Results for 'Manuel Sáiz'

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  1.  26
    B Corps: A Socioeconomic Approach for the COVID-19 Post-crisis.José Manuel Saiz-Álvarez, Alejandro Vega-Muñoz, Ángel Acevedo-Duque & Dante Castillo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    La resistible expansión del universo irónico.Manuel Sáiz - 2021 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
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    Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en instalaciones de la edificación en el grado de arquitectura técnica.Belén Zurro García, Sara González Moreno, José Manuel González Martín, Isabel Santamaría Vicario & Ángel Rodríguez Saiz - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (1):1-13.
    El trabajo desarrollado en este artículo muestra una experiencia docente basada en la Metodología Activa del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en la asignatura de Instalaciones II de la titulación del Grado en Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Burgos. Para alcanzar la excelencia del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se ha diseñado una metodología de trabajo basada en el desarrollo progresivo de un Proyecto de Ejecución mediante subproyectos, con el objetivo de conseguir mejores resultados en el proceso de aprendizaje mediante (...)
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    Trabajo Fin de Grado En la Arquitectura Técnica.Sara González Moreno, Belén Zurro García, José Manuel González Martín, Amparo Bernal López-Sanvicente & Ángel Rodríguez Saiz - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-13.
    Uno de los componentes más importantes del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudios de Arquitectura Técnica es la realización de un proyecto final que aglutina todos los conocimientos y competencias desarrollados en las diferentes disciplinas que configuran el Plan de Estudios. El objetivo de esta propuesta es visualizar la evolución del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el Proyecto Fin de Grado en los estudios de Arquitectura Técnica e Ingeniería de Edificación de la Universidad de Burgos, mostrando las diferentes adaptaciones (...)
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    How Do B-Learning and Learning Patterns Influence Learning Outcomes?María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares, Raúl Marticorena Sánchez, César Ignacio García Osorio & José F. Díez-Pastor - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:257460.
    Learning Management System (LMS) platforms provide a wealth of information on the learning patterns of students. Learning Analytics (LA) techniques permit the analysis of the logs or records of the activities of both students and teachers on the on-line platform. The learning patterns differ depending on the type of Blended Learning (B-Learning). In this study, we analyse: (1) whether significant differences exist between the learning outcomes of students and their learning patterns on the platform, depending on the type of B-Learning (...)
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  6. The Trouble with Tracing.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 29 (1):269-291.
    Many prominent theories of moral responsibility rely on the notion of “tracing,” the idea that responsibility for an outcome can be located in (i.e., “traced back to”) some prior moment of control, perhaps significantly antecedent to the proximate sources of a considered action. In this article, I show how there is a problem for theories that rely on tracing. The problem is connected to the knowledge condition on moral responsibility. Many prima facie good candidate cases for tracing analyses appear to (...)
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  7. Why corporations are not morally responsible for anything they do.Manuel Velasquez - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (3):1–18.
    Properly speaking, the corporation, considered as an entity distinct from its members, cannot be morally responsible for wrongful corporate acts. Setting aside (in this abstract) acts brought about through negligence or omissions, we may say that moral responsibility for an act attaches to that agent (or agents) in whom the act "originates" in this sense: (1) the agent formed the (mental) intention or plan to bring about that act (possibly with the help of others) and (2) the act was intentionally (...)
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  8. Black-box artificial intelligence: an epistemological and critical analysis.Manuel Carabantes - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):309-317.
    The artificial intelligence models with machine learning that exhibit the best predictive accuracy, and therefore, the most powerful ones, are, paradoxically, those with the most opaque black-box architectures. At the same time, the unstoppable computerization of advanced industrial societies demands the use of these machines in a growing number of domains. The conjunction of both phenomena gives rise to a control problem on AI that in this paper we analyze by dividing the issue into two. First, we carry out an (...)
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  9.  27
    Does the Use of Learning Management Systems With Hypermedia Mean Improved Student Learning Outcomes?María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, Raúl Marticorena-Sánchez, José Francisco Díez-Pastor & César Ignacio García-Osorio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Constitutive Instrumentalism and the Fragility of Responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2021 - The Monist 104 (4):427-442.
