Michael Löwy [76]M. Löwy [18]Michel Löwy [2]
  1.  12
    Georg Lukacs: From Romanticism to Bolshevism.Michael Löwy - 2023 - New York: Verso Books. Edited by Patrick Camiller.
    On the 100th anniversary of the publication of History and Class Consciousness, a new edition of this indispensable guide to Lukacs's thought and politics The philosophical and political development that converted Georg Lukács from a distinguished representative of Central European aesthetic vitalism into a major Marxist theorist and Communist militant has long remained an enigma. In this this now classic study, Michael Löwy for the first time traced and explained the extraordinary mutation that occurred in Lukács's thought between 1909 and (...)
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  2. Capitalism as Religion: Walter Benjamin and Max Weber.Michael Löwy - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (1):60-73.
    Benjamin's fragment 'Capitalism as Religion', written in 1921, was only published several decades after his death. Its aim is to show that capitalism is a cultic religion, without mercy or truce, leading humanity to the 'house of despair'. It is an astonishing document, directly based on Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, but – in ways akin to Ernst Bloch or Erich Fromm – transforming Weber's 'value-free' analysis into a ferocious anticapitalist argument, probably inspired by Gustav Landauer's (...)
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    Figures of Weberian Marxism.Michael Löwy - 1996 - Theory and Society 25 (3):431-446.
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    The Romantic and the Marxist critique of modern civilization.Michael Löwy - 1987 - Theory and Society 16 (6):891-904.
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  5. Consumed by night's fire-The dark romanticism of Guy Debord.Michael Lowy - 1998 - Radical Philosophy 87:31-34.
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    Marcuse and Benjamin: The Romantic Dimension.Michel Löwy - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (44):25-33.
  7.  5
    De Karl Marx à l’écomarxisme.Michael Löwy - 2024 - Actuel Marx 76 (2):13-24.
    La contribution de Marx à l’écosocialisme, ou, si l’on veut, à l’écomarxisme, ne se limite pas à ses textes sur le rapport à la nature, qui restent relativement marginaux dans son œuvre : il n’y a pas un seul livre, ou article, ou chapitre de livre, de Marx (ou Engels), dédié à la crise écologique. Ce qui est tout à fait compréhensible, considérant que la destruction capitaliste de l’environnement n’en était qu’à ses premières manifestations, et n’avait pas encore la gravité (...)
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  8. The Stalinist Bureaucracy as a Social 'Estate'.Michael Lowy - 1984 - Thesis Eleven 9 (1):135-140.
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    Les luttes socio-écologiques en Amérique latine.Sabrina Fernandes & Michael Löwy - 2024 - Actuel Marx 76 (2):89-96.
    Dans cet entretien, Sabrina Fernandes revient sur son parcours, entre découverte du marxisme, engagement écosocialiste et efforts de transmission d’armes critiques pour penser une transition radicale et une résistance au capitalisme vert. Elle dresse un état des forces en présence sur le front écosocial en Amérique du Sud, dont la composition mêle à l’écomarxisme les luttes indigènes, les combats écoféministes, les enjeux fonciers et alimentaires, l’Amazonie, et les perspectives de résistance face au regain de l’exploitation minière dans le cadre du (...)
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    Marxism and Religion Go to the Theatre.Michael Löwy - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (2):169-184.
    This article attempts to show that, by comparing Bertolt Brecht’s play Saint Joan of the Stockyards (1931) with some observations by Friedrich Engels on the Salvation Army, we can appreciate the writer’s contribution to a Marxist sociology of religions.
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  11. From Captain Swing to Pancho Villa. Instances of Peasant Resistance in the Historiography of Eric Hobsbawm.Michael Löwy - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (189):3-10.
    Eric Hobsbawm is a man of the Enlightenment: does he not define socialism as the last and most extreme heir of the eighteenth century's rationalism? So it is not surprising that the distinction between ‘modern’ and ‘primitive’ or ‘archaic’ has an important place in his work. However, examining some of his writings, and in particular the three books from the period 1959-69 devoted to so-called archaic forms of revolt, it is evident that his approach differs markedly from the ‘progressive’ orthodoxy (...)
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    Sur Marx et les marxismes.Jacques Bidet, Bruno Tinel, Gérard Duménil, Michael Löwy & Emmanuel Renault - 2010 - Actuel Marx 48 (2):129-137.
