Results for 'Marina Inì'

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  1.  3
    : Lazaretto: How Philadelphia Used an Unpopular Quarantine Based on Disputed Science to Accommodate Immigrants and Prevent Epidemics.Marina Inì - 2024 - Isis 115 (4):881-882.
  2. Epistemic Agency and the Generalisation of Fear.Puddifoot Katherine & Trakas Marina - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-23.
    Fear generalisation is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when fear that is elicited in response to a frightening stimulus spreads to similar or related stimuli. The practical harms of pathological fear generalisation related to trauma are well-documented, but little or no attention has been given so far to its epistemic harms. This paper fills this gap in the literature. It shows how the psychological phenomenon, when it becomes pathological, substantially curbs the epistemic agency of those who experience the fear that (...)
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    Management and Income Inequality: A Review and Conceptual Framework.Brent D. Beal & Marina Astakhova - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):1-23.
    Income inequality in the US has now reached levels not seen since the 1920s. Management, as a field of scholarly inquiry, has the potential to contribute in significant ways to our understanding of recent inequality trends. We review and assess recent research, both in the management literature and in other fields. We then delineate a conceptual framework that highlights the mechanisms through which business practice may be linked to income inequality. We then outline four general areas in which management scholars (...)
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    Congruence Effects in Post-crisis CSR Communication: The Mediating Role of Attribution of Corporate Motives.Sojung Kim & Sejung Marina Choi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):447-463.
    Corporate social responsibility has grown on the corporate agenda and is at the heart of today’s corporate culture. While much research has examined CSR strategies and effects, the effects of post-crisis CSR communication have received relatively little academic attention. Therefore, this paper uses two experimental studies to examine several key contingency factors that influence consumers’ responses to post-crisis CSR initiatives. Results suggest that consumers demonstrate more favorable responses when a company launches a CSR initiative congruent with the crisis issue, or (...)
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  5. Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium: Hume's Pathology of Philosophy.Marina Frasca-Spada - 2001 - Mind 110 (439):783-789.
  6. What is AI Ethics?Felix Lambrecht & Marina Moreno - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):387-401.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, and AI ethics is booming with it. Yet there is surprisingly little attention paid to what the discipline of AI ethics is and what it ought to be. This paper offers an ameliorative definition of AI ethics to fill this gap. We introduce and defend an original distinction between novel and applied research questions. A research question should count as AI ethics if and only if (i) it is novel or (ii) it is applied and (...)
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  7. Fear Generalization and Mnemonic Injustice.Katherine Puddifoot & Marina Trakas - 2024 - Episteme:1-27.
    This paper focuses on how experiences of trauma can lead to generalized fear of people, objects and places that are similar or contextually or conceptually related to those that produced the initial fear, causing epistemic, affective, and practical harms to those who are unduly feared and those who are intimates of the victim of trauma. We argue that cases of fear generalization that bring harm to other people constitute examples of injustice closely akin to testimonial injustice, specifically, mnemonic injustice. Mnemonic (...)
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    The Ticking Clock: Addressing Farm Animal Welfare in Emerging Countries.Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk & Maria José Hötzel - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):179-195.
    Over the last decade many emerging economies, and in particular Brazil, have established themselves as major players in global food animal production. Within these countries much of the increase in food animal production has been achieved by the adoption of intensive housing systems similar to those found in most industrialized countries. However, it is now well established that many of these systems are associated with numerous welfare problems, particularly with respect to restriction of movement. Previous work has shown that people (...)
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    Microbiomes: proportional causes in context.Nuhu Osman Attah, Marina DiMarco & Anya Plutynski - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-5.
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    Structural uncertainty through the lens of model building.Marina Baldissera Pacchetti - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10377-10393.
    An important epistemic issue in climate modelling concerns structural uncertainty: uncertainty about whether the mathematical structure of a model accurately represents its target. How does structural uncertainty affect our knowledge and predictions about the climate? How can we identify sources of structural uncertainty? Can we manage the effect of structural uncertainty on our knowledge claims? These are some of the questions that an epistemology of structural uncertainty faces, and these questions are also important for climate scientists and policymakers. I develop (...)
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    Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots.Martim Brandão, Marina Jirotka, Helena Webb & Paul Luff - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 282 (C):103259.
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    Frequency-based organization of speech sequences in a nonhuman animal.Juan M. Toro, Marina Nespor & Judit Gervain - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):1-7.
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  13. Comprehending Adverbs of Doubt and Certainty in Health Communication: A Multidimensional Scaling Approach.Norman S. Segalowitz, Marina M. Doucerain, Renata F. I. Meuter, Yue Zhao, Julia Hocking & Andrew G. Ryder - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:179920.
