Results for 'Luigi Valzelli'

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  1.  15
    Controlling a neuron bomb.Luigi Valzelli - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):345-346.
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    A review and analysis of new Italian law 219/2017: ‘provisions for informed consent and advance directives treatment’.Marco Di Paolo, Federica Gori, Luigi Papi & Emanuela Turillazzi - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):17.
    In December 2017, Law 219/2017, ‘Provisions for informed consent and advance directives’, was approved in Italy. The law is the culmination of a year-long process and the subject of heated debate throughout Italian society. Contentious issues are addressed in the law. What emerges clearly are concepts such as quality of life, autonomy, and the right to accept or refuse any medical treatment – concepts that should be part of an optimal relationship between the patient and healthcare professionals. The law maximizes (...)
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    La sfida del duemila: l'uomo può salvare il mondo dalla catastrofe?Pier Luigi Zampetti - 1988 - Milano: Rusconi.
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    Affect and Cognition in Managerial Decision Making: A Systematic Literature Review of Neuroscience Evidence.Matteo Cristofaro, Pier Luigi Giardino, Andrea P. Malizia & Antonio Mastrogiorgio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:762993.
    How do affect and cognition interact in managerial decision making? Over the last decades, scholars have investigated how managers make decisions. However, what remains largely unknown is the interplay of affective states and cognition during the decision-making process. We offer a systematization of the contributions produced on the role of affect and cognition in managerial decision making by considering the recent cross-fertilization of management studies with the neuroscience domain. We implement a Systematic Literature Review of 23 selected contributions dealing with (...)
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    Editorial: Reaching and Grasping the Multisensory Side of Dexterous Manipulation.Simone Toma, Luigi F. Cuturi, Marco Santello & Ivan Camponogara - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    La Filosofia contemporanea di fronte all' esperienza religiosa: atti del convegno di Reggio Emilia (25-29 maggio 1982).Fabio Bazzani, Luigi Rustichelli & Istituto Antonio Banfi - 1988
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  7. Unzeitgemässe Hermeneutik. Verstehen und Interpretation im Denken der Aufklärung.Axel Bühler & Luigi C. Madonna - 1996 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (1):127-128.
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    I doveri del medico e del malato.Leonardo Botallo, Luigi Firpo, Leonardo Carerj & Anita Bogetti Fassone - 1981 - Torino: Unione tipografico-editrice torinese. Edited by Leonardo Carerj, Anita Bogetti Fassone & Luigi Firpo.
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    Responsabilità di fronte al male.Gian Luigi Brena - 2005 - Idee 59:9-25.
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    Interpretazione e trasformazione.Guido Cusinato, Ferdinando Luigi Macrolungo & Alberto Romele (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    L'erede che ride: parodia ed etica della consumazione in Max Stirner.Mattia Luigi Pozzi - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    La Simpatia Nella Morale e nel Diritto: Aspetti del Pensiero di Adam Smith.D. Daiches Raphael & Luigi Bagolini - 1953 - Philosophical Quarterly 3 (13):366.
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    The Work of Roberto Busa SJ: Open Spaces between Computation and Hermeneutics.Giancarlo Bolognesi, Luigi Dadda, Adriano De Maio & Tullio Gregory - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:465-476.
    A review of the achievements of Fr. Busa over the course of his 60 years of work in the area of computational linguistics: internal hypertexts, the systematization of allographs, lemmatization, homographs and typologies; the lexical system; the laws of economy for graphemes, for semantic typology, for heterogeneity among terms, and of the two lexical hemispheres. Finally, the project of disciplined languages is mentioned, a response to the linguistic challenge resulting from informational globalization.
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    Modelling Scientific Un/certainty. Why Argumentation Strategies Trump Linguistic Markers Use.Sara Dellantonio & Luigi Pastore - 2006 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in investigating science communication. Some studies that address this issue attempt to develop a model to determine the level of confidence that an author or a scientific community has at a given time towards a theory or a group of theories. A well-established approach suggests that, in order to determine the level of certainty authors have with regard to the statements they make, one can identify specific lexical and morphosyntactical markers which indicate (...)
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  15. L'influsso dell'"Apocalisse" nella lettera cateriniana 31 Dupré Theseider.Luigi De Martino - 2009 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 30:109-124.
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    L'atto infinito in Giovanni Gentile: l'assenza dell'individuale nella filosofia del pensare.Luigi Di Franco - 2015 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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    The variable hierarchy for the games μ-calculus.Walid Belkhir & Luigi Santocanale - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (5):690-707.
    Parity games are combinatorial representations of closed Boolean μ-terms. By adding to them draw positions, they have been organized by Arnold and Santocanale [3] and [27] into a μ-calculus whose standard interpretation is over the class of all complete lattices. As done by Berwanger et al. [8] and [9] for the propositional modal μ-calculus, it is possible to classify parity games into levels of a hierarchy according to the number of fixed-point variables. We ask whether this hierarchy collapses w.r.t. the (...)
