Results for 'Luciana Cocito'

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  1. La Queste del Saint Graal.Luciana Cocito - 1950 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 5:335-62.
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    Pas une fois pour toutes. Pensée et création: Gilles Deleuze et le non-commencement de la philosophie.Sara Cocito - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 25.
    The paper traces some of Gilles Deleuze’s reflections on the subject of thought and philosophical activity, focusing especially on the third chapter of one of his main works, Difference and repetition (1968). Following the general structure of the chapter, the paper first analyses the concept of “Image of thought”, which describes the tendency of thought itself to represent its own functioning, and the risks that the Image imply, since it chains the activity of thought to old sedentary habits and its (...)
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    Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics, and Space.Luciana Parisi - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In Contagious Architecture, Luciana Parisi offers a philosophicalinquiry into the status of the algorithm in architectural and interaction design.
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    Critical Computation: Digital Automata and General Artificial Thinking.Luciana Parisi - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (2):89-121.
    As machines have become increasingly smart and have entangled human thinking with artificial intelligences, it seems no longer possible to distinguish among levels of decision-making that occur in the newly formed space between critical reasoning, logical inference and sheer calculation. Since the 1980s, computational systems of information processing have evolved to include not only deductive methods of decision, whereby results are already implicated in their premises, but have crucially shifted towards an adaptive practice of learning from data, an inductive method (...)
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    The Physician-Assisted Suicide Pathway in Italy: Ethical Assessment and Safeguard Approaches.Luciana Riva - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):185-192.
    Although in Italy there is currently no effective law on physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia, Decision No. 242 issued by the Italian Constitutional Court on September 25, 2019 established that an individual who, under specific circumstances, has facilitated the implementation of an independent and freely-formed resolve to commit suicide by another individual is exempt from criminal liability. Following this ruling, some citizens have submitted requests for assisted suicide to the public health system, generating a situation of great uncertainty in the application (...)
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    La doctrina kantiana de la definición en las lecciones de lógica (1770-1782).Luciana Martínez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):683-704.
    En este artículo se analiza la doctrina kantiana de la definición. Se estudia el desarrollo de esa doctrina en las lecciones de lógica del período precrítico, a partir de su comparación con la teoría de las definiciones de Meier. Se sostiene que Kant organiza su estudio a partir de los aspectos escogidos por Meier, pero es crítico de sus tesis.
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    Interactive Computation and Artificial Epistemologies.Luciana Parisi - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (7-8):33-53.
    What is algorithmic thought? It is not possible to address this question without first reflecting on how the Universal Turing Machine transformed symbolic logic and brought to a halt the universality of mathematical formalism and the biocentric speciation of thought. The article draws on Sylvia Wynter’s discussion of the sociogenic principle to argue that both neurocognitive and formal models of automated cognition constitute the epistemological explanations of the origin of the human and of human sapience. Wynter’s argument will be related (...)
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    Understanding social oocyte freezing in Italy: a scoping survey on university female students’ awareness and attitudes.Luciana Caenazzo, Gloria Spigarolo, Patrizia Nespeca, Antonio Fassina & Pamela Tozzo - 2019 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 15 (1):1-14.
    In Western countries, a social trend toward delaying childbearing has been observed in women of reproductive age for the last two decades. This delay is due to different factors related to lifestyle, such as the development of a professional career or the absence of the right partner. As a consequence, women who defer childbearing may find themselves affected by age-related infertility when they decide to conceive. Fertility preservation techniques are, therefore, proposed as a solution for these women. Among all possible (...)
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    Sense and sensibility: Testing an attention‐based view of organizational responses to social issues.Luciana Carvalho de Mesquita Ferreira - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):443-456.
    According to attention-based theories, to explain organizational attention is to explain organizational behavior. In our study, we test the model of situated attention and firm behavior by examining the effects of attention structures and allocation of attention on organizational outcomes. We hypothesize a positive relationship between attention structures and the allocation of organizational attention that, in turn, has an effect on financial performance. Using a unique data set composed of indicators of social responsibility published by 338 Brazilian organizations between 2001 (...)
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    Kant y el no conceptualismo.Luciana Martínez - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:351-362.
    En este artículo discuto la contribución de Matías Oroño, intitulada “El conceptualismo de Kant y los juicios de gusto”. Esta contribución, en lo esencial, es una crítica a la tesis según la cual es posible encontrar una fundamentación del no-conceptualismo kantiano en el tratamiento de los juicios de gusto. Esta tesis es defendida por Dietmar Heidemann en un artículo que Oroño refuta. En el presente artículo se sostiene que la interpretación de Oroño es acertada, con algunos reparos. Sin embargo, me (...)
