Results for 'Marco Buzoni'

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  1.  32
    Approaching the Discriminatory Work Environment as Stressor: The Protective Role of Job Satisfaction on Health.Donatella Di Marco, Rocio López-Cabrera, Alicia Arenas, Gabriele Giorgi, Giulio Arcangeli & Nicola Mucci - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Il problema di Platone: un'introduzione storica alla filosofia della matematica.Marco Panza & Andrea Sereni - 2010 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Andrea Sereni.
  3. Dal Simulazionismo al Paradigma Galileiano.Marco Giunti - 2005 - In Atti del XIX Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, sez. di Psicologia Sperimentale, Cagliari, 18-20 settembre, 2005. (CD-ROM). Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sperimentale.
    Il lavoro esamina criticamente i presupposti di cinque differenti approcci alla Scienza Cognitiva, (simbolico, connessionista, dinamico, della cognizione incarnata e della vita artificiale) e sostiene che tutti e cinque condividono tacitamente un’ipotesi metodologica molto generale. Tale ipotesi, che propongo di chiamare simulazionismo , postula che i fenomeni cognitivi di un qualunque sistema reale possono essere adeguatamente spiegati sulla base di opportuni modelli di simulazione del sistema stesso. Tuttavia, a causa della loro costituzione, i modelli di simulazione hanno forti limitazioni, sia (...)
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  4. Language as a cognitive tool.Marco Mirolli & Domenico Parisi - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (4):517-528.
    The standard view of classical cognitive science stated that cognition consists in the manipulation of language-like structures according to formal rules. Since cognition is ‘linguistic’ in itself, according to this view language is just a complex communication system and does not influence cognitive processes in any substantial way. This view has been criticized from several perspectives and a new framework (Embodied Cognition) has emerged that considers cognitive processes as non-symbolic and heavily dependent on the dynamical interactions between the cognitive system (...)
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    Populismo e democrazia radicale: in dialogo con Ernesto Laclau.Marco Baldassari & Diego Melegari (eds.) - 2012 - Verona: Ombre corte.
  6.  17
    Esoterismo e razzismo spirituale: Julius Evola e l'ambiente esoterico nel conflitto ideologico del Novecento.Marco Rossi - 2007 - Genova: Name.
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  7. Aristotle and the Problems of Method in Ethics.Marco Zingano - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 32:297-330.
  8.  12
    Tractable reasoning via approximation.Marco Schaerf & Marco Cadoli - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (2):249-310.
  9. Postmodern conceptualizations of culture in social constructionism and cultural studies.Marco Gemignani & Ezequiel Peña - 2007 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 27-27 (2-1):276-300.
    The theorization of culture in psychology continues to gain momentum in spite of little agreement concerning the most suitable theoretical frameworks for examining cultural phenomena. We explore two contemporary approaches to culture--social constructionism and cultural studies--and examine their relevance for psychology. In juxtapositioning them we map their continuities and discontinuities in terms of ontological and epistemological stances on language, representation, knowledge, identity, history, ideology, social action and emancipation. We propose a bridge between the two, and discuss ways in which the (...)
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    Correction to: Nothing but coincidences: the point-coincidence and Einstein’s struggle with the meaning of coordinates in physics.Marco Giovanelli - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-2.
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    Leibniz Equivalence. On Leibniz's Influence on the Logical Empiricist Interpretation of General Relativity.Marco Giovanelli - unknown
    Einstein’s “point-coincidence argument'” as a response to the “hole argument” is usually considered as an expression of “Leibniz equivalence,” a restatement of indiscernibility in the sense of Leibniz. Through a historical-critical analysis of Logical Empiricists' interpretation of General Relativity, the paper attempts to show that this labeling is misleading. Logical Empiricists tried explicitly to understand the point-coincidence argument as an indiscernibility argument of the Leibnizian kind, such as those formulated in the 19th century debate about geometry, by authors such as (...)
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    Mandelbaum: crítica ao antiessencialismo na arte e sua interpretação problemática da noção wittgensteiniana de semelhança de família.Marco Gobatto - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):74-87.
