Results for 'Manuel Larraín Errázuriz'

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  1.  12
    Carta Pastoral Desarrollo: éxito o fracaso en América Latina.Manuel Larraín Errázuriz - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 37:205-232.
    Resumen En su recepción del Concilio Vaticano II la Iglesia latinoamericana -focalizada en el problema de la pobreza-, tomó distancia de la teología del desarrollo planteada en Gaudium et spes y de la antropología subyacente, sea soslayando este concepto como expresión de la ideología “desarrollista”, sea neutralizando su relevancia a través de la expansión indefinida de su significado, y en todos los casos subordinándolo a la idea y el objetivo de la liberación. Pero su visión unilateral de la pobreza, que (...)
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    La educación por el arte: ¿utopía o agente de cambio social?Luis Errázuriz Larraín - 2016 - Aisthesis 60:317-323.
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  3. Building better beings: a theory of moral responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Part I: Building blocks. 1. Folk convictions -- 2. Doubts about libertarianism -- 3. Nihilism and revisionism -- 4. Building a better theory -- Part II. A theory of moral responsibility. 5. The primacy of reasons -- 6. Justifying the practice -- 7. Responsible agency -- 8. Blame and desert -- 9. History and manipulation --10. Some conclusions.
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    Tácito y los hombres de mérito bajo el reinado de Tiberio.Catalina Balmaceda Errázuriz - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    Este trabajo busca analizar los personajes que Tácito destaca como dignos de mérito durante el nuevo sistema político del Principado y que reciben una alabanza o elogio por parte del historiador en la primera héxada de sus _Anales. _Se examinan también los factores que se constituyen como meritorios bajo el reinado de Tiberio y que reciben algún tipo de compensación política por parte del emperador.
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    La nozione di nemico nel discorso dei filosofi: verso una tassonomia del concetto.Jose Antonio Errazuriz - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (62).
    This study reviews and classifies the most common uses of the terms “enemy” and “enmity” within the context of traditional philosophical discourse. In order to contribute to a structured understanding of these concepts, we proceed in two steps. We first explore the auxiliary uses of the terms, which we distinguish from each other according to their axiological connotations. In a second part, we review the technical uses of the concepts known to philosophy of law. Here, we distinguish between two different (...)
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  6. La Ética y el Derecho:¿ Instancias separadas o armónicas?”.Carlos José Errázuriz - 2001 - Humanitas 24.
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    Mediación lectora de profesores destacados de distintas disciplinas: ¿Qué podemos aprender de ellos?María Constanza Errázuriz, Omar Davison & Andrea Cocio - 2022 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 32 (2):307-325.
    Las prácticas docentes de lectura en Chile son, según la evidencia disponible, predominantemente reproductivas y presentan un limitado desafío cognitivo. En este contexto, el objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las percepciones de docentes destacados de educación básica respecto de sus prácticas de mediación lectora en distintas disciplinas. Respecto de la metodología, el diseño fue un estudio de casos múltiples descriptivo y cualitativo y los participantes fueron 11 docentes de 6 escuelas públicas de La Araucanía, Chile, a quienes se aplicaron (...)
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    Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the Outcome Questionnaire OQ-30.2.Paula Errázuriz, Sebastián Opazo, Alex Behn, Oscar Silva & Sergio Gloger - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Notion Of The Enemy In The Discourse Of Philosophes: Towards A Taxonomy of The Concept.Jose Antonio Errazuriz - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (62).
    This study reviews and classifies the most common uses of the terms “enemy” and “enmity” within the context of traditional philosophical discourse. In order to contribute to a structured understanding of these concepts, we proceed in two steps. We first explore the auxiliary uses of the terms, which we distinguish from each other according to their axiological connotations. In a second part, we review the technical uses of the concepts known to philosophy of law. Here, we distinguish between two different (...)
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    : Ydea astronomica de la Fabrica del Mundo y Movimiento de los cuerpos celestiales: Traduccion de De Revolutionibus I–III de Nicolas Copernico.Verónica Ramírez Errázuriz - 2023 - Isis 114 (4):873-874.
