Results for 'Marc Sangnier'

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  1. The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition.Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen & Gordon M. Burghardt (eds.) - 2002 - MIT Press.
    The fifty-seven original essays in this book provide a comprehensive overview of the interdisciplinary field of animal cognition.
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  2. Teaching about technology: an introduction to the philosophy of technology for non-philosophers.Marc J. de Vries - 2005 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Teaching about technology, at all levels of education, can only be done properly when those who teach have a clear idea about what it is that they teach. In other words: they should be able to give a decent answer to the question: what is technology? In the philosophy of technology that question is explored. Therefore the philosophy of technology is a discipline with a high relevance for those who teach about technology. Literature in this field, though, is not always (...)
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    Reflective Ethology, Applied Philosophy, and the Moral Status of Animals.Marc Bekoff & Dale Jamieson - manuscript
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  4. Conspiracy Theories.Marc Pauly - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Conspiracy Theories The term “conspiracy theory” refers to a theory or explanation that features a conspiracy among a group of agents as a central ingredient. Popular examples are the theory that the first moon landing was a hoax staged by NASA, or the theory that the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center were not … Continue reading Conspiracy Theories →.
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    Incomplete Spirit As Religion's Pre-eminent Moment In Hegel's Philosophy Of Religion.Marc Anderson - 2010 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2010 (1):385-390.
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    Aspects de la simonie en Egypte (VIIe-XIIe siècle).Marc Aoun - 2002 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 76 (2):253-255.
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    Hrabanus Maurus in Fulda: mit einer Hrabanus Maurus-Bibliographie (1979-2009).Marc-Aeilko Aris & Susana Bullido del Barrio (eds.) - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Knecht.
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    Ethics and the study of carnivores: Doing science while respecting animals.Marc Bekoff & Dale Jamieson - 2006 - In Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues: Reflections on Redecorating Nature. Temple University Press. pp. 232-261.
    The human relationship to nature is a deeply ambiguous one. Human animals are both a part of nature and distinct from it. They are part of nature in the sense that, like other forms of life, they were brought into existence by natural processes, and, like other forms of life, they are dependent on their environment for survival and success. Yet humans are also reflective animals with sophisticated cultural systems. Because of their immense power and their ability to wield it (...)
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    The lure of psychology for education and educational research.Paulus Smeyers & Marc Depaepe - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):315-331.
    Psychology has penetrated many domains of society and its vocabulary and discourse has become part of our everyday conversations. It not only carries with it the promise that it will deliver insights into human behaviour, but it is also believed that it can address many of the problems human beings are confronted with. As a discipline it thrives in the present climate of performativity, where more attention is given to means than to ends. The article observes first that for education (...)
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    Junger Kitsch: [nun zeigte sich, dass Kitsch erst im Auge des Betrachters entsteht].Marc Pfaff - 2008 - Berlin: Lit.
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  11. La Troisème Demande du'Notre Père'et L'hymne de Nabuchodonosor.Marc Philolenko - 1992 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 72:23-31.
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    Hommage à : Jean Rouch . La ciné-transe, une pensée fertile.Marc Henri Piault - 2004 - Hermes 39:210.
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    Minimal representation of a semiorder.Marc Pirlot - 1990 - Theory and Decision 28 (2):109-141.
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    Justice and the Human Genome Project.Timothy F. Murphy & Marc A. Lappé (eds.) - 1994 - University of California Press.
    The Human Genome Project is an expensive, ambitious, and controversial attempt to locate and map every one of the approximately 100,000 genes in the human body. If it works, and we are able, for instance, to identify markers for genetic diseases long before they develop, who will have the right to obtain such information? What will be the consequences for health care, health insurance, employability, and research priorities? And, more broadly, how will attitudes toward human differences be affected, morally and (...)
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  15. David Braybrooke, Moral Objectives, Rules, and the Forms of Social Change Reviewed by.Marc Ramsay - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19 (4):247-249.
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    Irritable Physicians.Marc J. Ratcliff - 2007 - Metascience 16 (1):157-160.
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    The Utopian City : The Origin and Genesis of the International Center for Genetic Epistemology.Marc J. Ratcliff - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:11-34.
    De 1950 à 1955, le psychologue et épistémologue suisse Jean Piaget s’attelle à la création d’un nouveau lieu de savoir à Genève, le Centre International d’Épistémologie Génétique. Ce Centre fait aboutir un projet de jeunesse de Piaget, dont les fondements théoriques sont donnés dans son ouvrage de 1950 en trois volumes, l’Introduction à l’épistémologie génétique. Mais il y a loin de la théorie à la réalisation pratique. Pour cela, pris dans un mouvement allant de Genève vers l’étranger, dès 1952, Piaget (...)
