Results for 'Martha Langford'

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  1.  8
    Tom Gibson: False Evidence Appearing Real.Martha Langford - 1993 - Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photogra.
    Tom Gibson: False Evidence Appearing Real features forty-four photographs, an interview with Gibson, and critical commentary. Gibson's photographs depict cities and their inhabitants in Europe, Canada, and the United States. In many images, the city streets are stages on which pedestrians are the actors and urban artifacts like mannequins, graffiti, billboards, and statues are the props. In others, Gibson focuses on the reactions of his human subjects by turning the camera on passersby who observe him at work.
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  2. (3 other versions)Symbolic Logic.C. I. Lewis & C. H. Langford - 1932 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):65-66.
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  3. Galileo, Science and the Church.Jerome J. Langford - 1967
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    Phonological blocking in the tip of the tongue state.Gregory V. Jones & Sally Langford - 1987 - Cognition 26 (2):115-122.
    Examination of naturally occurring cases in which a person reports that a word is on the tip of his or her tongue has led several theorists to propose that an important role is played by blocking words whose intrusions hinder access to the correct targets. As yet, however, the blocking mechanism appears to have received little direct investigation experimentally. It was studied here by adapting the classic method of Brown and McNeill in which a person is presented with a definition (...)
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    Para Além da Morte de Deus.Martha de Almeida - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (2):222-231.
    A morte de Deus é um tema bastante explorado na filosofia nietzschiana, entretanto esta questão nos remete a outras,como veremos neste artigo. Na história da Filosofia foi necessário, primeiramente, que se fundamentasse o “eu” para que pudéssemos alcançar a evidência de Deus. No entanto, se o próprio eu cartesiano é posto à prova, como poderemos fundamentar a existência de Deus? Assim, fomos desconstruindo em nossa análise os fundamentos da idéia de Deus até chegarmos ao que realmente nos importava: as perspectivas, (...)
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    Ethical concerns in grievance arbitration.Robert A. Giacalone, Martha L. Reiner & James C. Goodwin - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (4):267 - 272.
    Although the use of arbitration has become commonplace in the organizational world, the ethical issues surrounding arbitration have never been fully explored. The paper reviews ethical issues in arbitration, particularly in terms of forensic bias parallels, that may affect decision-making and make the arbitrator''s decision questionable. Finally, the maintenance of fairness in the arbitration process, and the importance of an ethically acceptable system of organizational justice are also discussed.
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    Feminists Despite Themselves: A Look Back.Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:164-167.
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    The intuitive learning for the development of the creative activity in students.Martha María Casas-Rodríguez - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):22-37.
    El trabajo que se presenta constituye un análisis epistemológico del aprendizaje intuitivo como dimensión humana. Su objetivo es caracterizar el marco referencial para una epistemología de lo intuitivo, a partir de la revisión bibliográfica y con la utilización del método hermenéutico, el histórico- lógico, la inducción- deducción y el análisis - síntesis. Sus principales resultados son los fundamentos epistemológicos del aprendizaje intuitivo, la definición pedagógica del aprendizaje intuitivo y la caracterización de las experiencias intuitivas. This article constitutes an epistemological analysis (...)
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    Cardona-Restrepo, Porfirio y Santamaría, Freddy. Eds. Estética Analítica: entre el pragmatismo y el neopragmatismo.Martha Patiño Barragán - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (159):274-280.
    Cardona-Restrepo, Porfirio y Santamaría, Freddy. Eds. _Estética_ _analítica: entre el pragmatismo y el neopragmatismo_. Medellín: Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana, 2014. 340 pp.
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  10. The National Writing Project: Design, Development, and Evaluation.Frances Dunham & Martha Mills - 1981 - Journal of Thought 16 (2):25-38.
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    A Christian Ordo?Martha Moore-Keish - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (3):246-256.
    “Ordo,” as it has come to be used, suggests the basic structure of Christian worship that centers on table, font, and pulpit, and the shape of Christian living that flows from these centers. It is a commitment to that which grounds and guides our lives in the world.
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    Fear of Violence among Colombian Women Is Associated with Reduced Preferences for High-BMI Men.Martha Lucia Borras-Guevara, Carlota Batres & David I. Perrett - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (3):341-369.
    Recent studies reveal that violence significantly contributes to explaining individual’s facial preferences. Women who feel at higher risk of violence prefer less-masculine male faces. Given the importance of violence, we explore its influence on people’s preferences for a different physical trait. Masculinity correlates positively with male strength and weight or body mass index. In fact, masculinity and BMI tend to load on the same component of trait perception. Therefore we predicted that individuals’ perceptions of danger from violence will relate to (...)
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    Des termes extrêmes des biens et des maux.Marcus Tullius Cicero & Jules Martha - 1967 - Les Belles Lettres.
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    Finding the Perfect Gift: Sociological, Philosophical, and Theological Approaches.Martha Elias Downey - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1083):622-637.
