Results for 'Lukáš Sekanina'

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  1. Evolved Computing Devices and the Implementation Problem.Lukáš Sekanina - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (3):311-329.
    The evolutionary circuit design is an approach allowing engineers to realize computational devices. The evolved computational devices represent a distinctive class of devices that exhibits a specific combination of properties, not visible and studied in the scope of all computational devices up till now. Devices that belong to this class show the required behavior; however, in general, we do not understand how and why they perform the required computation. The reason is that the evolution can utilize, in addition to the (...)
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    Lukács György válogatott művei.György Lukács - 1968 - Budapest,: Gondolat Kiadó. Edited by Ferenc Fehér.
    1. Művészet és társadalom; válogatott esztétikai tanulmányok.--2. Világirodalom; válogatott világirodalom tanulmányok 2 v.
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  3. Gespräche mit Georg Lukács: Hans Heinz Holz, Leo Kofler, Wolfgang Abendroth.György Lukács - 1967 - [Reinbek bei Hamburg]: Rowohlt. Edited by Hans Heinz Holz & Theodor Pinkus.
    Vorrede, von T. Pinkus.--Sein und Bewusstsein, von G. Lukács und H.H.Holz.--Gesellschaft und Individuum, von G. Lukács und L. Kofler.--Grundlegendes zu einer wissenschaftlichen Politik, von G. Lukács und W. Abendroth.--Vorläufige Bilanz, von G. Lukács, W. Abendroth und H. H. Holz.--Bibliographie (p. 125-[128]).
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    Georg Lukács: selected correspondence, 1902-1920: dialogues with Weber, Simmel, Buber, Mannheim, and others.György Lukács - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Judith Marcus & Zoltán Tarr.
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    Conversations with Lukács.György Lukács - 1974 - London: Merlin Press. Edited by Hans Heinz Holz, Leo Kofler, Wolfgang Abendroth & Theodor Pinkus.
    Using the technique of prepared questions, Conversations with Lukacs is a brilliant gathering of thoughts and insights covering topics as ontology, the techniques of manipulative societies, the pitfalls of combating Stalinism with Stalinist methods, and the problems of intellectuals in advanced capitalist societies. Above all, there is the restatement of Lukacs unshaken conviction that the working class, with all the changes that have occurred in its way of life and composition, is still the historical carrier of social transformation. Lukacs's interlocutors (...)
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    Geschichtlichkeit und Aktualität: Beiträge zum Werk und Wirken von Georg Lukács.György Lukács, Manfred Buhr & József Lukács (eds.) - 1987 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    (1 other version)On ordering of the system of all subsets of a given set.Milan Sekanina - 1964 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 10 (18):283-301.
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    Lukács chi?: dicono di lui.Lelio La Porta & György Lukács (eds.) - 1949 - [Rome]: Bordeaux.
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    A Lukács-vita (1949-1951).György Lukács & János Ambrus (eds.) - 1985 - Budapest: Múzsák.
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  10. On Indirect Sense and Reference.Lukas Skiba - 2014 - Theoria 81 (1):48-81.
    According to Frege, expressions shift their reference when they occur in indirect contexts: in “Anna believes that Plato is wise” the expression “Plato” no longer refers to Plato but to what is ordinarily its sense. Many philosophers, including Carnap, Davidson, Burge, Parsons, Kripke and Künne, believe that on Frege's view the iteration of indirect context creating operators gives rise to an infinite hierarchy of senses. While the former two take this to be problematic, the latter four welcome the hierarchy with (...)
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    The State of the UBI Debate: Mapping the Arguments for and against UBI.Lukáš Siegel, Marius S. Ostrowski, Viktoriia Muliavka & Dominic Afscharian - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (2):213-237.
    This article provides a map of the UBI debate, structured into the main themes that guide and group the arguments on both sides. It finds that UBI’s supporters and opponents both draw on core principles of justice and freedom, focusing on need and poverty, discrimination and inequality, growth, social opportunity, individuality, and self-development. From an economic perspective, they both appeal to business concerns about efficiency, risk, flexibility, and consumption, as well as labour interests on work fulfilment, working conditions, remuneration, and (...)