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    Event and evolution.Luciana Parisi - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 48 (s1):147-164.
    Why have theories of evolution become now a matter of concern for critically rethinking sex and sexual difference? Why after years of deconstructing the ontologies of sex rooted in biological discourses and metaphysics of identity has critical thought turned to biology, physics, and mathematics? One way to tackle this new turn toward scientific thought may be derived from the reaction against an overused method of textual critique, which has come short of engaging with the reality of matter. If sexuality and (...)
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  12. Recursive Philosophy and Negative Machines.Luciana Parisi - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (2):313-333.
    What has philosophy become after computation? Critical positions about what counts as intelligence, reason, and thinking have addressed this question by reenvisioning and pushing debates about the modern question of technology towards new radical visions. Artificial intelligence, it is argued, is replacing transcendental metaphysics with aggregates of data resulting in predictive modes of decision-making, replacing conceptual reflection with probabilities. This article discusses two main positions. While on the one hand, it is feared that philosophy has been replaced by cybernetic metaphysics, (...)
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    Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Bio-Technology and the Mutations of Desire.Luciana Parisi - 2004 - Continuum.
    Astract Sex investigates the impact of advances in contemporary science and information technology on conceptions of sex. Evolutionary theory and the technologies of viral information transfer, cloning and genetic engineering are changing the way we think about human sex, reproduction and the communication of genetic information. Abstract Sex presents a philosophical exploration of this new world of sexual, informatic and capitalist multiplicity, of the accelerated mutation of nature and culture.
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  14. Rapid Naming in Brazilian Students with Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Luciana Mendonça Alves, Cláudia M. Siqueira, Maria do Carmo Mangelli Ferreira, Juliana Flores Mendonça Alves, Débora F. Lodi, Lorena Bicalho & Letícia C. Celeste - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  15. Technoecologies of sensation.Luciana Parisi - 2009 - In Bernd Herzogenrath, Deleuze/Guattari & ecology. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Figuras de la crítica en Walter Benjamin: Del romanticismo alemán a Charles bauDelaire.Luciana Espinosa - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:47-58.
    Resumen: En el presente artículo buscaremos analizar los diversos tratamientos que Walter Benjamin ha realizado a lo largo de su obra acerca de la crítica como temática eminentemente filosófica. Para ello abordaremos, en primer lugar, su acercamiento a la poesía del Romanticismo alemán, luego a la poesía barroca y, finalmente, a la obra de Baudelaire con el objetivo de justificar que una comprensión acabada de la crítica implica necesariamente para el filósofo alemán recuperar la actualización como clave de lectura de (...)
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    Ethics of triage for intensive-care interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: Age or disability related cut-off policies are not justifiable.Luciana Riva & Carlo Petrini - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):228-233.
    Public health emergencies such as pandemics can put health systems in a position where they need to ration medical equipment and interventions because the resources available are not sufficient to meet demand. In public health management, the fair allocation of resources is a permanent and cross-sector issue since resources, and especially economic resources, are not infinite. During the COVID-19 pandemic resources need to be allocated under conditions of extreme urgency and uncertainty. One very problematic aspect has concerned intensive care medicine (...)
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    Digital Design and Topological Control.Luciana Parisi - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):165-192.
    At the turn of the 21st century, topology, the mathematical study of spatial properties that remain the same under the continuous deformation of objects, has come to invest all fields of aesthetics and culture. In particular, the algebraic topology of continuity has added to the digital realm of binary information, the on and off states of 0s and 1s, an invariant property (e.g. a continuous function), which now governs the relation between different forms of data. As this invariant function of (...)
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    As teorias da matéria de Francis Bacon e Robert Boyle: forma, textura e atividade.Luciana Zaterka - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (4):681-709.
  20.  22
    El desarrollo del genio artístico.Luciana Martínez - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):176-190.
    El objetivo general de este artículo es examinar la evolución de la doctrina del genio en los apuntes de clase durante la década silenciosa. En particular, se revisa la tesis según la cual en las lecciones de antropología Menschenkunde, que son los apuntes disponibles correspondientes al semestre de invierno de 1781-1782, Kant presenta por primera vez una concepción del genio que se limita al ámbito estético. Hasta entonces, el filósofo había admitido, de acuerdo con los documentos actualmente accesibles, un concepto (...)
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    5. The Adventures of a Sex.Luciana Parisi - 2009 - In Chrysanthi Nigianni & Merl Storr, Deleuze and Queer Theory. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 72-91.
