Results for 'Marlis Weinmann-Walser'

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    Marli Huijer, Iets nieuws beginnen.Marli Huijer - 2009 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 49 (3):46-47.
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    On the formal arguments of the akutobhayā.Joseph Walser - 1998 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 26 (3):189-232.
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    Het leven is niet leuk als je je mond houdt: het denken van Marli Huijer.Marli Huijer - 2015 - Amsterdam: Boom. Edited by Peter Henk Steenhuis.
    Filosoof en arts Marli Huijer, de opvolger van René Gude als Denker des Vaderlands, is geen studeerkamergeleerde, al schreef ze meerdere boeken, zoals het recente Ritme en Discipline. Ze is geen tegen-, geen mee-, maar een tussendenker, ze wil de stemmen van allerlei verschillende mensen laten klinken. In de interviews in Het leven is niet leuk als je je mond houdt praat Peter Henk Steenhuis met haar over haar inspiratiebron Hannah Arendt, haar overstap van haar werk bij de methadonpost in (...)
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    Esthétique comparée et sémiologie: Questions de méthodologie.Monique Brunet-Weinmann - 1977 - Semiotica 21 (3-4).
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    Personen - Inwiefern wir sind, wofür wir uns halten.Charlotte Walser - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Wofür auch immer wir uns sonst halten mögen - wir halten uns für Personen. Doch was heisst dies genau? Bin ich dieselbe Person, die vor zehn Jahren an diesem Schreibtisch sass? Existiert eine Person noch, wenn sie im irreversiblen Koma liegt? Ist eine Person identisch mit ihrem Körper? Müssen wir an die Existenz geistiger Entitäten glauben, wenn sie es nicht ist? Die Autorin untersucht anhand des Ansatzes von P. F. Strawson, was den Begriff, den wir von uns selbst haben, auszeichnet (...)
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  6. Philosophie, Welt und Wirklichkeit.Rudolf Weinmann - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (2):43-43.
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  7. Wirklichkeitsstandpunkt.Rudolf Weinmann - 1896 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 42:545-545.
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  8. Widersprüche und Selbstwidersprüche der Relativitätstheorie.Rudolf Weinmann - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (5):178-178.
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    Mar Narsai Press.Mar Aprem - 1996 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 78 (3):171-178.
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  10. Hādhihi Ḥāshiyat al-ʻAllāmah al-fāḍil al-Shaykh Zayn al-Marṣafī ʻalá sharḥ bītī al-Maqūlāt lil-ʻAllāmah al-Sujāʻī.Zayn ibn Aḥmad Marṣafī - 1895 - Miṣr: al-Maṭbaʻah al-ʻĀmirah al-Sharafīyah. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
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    "Freundschaft" im interdisziplinären Dialog: Perspektiven aus Philosophie, Theologie, Sozialwissenschaften und Gender Studies.Angelika Walser (ed.) - 2017 - Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag.
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  12. Model-based analyses: Promises, pitfalls, and example applications to the study of cognitive control.Rogier B. Mars, Nicholas Shea, Nils Kolling & Matthew F. S. Rushworth - 2012 - Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (2):252-267.
    We discuss a recent approach to investigating cognitive control, which has the potential to deal with some of the challenges inherent in this endeavour. In a model-based approach, the researcher defines a formal, computational model that performs the task at hand and whose performance matches that of a research participant. The internal variables in such a model might then be taken as proxies for latent variables computed in the brain. We discuss the potential advantages of such an approach for the (...)
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    Compliance or Comfort Zone? The Work of Embedded Ethics in Performing Regulation.Mar Pérezts & Sébastien Picard - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (4):833-852.
    The effective implementation of regulation in organizations is an ongoing concern for both research and practice, in order to avoid deviant behavior and its consequences. However, the way compliance with regulations is actually enacted or “performed” within organizations instead of merely executed, remains largely under-characterized. Evidence from an ethnographic study in the compliance unit of a French investment bank allows us to develop a detailed practice approach to how regulation is actually implemented in firms. We characterize the work accomplished by (...)
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    Über Ernst Bloch.Martin Walser (ed.) - 1968 - Frankfurt am Main]: Suhrkamp.
    --Prophet mit Marx- und Engelszungen, von M. Walser.--Philosophie zwischen Traum und Apokalypse, von I. Frenzel.--Messianismus und Marxismus, von J. Moltmann.--Ein marxistischer Schelling, von J. Habermas.--Ein Gespräch über ungelöste Aufgaben der sozialistischen Theorie, von E. Bloch und F. Vilmar.--Ein grosser Einzelgänger, von I. Fetscher.--Ernst Blochs Evolution des Marxismus, von W. Maihofer.--Ausgewählte Bibliographie der Schriften über Ernst Bloch, zusammengestellt von R. Kübler (p. 133-[149]).
