Results for 'Martin Rein'

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  1. Frame-critical policy analysis and frame-reflective policy practice.Martin Rein & Donald Schön - 1996 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (1):85-104.
  2. Aspekte von interkultureller Kommunikation in der Musik.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2017 - Immediate. Currents in Communication, Culture and Philosophy 1 (2).
    Im institutionalisierten Bereich interkultureller Beziehungen kommt es permanent zu Bemühungen, über gemeinsame musikalische Projekte Brücken zum Austausch von Lebensrealitäten und Erfahrungen zu erzielen. In vielen Fällen besteht jedoch nicht die Gelegenheit des gegenseitigen Austausches, weil die beteiligten Akteure entweder nebeneinander agieren, ohne aufeinander einzugehen und die Impulse ihres Gegenübers in den eigenen Beiträgen zu reflektieren, oder aber eine der beiden Bestandteile den anderen dominiert, und keine entsprechende Gelegenheit zur gleichberechtigten Artikulation einräumt. Der Grund dafür liegt häufig in der Starrheit der (...)
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    Zur Positivität des Rechts in der kritischen Naturrechtslehre Immanuel Kants: Eine Studie zum metaphysischen Begriff des provisorisch-rechtlichen Besitzes.Martin Heuser - 2020 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Die Arbeit vergewissert sich der Bedeutung der teils willkürlichen, teils notwendigen Positivität des äusseren Rechts nach der Rechtslehre Kants. Sie erschliesst sich deshalb die in diesem Werk aufgewiesene Wirklichkeit des praktischen Begriffs der Freiheit des Willens im äusseren Verhältnis der Menschen untereinander. Die Rechtslehre wird somit insgesamt als ein?System der Erkenntnis aus reinen Begriffen± interpretiert und damit erstmals die ihr zugrunde liegende verstandesbegriffliche Verfassung entschlüsselt. Entstanden ist ein nahezu durchgängiger Textkommentar, der den metaphysischen (d. h. rein begrifflichen) Anspruch des (...)
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    Climate change and renewable energy: Kristin Shrader-Frechette: What will work: Fighting climate change with renewable energy, not nuclear power. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 350pp, £27.50 HB.Martin Schönfeld - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):391-397.
    One might think that nuclear energy is a simple issue, with economists loving it and environmentalists hating it. But climate change complicates matters. Global warming reveals fossil fuels as the real problem. For reining in climate change, it would make sense to use any and all solutions that work; and nuclear power might presumably serve as a stopgap measure until the global economy can run on renewables alone. However, decades of tinkering with fission have not led to engineering breakthroughs. Fast (...)
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    Guidelines for Community-based Ethics Review of Children’s Science Fair Projects.Martin Tolich - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (4):303-310.
    Low-level community based ethics committees staffed by teachers, parents and community representatives can readily review children’s science fair projects subject to the revision of two core assumptions currently governing children’s Science Fairs. The first part of the paper recasts the New Zealand Royal Society guidelines from its primary emphasis on risk to a new assumption, without benefit there can be no risk. Equally, this revision gives more prominence to the participant information sheet, allowing it to act as a quasi application (...)
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    Karl Poppers kritischer Rationalismus.Ingo Pies & Martin Leschke - 1999 - Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: Karl Popper's critical rationalism rests on a theory of social learning. It is an integrative approach, well suited for tackling methodological and even political problems. Thus, Popper's philosophy has important implications for the social sciences. This calls for a new assessment in order to examine how critical rationalism improves our understanding and designing of the institutions of modern, open societies. German description: Karl Popper gehort zu den einflussreichsten Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das thematische Spektrum seiner Schriften reicht von (...)
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    Gesicht und Gerechtigkeit: Emmanuel Lévinas' politische Verantwortungsethik.Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann - 2021 - Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.
    Emmanuel Lévinas (1906-1995) zählt nicht nur zu den wichtigsten Ethikern im 20. Jahrhundert. Vor allem entwirft er einen anderen Anfang der Ethik, die nicht auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene oder als grosse Idee und Erzählung entsteht. Ethik entspringt vielmehr in der konkreten Zwischenmenschlichkeit, wenn man vom Anderen in die Verantwortung gerufen wird - und zwar durch die Verletzlichkeit seines nackten Gesichtes wie durch die Anrede. Die ethische Beziehung verdankt sich dabei nicht etwa der Gleichheit, der Nähe oder der Geschwisterlichkeit, sondern der (...)
