Results for 'Matthias Hofmann'

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  1.  20
    Dark Triad Personality Traits and Selective Hedging.Matthias Pelster, Annette Hofmann, Nina Klocke & Sonja Warkulat - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):261-286.
    We study the relationship between risk managers’ dark triad personality traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) and their selective hedging activities. Using a primary survey of 412 professional risk managers, we find that managers with dark personality traits are more likely to engage in selective hedging than those without. This effect is particularly pronounced for older, male, and less experienced risk managers. The effect is also stronger in smaller firms, less centralized risk management departments, and family-owned firms.
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    Matthias Hofmann: Schleiermachers Vorlesungen über das Leben Jesu – Die Einleitungen der Kollegien von 1819/20 und 1829/30. Zwei Teileditionen von Hörernachschriften. [REVIEW]Matthias Hofmann - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (2):262-310.
    Between 1819 and 1832 Friedrich Schleiermacher was giving lectures on the life of Jesus at the University of Berlin. The following article includes two partial editions, which document the introductory parts of the lectures from 1819/20 and 1829/30. Both are based on manuscripts written by Schleiermacher’s listeners. Especially to explore the development of Schleiermacher’s conceptual considerations this two partial editions should be a useful addition to the new critical edition of Schleiermacher’s Vorlesungen über das Leben Jesu published in 2018 by (...)
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    Pancreatic Polypeptide but Not Other Members of the Neuropeptide Y Family Shows a Moderate Association With Perceived Anxiety in Obese Men.Selina Johanna Schaper, Tobias Hofmann, Ellen Wölk, Elena Weibert, Matthias Rose & Andreas Stengel - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  4.  21
    Measurement of Personality Structure by the OPD Structure Questionnaire Can Help to Discriminate Between Subtypes of Eating-Disorders.Jens Rohde, Tobias Hofmann, Barbara Voigt, Matthias Rose & Alexander Obbarius - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Vorlesungen des Typs „Leben Jesu“ zwischen 1778 und 1834. Ein Verzeichnis zur Kontextualisierung von Schleiermachers Vorlesungen über das Leben Jesu. [REVIEW]Matthias Hofmann - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (1):82-105.
    Was Schleiermacher the first who has given lectures on the life of Jesus? – The article discusses this question and provides a list of this type of lectures between 1778 and 1834 at German universities.
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  6. Hasso Hofmann: Legitimität gegen Legalität. Der Weg der politischen Philosophie Carl Schmitts, 2. Aufl. [REVIEW]Matthias Kaufmann - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
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    Staatsdenken: zum Stand der Staatstheorie heute.Rüdiger Voigt (ed.) - 2016 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Das Sammelwerk legt umfassend den Stand der Staatstheorie dar und arbeitet die Beiträge der bedeutendsten Staatsdenker und der wichtigsten Strömungen des Staatsdenkens zum heutigen Staatsverständnis exemplarisch heraus.Renommierte Philosophen, Historiker, Sozial-, Kultur- und Rechtswissenschaftler aus Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen in ganz Europa stellen in 15 gleichgewichteten Kapiteln das Staatsdenken von der Antike bis zur Postdemokratie facettenreich heraus. Jedes Kapitel firmiert unter einem Schwerpunkt, angefangen beim klassischen und konservativen über das liberale und feministische bis hin zum anarchistischen und religiösen Staatsdenken. Einen besonderen Stellenwert (...)
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  8. Integrating research and development: the emergence of rational drug design in the pharmaceutical industry.Matthias Adam - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (3):513-537.
    Rational drug design is a method for developing new pharmaceuticals that typically involves the elucidation of fundamental physiological mechanisms. It thus combines the quest for a scientific understanding of natural phenomena with the design of useful technology and hence integrates epistemic and practical aims of research and development. Case studies of the rational design of the cardiovascular drugs propranolol, captopril and losartan provide insights into characteristics and conditions of this integration. Rational drug design became possible in the 1950s when theoretical (...)
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  9. Mood Experience: Implications of a Dispositional Theory of Moods.Matthias Siemer - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):256-263.
    The core feature that distinguishes moods from emotions is that moods, in contrast to emotions, are diffuse and global. This article outlines a dispositional theory of moods (DTM) that accounts for this and other features of mood experience. DTM holds that moods are temporary dispositions to have or to generate particular kinds of emotion-relevant appraisals. Furthermore, DTM assumes that the cognitions and appraisals one is disposed to have in a given mood partly constitute the experience of mood. This article outlines (...)
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    Interpolation in fuzzy logic.Matthias Baaz & Helmut Veith - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (7):461-489.
    We investigate interpolation properties of many-valued propositional logics related to continuous t-norms. In case of failure of interpolation, we characterize the minimal interpolating extensions of the languages. For finite-valued logics, we count the number of interpolating extensions by Fibonacci sequences.