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  12. Fictionalism and the incompleteness problem.Lukas Skiba - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4):1349-1362.
    Modal fictionalists face a problem that arises due to their possible-world story being incomplete in the sense that certain relevant claims are neither true nor false according to it. It has recently been suggested that this incompleteness problem generalises to other brands of fictionalism, such as fictionalism about composite or mathematical objects. In this paper, I argue that these fictionalist positions are particularly threatened by a generalised incompleteness problem since they cannot emulate the modal fictionalists’ most attractive response. I then (...)
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    Model české demokracie a demokratický řád.Lukáš Bernat - 2012 - E-Logos 19 (1):1-25.
    Stať se zabývá modelováním demokracie jakožto popisu politického systému; David Held je jedním z autorů, který nabízí obecné modely demokracie, jež náleží příslušným společnostem a jejich tradicím. Jelikož má Česká republika specifický demokratický systém, pokouší se tato stať za pomoci syntetizace Heldových modelů co nejvýstižněji popsat současnou českou demokracii. Model kombinuje znaky ústavnosti v jejich formální podobě a reálné politické chování. Následně se snaží nalézt pozici demokracie ve společenském řádu za pomoci Hayekova pohledu na tuto tematiku.
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    Philosophie nach Auschwitz: Jean Amérys Verteidigung des Subjekts.Lukas Brandl - 2018 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Immanente Kritik oder Metakritik der Moral? Zu Normativität als Gegenstand und Grundlage der Marxʼschen Gesellschaftskritik.Lukas Egger - 2018 - In Matthias Spekker, Anna-Sophie Schönfelder & Matthias Bohlender (eds.), »Kritik Im Handgemenge«: Die Marx'sche Gesellschaftskritik Als Politischer Einsatz. Transcript Verlag. pp. 221-244.
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    Lukács György élete képekben és dokumentumokban.Éva Fekete, Éva Karádi & György Lukács (eds.) - 1980 - Budapest: Corvina.
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  17. Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins.György Lukács - 1971 - [Neuwied]: Luchterhand.
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    Locating the Central Asiatic Expedition: Epistemic Imperialism in Vertebrate Paleontology.Lukas Rieppel & Yu-chi Chang - 2023 - Isis 114 (4):725-746.
    During the 1920s, researchers from the American Museum of Natural History led by Roy Chapman Andrews exported a large collection of valuable fossils from the Gobi Desert. While their expedition was celebrated across Europe and the United States, it aroused enormous controversy in China and Mongolia, especially after a new Nationalist government was formed in Nanjing during the late 1920s. Whereas Chinese scholars accused American scientists of plundering their natural heritage, Andrews argued that because dinosaurs went extinct long before the (...)
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  19. Philosophical reflexion on chaos theory.Lukas Zamecnik - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (5).
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  20. Towards Collective Self-knowledge.Lukas Schwengerer - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (3):1153-1173.
    We seem to ascribe mental states and agency to groups. We say ‘Google knows such-and-such,’ or ‘Amazon intends to do such-and-such.’ This observation of ordinary parlance also found its way into philosophical accounts of social groups and collective intentionality. However, these discussions are usually quiet about how groups self-ascribe their own beliefs and intentions. Apple might explain to its shareholders that it intends to bring a new iPhone to the market next year. But how does Apple know what it intends? (...)
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    On the Intellectual Vice of Epistemic Apathy.Lukas Schwengerer & Alkis Kotsonis - 2025 - Social Epistemology 39 (1):77-90.
    Our aim in this paper is to characterize epistemic apathy as an intellectual vice. The agent who possesses this character trait is led not to intervene to prevent another epistemic agent from forming a false belief when it would be appropriate to intervene. Following the motivational viewpoint on vice, we conclude that epistemic apathy can be cashed out in terms of imperfect epistemic motivations. The apathetic agent possesses bad (or, at least, lacks good) epistemic motives. We show, however, that motivationalism (...)