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    The Adoro Te Devote of St. Thomas Aquinas.O. P. Sr Lucia Marie of the Visitation Langford - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):365-376.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Adoro Te Devote of St. Thomas AquinasSr. Lucia Marie of the Visitation Langford O.P.The Adoro te devote is perhaps the most well-beloved Eucharistic hymn of our time, popularly attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas, the medieval Dominican friar known for his theological treatises as well as his Eucharistic hymnography. Unlike most of Aquinas's work, the poem reveals the intensely personal side of his faith. Rich in theological content (...)
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  16. Prosleptic propositions and arguments.William Kneale & Martha Kneale - 1972 - In Richard Walzer, S. M. Stern, Albert Hourani & Vivian Brown (eds.), Islamic philosophy and the classical tradition. Columbia,: University of South Carolina Press. pp. 189-207.
  17. A letter from the children.Paul Smith, Martha Smith & Mary Smith - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (4):339-339.
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    Remarks on Juvenal.Harry Langford Wilson - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (08):412-413.
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    El ethos y el topos en la formación médica.Martha Díaz Flores, María Elena Escalona Blanco & María del Coral Herrera Herrera - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (2):306-319.
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    Estudios decoloniales y poscoloniales. Posturas acerca de la modernidad/colonialidad y el eurocentrismo.Martha Isabel Gómez Vélez, Dora Cecilia Saldarriaga Grisales, María Claudia López Gil & Lina María Zapata Botero - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):27-60.
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  21. Virtue, Love and Form: Essays in Memory of Gregory Vlastos (Apeiron v. 26 n. 3/4).Terence Irwin & Martha Craven Nussbaum (eds.) - 1994 - Ann Arbor, MI: Academic Printing.
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  22.  54
    Passions & perceptions: studies in Hellenistic philosophy of mind: proceedings of the Fifth Symposium Hellenisticum.Jacques Brunschwig & Martha Craven Nussbaum (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The philosophers of the Hellenistic schools in ancient Greece and Rome (Epicureans, Stoics, Sceptics, Academics, Cyrenaics) made important contributions to the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of psychology. This volume, which contains the proceedings of the Fifth Symposium Hellenisticum, describes and analyses their contributions on issues such as: the nature of perception, imagination and belief; the nature of the passions and their role in action; the relationship between mind and body; freedom and determinism; the role of pleasure as a (...)
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    On the limitations of imaging imagining.Christopher A. Buneo & Martha Flanders - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):202-203.
  24. Influencia de las representaciones sociales de participación infantil, en las prácticas llevadas al interior Del hogar Y de la escuela.Johana Andrea Cruz & Martha Patricia Velandia - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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    Does the hand reflect implicit knowledge? Yes and no.Susan Goldin-Meadow & Martha Wagner Alibali - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):766-767.
    Gesture does not have a fixed position in the Dienes & Perner framework. Its status depends on the way knowledge is expressed. Knowledge reflected in gesture can be fully implicit (neither factuality nor predication is explicit) if the goal is simply to move a pointing hand to a target. Knowledge reflected in gesture can be explicit (both factuality and predication are explicit) if the goal is to indicate an object. However, gesture is not restricted to these two extreme positions. When (...)
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    All brain work – including recall – is state-dependent.Dietrich Lehmann & Martha Koukkou - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):964-965.
    The continuous ongoing mentation is experienced as dreams in some functional states. Mentation occurs with high speed, is driven by individual memory, and uses state-dependent processing strategies, context material, storage options, and retrieval access. Retrieval deserves more attention. Multiple state-shifts owing to individual meaning as extracted also during sleep concatenate dream narratives and define access to segments for awake recall. [Hobson et al.; Nielson; Solms].
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  27. Conclusion: Positive Law and the Kelsenian Project.John McGarry, Ian Bryan & Peter Langford - 2017 - In John McGarry, Ian Bryan & Peter Langford (eds.), Kelsenian Legal Science and the Nature of Law. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  28. Confabulation and delusion.Max Coltheart & Turner & Martha - 2009 - In William Hirstein (ed.), Confabulation: Views From Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
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    New books. [REVIEW]E. F. Carritt & Martha Kneale - 1944 - Mind 53 (210):184-187.
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  30. Foundation of the Unity of Science: Toward an International Encyclopedia of Unified Science.C. H. Langford - 1970 - University of Chicago Press Cambridge University Press.
  31. The Notion of Analysis in Moore's Philosophy.C. H. Langford & Paul Arthur Schilpp - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):149-151.
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  32. Martha E. Rogers Her Life and Her Work.Martha E. Rogers, Violet M. Malinski, Elizabeth Ann Manhart Barrett & John R. Phillips - 1994
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  33. Interview - Martha Nussbaum.Martha Nussbaum - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 40 (40):51-54.
    Martha Nussbuam is one of the most prolific and original philosophers working today. Influenced by ancient philosophy, she has written on the relationship between fiction, the emotions and moral reasoning. With Amartya Sen she developed the capabilities approach to human well-being, which helped shape the UN’s Human Development Index. She is Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago.