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    Self as an Aesthetic Effect.Antonia Larrain & Andrés Haye - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Mainstream psychology has assumed a notion of the self that seems to rest on a substantialist notion of the psyche that became predominant despite important critical theories about the self. Although cultural psychology has recognized the diverse, dialogical, historical, narrative and performative nature of self, as opposed to the idea of self as entity, it is not clear how it accounts for the phenomenological experience of self as a unified image. In this paper, we offer a theoretical contribution to developing (...)
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  12. Corporate Social Responsibility and Resource-Based Perspectives.Manuel Castelo Branco & Lúcia Lima Rodrigues - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2):111-132.
    Firms engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) because they consider that some kind of competitive advantage accrues to them. We contend that resource-based perspectives (RBP) are useful to understand why firms engage in CSR activities and disclosure. From a resource-based perspective CSR is seen as providing internal or external benefits, or both. Investments in socially responsible activities may have internal benefits by helping a firm to develop new resources and capabilities which are related namely to know-how and corporate culture. In (...)
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  13. Situationism and Moral Responsibility: Free Will in Fragments.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant, Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Many prominent accounts of free will and moral responsibility make use of the idea that agents can be responsive to reasons. Call such theories Reasons accounts. In what follows, I consider the tenability of Reasons accounts in light of situationist social psychology and, to a lesser extent, the automaticity literature. In the first half of this chapter, I argue that Reasons accounts are genuinely threatened by contemporary psychology. In the second half of the paper I consider whether such threats can (...)
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    Digital bioethics: introducing new methods for the study of bioethical issues.Manuel Schneider, Effy Vayena & Alessandro Blasimme - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (11):783-790.
    The online space has become a digital public square, where individuals interact and share ideas on the most trivial to the most serious of matters, including discussions of controversial ethical issues in science, technology and medicine. In the last decade, new disciplines like computational social science and social data science have created methods to collect and analyse such data that have considerably expanded the scope of social science research. Empirical bioethics can benefit from the integration of such digital methods to (...)
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  15. Debunking Corporate Moral Responsibility.Manuel Velasquez - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (4):531-562.
    I address three topics. First, I argue that the issue of corporate moral responsibility is an important one for business ethics.Second, I examine a core argument for the claim that the corporate organization is a separate moral agent and show it is based on anunnoticed but elementary mistake deriving from the fallacy of division. Third, I examine the assumptions collectivists make about whatit means to say that organizations act and that they act intentionally and show that these assumptions are mistaken (...)
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    The Rise of Realism.Manuel DeLanda & Graham Harman - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Polity.
    Until quite recently, almost no philosophers trained in the continental tradition saw anything of value in realism. The situation in analytic philosophy was always different, but in continental philosophy realism was usually treated as a pseudo-problem. That is no longer the case. In this provocative new book, two leading philosophers examine the remarkable rise of realism in the continental tradition. While exploring the similarities and differences in their own positions, they also consider the work of others and assess rival trends (...)
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    Stuart Hall and the Marxist Concept of Ideology.Jorge Larrain - 1991 - Theory, Culture and Society 8 (4):1-28.
  18. Mary Shepherd's 'Threefold Variety of Intellect' and its role in improving education.Manuel Fasko - 2021 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (3):185–201.
    The aims of this paper are twofold. First, I offer a new insight into Shepherd’s theory of mind by demonstrating that she distinguishes a threefold ‘Variety of Intellect’, that is, three kinds of minds grouped according to their cognitive limitations. Following Shepherd, I call them (i) minds afflicted with idiocy, (ii) inferior understandings, and (iii) sound understandings. Second, I show how Shepherd’s distinction informs her theory of education. While Shepherd claims that her views serve to improve educational practices, she does (...)
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  19. ‘God said “Let us make man in our image after our likeness”’ – Mary Shepherd, the imago-dei-thesis, and the human mind.Manuel Fasko - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):469-490.
    This paper explores the role that Mary Shepherd's (1777–1847) acceptance of the so-called imago-dei thesis plays for her account of the human mind. That is, it analyses Shepherd's commitment to the doctrine that humans are created in the image of God, (see Gen. 1, 26–7) parts of which Shepherd quotes in Essays on the Perception of an External Universe (EPEU), 157, and the ways it informs her understanding of the human mind. In particular, it demonstrates how this thesis informs her (...)
