Results for 'M. Troyon'

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  1.  17
    About the importance of introducing a correction factor in the Sneddon relationship for nanoindentation measurements.M. Troyon & S. Lafaye - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5299-5307.
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    Business Versus Ethics? Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics.M. Tina Dacin, Jeffrey S. Harrison, David Hess, Sheila Killian & Julia Roloff - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (3):863-877.
    To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics, the editors in chief of the journal have invited the editors to provide commentaries on the future of business ethics. This essay comprises a selection of commentaries aimed at creating dialogue around the theme Business versus Ethics?. The authors of these commentaries seek to transcend the age-old separation fallacy :409–421, 1994) that juxtaposes business and ethics/society, posing a forced choice or trade off. Providing a contemporary take on (...)
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  3. Bilim İnsanlarının Perspektifinden Sınırlandırma Problemi.M. Efe Ateş - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi (59):56-77.
    Bilim felsefesinin en temel problemlerinden biri olan sınırlandırma problemi belirli bir ölçüt vasıtası ile bilimi, bilimsel olmayan ya da sahte/sözde bilim olan etkinliklerden ayırt edip edemeyeceğimizi konu edinmektedir. Literatüre baktığımızda felsefeciler –özellikle bilim felsefecileri– bilimin doğasını karakterize etme girişiminde bulunurken bilim dilinin mantıksal yapısına ya da bilimin tarihsel süreçlerine odaklanarak, bilimi bilimsel olmayan ya da sahte-bilim olan etkinliklerden ayırt etmişlerdir. Bu çalışma ise farklı bir yaklaşım benimseyerek sınırlandırma problemine, felsefecilerin değil, bilim insanlarının perspektifi ile bakmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu sebeple alanında deneyimli (...)
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  4.  33
    Bilim İnsanlarının Perspektifinden Sınırlandırma Problemi.Ateş M. Efe, İnce Mehmet & Bora Cenk - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 59:56-77.
    Bilim felsefesinin en temel problemlerinden biri olan sınırlandırma problemi belirli bir ölçüt vasıtası ile bilimi, bilimsel olmayan ya da sahte/sözde bilim olan etkinliklerden ayırt edip edemeyeceğimizi konu edinmektedir. Literatüre baktığımızda felsefeciler –özellikle bilim felsefecileri– bilimin doğasını karakterize etme girişiminde bulunurken bilim dilinin mantıksal yapısına ya da bilimin tarihsel süreçlerine odaklanarak, bilimi bilimsel olmayan ya da sahte-bilim olan etkinliklerden ayırt etmişlerdir. Bu çalışma ise farklı bir yaklaşım benimseyerek sınırlandırma problemine, felsefecilerin değil, bilim insanlarının perspektifi ile bakmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu sebeple alanında deneyimli (...)
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  5. New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges.M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko, O. Bezpartochna, R. Dmuchowski, S. Szmitka, O. Shevchenko, M. Artman, P. Jarosz, V. Kubičková, M. Čukanová, D. Benešová, R. Narkūnienė, R. Bražulienė, T. Németh, M. Hegedűs, M. Borowska, B. Cherniavskyi, R. Vazov, M. Lalakulych, N. Tsenkler, N. Štangová, A. Víghová, P. Havrylko, T. Hushtan, V. Petrenko, A. Karnaushenko, A. Sokolovskа, O. Tymchenko, O. Dragan, L. Tertychna, N. Rybak, R. Pidlypna, M. Kovach, K. Indus, O. Sydorchuk, A. Kolodiychuk, V. Kuranovic, O. Nosachenko, M. Baldzhy, K. Andriushchenko, K. Teteruk, E. Yuhas, L. Rybakova, E. Mikelsone, T. Volkova, A. Spilbergs, E. Liela, J. Frisfelds, M. Kurleto, I. Vlasenko & S. Gyrych (eds.) - 2020 - Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”.
    New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges: collective monograph / scientific edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 Vol. // VUZF University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship. – Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2020. – Vol. 1. – 309 p.
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  6. Novai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡.M. S. Kovaleva (ed.) - 2000 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
    t. 1. A-D -- t. 2. E-M -- t. 3. N-S -- t.4. T-I︠A︡.
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  7.  41
    The Legions of the Euphrates Frontier.R. Knox M'Elderry - 1909 - Classical Quarterly 3 (01):44-.