    Constitutive instrumentalism is the view that responsibility practices arise from and are justified by our being prosocial creatures who need responsibility practices to secure specific kinds of social goods. In particular, responsibility practices shape agency in ways that disposes adherence to norms that enable goods of shared cooperative life. The mechanics of everyday responsibility practices operate, in part, via costly signaling about the suitability of agents for coordination and cooperation under conditions of shared cooperative life. So, there are a range (...)
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  11.  39
    (1 other version)Philosophy: A Text with Readings.Manuel G. Velasquez - 2017 - United States: Cengage Learning.
    This is a topically organized introduction to the traditional problems of philosophy. It aims to introduce readers to traditional philosophical problems and to expose readers to philosophical argumentation in such a way that they will feel confident in handling abstract concepts.
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  12. The Revisionist’s Guide to Responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 125 (3):399-429.
    Revisionism in the theory of moral responsibility is the idea that some aspect of responsibility practices, attitudes, or concept is in need of revision. While the increased frequency of revisionist language in the literature on free will and moral responsibility is striking, what discussion there has been of revisionism about responsibility and free will tends to be critical. In this paper, I argue that at least one species of revisionism, moderate revisionism, is considerably more sophisticated and defensible than critics have (...)
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  13. Revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2007 - In John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom & Manuel Vargas (eds.), Four Views on Free Will. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Degrees of unsolvability: local and global theory.Manuel Lerman - 1983 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    I first seriously contemplated writing a book on degree theory in 1976 while I was visiting the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. There was, at that time, some interest in ann-series book about degree theory, and through the encouragement of Bob Soare, I decided to make a proposal to write such a book. Degree theory had, at that time, matured to the point where the local structure results which had been the mainstay of the earlier papers in the area (...)
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    Perceptual and affective mechanisms in facial expression recognition: An integrative review.Manuel G. Calvo & Lauri Nummenmaa - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (6).
  16.  45
    More than belief: a materialist theory of religion.Manuel A. Vásquez - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The rise of foundational dualism and the eclipse of the body -- "Body am I entirely, and nothing else": non-reductive materialism and the struggle against dualism -- Toward a materialist phenomenology of religion -- The phenomenology of embodiment and the study of religion -- Religious bodies as social artifacts -- Holding social constructionism in check: the recovery of the active, lived body -- A cultural neurophenomenology of religion: enter the embodied mind -- The eclipse of practice: textualism at large -- (...)
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    Taylor and Vattimo on the Place of Culture in Political Practical Reasoning.Mauro Javier Saiz - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (4):55-72.
    Philosophical hermeneutics has become an unavoidable reference in the field throughout the twentieth century but has seldom been extended to draw conclusions in the area of political theory. Two intellectuals that have contributed to such a project are Charles Taylor and Gianni Vattimo, although they exhibit some important differences in key aspects of this enterprise, both at the level of the conceptual premises and at that of the prescribed policies and objectives. Here I examine these thinkers’ notion of tradition – (...)
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    Marxismo y tradición en A. MacIntyre.Mauro Javier Saiz - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0070.
    En el presente trabajo se analiza la conexión existente entre la etapa marxista de juventud y la neoaristotélica de madurez en el pensamiento de Alasdair MacIntyre, enfatizando el problema que representa para él la posibilidad de criticar y justificar racionalmente una teoría moral. A través de una lectura comparativa de obras de ambos períodos se muestra cómo la incapacidad para dar una respuesta satisfactoria a esta preocupación temprana es una de las razones que llevan al abandono de la tradición marxista, (...)
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  19. Responsibility and the aims of theory: Strawson and revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (2):218-241.
    In recent years, reflection on the relationship between individual moral responsibility and determinism has undergone a remarkable renaissance. Incompatibilists, those who believe moral responsibility is incompatible with determinism, have offered powerful new arguments in support of their views. Compatibilists, those who think moral responsibility is compatible with determinism, have responded with ingenious counterexamples and alternative accounts of responsibility. Despite the admirable elevation of complexity and subtlety within both camps, the trajectory of the literature is somewhat discouraging. Every dialectical stalemate between (...)
