Results for 'Mónica Cornejo-Valle'

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  1.  15
    Revealing ethnographic mediations through reflexive writing: A collaborative exploration of tarot and astrology as a not-knowing approach.Mónica Cornejo-Valle & Adam Wiesner - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (3):252-261.
    In order to develop a collaborative experience of reflexive writing, this article explores the ethnographic process through two communication devices used by the authors in their respective fieldwork: tarot readings and evolutionary astrology. Reflecting on their distinct (if not opposing) backgrounds, the authors explore and interpret how their different backgrounds and conversational devices shape their ethnographic experience as a process of revealing the unknown, following the not-knowing approach (Anderson, 1997). The dialogic exchange also reveals how the not-knowing approach affects the (...)
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    Seijas, Guadalupe , Alba, Amparo, Walker, Mónica Ann y Yebra, Carmen, "Mujeres del Antiguo Testamento: de los relatos a las imágenes".Santiago Manzarbeitia Valle - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:558-560.
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  3. La negación en la psicolingüística experimental.Francisco Valle Arroyo - 1980 - El Basilisco 9:3-8.
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  4. El principio de la estética y su relación con el ser humano. Acerca de la dimensión antropológica de la Estética de Alexander Baumgarten.Julio Valle Ballón - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 38:47-68.
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    La construcción del espacio épico en Il Conquisto di Granata de Girolamo Graziani.Mónica García Aguilar - 2014 - Iris 35:105-116.
    A mediados del siglo xvii, Girolamo Graziani publica en Módena Il Conquisto di Granata, un poema épico de 26 cantos en los que se narran los acontecimientos que rodearon el asedio del Reino de Granada en sus últimos diez años. Este poema, por tanto, describe el ambiente caballeresco y el tema de la lucha entre cristianos y musulmanes a través de múltiples episodios en los que no faltan los fieros y gigantescos moros, las doncellas guerreras y toda suerte de fábulas (...)
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  6. Granada in al-sharafi's nautical atlases, and identification of a majorcan model for al-mursi's chart.Monica Herrera Casais - 2009 - Al-Qantara 30 (1):221-235.
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    Technical Assistance Programs and the Diffusion of Environmental Technologies in the Printing Industry: The Case of SMEs.Sandra Rothenberg & Monica Becker - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (4):366-397.
    The goal of this article is to better understand the diffusion of environmentally preferable manufacturing technology (as distinct from pollution control technology) in small-and medium-sized firms (SMEs) and the influence of technical assistance programs on the diffusion of these technologies. The authors draw their insights from the printing industry, a sector where small firms predominate. They find that smaller firms lag slightly in the adoption of environmental technologies. With regard to technical assistance, they find that printers identify suppliers and other (...)
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    (1 other version)The use of corporate social disclosures in the management of reputation and legitimacy: A cross sectoral analysis of UK top 100 companies.Julia Clarke & Monica Gibson-Sweet - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (1):5–13.
    Recent years have witnessed an escalation in corporate social reporting (CSR) by UK companies (Gray, Kouhy and Lavers 1995). Whilst some elements of CSR reporting are required by law, much of it represents voluntary reporting. By investigating the non‐mandatory reporting of two aspects of social responsibility, corporate community involvement (CCI) and environmental impact, this paper seeks to explore why companies choose to make such disclosures. It specifically asks whether companies are primarily motivated by the strategic need to manage their reputation (...)
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  9. Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Type 1 Diabetes Adjustment Scale.Teresa Rivas, Mónica Carreira, Marta Domínguez-López, Maria Soledad Ruiz de Adana & María Teresa Anarte - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Compression and communication in the cultural evolution of linguistic structure.Simon Kirby, Monica Tamariz, Hannah Cornish & Kenny Smith - 2015 - Cognition 141 (C):87-102.
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    (1 other version)A Crossover Study From a Gender Perspective: The Relationship Between Job Insecurity, Job Satisfaction, and Partners’ Family Life Satisfaction.Federica Emanuel, Monica Molino, Alessandro Lo Presti, Paola Spagnoli & Chiara Ghislieri - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Agir avec Mounier: une pensée pour l'Europe.Jean-François Petit, Rémy Valléjo & Philippe Chenaux (eds.) - 2006 - Lyon: Chronique sociale.