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    Schöpfung, Zufall oder viele Universen?: ein teleologisches Argument aus der Feinabstimmung der Naturkonstanten.Matthias Schleiff - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Das Gerucht, Gott sei tot, scheint ubertrieben gewesen zu sein. An dessen Verbreitung haben die Naturwissenschaften einen wesentlichen Anteil gehabt. Gegenwartig fuhren dagegen gerade sie Gott wieder im Munde. Massgeblichen Anteil daran hat die Entdeckung des Phanomens der Feinabstimmung Wenn Naturkonstanten, die die Gestalt unseres Universums bestimmen, nur wenig andere Werte angenommen hatten, hatte es bewusstes Leben nie gegeben. Matthias Schleiff entwickelt daraus das teleologische Feinabstimmungsargument. In der Nachfolge traditioneller Gottesbeweise, aber mit den wissenschaftlichen Einsichten unserer Zeit, argumentiert er (...)
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    On the complexity of proof deskolemization.Matthias Baaz, Stefan Hetzl & Daniel Weller - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):669-686.
    We consider the following problem: Given a proof of the Skolemization of a formula F, what is the length of the shortest proof of F? For the restriction of this question to cut-free proofs we prove corresponding exponential upper and lower bounds.
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    Complexity of t-tautologies.Matthias Baaz, Petr Hájek, Franco Montagna & Helmut Veith - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):3-11.
    A t-tautology is a propositional formula which is a tautology in all fuzzy logics defined by continuous triangular norms. In this paper we show that the problem of recognizing t-tautologies is coNP complete, and thus decidable.
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  14.  30
    Language Lateralisation And Cognitive Performance During Infancy.Kohler Mark, Hofmann Jessica, Flitton Atlanta, Spooner Rachael, Badcock Nicholas, Churches Owen & Keage Hannah - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  15.  7
    Phänomenologie der Normativität: Entwurf einer materialen Anthropologie im Anschluss an Max Scheler und Helmuth Plessner.Matthias Schlossberger - 2019 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Phänomenologie der Normativität ist der Versuch zu zeigen, wie Normativität in der menschlichen Natur gründet. Im Anschluss an die phänomenologische Anthropologie Max Schelers und Helmuth Plessners stellt der Autor die Strukturen menschlichen Lebens heraus, die alle menschlichen Lebensformen fundieren. Menschen sind Lebewesen, die einen Leib haben, und dieses Phänomen ist ursprünglicher als die Unterscheidung von Körper und Geist. Hält man sich dies vor Augen, werden bestimmte Formen menschlicher Normativität verständlich: Die menschliche Lebensweise ist auf ein Gleichgewicht verschiedener Formen des Miteinanders (...)
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  16.  32
    Cut normal forms and proof complexity.Matthias Baaz & Alexander Leitsch - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 97 (1-3):127-177.
    Statman and Orevkov independently proved that cut-elimination is of nonelementary complexity. Although their worst-case sequences are mathematically different the syntax of the corresponding cut formulas is of striking similarity. This leads to the main question of this paper: to what extent is it possible to restrict the syntax of formulas and — at the same time—keep their power as cut formulas in a proof? We give a detailed analysis of this problem for negation normal form , prenex normal form and (...)
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  17.  45
    The Skolemization of existential quantifiers in intuitionistic logic.Matthias Baaz & Rosalie Iemhoff - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 142 (1):269-295.
    In this paper an alternative Skolemization method is introduced that, for a large class of formulas, is sound and complete with respect to intuitionistic logic. This class extends the class of formulas for which standard Skolemization is sound and complete and includes all formulas in which all strong quantifiers are existential. The method makes use of an existence predicate first introduced by Dana Scott.
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    Object affordances from the perspective of an avatar.Matthias G. Arend & Jochen Müsseler - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 92:103133.
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    Illness, Disease and Sin: The Connection Between Genetics and Spirituality.Matthias Beck - 2007 - Christian Bioethics 13 (1):67-89.
    The New Testament, while rejecting any superficial connection between illness and sin, does not reject a possible connection between illness and a person's relationship with God. An example can be seen in the story of the young blind man who was healed. His blindness does not result from any fault he or his parents had committed but apparently from God's wish to reveal his own healing power. The inner blindness of the Pharisees is a different type of blindness far more (...)
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  20.  33
    On the non-confluence of cut-elimination.Matthias Baaz & Stefan Hetzl - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):313 - 340.
    We study cut-elimination in first-order classical logic. We construct a sequence of polynomial-length proofs having a non-elementary number of different cut-free normal forms. These normal forms are different in a strong sense: they not only represent different Herbrand-disjunctions but also differ in their propositional structure. This result illustrates that the constructive content of a proof in classical logic is not uniquely determined but rather depends on the chosen method for extracting it.
