Results for 'M. Schachter'

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  1.  31
    Tagalog Reference Grammar.Henry M. Hoenigswald, Paul Schachter & Fe T. Otanes - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):148.
  2. Relativized descriptions, quantum mechanics, and relativity.M. Mugur-Schächter - forthcoming - Foundations of Physics.
  3.  58
    Study of Wigner's theorem on joint probabilities.M. Mugur-Schächter - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (5-6):389-404.
    The exact bearing of an important theorem proved by Wigner is established. The study brings out the fact that marginal conditions as well as mean conditions of a form currently required in joint probability attempts are in fact inadequate for the determination of a relevant concept of a joint probability. New vistas are thereby opened up.
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    Spacetime quantum probabilities II: Relativized descriptions and Popperian propensities. [REVIEW]M. Mugur-Schächter - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (2):235-312.
    In the first part of this work(1) we have explicated the spacetime structure of the probabilistic organization of quantum mechanics. We have shown that each quantum mechanical state, in consequence of the spacetime characteristics of the epistemic operations by which the observer produces the state to be studied and the processes of qualification of these, brings in a tree-like spacetime structure, a “quantum mechanical probability tree,” thattransgresses the theory of probabilities as it now stands. In this second part we develop (...)
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  5.  25
    E-Collection.Thomas M. Lennon, Sean Allen-Hermanson, Samantha Brennan, Jean-Pierre Schachter, Marceline Morais, Scott Campbell, Zena Ryder & Nebojsa Kujundzic - 2011 - Modern Schoolman 88 (3/4).
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  6.  50
    Study of Piron's system of questions and propositions.N. Hadjisavvas, F. Thieffine & M. Mugur-Schächter - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (9-10):751-765.
    A formal system of “questions” and “propositions” conceived by C. Piron and claimed to yield by interpretation quantum mechanics as well as all other known physical theories is examined. It is proved that the mentioned system is syntactically self-consistent in the sense of the theory of models. However, it is found that the mentioned formal system possesses certain syntactic characteristics in consequence of which qualification of this system as a generator of quantum mechanics by interpretation encounters semantic obstacles so grave (...)
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  7.  46
    Supplement to a critique of Piron's system of questions and propositions.F. Thieffine, N. Hadjisavvas & M. Mugur-Schächter - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (7-8):645-649.
    A previous critique of the relevance of Piron's questions-propositions system as a generator of quantum mechanics by interpretation is reinforced and brought to a close by further investigation.
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  8. Cognitive, social, and physiological determinants of emotional state.Stanley Schachter & Jerome Singer - 1962 - Psychological Review 69 (5):379-399.
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  9. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 24.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Volume 24 of _The Annual_ opens with a memorial tribute to the late Merton M. Gill, a major voice in American psychoanalysis for half a century. Remembrances of Gill by Robert Holt, Robert Wallerstein, Philip Holzman, and Irwin Hoffman are followed by thoughtful appreciations of Gill's final book, _Psychoanalysis in Transition: A Personal View_, by John Gedo, Jerome Oremland, Arnold Richards and Arthur Lynch, Joseph Schachter, and Bhaskar Sripada and Shara Kronmal. Section II offers four papers from a major (...)
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    Prolegomena to a Critical Grammar.Josef Schächter - 1973 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book is the first English version of Prolegomena zu einer kritischen Grammatik, published by Julius Springer, Vienna, 1935, as Volume 10 of the Vienna Circle's series Schriften zur wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung. The prefatory remarks of both editor and author acknowledge the influence ofWittgenstein in a general way. However, in aim and approach, the work differs from Wittgenstein's Philosophische Grammatik. This is indeed based on material going back to 1932, some of which Schachter must have known. On the other hand, (...)
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  11. Der sinn pessimistischer sätze.Josef Schächter - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):223 - 234.
    De pessimistische zinnen, waarvan vele op het eerste gezicht klaar en begrijpelijk schijnen, blijken bij nadere beschouwing zinlooze woordenreeksen. De schrijver onderscheidt in zijn logische onderzoekingen drie stadia. In het eerste stadium -- dat van het naïeve begrijpen -- komen ons de pessimistische zinnen, vooral wanneer we in een slechte stemming zijn, zeer vertrouwd voor; in het volgende stadium -- dat der logische analyse -- ontpoppen zij zich als zinlooze woordverbindingen, terwijl in het derde stadium een verklaring wordt gezocht voor (...)
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  12.  44
    The probabilistic-informational opacity functional, Jaynes's principle, and distances to equilibrium of an evolving system.François Schächter - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (4):383-396.
    A new probabilistic-informational concept, earlier constructed by Mugur-Schächter, is further developed. Associated with Jaynes's principle, this concept permits one to define a measure for the distance between the state of a system evolving under stable constraints and the equilibrium with these constraints. An illustration is given for a gas evolving in a thermostated box. It appears that the free energy of the gas estimates the distance to equilibrium, the estimation being defined in abstract informational-probabilistic terms.
