Results for 'Marcus Frean'

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  1. Connectionist architectures: Optimization.Marcus Frean - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
  2.  43
    Kant on the Sources of Metaphysics: The Dialectic of Pure Reason.Marcus Willaschek - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant famously criticizes traditional metaphysics and its proofs of immortality, free will and God's existence. What is often overlooked is that Kant also explains why rational beings must ask metaphysical questions about 'unconditioned' objects such as souls, uncaused causes or God, and why answers to these questions will appear rationally compelling to them. In this book, Marcus Willaschek reconstructs and defends Kant's account of the rational sources of metaphysics. After carefully explaining Kant's conceptions (...)
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  3. Nominalism and the Substitutional Quantifier.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1978 - The Monist 61 (3):351-362.
    It has been suggested that a substitutional semantics for quantification theory lends itself to nominalistic aims. I should like in this paper to explore that claim.
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  4. Moral dilemmas and consistency.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (3):121-136.
    Marcus argues that moral dilemmas are real, but that they are not the result of inconsistent moral principles. Moral principles are consistent just in case there is some world where all principles are 'obeyable.' They are inconsistent just in case there is no world where all are 'obeyable.' What this logical point is meant to show is that moral dilemmas do not make moral codes inconsistent. She also discusses guilt, and argues that guilt is still appropriate even in cases (...)
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    Tools and techniques in modal logic.Marcus Kracht - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
    This book treats modal logic as a theory, with several subtheories, such as completeness theory, correspondence theory, duality theory and transfer theory and is intended as a course in modal logic for students who have had prior contact with modal logic and who wish to study it more deeply. It presupposes training in mathematical or logic. Very little specific knowledge is presupposed, most results which are needed are proved in this book.
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  6. Belief, Inference, and the Self-Conscious Mind.Eric Marcus - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    It is impossible to hold patently contradictory beliefs in mind together at once. Why? Because we know that it is impossible for both to be true. This impossibility is a species of rational necessity, a phenomenon that uniquely characterizes the relation between one person's beliefs. Here, Eric Marcus argues that the unity of the rational mind--what makes it one mind--is what explains why, given what we already believe, we can't believe certain things and must believe certain others in this (...)
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  7. Visual Thinking in Mathematics: An Epistemological Study.Marcus Giaquinto - 2007 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Marcus Giaquinto presents an investigation into the different kinds of visual thinking involved in mathematical thought, drawing on work in cognitive psychology, philosophy, and mathematics. He argues that mental images and physical diagrams are rarely just superfluous aids: they are often a means of discovery, understanding, and even proof.
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    Officia, Laelius, et Cato: Paradoxa, & somnium Scipionis: T. Gazae traductio Graeca Senectutis & Somnij.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Theodoros Gazes, Desiderius Erasmus, Conradus Goclenius & Philipp Melanchthon - 1533 - In Aedibus Melchioris Et Gasparis Trechsel Fratrum.
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    Unaccountable: The Current State of Private Military and Security Companies.Marcus Hedahl - 2012 - Criminal Justice Ethics 31 (3):175-192.
    Abstract The current accountability system for private military and security contractors (PMSCs) is woefully inadequate, and mere enhancements in oversight cannot hope to remedy that failing. I contend that once we recognize the kind of accountability required of PMSCs, we will realize that radical changes in the foundational relationship between PMSCs and the state are required. More specifically, in order to be appropriately accountable, members of PMSCs must become a part of or, at the very least, directly responsible to the (...)
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    In search of the spiritual: Gabriel Marcel, psychoanalysis, and the sacred.Paul Marcus - 2013 - London: Karnac Books.
    Introduction -- Creative experience as the birthplace of the transcendent -- On refinding God during chemotherapy -- Reflections on moments of grace -- On the quiet virtue of humility -- Summoned to courage -- Maintaining personal dignity in the face of the mass society -- On fidelity and betrayal in love relationships -- The kiss.
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    Iconicity in Signed and Spoken Vocabulary: A Comparison Between American Sign Language, British Sign Language, English, and Spanish.Marcus Perlman, Hannah Little, Bill Thompson & Robin L. Thompson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Conscience and conflict.Marcus P. Adams - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (12):28 – 29.