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  18. Ordo: atti del II Colloquio internazionale: Roma, 7-9 gennaio 1977.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Marta Fattori (eds.) - 1979 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri.
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    L'oggettività in filosofia e nella scienza.Gian Luigi Brena (ed.) - 2002 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    Opere di Luigi Scaravelli.Luigi Scaravelli & Mario Corsi - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia. Edited by Mario Corsi.
    1. Critica de capire e altri scritti. 2. Scritti kantiani. 3. L'analitica trascendentale. 4. Il problema della scienza e il giudizio storico.
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    Luigi Giussani, the Church, and Youth in the 1950's.Luigi Giussani - 2007 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10 (4):131-150.
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  22. Luigi Knapp e la sua filosofia del diritto.Luigi Secco - 1936 - Padova,: R. Zannoni.
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  23.  12
    Directions of objectivity. Cassirer on art as a symbolic language.Luigi Filieri - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):361-380.
    In this paper I argue that 1) art is, for Cassirer, a symbolic language whereby images (or poetic expressions) work analogously to verbal signs in order to frame and codify meaningful objective contents, namely symbolic formations that constitute objects in a specific region of culture. I claim that 2a) both art and language rely on what I call symbolic-poietic mimesis: a function meant to 2b) combine imitative and constructive states in order to shape a proto-meaningful core according to its symbolic (...)
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  24.  20
    The Risk of Education: Discovering Our Ultimate Destiny.Luigi Giussani - 2019 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Luigi Giussani, a high school religion teacher throughout the 1950s and 1960s, grounded his teachings in the vast body of experience to be found in Christianity's two-thousand-year history. He told his students, “I'm not here to make you adopt the ideas I will give you as your own, but to teach you a method for judging the things I will say.” Throughout his life, education was one of Giussani's primary intellectual interests. He believed that effective education required an adequate (...)
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  25.  12
    Botero e la 'Ragion di Stato': atti del convegno in memoria di Luigi Firpo (Torino 8-10 marzo 1990).Luigi Firpo & Artemio Enzo Baldini (eds.) - 1992 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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  26.  12
    Doubt, Ethics and Religion: Wittgenstein and the Counter-Enlightenment.Luigi Perissinotto & Vicente Sanfélix (eds.) - 2010 - Ontos Verlag.
    This book explores Wittgenstein's conception of ethics, religion and philosophy. It aims at providing us with the tools necessary for assessing to what extent the Austrian philosopher can be considered an anti-Enlightenment thinker. The articles collected in this volume explore the relationship between Wittgenstein's thought and that of several authors who were, in various ways, key to the counter-enlightenement, authors such as Hume, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Tolstoy, James and Pierce. One of the central issues examined here is Wittgenstein's opposition to the (...)
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  27. Esperienza estetica a partire da John Dewey.Luigi Russo (ed.) - 2007 - Palermo: Centro internazionale studi di estetica.
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  28. On the role of simplicity in science.Luigi Scorzato - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2867-2895.
    Simple assumptions represent a decisive reason to prefer one theory to another in everyday scientific praxis. But this praxis has little philosophical justification, since there exist many notions of simplicity, and those that can be defined precisely strongly depend on the language in which the theory is formulated. The language dependence is a natural feature—to some extent—but it is also believed to be a fatal problem, because, according to a common general argument, the simplicity of a theory is always trivial (...)
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    Sympathy and moral sense: 1725–1740.Luigi Turco - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):79 – 101.
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    Vita come scopo, scopo della vita: riflessioni sui §§ 79-84 della Critica del Giudizio.Luigi Imperato - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:309-331.
    Nel mio articolo propongo una lettura dei §§ 79-84 della Critica del Giudizio, parte della sezione Metodologia del Giudizio teleologico. Dapprima mi interrogo sul significato di una Methodenlehre del Giudizio teleologico, che rintraccio in un’attività metariflessiva del Giudizio; procedo poi ad una lettura analitica del testo nelle sue varie articolazioni, nella quale passo in rassegna le questioni attinenti alla specificità dello statuto epistemologico della teleologia, alla possibile convivenza tra finalismo e meccanicismo nella scienza della natura, all’origine della vita, allo scopo (...)
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  31.  31
    Principia iuris: teoria del diritto e della democrazia.Luigi Ferrajoli - 2007 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
    1. Teoria del diritto -- 2. Teoria della democrazia -- 3. La sintassi del diritto.
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  32.  24
    lógica en el derecho. Una respuesta a Riccardo Guastini.Luigi Ferrajoli & César E. Moreno Monroe - 2019 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 50:134-150.
    Este ensayo, motivado por una crítica de Riccardo Guastini, ilustra el papel de la lógica en el derecho y precisamente: a) en la construcción de la teoría del derecho, b) en el razonamiento y en los discursos desarrollados por las disciplinas jurídicas positivas y c) en los razonamientos y en las operaciones de operadores jurídicos y en particular de los jueces.
