logics is stressed. Then, potentials of fuzzy set-based reasoning methods are briefly outlined for various kinds of approximate reasoning: deductive reasoning about flexible constraints, reasoning under uncertainty and inconsistency, hypothetical reasoning, exception-tolerant plausible reasoning using generic knowledge, interpolative (...)
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    The Logic of Perfection and other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics. By Charles Hartshorne. La Salle, Illinois, The Open Court Publishing Co. 1962. Pp. xvi, 335. $6.00, Paper, $2.45. [REVIEW]Alastair McKinnon - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (2):229-231.
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    Open problems in epistemology =.Jaakko Hintikka (ed.) - 2013 - Helsinki: The Philosophical Society of Finland.
    ... to discuss the state of epistemology, inspired by new perspectives and possibilities opened by Hintikka's recent papers on the study of epistemic logic, information, rationality, and inquiry as questioning."--Page 4 of cover.
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    The Concept of Radical Openness and the New Logic of the Public.Michael A. Peters - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (3):239-242.
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    Schumm G. F.. On some open questions of B. Sobociński. Notre Dame Journal of format logic, vol. 10 no. 3 , pp. 261–262.R. A. Bull - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):329-329.
  31.  33
    Stephen Houlgate, The Opening of Hegel's Logic.Karin de Boer - 2007 - Hegel-Studien 42:141-144.
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    On the intermediate logic of open subsets of metric spaces.Timofei Shatrov - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 305-313.
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  33. What is Logical Monism?Justin Clarke-Doane - forthcoming - In Christopher Peacocke & Paul Boghossian, New Essays on Normative Realism.
    Logical monism is the view that there is ‘One True Logic’. This is the default position, against which pluralists react. If there were not ‘One True Logic’, it is hard to see how there could be one true theory of anything. A theory is closed under a logic! But what is logical monism? In this article, I consider semantic, logical, modal, scientific, and metaphysical proposals. I argue that, on no ‘factualist’ analysis (according to which ‘there is One (...)
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  34. The open: man and animal.Giorgio Agamben - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    The end of human history is an event that has been foreseen or announced by both messianics and dialecticians. But who is the protagonist of that history that is coming—or has come—to a close? What is man? How did he come on the scene? And how has he maintained his privileged place as the master of, or first among, the animals? In The Open, contemporary Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben considers the ways in which the “human” has been thought of as (...)
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    From social scientific functionalism to open functional logic.Uwe Becker - 1988 - Theory and Society 17 (6):865-883.
  36. Logical information and epistemic space.Mark Jago - 2009 - Synthese 167 (2):327 - 341.
    Gaining information can be modelled as a narrowing of epistemic space . Intuitively, becoming informed that such-and-such is the case rules out certain scenarios or would-be possibilities. Chalmers’s account of epistemic space treats it as a space of a priori possibility and so has trouble in dealing with the information which we intuitively feel can be gained from logical inference. I propose a more inclusive notion of epistemic space, based on Priest’s notion of open worlds yet which contains only (...)
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  37. The Open Future Square of Opposition: A Defense.Elijah Hess - 2017 - Sophia 56 (4):573-587.
    This essay explores the validity of Gregory Boyd’s open theistic account of the nature of the future. In particular, it is an investigation into whether Boyd’s logical square of opposition for future contingents provides a model of reality for free will theists that can preserve both bivalence and a classical conception of omniscience. In what follows, I argue that it can.
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  38. From Enclosure to Foreclosure and Beyond: Opening AI’s Totalizing Logic.Katia Schwerzmann - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    This paper reframes the issue of appropriation, extraction, and dispossession through AI—an assemblage of machine learning models trained on big data—in terms of enclosure and foreclosure. While enclosures are the product of a well-studied set of operations pertaining to both the constitution of the sovereign State and the primitive accumulation of capital, here, I want to recover an older form of the enclosure operation to then contrast it with foreclosure to better understand the effects of current algorithmic rationality. I argue (...)
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  39. From Enclosure to Foreclosure and Beyond: Opening AI’s Totalizing Logic.Katia Schwerzmann - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    This paper reframes the issue of appropriation, extraction, and dispossession through AI—an assemblage of machine learning models trained on big data—in terms of enclosure and foreclosure. While enclosures are the product of a well-studied set of operations pertaining to both the constitution of the sovereign State and the primitive accumulation of capital, here, I want to recover an older form of the enclosure operation to then contrast it with foreclosure to better understand the effects of current algorithmic rationality. I argue (...)
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    Matrix logic.August Stern - 1988 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier.
    In this pioneering work, the author develops a fundamental formulation of logic in terms of theory of matrices and vector spaces. The discovery of matrix logic represents a landmark in the further formalization of logic. For the first time the power of direct mathematical computation is applied to the whole set of logic operations, allowing the derivation of both the classical and modal logics from the same formal base. The new formalism allows the author to enlarge the alphabet of the (...)
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    Information and logical discrimination.Patrick Allo - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper, How the World Computes. pp. 17--28.