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  20.  37
    Die Sprache Gottes – George Berkeleys Auffassung des Naturgeschehens.Fasko Manuel - 2021 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Was ist George Berkeleys Auffassung des sinnlich wahrnehmbaren Naturgeschehens? Sie zu erklären und nachzuvollziehen ist Ziel des Bandes. Er zeigt, dass Berkeley das Naturgeschehen als einen göttlichen Diskurs sieht; das visuell Wahrgenommene ist dabei die Sprache. Berkeley beharrt darauf, diese These der göttlichen Sprache wörtlich auszulegen, da sie Grundlage eines seiner Ansicht nach einzigartigen Gottesbeweises ist. Um Berkeleys Argumentation zu verstehen, muss man sich auch mit den (historischen) Umständen beschäftigen, in welchen er diese These entwickelt und verteidigt. Deshalb wird sie (...)
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  21.  34
    Ethics, Theory and Practice.Manuel G. Velasquez & Cynthia Rostankowski - 1985 - Prentice-Hall.
    This text offers both a clear and thorough introduction to normative ethical theory and an extensive survey of moral issues that show how ethical theory is applied in practice. The first section presents a survey of the main methods of ethical reasoning, introducing four normative theories in four separate chapters. A case study introduces each chapter to provide a background for further explanations and to illustrate relevant features of the theory. The second section of the text presents separate chapters on (...)
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  22. El convento de San Agustín de Sevilla y su patrimonio artístico.A. Iturbe Saiz - 1994 - Revista Agustiniana 35 (108):861-909.
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    Definiciones, significado y verdad: aporías de la teoría lingüística de Hobbes.Mauro Javier Saiz - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 57:255-285.
    This essay aims to recover the conflictive nodes in T. Hobbes’ theory regarding language, science and truth. Revisiting the diverse and contradictory readings that have arisen around these areas of his work we intend to point out the tensions inherent to Hobbes’ scientific project. No definitive answer is given to close the discussion; instead we aim to offer hints to identify the author’s positions that are hard to reconcile. Thus we intend to contribute to a deeper understanding of the multiple (...)
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  24. Grupos y movimientos apostolicos en el seno de las parroquias de la archidiocesis de Tokyo.S. Saiz - 1990 - Studium 30 (1):39-61.
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  25. La recepción de Peirce en la lingüística española.Carmen Llamas Saiz - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (56):138-1394.
    The aim of this paper is to explain the main features of the reception of Peirce's theories in Spanish linguistics and to explore the keys of application of those theories to the future development of Linguistics.
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    Vattimo and Taylor on the epistemological status of scientific knowledge: hermeneutical counterpoint.Mauro J. Saiz - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 55:153-168.
    Resumen: En este artículo se presenta la posición de dos filósofos asociados a la hermenéutica, Gianni Vattimo y Charles Taylor, respecto del status del conocimiento científico en el mundo contemporáneo. Mediante una somera exposición de los rasgos fundamentales de sus respectivas ontologías y epistemologías, se busca realizar una comparación crítica. En la conclusión, se defiende la superioridad del planteo de Taylor, en la medida que permite discutir la primacía del modelo científico natural sin abandonar una concepción realista del mundo y (...)
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    Observation of Metacognitive Skills in Natural Environments: A Longitudinal Study With Mixed Methods.María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares, Miguel Ángel Queiruga Dios, César Ignacio García-Osorio, Eduardo Montero García & Jairo Rodríguez-Medina - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Teacher Training Effectiveness in Self-Regulation in Virtual Environments.María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, Leandro S. Almeida, Luis J. Martín-Antón, Miguel A. Carbonero & Juan A. Valdivieso-Burón - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Higher education in the 21st century faces the challenge of changing the way in which knowledge is conveyed and how teachers and students interact in the teaching-learning process. The current pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has hastened the need to face up to this challenge and has furthered the need to approach the issue from the perspective of digitalisation. To achieve this, it is necessary to design training programmes geared towards teaching staff and which address both the use of technology and (...)
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    Transparencia y profundidad en los mercados financieros: El caso del IBEX 35.Luis Rodríguez Sáiz, Javier Sáiz Briones & Patricia Huerta Riveros - 2007 - Theoria 16 (2):47-60.
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    Metacognitive sensitivity of subjective reports of decisional confidence and visual experience.Manuel Rausch, Hermann J. Müller & Michael Zehetleitner - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:192-205.
  31.  42
    What Happened to ‘Big Tech’ and Antitrust? And How to Fix Them!Manuel Wörsdörfer - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (3):345-369.