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  15. How daydreaming relates to life satisfaction, loneliness, and social support: The importance of gender and daydream content.Raymond A. Mar, Malia F. Mason & Aubrey Litvack - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):401-407.
    Daydreaming appears to have a complex relationship with life satisfaction and happiness. Here we demonstrate that the facets of daydreaming that predict life satisfaction differ between men and women , that the content of daydreams tends to be social others , and that who we daydream about influences the relation between daydreaming and happiness variables like life satisfaction, loneliness, and perceived social support . Specifically, daydreaming about people not close to us predicts more loneliness and less perceived social support, whereas (...)
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    Book Reviews: Chromosomes: Organization and Function.Mar Carmena - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (6):700-700.
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    Fihrist-i dastʹnivishtahʹhā-yi ās̲ār-i Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī dar Kitābkhānah-ʼi Buzurg-i Ḥaz̤rat Ayat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá Marʻashī Najafī.Maḥmūd Marʻashī (ed.) - 2005 - Qum: Kitābkhānah-i Buzurg-i Ḥaz̤rat Ayat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá Marʻashī Najafī, Ganjīnah-ʼi Jahānī-i Makhṭūṭāt-i Islāmī.
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    Kitābshināsī-i dastʹnivishtahʹhā-yi ās̲ār-i ʻAllāmah Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad Ṭūsī: dar kitābkhānah-ʼi Buzurg-i Ḥaz̤rat-i Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá Marʻashī Najafī, Ganjīnah-ʼi Jahānī-i Makhṭūṭāt-i Islāmī.Maḥmūd Marʻashī (ed.) - 2009 - Qum: Kitābkhānah-i Buzurg-i Ḥaz̤rat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá Marʻashī Najafī, Ganjīnah-ʼi Jahānī-i Makhṭūṭāt-i Islāmī.
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    Lorenzo Campeggis Promemoria ad Hadrianum Papam VI. de depravato statu Romanae Ecclesiae (1522) im religions-, gattungs- und literaturgeschichtlichen Kontext.Isabella Walser - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (2):142-166.
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    Zu Caesars Tendenz in der geographischen Beschreibung Galliens.Gerold Walser - 1995 - Klio 77 (1):217-223.
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  21. (1 other version)Über einige philosophische Argumente gegen die Relativitätstheorie.Rudolf Weinmann - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:254.
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  22. Die Lehre von den spezifischen sinnesenergien.Rudolf Weinmann - 1896 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 42:544-545.
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    The polysemy of the Spanish verb sentir: A behavioral profile analysis.Marlies Jansegers, Clara Vanderschueren & Renata Enghels - 2015 - Cognitive Linguistics 26 (3):381-421.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    A qualitative study exploring self-directed learning in a medical humanities curriculum.Sarah Walser, Mercer Gary & Mark B. Stephens - 2022 - Research and Humanities in Medical Education 9:40-47.
    Introduction: The humanities enrich and transform the practice of medicine. What remains to be seen, however, is how best to integrate humanities into the medical curriculum to optimize both educational and patient-related outcomes. The present study considers the structure of an innovative student-driven humanities curriculum and seeks to understand its strengths and limitations, as well as make recommendations for improvement. Methods: The Penn State College of Medicine, University Park Regional Campus uses an inquiry-based approach to education, whereby students are responsible (...)
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    Spotlight on Student Engagement, Motivation, and Achievement.Nancy Walser & Caroline Chauncey (eds.) - 2009 - Harvard Education Press.
    Only when students feel engaged both socially and academically can schools and teachers lay the groundwork to motivate achievement. This volume, the fifth in the _Harvard Education Letter _Spotlight series, brings together fifteen seminal articles that examine research and practice on these complex and interrelated issues. Foreword by Sam M. Intrator, associate professor of education and of the Program in Urban Studies at Smith College and codirector of Smith’s Urban Education Initiative. Contributors include: Michael Bitz, James Paul Gee, Pedro A. (...)
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    Unitas multiplex: John Barclay’s notion of Europe in his Icon animorum.Isabella Walser - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):533-546.
    ABSTRACTDespite the growing research on the emergence of the term ‘Europe’ in the Early Modern Period and its implications, concepts and conceptualizations, most studies rely on vernacular sources exclusively. The vast and even unclear amount of Neo-Latin literature processing the discourse on Europe and European identity has yet attracted only little interest. With its proper investigation starting now, the following article aims to make a corresponding contribution by examining a treatise of one of the most prominent Neo-Latin writers of the (...)
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  27. The aesthetics of existence in the work of Michel Foucault.Marli Huijer - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (2):61-85.