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    Xeno-patterning.Luciana Parisi - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (1):81-97.
    If the image of the future has already been colonized by the inevitability of a planetary automation or by the Singularity, is it at all possible to re-introduce alienness in machine thinking beyond a master pattern that knows it all? As contemporary forms of artificial intelligence such as neural nets experiment with predictive learning generating counter-factual models for what has not yet been thought, they have also become productive of machine percepts and concepts. These are not of an optical nature, (...)
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    Some problems that characterize contemporary practices of production of legal knowledge.Luciana Alvarez - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 60:268-278.
    Resumen: El artículo pretende dar cuenta de algunos de los problemas que caracterizan las prácticas contemporáneas de producción y validación de conocimiento científico en el ámbito de la ciencia jurídica. En general, y a diferencia de lo que sucede en otras áreas disciplinares de las ciencias sociales, entre el derecho y la ciencia jurídica se da una configuración singular según la cual los límites entre conocimiento producido y objeto de conocimiento aparecen ciertamente inestables. Esta singular configuración de la ciencia jurídica (...)
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    What Can Biotechnology Do?Luciana Parisi - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (4):155-163.
    This essay is an occasion to discuss the critical trajectories of a now common field of enquiry concerned with the impact of biomediatic technologies on politics and culture. Thacker's book The Global Genome importantly sits between debates about biopower as the governance of life and biopolitics as the transformation of what life can be. In particular, the book advances the hypothesis that as information produces `life itself', so it has become central to a political economy of excess and surplus value. (...)
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    Desigualdades pós-coloniais no processo de desdemocratização global.Luciana Ballestrin - forthcoming - Dissertatio:95-121.
    Pelo menos de 2016, o diagnóstico da crise das democracias liberais tem sido difundido no debate acadêmico e público, principalmente após a vitória de Donald Trump nas eleições presidenciais do Estados Unidos e o referendo pela saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia. A característica apontada pela literatura especializada como distintiva da crise atual em relação a outros momentos históricos do século XX, diz respeito ao meio através do qual as democracias retrocedem, isto é, um meio aparentemente democrático – institucional, (...)
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    Hospitalized hunger-striking prisoners: the role of ethics consultations.Luciana Caenazzo, Pamela Tozzo & Daniele Rodriguez - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):623-628.
    We refer to hospitalized convicted hunger strikers in Padua Hospital who decided to fast for specific reasons, often demanding, to be heard by the judge, to complain about the existing custodial situation or to claim unjust treatment. The medical ethics of hunger strikers are debated because the use of force feeding by physicians is widely condemned as unethical, but courts, in Italy, sometimes order to transfer the convicted person to hospital and oblige healthcare practitioners to perform forcible feeding. This can (...)
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    A educação como formação ou "cultivo de si" em Friedrich Nietzsche.Luciana da Costa Dias - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (3):275.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir a relação entre cultura e educação em Friedrich Nietzsche, filósofo conhecido pelo caráter intempestivo de seus escritos e profundo crítico de sua época. Sua abordagem da questão da educação é, na verdade, um profundo questionamento da própria função e do propósito da prática educativa, a qual ele diagnosticou como estando, já em sua época, cada vez mais submissa e atrelada aos interesses de uma economia de mercado, mero adestramento e preparação para o mercado (...)
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    La raison instrumentale, le capitalisme algorithmique et l’incomputable.Luciana Parisi & Yves Citton - 2016 - Multitudes 62 (1):98.
    La cognition algorithmique joue un rôle central dans le capitalisme contemporain. Depuis la rationalisation du travail industriel et des relations sociales jusqu’à la finance, les algorithmes fondent un nouveau mode de pensée et de contrôle. Dans cette phase du tout-machinique dans l’évolution du capitalisme numérique, il ne suffit plus de se mettre du côté de la théorie critique pour accuser la computation de réduire la pensée humaine à des opérations mécaniques. Comme le théoricien de l’information Gregory Chaitin l’a démontré ; (...)
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    Educação pela Experiência.Luciana Leal da Silva Barbosa & Marcus Vinicius Maltempi - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:783-792.
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir a filosofia da experiência de John Dewey, enfatizando suas concepções sobre experiência, experiência educativa e propósito. Além disso, apresentar e discutir como os projetos de programação desenvolvidos por crianças no Scratch podem ser entendidos como um propósito no contexto de sua filosofia, o que nos levou a relacionar o conceito de propósito construído por Dewey à ideia de projeto pessoal desenvolvida por Papert, no âmbito do construcionismo. Tal relação se torna importante para (...)