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    The Sentimental Citizen: Emotion in Democratic Politics.George E. Marcus - 2002 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This book challenges the conventional wisdom that improving democratic politics requires keeping emotion out of it. Marcus advances the provocative claim that the tradition in democratic theory of treating emotion and reason as hostile opposites is misguided and leads contemporary theorists to misdiagnose the current state of American democracy. Instead of viewing the presence of emotion in politics as a failure of rationality and therefore as a failure of citizenship, Marcus argues, democratic theorists need to understand that emotions (...)
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  14. A Philosophical Treatise of Universal Induction.Samuel Rathmanner & Marcus Hutter - 2011 - Entropy 13 (6):1076-1136.
    Understanding inductive reasoning is a problem that has engaged mankind for thousands of years. This problem is relevant to a wide range of fields and is integral to the philosophy of science. It has been tackled by many great minds ranging from philosophers to scientists to mathematicians, and more recently computer scientists. In this article we argue the case for Solomonoff Induction, a formal inductive framework which combines algorithmic information theory with the Bayesian framework. Although it achieves excellent theoretical results (...)
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  15. Anscombe and The Difference Rationality Makes.Eric Marcus - 2021 - In Adrian Haddock & Rachael Wiseman (eds.), The Anscombean Mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Anscombe famously argues that to act intentionally is to act under a description, and that “it is the agent's knowledge of what he is doing that gives the descriptions under which what is going on is the execution of an intention.” Further, she takes ‘knows’ to mean that the agent can give these descriptions herself. It would seem to follow that animals cannot act intentionally. However, she denies this, insisting that although animals cannot express intentions, they can have them. But (...)
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  16. Essentialism in modal logic.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1967 - Noûs 1 (1):91-96.
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    Discrimination of Small Forms in a Deviant-Detection Paradigm by 10-month-old Infants.Marcus Lindskog, Maria Rogell, Ben Kenward & Gustaf Gredebäck - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Abstract: Phenomenology and Descriptive Psychology according to Merleau-Ponty.Marcus Sacrini A. Ferraz - 2006 - Chiasmi International 8:84-84.
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    Pluralistic pantheism?Marcus P. Ford - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):155-161.
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    The once and future ethnographic archive.George E. Marcus - 1998 - History of the Human Sciences 11 (4):49-63.
    This article is concerned with the literal and metaphoric senses in which anthropology's accumulation of knowledge through the production of ethnography on the world's peoples can be considered an archive. The relevance of this concept to ethnography has a very different past, present, and emergent associations. The Human Area Relations Files project as visionary science dependent on the making of an archive of ethnography contrasts with the uses of the past ethnographic record in the pursuit of contemporary fieldwork in a (...)
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    Copernicanism Reformed.Marcus Hellyer - 2003 - Metascience 12 (2):257-260.
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    Correction of the CF defect by curcumin: hypes and disappointments.Marcus Mall & Karl Kunzelmann - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (1):9-13.
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  23. Die exacte Aufdeckung des Fundaments der Sittlichkeit und Religion und die Konstruction der Welt aus den Elementen des Kant.Ernst Marcus - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 50:303-306.
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    Education as Formation.Gad Marcus - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:725-733.
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    Judaica et Aegyptiaca: De Maccabaeorum Libro III Quaestiones Historicae.Ralph Marcus & Jakob Cohen - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):83.
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    The Problem of the Unseen World of Wealth for the Rich: Toward an Ethnography of Complex Connections.George E. Marcus - 1989 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 17 (1):114-123.
  27. Essential attribution.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (7):187-202.
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    Dual Agency and Role Morality.Marcus P. Adams - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (9):44-45.
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    SICs and Algebraic Number Theory.Marcus Appleby, Steven Flammia, Gary McConnell & Jon Yard - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (8):1042-1059.
    We give an overview of some remarkable connections between symmetric informationally complete measurements and algebraic number theory, in particular, a connection with Hilbert’s 12th problem. The paper is meant to be intelligible to a physicist who has no prior knowledge of either Galois theory or algebraic number theory.