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  21.  29
    Sematische Vollständigkeit, Wertverlaufsnamen und Freges Kontextprinzip.Matthias Schirn - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 23 (1):79-104.
    Freges Kontextprinzip "Nur im Zusammenhange eines Satzes bedeuten die Wörter etwas" hat auch nach der von ihm vollzogenen Angleichung von Behauptungssätzen an Eigennamen Gültigkeit für die formale Sprache der "Grundgesetze". Der Bedeutungsvollständigkcitsbeweis, den er für sein Logiksystem anstrebt, schließt eine unmittelbare Anwendung dieses Prinzips nicht nur auf die unvollständigen Funktionsausdrücke, sondern auch auf die leerstellenfreien Wertverlaufsnamen ein. Wahrheitsnamen (Sätze) zeichnen sich vor anderen symbolsprachlichen Eigennamen in mehrfacher Hinsicht, insbesondere durch ihre semantische Selbständigkeit aus. Wertverlaufsnamen haben nur im Zusammenhang eines Wahrheitswertnamens (...)
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    Three-dimensional visualisation of ecological barriers.Jukka Matthias Krisp - 2004 - In Antoine Bailly & Lay James Gibson (eds.), Applied Geography: A World Perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 23-34.
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    Kosmopolitanismus: zur Geschichte und Zukunft eines umstrittenen Ideals.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Andreas Niederberger & Philipp Schink (eds.) - 2010 - Weilerswist: Velbrück.
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  24. Frege’s Logicism and the Neo-Fregean Project.Matthias Schirn - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (2):207-243.
    Neo-logicism is, not least in the light of Frege’s logicist programme, an important topic in the current philosophy of mathematics. In this essay, I critically discuss a number of issues that I consider to be relevant for both Frege’s logicism and neo-logicism. I begin with a brief introduction into Wright’s neo-Fregean project and mention the main objections that he faces. In Sect. 2, I discuss the Julius Caesar problem and its possible Fregean and neo-Fregean solution. In Sect. 3, I raise (...)
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  25.  49
    On Skolemization in constructive theories.Matthias Baaz & Rosalie Iemhoff - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):969-998.
    In this paper a method for the replacement, in formulas, of strong quantifiers by functions is introduced that can be considered as an alternative to Skolemization in the setting of constructive theories. A constructive extension of intuitionistic predicate logic that captures the notions of preorder and existence is introduced and the method, orderization, is shown to be sound and complete with respect to this logic. This implies an analogue of Herbrand's theorem for intuitionistic logic. The orderization method is applied to (...)
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  26. An astronomical road to a new theory of gravitation.Matthias Schemmel & Karl Schwarzschild - 2007 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 250.
  27.  12
    11. Ansätze einer naturbezogenen Normenkonkretion.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    9. Der phänomenologische Ansatz von Helmuth Plessner.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    7. Ethik und die Eingriffe in das menschliche Gehirn.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    5. Generelle ethische Kriterien: Medizinethik.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    13. Gewinnung spezifischer Kriterien.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    14. Kriteriologie.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    12. Kriteriengewinnung für das moralische Handeln.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    2. Moderne Psychoneurochirurgie – Indikationen und Verfahren.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    Poetik des Interims. Ernst Jünger und die Bundesrepublik.Matthias Schöning - 2011 - In Matthias Schöning & Ingo Stöckmann (eds.), Ernst Jünger Und Die Bundesrepublik: Ästhetik - Politik - Zeitgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 309-332.
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    3. Phänomenologie psychochirurgischer Indikationen.Matthias C. Schmidt - 2008 - In Griff nach dem Ich? Walter de Gruyter.
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    On the classification of first order Gödel logics.Matthias Baaz & Norbert Preining - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (1):36-57.
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    Embedding logics into product logic.Matthias Baaz, Petr Hájek, David Švejda & Jan Krajíček - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (1):35-47.
    We construct a faithful interpretation of ukasiewicz's logic in product logic (both propositional and predicate). Using known facts it follows that the product predicate logic is not recursively axiomatizable.We prove a completeness theorem for product logic extended by a unary connective of Baaz [1]. We show that Gödel's logic is a sublogic of this extended product logic.
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    Using Smartbands, Pupillometry and Body Motion to Detect Discomfort in Automated Driving.Matthias Beggiato, Franziska Hartwich & Josef Krems - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  40. Hallucinations.M. Baldwin & A. Hofmann - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 4--327.
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    Auf den Spuren von Anton Wilhelm Amo: Philosophie und der Ruf nach Interkulturalität.Stefan Knauß, Louis Wolfradt, Tim Hofmann & Jens Eberhard (eds.) - 2021 - transcript Verlag.