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    Interpreting plural predication: homogeneity and non-maximality.Manuel Križ & Benjamin Spector - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (5):1131-1178.
    Plural definite descriptions across many languages display two well-known properties. First, they can give rise to so-called non-maximal readings, in the sense that they ‘allow for exceptions’. Second, while they tend to have a quasi-universal quantificational force in affirmative sentences, they tend to be interpreted existentially in the scope of negation. Building on previous works, we offer a theory in which sentences containing plural definite expressions trigger a family of possible interpretations, and where general principles of language use account for (...)
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  21. Distributive justice as an ethical principle for autonomous vehicle behavior beyond hazard scenarios.Manuel Dietrich & Thomas H. Weisswange - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (3):227-239.
    Through modern driver assistant systems, algorithmic decisions already have a significant impact on the behavior of vehicles in everyday traffic. This will become even more prominent in the near future considering the development of autonomous driving functionality. The need to consider ethical principles in the design of such systems is generally acknowledged. However, scope, principles and strategies for their implementations are not yet clear. Most of the current discussions concentrate on situations of unavoidable crashes in which the life of human (...)
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    Exploration and perspectival modelling with model organisms: developmental biology as a case study.Juan Larraín - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (5):1-22.
    Model organisms are at the centre of progress in biology but attributing them an excessive representational power and concentrating on a limited group of them, although efficient for research, can have negative consequences, mainly of epistemic nature. Here, I argue that model organisms are exploratory models with a perspectival modelling function, and that a deflated representational power is needed for their proper use. In support of this argument, I will analyse developmental biology as a case study. Firstly, I show that (...)
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    Die Sprache Gottes – George Berkeleys Auffassung des Naturgeschehens.Fasko Manuel - 2021 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Was ist George Berkeleys Auffassung des sinnlich wahrnehmbaren Naturgeschehens? Sie zu erklären und nachzuvollziehen ist Ziel des Bandes. Er zeigt, dass Berkeley das Naturgeschehen als einen göttlichen Diskurs sieht; das visuell Wahrgenommene ist dabei die Sprache. Berkeley beharrt darauf, diese These der göttlichen Sprache wörtlich auszulegen, da sie Grundlage eines seiner Ansicht nach einzigartigen Gottesbeweises ist. Um Berkeleys Argumentation zu verstehen, muss man sich auch mit den (historischen) Umständen beschäftigen, in welchen er diese These entwickelt und verteidigt. Deshalb wird sie (...)
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    Should We Believe in Cells, or Just Remain Agnostic about Them? A Critical Analysis Through Bas van Fraassen’s Lenses.Juan Larrain - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (2):247-264.
    For constructive empiricism, being observable or unobservable is defining for deciding about the empirical adequacy and epistemic value of theory components. The classification of microscopic images has been particularly debated. van Fraassen initially classified microscope images as unobservable and then as mere images, like rainbows. Afterwards, he claimed it is not irrational to maintain neutrality about their classification and left them in some kind of limbo between being images of something real or being mere images. Here, I provide an argument (...)
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    Weaponized testimonial injustice.Manuel Almagro, Javier Osorio & Neftalí Villanueva - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):29-42.
    Theoretical tools aimed at making explicit the injustices suffered by certain socially disadvantaged groups might end up serving purposes which were not foreseen when the tools were first introduced. Nothing is inherently wrong with a shift in the scope of a theoretical tool: the popularization of a concept opens up the possibility of its use for several strategic purposes. The thesis that we defend in this paper is that some public figures cultivate a public persona for whom the conditions of (...)
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    Globalization and the Failure of Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):343-352.
    As the 21st century breaks upon us, no ethical issues in business appear as significant as those being created by the rapidglobalization of business. Globalization has created numerous ethical problems for the manager of the multinational corporation. What does justice demand, for example, in the relations between a multinational and its host country, particularly when that country is less developed? Should human rights principles govern the relations between a multinational and the workers of a host country, and if so, which (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology.Manuel Vargas & John Doris (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Moral psychology is the study of how human minds make and are made by human morality. This state of the art volume covers contemporary philosophical and psychological work on moral psychology, as well as notable historical theories and figures in the field of moral psychology, such as Aristotle, Kant, Nietzsche, and the Buddha. The volume’s 50 chapters, authored by leading figures in the field, cover foundational topics, such as character, virtue, emotion, moral responsibility, the neuroscience of morality, weakness of will, (...)
