Results for 'Marisa Rivera'

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  1.  31
    On the Dependability and Feasibility of Layperson Ratings of Divergent Thinking.Richard W. Hass, Marisa Rivera & Paul J. Silvia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  2.  57
    Experiencing meditation – Evidence for differential effects of three contemplative mental practices in micro-phenomenological interviews.Marisa Przyrembel & Tania Singer - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 62:82-101.
  3. José Antonio Primo de Rivera.Primo de Rivera & José Antonio - 1940 - [Madrid]: Ediciones FE. Edited by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.
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  4. Psychonarratology: Foundations for the Empirical Study of Literary Response.Marisa Bortolussi & Peter Dixon - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    Psychonarratology is an approach to the empirical study of literary response and the processing of narrative. It draws on the empirical methodology of cognitive psychology and discourse processing as well as the theoretical insights and conceptual analysis of literary studies, particularly narratology. The present work provides a conceptual and empirical basis for this interdisciplinary approach that is accessible to researchers from either disciplinary background. An integrative review is presented of the classic problems in narratology: the status of the narrator, events (...)
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    Illuminating the dark matter of social neuroscience: Considering the problem of social interaction from philosophical, psychological, and neuroscientific perspectives.Marisa Przyrembel, Jonathan Smallwood, Michael Pauen & Tania Singer - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  6. Can't Live with'Em, Can't Deport'Em: Why Recent Immigration Reform Efforts Have Failed.Marisa Silenzi Cianciarulo - 2008 - Nexus 13:13.
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    Vocabulaire européen des philosophies: dictionnaire des intraduisibles de Barbara Cassin: nótulas sobre o contributo português.Marisa das Neves Henriques - 2010 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 19 (38):489-495.
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  8. Threats against public officials : Considerations for risk assessment, reporting, and intervention.Marisa Reddy Randazzo & Michelle Keeney - 2009 - In James L. Werth, Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel & G. Andrew H. Benjamin (eds.), The Duty to Protect: Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association.
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    The Ras pathway and spindle assembly collide?Marisa Segal & Duncan J. Clarke - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):307-310.
    Although alterations in Ras signalling are found in about 30% of human cancers, the transforming activity of oncogenic Ras is not fully understood. In a recent paper, a putative Ras1 effector in S. pombe, named Scd1, was reported to localize to mitotic apindies. Scd1 physically associates with Moe1, a factor that may contribute to the inherent inatability of microtubules (MTs) and appears to be needed for proper apindle function. Altered MT dynamics within the spindle are likely to affect spindle assembly (...)
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    La perspectiva Del dialogo intercientífico: Una directiva para transdisciplinariedad cultural Y epistemológica.Marisa Soares & Luis Antonio Ccopa Ybarra - 2019 - Odeere 4 (7):165.
    En ese artículo de naturaleza bibliográfica explicamos porque el diálogo intercientífico permite que se transcienda la homogeneidad de una epistemología involucrada en sí misma, expandiéndose para la transdisciplinariedad cultural y epistemológica. Analizamos dos nuevos modelos de paradigma alternativo, a saber: el vivir bien y el desarrollo endógeno sustentable. Consideramos que esas concepciones filosóficas tienen el desafío de desarrollar nuevas posibilidades epistemológicas y metodológicas que permitan el cambio de la realidad social e histórica. Palabras clave: Diálogo Intercientífico. Epistemología Transdisciplinar. Desarrollo Endógeno (...)
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    “Traduttore, Traditore?” Translating Human Rights into the Corporate Context.Marisa McVey, John Ferguson & François-Régis Puyou - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (3):573-596.
    This paper critically investigates the implementation of the UN guiding principles on business and human rights (UNGPs) into the corporate setting through the concept of ‘translation’. In the decade since the creation of the UNGPs, little academic research has focussed specifically on the corporate implementation of human rights. Drawing on qualitative case studies of two multinational corporations—an oil and gas company and a bank—this paper unpacks how human rights are translated into the corporate context. In doing so, the paper focuses (...)