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  18. Ordre naturel, désordre culturel? Michel Adanson au laboratoire des mots.Marc J. Ratcliff - 2012 - In Adrien Paschoud & Nathalie Vuillemin (eds.), Penser l'ordre naturel, 1680-1810. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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    De Man, Schiller, and the Politics of Reception.Marc Redfield - 1990 - Diacritics 20 (3):50.
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    Rationalité Contextuelle et Présupposé Cognitif le cas Lombroso.Marc Renneville - 1997 - Revue de Synthèse 118 (4):495-529.
    Il est proposé une réflexion épistémologique sur la posture que l'historien des sciences humaines peut adopter vis-à-vis de ses objets d'investigation. La théorie du « criminel-né » de Cesare Lombroso, produite dans le dernier tiers du x1xe siècle est prise ici comme exemple et support pour la discussion parce qu'elle apparaît comme un cas limite, presque caricatural, tant par sa formulation initiale que par son traitement dans la mémoire disciplinaire. Les approches normatives ou « présentistes » ne pouvant rendre compte (...)
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    Het nut van het verleden.Marc Reynebeau - 2006 - Tielt: Lannoo.
    Essays over de geschiedenis van België en andere historische onderwerpen, en over de geschiedenis als wetenschappelijke discipline.
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    Aneignung und Kritik. Perspektiven auf Nietzsches Verhältnis zur philosophischen Anthropologie.Marc Rölli - 2017 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 7 (1):175-198.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Internationales Jahrbuch für philosophische Anthropologie Jahrgang: 7 Heft: 1 Seiten: 175-198.
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    Einleitung.Marc Röllt & Ralf Krause - 2008 - In Marc Rölli & Ralf Krause (eds.), Macht: Begriff Und Wirkung in der Politischen Philosophie der Gegenwart. Transcript Verlag. pp. 7-16.
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    Refuge in theory.Paulus Smeyers & Marc Depaepe - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39.
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    Equal opportunity, reward and respect for preferences: Reply to Roemer.Marc Fleurbaey - 2012 - Economics and Philosophy 28 (2):201-216.
    This rejoinder to Roemer examines Roemer's amendment to his EOp criterion, explains the similarities and differences between Roemer's approach to equality of opportunity and the economic literature inspired by the fair allocation theory, and proposes some clarifications on the compensation principle and the role of the reward principle in the definition of a responsibility-sensitive social criterion. It highlights the power of the ideal of respect for individual preferences with respect to the reward issue and the concern for potential harshness of (...)
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    Socioeconomic Complexity, Socialization, and Political Differentiation: A Cross‐Cultural Study.Marc Howard Ross - 1981 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 9 (3):217-247.
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    Nietzsche for beginners.Marc Sautet - 1990 - Danbury, CT: For Beginners.
    The unorthodox life and ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, the philosopher who defiantly claimed 'God is Dead', come alive in this documentary history. Here is a clear picture of the time in which the revolutionary philosopher lived as well as his famous love affairs, his theories of Superman, the Antichrist and nihilism. Nietzche's work had a major impact on the 20th century, including being manipulated and used by the Nazis to justify their cause during World War 2.
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    Bi-paradigmatic irony as a postmodern sign.Marc-Oliver Schuster - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (183):359-377.
    Since the late 1980s, the affinity between irony and postmodernity has been addressed in several studies that apply semiotic approaches to cultural postmodernity generally and to postmodern literature specifically. The following article contributes to the branch of semiotics of postmodern literature by proposing the notion of bi-paradigmatic irony as a special postmodern sign. Whereas mono-paradigmatic irony establishes its ironic contrast within the same paradigm, in bi-paradigmatic irony, said and meant meanings belong to two different paradigms. On the basis of two (...)
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    Nietzsches Vorstudien zur Geburt der Tragödie.Marc-Oliver Schuster & Christoph Landerer - 2002 - Nietzsche Studien 31 (1):114-133.
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    Eigenes Leben?: christliche Sozialethik im Kontext der Individualisierungsdebatte.Marc-Ansgar Seibel - 2005 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis under the title: "Individualisierung" als soziologisches und sozialethisches "Zeichen der Zeit"- eine sozialethische Auseinandersetzung...
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    Where does mind end?: a radical history of consciousness and the awakened self.Marc Seifer - 2011 - Rochester, Vt.: Park Street Press. Edited by Marc J. Seifer.
    A new comprehensive model of mind and its nearly infinite possibilities • Recasts psychology as a vehicle not for mental health but for higher consciousness • Shows that we have consciousness for a reason; it is humanity’s unique contribution to the cosmos • Integrates the work of Freud, Jung, Gurdjieff, Tony Robbins, Rudolf Steiner, the Dalai Lama as well as ESP, the Kabbalah, tarot, dreams, and kundalini yoga The culmination of 30 years of research, Where Does Mind End? takes you (...)