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  33. Estetica.Luigi Pareyson - 1974 - Firenze,: Firenze, Sansoni.
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    Chemical substance, material, product, goods, waste: a changing ontology.Luigi Cerruti & Elena Ghibaudi - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (2):97-123.
    A chemical substance is instantiated in the material world by a number of quantities of such substance, placed in different locations. A change of location implies a change in the net of relationships entertained by the QCS with the region wherein it is found. This fact entails changes of the ontological status of the CS, as this is not fully determined by the inherent features of the CS and includes a relevant relational contribution. In order to demonstrate this thesis, we (...)
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    Emotions and decision making: Regulatory focus moderates the influence of anticipated emotions on action evaluations.Luigi Leone, Marco Perugini & Richard Bagozzi - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1175-1198.
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    Alla ricerca della sovranità: persona, Chiesa e Stato nel pensiero di Luigi Sturzo.Luigi Barbieri - 2011 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Luigi Sturzo.
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    La funzione della Distentio nella dottrina agostiniana del tempo.Luigi Alici - 1975 - Augustinianum 15 (3):325-345.
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  38. The One Possible Basis for the Proof of the Existence of th External World: Kant's Anti-Sceptical Argument in the 1781 Fourth Paralogism.Luigi Caranti - 2011 - Kant Studies Online 2011 (1).
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    Schutz-Wittgenstein: On the Problem of the Natural Attitude.Luigi Muzzetto - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:11-36.
    The first part of this paper aims to highlight the analogies between Schutz’s vision of the natural attitude and Wittgenstein’s vision of a phenomenon that concerns the same problematic field, i.e. certainty, the belief of common sense that is free of all doubt, that the world “out there” is as it appears, absolutely real. These certainties form the basis, the foundation of language games and therefore of knowledge in general and in its entirety. This foundation is unfounded and yet indispensable. (...)
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    On Luigi Pareyson's L'Estetica di Kant: A Review ArticleL'Estetica di Kant.Merle E. Brown & Luigi Pareyson - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (3):403.
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  41. Luigi Pirandello and Miguel de Unamuno:" Identity" and" creation of persona".Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):297-326.
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    Reflexive Modernization and Beyond.Luigi Pellizzoni - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (4):99-125.
    The relationship between knowledge and values, experts and lay people, represents a major issue of the debate involving environment and technology. There is a growing awareness that the connection between value commitments and technical solutions, scientific expertise and lay competence, is much more entangled than once was believed. The article deals with this issue by analysing Robert Dahl's `minipopulus' and Silvio Funtowicz and Jerry Ravetz's `extended peer communities' arguments. They are subsequently inserted into the sociological debate which is, at present, (...)
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  43. Struttura della vita trinitaria come amore in S. Bonaventura e nella teologia contemporanea.Luigi Iammarrone - 2001 - Miscellanea Francescana 101 (1-2):145-195.
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    Note su Galileo barocco.Luigi Ingaliso - 2009 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 22:147-156.
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    Wild Things: Stories, Transition, and the Sacred in Ecological Social Movements.Luigi Russi - 2016 - World Futures 72 (7):379-389.
    This article examines the role of stories in ecological activism. It first situates stories inside object ecologies, encompassing relationships of reliance, care, and maintenance of things. It suggests that ecologies of this sort work as an extended mind where our cognition takes place and meaning is apprehended, so that what we can think of is always a function of what we have “at hand.” The article then considers how these ecologies are impacted by discourses on climate change and peak oil, (...)
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    Uniform Interpolation for Monotone Modal Logic.Luigi Santocanales & Yde Venema - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 350-370.
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  47. Esistenza e Persona.Luigi Pareyson - 1951 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 7 (3):336-337.
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    Dialettica dell'immagine: studi sull'imaginismo di Luigi Stefanini.Luigi Alici (ed.) - 1991 - Genova: Marietti.
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    Online Validation of a Battery of Questionnaires for the Assessment of Family Functioning and Related Factors.Luigi Lavorgna, Marialaura Di Tella, Giuseppina Miele, Stefania Federica De Mercanti, Lidia Mislin Streito, Virginia Perutelli, Simona Bonavita, Lorys Castelli & Marinella Clerico - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Contributo per una riflessione sul concetto di Moderno e una sua eventuale stratificazione di senso.Luigi Lombardi - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (55).
    The article presents a critical survey of the concept of Modernity, in relation with the ones of Postmodernity and Contemporaneity, while inserting this triad inside a more complex temporal matrix. Confronting, in particular, Martin Heidegger, the essay employs the categories of Modernity and Post-modernity in a synchronic way and faces specific points, such as the role of tecnique/technology and the meaning of progress as fundamental attributes of Modernity which today is read, above all, in terms of crisis.
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