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  34. How to defend the cohabitation theory.Simon Langford - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (227):212–224.
    David Lewis's cohabitation theory suffered damaging criticism from Derek Parfit. Though many have defended versions of Lewis's theory Parfit's criticism has not been answered. This paper shows how to defend the cohabitation theory against Parfit's criticism.
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  35. Visual Agnosia: Disorders of Object Recognition and What They Tell Us About Normal Vision.Martha J. Farah - 1990 - MIT Press.
    Visual Agnosia is a comprehensive and up-to-date review of disorders of higher vision that relates these disorders to current conceptions of higher vision from cognitive science, illuminating both the neuropsychological disorders and the nature of normal visual object recognition.Brain damage can lead to selective problems with visual perception, including visual agnosia the inability to recognize objects even though elementary visual functions remain unimpaired. Such disorders are relatively rare, yet they provide a window onto how the normal brain might accomplish the (...)
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  36. Intervista a Martha Nussbaum.Martha Nussbaum & Olga Rachello - 2011 - Philosophical News 3.
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    Extending Political Liberalism: A Selection From Rawls's Political Liberalism, Edited by Thom Brooks and Martha C. Nussbaum.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Widely hailed as one of the most significant works in modern political philosophy, John Rawls's _Political Liberalism_ defended a powerful vision of society that respects reasonable ways of life, both religious and secular. These core values have never been more critical as anxiety grows over political and religious difference and new restrictions are placed on peaceful protest and individual expression. In her introduction to the volume, Martha Nussbaum discusses the main themes of _Political Liberalism _and puts them into the (...)
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    Reply to Adrian Thatcher.Glenn Langford - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 14 (1):129–136.
    Glenn Langford; Reply to Adrian Thatcher, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 14, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 129–136,
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    Teaching as a social practice: A reply to S. B. Brooke-Norris.Glenn Langford - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 20 (2):235–243.
    Glenn Langford; Teaching as a Social Practice: a reply to S. B. Brooke-Norris, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 20, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 235–24.
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  40. Love's Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature.Martha C. Nussbaum - 1990 - Philosophy 68 (266):564-566.
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    Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2011 - Harvard University Press.
    In this critique, Martha Nussbaum argues that our dominant theories of development have given us policies that ignore our most basic human needs for dignity and self-respect.
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    Who's Who in the Land of Oz.Glenn Langford - 1979 - Philosophy 54 (207):118 - 121.
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    Impossible Knowledge and Belief in God.Glenn Langford - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (2):213 - 218.
    In ‘The Turning Point in Philosophy’ Moritz Schlick expressed the following view: ‘Everything is knowable which can be expressed, and this is the total subject matter concerning which meaningful questions can be raised. There are consequently no questions which are in principle unanswerable, no problems which are in principle insoluble.’ I will refer to this as Schlick's principle, although it is shared by many others. What it amounts to is the view that all meaningful questions can be answered by rational (...)
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    MacIver A. M.. More about some old logical puzzles. Analysis, vol. 6 , pp. 63–68.C. H. Langford - 1941 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):104-104.
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    From SSI to contextualism.Simon Langford - forthcoming - Episteme:1-14.
    Subject-Sensitive Invariantism (SSI) and Epistemic Contextualism (EC) are rival theories in epistemology. Both involve shifting epistemic standards, but they differ in how they explain this shiftiness. SSI is primarily a metaphysical thesis about the knowledge relation, whereas EC is primarily a semantic thesis about knowledge attributions. This paper revisits some of the central problems faced by SSI, especially those concerning Dutch books and third-person knowledge ascriptions. The main aim is to show that existing responses that stay true to SSI do (...)
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  46. Nature, function, and capability: Aristotle on political distribution.Martha Craven Nussbaum - 1987 - Helsinki, Finland: World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University.
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    Martha Jacobs replies.Martha Jacobs - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (4):5-5.
  48. The Therapy of Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics.Martha C. Nussbaum - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (4):646-650.
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  49. Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this major book Martha Nussbaum, one of the most innovative and influential philosophical voices of our time, proposes a kind of feminism that is genuinely international, argues for an ethical underpinning to all thought about development planning and public policy, and dramatically moves beyond the abstractions of economists and philosophers to embed thought about justice in the concrete reality of the struggles of poor women. Nussbaum argues that international political and economic thought must be sensitive to gender difference (...)
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  50. Frontiers of justice: disability, nationality, species membership.Martha C. Nussbaum (ed.) - 2006 - Belknap Press.
    Theories of social justice are necessarily abstract, reaching beyond the particular and the immediate to the general and the timeless. Yet such theories, addressing the world and its problems, must respond to the real and changing dilemmas of the day. A brilliant work of practical philosophy, Frontiers of Justice is dedicated to this proposition. Taking up three urgent problems of social justice neglected by current theories and thus harder to tackle in practical terms and everyday life, Martha Nussbaum seeks (...)
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