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    Interpreting Hobbes’s Political Philosophy, edited by Lloyd, S.A.Marcus P. Adams - 2020 - Hobbes Studies 33 (1):93-97.
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    Cicero on the Emotions: Tusculan Disputations 3 and 4.Marcus Tullius Cicero - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    The third and fourth books of Cicero's Tusculan Disputations deal with the nature and management of human emotion: first grief, then the emotions in general. In lively and accessible style, Cicero presents the insights of Greek philosophers on the subject, reporting the views of Epicureans and Peripatetics and giving a detailed account of the Stoic position, which he himself favors for its close reasoning and moral earnestness. Both the specialist and the general reader will be fascinated by the Stoics' analysis (...)
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  32. A defence of parental compromise concerning veganism.Marcus William Hunt - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (3):392-405.
    ABSTRACT Co-parents who differ in their ideal child rearing policies should compromise, argues Marcus William Hunt. Josh Milburn and Carlo Alvaro dispute this when it comes to veganism. Milburn argues that veganism is a matter of justice and that to compromise over justice is (typically) impermissible. I suggest that compromise over justice is often permissible, and that compromise over justice may be required by justice itself. Alvaro offers aesthetic, gustatory, and virtue-based arguments for ethical veganism, showing that veganism involves (...)
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    A Nonperturbative, Finite Particle Number Approach to Relativistic Scattering Theory.Marcus Alfred, Petero Kwizera, James V. Lindesay & H. Pierre Noyes - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (4):581-616.
    We present integral equations for the scattering amplitudes of three scalar particles, using the Faddeev channel decomposition, which can be readily extended to any finite number of particles of any helicity. The solution of these equations, which have been demonstrated to be calculable, provide a nonperturbative way of obtaining relativistic scattering amplitudes for any finite number of particles that are Lorentz invariant, unitary, cluster decomposable and reduce unambiguously in the nonrelativistic limit to the nonrelativistic Faddeev equations. The aim of this (...)
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    Challenge and Response: Justification in Ethics. [REVIEW]Marcus Singer - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (2):254-259.
    Mr. Wellman’s highly original contribution to the relatively new field of justification in ethics consists of characterizing the different ways in which ethical statements can be challenged and showing how each sort of challenge can be met by an appropriate response, enabling reasonable men to appropriately discuss or reflect on ethical issues. In developing his unique, systematic, methodology of ethics, Mr. Wellman has, first, rigorously reviewed and refuted the main arguments for the view of the nature of all reasoning as (...)
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  35. Makers of Religious Freedom in the Seventeenth Century: Henderson—Rutherford—Bunyan—Baxter.Marcus L. Loane - 1961
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    Imaging the Unspeakable and Speaking the Unimaginable: The 'Description' of the Slave Ship Brookes and the Visual Interpretation of the Middle Passage.Marcus Wood - 1997 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 16:211.
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    Noah's ark.Marcus Wood - 1997 - Angelaki 2 (1):119 – 123.
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    Belief and Its Neutralization: Husserl’s System of Phenomenology in Ideas I.Marcus Brainard - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    Presenting the first step-by-step commentary on Husserl’s Ideas I, Marcus Brainard’s Belief and Its Neutralization provides an introduction not only to this central work, but also to the whole of transcendental phenomenology. Brainard offers a clear and lively account of each key element in Ideas I, along with a novel reading of Husserl, one which may well cause scholars to reconsider many long-standing views on his thought, especially on the role of belief, the effect and scope of the epoché, (...)
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    Revisiting truth and freedom in Orwell and Rorty.Marcus Morgan - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (8):853-865.
    This article uses differing interpretations of a thread of narrative taken from Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four as a springboard to exploring the connection between philosophical truth and political liberalism. It argues that while no positive connection exists between realist truth and political liberalism, minimal negative connections do exist between Rorty’s humanistic account of truth and a basic commitment to democratic and liberal frameworks. It sees these minimal connections as limiting in their failure to provide a politics that moves beyond an exclusive (...)
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  40. Intentionalism and the imaginability of the inverted spectrum.Eric Marcus - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (224):321-339.