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  13.  7
    Transference: Shibboleth or Albatross?Joseph Schachter - 2001 - Routledge.
    The theory of transference and the centrality of transference interpretation have been hallmarks of psychoanalysis since its inception. But the time has come to subject traditional theory and practice to careful, critical scrutiny in the light of contemporary science. So holds Joseph Schachter, whose _Transference: Shibboleth or Albatross?_ undertakes this timely and thought-provoking task. After identifying the weaknesses and inconsistencies in Freud's original premises about transference, Schachter demonstrates how contemporary developmental research across a variety of domains effectively overturns (...)
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  14.  68
    How does Concurrency Extend the Paradigm of Computation?Vincent Schächter - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):37-57.
    Invariance of the class of algorithms expressible with respect to changes in computational formalism have provided extremely stable foundations for the Church-Turing thesis, according to which a number of—equivalent—computational mechanisms each fully capture the intuitive notion of algorithm. Thanks to the stability and elegance of the Church-Turing thesis, the notion of computation defined by these mechanisms is etched in stone as the theoretical essence of computation. In particular, this notion has been extensively used as an abstract tool to model natural (...)
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  15. Descartes, Divine Veracity, and Moral Certainty.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (1):15-40.
    RésuméCet article explore les liens entre le recours à la véracité de Dieu et les notions de certitude «métaphysique» et «morale» chez Descartes. Pour cela, je montre le rôle qu'elles jouent dans sa preuve de l'existence du monde extérieur, sa position sur l'existence d'autres esprits et celle sur l'«animal-machine». Descartes se sert de la véracité de Dieu dans le premier cas, maispas dans le deuxième ni le troisième. Je suggere que c'est parce que faire à nouveau appel à la véracité (...)
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  16.  46
    Toward a factually induced space-time quantum logic.Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (7):963-994.
    In the present work are identified the main features of the algebraic structure with respect to the logical operations, of the set of all the quantum mechanical utterances for which can be specified a factual counterpart and factual rules for truth valuation. This structure is found not to be a lattice. It depends crucially on the spacetime features of the operations by which the observer prepares the studied states and performs measurements on them.
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  17.  31
    Pierre Bayle, matter, and the unity of consciousness.Josef Schachter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):241-266.
  18.  65
    Pierre Bayle, Matter, and the Unity of Consciousness.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):241 - 265.
    There were three such assumptions required, one explicitly stated, and two not made explicit until Bayle. The explicit one was a certain commonly accepted double understanding of ‘destruction’: a ‘natural’ version, which made it no more than a change in a particular arrangement or ‘organization’ of particles through which an aggregate was destroyed by losing its identity, and a metaphysical version, which entailed the actual annihilation of a substance. It was assumed that the latter could be accomplished only by miraculous (...)
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  19. Prolegomena to a Critical Grammar.Josef Schächter & J. F. Staal - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (4):728-728.
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  20.  50
    Ueber Das verstehen.Josef Schächter - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):367-384.
  21.  71
    "Cognitive, social, and physiological determinants of emotional state": Erratum.Stanley Schachter & Jerome Singer - 1963 - Psychological Review 70 (1):121-122.
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  22.  69
    Elucidation of the probabilistic structure of quantum mechanics and definition of a compatible joint probability.Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (11):1085-1085.
    A new integrated view on the probabilistic organization of quantum mechanics is constructed. It is then proved that for superposition state vectors the theoretical quantum mechanical distribution for the momentum observable is devoid of operational definition, and hence cannot be the source of conditions of compatibility to be imposed upon a researched joint probability concept. A compatible joint probability concept is outlined.
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  23.  90
    From quantum mechanics to universal structures of conceptualization and feedback on quantum mechanics.Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (1):37-122.
    In previous works we have established that the spacetime probabilistic organization of the quantum theory is determined by the spacetime characteristics of the operations by which the observer produces the objects to be studied (“states” of microsystems) and obtains qualifications of these. Guided by this first conclusion, we have then built a “general syntax of relativized conceptualization” where any description is explicitly and systematically referred to the two basic epistemic operations by which the conceptor introduces the object to be qualified (...)
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  24.  86
    Locality, reflection, and wave-particle duality.Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (8):813-857.
    Bell's theorem is believed to establish that the quantum mechanical predictions do not generally admit a causal representation compatible with Einsten's principle of separability, thereby proving incompatibility between quantum mechanics and relativity. This interpretation is contested via two convergent approaches which lead to a sharp distinction between quantum nonseparability and violation of Einstein's theory of relativity.In a first approach we explicate from the quantum mechanical formalism a concept of “reflected dependence.” Founded on this concept, we produce a causal representation of (...)