    This article addresses Maurice Mandelbaum's criticism of anti-essentialism in Wittgensteinian-oriented art. Mandelbaum criticizes the common position of Paul Ziff, Morris Weitz and Willian Kennick according to which the definition of the concept of art cannot be established in essentialist terms. According to Mandelbaum, the anti-essentialist thesis fails because it is based on observable properties to claim that there is no necessary and sufficient property that runs through the set of all works of art. In this sense, the definition of the (...)
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    Effects of Metabolic Syndrome on Cognitive Performance of Adults During Exercise.Marco Guicciardi, Antonio Crisafulli, Azzurra Doneddu, Daniela Fadda & Romina Lecis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Forma e oggetto.Marco Santambrogio - 1992 - Milano: Il Saggiatore.
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  15. Sulla nozione di conoscenza innata in N. Chomsky.Marco Salucci - 1987 - Annali Del Dipartimento di Filosofia di Firenze 3:153-189.
    In tis paper I examine the notion of innate knowledge maintained by N. Chomsky.
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  16. A New Paradigm in Sustainable Land Use-Changes needed to increase evaporation and precipitation rates.Marco Schmidt - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 70:99.
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    La rinascita dello scetticismo tra eresia e riforma.Marco Sgattoni - 2018 - Urbino: Quattroventi.
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    Translatio studiorum: ancient, medieval and modern bearers of intellectual history.Marco Sgarbi (ed.) - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume collects 17 case studies that characterize the various kinds of translations of the European culture of the last two and a half millennia from ancient Greece to Rome, from the medieval world to the Renaissance up to the ...
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  19. Schopenhauer and the Empirical Confirmations of Philosophy.Marco Segala - 2010 - Idealistic Studies 40 (1-2):27-41.
    This paper focuses on Schopenhauer’s On the Will in Nature (1836), a book which is generally underestimated by scholars interested in Schopenhauer’sphilosophy. This essay analyses its genesis in Schopenhauer’s manuscripts, examines its role in Schopenhauer’s thought and its relationship with The World asWill and Representation, and locates its content and meaning with reference to the philosophical and scientific context. Aim of the article is a better understanding of Schopenhauer’s treatise, and such a scope is pursued by accurate insight of its (...)
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  20.  87
    Pierre Duhem and Ernst Mach on Thought Experiments.Marco Buzzoni - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (1):1-27.
    The conventional interpretation that Pierre Duhem condemned outright any type of thought experiment in Ernst Mach’s sense should be, at least in large part, rejected. Although Duhem placed particular emphasis on the perils of thought experiments that Mach had overlooked or at least underestimated, he retained the core idea of Mach’s theory, according to which thought experiments cannot break free from the ultimate authority of real-world experiments. This similarity between Duhem’s and Mach’s views about thought experiments is not the only (...)
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  21.  49
    What is the Role of Experience in Children's Success in the False Belief Test: Maturation, Facilitation, Attunement or Induction?Marco Fenici - 2017 - Mind and Language 32 (3):308-337.
    According to a widely shared view, experience plays only a limited role in children's acquisition of the capacity to pass the false belief test: at most, it facilitates or attunes the development of mindreading abilities from infancy to early childhood. Against the facilitation—and also the maturation—hypothesis, I report empirical data attesting that children and even adults never come to understand false beliefs when deprived of proper social and linguistic interaction. In contrast to the attunement hypothesis, I argue that alleged mindreading (...)
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  22. Are there communicative intentions?Marco Mazzone & Emanuela Campisi - 2010 - In L. A. Perez Miranda & A. I. Madariaga (eds.), Advances in Cognitive Science: Learning, Evolution, and Social Action. IWCogSc-10 Proceedings of the ILCLI International Workshop on Cognitive Science.
    Grice in pragmatics and Levelt in psycholinguistics have proposed models of human communication where the starting point of communicative action is an individual intention. This assumption, though, has to face serious objections with regard to the alleged existence of explicit representations of the communicative goals to be pursued. Here evidence is surveyed which shows that in fact speaking may ordinarily be a quite automatic activity prompted by contextual cues and driven by behavioural schemata abstracted away from social regularities. On the (...)
