Results for 'Luminiţa Lupaşcu'

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  1. Muze, muzică, muzee.Luminiţa Lupaşcu - 2002 - Dilema 491:8.
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    Microfinance Performance and Social Capital: A Cross-Country Analysis.Luminita Postelnicu & Niels Hermes - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):427-445.
    In recent years, the microfinance industry has received a substantial amount of cross-border funding from both public and private sources. This funding reflects the increasing interest in microfinance as part of a more general trend towards socially responsible investments. In order to be able to secure sustained interest from these investors, it is important that the microfinance industry can show evidence of its contribution to reducing poverty at the bottom of the pyramid. For this, it is crucial to understand under (...)
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  3. Le topos de la souveraineté acquise Par l'amour-centre de convergence Des coordonnées affectives dans le chansonnier du troubadour cercamon.Luminiţa Ciuchindel - 2004 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 9:44-49.
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    What are the advantages of refugee participation in their camp management?: Efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out aid activities.Luminita Oancea - 1995 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 12 (2):26-27.
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  5. The changing status of music within classical aesthetics.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2009 - Analysis and Metaphysics 8:150-154.
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  6. The influence of musical performance on music perception.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:347-352.
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  7. Understandings of the “autonomy character” of music.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2009 - Analysis and Metaphysics 8:120-124.
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  8. Manual de chimie clasa a IX-a, Ed.Luminiţa Ursea & Elena Goicumu - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Proximal and uniform convergence on apartness spaces.Luminiţa Simona Vîţă - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (3):255.
    The main purpose of this paper is to investigate constructively the relationship between proximal convergence, uniform sequential convergence and uniform convergence for sequences of mappings between apartness spaces. It is also shown that if the second space satisfies the Efremovic axiom, then proximal convergence preserves strong continuity.
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  10. A fi străin.Silviu Lupaşcu - 2002 - Dilema 471:12.
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    Refugee participation in camp management.Luminita Oancea, Sam Obol & Albert Mongi - 1995 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 12 (2):23-25.
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  12. Adorno on Language, Music, and Composition.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2011 - Analysis and Metaphysics 10:185-190.
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    Paradigms of compositional logic in piano music.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
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  14. The Phenomenology of the Experience of Listening to Music with Understanding.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:323-328.
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    Extending strongly continuous functions between apartness spaces.Luminiţa Simona Vîţă - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (3):351-356.
    A natural extension theorem for strongly continuous mappings, the morphisms in the category of apartness spaces, is proved constructively.
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    On proximal convergence in uniform spaces.Luminiţa Simona Vîţă - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (6):550.
    The paper deals with proximal convergence and Leader's theorem, in the constructive theory of uniform apartness spaces.
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  17. Internal audit effectiveness, governance disclosure requirements, and financial reporting reliability.Luminiţa Ionescu - 2009 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 8:234-238.
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    Internal control effectiveness and risk-management process.Luminita Ionescu - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
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    Essentialism and musicality.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
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  20. In what does musical understanding consist?Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2009 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 8:154-158.
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  21. Music as a manifestation of human cognitive capacities.Luminiţa Pogăceanu - 2009 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 8:165-169.
  22.  41
    Apartness spaces as a framework for constructive topology.Douglas Bridges & Luminiţa Vîţă - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 119 (1-3):61-83.
    An axiomatic development of the theory of apartness and nearness of a point and a set is introduced as a framework for constructive topology. Various notions of continuity of mappings between apartness spaces are compared; the constructive independence of one of the axioms from the others is demonstrated; and the product apartness structure is defined and analysed.
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    Romanian Monasteries: Signs of Tourist Attraction and Self-Discovery.Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu & Luminita Druga - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (6):751-768.
    Besides Dracula, Ceauşescu, and Nadia Comăneci, monasteries constitute a permanent Romanian brand, inextricably linked in every foreign visitor's mind to Romanianness. Specific to Moldavia and Bucovina—the Eastern and Northern parts of Romania—these monasteries have attracted visitors for the past 500 years. The person visiting a sacred site is transformed from being merely a tourist into a pilgrim. The painting “The Ladder towards Heaven” at the Pângăraţi Monastery, for example, highlights the importance of the mental and physical involvement of the tourist-pilgrim (...)
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    Ethnic Entrepreneurship as an Integrating Factor in Civil Society and a Gate to Religious Tolerance: A Spotlight on Turkish Entrepreneurs in Romania.Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Zizi Goschin & Mariana Dragusin - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (20):49-79.
    The main aim of this article is to discuss both the concept of secularism among the Ottoman intellectuals and the principle of secularism during the period of the Turkish Republic based on ideas rather than practice. We can analyze “secularism in Turkey” in two separate periods of time: First, “The Ottoman Empire and Secularism” which discusses the ideas of secularism before the foundation of the Turkish Republic, and second “A Brief Analysis of the Turkish Republic and the Principle of Secularism” (...)
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    The Partnership between the State and the Church against Trafficking in Persons.Zizi Goschin, Daniela-Luminita Constantin & Monica Roman - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):231-256.
    Trafficking in persons is a multi-sided phenomenon accompanying the current migration flows, therefore, the actions that must be undertaken in order to prevent, combat the phenomenon as well as to assist the victims of trafficking require a large partnership between all the actors involved: international organisations, governmental institutions and representatives of civil society. The special psychological, ethical issues raised especially by trafficking prevention and assistance to victims make the church and various religious organisations play a very important role in the (...)