    On Marx et Marxisms. In response to the questions addressed by Jacques Bidet and Bruno Tinel, Gérard Duménil, Michael Löwy and Emmanuel Renault here outline the approach they adopted in their two recently published books on Marx, and on Marxisms . The questions raised here mainly hinge on the articulation between the political, the philosophical and the economic dimension of Marx’s writings, and the way these can be mobilised within contemporary debates.
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    Introduction. Un siècle de « luxemburgismes ».Jean-Numa Ducange, Guillaume Fondu & Michael Löwy - 2022 - Actuel Marx 71 (1):11-22.
    Rosa Luxemburg est une des principales représentantes du marxisme occidental. Le présent article vise à donner quelques éléments précis sur l’histoire de la réception de Rosa Luxemburg dans différents pays. Outre la France, où elle bénéficia d’une réception particulièrement remarquable, il est question dans cet article de l’appréciation de son œuvre dans les deux Allemagnes pendant la guerre froide (1949-1989), en URSS, mais aussi aux États-Unis et au Brésil. Sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, l’article présente donc un panorama du « luxemburgisme (...)
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    « Le Défi du Forum Social Mondial »: L'Autre Monde au-Delà du Capitalisme.Gérard Duménil, Michaël Löwy & Carl A. Whitaker - 2007 - Actuel Marx 42 (2):181-196.
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  15. Goldmann and Lukacs-the tragic worldview.M. Lowy - 1991 - Philosophical Forum 23 (1-2):124-139.
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    Habermas et Weber.Michael Löwy - 1998 - Actuel Marx 24:105-114.
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    La théorie du développement inégal et combiné.Michael Löwy - 1995 - Actuel Marx 18:111-119.
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    Marxism and Revolutionary Romanticism.Michael Löwy - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (49):83-95.
  19.  6
    Pour une sociologie des intellectuels révolutionnaires: l'évolution politique de Lukacs, 1909-1929.Michael Löwy - 1976 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  20. " Theologia negativa" and" utopia negativa": Franz Kafka.M. Lowy - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 49 (1):27-51.
    The ideas of Jewish Messianism and libertarian utopia hold a decisive place in the work of Franz Kafka and while it is possible to recognise the selective tendency which links them, their orientation derives from radical negativity. The sympathy for libertarian utopianism which led Kafka to become involved in the activities of Prague anarchist circles in 1919-1922 did not take on the same form in his novels and short stories. In them it is purely negative, a critique of a world (...)
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    Affinités paradoxales. Max Weber et l’anarchisme.Michael Löwy & Eleni Varikas - 2023 - Cités 96 (4):69-86.
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  22. A teoria do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado.Michael Löwy - 1995 - Actuel Marx 18.
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    Crise écologique, capitalisme et altermondialisme.Michael Löwy - 2008 - Actuel Marx 44 (2):68-75.
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    Chaînes en papier.Michael Löwy - 2003 - Diogène 204 (4):62-74.
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    Entweder - Oder! Rosa Luxemburg et l’internationalisme.Michael Löwy - 2022 - Actuel Marx 71 (1):41-57.
    La plupart des discussion sur l’internationalisme radical de Rosa Luxemburg s’intéressent surtout, et parfois uniquement, à son attitude négative – en effet très discutable – envers les droits politiques des nations. Ce qui manque dans cette approche, c’est le côté positif de son point de vue, sa riche contribution à la conception marxiste de l’internationalisme prolétarien, et son refus obstiné de céder aux sirènes du nationalisme et du chauvinisme. Un internationalisme qui se traduit notamment par son refus de l’Union sacrée (...)
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    Figures du marxisme wéberien.Michael Löwy - 1992 - Actuel Marx 11:83-94.
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    Impérialisme : Présentation II.Michael Löwy - 1995 - Actuel Marx 18 (2):19.
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    L'irréalisme critique.Michaël Löwy - 2009 - Actuel Marx 45 (1):52-65.
    Critical Irrealism There is much relevance in the concept of critical realism, but it tends to become exclusive: too often realism appears as the only acceptable form of art, and the only one having a critical edge towards the existing social reality. Are there not many non-realist works of art which are valuable and contain a powerfull critique of the social order? In other words: does it not exist a category of artistic creations that could be defined as critical irrealism? (...)