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    Scalar implicatures of embedded disjunction.Luka Crnič, Emmanuel Chemla & Danny Fox - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (4):271-305.
    Sentences with disjunction in the scope of a universal quantifier, Every A is P or Q, tend to give rise to distributive inferences that each of the disjuncts holds of at least one individual in the domain of the quantifier, Some A is P & Some A is Q. These inferences are standardly derived as an entailment of the meaning of the sentence together with the scalar implicature that it is not the case that either disjunct holds of every individual (...)
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    Political fatalism and the (im)possibility of social transformation.Lukas Slothuus - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-19.
    How can the world be improved if the people inhabiting it do not believe they can transform it? A belief in such political fatalism is an important obstacle to social transformation, yet underexplored in the contemporary political theory literature. Political fatalism can be understood as a commitment to the belief that human agency cannot effectuate social transformation. In this article, I provide a typology of such political fatalism, considering its two main forms: fatalism of inevitability as the positive version that (...)
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    Marxismo ed esistenzialismo: due filosofie dell'Europa: Lukács e Jaspers si incontrano a Ginevra (1946).Anna Pia Ruoppo, György Lukács & Karl Jaspers (eds.) - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The destruction of reason.György Lukács - 1980 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
  26. Le destin de l’humanisme est-il achevé?K. Sosoe Lukas - 2016 - le Portique. Revue de Philosophie Et de Sciences Humaines 37.
    L’objet de la présente contribution est d’examiner les relations qu’établissent plusieurs auteurs entre l’amélioration de l’homme, la nature humaine et l’humanisme. Après avoir défini un sens faible et un sens fort du transhumanisme, nous y avons opposé deux critiques, celle de J. Habermas et de M. Sandel, en prenant l’exemple le plus discuté dans la littérature : la possibilité d’améliorer génétiquement son enfant et avons montré qu’elles ne sont pas convaincantes : le recours au concept de la nature humaine à (...)
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  27. Past and Future.Lukas Meyer - 2003 - In Lukas H. Meyer, Stanley L. Paulson & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (eds.), Rights, culture, and the law: themes from the legal and political philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  28. J. Searle, Myseľ, Jazyk, Spoločnosť.Lukáš Bielik - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):411-417.
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    Pravilo priznanja i nastanak pravnog sustava.Luka Burazin - 2015 - Revus 27:99-114.
    The paper claims that the rule of recognition, given the way it is presented by Hart, cannot be a constitutive rule of any legal system as a whole, but rather a constitutive rule of legal rules as elements of a legal system. Since I take the legal system to be an institutional artifact kind, I claim that, in order to account for a legal system as a whole, at least two further constitutive rules, in addition to the rule of recognition (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Contextualizing Bioethics.Lukas Kaelin - 2009 - Unesco Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and Observations About Filipino Bioethics. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 19 (2):42-47.
    This paper examines the question of the universality of bioethical norms by contrasting the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights with aspects of Filipino bioethics. Starting with an exploration of the vagueness of the concept and scope of bioethics, this paper will in turn discuss the UDBHR and distinguish it from key notions in Filipino bioethics. The outlook of Filipino bioethics that I have observed differs significantly from the UDBHR emphasis on the principles autonomy and justice. This discrepancy leads (...)
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    Adorno, Obama, and Empire: Reflections on the U.S. Presidential Election and the Next President.Lukas Kaelin - 2008 - Kritike 2 (2):31-45.
    The paper attempts to philosophically assess the recent U.S. presidential race and to look at some aspects of the underlying beliefs of Barack Obama that aided him in his campaign. The philosophical framework used in order to interpret the political events are mainly from the Critical Theory of Theodor W. Adorno and the neo-Marxist approach of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Further observations will concentrate on the logic and attraction of the electoral process and the dialectical logic of Sarah Palin’s (...)
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    Relation Between the Consciousness (Time-Epoch) and Objectness in the Gambler’s Mind.Luka Maršić & Daniela Vojnović - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (1):201-212.