    The debate surrounding ‘big tech’ and antitrust has dominated public policy discourses over the past few years in many parts of the world. Noteworthy is that several countries and regions, including China, the European Union, and the United States, have launched investigations into the allegedly anticompetitive and exclusionary business practices of companies such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google and their Chinese counterparts, Alibaba and Tencent. This paper builds on the renewed interest in the topic and discusses in detail – (...)
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    Weaponized testimonial injustice.Manuel Almagro, Javier Osorio & Neftalí Villanueva - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):29-42.
    Theoretical tools aimed at making explicit the injustices suffered by certain socially disadvantaged groups might end up serving purposes which were not foreseen when the tools were first introduced. Nothing is inherently wrong with a shift in the scope of a theoretical tool: the popularization of a concept opens up the possibility of its use for several strategic purposes. The thesis that we defend in this paper is that some public figures cultivate a public persona for whom the conditions of (...)
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  33. Reflectivism, Skepticism, and Values.Manuel R. Vargas - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (2):255-266.
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    Functionalisms and the Philosophy of Action.Manuel Vargas - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (1):41-55.
    Focusing on the recent work of Michael Bratman as emblematic of several important developments in the philosophy of action, I raise four questions that engage with a set of interlocking concerns about systemic functionalism in the philosophy of action. These questions are: (i) Are individual and institutional intentions the same kind of thing? (ii) Can the risk of proliferation of systemic functional explanations be managed? (iii) Is there an appealing basis for the apparent methodological individualism in our theories of action (...)
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  35. ‘The compound mass we term SELF’ – Mary Shepherd on selfhood and the difference between mind and self.Fasko Manuel - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 2023:1-15.
    In this paper I argue for a novel interpretation of Shepherd’s notion of selfhood. In distinction to Deborah Boyle’s interpretation, I contend that Shepherd differentiates between the mind and the self. The latter, for Shepherd, is an effect arising from causal interactions between mind and body – specifically those interactions that give rise to our present stream of consciousness, our memories, and that can unite these two. Thus, the body plays a constitutive role in the formation of the self. The (...)
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  36. Why the luck problem isn't.Manuel Vargas - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):419-436.
    The Luck Problem has existed in one form or another since David Hume, at least. It is perhaps as old as Stoic objections to the Epicurean swerve. Although the general issue admits of different formulations with subtly different emphases, the characterization of it that will serve as my target focuses on “cross-worlds” luck, a kind of luck that arises when the decision-making of agents is indeterministic.
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    Facilitated detection of angry faces: Initial orienting and processing efficiency.Manuel G. Calvo, Pedro Avero & Daniel Lundqvist - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (6):785-811.
  38.  40
    Counterfactual genealogy, speculative accuracy, & predicative drift.Manuel Vargas - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (8):2702-2727.
    Explicitly fictional armchair reconstructions of the past are sometimes taken to be informative about philosophical issues. What appeal a counterfactual genealogy has depends on its speculative accuracy, that is, its accuracy in identifying relevant causal, functional, or explanatory particulars. However, even when speculatively accurate, counterfactual genealogies rarely secure more than proofs of possibility. For more ambitious deployments of genealogy – for example, efforts to show what properties the target concept in fact predicates – genealogies are hamstrung by the possibility of (...)
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    La lógica aristotélica y sus perspectivas.Manuel Correia - 2017 - Pensamiento 73 (275):5-19.
    La legitimidad del cultivo de la lógica aristotélica fue cuestionado en el siglo XX. Como resultado, actualmente la pregunta de si debe ser sustituida o restituida permanece sin respuesta, a pesar de que al mismo tiempo ha habido nuevos resultados que manifiestan que se trata de una teoría con perspectiva de desarrollo interno, con independencia de lo que establece la lógica matemática. En este artículo restauramos su unidad interna, perspectivas de desarrollo e independencia, a través del uso de tres axiomas (...)
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    Generative models as parsimonious descriptions of sensorimotor loops.Manuel Baltieri & Christopher L. Buckley - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The Bayesian brain hypothesis, predictive processing, and variational free energy minimisation are typically used to describe perceptual processes based on accurate generative models of the world. However, generative models need not be veridical representations of the environment. We suggest that they can be used to describe sensorimotor relationships relevant for behaviour rather than precise accounts of the world.