    Foucault's analysis of an aesthetics of existence is presented as an instrument to practice ethical thought without the presupposition of an autonomous subject. The implications of Foucault's aesthetics of existence for ethical thought are traced to the work of Nietzsche. In Foucault's work, experiences of oneself are not a given, but are constituted in power relations and true-and-false games. In the interplay of truths and power relations, the individual constitutes a certain relationship to him- or herself. Foucault designated the relation (...)
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    Der Widersinn und die Überflüssigkeit der speziellen Relativitätstheorie.Budolf Weinmann - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8 (1):46-57.
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  29. «Renouvier et ses correspondants»: Présentation du fonds de la bibliothèque de Montpellier.Emmanuelle Weinmann - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 45:251-261.
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    (1 other version)Wundt über naiven und kritischen Realismus.Rudolf Weinmann - 1899 - Kant Studien 3 (1-3):417-423.
  31.  5
    Exploring health inequities through the actor‐network theory lens.Mar'yana Fisher, Joanna Tulloch & Olga Petrovskaya - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12504.
    Social theory plays an important role in the nursing discipline and nursing inquiry as it helps conceptually embed nursing in the larger picture of the social world. For example, a broad category of critical theory provides a unique lens for uncovering social conditions of inequity and oppression. Among the sociological theories, actor‐network theory (ANT) is an approach to research and analysis that has recently gained interest among nurse philosophers and researchers. Studies guided by ANT seek to understand phenomena of interest (...)
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    Licht.Marli Huijer - 2005 - Krisis 6 (4):113-116.
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    The downgrading of pain sufferers’ credibility.Mar Rosàs Tosas - 2021 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 16 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundThe evaluation of pain remains one of the most difficult challenges that healthcare practitioners face. Chronic pain appears to affect more than 35% of the population in the West, and indeed, pain is the most common reason patients seek medical care. Despite its ubiquity, studies in the last decades reveal that many patients feel their pain is dismissed by healthcare practitioners and that, as a result, they are denied proper medical care. Buchman, Ho, and Goldberg (J Bioethic Inq 14:31-42, 2017) (...)
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    Peer-to-peer dialogue about teachers’ written feedback enhances students’ understanding on how to improve writing skills.Marlies Schillings, H. Roebertsen, H. Savelberg, J. Whittingham & D. Dolmans - 2019 - Tandf: Educational Studies 46 (6):693-707.
    Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2020, Page 693-707.
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    The Role of Language Proficiency in False Memory: A Mini Review.Mar Suarez & Maria Soledad Beato - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Memory errors and, specifically, false memories in the Deese/Roediger–McDermott paradigm have been extensively studied in the past decades. Most studies have investigated false memory in monolinguals’ native or first language (L1), but interest has also grown in examining false memories in participants’ second language (L2) with different proficiency levels. The main purpose of this manuscript is to review the current state of knowledge on the role of language proficiency on false memories when participants encode and retrieve information in the same (...)
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    It has been said-On ignorance.Marlys H. Witte, Ann Kerwin & Charles L. Witte - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (4):524-525.
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    (1 other version)This Time from Africa: Developing a Relational Approach to Values-Driven Leadership.Mar Pérezts, Jo-Anna Russon & Mollie Painter - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (4):731-748.
    The importance of relationality in ethical leadership has been the focus of recent attention in business ethics scholarship. However, this relational component has not been sufficiently theorized from different philosophical perspectives, allowing specific Western philosophical conceptions to dominate the leadership development literature. This paper offers a theoretical analysis of the relational ontology that informs various conceptualizations of selfhood from both African and Western philosophical traditions and unpacks its implications for values-driven leadership. We aim to broaden Western conceptions of leadership development (...)
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    Nietzsche – Problème, Généalogie D'une Pensée. Par Charles Murin. Préface de L.M. Régis. Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal; Paris : Vrin. 1979. 283 p. [REVIEW]Heinz Weinmann - 1981 - Dialogue 20 (4):812-815.
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    Estados de ansiedad: el principio de precaución y el papel del miedo anticipado en la toma de decisiones ético-políticas.Mar Cabezas - 2012 - Dilemata 9:153-174.
    States, as agents who make moral and political decisions, may also be influenced in decision making by emotions as fear, cognitive states as worry, expectations, etc. that will crystallize in the way they cope with the new challenging agenda. Bearing in mind that the argumentative debates about new risky technologies focus on the precautionary principle, and on an anticipated fear, this manuscript suggests to analyze the main biases that arise in the state anxiety (in attention, selection and evaluation of information, (...)
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    Emociones desde otra lente: una crítica a la conceptualización dicotómica de la emoción.Mar Cabezas - 2010 - Dilemata 2.