    This paper aims to present the gambling addiction phenomenon through the analysis of the change of perception, illusions, observation and fiction on which basis, with the assumption and the consequence, are standing intramental and extramental processes available for correction. By defining addiction through two dominant variables – theoretical and practical, which can be defined in a broad context through the physiological and psychological determinants of a person – we narrowed the theoretical space for understanding the healthy in a human being (...)
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    Legitimacy, Justice and Public International Law.Lukas H. Meyer (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge Univeristy Press.
    Do states or individuals stand under duties of international justice to people who live elsewhere and to other states? How are we to assess the legitimacy of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations Security Council? Should we support reforms of international institutions and how should we go about assessing alternative proposals of such reforms? The book brings together leading scholars of public international law, jurisprudence and international relations, political philosophers and political theorists to explore (...)
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    Iracionalita racionálního kompatibilismu.Lukáš Novák - 2016 - Studia Neoaristotelica 13 (7):131-172.
    This discussion article is a critique of the theory of “rational compatibilism”, as presented in D. Peroutka’s eponymous article. The author raises the following nine objections against Peroutka’s conception: (1) Peroutka’s notion of liberty is ill-defined; (2) Peroutka’s argument “from growing probability” suffers from the confusion of logical and epistemic probability; (3) the charge of “irrationality” raised against the libertarian analysis of choice is either unsubstantiated or innocuous; (4) assigning the determining force to a final (rather than efficient) cause makes (...)
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  35. Foi et savoir : religion, pluralisme et démocratie libérale.Lukas Sosoe - 2013 - In Robert Theis, Dietmar Hermann Heidemann & Raoul Weicker (eds.), Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Festschrift für Robert Theis/Foi et raison dans la philosophie moderne. Recueil en hommage à Robert Theis (Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie 85). Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag.
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  36. Remarks on the idealist and empiricist interpretation of frequentism: Robert Leslie Ellis versus John Venn.Lukas M. Verburgt - 2014 - BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 29 (3):184-195.
    The goal of this paper is to correct a widespread misconception about the work of Robert Leslie Ellis and John Venn, namely that it can be considered as the ‘British empiricist’ reaction against the traditional theory of probability. It is argued, instead, that there was no unified ‘British school’ of frequentism during the nineteenth century. Where Ellis arrived at frequentism from a metaphysical idealist transformation of probability theory’s mathematical calculations, Venn did so on the basis of an empiricist critique of (...)
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  37. Algorithms for Ethical Decision-Making in the Clinic: A Proof of Concept.Lukas J. Meier, Alice Hein, Klaus Diepold & Alena Buyx - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):4-20.
    Machine intelligence already helps medical staff with a number of tasks. Ethical decision-making, however, has not been handed over to computers. In this proof-of-concept study, we show how an algorithm based on Beauchamp and Childress’ prima-facie principles could be employed to advise on a range of moral dilemma situations that occur in medical institutions. We explain why we chose fuzzy cognitive maps to set up the advisory system and how we utilized machine learning to train it. We report on the (...)
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    A box, a trough and marbles: How the Reed-Frost epidemic theory shaped epidemiological reasoning in the 20th century.Lukas Engelmann - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-24.
    The article takes the renewed popularity and interest in epidemiological modelling for Covid-19 as a point of departure to ask how modelling has historically shaped epidemiological reasoning. The focus lies on a particular model, developed in the late 1920s through a collaboration of the former field-epidemiologists and medical officer, Wade Hampton Frost, and the biostatistician and population ecologist Lowell Reed. Other than former approaches to epidemic theory in mathematical formula, the Reed-Frost epidemic theory was materialised in a simple mechanical analogue: (...)
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    Unified transparency account of self-knowledge.Lukas Schwengerer - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    In this thesis I propose an account of knowledge of one’s own mental states. My goal is set on a unified transparency account of self-knowledge. It is unified, because the proposal will account for the generation of beliefs about mental states of all types, regardless of whether they are propositional, non-propositional, experiential or non-experiential. My account will thereby be applicable to knowledge of any mental state, from beliefs and desires to fears, hopes, and sensations such as pain. Moreover, it will (...)