    There has been much written in recent years about whether a pair of subjects could have visual experiences that represented the colors of objects in their environment in precisely the same way, despite differing significantly in what it was like to undergo them, differing that is, in their qualitative character. The possibility of spectrum inversion has been so much debated1 in large part because of the threat that it would pose to the more general doctrine of Intentionalism, according to which (...)
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  41. Derivation of Morality from Prudence.Marcus Arvan - 2020 - In Neurofunctional Prudence and Morality: A Philosophical Theory. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 60-94.
    This chapter derives and refines a novel normative moral theory and descriptive theory of moral psychology--Rightness as Fairness--from the theory of prudence defended in Chapter 2. It briefly summarizes Chapter 2’s finding that prudent agents typically internalize ‘moral risk-aversion’. It then outlines how this prudential psychology leads prudent agents to want to know how to act in ways they will not regret in morally salient cases, as well as to regard moral actions as the only types of actions that satisfy (...)
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    Why unreal punishments in response to unreal crimes might actually be a really good thing.Marcus Johansson - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (1):71-79.
    In this article I explore ways to argue about punishment of personal representations in virtual reality. I will defend the idea that such punishing might sometimes be morally required. I offer four different lines of argument: one consequentialistic, one appealing to an idea of appropriateness, one using the notion of organic wholes, and one starting from a supposed inability to determine the limits of the extension of the moral agent. I conclude that all four approaches could, in some cases, justify (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Do Imaginings have a Goal?Marcus Hunt - 2023 - Axiomathes: Global Philosophy 33 (1):1-17.
    The paper investigates whether imaginative states about propositions can be assessed in terms of fittingness (also known as correctness, appropriateness, aptness). After characterizing propositional imaginings and explaining the idea of fittingness, I present some considerations in favour of the no conditions view: imagining seems to be the sort of action that cannot be done unfittingly, and imaginings have no external cognitive nor conative goals in light of which they could be unfitting. I then examine the local conditions view, that there (...)
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    When Conversation Goes Wrong: Managing Student Errors.Russell Marcus & Alessandro Moscarítolo Palacio - 2024 - In Brynn Welch (ed.), The art of teaching philosophy: reflective values and concrete practices. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 129-138.
    In this chapter, we explore how to manage student errors in non-traditional philosophy classrooms—where student learning and autonomy are prioritized. We examine the benefits and drawbacks of two models for managing student errors: (1) the philosophical expertise model, whereby instructors are responsible for maximizing the number of true or reasonable claims made in a classroom, including correcting student errors; and (2) the student empowerment model, whereby instructors should be wary of any kind of correction, since more importance is accorded to (...)
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  45. Moral Testimony as Higher Order Evidence.Marcus Lee, Jon Robson & Neil Sinclair - 2019 - In Michael Klenk (ed.), Higher Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    Are the circumstances in which moral testimony serves as evidence that our judgement-forming processes are unreliable the same circumstances in which mundane testimony serves as evidence that our mundane judgement-forming processes are unreliable? In answering this question, we distinguish two possible roles for testimony: (i) providing a legitimate basis for a judgement, (ii) providing (‘higher-order’) evidence that a judgement-forming process is unreliable. We explore the possibilities for a view according to which moral testimony does not, in contrast to mundane testimony (...)
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    Philosophical Method.Russell Marcus - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 85:62-67.
    Observations on philosophical methods, including thought experiments and philosophical intuition.
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    Philo with an English Translation.Ralph Marcus & F. H. Colson - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):85.
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    What can developmental disorders tell us about modularity?Gary F. Marcus - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):762-763.
    This commentary discusses the logic of inferring modularity or the lack of modularity from observed patterns of developmental disorders.
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    Cicero on Moral Obligations: A New Translation of Cicero's 'De Officiis'.Marcus Tullius Cicero & John Higginbotham - 1967 - Faber.
  50.  38
    Cicero: Tusculan Disputations.Marcus Tullius Cicero & A. E. Douglas - 1985
    A significant two-fold development in recent classical scholarship has been a revival of interest in, and respect for, post-Aristotelian Greek philosophy and Cicero's contribution to our knowledge of it. Of Cicero's major works in this field the Tusculan disputations is perhaps the most approachable.
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