    Informational conceptions of logic are barely novel. We find them in the work of John Corcoran, in several papers on substructural and constructive logics by Heinrich Wansing, and in the interpretation of the Routley-Meyer semantics for relevant logics in terms of Barwises and Perrys theory of situations. Allo & Mares [2] present an informational account of logical consequence that is based on the content-nonexpantion platitude, but that also relies on a double inversion of the standard direction of explanation (in- (...)
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    The Logic of Incarnation: James K. A. Smith’s Critique of Postmodern Religion.Neal DeRoo & Brian Lightbody (eds.) - 2008 - Wipf & Stock.
    With his Logic of Incarnation, James K. A. Smith has provided a compelling critique of the universalizing tendencies in some strands of postmodern philosophy of religion. A truly postmodern account of religion must take seriously the preference for particularity first evidenced in the Christian account of the incarnation of God. Moving beyond the urge to universalize, which characterizes modern thought, Smith argues that it is only by taking seriously particular differences--historical, religious, and doctrinal--that we can be authentically religious and authentically (...)
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  43. Substructural logics, pluralism and collapse.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 20):4991-5007.
    When discussing Logical Pluralism several critics argue that such an open-minded position is untenable. The key to this conclusion is that, given a number of widely accepted assumptions, the pluralist view collapses into Logical Monism. In this paper we show that the arguments usually employed to arrive at this conclusion do not work. The main reason for this is the existence of certain substructural logics which have the same set of valid inferences as Classical Logic—although they are, in (...)
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  44. Open texture, rigor, and proof.Benjamin Zayton - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-20.
    Open texture is a kind of semantic indeterminacy first systematically studied by Waismann. In this paper, extant definitions of open texture will be compared and contrasted, with a view towards the consequences of open-textured concepts in mathematics. It has been suggested that these would threaten the traditional virtues of proof, primarily the certainty bestowed by proof-possession, and this suggestion will be critically investigated using recent work on informal proof. It will be argued that informal proofs have virtues that mitigate the (...)
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    Open core and small groups in dense pairs of topological structures.Elías Baro & Amador Martin-Pizarro - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (1):102858.
    Dense pairs of geometric topological fields have tame open core, that is, every definable open subset in the pair is already definable in the reduct. We fix a minor gap in the published version of van den Dries's seminal work on dense pairs of o-minimal groups, and show that every definable unary function in a dense pair of geometric topological fields agrees with a definable function in the reduct, off a small definable subset, that is, a definable set internal to (...)
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  46.  68
    Reviewed Work(s): Lowness properties and randomness. Advances in Mathematics, vol. 197 by André Nies; Lowness for the class of Schnorr random reals. SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 35 by Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen; André Nies; Frank Stephan; Lowness for Kurtz randomness. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 74 by Noam Greenberg; Joseph S. Miller; Randomness and lowness notions via open covers. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 163 by Laurent Bienvenu; Joseph S. Miller; Relativizations of randomness and genericity notions. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 43 by Johanna N. Y. Franklin; Frank Stephan; Liang Yu; Randomness notions and partial relativization. Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol. 191 by George Barmpalias; Joseph S. Miller; André Nies. [REVIEW]Johanna N. Y. Franklin - forthcoming - Association for Symbolic Logic: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
    Review by: Johanna N. Y. Franklin The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 115-118, March 2013.
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  47. Relevant Logic: A Philosophical Interpretation.Edwin Mares - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book introduces the reader to relevant logic and provides the subject with a philosophical interpretation. The defining feature of relevant logic is that it forces the premises of an argument to be really used in deriving its conclusion. The logic is placed in the context of possible world semantics and situation semantics, which are then applied to provide an understanding of the various logical particles and natural language conditionals. The book ends by examining various applications of relevant logic (...)
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  48. The Logicality of Language: A new take on Triviality, “Ungrammaticality”, and Logical Form.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2017 - Noûs 53 (4):785-818.
    Recent work in formal semantics suggests that the language system includes not only a structure building device, as standardly assumed, but also a natural deductive system which can determine when expressions have trivial truth-conditions (e.g., are logically true/false) and mark them as unacceptable. This hypothesis, called the `logicality of language', accounts for many acceptability patterns, including systematic restrictions on the distribution of quantifiers. To deal with apparent counter-examples consisting of acceptable tautologies and contradictions, the logicality of language is often paired (...)
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    Stephen Houlgate, The Opening of Hegel's Logic: From Being to Infinity , pp. xix + 456. ISBN 1-55753-257-5 , 1-55753-256-7. [REVIEW]Thom Brooks - 2007 - Hegel Bulletin 28 (1-2):195-197.
    Book review. Stephen Houlgate on Hegel's logic.
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    Open Texture and Schematicity as Arguments for Non-referential Semantics.Christopher Gauker - 2017 - In Sarah-Jane Conrad & Klaus Petrus, Meaning, Context, and Methodology. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 13-30.
    Many of the terms of our language, such as “jar”, are open-textured in the sense that their applicability to novel objects is not entirely determined by their past usage. Many others, such as the verbs “use” and “have”, are schematic in the sense that they have only a very general meaning although on any particular occasion of use they denote some more particular relation. The phenomena of open texture and schematicity constitute a sharp challenge to referential semantics, which assumes that (...)
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