    In a recently-published work of much learning and great interest, La Frontière de l'Euphrate de Pompée à la Conquète Arabe , M. Victor Chapot has dealt at some length with the history of the eastern legions. But neither he, nor, so far as I can find, any other writer, has attempted to fix their camps with full regard to chronology, and many points have been left uncertain. Although there is little direct evidence—less than for any other part of the Roman (...)
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  8. Niels Bohr in the darkness and light of soviet philosophy.M. S. - 1966 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1-4):73 – 93.
    Soviet attitude towards Bohr reflects changes in the ideological approach to science. During the last period before Stalin's death danov proclaimed the campaign against Western influence in Soviet philosophy and science. Nevertheless the physicist M. A. Markov tried to introduce complementarity as a materialistic interpretation of quantum-mechanics in 1948. He was officially condemned. This was followed by a period (1948-54) during which heavy attacks were made against the Copenhagen school. In 1958, after a personal exchange of thoughts with Bohr, academician (...)
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  9.  25
    The Ethic of Honesty: The Fundamental Rule of Psychoanalysis.M. Guy Thompson - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Rarely do we come across a book that has the force and cogency to provoke us to reevaluate the most fundamental tenets of psychoanalysis. One of the most brilliant psychoanalytic scholars of our time, M. Guy Thompson revolutionizes our understanding of the axiomatic principles upon which psychoanalysis is based. Through a careful exegesis of Freud's texts, he persuasively shows how the fundamental rule of psychoanalysis is not merely a vehicle for free association but, more importantly, a pledge to honesty. Contextualized (...)
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  10.  37
    Heidegger, Dal Nichilismo alla Dignità dell'Uomo. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (4):766-766.
    This is the first part of a two-volume study which may very well represent a turning point of scholarship on Heidegger and a step beyond his position. Paradoxically this work is outstanding both as criticism and as close interpretation of Heidegger. The critical perspectives on Heidegger developed by Regina carry to their natural conclusion some important analyses of the theme of finitude contributed by his colleague, E. Severino, in the mid-sixties. These analyses made clearer the relationship between finitude and the (...)
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  11.  16
    Il Nulla e il Problema dell'Uomo. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):133-134.
    Time has not worn out the urgency and the novelty of these essays on existentialism published first in 1950 and again in 1959. The nothingness on which Paci writes so poignantly here is being as dealt with in the various historico-philosophical positions of transcendence. This suggestion of Paci is Heideggerian in character: being and nothingness are after all identified. But since Paci has in mind the inevitable destruction of human finitude by philosophical conceptions of transcendence, his words of caution apply (...)
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  12.  32
    Subject and Object in Modern Theology. [REVIEW]M. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):358-359.
    Seven lectures, in which some of the major issues of post-Kantian theology and philosophy of religion are discussed in the course of a critical examination of the contributions of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Buber, and Barth to religious inquiry. The author's choice of the subject-object relation as the "perspective pinhole" through which to look at the modern theological scene is a good one. It is not entirely clear, however, whether "the larger problem of insight into the nature of the truth of the (...)
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  13.  35
    Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. [REVIEW]M. M. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (4):715-715.
    This book, a revised and expanded version of a paper delivered at an international congress of linguists, is chiefly concerned with technical questions in the science of linguistics, particularly the superiority of transformational models over taxonomic models in developing an adequate theory of syntax and phonemics. Underlying these technical questions is a sustained criticism of traditional empiricist theories of knowledge. The taxonomic model assumes that the scientific approach to language is an atomistic one, classifying the basic invariant units, sounds, or (...)
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  14.  18
    The Structure of Aesthetics. [REVIEW]M. Z. E. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (1):185-185.
    A collection of commentaries on various theories in aesthetics, similar in method and aim to Kainz's Vorlesungen. Far from placing "the study of aesthetics on a new footing" or grasping "the scope of the subject as a whole," as the dust jacket declares, it is still a useful, well organized and often illuminating manual for the student of aesthetics. Sparshott treats some problems clearly and succinctly, but many other questions, such as the mode of being of the work of art (...)
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  15.  24
    Husserl and Phenomenology. [REVIEW]M. S. H. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):134-135.
