Results for 'Lucien Méroz'

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    Lucien Sève: Pour une critique de la raison bioéthique.Lucien Sève - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (4):481-482.
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    (1 other version)Lucien Goldmann.Lucien Goldmann - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:498-499.
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  3. Du Banal au Merveilleux Mélanges Offerts À Lucien Jerphagnon.Stanislas Breton & Lucien Jerphagnon - 1989 - E.N.S.
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    From Love to Care: Arendt’s Amor Mundi in the Ethical Turn.Lucien Ferguson - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (6):939-963.
    This article offers a novel account of a key concept in Hannah Arendt’s political thought: amor mundi. In political theory’s ethical turn, theorists have increasingly turned to amor mundi as a source of ethical guidance and inspiration for politics. However, in doing so, they have elided Arendt’s distinct understanding of care. This article recovers Arendt’s understanding of amor mundi as care for the world by reconstructing the central concerns of her dissertation, Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin, and tracing them to the (...)
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    Iconographie et philosophie.Lucien Braun - 1996 - Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg.
    t. 1. Essai de définition d'un champ de recherche.
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    The Fragility of Philosophy of Medicine: Essentialism, Wittgenstein and Family Resemblances.Lucien Karhausen - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book about philosophy of medicine bestows a bottom-up and not a top-down approach. It starts from clinical medicine and epidemiology, analyzing their interrelations with philosophical instruments. The book criticizes the constant search for generalities and the essentialism that too often characterizes this discipline, which results in philosophers of medicine dialoguing with each other without direct contact with medical science. In the light of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy, this book proposes an approach to the philosophy of medicine based on the quorum (...)
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    The polarity effect of evaluative language.Lucien Baumgartner, Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recent research on thick terms like “rude” and “friendly” has revealed a polarity effect, according to which the evaluative content of positive thick terms like “friendly” and “courageous” can be more easily canceled than the evaluative content of negative terms like “rude” and “selfish”. In this paper, we study the polarity effect in greater detail. We first demonstrate that the polarity effect is insensitive to manipulations of embeddings (Study 1). Second, we show that the effect occurs not only for thick (...)
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  8. Technology in the Age of Innovation: Responsible Innovation as a New Subdomain Within the Philosophy of Technology.Lucien Schomberg & Vincent Blok - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):309–323.
    Praised as a panacea for resolving all societal issues, and self-evidently presupposed as technological innovation, the concept of innovation has become the emblem of our age. This is especially reflected in the context of the European Union, where it is considered to play a central role in both strengthening the economy and confronting the current environmental crisis. The pressing question is how technological innovation can be steered into the right direction. To this end, recent frameworks of Responsible Innovation (RI) focus (...)
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    What is the meaning of our perceptions? Locke, the mirror and the anamorphosis.Lucien Vinciguerra - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    La théorie lockienne de la perception a été lue tantôt comme une forme de représentationnalisme, tantôt comme relevant d'un réalisme direct n'impliquant pas d'entité intermédiaire entre l'esprit et les choses. Cet article entreprend de clarifier cette question à partir des analyses de l'Essai sur la distinction et la confusion des idées. Celles-ci interrogent à la fois la nature de l'idée comme image et le fait qu'elle n'est déterminée que lorsque l'esprit lui donne un nom. Pour faire comprendre ce dernier point, (...)
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    Early Twentieth-Century Xiedou.Lucien Bianco - 1999 - Chinese Studies in History 33 (2):42-87.
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    (1 other version)Between Sefer Yezirah and Wisdom Literature: Three Binitarian Approaches in Sefer Yezirah.Ronit Meroz - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (18):101-142.
    This paper presents three basic ideas which are interrelated with one another: 1) The assertion that a single subject unites all the discussions in Sefer Yezirah, from beginning to end: namely, the nature of Wisdom, upon which the world stands (or is suspended); 2) A stylistic-linguistic analysis leading to the division of Sefer Yezirah into three “accounts,” around which are crystallized the style and contents of the book as a whole. The Account of the “Sealing of the Ends” is the (...)
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    About Science in Modern Western Culture.Lucien Morten - 1987 - Dialectics and Humanism 14 (3):39-47.
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    Hermann Cohen dans la formation de la pensée d’Ernst Bloch.Lucien Pelletier - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (2):305-340.