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  30. Promoting Self-Regulation in Health Among Vulnerable Brazilian Children: Protocol Study.Luciana B. Mattos, Marina B. Mattos, Ana P. O. Barbosa, Mariana da Silva Bauer, Maina H. Strack, Pedro Rosário, Caroline T. Reppold & Cleidilene R. Magalhães - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La patagonia como versión de Una distancia.Luciana Andrea Mellado - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 41:65-71.
    Este trabajo reflexiona críticamente sobre la construcción discursiva de la Patagonia como una distancia intersubjetiva, relativa, polisémica e histórica. En el análisis se distinguen las ideas de la región como territorio, unidad geocultural, geografía imaginaria, domicilio existencial y lugar de enunciación, y se señalan algunas de sus superposiciones y contradicciones conceptuales más frecuentes. Se problematizan las perspectivas esencialistas y folklorizantes de la región y su literatura, así como la inscripción de la Patagonia en las cartografías culturales nacionales y nacionalistas. This (...)
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    Limits of Teleology in Theophrastus' Metaphysics?Luciana Repici - 1990 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 72 (2):182-213.
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    Revisitando a Síndrome de Down e sua história.Luciana Borowski Pietricoski & Lourdes Aparecida Della Justina - 2023 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 18 (2):177-194.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um panorama do percurso que levou ao esclarecimento da Síndrome de Down, principalmente a partir da segunda metade do século XX, no que diz respeito à sua caracterização e etiologia enquanto uma condição genética. Para isso, nos baseamos em fontes primárias e em fontes secundárias, levando também em conta os aspectos sociais envolvidos. Esta pesquisa mostra como o conhecimento sobre a Síndrome de Down foi sendo construído e seu impacto no tratamento pela sociedade, levando-a (...)
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    Hiroshima’s Bag Lady: Increasing the Parameters of the Real.Luciana Nunes Nacif - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1):117-123.
    What is considered ugly, grotesque or unpleasant by the fashion world? The first collection presented by Rei Kawakubo in Paris was classified as offensive to Western aesthetic standards, for it questioned the French ideal of beauty and elegance. Through silhouettes covered in frayed, perforated and monochromatic fabrics, Kawakubo disrupted the established notion of the beautiful body, stripping it of the clichés of femininity, explicit sexuality and glamour. Under the lens of Vilém Flusser’s philosophy, the Japanese fashion designer created the new, (...)
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    Kristen Ghodsee, Second World, Second Sex: socialist women’s activism and global solidarity during the Cold War.Luciana-Marioara Jinga - 2023 - Clio 57:329-332.
    Kristen Ghodsee continue avec cet ouvrage la récupération de l’héritage historique de l’activisme international des femmes du bloc de l’Est, thème qu’elle avait lancé en 2015 avec The Left Side of History: World War II and the Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe. Elle y ajoute un nouveau volet : l’expérience de l’Afrique postcoloniale et la lutte de ses militantes politiques pour les droits des femmes pendant la Décennie des Nations Unies pour la femme, 1975‑1985. K. Ghodsee co...
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    exposiciones conceptuales de Kant.Luciana Martínez - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0044.
    En este artículo se examina la noción kantiana de exposición, que se encuentra en la Crítica de la razón pura y en la Crítica del Juicio. Se sostiene que hay una coherencia en el uso del concepto en la presentación de la doctrina de espacio y el tiempo, la explicación de las razones por las que el método matemático no puede ser empleado en la filosofía, la investigación analítica de los juicios de gusto y la descripción de la índole de (...)
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    El Perón que volvió: memorias en disputa. Un análisis comparativo de las obras testimoniales de Jorge Alberto Taiana, Miguel Bonasso y Juan Manuel Abal Medina.Luciana Mingrone - 2023 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (26):e157.
    Este trabajo presenta un análisis de las obras testimoniales de Jorge Alberto Taiana, Miguel Bonasso y Juan Manuel Abal Medina. El objetivo es observar las diferentes operaciones memorísticas que los autores ponen en juego a la hora de reconstruir la figura y el rol de Juan Domingo Perón durante el proceso abierto con la apertura electoral de mayo de 1971 hasta la muerte del viejo líder tres años después.
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    William of Brienne: Not Just a Minor Figure.Luciana Cioca - 2021 - Quaestio 20:523-526.
    Quaestio, Volume 20, Issue, Page 523-526, January 2020.
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  39. Notes on Mead's presence in the work of Habermas.Luciana Aparecida de Araújo Penitente - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):205-220.