    Parmi les différentes philosophies ayant contribué à la construction européenne, le personnalisme a joué un rôle de premier plan. Influencé par Bergson, Maritain et Péguy, le philosophe Emmanuel Mounier fonde la revue Esprit en 1932 et joue un rôle important dans le mouvement intellectuel, spirituel et politique. Sa philosophie, le personnalisme, représente une pensée et une action antitotalitaires. C'est une utopie, revendiquée comme telle, qui l'engage au cœur des débats de la cité. Cet ouvrage situe la place du personnalisme d'Emmanuel (...)
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    Sanuel Ramos: trayectoria filosófica y anología de textos.Samuel Ramos & Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle - 1965 - Centro de Estudios Humanísticos de la Universidad de Nuevo León.
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    Die Personennamen der kassitenzeitlichen Texte aus Nippur.Ran Zadok, Monica Hölscher & Monica Holscher - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (4):689.
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    Uniqueness of limit models in classes with amalgamation.Rami Grossberg, Monica VanDieren & Andrés Villaveces - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (4-5):367-382.
    We prove the following main theorem: Let be an abstract elementary class satisfying the joint embedding and the amalgamation properties with no maximal models of cardinality μ. Let μ be a cardinal above the the Löwenheim‐Skolem number of the class. If is μ‐Galois‐stable, has no μ‐Vaughtian Pairs, does not have long splitting chains, and satisfies locality of splitting, then any two ‐limits over M, for, are isomorphic over M.
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    Respiración vulnerable. Reflexiones ecosóficas sobre un mundo irrespirable.Mónica Cano Abadía - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 49:103-108.
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    Propuesta curricular de enseñanza de religión católica y promoción de la acción climática.Mónica Fernández-Morilla, Silvia Albareda-Tiana, Mª Teresa Fuertes-Camacho, Mariona Graell-Martín & Esther Jiménez-López - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-13.
    Desde la publicación de la encíclica Laudato si ‘(LS) del Papa Francisco en 2015, se han llevado a cabo múltiples acciones para fomentar una visión integral de la ecología en la Iglesia Católica. El objetivo fue el desarrollo de una propuesta curricular que incluye el desarrollo sostenible e integral en la enseñanza de la religión católica. El curso CHANCES ofrece un nuevo paradigma de la enseñanza de la religión católica, mostrando cómo desde ella se pueden descubrir motivaciones profundas, y potenciar (...)
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    Inhibitory control, word retrieval and bilingual aphasia: is there a relationship?Faroqi-Shah Yasmeen, Sampson Monica, Baughman Susan & Pranger Mariah - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Challenge of Quantification: An Interdisciplinary Reading.Monica Di Fiore, Marta Kuc-Czarnecka, Samuele Lo Piano, Arnald Puy & Andrea Saltelli - 2023 - Minerva 61 (1):53-70.
    The present work looks at what we call “the multiverse of quantification”, where visible and invisible numbers permeate all aspects and venues of life. We review the contributions of different authors who focus on the roles of quantification in society, with the aim of capturing different and sometimes separate voices. Several scholars, including economists, jurists, philosophers, sociologists, communication and data scientists, express concerns or identify critical areas of our relationship with new technologies of ‘numericization’. While mindful of the important specificities (...)
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  20. Sexting Among Adolescents: The Emotional Impact and Influence of the Need for Popularity.Rosario Del Rey, Mónica Ojeda, José A. Casas, Joaquín A. Mora-Merchán & Paz Elipe - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  21. An existential-phenomenological look at cognitivedevelopment theory and research.M. P. Prescott & R. S. Valle - 1978 - In Ronald S. Valle & Mark King (eds.), Existential-phenomenological alternatives for psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 153--165.
  22.  20
    From the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction to Intrinsic Motivation: Mediating Effect of Academic Integration.Jorge Vergara-Morales & Milenko Del Valle - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The studies show a positive and direct relationship between basic psychological needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation of the students. However, there is a lack of studies that analyze the psychological processes that affect these relationships. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic integration on the relationship between basic psychological needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation of Chilean university students. The participants were a total of 580 students from a university in northern Chile, (...)
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    Editorial: Special Edition: Contemporary Phenomenological Research on Key Psychotherapeutic Issues.Cynthia L. Grace & Ron Valle - 2016 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 16 (sup1):1-3.
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    Hacia una subjetividad sostenible: pensar la crisis ecológica desde la razón poética de María Zambrano.Jorge Valle Álvarez - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):641-651.