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    L'indigénisme marxiste de Jose Carlos Mariategui.Michael Löwy - 2014 - Actuel Marx 56 (2):12-22.
    José Carlos Mariátegui was one of the first Latin-American Marxists to put forward a critical appraisal of the continent’s Indian question. By this we refer to an analysis which not only recognizes the decisive role of the indigenous peasant masses as subjects of a revolutionary social transformation, but which also sees in the indigenous cultures and traditions one of the principal sources of an Indo-American socialism.
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    Le progrès des gauches en Amérique latine : gouvernements, mouvements sociaux et luttes indigènes.Michael Löwy - 2007 - Actuel Marx 42 (2):111-125.
    The Progress of the Left in Latin America: Governments, Social Movements, the Struggles of the Amerindian Populations Gérard Duménil and Michaël Löwy here interview Michel Lemoine about the nature of the governments currently in office in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia and Venezuela. What contribution can these governments make to the task of establishing an anti-imperialist front? What are the specific features of the Latin American resistance to neo-liberalism, in view of the articulation between this resistance and the struggles of the (...)
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    Le P.T. brésilien : nouveau type de parti.Michael Löwy - 1994 - Actuel Marx 16 (2):89.
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  32.  47
    La théorie marxiste du parti.Michael Löwy - 2009 - Actuel Marx 46 (2):27-51.
    The Marxist Theory of the Party This paper examines the conceptions of the revolutionary party among some of the most importantMarxist thinkers of the XXth century, through three interrelated essential issues : 1) the levels of classconsciousness ; 2) the relationship of the party to the masses, in particular during a revolution ; 3) theinternal structure of the party. In our view, the chosen authors – Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, Gramsci,Lukacs, Trotsky – belong to the same « current » in Marxism, (...)
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    La violence de l'abstraction.Michael Löwy & Annie Bidet-Mordrel - 1992 - Actuel Marx 11 (1):119.
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    Martin Buber’s Socialism.Michael Löwy - 2017 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 25 (1):95-104.
    _ Source: _Volume 25, Issue 1, pp 95 - 104 Martin Buber was a creative and heterodox socialist thinker. His socialist utopia was based on the idea of a new community that does not hark back to ancient forms, but wants to overcome modern society while incorporating its achievements, such as the principle of individual freedom. It is not bound, like the old _Gemeinschaft_—the tribe, the clan, the religious sect—by one single word or opinion that soon freezes into dogma and (...)
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    Mannheim et le marxisme : idéologie et utopie.Michael Löwy - 2008 - Actuel Marx 43 (1):42-49.
    Ideology and Utopia is a work which, in its conceptual and methodological apparatus, has a far greater debt to Marxism and to Lukacs than is evident from the few explicit references figuring in the text. The entire problematic of Standortgebundenheit, of the complicity between thought and social being, is the product of the successful grafting of Marxism onto an underlying historicism. This, in our opinion, is one of the most interesting intellectual contributions of Mannheim. The central sociological question in the (...)
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    Marxisme et romantisme chez José Carlos Mariategui.Michael Löwy - 1999 - Actuel Marx 25:187-201.
  37.  25
    Messianisme et utopie.Michael Löwy - 2010 - Cités 42 (2):33.
    C’est le sociologue Karl Mannheim qui a donné sa formulation « classique » – et encore aujourd’hui la plus pertinente – de l’utopie : toutes les représentations, aspirations ou images de désir , qui s’orientent vers la rupture de l’ordre établi et exercent une « fonction subversive » .1La..
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    Mística revolucionaria: José Carlos Mariátegui y la religion.Michael Löwy - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (28):49-59.
    In this article an approximate profile of Mariategui´s thoughts on the importance of religion in marxist philosophy is presented. His philosophy is quite distant from the orthodox Marxist doctrine on the religious question, where it is seen as the opium of the poor. Mariategui considers that social..
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  39. Marx, Weber and The Critique of Capitalism.Michael LÖWY - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (3).
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    Pontifex Maximus versus Kkapitalismus. Laudato si : une encyclique antisystémique.Michael Löwy - 2018 - Actuel Marx 64 (2):74-85.