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  12.  38
    Executive Functions and Prosodic Abilities in Children With High-Functioning Autism.Marisa G. Filipe, Sónia Frota & Selene G. Vicente - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  13. Individual procreative responsibility and the non-identity problem.Eduardo Rivera-lópez - 2009 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 90 (3):336-363.
    The question I address in this paper is whether and under what conditions it is morally right to bring a person into existence. I defend the commonsensical thesis that, other things being equal, it is morally wrong to create a person who will be below some threshold of quality of life, even if the life of this potential person, once created, will nevertheless be worth living. However commonsensical this view might seem, it has shown to be problematic because of the (...)
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  14.  70
    Being Necessary: Themes of Ontology and Modality from the Work of Bob Hale.Ivette Fred Rivera & Jessica Leech (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Edited by Ivette Fred-Rivera and Jessica Leech. What is the relationship between ontology and modality: between what there is, and what there could be, must be, or might have been? Throughout a distinguished career, Bob Hale’s work has addressed this question on a number of fronts, through the development of a Fregean approach to ontology, an essentialist theory of modality, and in his work on neo-logicism in the philosophy of mathematics. This collection of new essays engages with these themes (...)
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  15. Transient covert attention increases contrast sensitivity and spatial resolution: Support for signal enhancement.Marisa Carrasco - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 442--447.
  16.  16
    Extinction and the Repeatability of the End: Wells, Cuvier, Nietzsche.Marisa Žele - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (3).
    The paper explores the contact between the literary notion of the end of the world as depicted in H.G. Wells’s science fiction novel _The Time Machine_ and the concept of extinction, in the sense developed by the French naturalist Georges Cuvier, who at the turn of the 19 th century formulated a thesis about the structure of the world with a built-in end. The time traveller in Wells’s novel is driven into the distant future by an obsessive desire to know (...)
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  17.  36
    More than 20 years of chaos in economics.Marisa Faggini & Anna Parziale - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (1):53-69.
    Starting for the good results reached in physics researchers in economics and finance have been interested in testing nonlinear dependence and chaos in economic models and data. A wide variety of reasons for this interest have been suggested, including an attempt to improve the forecasting accuracy of linear time series models and to better explain the dynamics of the underlying variables of interest using a richer class of models than that permitted by limiting the set to the linear case. But (...)
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  18.  12
    Il Tempo non lineare dell'Utopia.Marisa Forcina - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 66:149-164.
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    [Recensão a] Éric Fottorino (dir.) Le Français a‑t‑il perdu sa langue? Regards croisés sur la langue française: évolutions et débats.Marisa das Neves Henriques - 2018 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 27 (54):353-355.
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    Aysha Abdurrahman. L'esegesi coranica al femminile in epoca moderna.Marisa Iannucci - 2017 - Società Degli Individui 58:22-33.
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    Mountaineering pericytes – A universal key to tissue repair?Marisa Karow - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (9):771-774.
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    Virtue rewarded? Women and the politics of virtue in 18th-century France. Part II.Marisa Linton - 2000 - History of European Ideas 26 (1):51-65.
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  23.  8
    Consentimiento y reduplicación. Apuntes sobre el sentido de la libertad en el pensamiento de Francisco Leocata.Mosto Marisa - forthcoming - Tábano.
    El artículo intenta realizar una síntesis de la cuestión de la libertad y los valores, su sentido ético y su anclaje onto-antropológico con el fin de señalar el contexto amplio en que éstos se sitúan en el pensamiento de Francisco Leocata. Uno de los objetivos principales de la obra de Leocata ha sido fortalecer el concepto de persona, su racionalidad y sus raíces metafísicas en respuesta a corrientes filosóficas contemporáneas que ponen en peligro la consistencia y el destino de la (...)
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  24.  13
    The Morality of Urban Mobility.Yuiza T. Martínez-Rivera - 2022 - Essays in Philosophy 23 (1):111-115.