    This little volume is a critical introduction to the phenomenological scene through discussion of the ideas of some of its more prominent exponents and an extensive analysis of the thought of its founder. About two thirds of the book is devoted to Husserl. It traces the evolution of Husserl's philosophy from an early interest in the psychological presuppositions of number, to the phenomenological analysis of acts of meaning, and finally to his unsuccessful attempt to construct a comprehensive system embracing the (...)
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  16.  36
    Epistemological Writings. [REVIEW]M. Z. J. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):141-142.
    Although some of Helmholtz’s scientific suggestions are dated with the progress of science, his ontological statements as well as his epistemological studies are still an object of philosophical controversy. The selection of Helmholtz’s epistemological writings, edited as volume 79 in the Synthese Library, contains four papers originally published in German between 1868 and 1887. In these papers are considered among others the epistemological aspects of measuring and numbering, the issues of perceptual cognition, the theory of geometrical knowledge, and the relationship (...)
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  17.  21
    French Free Thought from Gassendi to Voltaire. [REVIEW]M. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (1):196-196.
    A richly detailed history of French secular thought in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. A wealth of material is introduced from unpublished manuscripts. Spink's stress on the clandestine spread of the enlightenment, in spite of official suppression, is interesting and sobering.--J. M. W.
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  18.  13
    Grundzüge der Ontologie Sartres in ihrem Verhältnis zu Hegels Logik. [REVIEW]M. J. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):304-304.
    Hartmann gives a careful, succinct, clear exposition, and, integral to it, a criticism of the main systematic outlines of Sartre's L'être et le néant. He interprets Sartre as attempting to use a phenomenological base for an "objective" ontology. He suggests that Sartre's highly formal dialectic, unlike its Hegelian model, is external to its "content" of concrete existential insights. The comparisons of the en-soi and pour-soi with Hegel's Sein, Dasein, Fürsichsein, and the more developed Begriff and Geist go far to challenge (...)
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  19.  24
    Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death. [REVIEW]M. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):345-345.
    A new and simplified edition of Myers' major work, originally published in 1903. Previous editions had relegated all illustrative case material to cumbersome appendices. The editor of this edition has abridged this material and integrated it into the body of the text. The result is a more manageable and readable volume.--J. M. W.
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  20.  25
    The Concept of Knowledge. [REVIEW]M. V. J. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):350-350.
    Butchvarov is chairman of the department of philosophy at the University of Iowa. His book, a contribution to a new series, the Northwestern University Publications in Analytical Philosophy, deals with "the conceptual foundations of epistemology." It is divided into four main parts. The first undertakes an account of the general concept of knowledge. The second treats the objects of a priori knowledge; the third, the nature of primary a posteriori knowledge. The fourth part regards nondemonstrative inference and the nature of (...)
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  21.  22
    The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. [REVIEW]M. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (3):569-569.
    This eighth volume of the Collected Works of Jung comprises a collection of essays in which Jung struggles with the basic theoretical problems of his psychology. He brings an impressive erudition to his search for concepts, models and explanatory principles adequate to the refractory psychic phenomena with which he deals. In keeping with Jung's conviction that the psyche is "a thing of such infinite complexity that it can be observed and studied from a great many sides," the essays exhibit a (...)
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  22.  27
    A Philosophy of Man. [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):385-385.
    This book's fourteen short essays are neither very technical nor definitive, as Schaff warns in his forward. They do, however, reveal the struggle of a sincere philosopher, who happens also to be a high official of the Polish Communist Party, against the absolutes that plague him—absolute determinism, total party discipline, the definitive revolution. Schaff here continues his debate with the existentialists, notably Sartre, and contributes some clarification to the problem of "Marxist ethics."—W. L. M.
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  23.  33
    Erkenntnis der Existenz. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):547-548.
    Karl Barth's younger brother died shortly before the publication of this monumental work, the crowning piece of his long philosophical career. Since Sein und Zeit and L'Etre et le Néant the present book has been the first real "treatise" in what now we might call "the existentialistic tradition." Such a short notice cannot even hope to enumerate the major themes of this huge volume. This is a truly significant work covering most of the themes that attract a passionate concern for (...)
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  24.  41
    Exact Philosophy. [REVIEW]H. M. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):787-787.