    Although Hermann Cohens realistic philosophy, it was nonetheless instrumental in the forming of Blochs thought through the ontologizing reading made of it by Oswald Weidenbach. Bloch owes to Cohen the themes of the origin as question and problem, the future as primary dimension of time, and the Idea as hypothesis and practical aim of knowledge.
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    Libération et salut d'après Ernst Bloch (II).Lucien Pelletier - 1985 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 41 (3):417-431.
  15.  15
    Actuel Vygotski.Lucien Sève - 1987 - Actuel Marx 2:103.
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    Traduire Aufhebung chez Marx. Fausse querelle et vrais enjeux.Lucien Sève - 2018 - Actuel Marx 64 (2):112-127.
    Le concept d’ Aufhebung, repris par Marx de Hegel et réélaboré par lui, pose un problème notoire de traduction. Lucien Sève conteste le principe de sa traduction systématique par « abolition », pratique aujourd’hui constante, et plaide pour le recours en nombre de cas au mot « dépassement », position que Patrick Theuret dénonce dans un livre comme un révisionnisme sémantique et politique. Étudiant de près la question telle qu’elle se pose dans les Grundrisse, Lucien Sève montre que (...)
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  17. The meaning of ‘reasonable’: Evidence from a corpus-linguistic study.Lucien Baumgartner & Markus Kneer - 2025 - In Kevin Tobia (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of experimental jurisprudence. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The reasonable person standard is key to both Criminal Law and Torts. What does and does not count as reasonable behavior and decision-making is frequently deter- mined by lay jurors. Hence, laypeople’s understanding of the term must be considered, especially whether they use it predominately in an evaluative fashion. In this corpus study based on supervised machine learning models, we investigate whether laypeople use the expression ‘reasonable’ mainly as a descriptive, an evaluative, or merely a value-associated term. We find that (...)
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    The human sciences & philosophy.Lucien Goldmann - 1969 - London,: Cape.
  19.  9
    Valuing the Unique: The Economics of Singularities.Lucien Karpik - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    In this landmark work of economic sociology, Lucien Karpik introduces the theory and practical tools needed to analyze markets for singularities. Singularities are goods and services that cannot be studied by standard methods because they are multidimensional, incommensurable, and of uncertain quality. Examples include movies, novels, music, artwork, fine wine, lawyers, and doctors. Valuing the Unique provides a theoretical framework to explain this important class of products and markets that for so long have eluded neoclassical economics. With this innovative (...)
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    (1 other version)The Philosophy of the Enlightenment : The Christian Burgess and the Enlightenment.Lucien Goldmann - 1973 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Routledge.
    In this reissue, originally published in English in 1973, French philosopher Lucien Goldmann turns his attention to the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, the great age of liberalism and individualism and analyses the ‘mental structures’ of the outlook of the _philosophes, _who showed that the _ancien regime _and the privileges of the Church were irrational anachronisms. In assessing the strengths and limitations of individualism, Goldmann considers the achievements and limitations of the Enlightenment. He discusses the views of Hegel and (...)
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    La philosophie de la libération et de l'émancipation de Marcien Towa.Lucien Ayissi (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Éditions Dianoïa.
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    Combats pour l'histoire.Lucien Febvre - 1953 - Paris,: A. Colin.
  23.  41
    Lukács and Heidegger : Towards a New Philosophy.Lucien Goldmann - 1977 - Boston: Routledge.
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    Interdisciplinarité et communication.Lucien Sfez - 2001 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 111 (2):341.
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    Le langage et Les figures : Note sur la géométrie cartésienne.Lucien Vinciguerra - 1997 - Rue Descartes 17:135-158.
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    What happens when we read a mathematical text? Reactivation or delimitation?Lucien Vinciguerra - 2020 - Methodos 20.
    L’histoire des mathématiques présente une singularité qui a souvent été remarquée par les historiens : contrairement à la physique, cette histoire ne procède pas essentiellement par conjectures et réfutations, mais par une succession d’enchaînements intégrant le passé dans le présent en le réinterprétant. Cette opération implique un acte de lecture du passé par le présent. En partant des thèses de Husserl dans L’origine de la géométrie sur le rôle de l’écriture dans l’historicité des mathématiques, l’article analyse les conditions de possibilité (...)
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  27. Le Dieu caché.Lucien Goldmann - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (4):686-688.
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    A note on metastatistics or 'an essay toward stating a problem in the doctrine of chances'.Lucien Lecam - 1977 - Synthese 36 (1):133 - 160.