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    Visibility Is Not Equivalent to Confidence in a Low Contrast Orientation Discrimination Task.Manuel Rausch & Michael Zehetleitner - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  42.  32
    Human Observers and Automated Assessment of Dynamic Emotional Facial Expressions: KDEF-dyn Database Validation.Manuel G. Calvo, Andrés Fernández-Martín, Guillermo Recio & Daniel Lundqvist - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397727.
    Most experimental studies of facial expression processing have used static stimuli (photographs), yet facial expressions in daily life are generally dynamic. In its original photographic format, the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) has been frequently utilized. In the current study, we validate a dynamic version of this database, the KDEF-dyn. To this end, we applied animation between neutral and emotional expressions (happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgusted, and surprised; 1,033-ms unfolding) to 40 KDEF models, with morphing software. Ninety-six human observers categorized (...)
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  43. Against Metaphysical Necessity. Alethic Modalities in Updated Logical Empiricism.Manuel Bremer - manuscript
    The paper argues against a commitment to metaphysical necessity, semantic modalities are enough. The best approaches to elucidate the semantic modalities are (still) versions of lingustic ersatzism and fictionalism, even if only developed in parts. Within these necessary properties and the difference between natural and semantic laws can be accounted for. The proper background theory for this is an updated version of Logical Empiricism, which is congenial to recent trends in Structural Realism. The anti-metaphysical attitude of Logical Empiricism deserves revitalization. (...)
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    The Conventional and the Analytic.Manuel Pérez Otero Manuel García‐Carpintero - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (2):239-274.
  45. Philosophy and the Folk: On Some Implications of Experimental Work For Philosophical Debates on Free Will.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):239-254.
    I discuss experimental work by Nichols, and Nichols and Knobe, with respect to the philosophical problems of free will and moral responsibility. I mention some methodological concerns about the work, but focus principally on the philosophical implications of the work. The experimental results seem to show that in particular, concrete cases we are more willing to attribute responsibility than in cases described abstractly or in general terms. I argue that their results suggest a deep problem for traditional accounts of compatibilism, (...)
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    Algunos fundamentos de la filosofía realista de Santo Tomás de Aquino para una valoración de la inteligencia artificial (IA).Manuel Ocampo Ponce - 2024 - Perseitas 12:72-92.
    En 1956, se introdujo el término de inteligencia artificial (IA) para referirse a una tecnología que es capaz de emular las operaciones cognoscitivas del ser humano mediante el uso de sistemas computacionales y programas informáticos, con el fin de ayudar a la toma de decisiones en distintas áreas de conocimiento.Sin embargo, se ha llegado a cuestionar si debe emplearse el calificativo de inteligencia a esos usos de la tecnología digital. También, se ha generado preocupación sobre sus implicaciones éticas, debido a (...)
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  47. Libertarianism and skepticism about free will: Some arguments against both.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Philosophical Topics 32 (1&2):403-26.
    In this paper I criticize libertarianism and skepticism about free will. The criticism of libertarianism takes some steps towards filling in an argument that is often mentioned but seldom developed in any detail, the argument that libertarianism is a scientifically implausible view. I say "take some steps" because I think the considerations I muster (at most) favor a less ambitious relative of that argument. The less ambitious claim I hope to motivate is that there is little reason to believe that (...)
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    Associative and semantic priming effects occur at very short stimulus-onset asynchronies in lexical decision and naming.Manuel Perea & Arcadio Gotor - 1997 - Cognition 62 (2):223-240.
  49. Responsibility and the Limits of Conversation.Manuel R. Vargas - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (2):221-240.
    Both legal and moral theorists have offered broadly “communicative” theories of criminal and moral responsibility. According to such accounts, we can understand the nature of responsibility by appealing to the idea that responsibility practices are in some fundamental sense expressive, discursive, or communicative. In this essay, I consider a variety of issues in connections with this family of views, including its relationship to free will, the theory of exemptions, and potential alternatives to the communicative model. Focusing on Michael McKenna’s Conversation (...)
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    Teaching Energy Informed by the History and Epistemology of the Concept with Implications for Teacher Education.Manuel Bächtold & Muriel Guedj - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 211-243.
    In this article, we put forward a new strategy for teaching the concept of energy. In the first section, we discuss how the concept is currently treated in educational programmes at primary and secondary level (taking the case of France), the learning difficulties that arise as well as the main teaching strategies presented in science education literature. In the second section, we argue that due to the complexity of the concept of energy, rethinking how it is taught should involve teacher (...)
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