    This research explored the feasibility of using multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis in novel combination with other techniques to study comprehension of epistemic adverbs expressing doubt and certainty (e.g., evidently, obviously, probably ) as they relate to health communication in clinical settings. In Study 1, Australian English speakers performed a dissimilarity-rating task with sentence pairs containing the target stimuli, presented as “doctors' opinions.” Ratings were analyzed using a combination of cultural consensus analysis (factor analysis across participants), weighted-data classical-MDS, and cluster analysis. (...)
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    Association Between Group Identification at School and Positive Youth Development: Moderating Role of Rural and Urban Contexts.Diana Paricio, Marina Herrera, María F. Rodrigo & Paz Viguer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. 'Orfeo nero' e lo storicismo estetico: Il pensiero vichiano ed il concetto di negritudine.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - forthcoming - Bolletino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani.
  16. La presencia del nietzscheanismo en la biopolítica contemporánea.Marina García-Granero - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 68:91-117.
    La filosofía de Nietzsche anticipó notablemente el umbral de la modernidad biológica al conceptualizar el alcance fisiológico de la moral, la política y la religión, así como su instrumentalización con fines de control social. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el estímulo que ha representado la filosofía de Nietzsche para algunos de los principales pensadores de la cuestión biopolítica, en concreto, Michel Foucault, Roberto Esposito y Peter Sloterdijk, y desvelar en qué medida sus núcleos conceptuales convergen y divergen. La (...)
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  17. Cómo una segunda naturaleza deviene primera. La filosofía como práctica transformadora (Platón, Nietzsche, Malabou).Marina García-Granero - 2023 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 25:113-144.
    El artículo comienza explorando la peculiar función política y legislativa que Nietzsche otorga a los filósofos y a la filosofía, de. A continuación, se explora la nítida inspiración platónica de estas ideas y se localizan ejemplos directos en los textos de Platón, de tal manera que se desvela el origen griego de muchos términos intempestivos de la filosofía nietzscheana. La filosofía y la cultura se presentan como sistemas de aculturación, sobre la base de paralelismos entre la cría de animales y (...)
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  18. Bibliographic Report: Nietzsche and Woman.Marina Garcia-Granero - 2023 - Estudios Nietzsche 2023 (23):217-227.
    I elaborated a bibliographic report for the last issue of "Estudios Nietzsche," which is a monographic issue on Nietzsche and Women. -/- I aimed to select and combine important publications from multiple traditions and schools within Nietzsche scholarship. I hope it becomes a valuable resource to find literature on the topic for both teaching and research purposes.
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    Saussure e la Scuola linguistica romana: da Antonio Pagliaro a Tullio De Mauro.Marina De Palo & Stefano Gensini (eds.) - 2018 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    How toddlers represent enclosed spaces.Janellen Huttenlocher & Marina Vasilyeva - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (5):749-766.
    Recent findings indicate that toddlers can use geometric cues to locate an object hidden in a corner of a rectangular room after being disoriented [Cognition 61 (1996) 195]. It has been suggested that locating the object involves reestablishing one's initial heading. The present experiments examine search behavior after disorientation. We find that toddlers go directly to a particular corner, indicating that they do not have to reestablish their original heading. It also has been suggested that toddlers ability to use geometric (...)
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  21. Il neoplatonismo nell'ontologia chimica di Jan Baptista van Helmont.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2018 - In Marina P. Banchetti (ed.), Il minimo, l’unità, e l’universo infinito nella cosmologia vitalistica di Giordano Bruno. Limina Mentis.
  22.  33
    Contra la moderación: El problema de la forma (musical) en Theodor W. Adorno.Marina Hervás Muñoz - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    En este artículo se trata de reconstruir el desarrollo de la idea de forma musical en el pensamiento adorniano a partir de tres textos fundamentales: “Evolución y formas en la nueva música”, “Vers une musique informelle” y “La forma en la nueva música”. A partir de ellos, se pone en relación la forma con la idea de libertad, la imaginación y el color, en cada caso, para mostrar la complejidad del término, así como la relación con otros aspectos clave de (...)
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    Skulls and blossoms: Collecting and the meaning of scientific objects as resources from the 18th to the 20th century.Marianne Klemun, Marina Loskutova & Anastasia Fedotova - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (4):231-237.
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    Validity and Reliability Testing of the International Critical Thinking Essay Test form A (ICTET-A).Helena Hollis, Marina Rachitskiy, Leslie van der Leer & Linda Elder - 2024 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 33 (1):94-116.
    This study assessed the International Critical Thinking Essay Test (ICTET-A) for inter-rater reliability, internal reliability, and criterion validity. A self-selecting sample of participants (N = 100) completed the ICTET-A and a comparison test online. We found the ICTET-A items to have moderate to good levels of inter-rater reliability, and overall excellent inter-rater consistency for total test scores. The test had good internal reliability. There was a strong correlation between scores on the ICTET-A and the comparison test. Factor analysis showed that (...)