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    Zweiter Abschnitt Der Tod als ursprüngliche und reine Möglichkeit des Daseins.Wolfgang Müller-Lauter - 1960 - In Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Möglichkeit Und Wirklichkeit Bei Martin Heidegger. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 17-53.
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    Die Kommunikativität des Menschlichen. Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Leib und Seele im Anschluss an Martin Luther.Sibylle Rolf - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (2):119-136.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGIm Rekurs auf Luthers Verständnis der communicatio idiomatum, also der gegenseitigen Mitteilung und Partizipation von Göttlichem und Menschlichem in der Person Jesu Christi, versucht der Text eine Annäherung zu leisten an eine kommunikative theologische Anthropologie innerhalb einer relationalen und kommunikativen Ontologie. Mit einem solchen Konzept erscheint es als möglich, innerhalb der Debatte um Leib und Seele beziehungsweise Gehirn und Geist, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten aufgrund der Forschungsergebnisse der Neurowissenschaften von neuem in die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit gerückt ist, zu einer Klärung (...)
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    The Missing God of Heidegger and Karl Jaspers: Too late for God; too Early for the Gods—with a vignette from Indian Philosophy.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):593-606.
    The essay explores how God is conceived—if only just—in the works of two existentialist philosophers: Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers, one considers the mutual convergence and disarming divergence of their respective positions. In 1919, Martin Heidegger announced his distancing of himself from the Catholic faith, apparently liberating himself to pursue philosophical research unfettered by theological allegiances. Thereafter, the last of the Western metaphysicians takes his hammer to the ‘destruktion of onto-theology’—the piety of Greek philosophy and of Hellenized Judaeo-Christianity. (...)
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  11.  17
    Rethinking Economics and Education: Exponential Growth and Post‐Growth Strategies.Ruth Irwin - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (4):379-398.
    Education is increasingly vocational and structured to serve the ongoing exponential increase in economic growth. Climate change is an outcome of these same economic values and praxes. Attempts to shift these values and our approach to technology are continually absorbed and overcome by the pressing motif of economic growth. In this article, Ruth Irwin uses Martin Heidegger's concept of the technological enframing of modernity to view economic growth. John Maynard Keynes's notion of economic growth has impacted the pace of (...)
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  12. Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.Stephen Palmquist (ed.) - 2010 - Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
    Authors from all over the world unite in an effort to cultivate dialogue between Asian and Western philosophy. The papers forge a new, East-West comparative path on the whole range of issues in Kant studies. The concept of personhood, crucial for both traditions, serves as a springboard to address issues such as knowledge acquisition and education, ethics and self-identity, religious/political community building, and cross-cultural understanding. Edited by Stephen Palmquist, founder of the Hong Kong Philosophy Café and well known for both (...)
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    Welt Und Person - Beitrag Zum Christlichen Wahrheitsstreben: Die Weltanschauliche Bedeutung Der Phänomenologie, Husserls Phänomenologie, Gegensatz Zwischen Husserl Und Scheler, Natur Und Übernatur in Goethes Faust..Edith Stein - 2018 - E. Nauwelaerts.
    Inhalt: - Die weltanschauliche Bedeutung der Phänomenologie - Husserls Phänomenologie - Gegensatz zwischen Husserl und Scheler - Das Weltbild der drei Philosophen - Natur und Übernatur in Goethes Faust - Einfluß auf das Weltbild der Zeit - Zwei Betrachtungen zu Edmund Husserl - Die Seelenburg - Martin Heideggers Existentialphilosophie - Wiedergabe des Gedankenganges - Die vorbereitende Analyse des Daseins - Dasein und Zeitlichkeit - Was ist das Dasein? - Die ontische Struktur der Person und ihre erkenntnistheoretische Problematik - Aus (...)
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  14.  37
    Erotiek en vruchtbaarheid in de filosofie Van Emmanuel Levinas.S. Strasser - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (1):3 - 51.