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  23. Il sistema dei reggenti.Marco Agosti - 1952 - Brescia,: La "Scuola''.
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    Σκῆψις tragica.Marco Gemin - 2020 - Hermes 148 (1):119.
    The term σκῆψις in tragedy is analyzed. It is mostly used in similar situations, involving deceit and exile, and it is often related to Orestes’ destiny. Some of the occurences in Sophocles and Euripides are surely derived from the first one in Aeschylus.
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    Un Aspetto del "Furto Sacro" Secondo Agostino.Marco Giovini - 2003 - Mediaevalia 24:101-136.
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    R. Romanelli (a cura di), "Storia dello stato italiano dall'Unità a oggi".Marco Santoro - 1997 - Polis 11 (1):147-149.
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    Having Burned the Straw Man of Christian Spiritual Leadership, what can We Learn from Jesus About Leading Ethically?Sara Marco, Karen Blakeley, Mervyn Conroy & Christopher Mabey - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):757-769.
    In considering what it means to lead organizations effectively and ethically, the literature comprising spirituality at work and spiritual leadership theory has become highly influential, especially in the USA. It has also attracted significant criticism. While in this paper, we endorse this critique, we argue that the strand of literature which purportedly takes a Christian standpoint within the wider SAW school of thought, largely misconstrues and misapplies the teaching of its founder, Jesus. As a result, in dismissing the claims and (...)
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  28.  26
    La "Filosofia della chimica": Un mito scientista nella Toscana di inizio Ottocento. Alessandro Volpi.Marco Beretta - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):821-821.
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    Pensamiento musical y siglo XX.Tomás Marco - 2002 - Madrid: Sociedad General De Autores Y.
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    La quadratura del nulla: Nicola Cusano e la generazione del significato.Marco Maurizi - 2021 - Milano: Jaca book.
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    La filosofia delle lacrime: il pianto nella cultura francese da Cartesio a Sade.Marco Menin - 2019 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    La morale des Étoiles.Marco Menin - 2015 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 98 (4):705-731.
    La réflexion cosmologique de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre est un outil précieux pour mieux comprendre sa philosophie – généralement négligée par la critique – et, surtout, le providentialisme anthropocentrique qui est au centre de son épistémologie. Les croyances astronomiques de Saint-Pierre sont exprimées dans deux grands ouvrages théoriques : les Études de la nature de 1784 et, particulièrement, les Harmonies de la nature, écrites dans les vingt dernières années de sa vie et publiées à titre posthume en 1814. Le neuvième et (...)
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  33. Imagens aprisionadas e resistência indígena: os daguerreótipos de 1844.Marco Morel - forthcoming - Studium.
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  34.  11
    Semantical and computational aspects of Horn approximations.Marco Cadoli & Francesco Scarcello - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 119 (1-2):1-17.
  35.  75
    Frege’s Constraint and the Nature of Frege’s Foundational Program.Marco Panza & Andrea Sereni - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):97-143.
    Recent discussions on Fregean and neo-Fregean foundations for arithmetic and real analysis pay much attention to what is called either ‘Application Constraint’ ($AC$) or ‘Frege Constraint’ ($FC$), the requirement that a mathematical theory be so outlined that it immediately allows explaining for its applicability. We distinguish between two constraints, which we, respectively, denote by the latter of these two names, by showing how$AC$generalizes Frege’s views while$FC$comes closer to his original conceptions. Different authors diverge on the interpretation of$FC$and on whether it (...)
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  36. Dal metodo globale al metodo naturale.Marco Agosti (ed.) - 1956 - Brescia,: La Scuola.
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    Refuting Kant's “Refutation of Idealism”.Marco Antonio Frangiotti - 1995 - Idealistic Studies 25 (1):93-106.
    In this paper I shall show that Kant's best anti-sceptical argument, found in the “Refutation of Idealism” — hereafter Refutation —, is not successful in debunking the sceptic. My strategy will be to argue that, although dependent upon transcendental idealism, the Refutation is inconsistent with it. In order to achieve this goal, I shall sketch, in section 1, the two main interpretations of Kant's idealism, namely, the ‘two world’ and the ‘two aspect’ theories. I shall maintain that the latter is (...)