    This book consists of a series of papers "read and discussed at the first Symposium of Exact Philosophy" at Montreal in 1971. "Exact philosophy," the editor says, means "mathematical philosophy, i.e., philosophy done with the explicit help of mathematical logic and mathematics." Judging from the contents, a more accurate statement would be that "exact philosophy" means formal semantics and modal logic. Two thirds of the papers are on these topics. The others include an essay on "Concepts of Randomness" by Peter (...)
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  25.  27
    Facts, Values and Ethics. [REVIEW]B. M. M. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):752-753.
    Olthuis makes a singular contribution in bringing the "Philosophy of the Law-Idea" to the attention of philosophers who lack other access to this development in contemporary Dutch thought. His presentation concentrates on applications to ethics. He begins with a thorough exposition of G. E. Moore's ethical theory, to which he applies "history's critique"--a resumé of Ayer and Stevenson, of Oxford meta-ethics, and of the "new wave" of naturalism set in motion by Anscombe and Foot in 1958. Olthuis finds that neither (...)
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  26.  32
    Ontologie oder Metaphysik. Die Diskussion über den Gegenstand der Metaphysik im 13. and 14. Jahrhundert. Texte und Untersuchungen. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):360-360.
    This is an ambitious venture into the thicket of medieval philosophy: what is the true object of metaphysics? The book begins with a number of texts, printed after various manuscripts through which the author hopes to illustrate the development of a certain chain of ideas. After a short introduction on the Aristotelian and Arabic sources of the whole problematics, there are three fundamental solutions of the question: God is one of the many subjects of metaphysics, God is the cause of (...)
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  27.  32
    Possibilita e Liberta. [REVIEW]B. M. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):714-714.
    A collection of articles centering around the analysis of the category of possibility. Most have been previously published; an English translation of one, "Scienza e Liberta," appeared in this Review V, p. 361. The treatment is in the contemporary existentialist manner, freedom being presented as based upon possibility, as existentially relevant, as finite and conditioned, yet effective in human affairs. Possibility and freedom, and their interrelation, are discussed from the point of view of their function and value within the philosophical, (...)
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  28.  30
    Religion and Judgment. [REVIEW]W. M. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):144-145.
    Religion in the generic sense is presented as an irreducible mode of human judgment. By emphasizing the generic character of religion Arnett sets himself against the "sectarians," those who would claim unique worth for a particular tradition. By arguing for the irreducible nature of religious judgment he opposes himself to the "secularists," those who would reduce religion to some other mode of judgment, or to a non-cognitive status. The strongest chapters are the third and fourth, which deal with the relation (...)
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  29.  14
    Vorlesungen über Ästhetik. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):165-165.
    One of the forgotten "small masters" of German Romanticism is the aesthetician Solger. Besides his famous Erwin, his only major writing is the Lectures on Aesthetics. It displays a coherent and original theory of the beautiful and of art, even though a continuous polemical relationship to Schelling, Fichte and Hegel is ever present in its pages. Solger's sensitive theorizing reconciles the norms of classicism with the aims of romanticism and at the same time points beyond them towards the fundamental principles (...)
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  30.  18
    Essays on Knowledge and Methodology. [REVIEW]M. P. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):821-822.
    The eleven papers in this volume were initially presented at one or another of the Marquette University Workshops in Philosophy held in recent years. The majority of the papers are written from the point of view of Aristotelian realism, with physicist Eugene Wigner's Kantian interpretation of science and George Shrader's idealistic reduction of value to meaning as notable exceptions. Two of the most original contributions are by Paul Weiss on "The Elements of the Physical Universe" and Robert J. Henle on (...)
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  31.  30
    The Unprovability of Consistency. [REVIEW]M. M. R. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (3):592-592.
    This book, the author tells us, is "about some of the ways in which the techniques of modal logic may be used to study concepts of proof theory first studied in Gödel's famous paper on the incompleteness of arithmetic." Those who, with Quine and others, think that modal logic was conceived in sin, may well doubt that its techniques will throw anything but more Dunkel on proof theory. The author attempts to show otherwise and construes "☐A", where " ☐" is (...)
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  32.  34
    The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction. [REVIEW]M. W. S. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (1):196-196.
    The author's first-hand knowledge of phenomenology enables him to select advisedly from the vast stores of available material, and to present the thought of the major figures in the movement so that neither the differences nor dependencies are obscured. The history deals with both the French and German branches of phenomenology. There are also helpful examinations of contacts and affinities between the European phenomenologists and American philosophers such as James and Royce. Altogether a thorough and first rate piece of scholarship.--S. (...)