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    The Critique of Management: An Interview with Vincent Blok.Lucien von Schomberg - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (2):181-189.
    This article features a comprehensive interview with Vincent Blok, renowned author of “The Critique of Management: Towards a Philosophy and Ethics of Business Management”, published in 2022. The interview is structured around four core themes: (1) Philosophical Context, (2) Methodology, (3) Theory and Application, and (4) Future of Management. Firstly, we explore the contextual significance and urgency for a philosophical investigation on the essence of management. Secondly, we delve into Blok’s distinctive philosophical method. Thirdly, we examine the theoretical foundations and (...)
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    Théorie et histoire de la philosophie.Lucien Braun - 1979 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 10 (2):234-243.
    Die Philosophiegeschichte hat festen Bestand als philosophische Disziplin. Sie wird hier als eine "Nachlese" der authentischen Texte der Philosophen eingeführt. Der heutige wissenschaftstheoretische Reflexionsstand im allgemeinen legt auch eine Reflexion auf die Prinzipien dieses "zweiten Diskurses" nahe. Dazu sind Vorbedingung die effektive Kenntnis der "Geschichte der Philosophiegeschichte" selber wie auch der Prinzipien, die diese Historiographie steuern. Eine Reihe sich für eine solche "Philosophie der Philosophiegeschichte" stellender Fragen und Problem-Topoi wird genannt, deren Existenz die heute allgemein spürbare "Prinzipienkrise" der Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung ausmacht. (...)
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    The Interrelationship between the Growth of Autonomy and Thought.Lucien A. Buck - 1969 - Journal of Critical Analysis 1 (1):40-48.
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  32. Les géométries cayleyennes et les univers d'Einstein et de De Sitter.Lucien Godeaux - 1947 - Liège,: Sciences et lettres.
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    Dialektische Untersuchungen.Lucien Goldmann - 1966 - (Neuwied a.Rh. u. Berlin): Luchterhand.
  34.  8
    Liberté et valeur.Lucien Goldmann - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:183-185.
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  35. Conversion in the Bible: A dialogical process.Lucien Legrand - 2003 - Journal of Dharma 28 (1):23-32.
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  36. Socialism and Humanism.Lucien Goldmann & Edouard Roditi - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (46):82-102.
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    Values Education, Adult Ethics and Logic.Lucien Morin - 1983 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 39 (3):327-332.
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    World of the Buddha: A Reader from the Three Baskets to Modern Zen.Lucien Stryk - 1970 - Philosophy East and West 20 (1):98-98.
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    Peindre le cri, peindre la promesse.Lucien Vinciguerra - 1998 - Rue Descartes 20:113-127.
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    Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    Many American readers like to regard Alexis de Tocqueville as an honorary American and democrat--as the young French aristocrat who came to early America and, enthralled by what he saw, proceeded to write an American book explaining democratic America to itself. Yet, as Lucien Jaume argues in this acclaimed intellectual biography, Democracy in America is best understood as a French book, written primarily for the French, and overwhelmingly concerned with France. "America," Jaume says, "was merely a pretext for studying (...)
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    Formalism locality in quantum theory and quantum gravity.Lucien Hardy - 2010 - In Alisa Bokulich & Gregg Jaeger (eds.), Philosophy of quantum information and entanglement. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 44.
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    La liste des peuples locriens dans Thucydide, III, 101.Lucien Lerat - 1946 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 70 (1):329-336.
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    Immanuel Kant.Lucien Goldmann - 1971 - [London]: NLB.
  44. Liteary Correspondence: France.Lucien Arréat - 1894 - The Monist 5 (1):110-115.
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  45. (1 other version)Dix années de philosophie. Bibliothèque de Philosophie contemporaine.Lucien Arréat - 1901 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 51:409-409.
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    On the Abuses of the Notion of the Unconscious.Lucien Arréat - 1911 - The Monist 21 (2):267-277.
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    On the Notion of God and the Principle of Relativity.Lucien Arréat - 1906 - The Monist 16 (3):456-461.
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    Récents travaux sur l'hérédité.Lucien Arréat - 1890 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 29:399 - 419.
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    Progress and Perspectives of Open Theater.Lucien Attoun & Kristine Hafner-Burton - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):81.
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  50. La machine ou l'homme.Lucien Duplessy - 1947 - Paris,: Colombe.
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