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    The young Hegel: studies in the relations between dialectics and economics.György Lukács - 1975 - London: Merlin Press.
    "If we are to understand not only the direct impact of Marx on the development of German thought but also his sometimes extremely indirect influence, an exact knowledge of Hegel, of both his greatness and his limitation, is absolutely indispensable."- from the preface. It is well known that Hegel exerted a major influence on the development of Marx's thought. This circumstance led Lukacs, one of the chief Marxist theoreticians of this century, to embark on his exploration of Hegelian antecedents in (...)
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    Moraliniai socialistinio realizmo atspindžiai.Lukas Alsys - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
  42. Climate justice and historical emissions.Lukas H. Meyer & Dominic Roser - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (1):229-253.
    Climate change can be interpreted as a unique case of historical injustice involving issues of both intergenerational and global justice. We split the issue into two separate questions. First, how should emission rights be distributed? Second, who should come up for the costs of coping with climate change? We regard the first question as being an issue of pure distributive justice and argue on prioritarian grounds that the developing world should receive higher per capita emission rights than the developed world. (...)
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    Simo Muir/Hana Worthen : Finland’s Holocaust. Silences of History, Basingstoke u. a.: Palgrave Macmillan 2013, 281 S.Lukas Bormann - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 68 (1):85-86.
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    Digital epidemiology, deep phenotyping and the enduring fantasy of pathological omniscience.Lukas Engelmann - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Epidemiology is a field torn between practices of surveillance and methods of analysis. Since the onset of COVID-19, epidemiological expertise has been mostly identified with the first, as dashboards of case and mortality rates took centre stage. However, since its establishment as an academic field in the early 20th century, epidemiology’s methods have always impacted on how diseases are classified, how knowledge is collected, and what kind of knowledge was considered worth keeping and analysing. Recent advances in digital epidemiology, this (...)
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    Radical cut-up: nothing is original.Lukas Feireiss & Thom Bettridge (eds.) - 2019 - Amsterdam: Sandberg Instituut and Sternberg Press.
    This volume investigates the cut-up as a contemporary mode of creativity and important global model of cultural production. The term cut-up serves as an open container for a long list of terms and actions that describe the combination and reassembly of existing motifs, fragments, images, and ideas from diverse and disconnected origins into newly synthesized entities. Refusing any disciplinary coherence, this book assembles texts from multifarious eras and origins. At the same time, the contributors share an urgency to question the (...)
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    (1 other version)Soziale Medien – Die Demokratisierung der Vierten Gewalt.Lukas Feiler - 2013 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2013 (1):167-182.
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    Engagement and political institutions: the case of ombudsman.Luka Glušac - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):493-508.
    In this article, I examine the relationship between engagement and political institutions by using the example of the creation and development of the ombudsman institution. The article starts with the short introduction to key theoretical views about institutions, political institutions and institutionalization. Then, I concentrate on how political institutions change, i.e. whether they can be changed through social engagement and whether and when we can actually say that they are originally created by an engagement. By using the case of ombudsman, (...)
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    Models of Legal Reasoning: An Attempt of a Practical View.Lukáš Hlouch - forthcoming - Argumentation.
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    Supozice mentálního termínu podle Viléma Ockhama.Lukáš Lička - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (3):20-62.
    [Supposition of Mental Term according to William of Ockham :] This paper investigates Ockham ’s claim that there is a diversity of suppositions of a mental term. First, it summarizes the hitherto research in Ockham ’s theory of concepts and the theory of mental language ascribed to him. Secondly, it describes his theory of supposition, focusing on the interpretation of this theory which describes it as a device for interpretation of propositions. Thirdly, the paper examines the problems which arise from (...)
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    Aldous Huxley: Perenijalna filozofija.Luka Perušić - 2016 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 36 (1):178-183.
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