    La crisis ecológica supone la «Gran prueba» que debe afrontar la humanidad a lo largo de este siglo, pero las soluciones propuestas hasta el momento por los círculos económicos y políticos internacionales pasan por un capitalismo verde que no cuestiona las premisas filosóficas que sustentan el racionalismo moderno y que estarían en la base de la actual crisis: el antropocentrismo extremo, la desvalorización de la Naturaleza y el consecuente dominio del ser humano sobre el mundo natural. Así pues, en este (...)
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    Vulgarisation scientifique : Les revues en ligne.Monica Macedo-Rouet, Jean-Francois Rouet, Isaac Epstein & Pierre Fayard - 2004 - Hermes 39:61.
    Les technologies hypermédias ont le potentiel de multiplier les sources d'information et de favoriser une communication scientifique plus ouverte à la discussion et au débat. Cependant, la lecture des documents hypermédias entraîne des difficultés, telles que la désorientation, pour de nombreux lecteurs. Nous avons évalué un ensemble d'hypertextes publiés par des revues de vulgarisation scientifique à la lumière des recommandations ergonomiques issues d'études expérimentales. Il en ressort que la plupart des publications offre une lisibilité médiocre, ignorant souvent les recommandations publiées. (...)
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    The Deep Versus the Shallow: Effects of Co‐Speech Gestures in Learning From Discourse.Ilaria Cutica & Monica Bucciarelli - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (5):921-935.
    This study concerned the role of gestures that accompany discourse in deep learning processes. We assumed that co‐speech gestures favor the construction of a complete mental representation of the discourse content, and we tested the predictions that a discourse accompanied by gestures, as compared with a discourse not accompanied by gestures, should result in better recollection of conceptual information, a greater number of discourse‐based inferences drawn from the information explicitly stated in the discourse, and poorer recognition of verbatim of the (...)
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  27. Combined Cognitive-Motor Rehabilitation in Virtual Reality Improves Motor Outcomes in Chronic Stroke – A Pilot Study.Ana L. Faria, Mónica S. Cameirão, Joana F. Couras, Joana R. O. Aguiar, Gabriel M. Costa & Sergi Bermúdez I. Badia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:309844.
    Stroke is one of the most common causes of acquired disability, leaving numerous adults with cognitive and motor impairments, and affecting patients’ capability to live independently. Virtual Reality (VR) based methods for stroke rehabilitation have mainly focused on motor rehabilitation but there is increasing interest toward the integration of cognitive training for providing more effective solutions. Here we investigate the feasibility for stroke recovery of a virtual cognitive-motor task, the Reh@Task, which combines adapted arm reaching, and attention and memory training. (...)
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    A multilevel analysis of the determinants of high-risk sexual behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa.Joseph Uchudi, Monica Magadi & Mohammod Mostazir - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (3):289-311.
    SummaryA number of authors have identified multiple concurrent sexual partnerships by both men and women to lie at the root of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. This study applies multilevel models to Demographic and Health Survey data collected during 2003–2008 in 20 sub-Saharan African countries to examine the influence of social and cultural context on involvement with multiple sexual partnerships in the region, above and beyond the effects of individual characteristics. The findings provide support for the ecological argument that (...)
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    A arte de escutar.Me Monica Aiub - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (8):41-47.
    O presente artigo trata da arte de escutar, apontando sua carência em nosso cotidiano, assim como alguns dos obstáculos a seu cultivo. Demonstra o quanto a filosofia clínica se faz necessária devido a tal carência, e levanta a hipótese de um papel relevante para a escuta atenta ao trabalho do sacerdote, assim como a possibilidade dele, através de seu trabalho, suscitá-la na comunidade.
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  30. Metafísica de la muerte.Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle - 1965 - Madrid,: Librería Editorial Augustinus.
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    Descripción del ms. 80 de la Zawiyya Hamzawiyya.Mònica Rius Piniés & Ahmad Alkuwaifi - forthcoming - Al-Qantara, 1998, Vol. 19, Num. 1, P. 445-463.
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    Measuring Dynamics of Infant-Adult Synchrony Through Mocap.Zamara Cuadros, Esteban Hurtado & Carlos Cornejo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Workaholism and Technostress During the COVID-19 Emergency: The Crucial Role of the Leaders on Remote Working.Paola Spagnoli, Monica Molino, Danila Molinaro, Maria Luisa Giancaspro, Amelia Manuti & Chiara Ghislieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although remote working can involve positive outcomes both for employees and organizations, in the case of the sudden and forced remote working situation that came into place during the COVID-19 crisis there have also been reports of negative aspects, one of which is technostress. In this context of crisis, leadership is crucial in sustainably managing and supporting employees, especially employees with workaholic tendencies who are more prone to developing negative work and health outcomes. However, while research on the role of (...)