    In seinem Werk „Totalität und Unendlichkeit” ist Levinas darauf bedacht, eine radikale Philosophie der Transzendenz zu konzipieren. Seine Kritik der abendländischen philosophischen Tradition gipfelt in dem Vorwurf, dasz sie die Momente der Reflexion, der Immanenz und der Totalität übermäszig betont hat, und zwar auf Kosten der echten Transzendenz. Sie opfert die Andersheit des Anderen auf, um ihn systematisch auf Denselben zurückzuführen. Das wirklich Transzendente kann wesensmäszig nicht innerhalb des Horizontes einer Vorvertrautheit erscheinen, da es „totaliter aliter” und das von mir (...)
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  15. Is Lying Bound to Commitment? Empirically Investigating Deceptive Presuppositions, Implicatures, and Actions.Louisa M. Reins & Alex Wiegmann - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (2):e12936.
    Lying is an important moral phenomenon that most people are affected by on a daily basis—be it in personal relationships, in political debates, or in the form of fake news. Nevertheless, surprisingly little is known about what actually constitutes a lie. According to the traditional definition of lying, a person lies if they explicitly express something they believe to be false. Consequently, it is often assumed that people cannot lie by more indirectly communicating believed‐false claims, for instance by merely conversationally (...)
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  16.  80
    Working Together: Critical Perspectives on Six Cross-Sector Partnerships in Southern Africa.Melanie Rein & Leda Stott - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S1):79 - 89.
    This paper examines six cross-sector partnerships in South Africa and Zambia. These partnerships were part of a research study undertaken between 2003 and 2005 and were selected because of their potential to contribute to poverty reduction in their respective countries. This paper examines the context in which the partnerships were established, their governance and accountability mechanisms and the engagement and participation of the partners and the intended beneficiaries in the partnerships. We argue that a partnership approach which has proven successful (...)
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  17.  92
    Philosophy of chemistry and the image of science.Rein Vihalemm - 2007 - Foundations of Science 12 (3):223-234.
    The philosophical analysis of chemistry has advanced at such a pace during the last dozen years that the existence of philosophy of chemistry as an autonomous discipline cannot be doubted any more. The present paper will attempt to analyse the experience of philosophy of chemistry at the, so to say, meta-level. Philosophers of chemistry have especially stressed that all sciences need not be similar to physics. They have tried to argue for chemistry as its own type of science and for (...)
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  18. Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research.Martin Fishbein & Icek Ajzen - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (2):130-132.
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  19. Being in Flux: A Post-Anthropocentric Ontology of the Self.Rein Raud - 2021 - Cambridge, UK: Wiley.
    Reality exists independently of human observers, but does the same apply to its structure? Realist ontologies usually assume so: according to them, the world consists of objects, these have properties and enter into relations with each other, more or less as we are accustomed to think of them. Against this view, Rein Raud develops a radical process ontology that does not credit any vantage point, any scale or speed of being, any range of cognitive faculties with the privilege to (...)
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  20. Philosophies versus philosophy: In defense of a flexible definition.Rein Raud - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):618-625.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophies versus Philosophy:In Defense of a Flexible DefinitionRein RaudIt is strange that no one has taken up Carine Defoort's clearly formulated and timely argument about the intercultural tensions in interpreting what philosophy is, although the issue deserves at least a roundtable, if not an international conference.1 I doubt that this is because there is a general consensus that the matter is now settled, and I would therefore like to (...)
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  21. Practical Realism: Against Standard Scientific Realism and Anti-Realism.Rein Vihalemm - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 5 (2):7-22.
    In this paper, the elaboration of the concept of practical realist philosophy of science which began in the author's previous papers is continued. It is argued that practical realism is opposed to standard scientific realism, on the one hand, and antirealism, on the other. Standard scientific realism is challengeable due to its abstract character, as being isolated from practice. It is based on a metaphysical-ontological presupposition which raises the problem of the God's Eye point of view (as it was called (...)
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  22.  32
    Chemistry as an Interesting Subject for the Philosophy of Science.Rein Vihalemm - 2001 - In Estonian studies in the history and philosophy of science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 185--200.
  23.  65
    Lying Without Saying Something False? A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Folk Concept of Lying in Russian and English Speakers.Louisa M. Reins, Alex Wiegmann, Olga P. Marchenko & Irina Schumski - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (2):735-762.
    The present study examines cross-cultural differences in people’s concept of lying with regard to the question of whether lying requires an agent to _say_ something they believe to be false. While prominent philosophical views maintain that lying entails that a person explicitly expresses a believed-false claim, recent research suggests that people’s concept of lying might also include certain kinds of deception that are communicated more indirectly. An important drawback of previous empirical work on this topic is that only few studies (...)