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  25. Ibn Sina and Husserl on intention and intentionality.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):71-82.
    : The concepts of intention and intentionality were particularly significant notions within the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic medieval philosophical traditions, and they regained philosophical importance in the twentieth century. The theories of intention and intentionality of the medieval Islamic philosopher and physician Ibn Sina and the phenomenological philosopher and mathematician Edmund Husserl are examined, compared, and contrasted here, showing that Ibn Sina's conception of intention is naturalistic and, in its naturalism, is influenced by the medical professional culture to which Ibn (...)
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    Response: Commentary: Cortical responses to salient nociceptive and not nociceptive stimuli in vegetative and minimal conscious state.Marina de Tommaso - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Reality Without Reification: Philosophy of Chemistry’s Contribution to Philosophy of Mind.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Jean Pierre Noël Llored - 2016 - In Eric R. Scerri & Grant Andrew Fisher (eds.), Essays in Philosophy of Chemistry. Oxford University Press. pp. 83-110.
    In this essay, we argue that there exist obvious parallels between questions that inform philosophy of chemistry and the so-called hard problem of consciousness in philosophy of mind. These include questions regarding the emergence of higher-level phenomena from lower-level physical states, the reduction of higher-level phenomena to lower-level physical states, and 'downward causation'. We, therefore, propose that the 'hard problem' of consciousness should be approached in a manner similar to that used to address parallel problems in philosophy of chemistry. Thus, (...)
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  28. Chinese Human Rights Reader.Stephen C. Angle & Marina Svensson (eds.) - 2001 - M. E. Sharpe.
    Translations of Chinese writing on human rights from throughout the twentieth century, with introductions.
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    La aportación del humanista Miguel Sabuco a los métodos de la ciencia jurídica moderna.Marina Rojo Gallego-Burín - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    En la España de los siglos XVI y XVII se desarrolla la Escolástica española. Un tiempo en el que las Universidades no contaban con programas oficiales de estudios y, por tanto, la enseñanza del Derecho era distinta en cada una de ellas. Asimismo, imperan dos corrientes doctrinales distintas: el humanismo jurídico y el mos italicus tardío. El estado de la ciencia jurídica de ese momento provoca que proliferen tratados didácticos para la enseñanza de Leyes. Uno de ellos, muy desatendido por (...)
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    The agrarian question in dairy farms: An analysis of dairy farms in the European Union countries.Marina Requena-I.-Mora & Marc Barbeta-Viñas - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-16.
    In this article, we review the Agrarian Question focusing on dairy farms. We have the dual aim of adding to the debate surrounding the economic profitability of small and large dairy farms and increasing what is known about the decline of dairy farms. The agrarian question at the heart of our research centres on the paradoxical endurance of family farms, despite predictions from both liberal and Marxist perspectives that they would diminish in number over time. By addressing these complex issues, (...)
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  31. Promoting Self-Regulation in Health Among Vulnerable Brazilian Children: Protocol Study.Luciana B. Mattos, Marina B. Mattos, Ana P. O. Barbosa, Mariana da Silva Bauer, Maina H. Strack, Pedro Rosário, Caroline T. Reppold & Cleidilene R. Magalhães - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    : Technocratic Visions: Engineers, Technology, and Society in Mexico.Casey Marina Lurtz - 2023 - Isis 114 (4):881-882.
  33.  19
    Avatar Therapy and Clinical Care in Psychiatry: Underlying Assumptions, Epistemic Challenges, and Ethical Issues.Raffaella Campaner & Marina Lalatta Costerbosa - 2023 - In Monika Michałowska (ed.), Humanity In-Between and Beyond. Springer Verlag. pp. 43-61.
    In the last few years, avatars have been increasingly used in treating persistent persecutory auditory verbal hallucinations. The digital representation (an avatar) of persecutory hallucinations is voiced by the therapist and engages the patient in a dialogue, progressively conceding its power and, hence, reducing the stress experienced by the patient. Such attempts at integrating digital representations and cognitive behavior therapy raise a range of philosophical questions, which this chapter tackles along two trajectories. From an epistemological standpoint, we inquire what notion (...)
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  34.  21
    Beyond Cartesian Mechanicism: Robert Boyle's Mechanical Philosophy.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2022 - Jargonium.
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    „Couper le Siege”. Sur la Reorganisation Symbolique de la Salle D’Audience.Solange Ingrid Marina Dumitrache - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:85-98.
    Breaking the Chair. About the Symbolic Reorganisation of the Trial. On July 23, 2018, the article 7 of Law no. 304/2004 about the judicial organisation was completed as follows: the configuration of the court room must reflect the principle of the equality of arms concerning the position of the judge, the prosecutor and the lawyers. This paper aims to treat about the symbolic connotations of the rearrangement of the position of the main procedural actors in the space destinated to the (...)