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    Model theory of deduction: a unified computational approach.Bruno G. Bara, Monica Bucciarelli & Vincenzo Lombardo - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (6):839-901.
    One of the most debated questions in psychology and cognitive science is the nature and the functioning of the mental processes involved in deductive reasoning. However, all existing theories refer to a specific deductive domain, like syllogistic, propositional or relational reasoning.Our goal is to unify the main types of deductive reasoning into a single set of basic procedures. In particular, we bring together the microtheories developed from a mental models perspective in a single theory, for which we provide a formal (...)
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    Un eslabón árabe perdido de la literatura aljamiada: reuniones musulmanas ( maŷālis ) y la circulación de escritos andalusíes y mašriqíes entre los mudéjares y los moriscos (MS Árabe 1668, Biblioteca Real de El Escorial, Madrid).Mònica Colominas Aparicio - 2020 - Al-Qantara 41 (1):95.
    El corpus de manuscritos árabes de los musulmanes de los territorios cristianos de la península ibérica medieval y temprano-moderna (mudéjares y moriscos) ha sido generalmente estudiado en menor medida que sus escritos en romance en caracteres latinos o árabes (aljamiado). Este artículo discute los nuevos datos en el códice misceláneo Árabe 1668 (El Escorial), copiado en 928 (=1522) probablemente por musulmanes en los territorios cristianos. MS Escorial Árabe 1668 no es totalmente desconocido por los estudiosos, pero han sido pocos los (...)
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    Churn Analysis in a Romanian Telecommunications Company.Andreea Dumitrache & Monica Mihaela Maer Matei - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (4):45-53.
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    Reconstructive nature of temporal memory for movie scenes.Matteo Frisoni, Monica Di Ghionno, Roberto Guidotti, Annalisa Tosoni & Carlo Sestieri - 2021 - Cognition 208:104557.
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    A Crossroads in Genetic Counseling and Ethics.Glenn Mcgee & Monica Arruda - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (1):97-100.
    Genetic counselors are on the front lines of the genetic revolution, presented with tests of varying predictive values and reliability, unfair testing distribution mechanisms, tests for conditions where no treatment exists, and companies that oversell the usefulness of their tests to physicians and nurses. Many scholars, both genetic testing task forces as well as the newly formed National Bioethics Advisory Commission, have all noted that genetic counseling programs and services are critical for adequate genetic testing. At the same time, in (...)
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    Progressive embodiment within cyberspace: Considering the psychological impact of the supermorphic persona.Garry Young & Monica Whitty - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (4):537 - 560.
    This paper is premised on the idea that cyberspace permits the user a degree of somatic flexibility?a means of transcending the physical body but not, importantly, embodiment. Set within a framework of progressive embodiment (the assumption that individuals seek to exploit somatic flexibility so as to extend the boundaries of their own embodiment?what we call the supermorphic persona), we examine the manner of this progression. Specifically, to what extent do components of embodiment?the self-as-object, the phenomenal self, and the body-schema?find authentic (...)
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    Portelli, Alessandro (2020). Lluvia y veneno. Bob Dylan y una balada entre la tradición y la modernidad. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 180 pp. [REVIEW]Gonzalo Pérez Álvarez & Mónica Gatica - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (22):e096.
    Reseña de Portelli, Alessandro. (2020). Lluvia y veneno. Bob Dylan y una balada entre la tradición y la modernidad. Buenos Aires: Prometeo y FaHCE. 180 pp.
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    The Unspeakable Girl: The Myth and Mystery of Kore.Giorgio Agamben & Monica Ferrando - 2014 - Seagull Books.
    This title is a book of three richly detailed treatments of the myth of Kore. Kore, also called Persephone and referred to poetically by the Greeks as 'the unspeakable girl', was the daughter of Dermeter and Zeus who was abducted by Hades and made queen of the netherworld.
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    The ethics of return migration and education: transnational duties in migratory processes.Juan Espindola & Mónica Jacobo-Suárez - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (1):54-70.