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    ¿Es Lo Mismo Ser No-Justo Que Ser Injusto? Aristóteles y Sus Comentaristas.Manuel Correia - 2006 - Méthexis 19 (1):41-56.
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  29. Structural explanations: impossibilities vs failures.Manuel Barrantes - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-15.
    The bridges of Königsberg case has been widely cited in recent philosophical discussions on scientific explanation as a potential example of a structural explanation of a physical phenomenon. However, when discussing this case, different authors have focused on two different versions, depending on what they take the explanandum to be. In one version, the explanandum is the _failure_ of a given individual in performing an Eulerian walk over the bridge system. In the other version, the explanandum is the _impossibility_ of (...)
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    Big Tech and Antitrust: An Ordoliberal Analysis.Manuel Wörsdörfer - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-39.
    The past few years have seen the opening of several antitrust investigations against some of the most dominant and powerful companies in the world—e.g., the U.S. Department of Justice, numerous states, and the Federal Trade Commission have sued Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and the E.U. has launched additional proceedings against Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. This paper looks at the latest trends and developments in the E.U. and the USA and analyzes the different regulatory approaches taken from a distinct business (...)
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  31. ‘The compound mass we term SELF’ – Mary Shepherd on selfhood and the difference between mind and self.Fasko Manuel - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 2023:1-15.
    In this paper I argue for a novel interpretation of Shepherd’s notion of selfhood. In distinction to Deborah Boyle’s interpretation, I contend that Shepherd differentiates between the mind and the self. The latter, for Shepherd, is an effect arising from causal interactions between mind and body – specifically those interactions that give rise to our present stream of consciousness, our memories, and that can unite these two. Thus, the body plays a constitutive role in the formation of the self. The (...)
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    Tomus ad Armenios.Cristián Sotomayor-Larraín - 2024 - Teología y Vida 64 (4):553-567.
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    Who Has a Free Speech Problem? Motivated Censorship Across the Ideological Divide.Manuel Almagro, Ivar R. Hannikainen & Neftalí Villanueva - 2023 - In David Bordonaba-Plou, Experimental Philosophy of Language: Perspectives, Methods, and Prospects. Springer Verlag. pp. 215-237.
    Recent years have seen recurring episodes of tension between proponents of freedom of speech and advocates of the disenfranchised. Recent survey research attests to the ideological division in attitudes toward free speech, whereby conservatives report greater support for free speech than progressives do. Intrigued by the question of whether “canceling” is indeed a uniquely progressive tendency, we conducted a vignette-based experiment examining judgments of offensiveness among progressives and conservatives. Contrary to the dominant portrayal of progressives and conservatives, our study documented (...)
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  34. Why Ethics Matters: A Defense of Ethics in Business Organizations.Manuel Velasqusez - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):201-222.
    I argue that Plato was right in claiming that justice is more profitable, more rational, and more intrinsically valuable than injustice, and that this is particularly true for business organizations. The research on prisoners’ dilemmas and social dilemmas shows that ethical behavior is more profitable and more rational than unethical behavior in terms of both the negative sanctions on unethical behavior when interactions with stakeholders are iterated, and the positive rewards of habitually ethical behavior when stakeholders can identify those who (...)
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    A Scotist Nonetheless? George Berkeley, Cajetan, and the Problem of Divine Attributes.Manuel Fasko - 2019 - Ruch Filozoficzny 74 (4):33.
    The problem of divine attributes was one of the most intensely debated topics in the 17-18th century Irish philosophy. Simply put, the problem revolves around the ontological question (i) whether human and divine attributes differ in degree or in kind, and the semantical (ii) how we ought to describe these divine attributes by means of our human language. While there was a consensus that analogies play a key role in solving the semantical problem there was a controversy about the kind (...)
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    La lógica aristotélica y sus perspectivas.Manuel Correia - 2017 - Pensamiento 73 (275):5-19.