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  38. Screens after Dos Passos's U.S.A. trilogy : current answers for the eyeminded public.Salvador Rubio Marco - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    The multi-engine asp solver me-asp.Marco Maratea, Luca Pulina & Francesco Ricca - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 484--487.
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    Le choc des émotions au tournant des Lumières.Marco Menin (ed.) - 2022 - Torino: Accademia University Press.
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    L'emergenza del sentimento.Marco Menin (ed.) - 2020 - Torino: Accademia University Press.
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  42.  23
    Comments on Boudon's paper.Marco Mondadori - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (1):61 – 63.
  43.  29
    Special issue on “Bounded Rationality updated”: Preface.Marco Novarese & Riccardo Viale - 2014 - Mind and Society 13 (1):1-2.
    From April 8th to 10th 2013, the Herbert Simon Society held its first General Conference in New York. About fifty researchers from different countries and working in different areas attended the event. The conference focused on three topics which were identified as particularly relevant in the development of Simonian thought: duality of mind, creativity and alternative theories to rational expectations. A first Herbert Simon Honorary Lecture by Gerd Gigerenzer opened the conference. Gerg Gigerenzer was later elected as Chairman of the (...)
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    Metabolic and Electrophysiological Changes Associated to Clinical Improvement in Two Severely Traumatized Subjects Treated With EMDR—A Pilot Study.Marco Pagani, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Andrea Daverio, Patrizia La Porta, Leonardo Monaco, Fabiola Ferrentino, Agostino Chiaravalloti, Isabel Fernandez & Giorgio Di Lorenzo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Maine de Biran and Gall’s phrenology: the origins of a debate about the localization of mental faculties.Marco Piazza - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (5):866-884.
    In March 1808 at the Institut de France, the German physician Franz Joseph Gall, together with his assistant Johann Gaspar Spurzheim, unveiled his rather controversial doctr...
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    COVID-19 Pandemic on Fire: Evolved Propensities for Nocturnal Activities as a Liability Against Epidemiological Control.Marco Antonio Correa Varella, Severi Luoto, Rafael Bento da Silva Soares & Jaroslava Varella Valentova - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Humans have been using fire for hundreds of millennia, creating an ancestral expansion toward the nocturnal niche. The new adaptive challenges faced at night were recurrent enough to amplify existing psychological variation in our species. Night-time is dangerous and mysterious, so it selects for individuals with higher tendencies for paranoia, risk-taking, and sociability. During night-time, individuals are generally tired and show decreased self-control and increased impulsive behaviors. The lower visibility during night-time favors the partial concealment of identity and opens more (...)
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  47.  31
    Appearance and reality: Einstein and the early debate on the reality of length contraction.Marco Giovanelli - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-30.
    In 1909, Ehrenfest published a note in the Physikalische Zeitschrift showing that a Born rigid cylinder could not be set into rotation without stresses, as elements of the circumference would be contracted but not the radius. Ignatowski and Varićak challenged Ehrenfest’s result in the same journal, arguing that the stresses would emerge if length contraction were a real dynamical effect, as in Lorentz’s theory. However, no stresses are expected to arise, according to Einstein’s theory, where length contraction is only an (...)
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  48.  43
    The Singular Plurality of Social Goods / La singolare pluralità dei beni sociali.Marco Emilio - 2022 - Dissertation, Université de Neuchâtel
    According to some philosophers and social scientists, mainstream economic theories currently play an unprecedented role in shaping human societies. This phenomenon can be linked to the dissemination of methodological individualism, where common goods are interpreted as reducible to aggregates of individuals' well-being. Nonetheless, some emergent difficulties of economics in coping with global institutional issues have encouraged some authors to revise that paradigm. In the last three decades, there has been a parallel growing philosophical interest in investigating social sciences' epistemological and (...)
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    Jean-Baptiste Biot collaborateur du Mercure de France : Vulgarisation et analyse philosophique des sciences.Marco Segala - 2013 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 66 (1):107-136.
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    L'axe Montaigne-Hobbes: anthropologie et politique (Cronaca del convegno).Marco Sgattoni - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (2):363-367.
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