    L’élection du Pape François (Bergoglio) est un changement inattendu dans l’orientation de l’Église. Nous en prenons dans cet article pour preuve son encyclique « écologique » Laudato Si, qui dénonce l’actuel « système de relations commerciales et de propriété structurellement pervers » comme responsable des inégalités sociales et de la crise écologique.
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    Pessimisme révolutionnaire. Le marxisme romantique de Walter Benjamin.Michael Löwy - 2018 - Cités 74 (2):91.
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    Revolução burguesa e revolução permanente em Marx e Engels.Michael Löwy - 1978 - Discurso 9:129-152.
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    Rosa Luxemburg et le communisme.Michael Löwy - 2010 - Actuel Marx 48 (2):22-32.
    Rosa Luxemburg and Communism. There are four topics in Rosa Luxemburg’s writings which are of particular importance from the perspective of a refoundation of communism in the 21th century : internationalism, an “open” conception of history, the importance of democracy in the revolutionary process, and the interest in the “pre-modern” communist traditions. This last aspect of Luxemburg’s thinking is less well known. By confronting the industrial capitalist civilization with the communitarian past of humanity, Rosa Luxemburg broke with linear evolutionism, positivism, (...)
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    Un Marx inattendu.Michael Löwy - 2003 - Actuel Marx 34 (2):185-189.
    Unusual Marx « Peuchet : vom Selbstmord » (1846 is to a large extent composed of – translated – excerpts from Peuchet, a former head of the French police archives under the Restoration. This small and almost forgotten article is, in fact, one of the most powerful indictments of womens' oppression ever published under Marx's signature and a precious contribution to a richer understanding of the evils of modern bourgeois society, of the suffering that its patriarchal family-structure inflicts on women, (...)
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    Walter Benjamin e o marxismo.Michel Löwy - 1994 - Trans/Form/Ação 17:07-13.
    This article analyses the relationship between Benjamin and Marxism, without however failing to recognize that the philosopher's thought has at the same time two sides: one Marxist and another messianic.O presente artigo visa analisar as relações entre Benjamin e o marxismo, sem, entretanto, esquecer que o pensamento do filósofo comporta, ao mesmo tempo, uma vertente marxista e outra messiânica.
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    Weber et Habermas.Michael Löwy - 1992 - Actuel Marx 11 (1):131.
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    William Morris, romantique révolutionnaire.Michael Löwy - 2013 - Multitudes 55 (4):129.
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    Walter Benjamin’s Archive: Images, Texts, Signs Walter Benjamin Benjamin Handbuch. Leben-Werk-Wirkung.Michael Löwy - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (2):129-136.
    We are used to classifying different thinkers according to their general orientation: progressive or conservative, revolutionary or nostalgic of the past, materialist or idealist. Walter Benjamin does not fit into these categories. He is a revolutionary critic of the ideologies of progress, a materialist theologian, and his nostalgia for the past is at the service of his Marxist dreams for the future. It is therefore not surprising that so many different and conflicting readings of his work have developed since his (...)
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    Paper Chains: Bureaucratic Despotism and Voluntary Servitude in Franz Kafka’s The Castle.Michael Löwy - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):49-58.
    This article is an attempt at a ‘political’ reading of Kafka’s The Castle, as an ironical, radical critique - from a libertarian perspective - of the despotism of the modern bureaucratic apparatus. This reading is not self-evident. Like all Kafka’s unfinished novels, Das Schloss is a strange and fascinating literary document that creates perplexity and inspires various contradictory and/or dissonant interpretations. And like The Trial it has been the object of very many religious and theological readings. Michael Löwy concludes by (...)
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  50.  96
    The Modern Intellectual and His Heretical Ancestor: Gershom Scholem and Nathan of Gaza.Michael Löwy & Juliet Vale - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (190):102-106.
    Gershom Scholem was without question a brilliant example of the modern Jewish intellectual: neither Talmudic, rabbinical, nor kabbalistic and still less a prophet. More modestly - but with remarkable spiritual energy - he was a historian, a man of learning, a university graduate, a (critical) son of the Haskalah or Hebrew Enlightenment, and a thinker who - without ever ceasing to believe after his own fashion - abandoned the traditional orthodox faith, with its rituals and prohibitions. He was also a (...)
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