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  25.  29
    Objectivity and descriptional relativities.Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 2002 - Foundations of Science 7 (1-2):73-180.
    A general representation of the processesof conceptualization, founded upon adescriptional mould drawn from fundamentalquantum mechanics, is outlined. The approach iscalled the method of relativizedconceptualization. This stresses that therepresentation is not researched as a ``neutralstatement of facts'' but, from the start on, asa method subjected to definitedescriptional aims, namely an a prioriexclusion of the emergence of false problems orparadoxes and of any gliding into relativism.The method is characterized by an explicit andsystematic relativization of each descriptionalstep, to all the descriptional elementsinvolved in (...)
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  26.  7
    Quantum Mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action: Proposals for a Formalized Epistemology.Mioara Mugur-Schächter & Alwyn Merwe - 2010 - Springer.
    The purpose of this book is to initiate a new discipline, namely a formalized epistemological method drawn from the cognitive strategies practised in the most effective among the modern scientific disciplines, as well as from general philosophical thinking. Indeed, what is lacking in order to improve our knowledge and our domination of the modes which nowadays are available for the generation and communication of knowledge, thoroughly and rapidly and with precision and detail? It is a systematic explication of the epistemological (...)
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  27. Quantum mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action. Proposals for a Formalized Epistemology.Mioara Mugur-Schächter & Alwyn van Der Merwe (eds.) - 2002 - Kluwer Academic Publisher.
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  28.  89
    What is the problem in the locality problem?Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (4):461-470.
    In connection with my previous paper “Locality, Reflection, and Wave-Particle Duality” [Found. Phys. 17, 813 (1987)], in this paper I distinguish explicitly, in the locality problem, between assertions, deductively established results, interpretations, intuitions, and facts. This clarifies the structure of the problem.
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  29. A Markov-informational representation of evolutions.François Schächter - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (2):183-192.
    A purely probabilistic-informational model of evolutions is sketched, basically free of any assumption concerning the nature and structure of the evolving system but apt to incorporatea posteriori any such assumptions needed for application to a specified evolution. The model produces an abstract extension of the second principle of thermodynamics. It also leads to an outline of a typology of irreversible evolutions.
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  30.  75
    Bijdrage tot de analyse Van het begrip “cultuur”.Josef Schächter - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):47 - 54.
    Das Wort "Kultur" wird verschiedenartig gebraucht. Wir sagen beispielsweise über ein Volk, das Grosses geleistet hat, dass es ein Kulturvolk sei, während ein anderes, das nicht so viel geleistet hat, nicht als Kulturvolk bezeichnet wird. Dagegen sprechen wir beispielsweise von der Kultur der Steinzeit, obwohl die Menschen der Steinzeit viel primitiver waren, als das Volk, das wir nicht als Kulturvolk ansehen wollten. Wir erhalten eine Bestimmung des Begriffes "Kultur" in derjenigen Bedeutung, die alle Arten und Stufen der Kultur umfasst, und (...)
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  31. Cancer patients facing death : is the patient who focuses on living in denial of his/her death?Sherry R. Schachter - 2009 - In Michael K. Bartalos (ed.), Speaking of death: America's new sense of mortality. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
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  32.  52
    De „zin“ Van pessimistische zinnen.Josef Schächter - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):234-234.
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  33.  68
    Hume's argument against the continuing existence of unperceived perceptions.Jean Pierre Schachter - 1978 - Mind 87 (347):436-442.
  34. Istota logiki.Josef Schächter - 2010 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:171-198.
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  35.  70
    Lexical functional grammar as a model of linguistic competence.Paul Schachter - 1985 - Linguistics and Philosophy 8 (4):449 - 503.
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  36.  18
    Managing Relationships with Industry: A Physician's Compliance Manual.Steven C. Schachter (ed.) - 2008 - Elsevier.
    Background -- Overview of legal sources -- Summary of recent prosecutions and investigations -- Applications of law and professional and trade association standards to physician relationships with industry -- Legal and ethical aspects of specific physician's industry financial relationships -- Approaching and adopting effective compliance plans.
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  37.  54
    Over het wezen der philosophie.Josef Schächter - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):395 - 405.
  38. Physics at the University of Reims, France, where she has founded and directed the Laboratoire de Mécanique Quantique et Structures de l'Information. She is President of the Centre pour la Synthèse d'une Épistémologie Formalisée (CeSEF). Her numerous works on.Mioara Mugur Schächter - 2002 - Foundations of Science 7:229-231.
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  39.  16
    Publicity, Causation, And The Mind-Body Problem.J. -P. Schachter - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (4):556-568.
    Do we still have a Cartesian mind-body problem? Folk wisdom has it that Descartes is responsible for there being a mind-body problem. Nonetheless, the same folk wisdom has it that the mind-body problem is still with us. Discovering the culprit and his modus operandi has not apparently enabled us to neutralize his mischief. How can that be? Perhaps it is because the mind-body problem we have now is not the infamous one of Cartesian origins.