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  36. Sobre la posibilidad de formular estándares de prueba objetivos.Marina Gascón Abellán - 2018 - In Carmen Vázquez Rojas (ed.), Hechos y razonamiento probatorio. [Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo]: Editorial CEJI.
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    Las fárbices caórdicas. Nuevos lenguajes organizacionales en la era de la complejidad.Raiza Andrade & Luz Marina Pereira - 2006 - Polis 15.
    Los constantes cambios que sacuden el mundo actual han hecho entrar en una situación organizacional de ruptura paradigmática; hoy los viejos lenguajes son insuficientes para llegar a ser éticos, sensitivos y rentables en el día a día. Las organizaciones que aprenden, concebidas como sistemas complejos, deben ser autoconscientes y estar en proceso de construcción y deconstrucción permanente que posibiliten el desarrollo de valores para un ambiente de trabajo dinámico y potenciador. Se propone el concepto de “fárbices caórdicas” como elemento esencial (...)
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    Note di lettura.Ferruccio Andolfi, Marina Savi & Silvano Allasia - 2009 - Società Degli Individui 34:161-172.
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    Cognitive investigations in Kantian perspective: towards new synthesis.Nikolay L. Arkhiereev, Архиереев Николай Львович, Marina L. Ivleva, Ивлева Марина Левенбертовна, . Baldo Dagtcmaa & Балдо Дагцмаа - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):730-737.
    This is a review of the book Mozg - kultura - socium. Kantianskaya programma v cognitivnykh issledovaniyakh by Bazhanov V.A. The author`s main aim is a reconsideration of some fundamental principles of epistemology and philosophy of science in the light of state-of-the-art advancements of neurosciences. According to the author of the book, social and cultural revolution in neurosciences has been crucially modifying the initial Kantian program of consciousness research and the modes of linguistic representation of its results. In particular, in (...)
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    The Evolution of Philip Melanchthon's Views: from Humanistic Religiosity to Reformation.Nikolai Adrianovich Bagrovnikov & Marina Fedorova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of research in this article is some aspects of the life path of a prominent figure of the Reformation in Germany, Philip Melanchthon, which influenced the evolution of his worldview. Special attention is paid to the facts of his biography, the characteristics of his early works, as well as his assessments of the confessional struggle and calls for the active involvement of administrative resources to crack down on dissidents. The methodological basis of this article is the dialectical approach, (...)
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  41. F.J.J. Buytendijk on Woman: A Phenomenological Critique.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2000 - In Linda Fisher & Lester Embree (eds.), Feminist phenomenology. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c.
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    From the Atom to Living Systems: A Chemical and Philosophical Journey Into Modern and Contemporary Science.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Giovanni Villani - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The philosophical vision of the world and the consequent methodology behind the book are clarified. The perspective used is the systemic one, but since today this term has assumed a wide and diversified meaning in the literature, this introduction will clarify the specific meaning of our approach, starting from the meaning of the term "system". Our idea of system is based on three key assertions that may seem contradictory, but are necessary and complementary to its definition. In particular, we considered (...)
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    Lebenswelt and Lebensform: Husserl and Wittgenstein on the Possibility of Intercultural Communication.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2009 - ARHE (11):57-71.
  44. Il minimo, l’unità, e l’universo infinito nella cosmologia vitalistica di Giordano Bruno.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - forthcoming - In Platone Nel Pensiero Moderno e Contemporaneo, Vol. XV.
  45. Some Suggestions for Developing an Africanist Phenomenological Philosophy of Science.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2007 - In Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.), Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Van Helmont’s hybrid ontology and its influence on the chemical interpretation of spirit and ferment.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 18 (2):103-112.
    This essay proposes to discuss the manner in which Jan Baptista van Helmont helped to transform the Neoplatonic notions of vital spirit and of ferment by giving these notions an unambiguously chemical interpretation, thereby influencing the eventual naturalization of these ideas in the work of late seventeenth century chymists. This chemical interpretation of vital spirit and ferment forms part of Helmont’s hybrid ontology, which fuses a corpuscular conception of minima naturalia with a non-corporeal conception of semina rerum. For Helmont, chemical (...)
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    Experiencia trascendental y experiencia personal en el enfoque metodológico de Karl Rahner.Luz Marina Barreto G. - 2011 - Salmanticensis 58 (3):427-464.
  48. Experiencia trascendental y experiencia personal en el enfoque metodológico de Karl Rahner.Luz Marina Barreto - 2011 - Salmanticensis 58 (3):427-464.
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    Etica y filosofía política en Venezuela.Luz Marina Barreto (ed.) - 1997 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado.
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  50. La idea de una voluntad legisladora universal como constitución de la objetividad.Luz Marina Barreto - 2008 - Episteme (Porto Alegre) 28 (2):129-142.
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