    Habermas pensa a questão da individuação e da socialização a partir dos estudos de George Hebert Mead, que, na sua concepção, foi o primeiro a refletir substancialmente sobre um modelo de eu produzido socialmente. Mead oferece todo subsídio teórico para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria da evolução humana que envolve o processo de individuação e de socialização. Pelo paradigma de intercompreensão, ou seja, da relação intersubjetiva de indivíduos que se socializam por meio da comunicação e se reconhecem mutuamente, Mead permite (...)
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    Some Remarks about the Difference between Überzeugung and Überredung.Luciana Martinez - 2022 - Kantian Journal 42 (2):95-110.
    According to several passages in the available sources, Kant developed some ideas about the difference between being persuaded and being convinced which have antecedents in the German tradition, but with regard to which he developed ideas of his own. It is my intention to examine precisely some of these passages. I will explain how the philosopher understood this difference, what its relevance is and why the figure of the other is necessary to determine it. For this purpose, texts published in (...)
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  41. Ceticismo e religião no início da modernidade. A ambivalência do ceticismo cristão.Luciana Maria Azevedo de Almeida - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (126):601-608.
    Montaigne, no "De l'art de conferer", discute critérios que permitem distinguir os homens segundo suas capacidades (suffisances). A "maneira" de discursar ocupa o centro desta questão e entre suas qualidades se destaca a "ordem", que nos é apresentada, sobretudo, a partir dos desvios da "tolice" (sottise) e "obstinação" (opiniastreté), símbolos do dogmatismo e de uma errônea lide com os saberes que se apoiam na memória. Procura-se mostrar que a ordem se funda na assimilação e penetração do julgamento nas matérias que (...)
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    Ernestina Godoy y Laura Ávalos (Eds.), Pensar la experiencia: ensayos desde la conciencia, el cuerpo y el arte.Luciana Samamé - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0043.
    En esta recensión, ofrezco un recorrido por los distintos ensayos que componen el libro "Pensar la experiencia: ensayos desde la conciencia, el cuerpo y el arte" en clave ética. Esta clave de lectura me permitirá afirmar en qué sentido la fenomenología es capaz de enriquecer la teoría ética normativa: 1) por un lado, enriqueciendo la noción de "experiencia moral"; 2) por el otro, complementando la perspectiva abstracta de aquélla a través de una fenomenología corporeizada.
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    Identidad(es) en Argonáuticas de Apolonio de Rodas: esbozos de un comportamiento argonáutico.Luciana Gallegos - 2024 - Argos 49:e0050.
    Los héroes que participan de la célebre convocatoria de Jasón para ir a la Cólquide en busca del vellocino de oro son precedidos por una reconocida identidad individual que coexiste, mientras dura la expedición, con la identificación colectiva argonáutica. La caracterización Minia que se despliega a lo largo de la epopeya propone mantener la concordia (ὁμόνοια) y solidaridad entre los compañeros y rechazar la ira (μῆνις) y la soberbia, inter alia. Sin embargo, Idas y Anceo, dos participantes de la empresa, (...)
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  44. La crítica de Heidegger a la noción de sujeto : un análisis a partir de la incidencia de us reflexión sobre la técnica y el lenguaje.Luciana Carrera Aizpitarte - 2014 - In Pedro Karczmarczyk, El sujeto en cuestión. Abordajes contemporáneos. [Argentina]: Edulp.
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  45. La hermenéutica como filosofía de la finitud en torno a la relativización de los ideales de objetividad y certeza: críticas y respuestas.Luciana Carrera Aizpitarte - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 25 (2):3-39.
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    Biopolitics, Life, and Body… Considerations from Latin American Point of View.Luciana Alvarez - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (4).
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    Más allá del multiculturalismo: crítica de la universalidad abstracta.Luciana Alvarez - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (2):176-195.
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    Entre la parálisis y la acción: un punto de partida para pensar en la urgencia de continuar viviendo.Luciana Alvarez - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:77-90.
    One of the possibilities of critical thinking involves dealing with the problems we face and not only diagnosing and revealing them. However, this ability to devise creative and responsible solutions to urgent matters involves a singular starting point. If we wish to create space for questions where multiple, diverse and contingent compositions arise, at many levels – from sensitive, artistic and biological to political, legal and institutional – we need to set the outlines which enable such capacity. It seems necessary (...)
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    Linhas erráticas: Cartografias de um outro modo de existir na (vida e) escola.Luciana Pires Alves - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (31):575-594.
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    Teoría impura del derecho: La transformación de la cultura jurídica latinoamericana.Luciana Alvarez - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:161-163.
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