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  24. Reviving Whorf: The return of linguistic relativity.Maria Francisca Reines & Jesse Prinz - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (6):1022-1032.
    The idea that natural languages shape the way we think in different ways was popularized by Benjamin Whorf, but then fell out of favor for lack of empirical support. But now, a new wave of research has been shifting the tide back toward linguistic relativity. The recent research can be interpreted in different ways, some trivial, some implausibly radical, and some both plausible and interesting. We introduce two theses that would have important implications if true: Habitual Whorfianism and Ontological Whorfianism. (...)
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  25. Philosophy of Chemistry against Standard Scientific Realism and Anti-Realism.Rein Vihalemm - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:99-113.
    Dans cet article, on suggère qu’un rôle central peut être assigné à la philosophie de la chimie dans la philosophie des sciences post-kuhnienne en général, et dans l’analyse du débat opposant le réalisme scientifique à l’anti-réalisme dans la philosophie des sciences standard. La philosophie des sciences construit la science comme une pratique plus que comme un réseau d’assertions. On soutient que le réalisme pratique permet d’éviter les défauts à la fois du réalisme scientifique standard et de l’anti-réalisme. On analyse un (...)
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  26. Can chemistry be handled as its own type of science.Rein Vihalemm - 1999 - In Nikolaos Psarros & Kōstas Gavroglou, Ars Mutandi: Issues in Philosophy and History of Chemistry. Leipziger Universitätsverlag. pp. 83--88.
  27. Technology in medicine: Ontology, epistemology, ethics and social philosophy at the crossroads.Rein Vos & Dick L. Willems - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (1):1-7.
    In reference to the different approaches in philosophy(of medicine) of the nature of (medical) technology,this article introduces the topic of this specialissue of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, that is,the way the different forms of medical technologyfunction in everyday medical practice. The authorselaborate on the active role technology plays inshaping our views on disease, illness, and the body,whence in shaping our world.
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    Representational Mind: A Study of Kant's Theory of Knowledge.Martin Heidegger - 1983 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    Continues and extends explorations begun in Being and Time.
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    L'enfermement: actes du Colloque franco-néerlandais de novembre 1979 à Amsterdam.Rein Bloem (ed.) - 1981 - [Lille]: Presses universitaires de Lille.
    Co-éditions avec la Maison descartes d'Amsterdam Les 29 et 30 novembre 1979 s'est tenu à la Maison Descartes (Institut Français d'Amsterdam) un colloque franco-néerlandais sur le thème de "L'Enfermement", sous la présidence de Charles Grivel du côté néerlandais et de Michel Deguy du côté français.Les intervenants venaient d'horizons divers. Poètes, comme Maurice Roche pour la France et Rein Bloem pour les Pyas-Bas. Psychanalyste: Anton Mooij. Sociologues: le néerlandais Pieter Nijhoff et le français Jean Duvignaud. Historiens: Robert Muchembled. Professeurs de (...)
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  30. Asian Worldviews: Religions, Philosophies, Political Theories.Rein Raud - 2021 - Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Recent decades have witnessed a sharp increase of interest in the cultures and regions of South and East Asia, owing in part to the prominent role Asian economies have played in the era of globalization. Asian Worldviews: Religions, Philosophies, Political Theories is a unique, reader-friendly introduction to the intellectual heritage of the region. Assuming no previous background in Asian cultural history, Asian Worldviews moves beyond chronological and geographic boundaries to present an integrated treatment of the beliefs, teachings, and ideologies that (...)
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    Evidence-Based Medicine and Power Shifts in Health Care Systems.Rein Vos, Rob Houtepen & Klasien Horstman - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (3):319-328.
    It is important and urgent to question therelationship between evidence-based medicineand power shifts in health care systems.Although definitions of EBM are phrased as ascientific approach to medicine, EBM is anormative concept: it aims to improve medicineand health care. Both proponents and opponentsuse a normative concept. More particularly,they provide particular views on positions,responsibilities, possibilities, norms andrelationships between professionals, patientgroups, governments and other parties in healthcare and society. From this perspective, wewant to analyse the role of EBM in modernwestern societies. By using (...)