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  25. La Escuela de Frankfurt: Reflexiones sobre el mal en la historia.Marisa Mosto - 2001 - Sapientia 56 (209):191-212.
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  26. Can export-oriented aquaculture in developing countries be sustainable and promote sustainable development? The shrimp case.Marta G. Rivera-Ferre - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (4):301-321.
    Industrial shrimp farming has been promoted by international development and financial institutions in coastal indebted poor countries as a way to obtain foreign exchange earnings, reimburse external debt, and promote development. The promotion of the shrimp industry is a clear example of a more general trend of support of export-oriented primary products, consisting in monocultures of commodities, as opposed to the promotion of more diverse, traditional production directed to feed the local population. In general, it is assumed that export-oriented aquaculture (...)
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  27. Il Lausanne Trilogue Pla clinico:...Marisa Malagoli Togliatti, Silvia Mazzoni, Anna Lubrano Lavadera & Anna Lisa Micci - 2009 - Terapia Familiare 91:29 - 44.
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    Experimentacion y Tecnicas Computacionales.Marisa Velasco - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (2):317-331.
    Computational simulations are now useful tools in experimental life. Their novelty and continuous development make it very difficult to understand their epistemic relevance. In this paper a first evaluation of them is presented through a parallel between thought experiments and computational simulations. Both simulations that play the role of actual experiment and also simulations that are part of experiments will be under scrutiny, since both of them are important in the understanding of contemporary experiments. But simulations as parts of actual (...)
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    O movimento de expansão E a generalização do interesse E da vontade.Marisa Vento - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 21:233-243.
    O estudo aqui apresentado propõe uma interpretação do amor de si como o pathos primordial, da forma como Rousseau o pressentiu.
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  30. Certezas, acuerdos y representaciones en las teorías de la verdad de Tarski, Strawson y Putnam.Marisa Beatriz Villalba - 2006 - Analogía Filosófica 20 (2):103-124.
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  31. El problema de la representación: consideraciones a partir de un texto de Hilary Putnam.Marisa Beatriz Villalba - 2009 - Analogía Filosófica 23 (1):41 - 64.
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  32.  21
    Políticas públicas y agenda pública. Estrategias para la implementabilidad del derecho público con perspectiva territorial. Análisis de casos en Medellín.Ramiro Alberto Vélez Rivera - 2010 - Ratio Juris 5 (11):103-116.
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    Normality in medicine: a critical review.Marisa Catita, Artur Águas & Pedro Morgado - 2020 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 15 (1):1-6.
    What is considered normal determines clinical practice in medicine and has implications at an individual level, doctor-patient relationship and health care policies. With the increase in medical information and technical abilities it is urgent to have a clear concept of normality in medicine so that crucial discussions can be held with unequivocal terms.The different meanings for normality were analyzed throughout the literature and grouped according to their relevance in the academic community in models, namely the Biostatistical Theory (BST), Health, Ideal, (...)
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  34.  39
    We-Synthesis.Joseph Rivera - 2019 - Research in Phenomenology 49 (2):183-206.
    The purpose of this paper is threefold: To show the basic contours of transcendental subjectivity in the later work of Edmund Husserl, especially the Cartesian Meditations and the Crisis, and in the strictly phenomenological work of Michel Henry, especially Material Phenomenology; to highlight Henry’s radical critique of Husserlian intersubjectivity and show that such critique, while valuable in its intention, is ultimately misguided because it neglects the important contribution Husserl’s complicated vocabulary of lifeworld makes to the study of intersubjectivity; and to (...)
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    Privacy and the Genetic Community.Marisa A. Leib-Neri & Anya E. R. Prince - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):70-72.
    The concept of a communal type of privacy shared by interconnected social groups has wide applications in the healthcare field, specifically in genetic testing and genetic data privacy (Pyrrho, Cam...