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  33.  26
    Vida y Sentido. [REVIEW]M. W. S. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (4):722-723.
    The third of three volumes that the author has devoted to the presentation and- development of his philosophy of the instant. In the present work, Life and Meaning, he examines the central and fundamental role of desire or "wanting" in human life. The author vigorously criticizes the rationalistic trend in philosophy which confuses life with thought, and which ignores or intellectualizes the role of desire. His account of the affective life will sometimes seem uncritical to the non-Latin reader.--S. M. W.
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  34. II—M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1997 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 71 (1):75-98.
  35. M. poincaré's science et hypothése.M. PoincarÉ - 1906 - Mind 15 (57):141-143.
  36. (1 other version)Setting Things before the Mind: M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:157-179.
    Listening to someone from some distance in a crowded room you may experience the following phenomenon: when looking at them speak, you may both hear and see where the source of the sounds is; but when your eyes are turned elsewhere, you may no longer be able to detect exactly where the voice must be coming from. With your eyes again fixed on the speaker, and the movement of her lips a clear sense of the source of the sound will (...)
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  37. Mirovozzrenie M. A. Antonovicha.M. N. Peunova - 1960 - Izd-Vo Akademii Nauk Sssr.
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  38.  99
    Leibniz: Dissertation on Combinatorial Art. Translated with Introduction and Commentary: M. Mugnai, H. van Ruler, and M. Wilson, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. x + 307 pp. £53. ISBN 978-0-19-883795-4.M. R. Antognazza - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):187-188.
    This volume offers the first-ever complete English translation of Leibniz’s Dissertatio De Arte Combinatoria together with a critical edition of the original Latin text on fa...
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  39.  23
    M. Tulli Ciceronis Academica.M. Warren & James S. Reid - 1885 - American Journal of Philology 6 (3):355.
  40.  35
    M.P.Drahomanov about freedom of conscience and social functionality of religion.M. I. Loboda - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:55-59.
    Our research is based on a rather large "library" of various works by M. Drahomanov, which contains his views on religion. Among them: Paradise and Progress, From the History of Relations Between Church and State in Western Europe, Faith and Public Affairs, Fight for Spiritual Power and Freedom of Conscience in the 16th - 17th Centuries,, "Church and State in the Roman Empire", "The Status and Tasks of the Science of Ancient History," "Evangelical Faith in Old England," "Populism and Popular (...)
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  41.  46
    M. STREVENSBigger Than Chaos: Understanding Complexity Through Probability. [REVIEW]M. Strevens - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (4):875-882.
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  42. Richard M., Apo; fwnh'.M. Richard - 1950 - Byzantion 20:191-222.
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  43.  77
    M. Hofinger: Lexicon Hesiodeum cum Indice Inverso, Tome I . Pp. xi + 170. Leiden: Brill, 1975. Paper, fl.42.M. L. West - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (2):268-268.
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  44.  66
    M. Hofinger, D. Pinte: Lexicon Hesiodeum cum indice inverso. Supplementum. Pp. 67. Leiden: Brill, 1985. Paper, fl. 25.M. L. West - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (2):297-297.
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  45. J. M. ANDERSON, "The individual and the new worl".M. T. Antonelli - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (4/6):777.
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  46. M. MACDONALD, "Philosophy and Analysis".M. T. Antonelli - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (4/6):772.
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  47.  18
    Countryman, M. 179 Chomsky, N. 258 Craft, WD 136,140 Cutting, JE 190.M. A. Arbib, R. Arnheim, S. Appell, F. Attneave, R. Battison, U. Bellugi, B. Borghuis, E. Brunswik, K. Buhler & L. Burke - 2002 - In Liliana Albertazzi (ed.), Unfolding Perceptual Continua. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 283.
  48. Luntley, M.-Reason, Truth and Self.M. Baghramian - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:38-41.
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  49. BEVIR, M.-The Logic of the History of Ideas.M. Bevir, K. Dodson, J. Gracia & T. S. Gendler - 2001 - Philosophical Books 42 (3):161-195.
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  50.  12
    M. Pacifico, "Immagini e rappresentazioni di una professione non realizzata".M. Brazzoduro - 1997 - Polis 11 (1):137-140.
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