    Anton Wilhelm Amo (1703-1784) gilt als erster Philosoph afrikanischer Herkunft in Deutschland. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes stellen seine bewegte Biographie im Umfeld der Frühaufklärung in den Kontext von systematischen Überlegungen zu einer interkulturellen Philosophie. Mit der Untersuchung seiner Wirkungsgeschichte, der werkimmanenten Rekonstruktion seines Denkens und der Auseinandersetzung mit dem kolonialen Erbe der Philosophie leisten sie einen zentralen Beitrag zur Dekolonialisierung des Wissens.
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  42.  15
    The Influence of Regulation on Trust and Risk Preference in Sharing Communities.Sarah Marth, Thomas Sabitzer, Eva Hofmann, Barbara Hartl & Elfriede Penz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Sharing within communities has gained popularity in recent years. However, taking part in a community also comes with a certain amount of risk. This perceived amount of risk can be contained by regulations within a community as well as by potential participants’ trust in the community and the other members. We argue for a relation between regulation and the willingness to take the risk of joining a sharing community with trust as mediator. Thereby, we distinguish between two kinds of regulation (...)
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  43.  7
    The Secondary Pshe Co-Ordinator's Handbook.Colin Noble & Graham Hofmann - 2002 - Routledge.
    This handbook provides the Personal, Social and Health Education co-ordinator in a school with everything that they need to deliver good practice in this subject. The book contains thorough guidance through policy and required practice and has a strongly practical bias. It shows through examples of good practice what can be achieved and how this can generally help to raise standards in schools. This is a topical, lively and up-to-date book which tackles the real issues facing schools, heads, co-ordinators and (...)
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    Avoidance of nocebo effects by coincident naming of treatment benefits during the medical interview for informed consent—Evidence from dynamometry.Nina Zech, Matthias Schrödinger & Ernil Hansen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionIn the context of giving risk information for obtaining informed consent, it is not easy to comply with the ethical principle of “primum nihil nocere.” Carelessness, ignorance of nocebo effects and a misunderstood striving for legal certainty can lead doctors to comprehensive and brutal risk information. It is known that talking about risks and side effects can even trigger those and result in distress and nonadherence to medication or therapy.MethodsRecently, we have reported on significant clinically relevant effects of verbal and (...)
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    Dianoemata.Matthias Baltes, Annette Hüffmeier, Marie-Luise Lakmann & Matthias Vorwerk - 1999 - ISSN.
    Die Beiträge zur Altertumskunde enthalten Monographien, Sammelbände, Editionen, Übersetzungen und Kommentare zu Themen aus den Bereichen Klassische, Mittel- und Neulateinische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Archäologie, Antike Philosophie sowie Nachwirken der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. Dadurch leistet die Reihe einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Erschließung klassischer Literatur und zur Forschung im gesamten Gebiet der Altertumswissenschaften.
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    Die zuordnung der elemente zu den sinnen bei poseidonios und ihre herkunft aus der alten akademie.Matthias Baltes - 1978 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 122 (1):183-196.
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    Lembecks Philosophiebegriff ist keine Zumutung.Matthias Wille - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (1):85-93.
    Lembecks Philosophiebegriff ist keine Zumutung Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-9 DOI 10.1007/s10743-011-9098-6 Authors Matthias Wille, Institut für Philosophie, Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaft, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstraße 12, 45117 Essen, Germany Journal Husserl Studies Online ISSN 1572-8501 Print ISSN 0167-9848.
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    Toward a Model Theory for Transseries.Matthias Aschenbrenner, Lou van den Dries & Joris van der Hoeven - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):279-310.
    The differential field of transseries extends the field of real Laurent series and occurs in various contexts: asymptotic expansions, analytic vector fields, and o-minimal structures, to name a few. We give an overview of the algebraic and model-theoretic aspects of this differential field and report on our efforts to understand its elementary theory.
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    Building Collective Identities: How New Social Movements Try to Overcome Post-politics.Thomas Decreus, Matthias Lievens & Antoon Braeckman - 2014 - Parallax 20 (2):136 - 148.
    Special Issue: Chantal Mouffe: agonism and the politics of passion.
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    Wozu Geschichte(n)?: Geschichtswissenschaft und Geschichtsphilosophie im Widerstreit.Volker Depkat, Matthias Müller & Andreas Urs Sommer (eds.) - 2004 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    Die Frage nach dem aWozuo der Geschichte(n) eroffnet ein weites Feld von eng miteinander verschlungenen Problemkomplexen, das durch die Begriffe Geschichtsbewusstsein und Identitat, Geschichtsphilosophie und Historik in seinen Grenzen ...
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