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    In Practice: What Doctors Fear Most.Marc Siegel - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (6):8.
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  33. (1 other version)Aristotle's Natural Teleology and Metaphysics of Life.'.Marc Pavlopoulos - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 24:133-181.
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    Obvietats (o quasi). Filosofia necessària, per Tobies Grimaltos.Marc Artiga - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 8 (2):201.
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    Rousseau's state of nature: an interpretation of the Discourse on inequality.Marc F. Plattner - 1979 - Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
  36. Metaphysique, éthique et politique dans l'oeuvre du docteur Franciscus van den Enden : Contribution a l'étude des sources des écrits de B. de Spinoza : Sommaire de la thèse de doctorat d'état - es lettres.Marc Bedjaï - 1990 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 6:291.
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    Cognitive Ethology.Marc Bekoff - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 371–379.
    Cognitive ethology is the comparative, evolutionary, and ecological study of nonhuman animal (hereafter animal) minds, including thought processes, beliefs, rationality, information processing, and consciousness. It is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of science that is attracting much attention from researchers in numerous, diverse disciplines, including those interested in animal welfare. Cognitive ethology can trace its beginnings to the writings of Charles Darwin, an anecdotal cognitivist, and some of his contemporaries and disciples. Their approach incorporated appeals to evolutionary theory, interests in (...)
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    Les Belles Images ou la Tentation de l’indifférence.Marc Bertrand - 1992 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 9 (1):49-54.
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    Up against the TextEssais de Stylistique StructuraleSemiotics of PoetryLa Production du Texte.Marc Eli Blanchard & Michael Riffaterre - 1981 - Diacritics 11 (3):13.
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    Extended Reality, Mental Liberty, and State Power in Forensic Settings.Marc Jonathan Blitz - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (3):173-176.
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  41. The Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought.Marc Jonathan Blitz & Jan Christoph Bublitz (eds.) - forthcoming - Palgrave.
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    Sartre et le dehors : Par-delà le circuit de l'être.Marc Blondin - 2006 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (1):69-90.
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    Sur la réception en France de l'Histoire du matérialisme, par F.A. Lange.Marc Bonnemaison - 2011 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 69 (1):61-75.
    Résumé Dans la seconde moitié du xix e siècle, l’essor des sciences de la nature et du matérialisme est tel en Allemagne et en France qu’il impose la nécessité d’une redéfinition de la philosophie. Le livre de F.A. Lange, l’ Histoire du matérialisme, répond à cet impératif. Il favorisa un renouveau du kantisme en Allemagne. Qu’en est-il de sa réception lors de sa parution en France?
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    Discrimination and categorization across the life span.Marc H. Bornstein - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):757-758.
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    Rose, Gilbert J. The Power of Form: A Psychoanalytic Approach To Aesthetic Form.Marc H. Bornstein - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (2):234-236.
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    Apologie et comédie chez Platon : essai de reconstitution croisée.Marc-Antoine Gavray - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 2 (2):131-156.
    Dans Les Nuées, Aristophane adresse des critiques à Socrate auxquelles Platon répond philosophiquement dans l’Apologie. Or le Socrate des Nuées porte des traits de Protagoras, et certains reproches attribués à l’un valent pour l’autre. Comme pour Socrate, Platon a composé pour Protagoras une apologie, dans le Théétète. Si nous comparons les accusations de la pièce à ce que Platon prête à Protagoras, nous constatons qu’il se fait son défenseur. Mais pour quelle raison et à quel point de vue? Par une (...)
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  47. Les cieux et la terre obéiront À son messie (4Q521, 2, II, 1 et Vie latine d'Adam et Eve, 29, 8).Marc Philonenko - 2002 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 82 (2):115-122.
    texte aujourd’hui fameux, repose sur un document connu également de la Vie latine d’Adam et Ève et que l’auteur qoumrânien a remanié. nowadays a famous text, depends on a document which is also known from the Latin Life of Adam and Eve, and which has been reworked by the author from Qumran.
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  48. David Humphrey, Consciousness Regained: Chapters in the Development of Mind Reviewed by.Marc Provost - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (10):449-451.
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  49. Claire, au matin.Marc Quaghebeur - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:141-144.
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    Le don au cœur de la compréhension lucanienne de l'Évangile (Ac 20, 35).Marc Rastoin - 2011 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 42 (3):408-424.
    La parole conclusive du discours de Paul à Milet en Ac 20,35 a fait l’objet de nombreuses études se demandant si elle avait été effectivement dite par Jésus de Nazareth. Cet article se propose de la lire dans l’ensemble de l’oeuvre lucanienne et de rendre compte de la conception du don qui est celle de Luc. S’il est probable que Luc s’inspire d’une maxime hellénistique, il la charge néanmoins de tout un poids théologique et christologique. Elle lui permet à la (...)
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