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  36. Poetics of the Flesh.Mayra Rivera - 2015
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  37. Let's dance : on fantastic critique.Oscar Guardiola-Rivera - 2025 - In Ricardo Sanín Restrepo, Marinella Machado Araujo & Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds.), Decrypting justice: from epistemic violence to immanent democracy. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    The politics of virtue in Enlightenment France.Marisa Linton - 2001 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, N.Y.: Palgrave.
    This is the first study to focus on the idea of virtue and its place in political thought in eighteenth-century France. Virtue could be used to impart moral authority to arguments about political power. The development of this strategic idea is traced through the works of key Enlightenment thinkers. There is also consideration of the ways in which numerous popular writers of the day, including clerics, eulogists, journalists, novelists and lawyers, employed the idea of virtue in polemical discussions in their (...)
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    The unvirtuous king? clerical rhetoric on the French monarchy, 1760–1774.Marisa Linton - 1999 - History of European Ideas 25 (1-2):55-74.
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    (1 other version)A reapropriação macIntyriana da noção de philia aristotélica: o animal apolítico?Marisa Lopes - 2010 - Doispontos 7 (2).
    The article intends to show that MacIntyre’s notion of friendship (which, according to him, would be a reappropriation of Aristotle’s notion of philia), while ignoring the political aspect explicitly emphasized by Aristotle, reduces the notion of friendship to its social or civic aspect, thereby weakening the political nature of man.
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    La tardo-eugenesia en Argentina: un enfoque desde la longue durée.Marisa A. Miranda - 2013 - Arbor 189 (764):a088.
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  42. La disolución de las identidades en la cultura contemporànea.(Intento de explicación histórico-filosófica).Marisa Mosto - 2006 - Sapientia 61 (219-220).
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    Macedonio Fernández: su tesis inédita De las personas.Marisa Alejandra Muñoz - 2010 - Cuyo 27:129-159.
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    Hegel: Sobre la enseñanza de la filosofía.Diego Antonio Pineda Rivera - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (59):139-159.
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    La razionalità moderna e il problema della giustizia sociale.Marisa Prete - 1998 - Idee 39:67-106.
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  46. Freud y el nazismo.Jerry Espinoza Rivera - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (120):77-82.
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  47. Las ambigüedades de la educación.Marco Antonio del Río Rivera - 2018 - In Enrique Fernández García & Daniel A. Pasquier (eds.), Ensayos sobre educación. Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Instituto de Ciencia, Economía, Educación y Salud.
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    One Interpreter's Journey of Interpreting for Pregnancy Loss.Marisa Rueda Will - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):156-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:One Interpreter's Journey of Interpreting for Pregnancy LossMarisa Rueda WillInterpreters have to know everything." This is what I thought as I watched and shadowed a seasoned interpreter at a world-renowned medical center, during my J-term internship. The fact that I had gotten this opportunity was still hard to believe. There I was, shadowing medical interpreters at one of the best hospitals in the world during my senior year of (...)
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    Microcredit and Economic Growth in Ecuador from 2013 to 2023.P. Mauricio Rivera, B. Karina Álvarez, P. Willman Carrillo, L. Diego Logroño, C. Patricio Juelas & D. Javier Saavedra - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:351-368.
    Microcredit has emerged as an effective instrument for achieving financial inclusion, stimulating productive activities, and with this support, reinforcing economic growth. This study aims to examine the characteristics of microcredit financing in Ecuador and to quantify its impact on economic growth. The study employs quarterly data from 2013 to 2023. An Error Correction (VEC) model was utilized to ascertain the short- and long-term effects of microcredit and investment on GDP. The findings indicate that microcredit and investment do not exert a (...)
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  50.  37
    Ethics and Genetics in Latin America.Eduardo Rivera-Lóez - 2002 - Developing World Bioethics 2 (1):11-20.
    Genetic research in human beings poses deep ethical problems, one being the problem of distributive justice. If we suppose that genetic technologies are able to produce visible benefits for the well being of people, and that these benefits are affordable to only a favored portion of society, then the consequence is obvious. We are introducing a new source of inequality. In the first section of this paper, I attempt to justify some concern for the distributive consequences of applying genetics to (...)
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