    The classical dichotomical framework has shaped the western conceptualization of emotions and is still alive in our common imagery impregnating our own assumptions about the polarity emotion/reason. Thereby, my main purpose is to suggest that another framework can be defended. In order to it, I will firstly analyse the basis of this logic, as well as I will also offer a critique of its main principles and consequences. Finally, as a way of surpassing the old dichotomic model, I will argue (...)
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  41. Justice and Children’s Rights: the Role of Moral Psychology in the Practical Philosophy Discourse.Mar Cabezas - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (8):41-73.
    Justice for children meets specific obstacles when it comes to its realization due not only to the nature of rights and the peculiarities of children as subjects of rights. The conflict of interests between short-term and long-term aims, and the different interpretations a state can do on the question concerning how to materialize social rights policies and how to interpret its commitments on social justice play also a role. Starting by the question on why the affluent states do not seem (...)
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    From intestine transport to enzymatic regulation: The works of the Spanish biochemist Alberto Sols (1917–1989).Marı́a Jesús Santesmases - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (2):287-313.
    In this paper the scientific trajectory of Spanish influential biochemist Alberto Sols (1917–1989) is presented in comparative perspective. His social and academic environment, his research training under the Cori's in the US in the early 1950s and his works when coming back to Spain to develop his own scientific career are described in order to present the central argument of this paper on his path from physiological research to research on enzymatic regulation. Sols' main contributions were both scientific and academic. (...)
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    Philosophie et histoire chez Weil.Marly Carvalho Soares - 2013 - Cultura:137-151.
    A especificidade deste artigo é mostrar como a identidade da filosofia e da história constitui a estrutura da Lógica da Filosofia. Todavia, como é possível realizar na Lógica essa unidade entre filosofia e história? Tal estrutura pode ser fundamentada na idéia de retomada como fenômeno histórico no processo do seu desenvolvimento. A filosofia é então a história com­preendida e esta só pode ser percebida por meio de um discurso sistemático na pretensão de ver a história tal como é. Ao definir (...)
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    Reactions to Environmental Changes: Place Attachment Predicts Interest in Earth Observation Data.Marlis Charlotte Wullenkord, Lea Marie Heidbreder & Gerhard Reese - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:543598.
    Environmental changes such as extreme weather events become increasingly noticeable worldwide. Earth observation (EO) data provide information about such changes, but little is known about citizens’ perceptions of and responses to such changes. Across three studies, we assess whether people’s place attachment on different regional levels predicts interest in EO data, and whether perceived environmental change affects emotional responses and place attachment. Two survey studies ( N = 118 students and N = 197 citizens from the Palatinate in Southern Germany) (...)
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  45. Serving Two Masters: The Contradictory Organization as an Ethical Challenge for Managerial Responsibility.Mar Pérezts, Jean-Philippe Bouilloud & Vincent de Gaulejac - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (S1):33-44.
    “No one can serve two masters.” This Bible quotation highlights an irreducible contradiction, which echoes numerous organizational settings. This article considers the under-explored ethical implications of paradoxical injunctions created by such a contradiction at the managerial level. Contradictory organizational constraints turn into paradoxant systems , where the organization structurally settles paradoxical injunctions which challenge managerial ethics in practice. We then ask what managerial responsibility means in such contexts and find that managers have then to reshape their practice as a situated (...)
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    Acculturation and Naturalization: Insights From Representative and Longitudinal Migration Studies in Germany.Débora B. Maehler, Martin Weinmann & Katja Hanke - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In recent years, Western countries have been experiencing a growing wave of immigration. Due to this development, these countries are facing great challenges in successfully integrating large numbers of immigrants and in preserving social cohesion. Research has already developed several assumptions about and models of how acculturation processes occur. The present contribution aims to investigate the relationship between the acculturation (and acculturation profiles) of immigrants and naturalization in their residence countries. Based on representative and longitudinal data, our investigation is a (...)
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  47. Emotion and narrative fiction: Interactive influences before, during, and after reading.Raymond A. Mar, Keith Oatley, Maja Djikic & Justin Mullin - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):818-833.
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    New waves in philosophy of law.Maksymilian Del Mar (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    This book provides a collection of 11 cutting-edge essays by leading young scholars, challenging long-held assumptions and offering new research paradigms in Philosophy of Law, in five parts: 1) methodology/metatheory; 2) reasoning/evaluating; 3) values/the moral life; 4) institutions/the social life; and 5) the global/international dimension.
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    Pragmaatilisi lähenemisi kultuuridevahelisele eetikale.Maria del Mar Llera - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (1):260-260.
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  50. Deficiência Visual e Iniciação Científica na Graduação: A Terapia Ocupacional como Facilitadora desse Processo.Marli Generutti, Fernanda Parizotto de Sá & Bruneta Rey - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (1).
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