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  40.  54
    Playing Fair with Prejudice.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (4):739-758.
    RésuméIl y a desprohibitions morales aussi bien que légales contre les préjugés, mais une sorte au moins de préjugé se ramène à une variété commune d'inférence que l'on emploie fréquemment, et avec profit, sous d'autres noms. Cette inférence estelle fautive, et si oui, de quelle façon? Est-elle rationnellement fautive ou moralement fautive? Je soutiens ici que l'une et l'autre positions sont difficiles à défendre, et que la raison pour laquelle cette forme d'inférence est prohibée est à chercher du côté d'une (...)
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  41.  26
    Prejudice, prudence and fairness.Jean-Pierre Schachter - unknown
    There exists reasoning popularly characterized as "prejudiced" that may nevertheless be both sound and prudential, and this reasoning involves the application of exactly the same inductive correlational strategies applied without moral objection in non -human cases. While such reasoning may be rationally unobjectionable, it may yet be morally objectionable because its methods inherently entail a risk of unfairness to others. This raises the interesting philosophical possibility that arguments may be a ppraised and found wanting on other than rational grounds, that (...)
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  42.  38
    Quality of life for families in the management of home care patients with advanced cancer.Sherry Schachter - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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  43.  71
    Religie en wetenschap.Josef Schächter - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):159 - 167.
    Die Wissenschaft besteht aus einzelnen Behauptungssätzen, aus Kausalsätzen, aus Naturgesetzen, die in mathematischen Formeln ausgedrückt werden, aus Regeln und Ableitungen; aus Hypothesen, Verifikationsmethoden, Verifikationen, beziehungweise Falsifikationen; aus Konstatierungen über die Verwendung sprachlicher Zeichen. All das wird mit dem gemeinsamen Namen "Wissenschaft" bezeichnet. Wir bemerken, dass hierdurch heterogene Satztypen zusammengefasst wurden und wir wollen nach dem gemeinsamen "Durchschnitt" aller erwähnten Satzarten suchen, damit wir den gemeinsamen Namen rechtfertigen und das Verhältnis dieser Zusammenfassung zu einer andern Zusammenfassung, die man als Religion bezeichnet, (...)
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  44.  69
    The Angel in the Machine.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Research 22:445-460.
    In “The Angel in the Machine” I argue that the substantial concept of mind is heir to a number of consequences not previously appreciated, included among which (but not limited to) are both Solipsism and Atheism. In addition, I suggest that the difficulties I indicate were to some extent already understood by Aristotle who seems to have laid the foundation for two concepts of mind, one associated with human beings, the other with Angels. His distinction is recalled in the Middle (...)
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  45.  10
    The Nyktophylaxia of Delos.A. Schachter - 1999 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 119:172-174.
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  46.  52
    The Private Language Passages.J. P. Schachter - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):479 - 494.
    Discusssion of passages 243 et. seq. of Wittgenstein's Philosophical lnvestigations tends to concentrate on the argument supporting the thesis that a logically private language is impossible. When the discussion becomes broader, the presumption is generally that this thesis is one premifs of an argument against solipsism. I believe that the passages will support a valid argument that might, at first glance, give comfort to someone in the egocentric predicament, but that this comfort would quickly grow cold on closer examination. I (...)
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  47.  21
    The seer Tisamenos and the Klytiadai.A. Schachter - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (01):292-.
    At the battle of Plataia, ‘Ελλησι μέν ισαμενàς ’AντιóΧoυ ν ‘θυóμενσ oτoς γàρ δ επετo τŵ στρατεúματι τoúτω μάντις τàν ༐óντα ’Hλεîoν καì γένεoς τoû ’Ιαμιδέων κλυτιάδην Λακεδαιμóνιoι ༐̌oιήσαντo λεωσøέτερoν.
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  48. William Seager, Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction and Assessment.J. Schachter - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9 (1):117-121.
  49.  8
    Emotion: The Method Of Philosophical Therapy.Warren A. Shibles - 1974 - Whitewater, Wis.: Language Press.
  50. Spacetime quantum probabilities, relativized descriptions, and popperian propensities. Part I: Spacetime quantum probabilities. [REVIEW]Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (12):1387-1449.
    An integrated view concerning the probabilistic organization of quantum mechanics is obtained by systematic confrontation of the Kolmogorov formulation of the abstract theory of probabilities, with the quantum mechanical representationand its factual counterparts. Because these factual counterparts possess a peculiar spacetime structure stemming from the operations by which the observer produces the studied states (operations of state preparation) and the qualifications of these (operations of measurement), the approach brings forth “probability trees,” complex constructs with treelike spacetime support.Though it is strictly (...)
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