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    A proof–technique in uniform space theory.Douglas Bridges & Luminiţa Vîţă - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3):795-802.
    In the constructive theory of uniform spaces there occurs a technique of proof in which the application of a weak form of the law of excluded middle is circumvented by purely analytic means. The essence of this proof-technique is extracted and then applied in several different situations.
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  27. Corrigendum to “A proof–technique in uniform space theory”.Douglas Bridges & Luminiţa Vîţӑ - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):328-328.
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    Characterising Near Continuity Constructively.Douglas Bridges & Luminiţa Vîţă - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (4):535-538.
    The relation between near continuity and sequential continuity for mappings between metric spaces is explored constructively. It is also shown that the classical implications “near continuity implies sequential continuity” and “near continuity implies apart continuity” are essentially nonconstructive.
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    Weak-operator Continuity and the Existence of Adjoints.Douglas Bridges & Luminita Dediu - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):203-206.
    It is shown, within constructive mathematics, that the unit ball B1 of the set of bounded operators on a Hilbert space H is weak-operator totally bounded. This result is then used to prove that the weak-operator continuity of the mapping T → AT on B1 is equivalent to the existence of the adjoint of A.
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    The Positive Spiral Between Problem-Solving Management and Trust: A Study in Organizations for Individuals With Intellectual Disability.Yolanda Estreder, Vicente Martínez-Tur, Inés Tomás, Alice Maniezki, José Ramos & Luminiţa Pătraş - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To achieve their goals, organizations for individuals with intellectual disability have to stimulate high-quality relationships between professionals and family members. Therefore, achieving professionals’ trust in family members has become a challenge. One relevant factor in explaining professional’s trust in families is the degree to which family members use the “problem-solving” conflict management strategy in their disputes–disagreements with professionals. It is reasonable to argue that when family members use problem-solving conflict management, professionals’ trust increases. Professionals’ trust, in turn, stimulates the use (...)
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    Separation properties in neighbourhood and quasi-apartness spaces.Robin Havea, Hajime Ishihara & Luminiţa Vîţă - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (1):58-64.
    We investigate separation properties for neighbourhood spaces in some details within a framework of constructive mathematics, and define corresponding separation properties for quasi-apartness spaces. We also deal with separation properties for spaces with inequality.
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    Quasi-apartness and neighbourhood spaces.Hajime Ishihara, Ray Mines, Peter Schuster & Luminiţa Vîţă - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (1):296-306.
    We extend the concept of apartness spaces to the concept of quasi-apartness spaces. We show that there is an adjunction between the category of quasi-apartness spaces and the category of neighbourhood spaces, which indicates that quasi-apartness is a more natural concept than apartness. We also show that there is an adjoint equivalence between the category of apartness spaces and the category of Grayson’s separated spaces.
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    Strong continuity implies uniform sequential continuity.Douglas Bridges, Hajime Ishihara, Peter Schuster & Luminiţa Vîţa - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (7):887-895.
    Uniform sequential continuity, a property classically equivalent to sequential continuity on compact sets, is shown, constructively, to be a consequence of strong continuity on a metric space. It is then shown that in the case of a separable metric space, uniform sequential continuity implies strong continuity if and only if one adopts a certain boundedness principle that, although valid in the classical, recursive and intuitionistic setting, is independent of Heyting arithmetic.
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  34. Înapoi la ţară?George Onofrei, Cristina Modreanu, Dragoş Bucurenci, Brânduşa Palade, Stela Giurgeanu & Luminiţa Varlam - 2003 - Dilema 538:8-11.
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    Apartness, Topology, and Uniformity: a Constructive View.Douglas Bridges, Peter Schuster & Luminiţa Vîţă - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (4):16-28.
    The theory of apartness spaces, and their relation to topological spaces (in the point–set case) and uniform spaces (in the set–set case), is sketched. New notions of local decomposability and regularity are investigated, and the latter is used to produce an example of a classically metrisable apartness on R that cannot be induced constructively by a uniform structure.
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    Vlad Boicescu. Sur les algèbres de Lukasiewicz. Logique, automatique, informatique, edited by Gr.C. Moisil, Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie, Bucharest1971, pp. 71–89. - Mihail Cherciu. Filtres de Stone dans les treillis distributifs. Logique, automatique, informatique, edited by Gr.C. Moisil, Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie, Bucharest1971, pp. 91–97. - George Georgescu. Les algèbres de Lukasiewicz θ-valentes. Logique, automatique, informatique, edited by Gr.C. Moisil, Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie, Bucharest1971, pp. 99–169. - Ioana Petrescu. Algèbres de Morgan injectives. Logique, automatique, informatique, edited by Gr.C. Moisil, Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie, Bucharest1971, pp. 171–176. - Luminita State. Quelques propriétés des algebres de Morgan. Logique, automatique, informatique, edited by Gr.C. Moisil, Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):184-184.
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    Discurs totalitar şi manipulare/ Totalitarian Discourse and Manipulation.Carmen Sandu - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (21):188-192.
    Luminiţa Roşca, Mecanisme ale propagandei în discursul de informare. Presa românească în perioada 1985- 1995 (Mechanisms of the Propaganda in the Information Discourse. Romanian Press Between 1985-1995) (Iași: Editura Polirom, 2006).
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  38. Despre hiperpropoziții și paraconsistență.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2000 - Analele Științifice Ale Institutului Ștefan Lupașcu (1-2):103-106.