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  32. The Existential Moment: Rereading Dōgen's Theory of Time.Rein Raud - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):153-173.
    This article argues for a new way to interpret Dōgen's theory of time, reading the notion of uji as momentary existence, and shows that many notorious difficulties usually associated with the theory can be overcome with this approach, which is also more compatible with some fundamental assumptions of Buddhist philosophy (the non-durational existence of dharmas, the arbitrariness of linguistic designations and the concepts they point to, the absence of self-nature in beings, etc.). It is also shown how this reading leads (...)
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    Peerhood in Deep Religious Disagreements.Stefan Reining - 2015 - Religious Studies (3):1-17.
    My aim in this article is to widen the scope of the current debate on peer disagreement by applying it to a kind of case it has hitherto remained silent about – namely, to cases of disagreement in which one of the disagreeing parties bases her opinion on a private religious experience to which the other party has no access. In order to do this, I will introduce a modified version of the notion of peerhood – a version that, in (...)
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  34.  23
    Peptidylprolylisomerases, Protein Folders, or Scaffolders? The Example of FKBP51 and FKBP52.Theo Rein - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (7):1900250.
    Peptidylprolyl‐isomerases (PPIases) comprise of the protein families of FK506 binding proteins (FKBPs), cyclophilins, and parvulins. Their common feature is their ability to expedite the transition of peptidylprolyl bonds between the cis and the trans conformation. Thus, it seemed highly plausible that PPIase enzymatic activity is crucial for protein folding. However, this has been difficult to prove over the decades since their discovery. In parallel, more and more studies have discovered scaffolding functions of PPIases. This essay discusses the hypothesis that PPIase (...)
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    Chemistry and the problem of pluralism in science: an analysis concerning philosophical and scientific disagreements.Rein Vihalemm - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 18 (2):91-102.
    Chemistry, especially its historical practice, has in the philosophy of science in recent decades attracted more and more attention, influencing the turn from the vision of science as a timeless logic-centred system of statements towards the history- and practice-centred approach. The problem of pluralism in science has become a popular topic in that context. Hasok Chang’s “active normative epistemic pluralism” manifested in his book Is water H2O? Evidence, realism and pluralism, pursuing an integrated study of history and philosophy of science, (...)
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  36. Traditions and tendencies: A reply to Carine Defoort.Rein Raud - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):661-664.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Traditions and Tendencies:A Reply to Carine DefoortRein RaudIn 1899 William Aston, a British diplomat, published the first overall history of Japanese literature in English. In it, Japanese poetry is characterized as follows:Narrow in its scope and resources, it is chiefly remarkable for its limitations-for what it has not, rather than what it has.... Indeed, narrative poems of any kind are short and very few, the only ones which I (...)
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  37.  12
    Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs.Martin Heidegger & Petra Jaeger - 1979 - Verlag Vittorio Klostermann.
    Heidegger hielt die unter dem Titel Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs angekundigte Vorlesung im Sommer-Semester 1925 in der Marburger Universitat. Er gelangte jedoch nicht mehr zur Ausfuhrung der zentralen Thematik. Der Themenkreis der Vorlesung ist mit der Nennung des Untertitels abgesteckt: Prolegomena zu einer Phanomenologie von Geschichte und Natur. Heideggers thematische Uberlegungen beginnen mit einer Kennzeichnung der Situation von Philosophie und Wissenschaft in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts und stellen das seiner Deutung nach entscheidende Ereignis dieser Zeit heraus: den Durchbruch der (...)
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    Postmodern Theory and Truth: An Attempt at Reconciliation.Rein Raud - 2019 - Tandf: Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (1):48-60.
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    A Story of a Science: On the Evolution of Chemistry.Rein Vihalemm - 2019 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 7 (2):7-179.
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    Philosophy of science in Estonia.Rein Vihalemm & Peeter Müürsepp - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (1):167-191.
    This paper presents a survey of the philosophy of science in Estonia. Topics covered include the historical background (science at the 17th century Academia Gustaviana, in the 19th century, during the Soviet period) and an overview of the current situation and main areas of research (the problem of demarcation, a critique of the traditional understandings of science, φ-science, classical and non-classical science, the philosophy of chemistry, the problem of induction, the sociology of scientific knowledge, semiotics as a methodology).