    La legitimidad del cultivo de la lógica aristotélica fue cuestionado en el siglo XX. Como resultado, actualmente la pregunta de si debe ser sustituida o restituida permanece sin respuesta, a pesar de que al mismo tiempo ha habido nuevos resultados que manifiestan que se trata de una teoría con perspectiva de desarrollo interno, con independencia de lo que establece la lógica matemática. En este artículo restauramos su unidad interna, perspectivas de desarrollo e independencia, a través del uso de tres axiomas (...)
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    Justice and Ecocide.Manuel Rodeiro - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (3):261-279.
    According to an environmental application of Rawlsian principles of justice, the well-ordered society cannot tolerate the perpetration of certain environmental harms. This paper gives an account of those harms committed in the form of ecocide. The concept of ecocide is developed, as well as the ideal of eco-relational pluralism, as conceptual tools for defending citizens’ environmental interests. This paper aims to identify persuasive and reasonably acceptable justice claims for compelling states to curtail environmentally destructive activities through recourse to principles firmly (...)
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  38. El agua en Chile: entre los derechos humanos y las reglas del mercado.Sara Larraín - 2006 - Polis 14.
    ¿Cuál es el estado de los recursos hídricos en el Chile? El siguiente texto nos aporta un análisis exhaustivo de la situación del agua en el país, incorporando elementos de la legislación vigente y del uso de tales derechos por parte de los privados, principalmente del sector minero, la industria de generación hidroeléctrica y la agroindustria exportadora. La creación de un mercado del agua sobre la base de criterios meramente mercantilistas, constituye una de las consecuencias más importantes de dicha transformación (...)
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    An onotological basis for the question of the other in Paul Ricoeur.Federico García Larraín - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:261-269.
    Resumen: El supuesto de la constitución del yo a partir de la relación intersubjetiva que surge con el reconocimiento del otro hace emerger el problema del fundamento ontológico del yo. Por una parte, el yo no puede existir de manera aislada, pero por otra, subordinar su constitución a la relación con el otro puede debilitar el yo al hacerlo dependiente, para su constitución, en algo distinto de él. Hacer que la constitución del yo dependa de la relación intersubjetiva plantea la (...)
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    Acerca de la filosofía.Juan de Dios Vial Larraín - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 8 (1):91-113.
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  41. Alberto Wagner de Reyna. La teología aristotélica y sus supuestos.Vial Vial Larraín - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 5 (1):81-86.
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  42. Consistencia metafísica de la filosofía.Juan de Dios Vial Larraín - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 8 (2-3):45-55.
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    Dr. Armando Roa. Psiquiatría. Editorial Andrés Bello. 210 páginas. Santiago de Chile. 1959.Juan de Dios Vial Larraín - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 6 (1):78-79.
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    Ein bislang unbekanntes griechisches fragment der Galen zugeschriebenen Schrift πері ′αпορων κіνησеων.Carlos J. Larrain - 1993 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 137 (2).
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    El hombre y Dios.Juan de Dios Vial Larraín - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 9 (3):107-112.
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    El paradigma de la sustentabilidad: perspectiva ecologista y perspectiva de género.Sara Larraín - 2004 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 9.
    La autora destaca los aportes de los movimientos sociales a nivel mundial a la democratización y a la sustentabilidad, y en particular el movimiento de mujeres, indígenas y ecologistas. Expone la importancia de sus aportes a una potencial convergencia paradigmática hacia “otro mundo posible”, profundizando en los conceptos de sustentabilidad y sus imbricaciones con la perspectiva de género, asegurando que desde una mirada ecologista existe un amplio potencial de convergencia entre los paradigmas de género y sustentabilidad, sin descuidar la existencia (...)
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  47. Escolio sobre la esencia y la filosofía de Xavier Zubiri.Juan de Dios Vial Larraín - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 11 (1-2):121-124.
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  48. El saber metafísico y Aristóteles.Juan de Dios Vial Larraín - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 4 (2-3):70-100.
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    El Sublime Re-torno de la (Crítica de la) Ideología. De Platón a Žižek” (Ricardo Camargo).Jorge Larrain - 2012 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 68:203-204.
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    Fenomenología y filosofía.Juan de Díos Vial Larraín - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 6 (2-3):59-71.
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