    ABSTRACTThis paper argues that most prominent normative theories on immigration neglect a critical dimension of the migratory phenomenon, a neglect that blinds them to important rights that, under some circumstances, immigrants ought to have as a matter of justice. Specifically, the paper argues that these theories fail to appreciate that the children of immigrant families, regardless of whether they were born in their parents’ country or in the host country, should benefit from educational rights addressing needs that are particular to (...)
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    Neuroethics and Responsibility in Conducting Neuromarketing Research.Monica Diana Bercea Olteanu - 2015 - Neuroethics 8 (2):191-202.
    Over the last decade, academics and companies have shown an increased interest in brain studies and human cerebral functions related to consumer’s reactions to different stimuli. Therefore neuroethics emerged as a way to draw attention to ethical issues concerning different aspects of brain research. This review explores the environment of neuromarketing research in both business and academic areas from an ethical point of view. The paper focuses on the ethical issues involving subjects participating in neuroimaging studies, consumers that experience the (...)
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    Respect for Autonomy and a Couple’s Decision.Monica D’Agostino - 1998 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (2):177-178.
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    Balancing the physics of radiation: Challenges to the system of quantities and units in radiological protection.Mariano Gazineu David, Mônica Ferreira Corrêa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (3):e12568.
    Ionizing radiation is present in various situations in the contemporary world. Defining the quantities and units for this field is a complex scientific task, especially the quantities used in radiological protection (RP) to estimate the damage caused to individuals exposed to radiation (detriment). This article highlights the lack of consensus in the scientific RP community regarding the quantities and units employed in practice from the perspective of the philosophy of science. The basic concepts related to the system of quantities are (...)
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    The effects of sex and race on academic alienation among Iranian students.Hojjat Mahmoudi, Monica R. Brown, Javad Amani Saribagloo & Zahra Jalilzadeh-Mohammadi - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (5):594-607.
    This study examined the influence of sex and racial discrimination on academic alienation among Iranian university students. Two groups of 60 girls and 60 boys were sampled through multi-stage cluster sampling from among first-year Tabriz University students in Tabriz, Iran. All participants, between18 and 22, were asked to respond on an academic alienation questionnaire. The findings of a two-way ANOVA revealed that girls and Turkish speakers had higher levels of academic alienation compared to boys and Persian speakers. An investigation of (...)
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    Beauty, race and feminist theory in Latin America and the Caribbean.Megan Rivers Moore & Mónica G. Moreno Figueroa - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (2):131-136.
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    Aristotelismo y ciencia moderna en la Nueva España. El De philosophiae vicissitudinibus del jesuita guanajuatense Andrés de Guevara y Basoazábal.Gabriel González Nares & Mónica del Carmen Meza Mejía - 2023 - Valenciana 32 (32):7-36.
    Andrés de Guevara y Basoazábal (1748-1801), jesuita novohispano guanajuatense, escribió las Institutionum elementarium philosophiae, donde su autor ofrece un currículo deseable para la juventud mexicana que incluya la ciencia moderna empírica, la política virtuosa y la sabiduría humana. A través de una traducción comparativa del latín al español del proemio de la citada obra, este artículo pretende: 1) contextualizar al autor novohispano, 2) mostrar la recepción de la ciencia moderna desde los elementos aristotélicos de los que Guevara dispuso, y 3) (...)
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    La noción de discurso en Heidegger: una anticipación de décadas a la moderna teoría del discurso.Eduardo Risco del Valle - 2021 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 2 (53):251-262.
    Heidegger practica un abordaje de la noción de discurso que, por la magnitud de su obra y por el carácter más o menos marginal que esta noción tiene en ese conjunto, no ha merecido todavía un tratamiento sistemático. En esta comunicación intentamos recoger algunos elementos relevantes de esa tematización y enfatizamos la relación que ella manifiesta con su temprana concepción de la significación. Concluimos que la tematización del discurso que Heidegger desarrolla se adelanta en décadas a lo que es hoy (...)
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    The Politics of Attachment: Lines of Flight with Bowlby, Deleuze and Guattari.Robbie Duschinsky, Monica Greco & Judith Solomon - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):173-195.
    Research on attachment is widely regarded in sociology and feminist scholarship as politically conservative – oriented by a concern to police families, pathologize mothers and emphasize psychological at the expense of socio-economic factors. These critiques have presented attachment theory as constructing biological imperatives to naturalize contingent, social demands. We propose that a more effective critique of the politically conservative uses of attachment theory is offered by engaging with the ‘attachment system’ at the level of ontology. In developing this argument we (...)
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