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    Holzwege.Martin Heidegger - 1950 - Frankfurt a. M.,: V. Klostermann. Edited by Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann.
    Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes.--Die Zeit des Weltbildes.--Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung.--Nietzsches Wort "Gott ist tot".--Wozu Dichter?--Der Spruch des Anaximander.
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    Frege and Natural Language.Andrew Rein - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (234):513 - 524.
    It is a commonplace that Frege thought ordinary language to be seriously defective. Yet his remarks about ordinary language are not always unflattering. Comparing the relation between his formal language and ordinary language to the relation between the microscope and the eye, Frege remarked: ‘[the eye], because of the range of its applicability and because of the ease with which it can adapt itself to the most varied circumstances, has a great superiority over the microscope’. The point, of course, is (...)
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  43. Some comments on a naturalistic approach to the philosophy of science.Rein Vihalemm - 1995 - Studia Philosophica 2 (38):9-18.
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    FK506 binding protein 51 integrates pathways of adaptation.Theo Rein - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (9):894-902.
    This review portraits FK506 binding protein (FKBP) 51 as “reactivity protein” and collates recent publications to develop the concept of FKBP51 as contributor to different levels of adaptation. Adaptation is a fundamental process that enables unicellular and multicellular organisms to adjust their molecular circuits and structural conditions in reaction to environmental changes threatening their homeostasis. FKBP51 is known as chaperone and co‐chaperone of heat shock protein (HSP) 90, thus involved in processes ensuring correct protein folding in response to proteotoxic stress. (...)
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    Dōgen’s Idea of Buddha-Nature: Dynamism and Non-Referentiality.Rein Raud - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (1):1-14.
    Busshō, one of the central fascicles of Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō, is dedicated to the problematic of Buddha-nature, the understanding of which in Dōgen’s thought is fairly different from previous Buddhist philosophy, but concordant with his views on reality, time and person. The article will present a close reading of several passages of the fascicle with comment in order to argue that Dōgen’s understanding of Buddha-nature is not something that entities have, but a mode of how they are, neither in itself nor (...)
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    The genesis of the logic of immediacy.Rein Raud - 2003 - Asian Philosophy 13 (2 & 3):131 – 143.
    The article traces the genesis of soku, a particle elevated to the status of an operator of dialectical logic by Japanese philosophers of the Kyto school, to a translation problem that occurred when Buddhist thought spread from India to China. On the basis of the analysis of its most famous locus of occurrence, a passage in the Heart Sutra, it is shown how eva, a Sanskrit particle with the function of distinguishing between logical types of sentences, was transformed into a (...)
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    (1 other version)On the Supposed Dilemma of Conciliationism.Stefan Reining - 2015 - Episteme:1-24.
    My aim in this paper is to propose a way to resolve a supposed dilemma currently troubling the debate about rational belief formation in cases of peer disagreement. In section 1, I will introduce the general debate in question as well as the kind of view figuring in the supposed dilemma. In section 2, I will describe how the supposed dilemma arises. In section 3, I will consider the replies that have hitherto been offered and explain in how far these (...)
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    Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophy of Science in the Soviet Times: Some Remarks on the Example of Estonia, 1960-1990.Rein Vihalemm - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 8 (2):195-227.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1:*{behavior:url } This part of the Soviet philosophy that corresponds approximately to theoretical philosophy and philosophy of science on the example of Estonia and proceeding from the University of Tartu is discussed. The author concentrates on the period of approximately 1960–1990, when he himself was engaged in the field, i.e. the time before 1960 is not included. The aim of this paper is not to provide an overview of the individual philosophers in Estonia (...)
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  49. 'Place' and 'being-time': Spatiotemporal concepts in the thought of Nishida Kitaro and dogen kigen.Rein Raud - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):29-51.
    : Presented here is a comparative analysis of spatiotemporal concepts in the thought of Nishida and Dogen, arguing that both thinkers articulate fundamental notions about being and self/subject through them. It starts with an analysis of the notions of 'world' (sekai) and 'place' (basho) as well as time and order in Nishida's work, which is followed by an effort to elucidate his philosophical position by comparing his views to those of Dogen and by demonstrating their similarity in several important aspects, (...)
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    On the Transition to the Theoretical Stage of Cognition (on the Example of the History of the Study of Chemical Affinity).Rein Vihalemm - 2024 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 12 (1):128-138.
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